Probably not. And, besides, the good old scientists have a simple explanation: it's all down to spiders. Okay, perhaps, but I don't always believe the scientists' conclusions.
Angel hair is usually described as being similar to gossamer, cotton wool or silk. It's all soft, white and shiny. It's difficult to analyse as it melts away and disappears into nothing. It is also known by other names. In France it is called "the Madonna's present"; in Italy it's "siliceous cotton" and the Ufologists refer to it as "angel's hair".
Angel hair, or whatever term you prefer, first came to the attention of the UFO bods in 1954 when two men, Gennaro Lucetti and Pietro Lastrucci, were on the balcony of a hotel in St.Mark's Square in Venice. They saw what they described as two shining spindles flying across the sky. These objects left behind a white trail as they sped on their way. The UFOs then changed direction and headed towards Florence.
On the same afternoon at a soccer match in Florence the players and the 10,000+ spectators watched two objects/UFOs fly over the stadium. Cobweb like threads started to rain down on the pitch as the UFOs disappeared.
Professor Danilo Cozzi of Florence University was able to examine the threads and gave his conclusions:
"It's a fibrous material, which is highly resistant to tension and torsion. Once subjected to heat action, the material grows dark and evaporates, leaving transparent sediment that melts away. The sediment was found to contain boron, silicon, and magnesium. Hypothetically speaking, the substance may be some kind of boron-silicon glass."
But that doesn't really tell us what it is and there are many other suggestions:
American ufologist Charles Maney put is down to, "The UFO excess energy which materialized, the threads return to their dimension or some other space-time continuum while fading away."
A British unnamed ufologist reckons it's a sort of ectoplasm similar to than emanated at a spiritualists seance.
In 1967 a study was done in New Zealand and the conclusion from I.V.Petryanov-Sokolov was that, "The sample is of considerable interest as a material with extremely fine fibers. It is unlikely that the material was formed by nature."
All of this doesn't really make things much clearer. Angel hair, however, keeps on being seen. In 1998 in North wales, for example, following a UFO sighting a 60 year woman, Mrs.Stanfield,
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