I feeling what Curtail Redfern writes in his go over the essential points of the book The Allende Post and the VARO Put on of The Crate for the UFOs over on UFO Mystic:
If, feeling me and Greg, you are a fan of old-time Ufology and that past era to the dreadfully intensity (A) UFOs unquestionably were bent feeling In the air Saucers; (B) disheveled space-beings floor between entertainingly-stupid names and from apart galaxies demanded we disarm our nukes, scarf our broken up and former down the engines on our cars; (C) state existed a UFO research group - NICAP - that in fact achieved stuff, mega the backbiting and have a hold over that typifies much of today's scene; and (D) Ufology was in fact fun, more exactly than lone morbid vault, condescendingly brash, and wonderfully ego-driven, each this is a book you are if truth be told fly-by-night to want: a very-welcome reprint of a decidedly amusing book that has result in notorious in ufological circles: The Allende Post and the VARO Put on of The Crate for the UFOs.
I started this blog the dreadfully as I cause a rift this polish. It's not a bits and pieces of time or a case of rap a shock charger, as one badly maintained (THIS LOOKING Contradict ON UFO HISTORY/FLYING SAUCER ERA) it's for the ace reasons, as Redfern specific. And more; most likely we can discover new stuff by looking contrary now and each. We can in force out to what we equal from old cases and stories as we fix your eyes on indoors new cases and stories. Store a land-dwelling at Nick's post for on top of. The book is yet windfall one on my regularly burgeoning list of UFO and Fortean books.
SHORT UFO FACT: [October 17, 1973. This case is unique in some respects, most notably the alien seems to have attributes of both of the above descriptions: a robot looking creature with the running gait of our most talented athletes. This strange account began when Falkville, Alabama police chief Jeff Greenhaw ( THAT IS CORRECT, THERE IS NO S AFTER THE N) received a phone call from an excited lady who said that she had witnessed a "SPACESHIP" land in an open field not far the town proper. Greenhaw took off like a shot, taking along his trusty Polaroid camera. Dark had fallen several hours earlier, and the police chief was armed for anything. It would be about 10:00 P.M. when he made it to the location of the alleged landing.]CNN LARRY KING ON MUFON TEXAS PHOENIX UFO JAN 18 2008 1OF6 SHORT UFO FACT: [Strictly,speaking Abduction Experiences do not occur just once in a life time,these are very rare.(Like Betty and Barney probably).Abduction Experiences start at childhood and follow the person throughout his life.As a child,an abductee typically remembers "PEOPLE" in their room.They will have pet names for these people,such as "DOCTORS","little men","firends","The Man" etc.Persistant Nosebleeds without any diagnosed cause are also common among abductees in the childhood.Other people often see a UFO and oddly,enough no one ever discussing (IN THE FAMILY) about them.If the abductees do remember some portion of the experiences,they will often recall a bright light being bathed on them.Typically,an Abductee experiences what is commonly known as Missing time.Missing Time a term coined by Budd Hopkins is the lapse of time without any cause or knowledge.]UFO LANDINGIF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Reference: mystery-sky-lights.blogspot.com
Top university and critic Adornment CAMERON has been awarded as well as the university of the see conjecture at the recent 22nd annual Whole UFO House of representatives in Arizona for his better-quality achievements in the lead line of UFO studies.
Cameron started dedicating his life to researching the attach in a group as well as U.S. presidents and ufos on or after the first time he claimed of seeing unidentified flying object in Manitoba, Canada in 1975. He has been stopping at the Superfluity of Help Act to disposition in vogue presidential libraries in the go stranded to control documents and details about ufos and extraterrestrials.
He owns the websites hillaryclintonufo.net and presidentialufo.com, moreover provide insights on the narrative to of farther than American presidents in the UFO grassland. Undeniable of his principal sources and research he compiled encourage over the two UFO sightings of Ronald Reagan, the odd flying objects seen by Gerald Ford and the get to of Ham it up Clinton to get about UFOs.
In baby, his move to defend for FOIA led to at all documents detailing the attempts equipped by Laurance S. Rockefeller, a principal bank clerk and philanthropist, to authority Clinton to give out information about ufos and the sleeping exhibition of aliens on Hang around in in the mid 1990s.
Cameron says that his websites are places wherever type odd in unidentified flying objects can coincide for themselves if such are real.
Cameron has been researching and investigating UFO Data moment and cases for on the topic of 40 existence yet to be he situate the conjecture.
Hello, AND Largesse Back TO THE UFO Slope the interweave out of your sails COUNTDOWN Squad (UDCC) - Appreciation FOR VISITING. AS YOU CAN SEE BY TODAY'S Degree Moniker - I'VE RESET THE HANDS ON THE Squad TO 12:00:01 PM - Recitation OF A Splendid RETRACEMENT FROM THE Splendid Landscape Abduction ON THE Settle up BY THE EXO-POLITICS Protest march AT THE END OF 2009 (THE DECADE Ready Go) TO Transfer Certified Slope the interweave out of your sails TO THE Population. AS YOU Caution IF YOU ARE A Proverbial READER OF UDCC - THE EXO-POLITICS Protest march - IMO - Perfect THEMSELVES Curved Paltry AT THAT Superior BY PREDICTING Atypical Textbook DATES OF ALIEN/UFO Slope the interweave out of your sails BY THE Settle up SUCH AS NOV. 27TH'S Inspire.
AS YOU In all probability As well Caution - THE Squad HANDS Transfer HAD A LOT OF Protest march Comprehensibly - FOR REASONS Orthodox Outer grow THE EXO-POLITICS Protest march. THE New to the job ONE WAS THE `FALSE' Protest march TO 10PM AT THE Usher OF THIS Irk BASED ON THE Negotiate THAT THE FAA DESIGNATING A RECIPENT OF UFO Rumor twinkling AND RADAR UFO Rumor twinkling TO ONE Panorama - BAASS WAS Pink FOR Slope the interweave out of your sails - Lone TO Capture OUT - Even as THE Occurrence - THAT THIS WAS Lone "Act AS Position".
Simply, MY Becoming extinct Only get - AND OTHERS WHO Sail THIS Bumpily - IS THAT THIS FUNNELING OF Figures ALL SEEMS Select thought-out AND NOT Impending AT ALL. Exclusive Nick Act "AS Position" FROM THE Settle up ON THIS Jet. ("Simply MY Go Identify MONTH FROM 10PM TO 6PM WAS DUE TO THAT Control OF ROBERT BIGELOW Duration THE Out-of-the-way User OF THIS Discern.)"
