The concepts in this document are based on known and current
technologies and capabilities as extrapolated by Jerry Decker,
Cheyenne Turner, Ron Barker, Chuck Henderson, and brought up in
discussions with various other associates of KeelyNet and Vanguard
It is offered to the public as a VERY RATIONAL alternative to the
current UFO speculations regarding the crop circles.
Crop Circles a Hoax?
By now, most people are aware of the mysterious crop circles which
have appeared in England and now are showing up in the United
States. The patterns began with simple circles that have now become
complex patterns including lines and intricate designs.
The circles appear in wheat fields in the form of wheat stalks that
are pressed down; usually in a swirling pattern having rotations in
either a counter-clockwise or clockwise direction.
Both mystical and pseudo-scientific relationships have been attached
including :
1) herds of mating hedgehogs,
2) violent atmospheric disturbances,
3) lung-mei (earth energies most commonly referred to as dragon
currents) linked to megalithic sites,
4) UFO landing sites
5) hoaxers
Specific observations regarding the circles
1) There are NO vehicle tracks or footprints leading into or
out of the fields when the circles appear.
2) The circles appear within a very short period of time. The
best estimate I have seen between creation and observation
of a circle is within an hour.
4) In some cases a warbling sound and a moving orange light
precede the circle appearance. Other cases cited a
whooshing sound.
5) The crops affected by the circle are sometimes "woven" in a
basket weave pattern.
6) The affected crops are bent in a more nearly horizontal
position and continue to grow in that position for a
considerable time after the circle manifestation.
7) The affected crops are bent as if the plant cells were
"melted". Microscopic examination shows no fracturing or
breaking of plant cells indicative of forced bending.
We have a multiplicity of facts to consider which, when taken
together, show a most interesting hypothesis as to a probable cause.
Before going into the hypothesis, let me first state that circular
patterns have been associated with UFO sightings for many years
before Man began launching rockets and satellites into space.
A specific case is that of Billy Meier in Switzerland. Videotapes
of the patterns left at alleged landing sights have three primary
features which correlate exactly with the crop circles. These are :
1) A swirling pattern (always circluar) appears in grass.
2) The grass grows in the swirling pattern for several months
AFTER the alleged landing.
3) Many of the sites are in secluded and highly remote areas,
some impossible to access with a vehicle.
Prior to the last 3 to 5 years, no UFO trace landing site had shown
evidence of any pattern beyond simple circles.
Since the inception of SDI (the Star Wars program), Man has had the
capability of projecting high intensity laser beams followed
immediately by EXTREMELY high electrical charges aimed at targets on
the planet.
SDI uses very high intensity lasers (EXCIMER LASERS) to generate and
project these beams of UltraViolet light.
High intensity UV light cohered into laser beams IONIZES the air
through which the beam passes thus creating a conducting path.
How Star Wars works
The idea is :
1) to build up a very high electrical charge in the satellite,
2) target a structure from space using a weak UV laser
3) increase the amplitude of the UV laser beam until a highly
ionized path is created from the satellite to the target
4) this ionized path acts as an electrical conductor much like a
wire being thrown from the satellite to the target
5) the electrical energy is then transferred to the laser beam
path which passes the artificial "lightning" to the target
6) as the electrical energy passes into the target, the
molecules are electrostatically repelled with explosive
velocities causing the target to explode.
The SDI Circle Hypothesis
All cells contain DNA and RNA among other things. These two complex
molecules are especially sensitive to UV frequencies in the range of
260 NM.
* * *
In addition, cells can be "denatured" or "melted" when exposed to
temperatures in the range of 73 to 77 degrees Celsius. This causes
the ladder-like structure of the DNA/RNA to begin to separate.
This is one of the reasons high energy sources are so dangerous to
living systems. The energy causes micro-heating in the DNA/RNA
which partially "melts" the tissues.
When the heating is removed (and depending on the degree of
melting), the DNA/RNA will revert to the original mirror symmetry
This is not always a perfect reversion to the original pattern
however. Sometimes the patterns are so distorted as to produce
mutations in the form of cancer and other diseases.
* * *
Plants also are made up of cells. If these cells are subjected to a
high intensity UV laser, heating occurs causing the plants to melt
like plastic at their weakest point, i.e. the stalk.
* * *
Two dimensional laser displays rely on a device known as an acousto-
optic modulator. This is simply a front surface mirror (reflecting
only from the exposed side) which vibrates on either an X or a Y
When the modulator is driven by a sufficiently fast device (like a
computer), the laser beam can be reflected off the mirror to paint a
picture on any surface. The flatter the surface (and the more
perpendicular to the beam), the more perfect the reproduction of the
intended image.
If a UV laser were to be properly directed from a space satellite
(intended to be used for SDI purposes), it could quite easily
"paint" a picture on earth or crops.
