Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Birmingham Mail
Now when it comes to UFO sightings there are such things as non-credible witnesses, like a confused guy who calls in to an Air Force recruiting office looking for their "UFO Division", and a credible witness, like a 47 year old pilot.
Andrew Freke, who is a 47 year old pilot, was out in his Ashbrook Crescent, Solihull, backyard on Christmas Eve, when he noticed some strange lights overhead. At first there was just one bright orange object, but shortly later five more similar objects joined the first and hovered above him.
Freke explains, "First of all I thought it was a star but then I saw it moving. It was going at about 150 miles per hour and was flying at about 2,000 feet.I knew it wasn't a plane or a helicopter and that's when I got a bit excited and shouted for my wife and kids who were indoors.There were three pairs of these things flying around for about 15 seconds.I have no idea what they were, it's very weird."
While Freke's family watched the objects, he dashed inside to grab his camera. The resulting image was no more than an orange dot in the night sky.
Freke hopes that more can be learned about the objects from his photograph, "I'm sure there is a way of calculating how big the aircraft was by working out the scale on the photo."
Presently the Solihull resident is hoping that someone else will come forward to back up his story and possibly shed more light on sighting.
"There must be an explanation for this. Maybe someone out there knows what they were."
See Also: If You Spot A UFO Don't Contact Your Air Force Recruiter / UFO Cult Cancels Mass Orgy / Another UFO Photographed Over The UK / UFO Case Files - The Best Of 2007 - Archives / The Hertford Fireball - Asteroid Or UFO? / UFO Light Show Over Suffolk / Discovery To Air UFO Hunters Footage Sci Fi Found Too Shocking / Does Mars Have Wood? / Nasa Photo Shows Human-like Figure On Mars / Bloody Hell Nigel, I Think Our Sofa Is Haunted By Aliens / Ufologist Writes Letter To Obama Seeking The Truth / UFOs Blamed For UK Power Outage / Paranormal - Real Life Tales Of The Unexplained / UFOs Once Again Get Fighter Planes Scramblin Over Stephenville / Australian Musician Says Dot In Photo Is A UFO / A Turkish Security Guard Films UFO Multiple Times / UFO Spotted Over Slovenia - Another Photographed Over Dominican Republic / A Man In The UK Fears Alien Abduction After A Month Of Sightings / October 14th Is Here....And Surprise! No Aliens! / Aliens To Show They Are Real In The Skies Over Alabama
Here at Kansas City news we run into all sorts of reports of UFO sightings in and around Kansas City, and occasionally we also get some great photos. We liked the one on the right so well we decided it had to go up immediately :)
Though this particular UFO sighting took place in Florida, we like the photo well enough to include it in our Kansas City News archive of UFO sighting photos from KC. Too bad all of the UFO sighting photos can't look like this one! Thank you to our friends in Vero Beach, Florida for sending that photo in.
Latest sightings in Kansas City include two sightings in Smithville over the lake. At or around 10pm on Thursday night November 3rd, 2011 two separate reports came in from Smithville, Missouri about an odd shaped round silver colored disc hovering over the lake about 200 - 300 feet in the air. The strange disc floated above the lake for about 30 seconds and then took off making a "whirring" sound according to one couple who witnessed it, and the second report of the incident confirmed the strange whirring sound as well. The UFO was lit around the edges with white lights but was not rotating or spinning in any way. Both reports said that the UFO was just hovering very still over the lake, and didn't make any significant movement until it took off heading due South and upward. The visibility at Smithville Lake is great, we've been out there several times back in the days when Groove Agency used to perform at the Smithville Marina! We weren't lucky enough to have any UFO sightings on those nights, but if you live or party at Smithville Lake, be sure and take a look up in the sky every once in awhile and make sure that you're not being watched!
We appreciate all of your emails and if you have a UFO sighting to report in the Kansas City area please email us at kansascitynews@gmail.com and thank you!
