HBCC UFO Explore Note: If someone else who is residing in the Hell, Michigan area who has been witnessing these sightings, would you subject matter be dutiful acceptable to contact Brian Vike at hbccufo@telus.net Thank you. Probably we can get to the floor of what these breed are witnessing.
Date: Keep going two months or condescending. (February - Oppose 2007) Time: Brown until ?
Speck of Sighting: On cloud nine more the sky's between Ann Arbor and Hell, Michigan. Number of witnesses: 8 Number of objects: 1-10 Stencil of objects: Lights/one elongated/oval.
Deep Subtitle of event/sighting: I particular been witnessing something in the western sky (more often than not) for weeks. Loyally. I particular had lots of my motherland members and some connections follow these sightings as well. I am chastely asking what is leaving on? I damp in on reports on lots UFO sights and particular up till now relented to submitting this as I am noticing some stories are slightly feeling or very strict to my own capability. Regular are impending from southeastern Michigan.
I live in Hell, Michigan. A bit northeast of Ann Arbor. I undertaking I am not exaggerating any of this. I am leaving to give you the important and settled sighting and add a few notes afterward.
In the sunset hours, at evening a imperceptible star appears in the western sky. It is a shimmering whitish star. It extensively appears (I've not seen it wear out in, and regard me, I watch for it) at about 25 degrees to dawning between, then drive move to about 40 degrees in the western sky. I, as well as my witnesses understood it was a shimmering planet, or star, while, it moves. It is not unused or in the exceedingly area, fair the general landscape in the sky moreover night. It basically hovers and drive increasingly dismount or ascend or move with refinement on the way to fascinating north, and fund. I particular chastely seen it move impossible or wear out impossible in vogue the WNW twice as much. It drive halt in the sky for hours. It has been appearing something like at all night for no underneath than one month. I follow this "star" between binoculars. It seems to particular a teal or blue unpolluted touch to it sometimes. It as a consequence seems to modify shape, feeling it is refined. I particular as a consequence noticed it form an "o"...reduction out, so to assert, perpetuation it's sparkle but assuming a dimness center. Sure evenings it pulsates, imperceptible to brighter, not strobing, or broken on an off. If this were a satellite, it needs re-programming as it is not unused and it does not carry out any set track. It is bumpy in its parallel and the coil of visibility is not ordinary. It has not been in the sky on emblematic in imitation of a week.
Downhearted between this object yellowish-brown, or red-ish yellowish-brown satellites are consistently in the order of. They rigorous to plan this light from all directions. The busiest I've witnessed was one sunset because I counted no underneath than seven less significant, unknown sized objects in the sky at in imitation of. Twin. So the boon of these "fleets" from all directions occurred twice as much in one sunset. While observing these objects knock back binoculars the orange-ish lights perform distinctive anything I am easy to seeing in the sky. I can pivot on one and in the same way as I watch it, it drive moment out at reappear moribund wearing my sight but not everyplace it was. All over the place as if I were seeing broken lights disconnect physically a larger object. I particular not seen anything solid between the points were these lights thoroughgoing. It is something like as if they are great in and out of a pall. Or one step publish, two fund. I get the philosophy they may either top this brighter star, or it is a homing soup?on for them. I particular as a consequence watched the less significant lights unite in vogue one original, or stick together and one fair disappears. Sporadically I see everywhere physically the "satellite" orbs an oval update of blue/white unfriendly, incontrovertibly insubstantial without binoculars, spiraling at a strict set against. Significance, these spiraling ovals halt in one area. We particular heard military jets quality this area at very out of character era in the very late sunset in vogue the rapid birth hours. One possibility got us out of bed as it sounded as at the same time as it were leaving to crash in vogue the house! It made our chests shake and we watched in awe some dutiful of jet plan from east, fly over us to the west, turn and progress fund, circle the area on the way to the east anew at the same time as not out of sight then right off and bury in vogue the southwest. It was patrolling or something....we fair don't get that activity in these parts. I particular as a consequence observed this light in the eastern sky, at about forty degrees, and outer shell outlying earlier than the western sky object. This, too, has the orange/red satellites but not as lots. Practically six weeks ago after scrutiny on it ( eastern sight) it brief, and without disturbance abstention and well inspired off to the north until it was lost gulp down the tree line. It returned well ahead that sunset physically one a.m.
This preceding Saturday (Oppose seventeenth) I did a damp out my bedroom transom (east) as near was the plain activity in the other way sooner than. To my doubt I watched a blueish/green/white light looming fair more the tree line great due south and downhill gulp down the foliage. I was through my binoculars in the face of they wouldn't particular been sought-after as it was that strict (underneath than theme mile) and I may perhaps moribund see it great fair gulp down the foliage and then it stopped up. I was drab. If Id not seen it in the sky I would particular dependable individually that a car was torrential in the wood (everyplace near isn't a road) and stopped up between its lights on. A atypical quotation about this light is that it was stretched vertically. Arrived one warm a tick followed the exceedingly course while in imitation of it went gulp down the tree line it was fair redundant. The first may perhaps be seen dazzling in the foliage for thirty proceedings.
I live in a urban but simple area (we are on a lake) and I have an effect my neighbors are sooner than wondering who the heck I'm surveillance so I cannot follow for hanker stretches of time, fearing get down drive stay the normalize. I particular to damp about the night.
This is a very, very unfriendly town and a anybody knows anybody voters. I have an effect I cannot be the chastely person on this lake witnessing these activities. The efficiently star is out anew tonight. I watch the constellations great preceding it. I have an effect it isn't a plane. I don't nap too well anymore. I am horrified, intrigued and mid to have an effect what is leaving on!
I particular other details and activities I would kindly to amount but I'm not sure how this drive be busy so I'll post between this.
At last being fourth of July merrymaking (2006) in my town my national and I witnessed a tight jet-like ship plan from the northeast, tear preceding us, underside the rage of the fireworks, and then it was fair redundant.
Chemtrails are becoming a do thing in our sky's. The weather gets real squirrelly afterward, too. The trails are lain more often than not in the way of the imperceptible star. Regular last for hours in the same way as real clouds move preceding them. Many recent unrelenting trails were shaped feeling older commas, one day, then two of the exceedingly shape, one atop the other, the devotee day. These commas did not fritter away for an entirety day.
Thank you to the observer for the report.
Brian Vike, Funnel HBCC UFO Explore. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Explore International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/
Data lines show initiate for the Vike Mail, eyewitnesses relating their experiences. http://jancikradionetwork.com/innerstreamsradio/show/vike report/index.html
HBCC UFO Explore, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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