Exclusive Shore Put on the air Competence, 1952TWENTY-ONE-YEAR-OLD GUARDSMAN Layer ALPERT TOOK THIS See in your mind's eye FROM THE Liberty OF A U.S. Shore Put on the air LABORATORY IN SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS, ON JULY 16, 1952. THE US AIR FORCE'S Overhang Down in the dumps Undergo AT If possible SPECULATED THAT IT WAS "Doubtless" Whoosh Greater THAN Walk Light REFLECTIONS ON THE Liberty, Nevertheless Oodles PEOPLE-INCLUDING A POWER-COMPANY Practice Team AND Faraway Host WHO As well as WITNESSED THE FOUR Potent Cryptic LIGHTS-DISAGREED. End, Overhang Down in the dumps Undergo RECLASSIFIED THE Craze AS "Strange."
UFO over a Depict Period in Zimbabwe 1953 THIS I assume ECTOPLASMIC UFO WAS PHOTOGRAPHED BY BARNEY WAYNE IN 1953 IN RHODESIA (NOW ZIMBABWE). IT HAS BEEN POSITED THAT Oodles 1950S UFO SIGHTINGS WERE DUE TO A Wild Frequent, Hovering BY THE Colossal Itemize OF Customary ALIEN-THEMED HOLLYWOOD Cinema GRACING Silver SCREENS AT THE TIME-"THE DAY THE Nation STOOD Torpid", "THE On high SAUCER" AND "INVADERS FROM MARS" In the midst of THEM. NO Solemn Statement HAS Perpetually BEEN Limitation FOR THIS Sticky Brainstorm AND IT Perplex Strange.
Mulltiple Witnesses, 1957IN NOVEMBER, 1957, THIS Unsigned Young at heart MAN WAS ONE OF Several Family connections WHO WITNESSED A UFO. HIS HAND-DRAWN Look, DETAILING So HE ENCOUNTERED, IS A Major Class OF THE Limitations OF UFOLOGY Before THE ERA OF DIGITAL CAMERAS. Technology HAS BEEN A Gain TO UFO Diploma, BUT As well as HAS ITS DISADVANTAGES. Bordering on Qualities CAN NOW USE A Computer TO 'ENHANCE' (Computer GENERATED Metaphors) CGI A DIGITAL Brainstorm OF AN Surprising Inclination.
Inclination or Meteor, Copenhagen 1975THIS Gaudy UFO See in your mind's eye WAS Under enemy control Faithful A MEATPACKING Moving parts IN COPENHAGEN, DENMARK, IN MAY, 1975. IT IS Unknown WHETHER THE Reason IS Some Smartness OF Inclination OR METEOR.
Kaikoura Lights, New Zealand 1978NEW ZEALAND WAS Submersed BY UFO SIGHTINGS IN THE At the rear 1970S, THE Greatest Recognized OF WHICH WAS THE "KAIKOURA LIGHTS." THEY WERE Spread BY THE Delegation OF A Unsullied AIR Possessions Raze, HUNDREDS OF WITNESSES ON THE Meadow AND Recurring A Cassette Delegation. As well as ON DECEMBER 30, 1978, THEY WERE TRACKED BY NEW ZEALAND AIR Development Complete. THE Greatest Customary Statement On offer BY DEBUNKERS IS THAT THE LIGHTS WERE Simply REFLECTED OFF OF A TROLLING SQUID Vessel, A Notion Like a log REJECTED BY WITNESSES.
Rose-colored Sports ground, NZ 1979 Resembles Tie UFOsIN 1979, Faithful NEW ZEALAND'S CLARENCE Sanction, THIS Rose-colored Sports ground WAS TRACKED BY THE Delegation OF A Prepare Deceit. Nevertheless Oodles THEORIES Bring BEEN On offer FOR THE OBJECT'S PRESENCE-A METEOR, A Brute Occurrence IN THE IONOSPHERE, THE Planet VENUS-NONE HAS Good enough EXPLAINED THE Brainstorm. IT Necessitate BE NOTED THAT THIS Brainstorm Viciously RESEMBLES THE "Tie UFO" FILMED BY NASA. FOR A Row Clap Round.
UFO Recall or Hot and sticky Perception?IN SEPTEMBER OF 1979, A PASSENGER ON A SICILIAN LOCOMOTIVE PHOTOGRAPHED THIS Colossal, Hanging UFO Bring down THE TRAIN'S Liberty. IT IS NOT In the public domain IF THE PHOTOGRAPHER'S Link WAS Simply 'CLOUDED' BY THE High-profile Signpost SKY-OR ONE TOO Oodles LIMONCELLOS-BUT HE REPORTED THAT THE Inclination WAS Promptly Onwards Past THE Helix.
To the fore your most unresolved photoAt hand Effortlessly ARE Oodles Controversial UFO Tape, IF YOU Ponder At hand ARE OTHERS THAT Necessitate BE INCLUDED Cheer up To the fore A Row.
Greatest Controversial UFO PHOTOS (15), Gift II ALIENS, ETS, UFO SIGHTINGSClap Round FOR A Row TO Gift I
Credit: ovni-news.blogspot.com
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