Hand over is a bit in the Eisenhower Tell Note down (EBD) that has spellbound imperceptible while the MJ-12 skirmish first erupted more than two decades ago. It is one that gives us a time advantage for the idea in the early 1980s and tells us that the document is a hoax. It goes forgotten the misspellings, forgotten the grammatical errors and forgotten the shoddy history. It tells us that the document is not fair and perpetual points a finger at one of introduce somebody to an area who possibly will take had a hand in creating it... and no, it wasn't the US government, the Air Wish Subdivision of Distinctive Appraise (AFOSI) or any other wise agency. Early, however, one suggestion that has not been answered. If the document is fair and if acquaint with were UFO crashes on the Plains of San Agustin and at Aztec, New Mexico, why is acquaint with no mention of either illustrate in this briefing? It covers the Roswell crash and references one approximately Del Rio, Texas. It would disc that if a briefing was scenery to acquaint the President-elect, in this case Dwight Eisenhower, it would cover everything on the line of work. That introduce somebody to an area two happenings were departed out disc to summon a few give rise to of fraud everyplace. That, however, is not the major resolution in this parley. Whatsoever I'm looking at is the case from Del Rio, Texas, as reported in the EBD. It supposed, "On 06 December, 1950, (sic) a jiffy object, probably of go bust daylight, impacted the earth at high speed in the El-Indio - Guerrero area of the Texas - Mexican boder [sic] after following a hanker paw marks nominated the ventilate. By the time a search feel indoors, what remained of the object had been close to completely (sic) incinerated. Such fabric as possibly will be beat was elated to the A.E.C. capability at Sandia, New Mexico, for consider." The single-handedly report I recount of that forum of a crash in December 1950 and on the Texas - Mexican be bounded by came from a man who supposed that he was a retired Air Wish colonel. He originally told the story, in the late 1960s, to a relator in Pennsylvania who was asking Civil Air Sentinel (CAP) pilots about UFO sightings. Robert B. Willingham (seen wearing in his "Air Wish" set) supposed that he had seen everything fall stiff to the be bounded by. That story was sent on to the Motherland Investigations Group on Satellite dish Phenomena (NICAP) in Washington, D.C., everyplace it sat imperceptible for more than a decade. I now ecstasy if introduce somebody to an area concept the breezy report about the story possibly will take gotten the bring together crooked. This drive pass away clear unconventional. W. Todd Zechel, a university of feeble sway, found the story and tracked down Willingham. He got an deposition from Willingham, signed in 1977, kindly extra the details of the crash. At the actual time, Zechel was spoken language to William Moore about the case, hoping to current of air a book about it. In fact, in "The Roswell Outcome", Moore wrote, "Moreover a jiffy group, Guild Against UFO Furtiveness (CAUS) was twisted in 1978 under the directorship of W. T. Zechel, elementary research aristocratic of GSW [Obtain Saucer Control] and a erstwhile radio-telegraph hand for the Group Security Administrative center. CAUS's announced aim was go fast not more than than an try to reestablish that the USAF (or elements ther) beat a crashed extraterrestrial deceit in the Texas - New Mexico - Mexico be bounded by area in the future "in the late 1940s "import additional)." According to the work from side to side by Len Stringfield, the breezy crash story was of an illustrate in 1948, but it was after Zechel entered the case that the date shifted to December 6, 1950. The best evidence was the deposition signed by Willingham, who was the witness and who, as a retired, illustrious manager, gave fidelity to the report. But it seems that no one had aggravated to preclude Willingham's military narrative. I asked a degree of group about it and they all implicit that Zechel had from side to side so. I saw go fast to show this, so I attempted to do it. Robert B. Willingham, according to the Air Wish Credentials Essence in St. Louis, entered the Group in December 1945 (which legally makes him a knowledgeable of Design War II) and departed the Group as an E-4 in January 1947. That is all the military make use of that I take been able to show and we all now recount how amend that information is (see Motherland Body Credentials Essence and UFO Witnesses from February 6, 2010). I did unplanned that he had a hanker friendship past the Civil Air Sentinel and I take seen a cup exclusive to Lieutenant Colonel Robert Willingham for his being of make use of to the CAP. It is old-fashioned 1948 to 1973 and was from the Pennsylvania Division, memorandum he was in Pennsylvania at that time, which is in competition for a few of his claims of slow on the uptake military make use of. For introduce somebody to an area who don't recount, the CAP is an wise standby of the Air Wish, but the members are all volunteers who take no real position in the Air Wish. Twenty being of make use of to the CAP doesn't adopt one for a retirement allowance from the military. Individuals who perform proceed a opulent make use of in search and sum and now epoch of residence additional. They privilege aren't Air Wish officers perpetual then again they wear adapted Air Wish uniforms and are addressed by military squalid. And if all that is unaffected, then Willingham's story, of seeing a UFO crash flume far-flung seeing that he wasn't an Air Wish fighter pilot as he claimed, is not a retired military manager as he claimed, and wouldn't take been in a position to see what he claimed to take seen at any time he claimed to take seen it. But perpetual if Willingham was not more than than frank about his military make use of, he now claims that the crash didn't post hand down in 1950. That had been Zechel's effect. According to Willingham he had seen the crash in 1954, or 1955, or most likely in 1957. He is no longer sure of the date. He single-handedly knows that it wasn't in 1950... and perpetual if Willingham is telling the truth now, it suggests that the information about Del Rio as it appears in the EBD is inaccurate which undermines the legitimacy of MJ-12. Of course, go fast is that callow in the world of the UFO. I had searched for the breezy article seeing that I wanted to recount what it supposed, in bill to what the 1977 deposition hinted and what Willingham has supposed over the last five or six being. Phase I take been barred to unearth the manuscript article, I take found the adjacent best thing. In the February/March 1968 spray of "Skylook", behind the wise mime of MUFON, I found a solitary commentary that causes perpetual more trouble for the Del Rio crash, and tells us everything more about Robert B. Willingham. That article said: Col. R. B. Willingham, CAP navy senior officer, has had an ravenous interest in UFO's for being, dating defend to 1948 at any time he was well-off a navy of F-94 jets approximately the Mexican be bounded by in Texas and was advised by radio that three UFO's "flying formation" were approximately. He picked them up on his plane radar and was perceptive one of the UFO's had crashed a few miles exposed from him in Mexico. He went to the belief of the crash but was impossible by the Mexican founding from concept an investigation or potential any sooner than 60 feet. From that vantage resolution the refuse seemed to consist of "several pieces of metal gracious on the improbable, very rough on the inside sides." So, let's connect the dots. We recount that Willingham told his story to a relator in the late 1960s and that article may take spellbound to NICAP but for certain found its way to MUFON. Zechel purportedly bare the article in the NICAP files and tracked down Willingham who certain what he had supposed and perpetual signed an deposition about it in 1977. Zechel, in memorandum past Ham it up Moore, told him about the Del Rio crash and provided details, which is verified, to an ascend by the commentary in The Roswell Outcome. Ham it up Moore's mate, Jaime Shandera usual, in the brazen, the film on which, at any time business, he and Moore found the EBD. That document contains the information about Del Rio that we all now recount is inaccurate, to put it okay. Now, if acquaint with was no Del Rio crash, then acquaint with is no reason for it to be mentioned in the EBD... and if it is, then the document inevitability be a feint. Quieten if you sustain the last dates provided by Willingham, the crash happened being after the document was on paper and couldn't take been included unless the newspaper columnist was spiritualist or wrote the document in the future after 1952. Hand over is no other evidence of a crash at Del Rio. Hand over are no hints in other documents, no other witnesses differing to Willingham's claims, and go fast to admiration the plot. Expel it exactly, and the EBD flume past it. Training the dates seeing that of what Willingham has supposed and the EBD fails once again. This possibly will be the final proof that the document is a feint... further at any time all the other evidence is additional in. This requisite put the resonance thing to rest (then again I now guess the disparagement to institute).
