Who Is Right Hawking Or Tarter
Below is a link to an interesting article regarding the theories of Stephen Hawking vs. Jill Tarter, of SETI regarding what we may expect from a visiting... or invading alien race. Hawking maintains his stance that an invading alien race would result in the destruction of our world, likened to the settlement of the Americas by the more advanced Europeans and the resulting devastation to the Native American people. Tarter on the other hand supports the theory that they will be kind hearted explorers, so sophisticated that they would have no need to colonize our planet or take our resources.

Personally, I believe it could go either way. The fact that an alien race is of higher intelligence or may be technologically advanced does not necessarily mean they will be enlightened. Look at man for example, we are vastly more intelligent and advanced than a colony of ants, yet most people will think nothing of stepping on an ant or washing them away with a hose to clear away what are typically thought of as "pests". Perhaps that is how the visiting alien race will view us... as insignificant. Chances are there exists many alien life forms in the Universe. Some just microbes, some perhaps benevolent enlightened beings, and others may be malevolent selfish mavens of destruction... just like most of man kind!

Check out the article below:

http://www.wptv.com/dpp/news/science tech/ufo-et-or-alien-scientists-debate-nature-of-extraterrestrials