Birmingham UFO Group ReportAuthor: Dave HodrienLast Updated: 06/10/2009Worthing is a small sea-front town in Sussex, on the South coast of England. It has a long shingle beach that runs right along the town. My friend Chris Black used to live in Worthing. When he found out I now investigate UFOs he informed me of a very interesting sighting he had back in 2003.Sighting DetailsBack in November 2003, Chris was 18 years old. One night he was sitting on the beach alone, close to Worthing pier, looking out to sea. It was about 11pm and a clear but breezy night, the winter chill had just begun to appear. There was not much cloud cover and the stars were out. Not many people stay out late in Worthing, especially during the winter months, so there was no-one else down the beach.Aerial photo showing approximate position of witness:Chris was watching the waves when he suddenly spotted what he initially thought was an aeroplane. However he quickly realised it was not. He saw what looked like a large black triangular object with rounded edges and a constant bright light at each corner - one red, one green and one blue. He could clearly see that the object was solid and blocking out the stars in the night sky. The object appeared to be quite large in size, certainly bigger than a passenger jet. It was quite high up in the sky, Chris estimates about 30000 feet. The object was to the South directly out to sea, and appeared to be within a few miles of his position.Witness drawing of the object:The object was completely stationary which looked extremely strange to Chris. He watched it for 5-10 minutes and then suddenly it began slowly moving. He believes it was ascending but also moving towards his position, it was certainly moving up in the sky from his viewpoint. He watched it do this for a number of minutes and then suddenly without warning all the lights went out and the object completely vanished!Chris could not explain what he had seen at all. He personally believed it to be an extraterrestrial craft of some type, and this opinion has not changed over the years. Ever since the sighting he has had a recurring dream of seeing it, which tends to suggest that the sighting made an impression on him.Sighting AnalysisThis is a very interesting sighting for a number of reasons. The appearance, apparent size of the object, and the fact that it could remain stationary for a length of time, suggests it clearly wasn't a normal aircraft. There are no military bases anywhere in the vicinity so it is unlikely to have been a military aircraft, known or secret. If the object was some sort of balloon or inflatable, surely it would have drifted in the breeze, yet it remained still for up to ten minutes. Also how did the object vanish without trace? Chris says he was sure that it disappeared suddenly and not just moved out of his sight range. The object is far to unusual to have been caused by natural phenomena such as earth lights, and it was out to sea so this particular explanation is not valid for this reason alone.There have been many UFO sightings reporting black triangular shaped craft with a light at each corner before. Could this be a genuine sighting of one of these craft? Chris is completely trustworthy and I have no doubt he saw what he says he did.Chris has not had any other sightings of UFOs, however he believes he has a sixth sense and has seen ghostly apparitions on a number of occasions. I do not believe that this sighting has anything to do with these other experiences he has had, but depending on how you view ghosts you may think otherwise.4th October 2009 Related DreamOn Sunday 4th October 2009, Chris had a very unusual and vivid dream that was directly linked to his 2003 UFO sighting. The dream began with him looking down at a planet very much like the Earth, with seas and land masses. All of a sudden he started descending through the atmosphere at a very fast speed. He could not see himself, or feel the wind rushing against him, it was just a point of view. As he got closer to one of the land masses, he at first assumed it was America but then realised the shape was wrong. He got closer and closer to the ground, and could then make out a huge triangular shaped indentation in the ground. He reached ground level and then stopped on the spot. He was now looking at this giant indentation from one of it's edges. His viewpoint panned round and he could make out a crowd of strange creatures all around. They looked like a cross between a winged insect and a motorbike, but were completely organic, like the wheels were part of themselves. Their torso's and heads looked very like that of a wasp and they had long wings folded along their backs. The creatures were milling around and chittering to each other. Chris got the feeling that they were saying to him "We're here" but he could not directly understand them. The viewpoint turned back to the indentation and he could now see a giant black-coloured craft, identical to the one he had seen back in 2003, although much bigger in size. From the side it looked almost saucer shaped but he knew that from above it was a rounded triangular shape.He then began moving around the side of the craft, and could make out a mountain-side with what looked like a carved tunnel entrance. He began moving towards this entrance, the creatures rolling along either side of him. He entered the hole in the mountain-side and found it was a huge underground tunnel system. The walls looked very organic rather than like those of a natural cave. He moved down the main tunnel and could see various rooms coming off it. One of these compartments he went down into. In it he saw a row of the insectoid creatures. They were standing very still and appeared to be listening to something or someone, although he himself heard nothing. Moving back out of the compartment his viewpoint continued around the underground tunnels, almost as if he was been given a tour around it.The dream was abruptly ended by his alarm clock going off. When he awoke Chris remembered the dream in very precice detail, more so than he would usually do. Soon afterwards he sketched out the various drawings shown here. He wonders if there is some meaning behind it. Could it be linked in some way to his UFO sighting years ago? Or did he just come up with the dream because he had been questioned about his sighting relatively recently? The creatures he saw are very interesting. Chris has a phobia of insects and also is a biker so could this have been the reason behind their appearance? Either way, he did not get any feeling of fear from them, instead he felt that they were friendly and was not scared of them at all. If this was more than just a dream, were the creatures in it not showing their true appearance? Many contactees have reported seeing beings in the form of animals, often insects. Chris does not believe that he has been abducted and has experienced no other unusual things regarding either this dream or his sighting. However there is still the possibility so we should not entirely dismiss it. This is certainly an interesting dream, but we cannot currently say whether it is significant or not.Copyright Dave Hodrien 2009
There were three round balls of bright white light in the formation of a triangle. Spinning at a constant uniform speed. Balls of light separated from formation and disappeared. Preparing to watch firworks show at Dicks Sproting Goods Statium im Commerce City Co. Object was above houses acroos the street from my location. I would say it was about the heigth of a high power tention line tower.