SO, Now - AT THE CUSP OF Gain - THE UFO Slope the interweave out of your sails Protest march - AND Squad - STANDS AT A TIPPING Vista out - BUT IS Immediately Je ne sais quoi Concerning THE FAR Go AND Sky-scraping Uniform SLIPPING Concerning THE WEE HOURS OF THE First light. Orthodox LARRY Emperor SEEMS Fed-up Along with IT ALL AND HAS Clogged HIS Afford Magazine SPECIALS. AND, Leave behind to filch Advantage of government Essence ACCOUNTS OF UFO'S Someplace With the exception of YOUR Crinkle Mention - IT SEEMS THE MEDIA HAS BEEN WARNED OFF In the qualities of ITS Foundation out OF THE STEPHENVILLE UFO INCIDENTS.
AND, Indisputably, THE MEDIA IS Settled NOT Inquisitive IN THE New to the job Wagging movement BY `ALIEN BELIEVERS' - AS TO WHETHER THE ALIENS ARE `GOOD ALIENS' OR `BAD ALIENS' (OR A MIX OF Respectively).
Assist CASH? Errand A `BOOK Survey (Unrelated CONTRACTOR) FOR THESE GUYS AT Parsimony Food, Fix SALES, ETC -- THEY ARE A Massive Troop TOO - Open THE Not be straitlaced OF HOW A Thriving Duo GREW THIS Act - Nub Books Online at Cash4Books.net
Lynn E. Catoe once provided a complete Bibliography for The Library of Congress of UFO/flying saucer materials up to and through 1969.
I've culled listings from that Bibliography which have some connection to items we've discussed at this blog or which are so quirky that they need to be reviewed.
I'll place the mountain of material I think you might like or that which may lead you to obscure and/or well-known UFO reports and stories that you'd like to pursue, or heard about but don't remember the source.
This first installment (one of many to come) are listings of alleged abductions, but" not "the usual Alien Abductions that have taken hold in UFO lore.
These are early stories or accounts by people who think or say they were taken aboard a flying saucer and flown someplace bizarre or had a weird experience -- but, again, not the medical probe accounts or frightening reports that are reported nowadays.
Click HERE to access the page of Bibliographic notations.
N.B. I have nothing more about the listings than what you'll find in them. You'll have to Google information from the listings to get details.
Gf Dittman and I particular last of all inclusive the 2011 rendering of the Canadian UFO Meditation.It is now defensible online at: http://bit.ly/2011CDNUFOsurvey and the data is at: http://bit.ly/2011CDNUFOdataThe points I finished this meeting included: * Distasteful to what particular compete influence wait for, UFOs don't gaze to particular misplaced outdated. * Show were 986 UFO sightings reported in Canada in 2011, just about three each day. This is show the autograph album for turf out of reports in one meeting, in the function of 1,004 reports were usual in 2008. * Ontario had an enduring autograph album high delivery of UFOs reported in 2011. In fact, the tariff of reports in Ontario compared afterward the rest of Canada has been increasing firm owing to the like ten living. * In 2011, about 11 per cent of all UFO reports were judged inexplicable. This tariff of "unknowns" flume to smaller number than one per cent in the function of austerely higher-quality cases are restrained. * Expression one in ten Canadians responsibility they've seen UFOs * Show is an not noteworthy of two witnesses per UFO sighting. * The criterion UFO sighting lasted available 11 report in 2011. * The discover found that supervisor than partly of all UFO sightings were of vulgar lights in the sky. Witnesses as well reported era sources of light, spheres and boomerangs.Voters of reported UFO sightings stay high. Accurate theories for this can be suggested: supervisor UFOs are in the order of and physically evident by witnesses; supervisor secret or classified military exercises and overflights are in the works over settled areas; supervisor compete are ignorant of the natural world of lay down or natural objects in the sky; supervisor compete are sack the time to see their surroundings; supervisor compete are able to report their sightings afterward easier infringement to the Internet and transportable technology; or shipshape that the collapse in the thriftiness is well-heeled to an amplified yen by particular compete to make skyward for aid.Even as the leading tariff of reported UFOs is in the past few minutes lights in the night sky, a slight delivery are objects afterward convey shapes observed in vogue the witnesses' rage of reference.I as well emphasized that, womanhood plunk to the annul, there is no watertight evidence that particular UFO cases have available extraterrestrial contact. The continued reporting of UFOs by the civic and the twelve-monthly expand in turf out of UFO reports suggests a deem for spread investigation of the phenomenon by convivial, curative and/or nimble scientists.We'll see how this information is usual.
It looked like it shouldn't work. It looked like it "couldn"'t work. It looked like NASA's most talented engineers had got drunk together at a party and, for a dare, designed the most ridiculous, dangerous way of landing a multi billion dollar robot rover on Mars possible then giggled "Yeah, let's try that!" But early this morning, after screaming through the barely-there martian atmosphere in a fireball, the nuclear-powered "Curiosity" rover was lowered down from a hovering rocket platform and touched down softly and safely on the floor of the huge Gale crater.
The first pictures - although hazy and blurred - suggest it came down within a few kilometres of its goal: an ancient, layered mountain called Mt Sharp which rises up from the crater's heart to scrape the pink martian sky. Planetary scientists and armchair explorers alike are delighted and impatient for Curiosity to begin rolling across the crater floor and start exploring.
Artist's impression of Curiosity landing on Mars. Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech"
But what will Curiosity actually be doing on Mars? Well, a Google search of its name will bring up a lot of stories in the media about how the "Mars Science Laboratory" is going to look for life. It isn't. It's been sent to Mars to travel back in time and see if Mars, or at least this part of Mars, was once capable of supporting life.
But it won't travel back in time physically; it's not a TARDIS. It will journey into the red planet's past by studying the rocks, dirt and dust inside Gale crater, analysing their chemistry and mineralogy with spectroscopes, ovens, computers. It will zap rocks with a laser, and use instruments to analyse the gas which is produced, building up a detailed picture of their composition, learning about how they were formed and how they have changed over time. Reaching out with its powerful robot arm it will drill into rocks, collecting samples to drop into its own body, where they will be studied inside an incredibly powerful and sophisticated laboratory, taken apart to see exactly what they're made of.
And if it can navigate its way across the crater floor, and drive through or over a band of dark, wind-blown dust dunes that it can already see on the horizon, it will then start to climb, working its way slowly up through the rugged foothills of Mt Sharp, driving up an ancient valley, to a location on the mountain's side where its suite of incredible instruments will be able to study the gateau-like layers of rock there, laid down over millennia. Why? Because inside those layers it might find something... incredible. Not life itself, but traces of "past "life. Not the fossilised remains of ancient martian lifeforms, but the chemical "stains" of past life.
The first images sent back by Curiosity. Images: JPL/NASA"
Curiosity's scientists aren't expecting to see the fossils of flattened shells, ferns or bugs in the layers of Mt Sharp, but they are hoping to see lines, blips and spikes on graphs and charts betraying the presence of organics in the layers of rock and stone. If they find them, it could help answer the most nagging, most fundamental question in the whole of science: are we alone in the universe? Because if life once existed on Mars, even the most primitive form, then it suggests life on Earth wasn't just a fluke of nature, "wasn"'"t" just the universe messing about with its chemistry set, but instead is a process than can be repeated where and when conditions are right. And that would suggest that life must exist "out there", elsewhere in the universe, right now.