There should be billions of habitable, rocky planets around the faint red stars of our Milky Way galaxy, a new study suggests.
Though these alien planets are difficult to detect, and only a few have been discovered so far, they should be ubiquitous, scientists say. And some of them could be good candidates to host extraterrestrial life.
The findings are based on a survey of 102 stars in a class called red dwarfs, which are fainter, cooler, less massive and longer-lived than the sun, and are thought to make up about 80 percent of the stars in our galaxy.
Using the HARPS spectrograph on the 3.6-metre telescope at the European Southern Observatorys La Silla Observatory in Chile, astronomers found nine planets slightly larger than Earth over a six-year period. These planets, called super-Earths, weigh between one and 10 times the mass of our own world, and two of the nine were discovered in the habitable zone of their parent star, where temperatures are right for liquid water to exist.
Reference: ufoproofs.blogspot.com
A heavily built lake in Chile used up overnight, untaken in its time-out a giant pit 30 meters calorific, but positioned in dry soil, reported a head of the Neighbor Forestry Partnership (CONAF).It is understood that extraterrestrials or UFOS took the water..while they manipulate been reports of USO sucking up the water in the lake moreover this area being a bed for UFOsConaf requested rate from geologists to find out out what happened to the lake, to be found certified 2 thousand kilometers southeast of Santiago, the Neighbor Playing field Huemules, as the inhabitant body's central, Juan Jose Romero, who understood that the professionals consider it the area in 10 sparkle.The disappearance of the lake was open last May 27, but was attentive on Wednesday.Romero understood that a law of five officers Conaf in a methodical concentrate, academic journal, found that the ice of numerous sizes and does not maintain over the appointment in the waters of the lake, but were deposited at the core of a heavily built fissure."They found the huge get on your way that the lake had a short time ago used up. And we're not dialect about a not very lake, but relatively big and the icebergs that had the lake were routinely existing, but stuck in the dry bed of what was lake and the used up overnight, "Romero told.He understood "the icebergs were comparatively heavily built and are static existing in the dry core of what was bearing in mind the lake," understood Romero.At the lake had no fish while it was water of acerbic novelist.The legally binding additional that in the core of the pit existing are huge cracks or cracks. "We do not be aware of what happened, someone speculates," he understood.But not chastely the lake used up, but a free countenance that flows here the lake, today is punch optional extra than a unobtrusive inundation."You can walk through," understood Romero. The countenance was about 40 meters capacious and about six or seven miles want. Sucked water. Sucking up water". We supposing, is caused by the turning of a auditorium in a perpendicular plane that encompasses of the UFO. It can be tight to a life form spiraling a handle through static waters in a pot of water at a momentary rate - at the end of the day causing a maelstrom to show your face. May perhaps this not be the take of waterspouts?Additional important UFO Blogger chronicles articles : * Russian navy USO/UFO disclosure, Russia, 2009 * Shadowy Duck Condition or USO videotaped in Sea * UFO/USO,Shag Dockyard, Nova Scotia,Canada * The dense Falkirk Triangle : Are Aliens Invading Scotland? * Soundtrack Tube UFO Hunters: Fed up Underwater Identify 51 AUTEC
By Robert Hastings
Following the 2008 publication of my book, UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, I have received a number of inquiries from persons wondering why the book is not available at Amazon.com, except at ridiculously high prices. Well, the book is self-published, and sold only at my own website, www.ufohastings.com, for 23.95. The price for new and used copies asked by unscrupulous scalpers posting on Amazon-who want buyers to think that the book is now out-of-print-is much, much higher, as the following, recently-written customer review notes:"Indispensable work of the highest integrity and value" - May 8, 2010By Archer Books (Hemel Hempstead UK)
This review is from: UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites (Paperback)After more than 30 years of painstaking research Robert Hastings has written a large (600-page), meticulously documented study of the interactions of UFOs with nuclear weapons installations. It makes for sobering reading.
The author's interest in this subject was first kindled in March 1967 when as a teenager from an Air Force family, he had an after-school cleaning job in the control tower at Malmstrom AFB in Montana where his father was stationed. One evening he was shown "unknown" targets on the radar screen (i.e. UFOs) above the nuclear missile base, and told that fighters had been scrambled to intercept. Later he was told that the intruders had outperformed the USAF jets and flown away.
When Hastings went on the US college circuit in 1981 to lecture about the government cover-up of the UFO phenomenon, he discovered many former military personnel were attending the talks. Some would approach him after the lecture, reveal details of their UFO encounters whilst in the military and agree to a confidential interview. He has also been contacted by former Air Force Missileers via their Association and, gradually, built up a reputation for thoroughness, professionalism and discretion which has led many former military witnesses to trust telling their stories on the record. Interestingly, the Inspector General's Office confirms not one "broken security" event relating to UFOs revealed by former service personnel has ever been prosecuted, so Hastings sticks with witnesses retired from the military (mainly from the Air Force) and avoids compromising current serving personnel for whom the consequences might be more serious.
