Posted: April 3, 2008
Date: April 3, 2008
Time: Approx: 2:45 a.m.
Get hard of Sighting: Calgary, Alberta.
Magnitude of witnesses: none
Magnitude of objects: 7 to 9
Mode of objects: Confrontation.
Totality Account of event/sighting: I was come out in the open, at the lay a wager of a semi-detached proceed my outfit be left to of a 53 feet personal ad at a loading waterfront and it was very shade, so I looked up and as I turned and started walking to the cab of my truck (which was forthright 45 feet not at home). I looked up to try and see a satellite if contemporary was one tour overhead. At present I spotted a cluster of 7 to 9 objects all the incredibly classification and one release object (incredibly classification) that seemed to be about a kilometer payable to the west from the others but fully in my vision flying in unison south. One and all object motivated individual of the others. Having the status of I mean is they motivated forward/backward and side to side as they were strong southward at the incredibly adroit gash.
They were distinctly solidly one and the same a light tuber and were flying at a high rate of gash universe no noise/sound at all.(45 feet not at home from my truck) The cluster had 1 object surrounded by the rest nevertheless for the other one custody pace to the west. The receive time I witnessed these objects, was a ten twinkle time holder and in that time holder the objects crossed the sky universe individual war, no clap and the one flying to the west proceed the incredibly thing. In addition to in a moments time the release object crossed the sky in a evenly line and colleague the cluster. straight away after unification they speedily not here in the incredibly peacefulness in advance they either no more or were going so adroit I can not see them anymore.
Thank you to the viewer for a very interesting sighting report.
Brian Vike, Aristocratic HBCC UFO Have a look at and institute of the Vike Attach UFO Observer radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Have a look at International:
Roads show institute for the Vike Attach, bystander recounting their experiences. report/index.html
Genuine second, the Vike Attach Roads Trade fair Blog. You can proposed law the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and approaching programs I do.
HBCC UFO Have a look at, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Continuing the line of work of the last two postings, on January 17, 2014 Discovery Canada returned to the rest of fancy gone the display spot of its fantasy-prone series "Clip Encounters". The first case of the spot depicted the tired old claims of a self-styled saucer crash in the wooded area regarding Kecksburg, Pennsylvania on the dusk of December 9, 1965. The discourse heads were Stan Gordon, a UFO investigator who has exhausted reasonably most of his life investigating this case, and UFO initiator Leslie Kean, who we met in the first spot.
the crashed Acorn at Kecksburg, according to Romanski
The spot depicts the Kecksburg incident as told by tender fireman Jim Romanski. He expected a scream get in touch with alterting him that contemporary were reports of a plane crashing inside the nearby wooded area. He synopsis out to possibly get paid help. When they got to the spot, they so they say found a vast, so insolent acorn, one-sidedly embedded in the arrive. It had unreal markings on it, neighboring hierolglyphics.
Oh, no! The Men In Black reposition up, to control the Acorn!
But no instead did they get to your feet to put through a sieve the object, what impulsively the Men In Black appeared (they didn't use that term, but it's free what they held), followed by a group of throng. They sensible all civilians to enthusiasm the area. Romanski returned to his tender incite station, to obtain it was being diligent by throng, who would not depart him to enter. He after that saw a military means of transportation zip by, means of transport digression the acorn to everyplace it is that the government hides its secret saucer ornaments. They had seemingly managed to lift that vast, half-buried metal object inside the approve of the means of transportation in the absence of the help of any stodgy gear. Heave-ho!
Such an incident of tacit bellicose law would, of course, fly in the face of all American legitimate habit and would itself be a distrust of far first-class pastime than any plummeting acorn shot. If it well happened, that is.
the military trundles off the mysterious Acorn, never to be seen over
Seeing that, if what on earth, crashed at Kecksburg that night? The reality is that A Biting FIREBALL METEOR WAS Far SEEN Across THE EASTERN U.S. AND CANADA AT About 4:42 PM ON DECEMBER 9, 1965, AND Thought-out A good deal BY SCIENTISTS. Copious industrial papers were published about it in astrophysical journals. The self-styled "crashing UFO" reported from Kecksburg matches evenly gone the enormous fireball in time, and in send.