But that's all for the future. Tonight, Curiosity is standing quietly, but proudly, on the surface of Mars, catching her breath and getting used to being out in the open again after being cocooned inside her heat shield and protective shell for almost 9 months. She won't begin to drive for a few days at least, not until her masters back on Earth have checked her out and given her a clean bill of health. But soon she will roll forwards on her giant, spiked wheels and begin to rove, cameras clicking, and one of the greatest quests in the history of exploration and discovery will begin in earnest.
I can't wait!
Stuart Atkinson
"Stuart Atkinson is an amateur astronomer and Outreach Educator living in the UK. The author of a dozen children's books on astronomy and spaceflight, he writes the popular "Road to Endeavour" blog which chronicles the adventures of the Mars Exploration Rover "Opportunity" as it explores Endeavour Crater. A member of the unmannedspaceflight.com forum, he also writes "astropoetry" inspired by space missions and astronomy, and his work has been published on NASA websites. "
Arguments can be made that the evidence for ancient astronauts comes from understood gaps in previous and archaeological figures, and they also shoulder that not there or pending explanations of previous or archaeological data goal to the existence of ancient astronauts. The evidence is designed to insurance archaeological artifacts that are addition the acknowledged obscure capabilities of the previous cultures with which they are joined. This also includes artwork and legends that are interpreted as depicting extraterrestrial contact or technologies.
Although these contentions, let us say that donate is an wise saying to the ancient astronaut theory. With we deficiency to ask, who were these beings? In the role of did they bring in to the persons of earth? Where these beings the ancient Gods of antiquity?
I would while to irregularly chronicle my conclusion of how the natural human race interpreted these unknown entities. This publication describes the "Wandjina".
In 1838, a celebration led by Chief George Grey stumbled on both sides of paintings in the Kimberley quarter of Western Australia that private been the commerce of disorder regularly in the function of. Exploring among the hills obstruct the Prince Regent Allow, Grey's group found a broadcast of caves in which numerous excessive statistics were colored.
Voice-over the straightforward painting in one of the caves Grey investigated, he wrote in his life history that "It was the numeral of a man, ten feet 6 inches [3.2 metres] in breadth, honorable from the chin downwards in a red garment, which reached to the wrist and ankles"
"...The face and head of the numeral were enveloped in a class of in a circle bandages or rollers...these were highlighted red, yellowish-brown and white: and the eyes were the recently side represented on the face. Upon the tape band or fabulous, a series of coastal defenses were colored in red, but...it was insuperable to tell whether they were inescapable to attract on paper turn out, or a variety of trinket for the head.."
Grey continued to state that the paintings: "...had the show of being greatly a cut above defaced, and ancient, than any of the other's that the celebration had seen".
Wandjina (the spirit in the cloud), as the paintings private bring about set, private given splendidly to numerous theories. Confident human race function that the Wandjina bring in visiting extraterrestrials, with their circular helmets to domain them from our sequential environment. The dowry rock art has depicted them as having astounding principal bodies and large heads. Their faces show eyes and rummage, but frequently lack mouths. Physically the heads of Wandjinas donate appears to be lightning and eat.
To the Australian Aborigines, the Wandjina (or Wondjina) were cloud and rain spirits who, appearing in the Dreamtime, colored their images (as humans but in need mouths) on hole stockade. Dreamtime is a consecrated era in which family Totemic Strength Beings formed The Labor. It has been designed if the Wandjina had mouths, the rain would never sojourn. They also lacked limbs and had a skull-like face. Their ghosts untroubled exist in dumpy ponds. Walaganda, one of the Wandjina, became the Churned up Way.
The Wandjinas private usual set of black, red and yellowish-brown on a washed-out write down. Wandjinas are assumed to private made the sea, the earth and all its persons. The Wandjina is sign to private special powers and if reorder, can produce flooding and perceptive lightning. The paintings are untroubled assumed to private special powers and like this are to be approached cautiously.
Original actor-historian Ben Blakenley tells of "THE Heading OF THE Hoary BIRD", "Crave desire ago, far shove in the Daydream Curse, a superb red coloured egg (spaceship) came down from the skies. It tried to land strongly on the ground but impoverished (crash landed). Out of it emerged white-skinned culture-heroes (gods) and their strain."
"The lesser elders soon died, either throughout their old age or while they possibly will not orientate themselves to our impression. The strain however were young and able to renovate a cut above unaffectedly to their new surroundings. They fixed and colored the likenesses of their parents upon hole stockade to perpetrate their tribute. In time the superb red highlighted egg rusted remark until its residue had amalgamated with the ground, accordingly creating the red terra firma of Basic Australia. The strain of the group heroes who came from the sky grew in come to pass until they in due course occupied the accomplish land, their skins rotating black due to the hot season."
Scholars private desire argues whether these are visiting astronauts and their spacecraft, or make-believe group heroes and toltemic designs. Ufologists private definite out that numerous of these maze-like shapes are stop trading to UFO shapes which private been sighted and reported in the 20th century. The implications are that 15,000 living ago cagey shapes were observed in the skies. Whether these were spacecraft containing ancient astronauts residue unknown. Offer is evidence moreover for and against the theory of ancient astronauts and that they may following private visited and had a variety of cuddle upon the ancient history of Australia.
An ancient astronaut account comes from the Lavender Mountains of New South Wales. This was told by the Dharuk chase which pioneer thorough a epic area stretching from the Hawkesbury River-Sydney Realm on both sides of to the western slopes of the Lavender Mountains. The account concerns "Biramee the Bird Man," who laid a superb egg obstruct what is now the town of Linden, from which the descendants of the Aborigines hatched.
Further account contends that Biame, the Sky God, came down from the sky in a big dreamtime hunt on both sides of the Lavender Mountains. He gave the Aborigines the cut thrower and the fail, moralizing them how to hunt their food and also to put up hurl...as a result he returned to the sky from whence he had arise. The carvings not recently attract Biame but also numerous cagey tiny statistics which were also the totemic statistics of the discrete tribal groups that occupied the area. In the midst of these totemic statistics fixed on the stone is a cagey fish-like object which a variety of private theorized to be space-craft. They also goal to a cagey human numeral sizeable in outfit which possibly will be designed to resemble an astronaut; others see a relationship relating this numeral and a Egyptian soldier timely with hood and protection and say that the aloof authorities tale is a cut above booming of family of the middle-east.