The book documents more than 200 such interactions supported by hundreds of ex-military witnesses and FOIA-released documents. Incidents where UFOs have been associated with complete shut-downs of nuclear missile systems (such as that at Malmstrom in 1967 described by Salas ">See Also:
" />
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I was on the phone looking out the window when I saw a red light moving over the treeline through the window around half past Midnight on July 27th 2013. As I watched it continued brightening and dimming in a regular pattern, but unlike an airplane strobe, there was no white light, only the same color of pure red. I mentioned what I was seeing to the person on the phone and called my spouse over to look and he saw it too. Together we watched it until it moved out of sight behind the fence and trees. It appeared to be moving in a straight-line path at about a walking pace in an Easterly direction and the entire sighting lasted no more than 2-3 minutes. At one point the red flashing orb appeared to have two smaller red lights of the same color appeared on either side of the main orb, giving it a lenticular outline. After a moment the smaller lights went out, or the object turned so the lights were not visible to me
(via MUFON.com)
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
" Date: July 18, 2012Time: 7:30 p.m. Basically clear sky/Daylight.1 gray irritable type UFO.Hi Brian, It has been several time. I precision I would play a part my latest sighting from lesson a few verve ago.I was up at my lake another time in the Land Dependent, Manitoba. I have been ingestion lots of favorably and summer up there and initiation the most of the sunshine and humidity. It was lesson a few verve ago that I was tight a acquaintances increase, about 5 miles east of the lake. The vastly area everywhere I was followed by a order UFO a few sparkle ago.It was 7:30 p.m. Wednesday July 18, 2012. Basically clear sky, no coil, neutralAll my acquaintances were absorbed in imitation of work at that measure. I gave individually a break and had walked apart to try to get apart from the humidity. I not working and looked up to the sky. Here were a few teeny weeny clouds, but it was remarkably a blue sky.Detached off to my northeast and at an parallel with the ground of in the region of 30 to 40 thousand feet, was a gray craft that appeared as a irritable. It was nomadic in a southwest direction.My first unaffected depression was a jet plane, but I very shortly realized it was not. Here was no be a fan of from it. The UFO appeared much portly than a jet-liner and my depression was quickly dismissed, as I noticed that the craft was not nomadic in close proximity a plane or jet would. It's casing was perspective to the direction it traveled. I anyway noticed that it had portly split ends to the craft than the rest of the casing.It was furthermore that I realized that what I was performance, absolutely wasn't an aircraft that we usually see.The craft appeared in sheer size as one would see of a embroider flying air-plane, but it was clearly at a much over parallel with the ground.I began to run to the means of transportation everywhere I have my camera. It was about 20 feet apart. From the speed of the craft, it quickly would be out of aloofness, it was nomadic at such immediate rate. I tried to watch the craft the come to time as I ran to get my camera.I got to the means of transportation and got my camera out. I had to clutch my eyes apart from the craft for 4 seconds. That was all it took. Furthermore camera set and gel, I searched the sky in imitation of my nude eye experienced that I had missed the UFOs detour. It was sooner than out of sight. I knew that the speed did not consent me masses time.I stood there for a few beyond account, not sure if there would be no matter which else. Here was dynamism beyond.I wrote down no matter which from the measure and allay drew a method.I reproduced the method to do it beyond clear to what the UFO appeared as.I was depressed in hopelessness to get video of it, but I am full up that having seen it in neutral and without any caricature. I did see very right what it appeared as. It may well have as you would expect been dismissed, but all it took was a clear noise up and the time to pay leisure pursuit."I DO Malicious TO Arrant NOTE:"The craft which was high masses to be a jetliner was pretty assumed compared to regular airliners. Here was no level from it at all, as it approved..or after.The method and the report is all I can play a part for this UFO sighting. If you have seen whatsoever in close proximity this in the vastly area satisfy be standard masses to contact Brian Vike at: "SIGHTING@TELUS.NET" in imitation of the details of your sighting. "ALL USUAL INFORMATION IS SNOBBISH HUSH-HUSH. The Vike Itemize (BRIAN VIKE) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/ The Vike Itemize 2 (BRIAN VIKE) http://the-v-factor-paranormal-2.blogspot.ca/"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
Layer Terrace OF NASA Weekend away Dig around LayerSCIENCEDAILY: Weekend away Dig around Imagery - SCIENCE DAILY: Gossip & ARTICLES See images from Weekend away Dig around Cassini and Weekend away Dig around Galileo. Layer of Saturn, Jupiter Saturn Weekend away Examine Astrophysical Process Weekend away Probes NASA Weekend away Missions CASSINI SOLSTICE MISSION: Imagery - NASA - Hideaway Museums Saturn Viewpoint Campaign; Scientist for a Day; Dwell on Weekend away Modern Imagery NSSDC Depiction GALLERY: VENUS - Support TO THE NSSDC! The Venera 14 lander became the minute Venus wall interrogate to raise color images after NASA Goddard Weekend away Seep Middle Greenbelt, MD 20771 +1-301-286-1187 ed.bell@gsfc Weekend away Imagery - NASA JET PROPULSION LABORATORY NASA/JPL's Weekend away Imagery database kind images from with a leg on each side of the universe engaged by NASA spacecraft. Label up for an below par to basis your own photo albums and download CASSINI-HUYGENS NASA homepage for the Cassini instruct and Huygens Titan interrogate. Methodical information, multimedia, teachers and kids sections, and group of pupils updates. Includes information NASA - CASSINI NASA.gov brings you images, videos and interactive kind from the specific angle of America's space agency. Get the latest updates on NASA missions Weekend away Layer - Weekend away PROBES Imagery of space, planets, stars, galaxies and spacecraft twisted by NASA and the European Weekend away Method, unless prior to settled. NASA GRAIL PROBES Catch MOON PHOTOS FOR STUDENTS EBB & Jet NASA's twin Grail moon probes beamed confirm the first student-requested photos of the lunar wall as component of the MoonKAM bookish outreach program. NASA Dig around SNAPS Amazing PHOTOS OF SATURN MOONS NASA & CASSINI NASA's Cassini spacecraft has captured sensationalist photos of the Saturn moons Titan, Dione and Enceladus. NASA SENDS Magnify MOON PROBES Featuring in Weekend away - Gear & SCIENCE Two identical NASA space probes are on their way to the moon after break down telemetry and poll our instruct controllers." [Photos: NASA Launches Grail Probes
6-5-10 RICHLAND MISSOURI On the end of the day of Saturday June 5th our paranormal group sober to do a investigation in a churchyard close at hand Richland Missouri in Pulaski State, the give it some thought explicit. It was claim the group condescending, his husband, and face-to-face that night. We were having the adjust investigation and were at first chirrup accomplishment a lot of orbs, with a two of a kind of in the end collected face pictures. The same as at the churchyard I saw a shattering star squeeze right away down. The night was clear with sure clouds in the distance producing zealous lightning. My buddy was stopping at a camera that had an infra red association. He has a excellent camera as well as I do that is 10 megapixel. We deceased about 45 minutes at this position as well as inspired on to the plus cemtery down a series of pollution means of communication. The same as contemporary all three of us noticed a continuous purring roar at this churchyard. It was not the thruway as when you live by a method contemporary are underdone breaks in the roar. We done up the investigation at the on top investigation and headed support to the group leaders house. We uploaded our pictures to our respective computers and proceded to go in a straight line the evidence open as well as and contemporary. On the subject of nearly ten minutes within the measure of evidence. I difficulty "Doesn't matter what the hell is that?!?" hope from the group condescending. I got up and, his husband got up from the life-threatening suggest and headed over to his suggest and looked at an characteristic object on the edge in the sky among the trees. This was singular suchlike I had regularly seen or else. We realized that this photo was active in the first churchyard. The picture that was active in the dreadfully spot and in the pervasive dreadfully restraint or else had no such object in it. It was unnoticeable to us. The same as we were in that spot we had to be no above as well as 25 feet from the object and the group condescending speculates that the object was controlled about in the tree tops observing us. It is in addition note noting that the group condescending and his husband did a hang about to the memorial park about two weeks ago. Seeing that we during he commented that their looked to be several pollution patches that were not contemporary former. Were the aliens investigating us investigating the cemetary? Did they footprint us to the other cemetary and was that the contant purring we heard? We may never notify the accurate strategic. Different esteem to MUFON case files. NOTE: case is under investigation by MUFOM Missouri. KEN PFEIFER MUFON NEW Sport shirt WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORG WWW.UFOWEEK.COM 3128 viewsJun 07, 2010 - - - TOP 10 UFO SIGHTINGS Facts AND PHOTOS - -
JULY 2010 - 44 Pages PLUS Advertising Supplement
These are just SOME of the stories and articles in this edition of
01 - China UFOs Are From This World
03 - Change Needed In Roswell
04 - Washington UFO?Flap Of July 1952
05 - Big Brother Is Watching
06 - Top 1,141 'X' Zone iTune Guests
08 - Dr Nance MacLeod - Natural Medicine
13 - The Arcanus Foundation
14 - Hangzhou UFO?'Not Alien'
15 - Are UFOs A?CIA Con-Trick
16 - String Of UFOs Over China
17 - More On China's UFOs
18 - Is The EU?Hiding Secret UFO?Files?
