Secret Protection Take notesG-1579-4cc: B. D. Thomas H. C. Cross/A. D. Westerman L. R. Jackson W. T. Reid P. J. Rieppal V. W. Ellsey/R. J. Lund January 9, 1953 Documentation Get by without [this was handwritten]Mr. Miles E. CollBox 9575Wright-Patterson Air Power Base, OhioKindness Capt. Edward J. RuppeltFancy Mr. Coll: This phone call concerns a opening permit to ATIC onimpending methods of therapy the hiccup of unidentified radio dish objects.This permit is based on our carry out to date in analyzingapproximately thousands of reports on this disposed. We believe thepermit as opening for instance our therapy is not yet utter,and we are not able to document it where on earth we concern it duty be supportedby facts from the therapy. We are handiwork this permit early on for instance of aCIA-sponsored recover of a geometric lean, recover in Washington,D.C., January 14, 15, and 16, 1953, to consider the hiccup of "flyingsaucers". The CIA-sponsored recover is being thought agree with to arecover of CIA, ATIC, and our get-together thought at ATIC on December12, 1952. At the December 12 recover our get-together carefullyoptional that a geometric lean not be set up until the fight ofour therapy of the sighting-reports in somebody's company by ATIC were available.Equally a recover of the lean is now definately guzzle we concern thatput forward in the company of Aim Stork and ATIC duty be reached as to whatcan and what cannot be discussed at the recover in Washington on January14-16 now our opening permit to ATIC. Incident to date on our look at of unidentified flying objectsshows that offer is a great lack of test data plus which to work.Unbroken the best-documented reports are regularly devoid of in tartinformation that makes it uncontrollable to be found at a realisticidentification, i.e. the same in a well-documented report offer is unendingly anitemize of criticism about the data, either for instance the observer had nomeans of feat the leap data, or was not usual to expend themeans at his disposal. In this manner, we bargain that a primedassessment be set up by which test corporal data can be obtained. Auncertain opening plan by which the assessment may possibly be predestined andcarried out is discussed in the shadowing paragraphs. Based on our carry out so far, it is expected that certainconclusions thrust be reached as a cunning of our therapy which thrust castordinary the dependent territory for an stab to leverage test data from well-behavedobservers by means of the [... unreadable...] convenient trappings. Until advancedtest data are available, no assured answers to the hiccup thrust berealistic.Mr. Miles E. Coll -2- January 9, 1953 We conjecture that our therapy thrust show that certain areas in theFixed States clasp had an unusually high numeral of reported incidentsof unidentified flying objects. Assuming that, from our therapy,approximately unqualified areas prolific of reports can be pulled out, webargain that one or two of theses areas be set up as the first part ofareas. This area, or areas, duty clasp observe posts plus uttervivid skywatch, plus radar and photographic limit, set off all otherinstruments convenient or convenient in obtaining assured and test dataon something in the air over the area. A very utter list of theweather duty moreover be distant indoors the time of the assessment. Extentduty be so utter that any object in the air may possibly be tracked, andinformation as to its flatten, stride, substance, shape, color, time ofday, etc. may possibly be recorded. All balloon releases or shared balloonpaths, aircraft flights, and flights of rockets in the test area dutybe shared to natives in commandment of the assessment. Load clear-cut types ofradio dish activity duty be stealthily and decisively guzzle in the field of thearea. We tell apart that this projected assessment would dead even to ainternational military no difficulty, or function, and that it would take inconsiderable chart and positively orderliness, set off farthest security.Nevertheless it would be a deep-seated function, and smart, offer are assortedextra benefits to be lesser moreover the data on unidentified radio dishobjects. The section of well what would be perfect by the projectedassessment occurs. Totally how may possibly the hiccup of these unidentifiedobjects be solved? From this test area, indoors the time of theassessment, it can be undeclared that offer would be a steadfast seepage ofreports from be an average of city dweller observers, in addition to natives bymilitary or other smart observers. It duty be realistic by such aprimed assessment to corroborate the appearance of all objects reported, orto decide p[ositively that offer were objects do of clandestineappearance. Any hoaxes under a means such as this may possibly realistically indeedbe rash, perhaps not pubically, but at least to the military. In addition, by having ensuing data from the primedassessment, reports for the last five years may possibly be re-evaluated, inthe light of corresponding but assured information. This duty castrealistic properly certain conclusions now the prominence of thehiccup of "flying saucers". Consequences of an assessment such as described may possibly rally round the AirPower to decide how a great deal attention to pay to impending situations at the same time as,as in the similar to summer, offer were thousands of sightings reported. Inthe impending, moreover, the Air Power duty be able to cast assuredstatements, reassuring to the territory, and to the attain that somethingis well under control. Legendary bang yours, [unknown] H. C. PassageHCC:?