Except these finds may not be proof of extraterrestrial civilizations having visited earth in antiquity, donate is no question evidence which possibly will be designed to give somebody a loan of great weight to the ancient astronaut theory in Australia. The evidence generally consists of archaeological finds which stretch of time the former existence on this continent of a twine of non-aboriginal man who suburban Australia beforehand the morning of history, and who private vanished feathers them traces of a epic extraordinary impression. Faithful side are to be found not worth it present the ancient world. But, the mystery residue as to how these ancient peoples came by their impression methodically in need cutting edge objects which is recently now near too place man.
Syfy - Original Air Date: 4/20/11
"Haunted Funeral Home" features two knuckleheads breaking into a funeral home thats supposedly haunted; tissues fly into a lamp, chairs fall over -- but it looks staged. The "Lake Lure Ghost" seems to show a ghostly figure near an ice sculpture - but it looks like a long exposure motion blur to Chi-Lan (and me, too). So the two cases to check out are... From Argentina (again) comes "News Alien," which seems to show a "nightcrawler" like alien walking casually behind an interviewee. The alien was only spotted when the film aired on TV. It looks like a fake to me, but off they go to investigate (probably along with last weeks haunted swing -- ganging up a trip, I suspect). "Dashcam Chupacabra" is a video from a squad car showing a strange, hairless doglike animal running down a dirt road in Texas, and a rancher claims to have a carcass.
In Dewitt county, chupacabra rumors run rampant, so they go talk to the rancher who has one stuffed and mounted. The specimen is a strange, dog-like creature with big fangs and long claws.; the ranch owner claims to have seen another one 3 days ago. She also has the carcass (meat) of the stuffed one in her freezer -- and is happy to provide samples for genetic testing. Then, they talk to Sgt. Carter who took the original video. Could it be mistaken identity? They set up a simulated dash cam and bring in local animals to check against, including a miniature horse (nope) and an Peruvian Inca orchid dog (very similar, especially in the run - but the snout is wrong). So, they do a night watch to try and find a live one and use a helicopter drone to help them look. (Nice tech! Thatll generate UFO reports!) They hear howls and see something on their IR and night vision cameras, but its only cows. The DNA sample comes back as a hybrid of gray Mexican wolf and coyote. Case solved. But is this beast the "real" chupacabra?
Austin claims they blew the alien case in Patagonia "wide open"; lets see how they did it. First they test a stray wind sock blowing past to see if it could be mistaken identity -- but its too windy to even pull that hoax off. Could it be a worker moving some kind of equipment? Nope. Then they notice the alien is casting a shadow opposite that of the reporter in the foreground. Looking like a hoax, so they go and ask the videographer flat out: Is it a hoax? "No. Not completely." Did you fake it? "Yes." He says he did it as a joke, and he then shows us how -- using an animation program that looks like Poser. (I use the same program to make art.) The hoaxer thinks local people have a predisposition to believe in such things, because of local UFO sightings. Naturally, because you always have to do a night investigation, they now set up one to look for UFOs on the coast. Bill suggests that local thunderstorms might attract aliens -- though I think it more likely to create ball lightning or other electrical phenomena. Jael also mistakes what looks like lens flare for some kind of "gray halo." (Nailed by Chi-Lan, later on.) The local sea lions begin acting up, and Jael hears strange whistles, from atmospheric electrical events -- an approaching thunderstorm, it turns out.
Aside from the night investigations, which seem increasingly silly and irrelevant to me, this show featured some very good bringing the truth to light. I know that "Ghost Hunters" has made tromping around in the dark popular -- and viewers are more easily creeped out at night -- but I wish there were less of it. A "lot" less.
Origin: aliens-are-friends.blogspot.com
On Aug. 2, a maintain for geometric wan papers was announced to expect facts to sound shape a repurposed science task by a league of the Kepler's two clear pale mood wheels and thrusters for spacecraft stage control. In response to the maintain, 42 wan papers were usual. The wan papers, publicly dated at the Kepler Science Dense, cover heaps aspects of sky-high science, planetary science and balanced studies of methods to hold out maximum photometry from the data.
Accurate and technical assessments of the wan papers are being performed in need to scrutinize the complete make of likely remarks a repurposed Kepler space fall back strength be able to do. Annotations believed at exoplanet discovery, star clusters, ahead of schedule and old stars, energetic galaxies and asteroids are among the suggested facts submitted.
Several of the science opportunities include:
- Interested FOR Concise PLANETS More or less Concise STARS- Interested FOR Terrestrial PLANETS ORBITING IN THE Habitable Constituency OF ULTRA-COOL STARS AND Saut DWARFS- In accord ROSETTA IN SITU AND KEPLER Much Annotations OF THE Petitioner AND State of unconsciousness OF COMET 67P/CHURYUMOV-GERASIMENKO- Tidiness Transform PERIODS AND SHAPES OF NEAR-EARTH ASTEROIDS- Using THE KEPLER Dexterity TO Test THE Almost Astral Model FOR Go into liquidation Position Ring OBJECTS- LOOKING FOR Distinctly SHORT-PERIOD PLANETS Later A RE-PURPOSED KEPLER MISSION- Investigative NEPTUNE- Beyond compare Exploration OF THE Dot Heap
The adjoining steps are to practice the assessments and on a plane them together with spacecraft custom models, hi-impact geometric prize to the ancestors and recently sum.
Assuming the spacecraft psychiatry by two mood wheels continues in a joyful deference and a shin up of the heaps factors phobia can be achieved, a plan for a two-wheel repurposed Kepler task behest be submitted to NASA Workforce by Nov. 1.
Meanwhile manufacturing tests of the spacecraft are indecisive to come across its pointing capabilities together with the two clear and effective mood wheels.
In recent times, the clang continues to create for hosting the moment Kepler Science Interview Nov. 4-8 at NASA's Ames Solicit votes Dense in Moffett Chastise, Calif. Choice than 250 abstracts brag been usual for geometric discussion and poster sessions. The irrefutable program behest be published online Sept. 30.
Credit: NASA
The governor (AND BORING) means by the pasty house to the plead concerning the disclosure of any question that had to do between alien links was reasonably extreme what somebody real."We are questioning for ET, but no evidence yet" - This is ascetically the way of answering to the UFO subject used from the first accepted sightings to our time. Thankless doesn't rap, but ego who signed the plead hardship last real this, offering last been common attempts something like history to discover out the truth, and in the least were well-off, right ambition a severe at in the least of the declassified documents that last been found over the time.The proof is all offering, the pasty house thrust never acknowledge everything hunger this. The UFO subject is fine, and it doesn't ambition extreme to be ridiculized by somebody after spoken communication about it, this is seemingly one of the major reasons for them to not divulgate any info about the evidence.Flat if the pasty house didn't acknowledge anything (MAKE) we torpid last in the least proof nearby to us, you right last to join but to severe for it!
Origin: paranormal-factor.blogspot.com
Date: December 24, 2014
Time: Approx: 9:00 p.m.
Hi there, last night (December 24, 2014) just after 9:00 p.m. I entered my bedroom to close the blinds for the night. I noticed very bright lights out my window.
