Posted: September 29, 2008Date: September 27, 2008Time: 01:00Scenery of Sighting: Sydney Australia.Play a part of witnesses: 3Play a part of objects: 5Die of objects: Triangular, round dot.Weighed down Natural history of event/sighting: The time is around 01:00 AM 27/09/08 Sydney.For instance further than my stab north western environs of Sydney for instance having a few squeal formerly my 2 relations headed over to their cars, we all crash into the way three stars (bit bright and obese than the other stars around) was precisely in a amend line about ten proceedings successive a fourth very dimly appears too. The four of them motivated a bit pass on (pin down it the same as the other stars remained in awfully fit).We were speech about what constellation might that be (Southern Beside yourself, big shovel and etc) and as a result about a few array from the alleged stars at a 10 o'clock step fit from it we crash into and saw whatever thing think a unintelligible, but might see an structure looking think a triangle (at time roundish) - think looking in ancestors bag reduced-size of diamonds you see in films in a way stars might be luck together. Then for a flash it emitted a bluish type of film around it think plasma steady to the edges of a lightning but wasn't so outright to the eyes, it precisely did it ones. The triangular object seems to move to the rear and pass on in a cycle wave your arms but might really see it although of its discontinuous type of light as described.So the two relations had to go but we all observed it for about 20 mins. I went support in to snare a digital camera and remained for around one hour further than my parent's house. As a consequence the camera I took a video but don't call to break the surface in the video show protest awfully in the same way as the other object - the camera has a very minor focusing ability for frozen objects, so all it looks think are stars in a pixilated forms persuasive the permanent pictures are the awfully, a long way essential to the unintelligible triangular object). Then the 4 stars dead after brisk nap our roof and the triangular lights are too unintelligible to see (this is about nearer to 03:00 in the dawn).I in addition crash into not getting any younger week and this week were low flying helicopters at night think searching at a array of time. Commendation.Thank you to the scrutinize for their report.Brian Vike, Leader HBCC UFO Review and anchor of the Vike Report UFO Outsider radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Review International: Totally foster, the Vike Report Connections Inventory Blog. You can meet the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and approaching programs I do. UFO Review, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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