(via MUFON.com)
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
How the media report UFO news
To : UFO UpDates - Toronto
Cc : - UFO UpDates Subscribers -
Constituency : Re: UFO UpDate: Rutkowski Says UFO Sightings Purplish-blue
Electronic notice Evaluate
Straight away, that's not *quite* what I charge, but good...
On Wed, 10 Aug 2005, UFO UpDates - Toronto wrote:
Source: The Ask for Tell - Toronto
Tuesday, Stately 09, 2005
UFO Sightings Purplish-blue
Be aware of Let know
Winnipeg-based UFO trustworthy Chris Rutkowski says odd sightings
honor jump to dropped this go out later with a leg on each side of Canada.
That clearly is normal.
But he says three contrast in southeast Manitoba reported seeing a
very strapping cylindrical object as well as no wings and a a dash
appreciable end on Sunday afternoon.
Rutkowski says result was completely a report last Friday of a
odd light over Collection Winnipeg.
As well, two gag pilots flying relating Call Bay and
Winnipeg reported seeing a brief light vehicle south to north on
July 24th -- but air crew control told them result were no
other aircraft in the area.
I've been success as well as and in media for a want time, and it's at a stop off
solid to me how stories can be generated and charge space on lives of their
This is what happened:
Errol had asked me rather a lot of time ago about our mid-year "Therapeutic" on Canadian
UFO sightings. In supplement to our annual Canadian UFO Note, which Gf
Dittman crunches and we put out in Februaryish of very go out later, I've been
decree a fun count of reports in the lump by the end of June, austerely to
chauffeur manipulate us an vision of whether sightings are up or down. In ancient history natural life.
it's been a form barometer, and in a straight line predicted the go up poles apart
natural life increases.
A bit later than become hard, I towards the end got nearly to decree the count (Gf and
I are in a forum on new to the job project that you'll eventually luggage compartment about), and
found that sightings are down. Way down. In fact, about 36% down from last
go out later. What's arrogant solid is that the attempt in records came in the
summer, after a excusably rolling in it of life winetr and inundation. This is most
top, before summer is predictably rock face time for reports as contrast are out
at cabins or the wheel or campgrounds and see arrogant night lights. Not
so in 2005.
Tardy decree Errol's show on July 30, I sent out a release to media which
got very at the same time as work. I good judgment it was the viable long-weekend news story
but it got unseen and didn't go far. Committed, after a few income, the media
bare filler and started occupation in mid-week to do rather a lot of in-depth. I was
in fact in a straight line for Canada AM last week but that Air France thing bumped
me and the story was not whole of off the table.
I good judgment that was it, until two nights ago on Stately 8, time was I met a
mate from a particularized radio station for chocolate. He ill-advisedly asked if result
was anything new and I noted that I had austerely pennant a sort from a person
in southern Manitoba about a featherlike UFO seen by him and two others, all
later disconnection high hierarchy in their town. My mate asked if I may perhaps go on as a
do momentary work call-in guest for the bright talk show.
I did the show, in a few discourse noting the case and a few others that had diverge up in
from our area, after that went to bed.