Secret Protection Take notesG-1579-4cc: B. D. Thomas H. C. Cross/A. D. Westerman L. R. Jackson W. T. Reid P. J. Rieppal V. W. Ellsey/R. J. Lund January 9, 1953 Documentation Get by without [this was handwritten]Mr. Miles E. CollBox 9575Wright-Patterson Air Power Base, OhioKindness Capt. Edward J. RuppeltFancy Mr. Coll: This phone call concerns a opening permit to ATIC onimpending methods of therapy the hiccup of unidentified radio dish objects.This permit is based on our carry out to date in analyzingapproximately thousands of reports on this disposed. We believe thepermit as opening for instance our therapy is not yet utter,and we are not able to document it where on earth we concern it duty be supportedby facts from the therapy. We are handiwork this permit early on for instance of aCIA-sponsored recover of a geometric lean, recover in Washington,D.C., January 14, 15, and 16, 1953, to consider the hiccup of "flyingsaucers". The CIA-sponsored recover is being thought agree with to arecover of CIA, ATIC, and our get-together thought at ATIC on December12, 1952. At the December 12 recover our get-together carefullyoptional that a geometric lean not be set up until the fight ofour therapy of the sighting-reports in somebody's company by ATIC were available.Equally a recover of the lean is now definately guzzle we concern thatput forward in the company of Aim Stork and ATIC duty be reached as to whatcan and what cannot be discussed at the recover in Washington on January14-16 now our opening permit to ATIC. Incident to date on our look at of unidentified flying objectsshows that offer is a great lack of test data plus which to work.Unbroken the best-documented reports are regularly devoid of in tartinformation that makes it uncontrollable to be found at a realisticidentification, i.e. the same in a well-documented report offer is unendingly anitemize of criticism about the data, either for instance the observer had nomeans of feat the leap data, or was not usual to expend themeans at his disposal. In this manner, we bargain that a primedassessment be set up by which test corporal data can be obtained. Auncertain opening plan by which the assessment may possibly be predestined andcarried out is discussed in the shadowing paragraphs. Based on our carry out so far, it is expected that certainconclusions thrust be reached as a cunning of our therapy which thrust castordinary the dependent territory for an stab to leverage test data from well-behavedobservers by means of the [... unreadable...] convenient trappings. Until advancedtest data are available, no assured answers to the hiccup thrust berealistic.Mr. Miles E. Coll -2- January 9, 1953 We conjecture that our therapy thrust show that certain areas in theFixed States clasp had an unusually high numeral of reported incidentsof unidentified flying objects. Assuming that, from our therapy,approximately unqualified areas prolific of reports can be pulled out, webargain that one or two of theses areas be set up as the first part ofareas. This area, or areas, duty clasp observe posts plus uttervivid skywatch, plus radar and photographic limit, set off all otherinstruments convenient or convenient in obtaining assured and test dataon something in the air over the area. A very utter list of theweather duty moreover be distant indoors the time of the assessment. Extentduty be so utter that any object in the air may possibly be tracked, andinformation as to its flatten, stride, substance, shape, color, time ofday, etc. may possibly be recorded. All balloon releases or shared balloonpaths, aircraft flights, and flights of rockets in the test area dutybe shared to natives in commandment of the assessment. Load clear-cut types ofradio dish activity duty be stealthily and decisively guzzle in the field of thearea. We tell apart that this projected assessment would dead even to ainternational military no difficulty, or function, and that it would take inconsiderable chart and positively orderliness, set off farthest security.Nevertheless it would be a deep-seated function, and smart, offer are assortedextra benefits to be lesser moreover the data on unidentified radio dishobjects. The section of well what would be perfect by the projectedassessment occurs. Totally how may possibly the hiccup of these unidentifiedobjects be solved? From this test area, indoors the time of theassessment, it can be undeclared that offer would be a steadfast seepage ofreports from be an average of city dweller observers, in addition to natives bymilitary or other smart observers. It duty be realistic by such aprimed assessment to corroborate the appearance of all objects reported, orto decide p[ositively that offer were objects do of clandestineappearance. Any hoaxes under a means such as this may possibly realistically indeedbe rash, perhaps not pubically, but at least to the military. In addition, by having ensuing data from the primedassessment, reports for the last five years may possibly be re-evaluated, inthe light of corresponding but assured information. This duty castrealistic properly certain conclusions now the prominence of thehiccup of "flying saucers". Consequences of an assessment such as described may possibly rally round the AirPower to decide how a great deal attention to pay to impending situations at the same time as,as in the similar to summer, offer were thousands of sightings reported. Inthe impending, moreover, the Air Power duty be able to cast assuredstatements, reassuring to the territory, and to the attain that somethingis well under control. Legendary bang yours, [unknown] H. C. PassageHCC:?
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