on the heels of our earlier post, 'Across the Punyverse', comes the surprising news that SETI has also disagreed with NASA's choice of song. Hi-ho, on one thing at least SETI and we agree: the Beatles suck.Actually, it turns out that SETI (who - never let it be forgotten - keep insisting they have yet to discover any signs of intelligent life in the universe), are worried that the nasal honking of the Beatles could result in an alien attack. It seems SETI is a tad concerned that if we advertise we're here, then, well, we're asking for trouble.So, SETI, what do you know that we don't know? More importantly, what do you know that NASA doesn't know? And if you know something that NASA needs to know, then, dear SETI, you really should be communicating with them. If there really are angry aliens out there and you are worried that the Beatles might disrupt their quiet evenings, you really should've said something before NASA tromped all over their beauty sleep.If readers happen to peruse the article at the link above, they will discover that SETI is quite a-feared of alerting a potentially unfriendly ET species to our existence, and, more specifically, our location. Pretty strange thinking for a group of people that publicly and ostensibly really don't think there's anything out there at all. But now, thanks to NASA's intergalactic faux pas, it turns out that SETI is plain pants-wetting terrified that there IS something out there, and that we might make it mad.Mixed messages SETI! What do you know that we don't know? What have you discovered? What don't you tell us? Why won't you tell ANYbody, including all those persons or institutions capable of transmitting crappy songs out into the void? (Yes, it turns out some dude with a great honking satellite dish in his backyard transmitted Bob Marley out there about 10 years ago. Jeez SETI, you coulda said something before that happened.)If our music, our culture, and our pathetic selves are such a dangerous torment to the easily irritated ET, then hell, SETI, you'd best start popping all our satellites out of orbit right now. Because, as we noted in our earlier post, we beam ourselves and our soap operas out into space every second of every day. This big round blue ball of ours must be the noisiest and most irritating disturbance this side of the Crab Nebula.But don't worry SETI, we promise it's safe for you to sleep at night. If the intergalactic noise police were really going to visit and politely ask us to shut up, they'd surely have done it before now. Probably during the 80s - that wretched and embarrassing hiccup in our cultural development...
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