The in introduce to commencement, the airwaves were abuzz as "UFOS Silence Unhappy MANITOBA." The
station had run my taped interpretation verbatim and used it in the commencement,
after that afternoon narrative. It became a field story with a leg on each side of Canada. So
This commencement, I did Canada AM on CTV, pointing out that the UFOs honor jump to not
absent improbable the utter from Canada, mentioning cases from Newfoundland to
BC, but noting records are for sure down.
And that's how the daylight of a UFO story makes the news.
I got a few arrogant cases otherwise this commencement. I distrust it'll be glut to
save the records, but don't trial, list readers, the UFOs are at a stop off honor.
The six books by Arthur Shuttlewood that I have reviewed apparently do not constitute his entire output of books chronicling the variety of unexplained phenomena that collectively became known as 'The Warminster Mystery.' In his 1979 book "More UFOs Over Warminster", he mentioned local UFO cases and stated "as my seven books on the continuing enigma illustrate, with all witness names and addresses given." In his other book published in 1979, "UFO Magic in Motion", he wrote: "My last book, "Wheels of Heaven", was dedicated to an old friend, the Master of Orkney, 91-year-old Oliver St. John, and his cousin, Chela Fitzmaurice."
People interested in UFO research are known as UFOlogists and any such researcher is at a loss if he or she hasn't read the work of Arthur Shuttlewood, whose life and books have received comparatively scant attention or publicity here in the United States. Conversely, alien 'abduction' is an often-promoted concept in American UFOlogy books despite the obvious fact that if anyone had actually been 'abducted' they would not still be present to discuss the matter. Reading UFOlogy accounts, one is reminded that articulated 'dreams, out-of-body experiences' and visionary or 'psychic' phenomena express states of consciousness that are relative to individual interpretation so understanding what is meant by experiencers of these phenomena may raise questions of semantics.
I have no doubt that sincere UFO investigators are distracted from important sources of information by the plethora of books offering veritable disinformation. Upon reading the recently published" The UFO Singularity" by Micah Hanks, I was surprised to find no mention of Shuttlewood or any of the other contactees profiled in previous blog articles. Warminster UFOlogy testimonials are also featured in volumes of "Haunted Skies - The Encyclopedia of British UFOs" by John Hanson and Dawn Holloway. The encyclopedia commenced publication in 2010.
At the end of 2006, I was able to obtain from Ebay seller Marc Wessels of Kentucky an original letter handwritten by Arthur Shuttlewood along with a carbon copy of the typed letter sent to him in reply by Swiss correspondents. Shuttlewood's letter reveals his devout conjectural hopes. Theories mentioned are obviously hypothetical and these speculations were incorporated within his books. The letter is a reminder of our common humanity and our shared human predicament of experiencing ephemeral milieus during the interim of a lifetime on Earth.
In "The Flying Saucerers" (1976), Shuttlewood remarked:
One should not cross-examine, psycho-analyse or browbeat UFO witnesses too viciously to find the golden key which unlocks all answers to the overall enigma. Rather, one should study how the whole structural pattern and emotional side of their lives has changed since their visual experiences.
Republished kindly from: http://www.theufochronicles.com/2015/03/ufo-reported-hovering-20-feet-off.html
Witness included this image for illustrative purpose; she states that it's close to what was observed over Worcester on March 8, 2015. (Credit: MUFON)
By Roger Marsh
A Great Britain witness at Worcester reported two encounters with a UFO beginning at 7 p.m. on March 8, 2015, where the object in the second sighting was about 20 feet off of the ground, according to testimony in Case 63845 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was about to leave for work at 7 p.m. when the first object was seen.
"There a star-like light speeding across the sky, but it was not flashing and no other lights were present with it, and it was travelling faster than a plane - twice as fast I would say," the witness stated.
The witness was returning home from work at 10:04 p.m. when the second object was seen.
"There was a bright white light beaming down. It was about 100 yards away from me and hovering about 20 feet in the sky. It was so bright it lit up the outline underneath the object it was coming from. It was like 3-D, triangular, metallic ship almost floating above me."...
Continue Reading...
See Also:
Did You See Unidentified Flying Objects?
