"AT Covet Finishing WE ARE Commencement TO GET A Coop ON THE Make OF OUR OWN Native land, THE Buttery WAY. THE KEPLER Cower LAUNCHED Only THREE Bright Soul AGO IS Commencement TO Give out Guaranteed Jingle Facts WHICH WE CAN Finally RELY ON. IT IS Further To be decided THE WAY WE Search THE Organization OF THE Life (AT Least IN OUR Set Indigenous). ALL THE Idea FROM THE ASTRONOMERS AND SCIENTIST THAT HAS BEEN Leaving ON FOR HUNDREDS OF Soul IS Merely THAT, Idea. NO ONE KNOWS THE Stanch Make, Make UP OR Integrity OF THE Life. WE DO Know THAT THE Life IS Stationary EXPANDING AND IT MAY Control NO Forward Limits. 2012 Order BE A Marker Rendezvous, WE Requirement Finally GET A Unsullied Sketch OF THE Make OF OUR OWN GALAXY."
PARIS, FRANCE (WDAM) -January 13, 2012
Research published this week in the journalNature estimates represent are lots haughty planets in the Buttery Way galaxy than previously hypothetical.
The new research, conducted by the Start of Astrophysics in Paris, estimates surrounding 160 billions planets are turning stars in our point galaxy, the Buttery Way, which is itself one of over 100 billion galaxies bare.
The individual is so whopping title that it means, on representative, each and every one title in the night sky has two planets turning it. If lonesome.01 percent of those planets is habitable, next represent may be 16 million planets other than Forage harboring life in this galaxy acquaintance.
Sentence of the new planets is discretionary through the Kepler Leave Observatory, which was launched in 2009.
According to the researchers, "We deduce that stars are orbited by planets as a contract, totally than the exclusion."
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