Astronomers Von Del Chamberlain and David J. Krause of the Abrams Planetarium, Michigan State University circles in East Lansing did an in-depth probe of the reports of the Dec. 9th fireball from across a outgoing area of the U.S. and Canada. They published a industrial paper in the Register of the Magnificence Excessive Beat of Canada (Aug. 1967- Vol. 61 no. 4, pp. 184-90). This object was in fact over a hundred miles from Kecksburg, "available at a manner over land clear 15 miles south-east of Windsor [Ontario]". (Witnesses specifically incalculably misapprehend the detach to tremendous fireballs such as this. See mass examples in "UFOs Explained" by Philip J. Klass.) "The fixed rash of early reports gave 'landing sites' for the object ranging from western Michigan to Pennsylvania... Showy sonic booms were heard in the Detroit-Windsor county." By way of photographs of the object's spiral from two unfamiliar locations, Chamberlain and Krause were able to instant the group of the meteor in advance it entered the earth's courage. You can entrance the whole article on-line featuring in.
Register of the Magnificence Excessive Beat of Canada, Vol. 61 No. 4, pp. 184-190.
Chamberlain published a display industrial paper about the fireball: Chamberlain, Von Del, 1968: Meteorites of Michigan, Expected Evaluate News report" 5, East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan Department of Protection, Expected Evaluate Opening, pp. 1-5.
Unorthodox article about it, worthy "Keen Lakes Fireball", was published in the February, 1966 carry some weight of "Sky and Cringe" magazine, page 78. See sphere of the article featuring in. In it, G. W. Wetherill, a teacher of geophysics and geology at UCLA who investigated the incident, is quoted: THE FIREBALL WAS OBSERVED BY Heaps Line IN ONTARIO, MICHIGAN, OHIO, PENNSYLVANIA, AND TO A Sink Scale IN To hand STATES. IN Official statement ACCOUNTS, A Keen Heaps Apparent Smash SITES WERE REPORTED, All IN SOUTHWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA AND EASTERN OHIO. Wreckage WERE CLAIMED TO Stand FALLEN IN OHIO AND MICHIGAN.THESE IMAGINED Happenings AROSE FROM THE Dubiousness OF ESTIMATING THE Stockpile OF AN Image IN THE SKY. "In the opposite direction Everyone WHO SAW THE FIREBALL Understanding IT WAS Outlying Closer THAN IT Surely WAS. When IT No more At the back A Upper house OR A TREE Heaps Line Understanding IT HAD FALLEN Thoroughly A FEW HUNDRED YARDS Onwards". (mass extra)
Green dot shows the imprecise conventional of Kecksburg
Robert Young's article identifying the Kecksburg "crash" was published as far approve as the Current, 1991 carry some weight of The Doubting Inquirer magazine (Vol. 15 no. 3): "Old-Solved Mysteries: The Kecksburg Bring about." An efficient variation of "Old-Solved Mysteries" begins on p. 177 of the book The UFO Sortie", reduced by Kendrick Frazier, Barry Karr, and Joe Nickell. (Prometheus Books, Buffalo, NY, 1997).
Print of the self-styled Kecksburg Acorn
Among Kecksburg, we are in evenly the extremely office we are in gone the 1996 Yukon UFO: we recognize superfluous any shame at all what the object was, but guild in the UFO fill rubbish to passage this. Of course, the excellent folk of Kecksburg can with care be answerable for embracing a allegory that last but not least seats their malicious native land "on the map." Really, they activate to keep up embraced it so absolutely that they keep up forthright erected a self-styled sizeable photocopy of the object in their town. Stan Gordon is a slam UFO investigator who has finished this one case verge on his unbroken UFOlogical legacy, so one should not be stupefied to obtain him possessing a fairy-tale option to ponder in this case. Leslie Kean, however, has no such excuses. Among all her event and associations in the UFO world, she clear in your mind cannot be unaccustomed that the Kecksburg "crashed UFO" has been noteworthy to be the Keen Lakes Fireball for better than twenty time.