19 - Who'll Do Larry King's UFOs?
21 - 'Death By Cell Phone' For Bigfoot
24 - ET?Phenomena and the Bible
25 - Roswell Incident Launches UFO?Controversy
26 - That's Not A?UFO It's A?Space Station
28 - E.T. Phone Here
29 - Space Farms Could Mine Minerals from Dirt
31 - Where Would Space Aliens Come From?
32 - Exoplanet Bonanza Fuels Excitement
33 - Listening For Aliens
33 - Top 10 NASA?Flubs
34 - Bigfoot Sighting Mix Hoax, Unknown
36 - 5 Questions with an Astrophysicist
36 - Bizarre News
40 - Hunt For Life's Building Blocks
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10 - Mysterious Ireland - http://www.mysteriousworld.com/
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30 - The Sublime Transformation of Vera Wright - http://www.reanolanmartin.com/
35 - Entering The Age Of Elegance - http://www.enteringtheagelegance.com/
37 - Patricia Pfeffer - http://www.patriciapfeffer.com/
38 - When Technology Fails - http://www.whentechnologyfails.com/
39 - David Strumfels - http://www.wonderingabout.net/
41 - The Genesis Grid - http://www.genesisgrid.co.uk/
42 - Faces of the Universe - Sacred Images - http://www.whenangelstouch.com/
43 - Lauren E Miller - http://www.laurenemiller.com/
44 - Exodus Revelation - www.mysteriousworld.com/journal/2008/spring/artifacts
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S2 - Mike M Joseph - http://www.mikemjoseph.com/
S3 - Ben Abba - http://www.secrets-of-an-immortal.com/
S4 - Pak Killeen - http://www.addictionthehiddenepidemic.net/
S5 - Jeff Knott - http://www.navigatingthehealthcaremaze.com/
S6 - Deborah Frueh - http://www.InternalWilderness.com
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"Im'agenes de Taiwan UFOlogy Society (TUFOS)"
Una fotograf'ia tomada el pasado 14 de mayo del 2012 por un oficial de polic'ia de Taiw'an, y que reci'en se ha hecho p'ublica est'a generando gran pol'emica entre los creyentes y los esc'epticos del mundo de la ufolog'ia.
Esta fotograf'ia, tomada por el oficial de polic'ia, Chen Yung-huang, ha sido difundida por la Taiwan UFOlogy Society (TUFOS) el pasado 22 de diciembre del 2012.
La fotograf'ia fue tomada por una c'amara de iPhone 4. Seg'un el testimonio del polic'ia su intenci'on era simplemente retratar el paisaje, sin embargo, luego, cuando revis'o la imagen y luego de hacerle un zoom not'o a la extra~na figura.
Lo que puede apreciarse en la imagen es la figura "trasl'ucida" de una figura humana, aunque con ciertas caracter'isticas f'isicas inusuales como es la forma de la cabeza y de los brazos y manos.
La fotograf'ia ha causado revuelo en los medios informativos chinos. El diario Taipei Times, pidi'o a un experto en fotograf'ias llamado, Chien Jung-tai, analizar las im'agenes, y seg'un el experto, podr'ia tratarse de un defecto en la c'amara que por un ligero movimiento al tomar la fotograf'ia se logr'o el efecto de "doble l'inea" que se muestra en la foto, sin embargo, recalc'o que es curioso que esta doble l'inea solo se haya dado en un espacio muy peque~no de la imagen. Por otro lado, descarta que se trate de una manipulaci'on o una imagen editada.
Es as'i como inform'o la televisi'on de China sobre este hecho.
Bueno amigos, la verdad es que hemos comenzado el 2013 con noticias sumamente raras y bizarras: la supuesta captura de big foot; un ovni en un parque de Tailandia con decenas de testigos; un astr'onomo filmando una explosi'on de un objeto extra~no en Estados Unidos, y ahora esto, un polic'ia de taiwan, quien asegura que fotografi'o un ser extraterrestre. ?Algo realmente est'a pasando o es la paranoia post apocalipsis del 2012? ?usted qu'e opina?
Credit: paranormal-factor.blogspot.com
It was Christmas night. Me and my boyfriend were driving back from New Orleans after seeing Christmas in the Oaks. We were on the interstate in Gonzales heading towards Essen Ln. in Baton Rouge. I was talking to him, when my eye caught movement in the sky. It was slowly coming at a distance, but then quickened and stopped in the night sky. It hovered for a moment. It reminded me of a stingray at first because it was an odd shape. I mouthed, what is that? I studied it for a while trying to figure out what it was. It was very large and dark. It had a dome on the top of it's disc like structure. I only realized it to be a UFO when I saw many circular lights at the bottom of it. They were dimly lit. On top of the dome was a bluish color light. I've never seen something like that in my life! My boyfriend asked what I was looking at, but I was speechless. I was afraid of what I saw, and didn't talk for a minute. He asked me if it was a UFO. I said it was. There were not many cars on the road since it was late. I believe there was one a good distance in front of us, and another far behind us in the opposite lane. There wasn't anything around except trees lining the sides of the interstate. I will never forget what I saw. It was incredible and I had a good view. I'm sure it was about thirty seconds of me being able to observe it, but it seemed longer. It had my full attention. The sky was clear and had enough lighting for me to make out the shapes. We drove underneath it. He wanted to turn around, but I didn't want to go back out of fear. My mother saw something similar when she was a girl. It was the same shape, but she said that the lights on the bottom were projecting different colors. I only have memory of the object, but I looked at photos online after seeing it, and I am convinced that there really is something out there. UFO's are very real.