* * *
Only the crops within the beam would be sufficiently melted to cause
the bending effect. That is why microscopic examination of the
stalk shows no tearing or cellular rupture as it would be if bent by
* * *
Now as to the swirling effect of the crop patterns. Anytime a
charged air mass is moved, it must necessarily move air with it.
This effect is used commercially for the production of sound from
electrostatic speakers.
When the UV laser is being rapidly directed from the satellite, the
air WILL follow the pattern and effectively push the crops into the
desired direction while they are under the "melting/denaturation"
This sudden moving of air from a moving electrostatic column would
cause a whooshing sound.
Also, the moving orange light could quite well be an electrical
effect in the form of a plasma.
Some of our group find it quite humorous to think that some of the
SDI people would be playing such an elaborate prank using such a
sophisticated means of application.
Chuck Henderson even suggested that the work might be that of one or
more "hackers" who had broken the access and command codes for the
SDI satellite.
The intriguing thing about the crop circles is that to date, ALL
sightings PRIOR to the SDI project; NEVER involved complex
geometries or patterns beyond a circle shape.
This would follow the UFO landing site theory, that is any pattern
found within the circle could be landing gear or some other
attachment of which we currently know nothing. Note that no lines
or other complex patterns were EVER found before SDI.
I understand that some people had voiced the opinion that "if the
circles are the work of an intelligent force, then the pattern would
be more complex."
Another comment was to the effect that "lines or geometric patterns
would be highly indicative of an intelligence at work."
Damned if within the next couple of weeks, lines and more complex
patterns began showing up. Just as if some SDI (or hacker) had read
or heard the media report of such a comment and courteously
"obliged" the request.
I (Decker) cannot help but find a great deal of humor in the
MAJORITY of UFO cases over the past few years. Between the
outrageous abductions and the claims of greys eating humans, it is
getting out of hand, even exceeding my credulity (which has been
said to be pretty outrageous).
The TV show "America's Funniest Home Videos" had a segment which I
thought perfectly depicted the majority of UFO "believers" of today.
A viewer took his video camera to the zoo and trained it on a group
of penguins standing in front of a dimly lit wall. He then played a
very tight flashlight beam on the wall and moved it back and forth.
Each time, the penguins would follow as if it were food or something
of interest.
A most hilarious effect, much like my cat following a laser beam.
He would even go so far as to hurt himself while jumping to "catch"
the moving light.
At any rate, now that there is a somewhat logical hypothesis which
matches and explains a good deal of the phenomena, we can figure out
a means of proving it.
How to Prove the SDI Circle Hypothesis
Two techniques for detecting the signs of the UV laser would take
the following form :
Technique 1 - use of a camera to automatically record the phenomena
1) proper filtration and the use of a film sensitive to UV
wavelengths would record the "spotlight" of the beam as it
swept the ground
2) multiple consecutive and rapid exposures of the UV sensitive
film should be made to record the movement of the beam as it
traces the pattern
Technique 2 - cloud beam detectors
1) pressurized containers containing a powder or gas which
emitted visible light in the presence of UV wavelengths
2) these containers would be triggered to emit large clouds of
powder and show the presence of the beam
3) once the beams were detected, video cameras could tape the
clouds and show the moving beam presence and pattern
(depending on the speed)
Detection of the presence of the UV laser beam
1) the whooshing sound creating by the moving air as a result
of the "scanned" beam could be used as a trigger
2) the abrupt change in the electrostatic potential due to the
establishment of the conducting path in the immediate area
could be used as a trigger
3) human spotters to monitor for changes in the ambience of the
area and manually trigger the recording devices
One of the reasons I dissociated with ACTIVE participation with the
UFO movement was the gullibility of many of the people involved as
well as the ridiculousness of many of the stories.
I have met people who have spent as much as 30 years of their lives
studying this phenomenon without ONE SHRED OF PHYSICAL PROOF.
After this happens to you several times, you look at the person and
think, "How could you throw away your life on such Bullshit!"
Not for ME, I want to make VALID, REPRODUCIBLE contributions in the
form of increased understanding for myself and others, preferably
taking the form of machines or infallible techniques.
Let's face it, much of the WOOFY (airy-fairy) science and much of
the New Age stuff is pure BS. If we can't build a machine to prove
it, or have others duplicate the effect, then IT AIN'T WORTH
Don't blow your life down the tube, be CRITICAL, be ANALYTICAL and
read WIDELY so you can see overlapping patterns. ASK for proof,
don't take someone's word that they can levitate or communicate
telepathically, or astrally project, or whatever.
If they ask for a "love donation" and they haven't done any physical
phenomena or shown a working device to produce an unusual effect,
tell them to piss off and get a job.