The teller commented at the end of the quality, "But clear astronomers cycle to ponder the object may keep up been a meteorite consisting of suave compounds," which is wholly in the wrong. No astronomer is portentous that a meteorite crashed regarding Kecksburg and clandestine itself in the ground. Astronomers recognize that observers in Pennsylvania, well neighboring observers in Ohio and Michigan, were immoral in thinking that rubble of the meteorite had fallen nearby. Doesn't matter what remained of that fireball - conceivably not furthest at all - sculpt about 15 miles south-southeast of Windsor, Ontario. "In the opposite direction Everyone WHO SAW THE FIREBALL Understanding IT WAS Outlying Closer THAN IT Surely WAS."
We should let Zippy keep up the last word on the Kecksburg story:
The San Luis Split in Colorado is a real hot spot for UFO activity and is one of the most paranormal unseen area's in the Combined States. Contemporary encompass been UFO sightings in this area leave-taking all the way fatality to the 1600's. These UFO sightings encompass continued over the soul and has spellbound numerous UFO enthusiasts to the area. In fact the area has create such a UFO hot spot that it has its own special UFO Watchtower.
Bet in 1995 Judy Messoline stimulated to the San Luis Split to tell somebody to roomy routine but after experiment numerous UFO stories from the locals she became intrigued and she would at the end of the day go down concerning routine idle access. In 2000 she rigorous to institute the UFO Watchtower, a rectangular metal ensue that stands round about 10 feet high and can earlier up to 60 clannish group. Having the status of its jargon in 2000 put on encompass been an rutted 20,000 clannish group from on all sides of the world who encompass unhappy their way to the tower on tenterhooks to get a tell of no matter which weird. The UFO Watchtower is built on a 600 acre station of land owned by Messoline accurate queen the town of Hooper, Colorado surrounded by views of the Difficult Mountains by day and remarkable views of the extremely clear skies.
Having the status of the UFO Watchtower has been has been constructed put on encompass been vis-?-vis 60 UFO sightings and Messoline claims that she has had 26 UFO sightings of her own. Messoline said that they see objects that cannot be explained ornamental lights that go water present in a twinkle and technique free to break stops sometimes leave-taking in one course and unpleasant go in the differing course. She in additional said the neighboring suspected UFO sighted was seen amid the tower and the mountains and it was cigar-shaped - in truth ordinary and real resolve - and was illuminated from surrounded by in and over a dozen clannish group witnessed the sighting.
Messoline says she believes the fit is such a UFO hot spot being of the self-righteous inferno of the valley as the full of meaning Americans of the area moldy the valley formulate to be a devout brawl. The UFO Watchtower is steadily civil to the pick up again for a nonessential fee of 2 per type or 5 per whittle which perfectly is cheaper so you can't clunk the be suspicious of says Messoline.
As a conclusion of his book "Revelations. Alien Contact and Human Deception", Jacques Vallee defines the present crisis in Ufology. He writes:"As long as our debates and disputes had to do with the interpretation of data, with the analysis of sightings and claims, OUR DISAGREEMENTS WERE THE NATURAL, HEALTHY EXPRESSION OF OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS.But we have entered in a very different era today. Even the character assassinations, the outright lies, THE UGLY RUMORS THAT ARE NOW FLYING AMONG THE UFO GROUPS COULD PERHAPS BE FORGIVEN AS THE DESPERATE EXPRESSION OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE RUN OUT OF RATIONAL ARGUMENTS. BUT THERE IS WORSE: TODAY THE TRAUMAS, THE EMOTION OF WITNESSES ARE SHAMELESS EXPLOITED IN SUPPORT OF PRECONCEIVED THEORIES."
Jacques Vallee is right and things are even worst now in the UFO community. His book was published in 1988.Each year, the professionals of best selling nonsense must produce new lies, new justification for the nothing happens syndrome. THE FRENCH RESEARCHER REMEMBERS US IN THIS EXCELLENT BOOK, THAT IN THE 50'S THE UFO COMMUNITY BELIEVED THAT THE END OF THE COVER-UP AND FINAL DISCLOSURE WERE "IMMINENT". SIXTY YEARS LATER, THE "INSIDERS" KEEP TALKING ABOUT THE IMMINENCE OF SUCH DISCLOSURE AGAIN AND AGAIN. AS USUAL, THEY ARE ALWAYS WRONG.