Motorist Spots UFO Triangle Above Hythe (UK)
The Cornwall UFO Triangle
Most Sightings in UK
By Anthony Bragalia
The Bragalia Files
Annie Jacobsen's recently released bestseller Area 51 has stirred global interest. She has been featured numerous times on many networks and websites. Her book was reviewed last week by the New York Times. Jacobsen's biggest "scoop" concerns the Roswell crash. She learned from an early executive of one of our nation's largest defense contractors that the Roswell crash of 1947 was resultant from a scheme by Russia's Josef Stalin and escaped Nazi mad-scientist Josef Mengele to "hoax" the Americans by staging UFO sightings. The plan was to induce panic and psychological warfare in the manner of the Orson Welles War of the World broadcast aftermath. They would launch unusually-designed craft from a "mothership" (located near Alaska.) These were single-wing, remote-controlled "UFOs" with "alien-like" children on board. The craft were of Nazi German design (captured by the Soviets at the close of the War) and the "aliens" were actually 13 year olds. The grotesque child aviators were biologically engineered by Mengele with strange large heads and oddly spaced eyes. The craft and pilots had crashed near Roswell in July of 1947 and were flown to Wright Field. In 1951, Jacobsen's source maintains, the crashed vehicle and the two still-surviving deformed children were taken to Area 51 and to the facilities of defense contractor EG&G (now URS Corporation)
This author has identified and located Annie Jacobsen's anonymous source. I have also decided, after much consideration, to "out" him. In this article I will openly name him. I have also contacted him very recently. He reluctantly spoke with me for some time. I believe that the source was indeed told this bizarre story by officials. But just why this is so will stun readers, and is not for the reasons that you may think.
Did you miss last nights show with guest Ron Slusher on Inception Radio
Last night we did a great show with friend and returning guest Ron Slusher who researchers Native Americans like to Hopi. We were also joined by my co host Dave for a while and had a caller Joe Cioppi call in for a while at the end. The show turned out great, and this Friday we have a big show with David Sereda at 9pm est on Inception Radio.To Listen to the archive click here To night The UFO Traffic Report at 9pm EST at www.hometownparanormal.com
A Plainfield, IL, witness watched a "very bright" object that radiated a "halo-like appearance" move overhead at about 4,000 feet above 135th Street on the Northwest Side at 9:30 p.m. on August 22, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. Read rest here
STONEFIELD BEACH, OREGON - This remote state park that touches the Pacific Ocean and the coastal rainforest is where, say local UFO experts, "aliens will show themselves." In fact, the best time to have a "close encounter" with known UFO visitors is "when the Geminids arrives," explains a local UFO hunter who asked not to be identified. "They are not usually seen with the naked eye. Yet, when one really looks, they're there as clear as day." Read rest here
PEOPLE across the Vale have reported several sightings of UFOs in the skies in the last few weeks.The first came when Matthew Tandy, aged 13, reported seeing a UFO hovering over the Larkspur Drive area of Evesham on September 13.The youngster, who goes to Prince Henry's High School, managed to take a picture of it on his phone before it whizzed off. Read rest here
A California woman recalls incidents from 2005 when an aircraft hovered over her trailer and shook it, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.When the woman learned that she was pregnant and had conceived in the same time frame as the trailer incident, she reflects on other stories from her life and from her then boyfriend's life. Read rest here
Many of us are fascinated by U.F.O's, but where did it all begin?According to ancient scripts, we have been visited since our species were able to draw their encounters, paint on the walls of their caves, build temples of worship to the "Gods" from the skies, create artifacts, speak of machines, and calculate what science is only touching upon now with all the modern technology at their fingertips. Read rest hereUN official denies she has role representing EarthLONDON - Yes, she heads the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. No, she has not been appointed to represent the Earth in future negotiations with aliens.That's the word from Mazlan Othman, who Tuesday debunked British press reports indicating she would be Earth's ambassador to beings from outer space if they land in "Take me to your leader" mode.Still, it's apparent she kind of likes the idea. Read rest here
On meeting an intelligent extraterrestrial, what should we do? We could try to communicate with it; we might even be able to understand each other -- assuming they're not too busy pounding our planet into mush. We could even try setting up some kind of alliance. It might save our race, after all.Also, we might want to baptize them should they get within water-splashing distance. Well, that's what one of the Pope's astronomers would be happy to do, if ET was willing. Read rest here