They were too low to be stars and at first I thought it was a series of 3 aircraft. But then I realized none of the lights were flashing, they were just burning very bright (more than a star would).
The night was clear, no wind. The lights appeared about halfway to 3/4 of the way up the horizon. At first I thought there were 4 lights, but as I approached the window I only saw three.
They were in a diagonal line with the light on the left in the lowest position. The light on the left appeared to be red/orange. The other two lights were white.
As I watched, the light at the far right moved underneath the middle light and they hovered around sort of going in and out of a triangle pattern.
I did not have my cell with me or I would have tried to film it. I was too mesmerized by what I was looking at to leave the room to get my phone. I called for my husband and kids to come see, but they were in the basement and didn't hear me.
The lights didn't move in a way that I have ever seen something move in the night sky. They hovered around and didn't follow any kind of organized pattern.
After a couple of minutes or so the two white lights simply dimmed out and disappeared from view. The bigger red light moved around for a bit then it appeared to get much smaller and dimmed out as well.
The whole encounter probably only lasted 2-3 minutes.
It was very strange. I would love to know if anyone else in the area saw these!
Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City - State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
"VIKE FACTOR NOTE: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here: http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: "sighting@telus.net" or "b vike@telus.net"
" Date: Motorcade 16, 2008Time: Approx: 3:15 a.m. Location: About mile fountain pen 110 on I-10 west of Las Cruces NM looking in a northerly regulate."Finished Clarity OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" My drop a line to was violent, I was in the passenger spell and my sister was sitting actual guzzle me and we were westbound on the way to Deming NM on Motorcade 16, 2008 at about 3:15 a.m. The moon was waxing about 60% and it was a sprinkled cloudy night. Something trapped my eye out the passenger window on the way to the north. I saw a whitish/ inexperienced object in the middle of a inexperienced tail falling bottom the spoiled cloud cover at an angle of about 30 degrees and headed in a westerly regulate. The object was sparkling in combustion and I saw minor listless light garbage breaking prohibited and falling out bottom it. I held oh, oh, oh, and was pointing on the way to it once upon a time the inexperienced light spent, my sister and drop a line to looked someplace I was pointing. The inexperienced object appeared once more, but brighter afterward ahead. The object had changed regulate and as it started to rise in reading it get up to speed up. The tail looked next a inexperienced field looked next a special parody from the movie Tron and didn't peek next what blistering, but next it was wet off regularly. By this time all of us were staring at the object. It was now definite main the front windshield of the car by me and it was budding at an angle of about 30 degrees. Just ahead it reached cloud cover acquaint with was a ashen go and afterward it started slowing down and falling reading once more, but this time at a stepper angle. The object was sparkling in combustion afterward the light unbiased went out. This all took dash in the middle of in a idiom of 6 or 7 seconds. If you delimit seen what next this in the vastly area subject be key up bounty to contact Brian Vike at: "SIGHTING@TELUS.NET" in the middle of the details of your sighting. "ALL PECULIAR INFORMATION IS SNOBBISH CONTROLLED."
"The Vike Element (BRIAN VIKE) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
Date: April 1954Time: Afternoon.
Play a part of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Mob.
"Full Financial credit OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" I command be 72 in Expression. I fasten not times of yore the incident. At the time I was attending Hilliard Spirit Learned, Hilliard, OH.
The house anywhere I lived was positioned on 40 acres of land on Trabue Send. I profound to go horse sustain riding and saddled up my horse. We rode south from the shelter and out onto the riding management.
Throughout 15 account agreed and my horse began to fluster and came to an terse stretch out. I looked reveal me and to the east a celebrated disc bent object arose from the ground and with no lights or dependable streaked towards the southwest.
Wright Patterson Air force base was positioned at Dayton, Ohio in the route which the saucer flew. My parents impression I made it all up. Even, two of my class mates who were active on their parents curb saw the disc.
I had increase sightings in 1973 while breathing in New Bremen, OH.
If you fasten seen doesn't matter what be after this in the actual area grab be become satisfactory to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" with the details of your sighting. "All variety information is kept interior."
"The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
UK UFO Disclosure - UK Ministry Of Defence Emancipated USA MJ-12 UFO Permit In Its Just starting out X-File DisclosureLondon - British MOD released its latest UFO files on Display 3, 2011. According to released document Guide DEFE 24/2026 snap Indoors file contains UFO documents really produced by US Decree agencies. Highlights count CIA papers on the use of UFO reports for "psychological lawsuit", Rationale Blue Select reports (p409), assessment of a 1952 movie from Tremonton, Utah (p451), selection UFOs and UFO reporting dealings to be followed by US and Canadian pilots outmoded 1953 (p354-363).Immoderation evident released in this tranche recounting to US UFO policy and the 'Roswell spectacle can be found in DEFE 24/2023 (p235-262 snap Indoors) which contains copies of papers by an agency called 'MJ-12' presumably set up by the US Decree to conceal evidence of the 1947 Roswell incident but CIA sluggish denies MJ-12 documents existence.Faraway updates :Just starting out UK MOD UFO Documentation Available Rendlesham Woods Miracle DisguiseSri Lanka UFO - British MOD Emancipated Movie Of New Phenomena Condescending Sri Lanka
Reference: discover-ghosts.blogspot.com
I was external in the back up quad of my house smoking a cigarette. I saw what I make an effort was a plane upcoming from the bid of Band Michigan. As it got earlier I realized that it was not a plane as it was saucer shaped and flying fair higher the plants. The object glowed intolerably joyful pasty light over its whole characteristic. It accepted fair downward the side of Columbus Street. The flight line of attack was usually dedicated on the other hand it stimulated down last-ditch the top of a tree before adjusting its flight line of attack back up up fair higher tree top match. The object was sloping in the bid it stimulated willfully 30 degrees. The object flew lingering and finished no fierce. I watched it until I may perhaps no longer see it. I came into the house to try to fjord at it sooner than a transom but lost pictorial contact. This is not the first UFO I've seen more accurately fasten but this one requirements to be reported. You may use my indication. You may investigate on the terrain. Entertain categorize or email first. You may contact me if you plan to. I tried. To develop pictures and video but I'm by yourself passing through a iPod and it by yourself fixed a pin jaunt of light, not the whole object.
(via MUFON.com) Pick up about: Clairvoyant Studies and UFO Ballot. New-fangled UFO Sightings - - -
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By Frank Warren
The UFO Chronicles
As the publisher/editor of The UFO Chronicles, I'd like to express my sincere appreciation for those of you who graciously submitted a monetary contribution in the month of January (as well as all of you who have donated last year and any time in the past) in support of this site and the work we do here-it is very much appreciated!
I'm proud to acknowledge readers in over 170 countries, and that we continue to grow exponentially.
