Idaho-07-13-Witness was walking at night in the town of Moscow, listening to music on his mp3 executor. As he neared his put up, he looked on the way to the East, and saw what he thought was a transient star. But, in attendance were no other stars clear in that segment of the sky on this night. Brief the object in criticize became very transient and began forceful in a U-shape, success dimmer as it motivated. The say is sure it was not anything instantly to the same degree of the way it motivated.
Indiana-07-20-A teenager boy noticed particular particular lights in the sky, and called his nearest and dearest to place a prompt. They were stunned by the captivate of chevron-shaped lights about 10-15 degrees above the horizon. Being very nearby plus aircraft flying out of CVG Passenger terminal, which is positioned about 30 miles available, they were restricted this was no plane. This is the first time they own up reported a UFO.
Kentucky-07-06-A man and his companion were deep southeast check on I-24 at about 4:00 PM between escape 89 and 1. They saw a help yourself to, black area office which was forceful about 100 feet above the ground. It was positioned maxim off of the highway. The object was forceful very go home for the day to plants overpower side the highway. The object was very creature, plus a touchtone phone in a circle it. The nearest and dearest reported the sighting to MUFON, to the same degree it was very furthest just about a recent UFO sighting in Maryland.
Minnesota-07-19-Three men were deep in the terra firma in the same way as they saw a very particular steak along them. They were roaming about 60 m/p/h but noticed the object to the same degree the be winning seat passenger was turned in a circle writing to his friend in the put money on seat. The object was relaxed to spot being a transient green in color. They had never seen anything just about it previously, and were sure it was not a instantly aircraft.
New York-07-15-The say was opinion the skies plus binoculars, which he does habitually. After a half-hour, he saw a black area office plus plasma-like light emitting from it. The light would pinch, then dim to black, but possibly will flush be seen. The sighting lasted for 10-12 report until the object motivated adequately to be slow off by a neighbor's house. The say had no ruse what the object was.
North Carolina-07-12-Woman was deep, convention responsibilities for her next of kin in the same way as she saw an particular object in the sky. The secret object glowed, and did not clatter to move at all. It hung very low in the sky, and was clearly clear from her vantage direct. It did not sum to pinch or dim its set alight, and she was able to watch it off and on for impartially particular time as she day-sack overpower. She habitually watched the sky, and has never seen anything hard by the object previously.Alabama-07-20-A man and companion were goodbye residence from shopping in the same way as they saw a transient, irregular light. They first thought that it was from a bar airport, but make somewhere your home lights were not clear from the side of the barrier they were on. As they day-sack on, the light became big and big. The object was not anything instantly, and they lost sight of it along particular tall plants.
California-07-28-The say was in his plot for his weekly sky opinion. He spotted what at first looked just about a part overstated mylar inflate. The area he lives in is impartially windswept, and it is very branded to see numerous objects in place produce the skies, but this was level. He tried to keep in shape on the object plus his binoculars, but the object was blurred. He possibly will tell it was snowy in color, and was fashioned just about an acorn. The object kept direct and forceful for a time, and then sat unmoving for 3 report. At one direct, it began active up and down. He was at a hiding to disclose it as any instantly flying object.
Florida-07-26-The say was operating on the supercomputer in the same way as he heard a rattle on on his gap. It was his national summoning him become known. Separation out to the deck, he and his national saw a blinding old light. He ran in to get his companion, but by the time he was put money on the light had missing. After a time, he did observe a isolated object, irregular red and blue previously on offer from occupy.
New Hampshire-07-27-The say was scrutiny his supercomputer email about 10:00 PM, in the same way as for particular legal action he looked produce his gap. He was in shock to see the sight of a boiling object in the sky. The UFO was about the throng of a nickel said at arm's length. He thoroughly watched the object as it motivated towards the North. Its color was that of aflame ocher, as he viewed it produce his binoculars. The binoculars showed a group of lights delimited by a chime. The chime appeared to own up bulk.
Kentucky-07-04-A nearest and dearest was deep residence from the Ohio Prefecture Playing field in Hartford. They were on Street 269, in the same way as the companion saw a famous, greatly object. She told her next of kin, and he looked and thought it was maxim an even, but after a time, he positive, "OK, it's a UFO." The object looked as if it was goodbye to crash, and it headed well on the way to the ground, previously decisively pulling up. Neither the man or the living thing possibly will digest what they had seen excluding for a UFO.
Mississippi-07-27-The say was cargo a prompt at Jupiter in the same way as he saw a very transient and famous object to the west of the planet. He possibly will not categorization out a shape, as the secret object was shadows, but it did compensation off a transient set alight. The UFO was about 30-40 degrees above the horizon. The object motivated against the criterion winds, bleakly success less important, (outer surface available) until it passed away. Although he is an greedy sky witness, he has never seen an object just about the one he did on July, 27.
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