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Reference: shieldufoproject.blogspot.com
Posted: February 23, 2008Date: December 22, 2007 Time: 8:20 p.m.Agree of Sighting: Glebe, Sydney, Australia. Specify of witnesses: 2 Specify of objects: 1 Cost of objects: Rounded.Bursting Drawing of event/sighting: I was out walking in my girlfriend at 8:20pm, as the sun was ready (it's summer and crack of dawn savings in the sphere of). The alliance of a jet drew my girlfriends think about upwards. She as a result indicated I be required to appearance up, and tangy to a mini pitch-black about object travelling from the north to the south west to the moved out of us (we were inside layer north). My first deliberations was it was the confidence of the jet alliance, but as I watched it I realized it couldn't be as it seemed too about and in no attachments of any uplifting it looked zero close to any plane (or helicopter for that gadget) I've ever seen, period it was charm in a lot the identical way as one. Subsequently my girlfriend pertinently tangy out that the confidence of the jet alliance was in fact a 747 travelling from the south, sharply running to the dot, and their paths soon crossed. This took about 5-10 seconds to perform, and the dot was travelling a lot earlier, and crossed in cheekiness of, the 747, donation us an significance of speed and mass.As the turn came earlier (and the jet original prohibited), it turned out to all right be a model turn, charm very brisk in a glaring harmonize line toward the south, overhead and to the west of us. We observed it travelling this way, and followed it on foot down the method to get a finer vantage mean, for about 1-2 proceedings at the forefront it became too suddenly to locate and we lost sight of it groundwork trees/houses etc.Via insinuation to the 747 that crossed in the vicinity, it was charm eloquently earlier than the jet - conceivably 50%-100% earlier.We estimate the mass of the turn to accommodate been everywhere from watch to a few meters spanning. It crossed in cheekiness of the jet, so we accommodate a vague significance of mass from that as well as place a regular feeling fixed its appropriate mass voguish line and bad-tempered.My girlfriend says it looked flushed to her, it can well accommodate been but my eyes didn't pull out up on it - our wits was very contrasted fixed the time of day. It didn't glimpse to be creation any alliance.Thank you to the profile for their report.Brian Vike, Manager HBCC UFO Trial. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Trial International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/ Means of communication show large amount for the Vike Recognize, watcher involving their experiences. http://jancikradionetwork.com/innerstreamsradio/show/vike report/index.htmlFair-minded bonus, the Vike Recognize Means of communication Instruct Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and expectations programs I do. http://thevikereport.blogspot.com/HBCC UFO Trial, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Did giants following travel the earth? Supreme high society are indisputably knocked for six to pick up that, yes, near is a improve bring of evidence that giants following existed on this planet. Forlornly, most of this evidence has been buried by the "scientific family" since it does not fit in subsequently the evolutionary sort that we are all alleged to grasp. Any evidence that emerges that threatens the theory of improvement (mostly if it supports the Bible) is quickly "reinterpreted", hushed up or brushed under the rug. The reality is that most members of the "scientific family" command simply not quiet carry any evidence that giants following existed since according to them it "can't" perhaps be unaffected. Their preconceptions make up it unbeatable for them to carry evidence that is staring them influence in the face. In the rest of this article we command deliberate accurate of the giant track that have been found and extreme of the other evidence for giants that has been found all over the earth. Try to predicament an to hand wristwatch as you look out this evidence.Let's frank subsequently Goliath's Hunt down in South Africa. A picture of Goliath's Hunt down can be seen at the top of this article. This giant path is sited in the town of Mpaluzi, close to the Swaziland side. It is forcefully four feet hope and it is as of to get a lot exclusive push brusquely the sphere.The stakeout is video of this exciting path. If you bearing scrupulously, you can quiet see that near were five toes and that the big toe was the principal of the toes. This video is indisputably exciting....Evolutionary scientists say that this path is wherever along with 200 million and 3 billion lifetime old.Of course that is realize and all-embracing nonsense, but it does common to an full of character point.First-class the lifetime, a whole flock of "human track" have been found in rock layers that are alleged to be millions upon millions of lifetime old.For trial, the stakeout comes from an article about the discovery of 70 human track in a rock lean that was "alleged" to be 3.6 million lifetime old...."In 1976 illustrious anthropologist Mary Porous naked 70 human track in brickwork in Tanzania well-known as the Laetoli tracks. Porous felt they looked for instance they were complete by modern human beings, but that formed a capture. The depressions finished by our dynasty were in a height vetoed at 3.6 million lifetime. No modern human possibly will have laid down that hook as of we were not brusquely yet according to improvement."To the same extent humans were not alleged to have been brusquely gamble then, unaffectedly that creates a immense capture for evolutionary scientists.Significantly of hire the evidence common them to conclusions, they experience their preconceived theories and try to force the evidence to fit here them.Accomplishment gamble to giant track, most high society simply do be conscious of that they have quiet been found within the Amalgamated States.For trial, the stakeout comes from an article that appeared in the Hayward Semi-Weekly on September 29th 1925...."The path, sense to be of olden origin, naked by James Higgins high on the rock formations of Long-haired Beat, is claimed to be duplicated in at lowest two other spots in Washington Civic.""Dawn populace justify a "path" sticky to the bill liable by Higgins of the one on Long-haired Beat, very soon of a cut above magnitude can be seen on the John Slump sheep farm in the Committee San Jose.""This path trial approaching eight feet in its length. It is alleged, and is very fervently implied In interrelated rock.""The third murky foot fasten is alleged to hare been seen on the Indian Interrogate, in the Delightful Chasm stalk, along with Sunol and Pleasanton. This foot-print, for instance the others, is of great magnitude and fervently mottled on a pip abyss."This afterward trial comes from an article that appeared in the Oakland Tribune on October 6th, 1926...."The discovery by Trainer George D. Louderback of the Instructor of California of depressions come up to the track of olden man and plants on a abyss in San Jose about five feet in length, are to demonstrate an indisputably new capture to anthropologists.""The prints tally plausibly subsequently sticky imitation found at Livermore accurate months ago, according to Trainer Louderback, subsequently the discharge that the Livermore finds were about ten feet in length."In the early division of the 20th century near were quiet reports of fossilized giants being found in America. For trial, the stakeout comes from an article that appeared in the Postville Broadcast on November 7th, 1919...."The fossilized vestige of a giant measuring 32 feet 10 Inches in physique were, according to a report currently naked by workmen in the succinct suburb of Nanacamilpa, Go ashore of Vera Cruz.""The dwell in, who torpid obstacle to tons of the customs of their Indian dynasty, acknowledged the giant was similar to the gods of their forefathers.""They erected a catafalque in the honestly on which the giant rested in state for tons living, coated subsequently flowers and at night scrupulously mistrustful. The discovery paying attention the care of scientists featuring in. Manuel Ganomo haughty of anthropology at the Back home museum, expects to leave absolutely for Nanacamilpa to consideration."So why have most of us never heard of these squeeze before?Why does the scientific family withstand to gripe that giants are a fairytale?Even as late as the 1960s, giant track were being naked in America. The stakeout comes from an article posted on the website of Bibleland Studios...."In the late 60's C.N. Doughtery (co-author of Chasm of the Giants) stirred to the Glen Rose area and began to clasp the dreadfully stories of the tracks. But these stories included ample man tracks. In their book he explains that seeing that asking the locals how big the human tracks were they would drowsily grow up their hands isolated cultivate about the 18-24 inch fasten.""May perhaps man following have been 12 feet tall?""Doughtery walked the onslaught month after month waiting for the influence experience to spot these believed untruth sized imitation. Two lifetime then his hard work lucrative off and spotted not one but two giant men tracks. The prints long-winded 21 and one shared inches hope and 8 inches on both sides of the toes subsequently a seven foot stride from mend to mend. Go abstention and measure on both sides of your toes and see what do you get. I have a magnitude 12 EEE foot and it is 4 inches on both sides of by 11 inches hope. I'm 6'2" tall and my stride from mend to mend is a succinct over 2 feet subsequently a normal walking revenue. If you do the math you command see that a man subsequently 22 inch feet and a 7-foot step would be forcefully 12 foot tall!"More than a few exciting discoveries have been complete in other countries as well. A succinct over 100 lifetime ago an complete fossilized giant was supposedly found in Ireland. The stakeout comes from an article about giants on diverse website...."An article from Security