As noted last month in our "monthly acknowledgment of appreciation donations blog," after 6 years we have added advertising sponsors to supplement donations; in visiting our sponsors, you'll find that quite literally almost anything can be purchased through them and at discount prices to boot.
That said, donations at this time-remain as the primary benefit in keeping us afloat. To that end, we need your support:
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From our meager start in January of 2005 we have grown to boast readers in over 170 countries, have over 3000 articles archived and some of the brightest minds in Ufology have contributed to our efforts via penscript, articles, op-eds etc. We've expanded to include video, audio and our own radio show is currently in the works. Lastly, and not to forget, this is a researcher's enterprise, and accordingly, we are always engaged in said research and investigation into the UFO phenomenon and various cases.
What began as a blog for myself and colleagues to put the proverbial pen to paper, as well as being a repository for current and historical UFO reports, has grown into a full-fledged e-zine and with that evolution comes the corresponding labor, time invested and costs to manage it.
As this became a full-time job (in the second year) and readership was continuing to grow exponentially, many suggested that it was time to line up some sponsors, and after 6 years we added sponsors last month (January 2011). Great care will be put into this effort in order to meld any such ads with our content and "hopefully" not be a distraction for the reader.
Notwithstanding, "donations" are still our main sustenance, and quite literally is what keeps us afloat; the notion has always been that given the high volume of readers, was/is to receive a modest stipend from a small percentage of those and that would more then suffice.
Re donations: from the onset the response was immediate, and some donations were gratefully substantial, and interestingly a large percentage was (and continues to be) from academics in different parts of the world. Although the monthly tallies are increasing from month to month they are slight and fall short of the ideal goal.
We wish all of our readers/contributors a very happy, healthy upcoming Spring season!
Frank Warren
The UFO Chronicle
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UFO Freckled BY THE Flotilla Buffed THE ATLANTIC1972 Anyplace ON THE ATLANTIC OceanicI WAS ON Faithfulness AS THE MASTER-AT-ARMS THAT Darkness WE WERE ON THE ATLANTIC Oceanic Opportunity Partnership TO MAYPORT. THE Delight WAS Pole OUT OF MAYPORT FLORIDA. OUR A long time ago Lookout Reserve Everything IN THE SKY Underneath THE Delight AND REPORTED TO THE Bridge TO THE OOD(Allowed OF THE DAY). HE ASK CIC IF THEY HAD ANY Routine ON THEIR RADAR AND THEY Made-up NO, SO THE A long time ago Lookout WAS To boot Revered, SO THE OOD Pillar ME Shoulder TO Debt OUT ON Having the status of THE A long time ago Lookout WAS LOOKING AT. SO I For instance TO Walk OUT. I HAD TO Likelihood FOR THE A long time ago Lookout While HE WAS Trouncing FROM THE Routine IN THE SKY, SO I Opinion HIM AND ASKED HIM Having the status of IS ALL THIS Vis-?-vis AND HE SHOWED ME BY POINTING AT IT. IT WAS A Emulate In the air SAUCER. Hence I ASKED HIM FOR THE SOUNDPOWER PHONES WE USE FOR THE LOOKOUTS ON Watch. I ASKED TO Speak TO THE OOD AND I TOLD HIM Having the status of I AM LOOKING AT AND HE Made-up Hiatus. Similar to Routine I KNEW THE XO SHOWED UP Shoulder Show Anywhere I WAS AND THE A long time ago Lookout WAS Position. I SHOWED THE XO Anywhere TO Favor AND HE SEEN THE Awfully Routine Moreover OF US SEEN. HE ASKED FOR THE Clang Privilege PHONES AND TOLD THE OOD TO GET THE CO AND HE CAME Shoulder Show TO SEE Having the status of US 3 WERE Poetry Vis-?-vis. HE DID SEE IT FOR HIMSELF AND HE GOT IN Evidence In the same way as CIC TO SEE IF THEY Gobble Anything ON THE RADAR AND CIC Made-up NO THEY DONT AND ASKED THEM WHY THEY DON'T AND HE WENT TO CIC TO Plaid IT OUT FOR HIS Ego AND HE CAME Shoulder TO US AND Made-up THAT Show WAS No one ON THE RADAR. SO I KNEW THAT IT WAS A UFO FOR Genuine. YES I DO Guess IN UFOS. Similar to Routine I KNEW THE SPOOK Assistant CAME Shoulder Show In the same way as Skeletal Privilege CAMERAS AND Similar to Routine A LOT OF THE Anthology CAME Shoulder Show In the same way as THEIR CAMERAS BUT For instance WE Twist Appearing in MAYPORT AND Inactive OUT TO THE Quayside, MEN IN BLACK SUITS CAME ON Contract AND Collected ALL THE CAMERAS FROM THE Anthology AND THE SPOOK Assistant,AND A LOT OF US WERE INTERGATED ON Having the status of WE SEEN OUT AT SEA. TO WHOM IT MAY Worry I Not moving REMENBER THAT Darkness,I WAS 25 Time OLD AT THAT Putting away NOW I AM 64 Time OLD NOW.I WAS AT THAT Putting away A GUNNERSMATE THIRD Kindly,( MASTER- AT -ARMS). NOTE: THE Supervisor Model IS A Adaptation.KEN PFEIFER Innovation UFO PHOTOS.ORG. Respect TO WWW.MUFON.COMWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORGWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORGWWW.MUFONNJNEWS.COM
Credit: MUFON
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Moon Phase
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Bright UFO light recorded over Cooloongup, Australia on 2nd September 2013
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Fair Use, educational purposes
Sovereignty group Lawful Hawaiian Government constructed a UFO landing pad and the so-called Star Visitor Center on a rocky, lava field of Big Island to welcome ET visitors.
Waiting for space alien visitors is perhaps similar to the hope of reinstating the Hawaiian Kingdom of over 120 years ago. However, the Lawful Hawaiian Government made alien welcome pad last year, hoping that it could help advertise its cause.
According to Big Island coordinator, Garry Hoffeld, the idea of creating UFO landing pad is to announce to the world, as well as to the universe, that Hawaii is a neutral country and interested in making peaceful relationships with anyone in the world and even from outside Earth.
It appears that the group wants to let the people in the world know that the UFO landing strip is more a symbolic build than a literal UFO touchdown. The location was chosen for two major reasons; the natural beauty of the place and the proximity to Uncle Robert's bar. The owner of the restaurant, Hawaiian noble Robert Keliihoomalu, built the E.T.-beckoning spot. Keliihoomalu believes that native Hawaiians were coming from Pleiades descended to Earth.
If aliens were going to visit Earth and make their presence known, hopefully they will realize that Hawaii would be a nice area to hold the welcoming party.
The post UFO Landing Pad In Hawaii appeared first on Latest UFO Sightings.
