The video shows an amazing series of lights in bright white dots. They accelerate impressively and sometimes disappearing towards the border of Essex and Hertfordshire. The location of the appearance of UFOs is close to where the BBC reporter, Mike Sewell, told his listeners that he saw a disc-shaped aircraft just five days later.
"I was probably about 15 or 20 miles from Stansted at 4.15 in the morning and there was this big bright light in the sky descending towards the road," explained Sewell.
"As it got closer it then banked to the left, and as it banked to the left and went across the countryside I could see underneath it. It wasn't an aeroplane, and it wasn't a helicopter. Certainly of a kind of - and I dread saying this - disc shape. It had several lights flashing all around it."
"It's a very quiet area and I've spoken to someone who knows it very well and they said there's no military installations in that area so I would be intrigued to hear if anybody else saw it."
"It's a really interesting video", UFO expert Nick Pope told the Sun.
"Assuming it's genuine, it's one of the most bizarre pieces of UFO footage I've seen in a long time."
However, Jason McClellan of Open Minds finds the authenticity of the video clip suspicious.
"The left and right audio channels each contain completely different audio. Music, supposedly from the car's radio, plays in the left channel, and only in the left channel, while the excited voices of the "witnesses" in the car are in the right audio channel, and only in the right channel," says McClellan. "This issue is certainly a red flag, and indicates that the audio was recorded at a different time, and added to the video."
Is it another well-crafted UFO hoax?
SOURCE, August 20, 2011
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