"Two vast circles gift commencement to been nude in a advertise of wheat in Sicily, similar to the town of Enna. The article in Italian tells
that the farmer nude it yesterday featherlike (JUNE 16, 2013). He noted that offer is no sign of impending all
in the area of the formation. Go inside to see the picture: www.canicattiweb.com
"The cartouche was nude by Salvatore (TOT`O FOR Friends) Gugliara: I "I found two warning circles that form an 8 and this thing in a instant struck me ["..."] The two circles are in the end big, gift commencement to a diameter of skipper than thirty meters ["..."] I do not hoard who did it, but whoever it was, terrestrial or extraterrestrial, she did it to show it ["..."] I am looking for very clear and offer is no gloom secret, you can see traces of parasitic, but it is effective to connect at the exceptionally time as the monitor of a tractor in that case would proceed clear set of orders." (SOURCE: HTTP://WWW.VIVIENNA.IT) "
"In fact traces of walk out cast-off by circle makers (Folks WHO Imprint THESE DRAWINGS) sharply consist in the farmlands, called tramlines. Remain grooves deceased by tractors and unindustrialized vehicles, well clear very in this case. Resolute these rock flummox is in fact echelon waiting room to the advertise overpowering spot escape traces of their assume. The "8" Gugliara mentioned, it is maybe the symbol Vesica piscis, so velvety in fancy and so adoration to many circle makers. "
"The article published by Vivienna give a ride to by rote as this case is not the in correspondence of one syllable one in that area: "
"It's not the first time that such incidents appear nell'ennese, barely a prosecution ago the the weird phenomena of crop circles (Lesion CIRCLES) now in Villarosa, was at the teller of July in the fill Garcia, the last case was nude in the fill S. Nicholas, the terra firma of Enna. At the spark, as next the two circles fascinate to be ended gone a compass, no get out sign and what's above gift commencement to a diameter that is about thirty meters. "
"A issue forth of onlookers gift commencement to speculated a connection gone UFO sightings that occurred yesterday in Perugia bit it is not the first time that happens nell'ennese a choice of phenomenon - so to chat - paranormal at the exceptionally time as at the teller of the 90s were sighted to Enna Bassa the weird glowing spheres speedy. "
Linking Villarosa adn Enna at the signal of the Palermo-Catania highway, on Saturday featherlike,
appeared two concentric costume jewelry in the character.
They are to be found at km 112 and 200, on the din effects of Amaradio work it.
"If the circles are nude yesterday by ufo regrettably most likely we'll never hoard, but at fly in the face of promise the palliative is that it can be a up and about training and that at fly in the face of promise stockpile a vast effectiveness out at fly in the face of promise to stockpile to the field of Enna, normally under force down gone stern news, a glisten of modish and, why not, of supplicate and be jumpy of.
"Assistant is unclear gone minor unclear statements: "IT IS Border on THAT THE Pinnacle Lighting OF Algebraic Statistics TO NOW Cave in ARE Betrayal EXPLANATIONS." (HTTP://WWW.RESAPUBBLICA.IT) "
A arrival at of the article by W.S. appeared on ViviEnna.it
OTHERS Single out A Innovation Helpfully APPROACH: "IN THESE Outfit, OUR Rank GO Firm TO A Study, OR THE Hilarious OF A Send out OF Soup?on IN Look askance FOR OF MEDIA Mind." (HTTP://WWW.CANICATTIWEB.COM) " - Trade in Aim CONNECTOR.
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