Thing TWO OF THREE BY JORGE MART'iN - C. 2011. ALL Citizenship Stiff. In this moment article we play new data, jointly next a photo and an critique of it in full-color images, which air to delay our hypothesis on the enfant terrible of gigantic portals or wormholes in the sky over Puerto Rico. Choice WORMHOLES IN LAJAS, PUERTO RICO: Greeting AND Analyze Mrs. Wanda Zapata, who resides in the town of Lajas (south-western territory of Puerto Rico), took three digital photographs of no matter which inquiring that appeared high in the sky in the commencement of April 3, 2009, at 10:11 am, in gulf Lajas Arriba, in the Lajas town. The images showed no matter which next an unanswered prototype, as she might not pennon it, she said it might be a UFO. Fit by her we examined the images and found superlatively exciting details in them. For purposes of this article we order play up in photo #1, shown less than. Eminent we cropped the design where the defect was, greater than before it in roundness and gave it a settle of 1, 800 dots per inch. Stuck-up the spacecraft organize was what looked choose a crowd of gush, and moreover what looked choose a quick colorless cloud. Uncommon less important cloud was noticeable less than of it. But we moreover saw that what initially seemed to be a foster was actually an extensive shapeless thing which seemed to have at its flabbergast center a mysterious opening, as in the case of the photo subject by Mr. Vi'ictor Rom'an in Aguadilla, and the one subject by the Dr.Walter Cott'e in Lajas, which we showed and discussed in break on 1 of this series of articles. In arrears that we subjected the image to the solarization digital antiseptic and subsequently to poles apart repeal of the color tones, which approved a clearer opinion of it, as well as of a sizeable light cabaret area spherical of it. Any, a 'tube-like' or 'tunnel-like' sheet was noticeable prophetic backwards from the rift or opening during the zone next gush, steam or colorless gas. We later submitted the image to the digital antiseptic to reveal the edges and profiles of the shapes in images, and on its head the color tones, and re-confirmed the ghost of each the rift and the 'tube-like'structure prophetic in imitation of of it. In arrears that we subjected the ensuing image to the antiseptic to explain the edges, and the finding was closely out of this world, as the opening was favorably noticeable in a three-dimensional found, and it might be seen how each the opening and the 'tube-like' sheet totally connected next the cloud and shove crowd in the fund of the phenomenon, where the other end of the tube or tunnel-like sheet might be observed involving to (we start to have) poles apart tad in the universe. Any, an area of a very strong light cabaret was noticeable and favorably fastidious spherical the opening of the phenomenon, which might meet to an superlatively sizeable gravitational force caused by the uncomplimentary or unexpected shove that shy organized and separation the parapet of the tunnel, ' channel 'or ravine ' of the accepted foster of the wormhole. Donate was no be painful about it, Ms. Wanda Velez had captured in her picture the articulation of poles apart gigantic wormhole or dimensional overhang in the sky over the area of the town of Lajas. CORROBORATIVE Trial (Along with Diverse Invariable News bulletin WE Store up IN OUR Assay Store) In these articles we have shown what we start to have are the first pictures that show on top any be painful, the articulation of gigantic wormholes in Earth's mood, and how they are being hand-me-down by incisive beings from other parts of our accepted universe or a parallel universe, to enter our zone of the universe, respectable in the sky over the grazing land of the archipelago of Puerto Rico. But out-of-the-way from that, in our research files we have a store of testimonies by pouring witnesses who coupled to us measures observed by them in patent parts of the Puerto Rican grazing land which air to be coupled to this exceedingly type of portals or wormholes. One afternoon in January 1991, Mr. Roberto Rivera, who lives in the fishing town of Boquer'on, in Cabo Rojo (moreover in the south-west of Puerto Rico), was leaden his car at the end of Highway #303, which passes in fore of the base of the standard radar blimp -( in Olivares gulf, positioned in the town of Lajas) and continues on to Las Palmas gulf. As he was about to enter Las Palmas gulf he observed no matter which very inquiring that was leaving on out at sea in a spot south of the area of La Pitaya, but not too far from the seashore. According to Rivera, a sizeable submarine wiliness was on the texture of the sea, and close to it, to its respectable, was a big ship from US Shores Reduce Give support to. Proficient in fore of each ships organize was huge colorless cloud which looked sizeable "...and had a local component", according to Mr. Rivera.. Abrupt, two military jets appeared in the area, which to the get the drift looked choose F-16s from the US Squadron. The jets finished a quantity of circular passes over the submarine, the Shores Reduce wiliness, and the nameless cloud, AND In arrears THAT Whichever JETS FLEW Proficient Concerning THE Considerable Flock... AND DISAPPEARED! No request from their engines was heard anymore. Nil. Rivera was flabbergasted by the cabaret, and waited to see if the jets came out over from the cloud, but they did not. He might not start to have what had just happened. It was insurmountable. "Twitchy and preoccupied, Mr. Rivera confirmed, I delightful to tell band what was participating in, but I was alone at the time on that road, and I was moreover attentive by this advance cabaret, and delightful to see if the jets re-appeared over, but guesswork this might occur the same as looking for band and I ability miss it, so I dangerous to falter organize and continue." He waited for a space of three hours, and zero happened. BUT Abrupt THE JETS String WAS HEARD Anew, AND THEY RE-APPEARED Anew Yet to come OUT FROM THE Proficient Bough OF THE Considerable Strange Flock, leaving the area without delay, flying to the east (probably to Roosevelt Broadcasting Maritime Location, positioned in the territory of Ceiba, in the east of Puerto Rico - actually not assiduous). In concert, the submarine wiliness underwater during the sea and was lost to opinion. The Shores Reduce ship moreover departed the area respectable after that, "...and the nameless pall flew departure during the sky, coiling unto itself, and in beneath than a twinkling departed from my opinion," Rivera told us. Being ensuing, a make conform approved patrolling the exceedingly road in Lajas witnessed a level incident from aristocratic or beneath exactly the exceedingly spot in which Rivera had parked his car verve above. 'Coincidentally', in Revered of that exceedingly engagement 1991 a sizeable come out of US military and US intelligence agencies employees took control of that exceedingly area and the area of the Cabo Rojo lighthouse to do nameless top-secret experiments next able-bodied exclusive electronic technology. They refused to inform the regional enterprise what they were piece of legislation at the site, stating that it was a accept of national deposit. As we order see in break on 3 of this series of articles, they were probably covertly investigating the articulation of the portals in the sky over the area, and their connection next the high alien-UFO activity in the grazing land of Puerto Rico. Register FROM THE AUTHOR: We ask human being who may have photos or videos obtained in Puerto Rico or abroad next images level to dwell in we are program in this series of articles, to disclose next us nonstop our e-mails, which are: martin.jorgemartin.jorge @ and pole us a prototypical of these evidences, to appraisal them. We'd moreover choose to argue your interpretation on the concrete discussed here.Understand by Thing 3 close. THESE Movie ARE Any ON Role Text IN THE Transmitter PHENOMENA Assay Guests Vista.5 ATTACHMENTS - Download all attachments (zipped for ) Repute all images WANDA V'eLEZ LAJAS Fault.JPG1928K Repute Download WANDA V'eLEZ SOL-INV.JPG1292K Repute Download WANDA V'eLEZ SOL-INV-GLOW.JPG2556K Repute Download WANDA V'eLEZ Find EDGES.JPG2914K Repute Download WANDA V'eLEZ Find EDGES - Flush EDGES.JPG2835K Repute Download
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