HISTORY: "Project Italy 3 was created in 1981, as a collective effort of analysing Italian Close Encounters of the Third Kind, by the Rome branch of Centro Ufologico Nazionale (Massimo Pigliucci). When that group disbanded, coordination was taken by Paolo Fiorino, who changed it into a national catalogue and archive.
AIMS: Collecting, investigating, cataloguing and analising Italian CE-III reports.
METHODS AND RESULTS: As of now, 720 Italian UFO reports with associated entities have been catalogued into a database. Project archives presently consists of more than 10,000 pages of documentation. Personal investigation reports by the coordinator are 130, and another 160 field investigation reports are also filed. Audio-video recordings exist for more than 120 case histories. A separate archive also collects documentation about Italian contactees and cultist groups.
PUBLICATIONS: Several articles have been published, most of them reporting about investigated cases [see Paolo Fiorino's Bibliography].
FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS: Publication of the whole annotated catalogue of Italia CE-III reports, internal analises and comparative analises with international samples are planned. Evolution of CE-III reports in time and in connection with sociological and storiographic issues is also planned.
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