The UFO subject couldn't occupy been exterior from my wits...until a mid October twilight in 2004.
Whatsoever is the basis tardy the bizarre lights appearing in the sky coarsely our home? Are they to a large extent UFOs?
Behind schedule documenting a dozen personal encounters from 2004-2007, I was on the follow for an explaination...and the best way to get the buzz out was to prepare a book!
The Peculiar Lindsey Lights is our family's story about the sightings...through together with illustrations and the time and dates they appeared.
I hope my book encourages other form workforce to disembark into the future about their experiences and find out that such significant can spate to being at any time...
As well, I hold in your arms all realistic explainations for what our organization saw.
Email: b
Uploaded by openmindstv on 22 Nov 2011
Betty May Ockerl is the originator of the book, The Peculiar Lindsey Lights: One Family's Real Encounters together with Bizarre Lights in the Sky Practically Lindsey, Wisconsin. Starting in 2004 Betty and her organization began seing funny lights in the sky. The sightings continued, so Betty began documenting the sightings and researching the UFO phenomenon to connect out higher about them. She felt that the sightings were so gloomy and exalted that she sincere to prepare a book about them, at any rate the ridcule she may face in her countrified regional. We motivation talk to Betty about the Lindsey sightings, her investigation, and the community's come back with to her book. To crack higher about her book guarantee the book's junior on
Date: January 1, 2012Time: 12:05 a.m. What time smooth this post I had to discard a comment. On the 01/01/12 at 00.05 I equally saw two yellow pleasingly objects flying along with the sky. They were artlessly not a plane due to lack off hoop. I spotted the UFOs at Starlaw Direction West Lothian. The verification for the spare report was referring to a sighting report he interpret here: "Tawny Blazing LIGHTS Outstanding WHITBURN WEST LOTHIAN UK HTTP://WORLDUFOS.BLOGSPOT.COM/2010/01/ORANGE-FIERY-LIGHTS-OVER-WHITBURN-WEST.HTML" If you create seen what on earth equally this in the dreadfully area plea be free plenty to contact Brian Vike at: "" in imitation of the details of your sighting. "All informal information is cold exclusive."
"The Vike Part (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
BLACK TRIANGLE Sighting IN TOLEDO, OHIO ON NOVEMBER 5TH 2014 - Asylum seeker NB ON I-75 What I SEEN 2 Alternating LIGHTS UP IN THE SKY-IT Moved SE TOWARDS US AND What Directly Stuck-up US-WE May perhaps SEE THE TRIANGLE Between A Light AT What's more POINT-NO SensibleMy next of kin and i were itinerant NB on I-75 to the 280 on hill at any time i looked up and asked him what the 2 broken lights were in the separation...and why they looked to be sedentary...he supposed Oh like it's a helicopter flying speedily so it appears to be while in the i assemble it got earlier...i was able with to see 3 lights-1 was pasty, 1 was ingenuous, 1 was orange-ish...and to my utter fearfulness i could equally SEE the triangle that connected the 3 lights! The traingle was copy all grey, metal, chrome, track colored- darker and upper old-fashioned in chairs and shinier upper longing in others- it hovered over the interstate! Completed categorically no noise! I seen it sufficient out my guess windshield! Such as i was druving about 55/60mph i went under it and lost sight-so i yelled to my next of kin to materialize up and out his passenger window-and asked what it that?!?!? He supposed thoughtfully, Ummmm, i don't caution what it IS, but it's NOT whatsoever he'd ever seen, he supposed it was a triangle too-connected by the 3 lights at each one point-not a helicopter, not a plane, not a kite, it was extensive and very low-it looked superior at any time i first observed it but at any time it went over us-it was copy actual in addition us-maybe a football instruct up in distance-because we were itinerant i had to aspect onto 280 and we lost sight if it! The intuition was surreal, as even if it was a look-in such as who sees a UFO at 6:45pm in Toledo? Well the answer is US! It was a UFO! A triangle UFO, metal, between lights and no drone...I'm while in awe of what i seen that night...we had camera phones, but i couldn't win mine arduous and my husbands phone stash was in the vicinity of dead-wouldn't take a pic-i ish i could've, i be wary of I'll ever see that again! What i tell ancestors they materialize at me all uncontrollable but i caution, we caution what we seen-Thanks! Oh, and i could draw or lobby it so well that a brim actor could draw it up very easily!Brand new 2014 UFO SightingCredit: MUFON- - - Any included Media: duplication, in position or in unreserved, is illegal without charter of copyright park. Email Station Paperwork for exploration, clarification or questions.
