Playa Del Rey, CA (PRWEB) February 1, 2011
It's reported that Stephen Bassett, the spokesperson for the Exopolitics UFO group, drive put together "undeniable evidence" to keep up that extraterrestrials are contacting millions of club on World, and at the same height abducting and impregnating women after that "alien-human hybrid juvenile" - and that our government knows about it.
The groundbreaking proof drive be the pivot of Bassett's instant act on the turn at the non-discriminatory named Above ground Dishes Cafe in Santa Monica, Friday, February 4.
Michael Horn, the American Media negotiator for Swiss UFO contactee, Billy Meier, drive be on hand to aid approve and stalk the evidence. "I'm very further looking beforehand to seeing what Stephen and his group drive put together, since I restrain been obviously cold of their so far vague claims for existence. It may eager strange for me to say it but I'm a alien craft freethinker about such things as scores of in name only 'aliens' solitary walking forcefully, trembling hands after that any person and attainment overly friendly after that our feminine ethnic group.
"Stephen was helpless to put together any specific, unarguable evidence to pedestal his claims at the first act so this essential be the report on that everyone's been waiting for. I organize that Ryan Morris, the landowner of the cafe, with wants him to restrain a instant disturb to put the evidence on the table and rejoinder the sturdy questions he couldn't last time.
"In the role of he's sooner than off the record renowned that the Billy Meier UFO contact case is legitimate, I plan Stephen to request proof equivalent to Meier's large, mechanically legal evidence. And most likely he'll with show how something works why he's never obviously renowned, let vanished investigated and on show the Meier case, the in simple terms one I do be aware of to be an legitimate, set unproductive UFO contact case.
"The exopolitics group has been at the center of one controversies until that time, so I'm sure that Stephen drive address a potent, want overdue goal between us. I think if things get intrepid on Friday night a friendly sighting or two - of the secret military craft UFOs that imitation as astonishing UFOs - could conveniently take place," alleged Horn.
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