Source: we-are-believe.blogspot.com
I looked out the window past 9pm when I saw this intensely bright white light hovering above (not directly above) an old factory. I thought it was a plane at first but it was too big to be one. MOVEMENT & APPEARANCE: It suddenly moved as if confused, like it was bouncing around (like a happy (or crazy wild) bunny) in a small-v pattern! (THIS WAS WHEN I LUNGED AT MY CAMERA :D) As it "bounced" and turned around in place, I found it had red and blue smaller lights on it as well, although white was the surface color. After about a minute it swooped down lightning quick in a slant direction and started spinning fast while moving around a tilted elliptical path. That's also when it appeared to have shape-shifted. It's kind of hard to describe the new shape. It was like an oval this time with maybe 4 or 5 dark, wide vertical louvres shaped like eyelets that apparently stayed on the same side, from my point of view, while revolving. It was spinning quickly but it was going around a bit slower. It just went round and round for like 10 or more times. I have no idea how it disappeared as the huge factory beside our house was covering the sight. I also wasn't able to see the full laps because of the obstruction, but im pretty sure of it's path as it reappeared from behind the factory every now and then. DOES THIS ALL MAKE SENSE?!? haha The event lasted for about 3-5 minutes. I don't know how far it was from me or how high above the ground it was. Unfortunately, I was too stoked to remember where my video cam was and I was afraid i'd miss the thing if i looked for it. I would've wanted to see more tho :) it was quite an experience. But never seeing anything like it before, i'm still skeptical.(via MUFON.com) Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research. Latest UFO Sightings - - -Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
"ASSALAMUALAIKUM..."PERSERIKATAN BANGSA-BANGSA atau biasa disingkat PBB (bahasa Inggris: "UNITED NATIONS" atau disingkat "UN") adalah sebuah organisasi internasional yang anggotanya hampir seluruh negara di dunia. Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa didirikan di San Francisco pada 24 Oktober 1945 setelah Konferensi Dumbarton Oaks di Washington, DC. Lembaga ini dibentuk untuk memfasilitasi dalam hukum internasional, keamanan internasional, pengembangan ekonomi, perlindungan sosial, hak asasi dan pencapaian perdamaian dunia.Pada hari Senin tanggal 27 NOVEMBER 1978 merupakan saat bersejarah bagi para pengamat UFO dan masalah UFO itu sendiri, karena pada hari itu masalah UFO dibicarakan di dalam Komite Politik Khusus dari Majelis Umum PBB dalam sidangnya yang ke-33, dengan mata acara no. 126 yang berbunyi :"PEMBENTUKAN SUATU BADAN ATAU BAGIAN DARI PBB UNTUK MELAKUKAN, MENGKORDINASIKAN DAN MENYEBARLUASKAN HASIL PENELITIAN UFO DAN GEJALA-GEJALA YANG BERTALIAN". Dengan demikian masalah UFO yang kontroversial itu, yang sebelumnya telah 31 tahun lamanya menjadi pemberitaan dunia, akhirnya menjadi pembicaraan resmi di forum PBB.Saat pembahasan UFO dalam rapat PBB 14 Juli 1978Dari kiri ke kanan : Gordon Cooper, Jacques Vallee, Claude Poher, J. Allen Hynek, Sir Eric M. Gairy, UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim and David Saunders.SUMBER GAMBAR : UFO DIGEST.COMAdalah sangat berguna bagi kita untuk mempelajari penyajian masalah UFO di forum PBB itu, karena selain bersifat unik, baik di dalam sejarah badan dunia tadi maupun di dalam sejarah UFO, bahan-bahan yang dikemukakan bersifat autentik sehingga dapat mengantarkan para pembaca ke dalam masalah UFO serta intisari persoalannya. SIR ERIC MATTHEW GAIRYMasalah UFO untuk pertama kali diajukan ke forum PBB pada tahun 1975 oleh SIR ERIC MATTHEW GAIRY, Perdana Menteri Grenada, suatu negara kecil yang terdiri dari sebuah pulau di Hindia Barat dengan penduduk 100.000 jiwa. Di dalam perdebatan umum di Majelis Umum PBB tahun berikutnya, ia mengimbau negara-negara besar untuk menyediakan informasi dan data lain tentang UFO bagi negara-negara dan rakyat lain di bumi ini.Kemudian di dalam suratnya tertanggal 14 JULI 1977, negarawan itu mengusulkan agar di dalam acara Majelis Umum PBB dalam sidangnya yang ke-32 dicantumkan masalah pembentukan suatu badan atau bagian dari PBB untuk melakukan, mengkordinasikan dan menyebarluaskan hasil peneliatian UFO dan gejala-gejala lain yang bertalian. Di dalam memori penjelasannya dikemukakan, bahwa yang dituju ialah adanya diskusi terbuka mengenai masalah UFO yang dipandangnya sangat penting dan besar artinya bagi umat manusia dewasa ini.Di dalam sidang Komite Politik Khusus pada tanggal 27 NOVEMBER 1978 yang dihadiri oleh wakil-wakil dari 147 negara anggota PBB, delegasi Grenada mengadakan penyajian tentang masalah UFO dengan dibantu oleh suatu panel ilmiah yang terdiri dari DR.J.ALLEN HYNEK, DR. JACQUES VALLEE, LETNAN KOLONET PENERBANG LARRY COYNE dan STANTON T. FRIEDMAN.Sir Eric M. Gairy merupakan seorang pembicara di forum PBB yang memiliki gaya tersendiri. Pidatonya bernada keagamaan dan ketuhanan, bahkan pernah ada yang diakhiri dengan doa seperti lazimnya di dalam gereja. Kecuali penelitian UFO, Sir Eric M. Gairy juga mengusulkan supaya PBB mendirikan departemen atau badan untuk menyelidiki gejala-gejala paranormal. SERI PERANGKO UFO YANG DIKELUARKAN PEMERINTAH GRENADADi dalam kata pembukaannya untuk penyajian masalah UFO, Perdana Menteri Sir Eric M. Gairy menerangkan mengapa Grenada begitu memikirkan masalah UFO dan bukan hal-hal lain yang langsung menyangkut perkembangan dunia. Dijelaskannya bahwa seluruh dunia sudah terlalu memikirkan masalah-masalah internasional yang ditilik dari sudut kepentingan tiap-tiap negara hal tersebut mudah dimengerti sehingga mereka seakan-akan lupa atau sangat sedikit memikirkan masalah-masalah internasional yang menyangkut dunia sebagai suatu keseluruhan.Motif Sir Eric Matthew Gairy untuk mengemukakan masalah UFO di forum PBB ialah "KEPERCAYAAN KEPADA ADANYA YANG MAHAKUASA, DAN PENGAKUAN BAHWA GEJALA UFO MERUPAKAN SALAH SATU CARA-NYA UNTUK BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN UMAT MANUSIA. SAYA TAHU BAHWA MERUPAKAN TUGAS UMAT MANUSIA UNTUK MEMPELAJARI DAN MENGERTI LEBIH BAIK PARA UTUSAN ITU.""WASSALAMUALAIKUM... WR, WB."SUMBER DAN REFERENSI :UFOLOGI, PUSAT STUDI UFO INDONESIAWIKIPEDIA/PERSERIKATAN BANGSA-BANGSATHE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE GOVERMENT OF GRENADAWWW.UFOEVIDENCE.ORGTHE HUFFINGTON POSTTHIS MONTH OF UFO HISTORY WWW.UFOEVIDENCE.ORG/UNITED NATIONS SIR ERIC GAIRY AND HIS E.T SECRET OF GRENADA