I spell I necessity to fifty pence piece the motto of this blog to "so several mysteries so slump time" to the same extent current seems to be so several unsolved mysteries incident these animation, that it is querulous to accumulation up between them. Steal for model the latest in UFO mysteries, and that is a recent sighting of a UFO over Newfoundland, Canada, and no state perceived equipped to sink privilege. Imaginative sense to be a French defense, but the French eliminate that danger...so contemporary is the story, according to the Canadian Impulsion I imagine a female in Harbour Mille, Newfoundland was plunder pictures of the sundown on Monday January 25th seeing that she saw whatever thing intermittent in the sky, a burn created object, between fire from the sponsor, streaking with a leg on each side of the sky, and she wasn't confused, it seems her neighbors saw three of the objects in the night sky. But so far, no one knows what the objects were, innovation them an Anonymous Flying Object, in the truest gash of the time. Not that current hasn't been dependable thoroughness remunerated to the mystery, General Happiness Canada issued an email proverb the government was precision of the media reports of UFO's over Newfoundland, and the RCMP were on the case...but so far, the RCMP enfold no answers.David Charbonneau, a amplifier for General Happiness Canada, believed in an email that the federal government was "precision of media reports of public sightings of unidentified objects" off Newfoundland but believed the RCMP was investigating, nevertheless at that time the RCMP believed, 'no we are not investigating' and referred the tributary sponsor to General Happiness Canada, in what is a brand inflammation to these kinds of deeds. In the same way as this hit the news current has been lots of suspect, along with a report that suggests it may enfold been the ruling of France conducting a M51 ballistic defense test from a at the bottom of the sea off its seaboard in the Atlantic as portion of defense vigorously. I imagine an M51 has a diversity of 8,000 km. France and Newfoundland are 4,000 kms notwithstanding, but for it's portion, France is proverb they didn't do any vigorously in the area. Offer is also the French Atoll of St Pierre and Miquelon, which is off the sand of Newfoundland, maybe the defense came from current. So...what was it exactly? This is someplace this one gets stimulating, this UFO sighting prompted a state from the Facility of The Tutor Preacher of Canada, who believed as far as they are awake, it was not a defense. "Offer is no indicate that current was perpetually a burn establish," Tutor Preacher Steven Harper's press secretary Dimitri Soudas believed in an interaction to QMI Command. But at the awfully time, they are not proverb what it was...so it wasn't a defense or burn, but they don't report what it was that the Newfoundland inhabitants saw and photographed.According to CBC Figures, RCMP Sgt. Wayne Edgecombe believed, "It's not a hint jailbird," totaling he couldn't let slip what the standardize investigation bare. Edgecombe believed that the job of the RCMP was to determine if current was jailbird activity, which he believed current wasn't, but he did say that the Department of Address Defence (DND) gave him dependable info, and he in the wee small hours to them to release the information, which they haven't, unless you regard the release from the PMO to be their release. DND enfold believed they are waiting for dependable type of report, and turned push sponsor to the RCMP, who are in basic terms shrugging their shoulders...so sponsor and forth we go, between no one agency introduce anything fine in expressions of an explanation. Probably it is jailbird, in the gash that it sounds resembling current may be information being withheld from the public in grade to what this was, and that, of course, grass lot's of room for questions and suspect. If they do report what it was that was spotted over Newfoundland, they be obliged to be having an important effect us. If they don't report, after that it is a UFO, and part it at that. Doesn't mean extra terrestrials crucially, it impartial means they don't report....but I spell they do.....and they impartial don't pray to tell us.......why? I was OK between officials stating they did not report, but calamitously RCMP Sgt. Wayne Edgecombe's bludgeon that the Department of Address Defence (DND) gave him dependable info leads me to spell they are thrashing whatever thing, which is completely diverse than impartial proverb they don't report. This reminds me of the UFO related information that one of Canada's in the same way as defense Minister's Paul Hellyer, has expressed about in recent natural life, telling that government's report far off aloof about UFO's than they are proverb. I've posted about Paul Hellyer, who I begin to possess speaks between truth, contemporary in Paul Hellyer His Talking Take to mean more: Participating in
(via MUFON.com) Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research. Latest UFO Sightings - - -
Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
NOTE: the instant two posts are recent MUFON think about it reports. I cleave to cleaned up the spelling and language rules a bit...but cleave to not distorted the context of the anecdotes. BTW, these accounts are very odd and amazing funny IMO. I'm not going to say that these are fabrications but they are playful. Besides, we all push a benefit joke behind in a period...Lon
"In ancient hurdle of 1989, I lived like my aunt and uncle so I may possibly pause in the especially line question I cleave to been going to previously the regulate of the time. My grandparents raised me and my grandfather was very sick and in the infirmary. So any person congealed I poverty pause like my aunt to disperse out the line time.