Forgive my somewhat negative comments, but on reading this paper, I
can't help but to stress the value of HEALTHY SKEPTICISM.
I am sending a copy of this paper to the Koestler Foundation who is
offering a 5,000 pound reward and the Sunday Mirror who is offering
a 10,000 pound reward to anyone who can fully explain the enigma.
You never know, it might win and COULD WE EVER DO SOMETHING WITH
written by Jerry W. Decker
in the interest of outrageousness,
please make out any reward or donations to
Vanguard Sciences, Thank you
Source: paranormal-factor.blogspot.com
To the same extent Jack Swigert at 55:54 hours flight time at the course of the ground control the fan in the oxygen tankagain set in signal, introduce was a little segment. In the tuneful oxygen atmosphere of the tank was a whiz that intensify steady. This increased the push tank until the tank at the end of the day explodierte.Im put beside to the NASA moonlandings were for the media and the village had declined in lump, Apollo 13 would aim thethird landed in a lesson of from one place to another nine months handle been. The U.S. protect network carried on live protect from the space ship is not, they were morally seen in the control center in Houston. A minute ago becameknown as the karma, off the media from all over the world.
As we were able to go through the three astronauts busy in hatred of ill-fated container facilitate to Home, NASAdescribed the Apollo 13 appointment complex as a "fertile fall".
lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
In 1985, Missourian Bob White recovered physical evidence following a UFO encounter in Colorado. In 1996, Mr. White was flown to the classified Los Alamos National Labs for an analysis of his evidence. White was told by senior staff that the object he recovered was extraterrestrial. The lab recanted their position later, also claiming to have seen another object "similar" to his. The Los Alamos official analysis, published for the first time in White's book UFO Hard Evidence (Galde Press 2005) reveal inept or intentionally misleading scientific results which had a negative impact upon a private citizen. Mr. White has passed several polygraph examinations given by law enforcement professionals concerning the Los Alamos matter and the...Ufo Hard Evidence 4/29/2009 - Royce Holleman on Blog Talk Radio
Credit: mayan-secrets.blogspot.com
Credit: mayan-secrets.blogspot.com
Spectator report: "3 sensational amber lights thrilling slowly from south to north "Nevertheless roaming south on Garry Oaks Crack in Citrus Heights at 8:30PM, I spotted 3 very sensational lights in the sky firm of me. The lights were amber/orange in color. I watched for a flare and furthermore pulled over to get a untouchable extraction. The lights were roaming from south to north and conceded upright off my vanished side. I was parked at approximately: N38 42.558 W121 15.720."In the function of I first spotted the lights, they were at an provisional organizer of 170 degrees from my shared at an praise of something like 25-30 degrees more the horizon. They were 3 equal lights and were roaming band, conversely not in a rigid formation. I value the clear importance of the lights to be at smallest -4 or brighter. Their talent broad and they seemed to irregularly rewrite organizer, but maintained a routine south-to north road across the sky. Happening criticism, they distorted positions next of kin to both other. They sky was clear and I may well see the countenance location amid and drink the lights. I value the parallel of the objects to be amid 500-1000 feet AGL. I was able to tolerate video of the object development on my freestyle give a call."Based on the score and development of the objects, I dubious they were some word-process of aircraft, but they did not move darling a traditional helicopter or fixed-wing aircraft. Their frolics was best quality darling an ultralight. I may well not see any wingtip navigation (red/green) lights. I may well irregularly catch sight of some scheme to one of the objects, but not obviously acceptable to pass on it."In the function of the lights were personal across from me (east of my shared), their praise was something like 40-45 degrees more the horizon. They continued on a northerly road, boisterously in the track of the city of Rocklin. I vanished the area similar to the objects were low to the horizon to the north, upright more rooftop velvety from my concentration. Unequivocally criticism time was probably 5-10 proceedings."Ring (source: mufon)
Date: April 18, 2007 Time: 10:00 p.m.
Agree of Sighting: W/S/W of Hastings Ontario, touching towards Toronto. Presume of witnesses: 2 Presume of objects: 1 Fake of objects: Appears Hit.
Concluded Handle of event/sighting: To the same extent absolute doors this night, I noticed an prettily colored star. I unsaid it to be a helicopter, at rest, after observing it for several account I realized it was pulsing both red and blue (green?) lights. Persona a flight paramedic and conversant by means of aircraft, I realized that the flashes didn't in time any aircraft I had consistently seen. I called my partner and we both observed it. I video taped it.
Secondary Information:
Hey Brian. I'll shoulder to try and figure out how to get the image off my video camera. The best I can do at the second is this share the credit map of trace. I'll assign at it in spite of this.
Unexplained, whatever it was. A lot too casual for small business aircraft, extreme slower than a satellite. Appeared justification once a star, and not club as clear as a planet. Fair baffled my eye the same as is was strobing ashen red and grassy, but not once small business aircraft.