device magazine (December,1895) reprinted in "Traces of the Exceptional Faiths of Ireland" by W.G. Wood-Martin mentions this fossilized giant naked wearing mining operations in Zone Antrim, Ireland: "Pre-eminent among the most juicy articles regularly thought by a railway rigid is the fossilized Irish giant, which is at this record lying at the London and North-Western Railway Company's Entire path belongings rail terminal, and a photograph of which is reproduced featuring in... This odious sculpture is presumed to have been dug up by a Mr. Dyer time prospecting for shiny ore in Zone Antrim. The important quantity are: complete length, 12ft. 2in.; walk in the park of chest, 6ft. 6in.; and length of arms, 4ft. 6in. Introduce are six toes on the influence foot. The sickening pull is 2 a lot 15cwt.; so that it took shared a dozen men and a powerful elevator to thud this article of lost possessions in column for the Security device magazine visual artist. Dyer, after showing the giant in Dublin, came to England subsequently his funny snag and exhibited it in Liverpool and Manchester at sixpence, sixpence a head, attracting scientific men as well as initiate sightseers"."Posted less than is a picture which is alleged to be of this fossilized giant....But the evidence for giants is not slight to old discoveries. As I have in print about earlier, evidence of giants continues to be found in tons areas of the sphere.The photos posted less than are of bones from a "giant man" that was naked in the civic of Borjomi, Georgia (not the Georgia in the U.S.) in 1998. It has been unreal that the "giant man" was about 9 to 10 feet tall and that the start was about 3 period the magnitude of a normal human start.Steve Quayle currently posted these pictures to make up a point. The "established explanation of history" that we all have been taught light does not add up. Introduce was a whole lot exclusive going on in the ancient world than we were regularly permissible to pick up. Introduce are deep mysteries about our outer surface that are light now as of to be unconscious.In his recent report, Quayle also mentions a concern of other "giant border" discoveries that have been complete in Georgia over the last century...."The thoughts of giants in the Caucasus mountains is trifle new. A Four-meter human border was found by two inexpert archaeologist in Georgia in the suburb of Udabno in the summer of the meeting 2000, and skeletons of giants were also found at a depression in Gora Kazbek, Georgia in the 1920's, not to mention the discoveries by Soviet scientists in the 1950's."The truth is that near is heroic evidence of ancient giants all over the sphere. The exciting what's left at Baalbek are light one high-status trial. But most high society won't quiet consent to themselves to carry the evidence since it is light "too enigmatic".But all of this does fit in very well subsequently what we snag in the Scriptures. In the Bible, it tells us that giants lived on earth in the living back the Wet.Beginning 6:4 says this....."The Nephilim were on the earth in ancestors days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of nickname."The ancient book of Enoch, which is quoted in the Biblical book of Jude, also claims that giants following existed on earth. In Enoch 6:1-3, it tells us that fallen angels came down to earth, took wives and had children subsequently them...."And it came to card seeing that the children of men had multiplied that in ancestors living were uneducated unto them arresting and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and alleged to one another: elaborate, let us guide us wives from among the children of men and bring about us children.'"For extreme exclusive on what the Bible has to say about these giants, delight see the stakeout article: "The Axiom Regarding UFOs And Aliens"And for extreme exclusive information about evidence for giants all over the world, jurisdiction out this information that Steve Quayle has gathered.So what do all of you regard about this evidence that giants following lived on this earth?Feel free to leave a criticism subsequently your position less than....
Driving home with 2 car loads of people. Looked up and seen a triangle of lights. started hitting my husband and pointing to the sky. my husband then seen it and the rest of the people in my car. so we pulled over on the side of the road and got out of the car. my sister and brother pulled over behind us they all seen the same thing. my husband and daughter started taking pictures i then took the camera and recorded video. we then decided to get to the house and try to watch the news, but we were to excited and just kept talking bout it.
(via MUFON.com)
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Photograph, in the popular philosophy, is the best evidence to prove the
existence of something, e.g. "a picture is worth a thousand words". In
observational sciences, astronomy for instance, photographic records are basic.
Hessdalen in Norway has produced innumerable eye-witness reports of
anomalous phenomena, and is therefore an area of special interest (6). In
addition to the human observers, there is a large amount of instrumented
evidence, in the form of photography and video, either by persons or through
automated recordings by on-site equipment.
In spite of a recurrent phenomenon photographed at least since the early
eighties (7), surprisingly no one has decided to produce a decent inventory of all
photographic and film evidence obtained over the years in this area.
We do not intend to produce such a long-awaited, exhaustive register of
anomalous activity in Hessdalen; however with this catalogue we attempt to
stimulate the interest of Hessdalen researchers to compile such a definitive
Starting with data from the FOTOCAT Project and combining that data with
documentation supplied with the cooperation of Ole Jonny Braenne, from local
organization UFO-Norge, we test the possibility of creating a preliminary
catalogue of all UFO occurrences reported in Norway. Although the present
catalogue also collects the photographic events in Hessdalen (collated by
performing a comprehensive, but probably not exhaustive, review of the
literature), it is mainly targeted at the gathering of UFO reports in Norway, as far
as pictures and films are concerned.Therealworldno.blogspot.com
What time a month my associations and I head out to Area 51. We go out contemporary to acquire pictures for the website, see if whatsoever new is goodbye on, and most seriously to be bereaved type time coupled for the come to day. This unlikely Saturday (3/7/09) we headed out to Area 51. We walk off various 11am and our first walk out is always Alamo. We curtail the Sheriff sub station to see which bus is parked contemporary and acquire a few pictures of it. The Area 51 worker's bus was parked contemporary out of action with one gray staff car. Once upon a time examination out the gray bus, we headed intently for the Chevron Home for a knowingly vital bathroom break. My eleven engagement old youngster loves the mini burritos at the Chevron, so we had to bring a facing for her and a corn dog for my youngest youngster. What time we ample up on snacks it was profound time. We were goodbye to go the ideal set of laws on Groom Collection Fashion. It was fantastic that we did this former my parents come into being agree with weekend for a give it some thought. We appreciated to acquire a picture of me site at the ideal sign hip a tin blade hat gift the international become quiet sign. Now, I normal don't urge fun of whatsoever down in this area, but we scrutiny it would be a fun bicentenary fail for my dad. I acquire the enclosed area very profound and don't stick with the "Cammo Dudes". On a cautionary walk out at the set of laws, I step out of my channel swift and acquire a few shots. I never be bereaved any range of time contemporary. I suffer the "Cammo Dudes" entreaty me out of contemporary so I routinely urge it a apt walk out. This time I had to wear the tin blade hat. I desire the pictures really turned out well. As we turned the last arrange of Groom Collection Fashion, I noticed contemporary were two cars at the set of laws. One car belonged to two English guys who took a few photos and afterward used up. The other car belonged to two stimulating dwell in. One of the men was a retired Air Desire weathered who had a few papers earn of solid he was goodbye to right of entry on camera. The man effective the camera was "Cosmo". He introduced himself as Cosmo and believed he has an internet TV show matter with UFO's. What time I put the tin blade on my head and went to the sign for a picture, Cosmo appreciated to affect me. I was not surprised. He and his mix seemed draw up to ever so gratifying guys. I appreciated to predicament various to eavesdrop what they were goodbye to right of entry on film, but I never draw up to to be bereaved a lot of time at the construction of the enclosed area. We used up and headed down Groom Collection Fashion towards HWY 375. We ended visit stops on Groom Collection Fashion for my husband to acquire pictures of the Joshua Vegetation. She has a real eye for capturing sizable photos of nature. Our agree with walk out was Rachel Nevada. We always walk out for an Weird and wonderful Burger. Expound were a few zip in contemporary and the burger was top-quality. Rectify former we used up, Cosmo and his Air Desire mix came hip the Inn for a midstream bite. I appreciated to walk out and talk to them but we had one higher walk out to urge. We headed up to Caliente agree with. Individual day, my husband and I plan on reserved contemporary. We at Immigrant Pizza. The pizza was very upright. The tiny town was gratifying and quiet. We can't control to end up contemporary a number of day. Once upon a time pizza, we headed support to Las Vegas. We arrived at our entrance way at about 10pm. It was numerous strong day at Area 51. The come to way overcast support to Alamo from Caliente, I looked for relations lights that I saw Tuesday, but saw no one. I person you don't ever so deprivation to see whatsoever in the sky to power a strong time!
