This is how Shuttlewood introduced the following excerpts of Bryce Bond's report as featured in the tenth chapter of "The Flying Saucerers": "Here are extracts from his account which appeared in a newsletter of Contact International (U.S.A.): 26 August 1972."
"Warminster at this time of night, even for a Saturday, was somewhat deserted. Only a few people ambled along the narrow streets. I felt that I had eyes on me all the way. It was a most unusual feeling. The small narrow streets, with high brick walls, sky overcast, town strangely quiet - maybe a prelude to what I was about to experience that night! After walking a short distance through narrow archways and flower-lined paths, I was amazed how lovely it smelled and how clean it was. On the hill, some of the group had their telescopes set up on tripods, others had binoculars and cameras ready.
"The thing that really struck me was how friendly everyone was. A good portion are very curious, another percentage are thrill-seekers, and the remainder well, they just enjoyed being there with this warm loving group of spiritual individuals, sharing stories and conversations... UFOs have been here for eons of years. History is filled with reports of strange glowing craft, of landings and contactees. But due to negative programming of these ancients, and fear of the unknown being magnified out of all proportion from mouth to mouth, it spread right into modern times. Only in these times we blame television and motion pictures for doing the damage: creating near mass-panic in the mind, showing these UFOs as hostile, coming down from the heavens to devour, murder and rape - and to gobble us up!
"This travesty of beings who are thousands or even millions of years ahead of us in technology, intelligence and spiritual intent.... What the masses do not understand, they fear. When they fear, they shoot and run. There are numerous reports that UFOs were shot at, out of panic - even by the military. Put yourselves in their shoes and think: What would you do if you went to their planet, or dimension, or universe, or another period in time? We drove over to Starr Hill, another ancient burial ground area. This sector is where the Romans built upon, with a few of the remnants still in evidence. The location was down in a valley, wheat fields all around and high hills. The sky started to clear, filled with thousands of beautiful stars and still no UFOs...
"It was getting awfully late and still I had not interviewed Arthur Shuttlewood. My voice was getting weaker, my head clogged up due to the cool dampness. I got his attention and we crawled into one of the nearby cars to keep warm while I interviewed him. He was telling me that, only a few nights ago, three large entities about eight feet in height were seen down in a little hollow, to which he pointed. While in their presence, people felt a great warmth exuded from them, they were engulfed by it and the scent of roses and violets were very strong. All of a sudden, while Arthur was speaking, his conversation went to a peculiar light that just appeared in the field in front of us. He was somewhat blas'e about the whole thing...
"Arthur then said quietly: 'I'm very glad you are here tonight, Bryce. There in front of us is a UFO. Notice the triangle shape and coloured lights going around? That is a very good sign.' It then started to lift off in a weird pattern - then just disappeared. I was flabbergasted! It was so close. While describing that one on tape for American listeners, another one popped up about 25 degrees along the horizon. This one was very brilliant white, while the other was a blaze of coloured lights. The intensity increased as it raised itself very slowly, did a little dance in the sky, then took off and disappeared. But before it did, Arthur jumped from the car, borrowed a flashlight from someone and sent Morse code to it. It in turn sent back the same signal that Arthur flashed out. Then it flew off. This was the highlight of my British trip: a close sighting; yet I honestly felt spiritually close to the lights in the field."
Bryce began interviewing other watchers as to what they witnessed. "I turned off the recorder and made a mad dash out into the field, went into a light trance state and asked higher intelligence to make contact again. Leaving the group, I made my way down to the hollow, where two nights before three entities were seen. Again I went into a light trance state for what seemed to be a few minutes only... I was awakened by my friends, who thought I had gone. I must have been there for about an hour. I truly do not know what transpired while I was there or in trance. I told my friends I would return shortly and they and they went back to where the others were standing. I then made my way slowly back to the parked cars and people. Now here is a strange thing: the wheat in the field next to me as I walked back up the dirt road was about waist high...
"I walked along the road very close to the fence. Suddenly I heard a noise - like something crushing the wheat down. There was no breeze blowing that night. I looked over. The moon had just come out, shining very brightly - and there, before my eyes, a large depression was being formed. The wheat was being crushed down in a counter clockwise position. It too was shaped like a triangle and measured about twenty feet from point to point. I stood there a few moments and experienced a tremendous tingling sensation - the same sweet smell - being engulfed by warm air. Not fully understanding what had happened, I walked up the road to get Arthur, my host.
"Speaking of the field, Arthur pointed out some landing impressions in the section fronting the farm barn: a circle about thirty feet in circumference, with another depression spotted, but this one in a long cigar shape. All the depressions, recently made and noticed, were in a counter clockwise fashion. After all this, I was very happy and thankful. My mission had been a success," wrote Bryce Bond, who is also research editor of "Beyond Reality", a leading American psychic, occult, metaphysical and UFO magazine. He says some nice but wholly undeserved things about me in his newsletter and describes his trip back to London from Warminster in Reg Bradbury's Kingdom Crusade van. "On the way we stopped at Stonehenge, on Salisbury Plain. With the moonlight casting its eerie light upon this ancient structure, it was quite awe-inspiring in early morning hours. This whole area is just teeming in legend and folklore: and you begin to wonder who constructed these monolithic giants... and for what purpose?"
The back cover of Bond's "Higher Techniques to Inner Perfection" positions Bond as "a man who has witnessed miracles" to encourage prospective readers to "Learn Simple Awareness Techniques." He was also a healer whose consultations combined the laying-on-of-hands with psychological counseling. The following two profile paragraphs are presented on the back cover.
Bryce Bond was working as a television reporter when he had his first groundbreaking, psychic experience. "A voice suddenly came to me when I was doing a broadcast and told me to quit my job. I went into my boss's office right away and told him I was leaving the station."
Today, in addition to his being back on the air-his show, "Dimensions in Parapsychology", is seen on five stations in the metropolitan New York area-the author has become one of the leading spokespersons for the New Age, having lectured widely at universities and for large corporations on a variety of metaphysical topics. He is both a healer, a channeler, and has encountered the occupants of UFOs who have inspired his work in this field.
Beyond the book "Higher Techniques "to Inner Perfection", today little of Bryce Bond's work is available to be evaluated although his articles appear in back issues of "Beyond Reality" magazine when they can be found. A couple episodes of "Dimensions in Parapsychology" are available on You Tube. Bond wrote in the book:
On your journey to true understanding, you will find that the spiritual urge is the most powerful driving force in the world.
Why? Because it is a force that is in complete harmony with the procession of life. Life is evolving in spiritual understanding. The urge is in sync with the unfolding of life, not in friction with life which can be wearying.
As Luke Skywalker was told in the Star Wars Trilogy, "MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!"
And guess what? It is. To be aware of this force, this energy of the spiritual urge, all you have to do is tap into it. How? First, let go of all your preconceptions, your assumptions, judgements and opinions of reality.
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