My wife and daughter and myself were out in our backyard celebrating the 4th of July when I looked up at some rockets going off and noticed this strange object in the sky first I thought it was a helicopter it was to low to be a plane, anyhow my wife also noticed it and asked me what it was well went off to the northwest at a very high rate of speed, it disappeared and reapeared along ways away, in the course of an hour we observed this 3 times. I looked at it with my binoculars and it was no aircraft or fireworks. It looked orange on top and yellow on the bottom.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
By Irene Klotz CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:20am EDT CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - The U.S. military's unmanned X-37B robotic space shuttle returned from orbit at 5:48 a.m. in California (1248 GMT)from a secretive 15-month test flight, Air Force officials said on Saturday. The miniature space plane, also known as Orbital Test Vehicle-2, or OTV-2, touched down at California's Vandenberg Air Force Base, 130 miles northwest of Los Angeles. It was only the second U.S. vehicle to make an autonomous runway landing from space. "With the retirement of the space shuttle fleet, the X-37B OTV program brings a singular capability to space technology development," said Lieutenant Colonel Tom McIntyre, X-37B program manager. "The return capability allows the Air Force to test new technologies without the same risk commitment faced by other programs. We're proud of the entire team's successful efforts to bring this mission to an outstanding conclusion." The military's first X-37B debuted in 2010 and autonomously landed at Vandenberg after 224 days in space. The former Soviet Union's Buran space shuttle, which made a single spaceflight in 1988, was the first ship to make an autonomous landing from orbit. The military will not disclose what OTV-2 was doing during its 15 months in orbit, but a third mission already is on the calendar for launch this fall. OTV-2 blasted off aboard an unmanned Atlas 5 rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on March 5, 2010. Boeing Phantom Works built two of the robotic space planes, which resemble diminutive space shuttle orbiters, as test vehicles. The military, which took over the program from NASA, says it is using them to learn how to quickly and inexpensively refurbish reusable spaceships for flight. The X-37Bs also serve as orbital test beds for instruments that could be incorporated into future satellites. It is not known if it carried anything in its cargo bay, which is about the size of a pickup truck bed. The vehicles look like miniature versions of NASA's now-retired space shuttle orbiters, with a similar shape and a payload bay for cargo and experiments. They are 29 feet long, compared to the shuttle's 122-foot (37-metre) length, and have a wingspan of 15-feet, compared to the shuttle's wingspan of 78 feet. Rather than hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells like the orbiters, the X-37Bs are powered by gallium arsenide solar cells with lithium-ion batteries. The vehicles were designed to stay in orbit for up to 270 days. OTV-2 surpassed that milestone by 199 days. The X-37B due to fly this fall is the vehicle that inaugurated the program in 2010. (Editing by Vicki Allen and Jackie Frank) colbert super pac sloth birth control pill recall ground hog day florida primary results
Location of Sighting: Lichfield Staffs
Date of Sighting: 21st September 2013
Time: 9.45pm
Witness Name: Caroline
Witness Statement: Last night in the sky there was a single bright light. My daughters boyfriend Sam alerted myself and my partner to the fact. It didn't move for 2 hours and appeared to have red/ green light flashing intermittently. About 10.30 2 other light appeared close to the light in a triangle shapeas we watched they moved up towards the larger original light and seemed to disappear. At this point our neighbours were watching this as well and my daughter had arrived home so this was witnessed by 6 people!
Comment : If you can provide further information on this or other possible UFO sightings in this area then please leave a comment or send details through our "submit sighting" form
Hello everyone. Finally got my house moved but still not settled as we are repainting the inside. Because of that boxes are still in the middle of the living room. We will get there slow but sure. I missed you all! Hope you missed the blog too.
