I like this quote.
The so-called "true believers," who, let's be honest now, exist, believe in things beyond mere faith; they insist it's The Truth. Not just their truth, but THE truth, yours, mine, ours, everyone's. They're everywhere, and that includes the world of the esoteric, UFOs, Forteana.
The chronic skeptics, persisting in their dismissals even while completely ignoring the data, the facts, the history,the context -- not to mention fear of the box's exterior - are no different. They don't want to find out; they're content to mock, insult, bully, intimidate, even lie, when it comes to these subjects. Anything but to avoid what UFO researcher Budd Hopkins has said:
An extraordinary phenomenon demands an extraordinary investigations.
But as we know, there are so many content to mock and ignore, or waste time writing away on blogs how others who think about these things are wasting time (and the irony escapes them) take the easy way out.
Source: dark-sky-misteries.blogspot.com
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