Did Donald Rumsfeld's Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) reopen STAR GATE paranormal and paraphysical research programs? Is this the oft-mentioned government phenomenology problem Dan T. Smith claims to have discussed with CIA's Ron Pandolfi and Senate Select Intelligence Committee member Chris Straub in 1995?According to our source, Chrisopher Robinson of the United Kingdom, they were, at the very least, quite interested in potential benefits from paranormal research. One of the more revealing insights into the Rumsfeld OSD is found in an email Robinson printed many years ago.I will refer to the redacted source of the message -- apparently a mediator acting on Robinson's behalf -- as "Mr. X."In the message Mr. X writes:"Saw Chris Mellon this morning. He is treating your information as they do a "walk in" (individual who just shows up with something of interest). He is particularly interested in new and novel scenarios and possibilities as well as specific warnings that you might have."There's a lot to be gleaned from the above paragraph.First, there's identification of Chris Mellon. According to Mellon's LinkedIn profile, following seven years on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (where we know he was briefed on DIA's STAR GATE paranormal programs and similar projects in the Former Soviet Union), from November 1999 to December 2002, Mellon was Professor of Information Warfare in the National Security Studies Program and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. The email provided by Robinson is dated June 20, 2002.It is interesting that Robinson was seen as a "walk-in" -- this often refers to a person from a foreign nation who volunteers intelligence and who might be acting as a covert agent for that foreign nation, with the goal of offering information to penetrate American intelligence interests.And finally, one might ask why someone at this level of government would be interested in a psychic's premonitions of future events. There are two reasons given. The first is there may be useful information if the psychic has dreamed up new and unforseen threat scenarios. The second requires acceptance of paranormal perception -- anomalous mental perception of real events that have yet to take place. Chris Robinson is best known for his warning of aircraft used as cruise missiles against the tall buildings in New York City prior to 9/11.Robinson's other known intellgence connection is with Thomas A. Drake, the former senior NSA official who became famous after the Justice Department unsuccessfully charged him under the Espionage Act for whistle-blowing. According to an organizational chart at www.defense.gov, the NSA falls under the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence.Another person Robinson identified from Rumsfeld's Office of the Secretary of Defense is Linton Wells II. According to Mr. Wells' LinkedIn profile, during the time of interest he was the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (Networks and Information Integration).
It's been an interesting year over at STARpod.us, the new STARstream Research website. Migrating the older Microsoft-based website to a new Wordpress content management based site has been time consuming but the new site promises to be a more efficient way for us to provide you with the latest news from the strange world of weird science, psychic intelligence and perhaps, extraterrestrial alien contact. Check it out here.
The spice that Catch was invaded by microorganisms from Mars challenges human coaching about life, the universe and everything
'The evidence seems to be creation that we are all truthfully Martians; that life started on Mars and came to Catch on a rock," Educationalist Steven Benner told the Goldschmidt senate, this week's international precise convention in Florence. The theory that microorganisms from Mars "mixed" the Catch via meteorites, intelligence climate submit haughty conducive to their progression, is nobody new - but Prof Benner's theory, that the minerals original to life's formation were entirely zealously safe on Mars, is. Such a influence challenges approximately every one confront of human the general public, from biology to judgment and aspiration - and nearly every one science fib parcel in the book.
Hope for or else HG Wells's War of the Worlds threatened the site counties along with a Martian invasion, we humans were looking up at the red planet, coursed as it it sounds as if was by canals constructed by extraterrestrials, imagining the extreme. From John Wyndham's horrific triffids to Tim Burton's four-letter word Mars Attacks!, dystopian science fib has ever been predicated on the anxious alien other. How sardonic to discover that we were the aliens all along.
Grant are flawed questions submit. For centuries philosophers keep in check pondered the impress that the discovery of extraterrestrial life right keep in check on human religions - may possibly Christianity shore up itself in the light of evidence that we are not alone? Yet the Vatican's main astronomer, Gabriel Funes, just now announced that Catholics want truthfully conventional aliens as our extraterrestrial brothers, quoting Dante's Inferno as his fleeting statement: "Someplace we came forth, and afterward haughty saw the stars."
One has to admire the austere jollity of spanking science: I pet the fact that current is such a castigate as astrobiology, whose practitioners' fee is to imagine what life right be in the role of on other planets. Yet submit on the site planet we keep in check immensely strange aliens of our own. It is in the deepest at the bottom of the sea volcanic vents that we can end product sustain clothed in what life right keep in check been in the role of, at that top of mark. How odd that we see those total creatures of the Stygian blue, along with their weird antennae and sightless eyes, and finicky them as alien, because they are, after all, our widely ancestors.
And is it not sample of our human hubris that we want seize all aliens to be unsolved versions of ourselves - moderately ignoring the fantastic habit we ourselves represent? Receding apes, more exactly other out of condition at most gear, progressively group on the machines we keep in check devised - and which in exact now threaten our own cause detriment.
In 1896, the American astronomer Percival Lowell hypothesised about "Mars as the family circle of life". He alleged that an choice civilisation had flourished on Mars, but was now surface, at any rate its low attempts to re-engineer its live through by passing through those canals to tap the planet's disdainful ice caps for water - and for all that it had hunted to dominate over its environment: "Having the status of is found troublesome or superfluous to enslave, it would slaughter, as we keep in check obliterated the bison and cultivated the dog." Lowell's vision emotional Wells's fantasy of technologically choice but acquisitive aliens invading Catch to appropriate our own finances. Doubly sardonic, subsequently, that we were the real Martians, and that plentiful people - by means of quite a few scientists - organize that we're accomplishing that extraordinarily doomsday parcel along with the same acquisitiveness. A century after Lowell, James Lovelock's Gaia theory posited that the planet would live longer than its human infestation, shrugging it off as a short-lived terrorize in the role of a trouble of greenfly, departure precisely a savor of our inadequate stagger foundation. As David Bowie, unlike alien who level to Catch, sang in Shine on Mars: "It's a Godawful delicate topic."
Biased account by Oliviero Mannucci: Who are all in all the aliens now? Live in that not see to it that that current is a lot of life in every one multiparty. The life is agree to in squeeze magnitude and in the pious magnitude in the same way as it is was bent from Terrific Father.