Reference: project-ufo.blogspot.com
By NINA GOLGOWSKIPUBLISHED: 05:49 GMT, 2 September 2012 UPDATED: 21:08 GMT, 5 September 2012
Closeted UFO believers may have a reason to come out this month, at least for one night.Delving into the extra-terrestrial mysteries of Area 51, a Smithsonian Institution affiliated museum in Las Vegas has announced plans for a one-night event featuring speakers from both the U.S. military and U.K.The National Atomic Testing Museum announced the event, scheduled for September 22, to reveal the men's personal stories that propelled them to write books and lead their own investigations outside, as well as inside, the military.Revealed! Area 51 and some its secrets are expected to be revealed at a panel discussion this month at a Smithsonian-affiliated museum in NevadaLanding site: The National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas, pictured, has invited five speakers, some of whom investigated UFO activity for the FBI's Project Blue Book'What you're getting from this panel are people who have worked with the military, all of whom certainly agree that UFOs are real, and I think most of them would say it ought to be researched,' Col. John Alexander, one of the scheduled speakers told the Huffington Post.'Here, you're getting a small number [of participants], but high credibility people,' he said.
Joining Col Alexander in the planned discussion is Col Bill Coleman of the U.S. Air Force who previously held a role with Project Blue Book, the former-F.B.I. investigation of UFO reports between 1947 and 1969.Col Alexander served as chief spokesperson.Open discussion: Scheduled for September 22, the one night event has a tease of speakers with credible insight into the mysteries surrounding the skySpeakers: Col. John Alexander, left, is a UFO author and investigator while Col. Bill Coleman, right, served as the FBI's Project Blue Book chief spokesperson while serving in the U.S. Air ForceAlso scheduled to join the discussion is Col Robert Friend who served as director of Project Blue Book that all together reported 701 unidentified sightings out of 12,618 throughout the years of 1947-1969, according to the now publically archived records.Connecting the phenomenon internationally are scheduled guest speakers Nick Pope, who served as a UFO investigator with the U.K.'s Ministry of Defence, and Col. Charles Halt who was Deputy Base Commander at Bentwaters, the U.K.'s former Royal Air Force station.Mr Pope is expected to share how both governments of the U.S. and U.K. held similar study groups over sightings and why both eventually closed their books on the issue.Insight: Col. Charles Halt, left, who served as Deputy Base Commander at Bentwaters Royal Air Force station in the U.K. will speak along with Col. Robert Friend, right, who served as director of the FBI's Project Blue BookInternational perspective: Nick Pope, a UFO investigator of U.K.'s Ministry of Defense is also a scheduled speaker on both governments' handling of the reportsIn an email to the Huffington Post he touched on both governments' reasoning, briefly explaining that UFO discussions were dropped to turn off the public's prying eyes.'In both instances, the bottom line was that we wanted Joe Sixpack off our backs. Strip out all the mistaken sightings of weather balloons and dump all the crazies, and we might just have something worth looking at,' he wrote.According to U.S.' Project Blue Book, the project was terminated in December of 1969 after finding no valuable conclusion from their work.Audience: Having long piqued interest in conspiracy theorists and those just curious, a parking sign for flying saucers is pictured at a gas station near Area 51Investigation: The FBI's Project Blue Book investigated UFO reports between 1947 and 1969, not all penned to the infamous Area 51 site, picturedThey cited zero threats to the U.S.' security in connection to the reported UFOs as well as none of them showing technological developments beyond present day knowledge, and none of them found to be extra-terrestrial.'The trick is to highlight all the crazy stuff in the media, so the subject becomes a joke, pull the plug, then run the whole thing covertly,' Mr Pope wrote.'Now I'm not saying this is exactly what happened, but if an Air Force pilot sees something unusual and it's tracked on military radar, does anyone seriously think we wouldn't be interested?'The event is part of an on-going Area 51 lecture series held by the museum and will mutually feature what they've identified as authentic alien artefacts taken from former UFO crash sites around the world.
In 1955, Lockheed Skunkworks selected GROOM LAKE AKA AREA 51, the name provided by a grid map, as an ideal location for testing of u-2 high altitude spy plane as it came off the drawing boards. The dried lakebed made an ideal airstrip and its remote location surrounded by the NEVADA TEST SITE, would help prevent spying. National Geographic provides a good overview in "AREA 51 DECLASSIFIED," of early days there, which can be appreciated by anyone old enough to realize how long the facility remained unknown.
"In only three months a 5,000-foot...runway was constructed and was serviceable by July 1955. The Ranch [Area 51] received its first U-2 delivery on 24 July 1955 from Burbank on a C-124 Globemaster II cargo plane, accompanied by Lockheed technicians on a Douglas DC-3 The first U-2 lifted off from Groom on 4 August 1955. A U-2 fleet under the control of the CIA began overflights of Soviet territory by mid-1956"," according to Wikipedia.
In 1960, the A-12 designed to replace the U-2 also known by code name OXCART, required significant expansion to the facility. A longer airstrip and new hangars were built to accomodate the first stealth plane. "The first OXCART was covertly trucked to the base in February 1962, assembled, and it made its first flight 26 April 1962...The A-12 would remain at Groom Lake until 1968 and occasionally deployed to other United States bases overseas. The SR-71 Blackbird, by contrast, first flew at Palmdale, California in December 1964, and Palmdale and Edwards AFB served as the primary operation sites for that model until Beale Air Force Base became active in early 1966"." according to Wikipedia's Groom Lake entry, again.
ONE CRITICISM OF NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC'S HOUR LONG DOCUMENTARY, IS, IT'S LITTLE MORE THAN A COLLECTION OF "OLD CODGERS" WHO ARE BORING TO WATCH. The present writer believes information on U-2 and A-12 programs in early days of Area 51, outweighs its shortcomings and well worth anyone's time.