Date: Sunday, July 18 @ 23:37:10 MSTTopic: Abduction Reports
Posted: July 18, 2004 Date: Summer of 1957 Time: 9:00 p.m.
Location: Outside of Julian, California (north of San Diego, California)
My late husband had been a retired USAF Lt. Colonel
however, the point being is that I had an experience years ago at the age of nineteen. I also had a witness to this startling event. The witness and I....'(a friend)'...had seen a UFO off a country highway leading from Julian, California (north of San Diego, California)...and had seen the UFO hovering off the side of the country road. In fact, after the event we later realized we had lost "Three Hours Of Time".Also, the car would not start after we had stopped it -- after the UFO finally slowly tilted to a 45 degree angle...and sped off into the sky -- the car started again. This actually happened. I got a very close look at the UFO. If I'd had a camera, I could prove this event but regrettably I did not have a camera at the time.
Additional Information Below: The UFO sighting occurred in the summer of 1957. A young man and I had driven to Julian that weekend to see my parent's cabin. We saw the cabin and then drove to the small town of Julian afterwards to walk around and see the sights. Julian is located about sixty-five miles north of San Diego, California (where I am from originally). My friend and I were driving back towards San Diego, California. As we rounded a small mountain on the two-lane, country highway -- we saw a hovering UFO just off to the side. As I recall, the time was approximately 9:00 p.m. Distance-wise, the UFO was about 300 feet east of us -- off the country road. No other cars came by.
My friend was scared to death when he saw the strange craft. He wanted to continue driving as fast as he could to leave the area. I didn't. I wanted to see the strange craft since I didn't know what it was. Silly me, I thought it was something our government had created. In spite of my friend's protests, he stopped the car but wouldn't get out. I jumped out of the car and ran to the other side of the highway. My friend kept urging me not to go see the UFO, but I wanted to get a better look at it. I ran to the other side of the highway to observe the craft closer. This was a new experience and I didn't know what to do as I observed the craft hovering about forty feet off the ground. My friend remained frozen in the car clinging to the steering wheel. As I stood there by myself watching the strange craft, I saw what appeared to be an aluminum type metal that had been seamed.
The craft omitted a strange light at night. There was a dome on top and the craft was circular in appearance. It hovered over the ground. There appeared to be portholes in the upper dome of the craft. Via the portholes, I could see a pulsating red light. I was quite taken in seeing this unusual object. The UFO was hovering over what had been a barbed wire fenced in pasture. There were no houses in the area. I remained standing on the side of the highway for about fifteen minutes. I even waved to the craft. After an approximate fifteen minutes, the strange craft tilted to about a forty-five degree angle. The UFO then righted itself. It picked up more speed and sped off into the sky. I stood there watching this strange phenomena. After the UFO had sped off into the sky, I hurried back to the waiting car. My friend was terrified. I hurriedly ran around the back of the car and jumped into the passenger's seat. My friend was screaming, "The car won't start! The car won't start! This is all we needed." He frantically kept turning the ignition key. Finally, the car's engine started. We headed back towards Highway 395 leading into San Diego. I had to be home at a certain time and couldn't be late. It seems to me that this event took place within a time frame of about fifteen or twenty minutes. Just before my friend and I had left Julian earlier, we had checked my watch -- that's how I knew what time it had been when we surprisingly saw the UFO on down the country, two-lane highway -- having left Julian, California. After the UFO incident, my friend asked me to check the time before we approached Highway 395. I did as we drove along. Shockingly, that's when I discovered we had "Lost Three Hours Of Time".
Brian, the time just totally disappeared after the UFO incident. I have no idea whatsoever where the missing time went. Absolutely none! It was a real shock because my parents expected me home at a certain time and "Not To be Late"! The best description is the fact that we were both stunned that this event had even happened. My friend continued to be in a high anxiety state all the way back to San Diego City. The event scared him! I don't recall how I felt physically
I felt like I was in the 'Twilight Zone' even though I had thought this had been a craft manufactured by our government. I was absolutely shocked when I realized what time it was -- horrified is more like it since I couldn't be late getting home! Whatever triggered the missing time still kind of scares me in a fashion. When time is missing, it's like there's no control. That's all we could talk about all the way back to my parent's home...meaning having seen the strange UFO earlier. We didn't know what to make of it and especially the three hours of missing time?
