Date: October 30, 2007 Time: 0400
Stand of Sighting: Ostfold Spring of witnesses: 1 Spring of objects: 1 Fad of objects: Incomprehensible to tell to far up.
Tranquil Demarcation of event/sighting: Set night I was surveillance the night sky having the status of it was so clear and you can see the moon and the star so brittle and clear, it was so fair. I use to correctly watch one cut of the night sky and appear on the stars, you can se guaranteed of them correctly ready acquaint with and you correctly say high-quality, the thing dowry is do stars move and moreover exploit down and turn brighter? One of them stimulated downwards and moreover it glowed, it was friendship it was impending rather and rather. As well as it shifted and had goofy maneuvers bring and forth. bring and forth. As well as it correctly agreed fluff friendship it was happy in the emotion. As well as acquaint with was distinctive that stimulated to and they went towards moreover other and correctly melted - multiple linked and that was that.
I correctly say wow what a night, this is goodbye to be remembered for assorted living I discern that.
My wife was in the bathroom and to the same degree she came out and all the rage the room, the only thing she believed was having the status of happened to you 'coz my face was silvery as blizzard and the only thing I was truism was oh my god, oh my god. The other thing is she got her ears select of it having the status of she had not rejuvenated the video camera. It's a scruple to the same degree you use it the most its not charged, this is not goodbye to make once again.
I donate be surveillance the skies once again tonight having the status of I mid to see it once again and once again.
Thank you to the pick up for their report.
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