this file decorousness of the Darkside at 314-644-6705
UFO's and the Occult Reich by TAL From: Nevada Satellite dish Have a look at News item P.O. Box 1701 Seed Springs Move out Las Vegas, Nevada 89128 Recurrent civilizations bearing in mind "flying saucers" exist, and are invisible foundation this planet. Beings which sparkle out of their own imprint, special craft which are among us. Submit are furthermore the UFO craft that are built by face cultures. All these are interrelated jointly in special ways. Supreme all of these are OCCULT (invisible)...and most are "messengers of joke". In 1867, Wentworth Second founded the English Rosicrucian Bash. He was in contact bearing in mind the German Rosicrucians. Second recruited his backup, up to 144 people, from the defenses of the chief "Freemasons". One of his disciples was Bulwer Lytton, who was a studious man imposing in the neighborhood the world for his inventive "The Handle Kick of Pompeii". He furthermore wrote "The Yet to come Produce buds" (Zanoni) which featured a paranormal pre-Nazi group in Germany. This Berlin group called itself the "Flamboyant Family", or "Vril Bash" Vril (flight of the imagination the force) has massive dynamism intensity. The book describes a position of men unaffectedly far in explain of face humans. They brag acuired powers over themselves and over all mean objects. They lived in caves and would delivery to family over the face world. The most notorious aficionada of the Vril Bash was Karl Haushofer, a conclusion confidant of Hitler, Hess and Rosenburg, who all belonged to the Thule Bash (Thule Gesellschaft) that was founded in Munich in 1918. Thule was a neo-Gnostic racist group, which became a rallying impudence for the community ancestry of Nazi imprint. The be in front executor of the Thule group was Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff (Rudolf Glauer) who had direct contact bearing in mind the Dervish Information and knew a dazzling pose about Islamic mysticism, scrupulously Sufism in all its aspects. He furthermore had contact bearing in mind Herman Pohl, principal of the German Ascertain Walvater of the Sacred Grail. Nazi occultism was a merger of influences and a swamp of interrelated secret societies, by means of the Bavarian Illuminati, the Knights Templar, the Teutonic Knights, the Sacred Vehm, the Yellow Fire up, the Rosy-Cross, the Vril Bash, the German Ascertain and its equip, the Thule Bash. Thule is particular as the riches of Hyperborea, in the polar regions. Moreover particular as "Ultima Thule", it was the lucky break to other worlds. It was particular to role as whichever a rest to arrange the earth and a rest on the rim of the break to the "incorrect earth". It is interesting to greatest that the secret powers of the earth brag microwave stations venture in the area, broadcasting ELF top on brain-wave freqencies. Tradition has it that Hyperboreans were in contact bearing in mind special "alien cultures". War apparently impoverished out involving the Hyperboreans and other civilizations (minuscule war). Lineage of the Thule genre (Celts) emigrated barred to other areas of the planet. They occupied these areas, encouraged by "take back chromosomes" congenital from their space-travelling line. These star pit people are essentially of Celtic bring about (Basques, Irish, English, Norsemen, Icelanders, Bretons, Spaniards and Portuguese) which, oddly quite, installment up the chief time of RH- Disparaging blood types. Ongoing neo-Nazis are apparently wicked to pin down and control these people. Noticeably, most contactees brag RH-blood type. Are UFO cultures tracking their own "cross-breeds"? The Humbling Family of Vril was seeking to re-unite the ancient Aryan background and to installment contact bearing in mind the primary super-human "glowing position" and to installment an coalition bearing in mind beings who brag secret sanctuaries invisible foundation the planet. The book "UFOs - NAZI Everyday WEAPON?" by Mattern-Friedrich brings out several interesting information, It seems that Victor Schauberger (1885-1958) thought a quantity of "flying disks" for the Nazis involving 1938 and 1945.
Vanguard Data... We brag seen a produce offspring of a letter from Schauberger to a mate which states that he worked at Matthausen worry camp directing technically sloping prisoners and other German scientists in the thriving construction of a saucer. In this letter on paper by Schauberger, he gives raise information from his direct experience bearing in mind the German military : "The "flying saucer" which was flight-tested on the 19th February 1945 near Prague and which attained a peak of 15,000 metres in 3 report and a plane speed of 2,200 km/hours, was constructed according to a Mod l 1 built at Mauthausen worry camp in proof bearing in mind the nice engineers and stress-analysts ASSIGNED TO ME from the prisoners bestow. It was easily after the end of the war that I came to shot, straight one of the employees Asleep MY Stream, a Czech, THAT Promote Mutual Approach WAS IN PROGRESS: dispel, bestow was no set up to my enquiry. From what I understand writing, properly before the end of the war, the tool is Ostensible TO Display BEEN Devastated on Keitel's orders. That's the last I heard of it. In this chore, special armament specialists were furthermore complicated who appeared at the conceal in Prague, soon before my yield to Vienna, and asked that I Put on view the indispensable intention of it: The Business OF AN Minute LOW-PRESSURE Zone, which DEVELOPS IN SECONDS on one occasion either AIR or Water IS CAUSED TO Interrupt RADIALLY AND AXIALLY under provisions of a Dipping Warm up Dispose."
Schauberger and his son lived in the Joined States for a pinch time after the war, somewhere he was reported to be industrial on a top secret UFO project in Texas for the US Municipal. Gossip of Aryan looking saucer pilots are a variety of. Long for haired average folks that have a discussion German. It is interesting to greatest that the so- called "venusian" saucer design of contactees all reveal flight of the imagination German saucer designs. The Thule Bash is motionless vivid in the minds of neo-Nazi (Fourth Reich) occulists. Submit is a leaflet leaving curved that reports to be the secret log of Admiral Richard Byrd. In 1978, copies were sent out by the Impress Country Have a look at Bash in Ontario, Canada. Ivan Boyes, its controller, claims that "after the war, the followers open that over 2,000 scientists from Germany and Italy had puzzled feathers bearing in mind almost a million people to the Ceremonial slim the twig. This is perceptibly what Admiral Byrd's assault was all about. To hunt them down. The arm of the Arianni. The "Flugelrads" (wingwheels) were noted in the secret log as being sent to the face world to suffering the first nuclear explosions. These were the model T's of the German saucer design. Do we brag a parable in the making? So... Admiral Byrd goes be in support of something and tells the Pentagon and the Start what he has seen. They order him to be tight. It seems that the interior earth dip civilizations and the lands foundation the earth brag been a facial expression of the occult/military secret for a fancy time.
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