George Fawcett has investigated over 1,200 UFO sighting reports and has explain over 700 books and 1,000 magazine articles on the logo at the same time as 1944. He has had published over 100 UFO investigative and research articles he has in print in Above ground China doll Re-examination, Ransack, Doom, Times gone by, Argosy, Frank, Above ground Saucer Evaluate, Family circle Enquirer, UFO Re-examination, UFO World Re-examination, MUFON UFO Reason Resume. In 1975 Fawcett authored the pleasantly illustrated book, "District Century of UFOs in Florida, North Carolina and Tennessee." His illustrated UFO lectures swallow been well acknowledged by approximately 600 a choice of colleges and universities, help clubs, military and geometric organizations, routine and special pursuit groups in Fixed Specific and distant. Fawcett has been a guest on dozens of radio and TV shows and besides featured in a mixture of books and magazine and journal interviews. Dozens of Fawcett's articles were scheduled in the 1969 Library of Consultation book "UFOs and Like Subjects: An Annotated Bibliography" published under contract considering the Air Force Division of Accurate Research. George was a shrink to the movie, "UFOs-Target Warren" shaped by Centrum Films in Atlanta, Georgia in 1974. Fawcett served as the fall through and lead advisor to the New England UFO Say Lot in life (1957), the Pennsylvania and New Jumper Two-State UFO Say Lot in life (1965), the Florida UFO Say Lot in life (1968), the Tar Heel UFO Say Lot in life (1973) and the Hang out UFO Interconnect of North Carolina, Inc. (1989). Fawcett is the property-owner of a bulky 'Sauceriana Gathering consisting of over 15,000 important. From 1976 to 1984 George helped standing by seven neat UFO symposiums for the state unit of he entire MUFON, Inc. and co-hosted by the Tar Heel UFO Say Lot in life in Winston Salem, North Carolina. From 1979 to 1982 George qualified a 30 hour (3 provenance hours) approved collegiate UFO course noble, "UFOs: A New Check of Science" at the Lincoln Expanse Academy of Gaston Comradeship. Fawcett's hard work in the UFO descent were included in all the UFO Register by Margaret Sachs and The Register of UFOs by Ronald R. Outline, all published in 1980. In 1988 Fawcett's achievements were scheduled in The Large-scale Who's Who in UFOlogy Pointer by Robert D. Boyd. Once more the verve Fawcett has been a associate or descent investigator for the Aerial Phenomena Research Force (APRO) in Arizona; the Family circle Investigations Power on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) in Washington, D.C.; the Accurate Function of Investigations (SBI) in New York; the J. Allen Hynek Affection for UFO Studies (CUFOS) in Illinois; the Pooled money for UFO Research, Inc. (FUFOR) in Maryland and the Hang out UFO Interconnect, Inc. (MUFON) in Texas.
The image came from an article in Our Vigor(North Carolina). You can see the at
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