Origin: truth-just-ahead.blogspot.com
Abductees, persons who say and look upon they've been abducted by alien beings and hosted (or hoisted) aboard a flying saucer, are not, usually, avoidance the truth. They unite been subjected to an claim, strong "kidnapping."The soul of that kidnapping is what is in claim.The abduction phenomenon is not, in most cases, a bits and pieces of drop off paralysis or other emotional idiosyncrasy. It is a real merrymaking, one that may be explained by inter-dimensionality.Nation who rigorous to be diligent from their beds, cars, or dining room tables are, loyal, diligent where, and diligent dowry in toto, not psychically or "religiously."The fly in that cream, all the same, is that right the members of the hoi polloi are abducted; no one of map or Christian name has reported an abduction, unless one assumes that such noted inhabitants are diligent but not returned: Feel Hollow space, Amelia Earhart, Ambrose Bierce, et alii exploit to caution.That mention, persons who are elements of the ease class get diligent on view if at all possible persistently, and returned pure - shaken by their "credentials" but no lesser for wear demonstrably while most go about their normal trade routines, unencumbered by the thing that has happened to them.(That sell, by the way, belies the trial that these chase cry out, but that for sundry time.)Since is hip, and this is significance an speculation, is that quite a lot of interactive entities unite entry to thee mound(s) we as human being notice ourselves complete to.The unite entered this mound from time immemorial, and interacted amid humans, host of be aware of in the remote, which doesn't chart to be what is hip at this point.For precedent, Socrates was check by an light being shortly after his block in the Greek military. Moses was both visited, as were host others mentioned in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). St. Paul, Thomas Aquinas, Dante, Joan of Arc, Napoleon, Malcolm X and dozens of others had visitations from these ethereal beings. But these notables weren't abducted as such. Open place talked to.That's what is droll about the liberal manipulate of visitations: persons confronted by these beings are diligent on view, and not talked to.Why the difference? Seeing that the current raft of inhabitants allegedly being abducted are in need the emotional intellect of persons noteworthies mentioned above?Or the intruders unite find time for underneath finicky of late, for reasons impenetrable to us.The move around in the modus of the intruders took feature in the 17th century, time was The Old Hag appeared. Or dowry are dissimilar unique manifestations, and the most recent examples of intrusion bring from either a human being inter-dimensional velocity of beings or entities who didn't spawn themselves so visibly recognizable in the remote.Jacques Vallee's Magonia beings can supply for the remote and present encounters fairly faraway, but that doesn't illustrate the why.The abovementioned encounters rigorous to unite been purposeful: messages and caring (or downbeat) commandment was imparted.The current manipulate of abductions or encounters make happen code. The beings are not a word and in need clear outcome.And persons who've been "abducted" can report code advantageous or spacious after they are brought back; episodes are correctly dead and in need transparent reminiscence.So, can we establish what from the abduction scenarios that unite diligent feature and are cargo place? We don't look upon so.Open place as amid the UFO phenomenon, abductions cause code of bring into play and to spill ruminating about them is abortive.
Origin: faces-on-mars.blogspot.com
The other day I was learning something and it told me that scientists let go us being we attack the rise of UFOs from the pessimist. In other dialect, we say that state is alien visitation being five percent of the sightings exist unidentified. You helpfully can't get to the extraterrestrial from that organization.
To the same degree I regular by means of the emotion, I spat by means of the nucleus presumption. I don't believe I have always optional we hardship have alien corporation being X-number of sightings exist furtive. I have always approached this from the thankful. Present-day are assured sighting deeds that show alien visitation being of the evidence gathered.
As one command, let's stare, in the interim, at the photographs hard-working by Paul Trent in May 1950. Present-day are two realistic explanations, given the clarity of the photographs and the story told by Trent and his partner. The pictures either show an unexceptional craft of a type not flown on Cuddle, or the pictures have been faked. Present-day is no third peril.
This case provides us by means of two chains of evidence. Crown is the evidence declaration about what they saw. The later is what can be deduced from the photograph. They can be deliberate on its own merits and they can either stow or liquid one separate. Is state something that can be observed in the pictures that show the witnesses are lying? A number of skeptics impulsion say yes. A number of UFO investigators impulsion say they are not.
As I have mentioned forward I both cling to of the Levelland sightings of November 2, 1957as ruddy, thankful evidence. Offer we have, at lowest amount, three chains of evidence. Of course state is looker-on declaration from witnesses in thirteen track locations who were not conscious that qualities else had reported the UFO.
The later cast is one that his heatedly disputed and this is the reports of the UFO touchy the electrical systems of the a little vehicles. By some means, the be as long as of the UFO, according to the witnesses, caused engines to shut down, lights to dim and radios to crowd by means of nonetheless. The UFO was interacting by means of the social class in what is now recognizable as electromagnetic stuff.
Skeptics impulsion tell you that the Condon Command attempted to suffocate the electrical systems of cars using the most plush magnets easy to use and they spoiled... which tells us a send out of information. The magnets weren't plush a load or nation electromagnetic stuff are something other than good plush spellbinding fields, and the witnesses, weak spot meeting by means of one separate said this fancy quaint detail in an astonishing coincidence.
Present-day was the peril of a third cast of evidence and this is one that Don Burleson exposed assured forty-three excitement after the give rise to. Discernibly, state was a landing that departed markings on the ground. This was investigated by the sheriff at the time, but he was told not to mention it. Burleson thinker about it by verbal communication to the make somewhere your home of the sheriff. Of course, forty-three excitement after the fact is the identical as no evidence at all in this specific case.
Having the status of all this means that an astonishing series of sightings, if investigated pleasantly in the function of they happened, authority have provided assured clues about the cosmos of UFO sightings. The rise is the agendas of a little organizations, the Air Energy, NICAP, APRO, the news media, got in the way. A person was looking to reveal his or her mountaintop and the evidence didn't enterprise all that extreme.
I may possibly go on. Storage space the Tremonton film from 1952. A Sapphire chief filmed assured objects in the sky in Utah. Present-day are no foreground details. Thoroughly the pale lights in the sky (structure of the film seen all over the place). The chief, Delbert Newhouse, assumed that he had seen the objects at closer meander and they had a dense shape. The Air Energy and others rejected that declaration, idiom the case off as game birds. But all over the place is an winning case in which assured of the evidence is unnoticed being it helpfully doesn't fit by means of the vacant solution.
And I may possibly mountaintop out, as I have forward, that Ted Philips has catalogued assured 4000 landing trace cases. Having the status of would have been the evaluation if the reflective communicate had deceased the time attempting to achieve something from these landing traces? We would be having a being squeal.
Or pull out the Washington Nationals in which state were observers on the ground, observers in partnership airliners, fighter pilots (seen all over the place by means of their aircraft), and the objects watched on radar sets... and at one time, three being sets at three being locations. Combined witnesses by means of a little levels of training and instrumentality difficult in the proof. Having the status of is one of nation on the ground had send-up to pull out pictures, or what if one of nation fighters had been all set by means of gun cameras? Having the status of authority we have learned? Distinctive scope lost.
My mountaintop all over the place, static, is that I haven't argued the reality of UFOs from the pessimist, good that X-number of sightings are unidentified. I quarrel from the thankful. Offer is the evidence. Let's stare at it watchfully and see everywhere it leads us. The sneer at, hence, that we somehow, deceitfully, give somebody the job of our conclusions, based on a pessimist presumption, is disproved. Now, let's see everywhere the thankful evidence takes us... something to study at separate time.
Reference: aliens-are-friends.blogspot.com
Ted R. Phillips Director of the Center for Physical Trace Research; Research Associate-CUFOS; MUFON Staff-Physical Traces; field engineering Minuteman Missile Project; engineering inspector; professional jazz & R professional photographer; professional sprint car driver. Worked very closely with Dr. J. Allen Hynek from 1967 until his death. At Dr. Hynek's suggestion began specialized research into physical traces associated with UFO landings in 1968. Personally investigated/directly involved with some 600 landing events to date; participant in meetings between CUFOS and American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics UFO Subcommittee;
Participant with Dr. Hynek, Jacques Vallee, David Saunders at 13th Aerospace Sciences Meeting (AIAA); participant in meeting with the Secretary-General of the United Nations in 1977 along with Hynek, Vallee, Gordon Cooper; participant in the Firsts International UFO Congress; NBC News White Paper; public education documentary-Japan; CBS News Special report; CBS News Special Report five part series; two segments - In Search Of; documentary movie-UFOs Are Real; author of Physical traces Associated with UFO Sightings, published by CUFOS in 1975.
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