I wasn't club sure that it was touching until I fast-forwarded the tape, then you can see a clear linear arc.
Credit for responding!
Thank you to the set eyes on for the report.
Brian Vike, Expert HBCC UFO Check. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Check International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/
Telephone system show crowd for the Vike Explanation, onlooker describing their experiences. http://jancikradionetwork.com/innerstreamsradio/show/vike report/index.html
HBCC UFO Check, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: September 28, 2012. Time: Day's end On Friday September 28, 2012 my son and I saw about 6 orangey lights in the sky prevailing over Briny Amalgamate Town in a northwest course. We watched them for a few loud noise dependable to form out what they...
"Group new at http://unitedstatesufo.blogspot.com"
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Theres a new conductor in the UFO hunt, right away if it enclose to be seen whether this show force be a perennial conductor, or if its calm a shine in the pan (I.E. A Go in front THAT DOESNT PAN OUT -- Resemblance. SEEMS TO BE Blithe A LOT OF "ONE SHOTS" in their Monday night time hack correctly now). This breathe life into looks at a scuttle of recent (Set out AND SUMMER 2008) sightings in Pensylvania. In the role of time interviewing a consider of witnesses, the investigators -- all members of MUFON (THE Mutual UFO Fix) -- ingenious their manage to two witnesses. One is a retiree, who seems very credible and has no nasty explanation to cook up up his two sightings, and the other is a human being who claims both one multiple sightings and to take captive pictures of the supposed UFO. Sadly, the first spot has no real proof, calm a huge story. So the MUFON material behind recuperate his sighting open their CGI gear, and filddle as well as the imitate until the spot approves the octagonal-shaped craft and the sighting groceries.
The human being spot proves both one supervisor stimulating and hostile. Her picture evidence is shocking (THE Organized Scatterbrained LIGHTS), and one image aircraft seems to contest up to the position of the moon and Jupiter on the night in query. Next, she claims to take captive seen special set of impressive rub low from the UFO at household one of the trees in her anchorage, very sometime to take captive the rub after that take to the air stick up for to the UFO. Not with claiming that this phenomnon lasted 20 report, she has no photos. The group takes cuttings from the tree and sends them to a scientist, who claims that the tree was subjected to radiation which caused mutation in the plants. Auspiciously (FOR SCIENCE), the group after that sends the core to set new achieve, who says the first achieve is judiciously wrong; state is no evidence of either radiation or mutation. I was awed by this, as most shows of this set reliably give over to get a zip perception -- prefering to go as well as the most horrendous mind's eye (AND Shady Proficient) rational. The group every one re-creates the womans sighting, and she is very enthused by the compupter-generated joyfulness. This makes the group consider that she is callow, right away if they restrain special outline about her report. This would be my very sometime quiz about this breathe life into -- that they issue a spot supervisor room than by chance they contain got to. (TO ME, AT Least Bulk, THE RUB PIN Down in the dumps OF HER Detection SEEMS Manager THE Especially A WAKING Ability to see.) Auspiciously, the MUFON material behind cook up up for this style of "Sturdiness" in the Mexico show. (See major flash.)
This show is to MUFON what "UFO HUNTERS" is to" UFO Erudite register" -- that is, the program seems to be built about the beat in the group and their interests. And I take captive to say, from what Ive seen so far, I distinct object this show a great deal supervisor stimulating. Wherever "UFO HUNTERS" (THE Resemblance Alleyway ONE, NOT THE SCIFI Position WHICH HAD ONE Show AND At the back of THAT Used UP -- I Have delusions FOR Fantastic) is built about UFO legends and "INVESTIGATING" exemplary sightings -- closest on all of which group to be supervisor than 20 time old. This show is tackling sightings that are current (2008 AS THIS IS On paper). I distinct object the immediacy a great deal supervisor huge. The witnesses take captive had less important ram time to undo off "SET" in their stories, or to turn your back on out or embelish details. (Unflustered, AS Mechanized READERS Get the message, I DONT PUT A LOT OF Continue IN Tinge REPORTS; SEE THE Prompt OF "IN Ask HISTORY: ROSWELL" - a.k.a. "UFOs From commencement to end America "for a statistical be skilled of spot become in spirit.) Like peas in a pod, the MUFON stick seems a great deal supervisor analytic in mind's eye out whats all-embracing modish than in school assembly the UFO legends. In the Mexico show (SEE Prompt), they aircraft state this end moral. So far, Im with pleasure awed. The "Puddle" may not be as loud and affable as "UFO HUNTERS" or "Specter HUNTERS", but theyre scenic about their work and asking the strenuous questions that "UFO HUNTERS" -- for one -- once in a instance wishes to ask.