The team looks at the biggest things in the sky, reports of giant UFOs. In 2007, a pilot over the English Channel spotted a gigantic object a mile wide in the sky. The sighting was confirmed by radar and a 2nd pilot, a yellowish platform-like object, followed later by a second, smaller one. In Canada and Iceland, eyewitnesses have also seen huge objects, some "twice the size of an aircraft carrier, and the show asks, "Why are huge UFOs are following our aircraft?" The team sets out to recreate the English sighting, declaring it one of the best documented ever. A good chunk of the show is spent up in an airplane, talking about the original encounter with the pilot and his passenger witnesses. The passengers who go on the recreation flight give the pilot high marks for how he reacted, given how unusual the situation was. At the end of the flight, he asked for anyone who saw anything unusual to leave their information with him.
The crew also talks to a French pilot, who saw a huge red-orange flying disc -- 800-1000 across -- below his plane. Then the object, which was fuzzy around the edges, gradually became transparent and disappeared. The show also mentions the sighting of a much smaller UFO--a rock that seemed to fly through the air under intelligent control. A 1986 Japanese piolt saw a giant UFO with two smaller ones, which the pilot thought were ships sent from the larger "mothership." The show notes that lenticular clouds, a very rare phenomenon, can appear disc-like and are very large. Sundogs are mentioned, too, but both these phenomena are dismissed as explanation to the shows sighting. The scientist they interview suggest that the sightings could be cause by a rare temperature inversion area, which can act like a mirror, reflecting things from afar, or even light. Such inversions can show up on radar. Of course, the crew doesnt believe that, either. As usual, the show relies heavily on witness reports and very little on actual science, but they speculate that because of air traffic, these types of sightings will increase in the future.
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