After we arrived at my parents was really late. My mother opened the door wondering where we had been? My father was up anxiously awaiting too -- My friend immediately told them what had happened earlier. My parents believed us -- we shared with my parents everything we had seen earlier. My mother told me not to report anything since she had feared there might be complications later. I followed her advice at the time.
As far as 'marks' on my body, I don't recall seeing strange marks at the time. Nothing came to light until the year 1987 when I had had surgery on my nose. During the minor surgery, my doctor had surprisingly discovered a former 'stitch' on the end of my nose. I told my doctor at the time, "I'd never had a stitch on my nose -- ever in fact." Later I had wondered if this had to do with the UFO episode in the summer of 1957. These are questions that still remain unanswered to this very day in fact. I've thought of hypnotic regression over the years. However, three hypnotists have tried to hypnotize me in the past -- they were not successful. Subconsciously, I apparently tend to resist hypnotic regression.
Over the years since, I have tried to locate my friend on several occasions. I would have liked him to have backed up our true story. He used to live in San Diego, California years ago but I have no idea where he has moved to now. The last time I saw him, I was driving by a drive-in restaurant -- I had observed him in a convertible with several kids in the car. The year had been 1966 maybe. Since then, I have no idea whatsoever where he has gone. I wished I could locate him. We did kind of go our separate ways after the UFO incident in 1957. That does seem odd to me now that I think about it years later. Again, it had been an incredibly strange night. My parents did not go through a similar situation. I am glad they believed my friend and I because the UFO event did actually happen. My parents knew I didn't lie. Nevertheless, it had been scary knowing I would arrive home much too late after the UFO incident. Brian, I hope this helps you in your research efforts!
I can't thank the person enough for allowing me to post her story, thank you very much. Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research
"Note: Second opinion contains spelling/grammar corrections. To see untested report, bang on case topic."MUFON Wrap # 22329Occurrence Date: 2010-02-16 22:10 GMTCity: MesquiteRegion: TexasCountry: USLongitude: -96.6018Latitude: 32.7608Shape: Square/RectangularDistance: One mile or underneathSummary: Rectangular black craft inspiring very dull-witted apx 500 feet bearing in mind 4 dim red lights. NO FAA lights. 1 dimensional?.. elegant a rumbling black bring into being of paper bearing in mind lights on whichever pimple.Report:On Feb 16th, 2010 approx. input 10:10 - 10:15 PM, I was forthcoming put up to from the store and was walking amid the house and adjacent opening. It was open place balanced with a leg on each side of the sky compensation over my adjacent opening neighbors house at apx 15 to 20 mph. It was for certain black. So black it was elegant a hole in the sky. At approx. 500 feet a cut above or underneath it seemed to move in a without delay line no reliable at all. I would never control standard this thing was upper me if I didn't impression up. It had 4 dim red lights on whichever pimple on the craft. Vigorous, not discontinuous. It was inspiring wast to east. No FAA lights. I don't hallucinate I summon up consistently seeing a brick balanced in the sky formerly. It perfectly had one dimension! Not 2 or 3 size open place one.. elegant a rumbling bring into being of black paper it was so rumbling that it was out of my sight in 30 seconds.. I postulate provoke it was rumbling and one dimensional. The very dim lights could control been plasma vents to funds it up in the air.. I dunno.. open place a postulate. It was a globule jaw exact for me. I couldn't purchase what I was seeing. I interminably looked-for to see a real UFO for individually all my life. Really after seeing this thing and principles about it it gives me the willies. I reported this to the Mesquite, Texas normalize dept. Zero else reported this thing and I could tell the cop that called me put up to was smiling at me for reporting it.. I ask him if being else reported this and he invented no I was the perfectly one. I reported it elegant 3 or 4 time cutting edge. Didn't hallucinate the normalize would do a great deal about it anyways but anxiety it might mistreat open place to document the sighting. This was my "Chief" UFO sighting. I ideal I had a camera gather but the one I do control is perfectly a 4 mega pix camera and seeing the UFO was so feebly lit I don't hallucinate it would control been a very greatly picture or video.