We have been seeing these pulsating UFO lights too often in recent days a new case of which occurred on September 28, 2013 over Kennersville, North Carolina taken on camera during night-time. The video is slightly short and obviously not the best catch lately. But from my point of view, a good UFO video is the one which is most real. I have watched hundreds of fake videos produced with cool sound effects and when you watch the video, you realise inwardly that it is fake but overall representation of the video is so well that people sometimes watch them fondly despite they know it is fake. This one is barely amateur, free from the technological artificiality. Enjoy the sighting!
WITNESS COMMENT: "I was driving home west bound on market street and noticed six or more lights hovering and changing colors. Three of the lights ascended in tandem. They raised and lowered behind the tree tops from my view three or four times. I stopped my truck on the side of the road and watched them for approx. 2 minutes before I decided to video them with my cell phone. By that time there were only two left, but i did record them. They eventually faded away in the darkness"
Source: fromatlantistosphinx.blogspot.com
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