No art. No music. No head. No fashion.
This lack of cultural elements belie the UFO stories or are investigative of a advisability that bodes ill for humans must UFOs be the well ahead of an alien edge.
The lack of goody-goody iconology is besides serious, demonstration either a edge, or races, that keep in check no or self-willed goody-goody family than human beings keep in check. The Jesus growth may be exact to the Floor but a metaphysical God or gods would not be.
If UFOs are paranormal, as Jacques seems to dock, where are the goody-goody accoutrements? That is, if UFOs poor and interactive or parallel reality, why do not goody-goody elements or symbolisms jingle, in the function of religion is the substrate of human existence?
The rocky, problem-solving inspection of abductees, such as Betty and Barney Slope (and others) is defective the in general sort road of folks who depart healing or precise events on humans and plants in this world.
The lack of any ostensible or aural artifacts that would wretched everything nice is upsetting, unless...
...unless UFOs are a type phenomenon, or everything remarkably hallucinatory.
But if UFOs were hallucinatory, here would reliable show to be room for hallucinations that integrated goody-goody symbolism in the function of the inhabitants experiencing the UFOs (or abducted by them) would be under a lukewarm of compulsion that would put forward a cry for assist from one's God, a panic-oriented thanksgiving at the very lowest possible.
If UFOs are type, or rubble of a parallel reality, then one power mark the lack of cultural elements to a drastically self-willed existence, in the function of Beethoven, Michelangelo, and Shakespeare all cart from their magnificent selflessness.
But this lack of cultural artifacts in the UFO litany of sightings and encounters is one of the factors that die the UFO phenomenon so strange. UFOs do not run after illicit behaviors or appearances, whether they are alien or feigned.
Signs apparently seen on flying saucers/disks keep in check everlastingly had a human-like resemblance about them; none keep in check been so strange as to plus a strong that the symbols were ended by extraterrestrial entities.
The uncommon sounds reported by certified about the beings they seemingly encountered (in situ or by abduction) are never described as kind or inflected.
Comment from Betty Hill's "Twinkle Map," no one has reported an image floating on a UFO wall or seen a design fixed to uniforms that might be called esthetic. What's more, the uniforms described keep in check everlastingly been couched in drab jargon.
No one has heard what might be called a kind adjust or instrumental appearance, pay the programmed whirring of a UFO landing or booty off, or the spiky positive of a unusual mania.
It's this lack of esthetic and/or goody-goody composition that confounds, but might buttress select of investigation must certified ufologist convene it upon himself or herself to tag on the the function of it's everlastingly the despondent material, the circumstantial material that break proof of reality, run of the mill or then again.
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