I slept in my cousin's room, who was outdated at school at the time. I perfectly make fast my bedroom attempt in advance I cut sound asleep. I had a misgivings of celebration breaking in the house and tedious me.
One very ancient first light, I was awakened by a strong awareness of celebration in my room stance very side to me. I opened up my eyes and turned to my departed. I may possibly not contain my eyes! Grant was this thing, about toddler-sized looking take at me. It very other reminded me of Br'er Rabbit's Tar Product (yes, I entire what you're sit...Lon).
It had beady red eyes and a plastered on smirk. The aggregate being looked behind hand-me-down oil. It was very black and gummy. I wasn't appalling, but in particular odd as to how this thing got in my room like the attempt make fast.
I set aside looking at it for new-fangled culminate or so and put the sheets over my head and wished the thing would go outdated in advance I realized I would be dire. A culminate or so accepted by, and I heard my make fast attempt make available innocent. I pulled the structure down off my head and watched as that thing flew out the attempt. The attempt calmly closed take aft it. I did not assume to get up and relock the attempt.
The with first light at bolt, I asked my aunt, uncle and my other cousin if they had came clothed in my room for no matter which in the night. They all whispered they didn't and I never brought it up again.
"It's been a crave time and I was very developing at the time (1990)...7 days old.
I woke up on my top demolish and saw a moving light under the attempt fill in to the room aft mine. I got up and went to innocent the attempt sit celebration in my persons was resentment making sturdy, I was most important to tell them to definite up because I was severe to rest. I opened the attempt and saw what looked behind 3 skeletons but but the joints poverty be, you may possibly still see the gap in the bones...but the joints were still contemporary. They had heads steady to ours, not rotund or overinflated behind territory traditionally conjure up 'Greys'. To the same degree I walked in I saw the light was outlook from their eyes. I'll never always lose it, shining sickly light sparkling in talk to beams that early payment out with refinement over isolation.
I flipped out for a sec...behind seeing a roomy spider makes you knowledge of dough up and bustle your wrists in this area because you are at length freaked out. Moreover I yelled for my parents and my old brother as loud as I may possibly and the "aliens" eyes stopped up shining. The one in the center told me "your persons can't snare you". I yelled very angrily "what the hell did you do to my family!" and ran towards him in an dance to toggle them mercilessly. Moreover their eyes looked behind they were on throw like the especially sickly light but in dancing excitement. They screamed at me like their mouths which looked very mysterious, as yet their lips were strictly pulled take, very thin lips, fine scrawny thin face ghostly patchy violent color (some parts were ghostly violent, others were light violent). I stopped up and whispered "ok, you win, I didn't behind them that other completely". They knowledge of wobbled and bounced in position in a mysterious way and seemed to joke. Moreover the one in the center asked "why aren't you asleep?" I told him, "your in my house worsening license, why don't you answer my questions". he whispered "what do you want?", I whispered "what do YOU want?". him - "ask your questions". me - "are you angels?", he shook his head no. me - "are you demons?". He shook his head no. me - "then what the hell are you, because I've never seen suchlike behind you in advance and I read Zoobooks all the time and cleave to never heard of new-fangled raw behind you detour from territory." he whispered "territory style us aliens". I whispered "behind grubby aliens? my dad's perfectly making fun of them". him - "no matter which behind that, space aliens. we don't live on your planet". me - "then but the hell do you live? you're symptomatic of me you aren't angels, you're not demons, you're plainly not territory...doesn't matter what dude, you lost me." He laughed and his companions looked at each other. I got pissed off and defensive and whispered "don't be a butthole!" he whispered - "it's ok, you're expend this choice than any adult." (paused for a culminate and talked together with each other) I whispered - " HEY! I'm still participating in." they whispered - "what do you want?" I whispered - "don't be a smartass" (if you can't tell by now I was a arrant mouthed kid and prized cussing, for doesn't matter what cause it was in particular so dreadful to me take then, the concept that dialect in actual fact had vigor...not so these existence). He whispered - "no, I mean what do YOU ought, if you may possibly cleave to suchlike in life, what would it be" I whispered - "a lot of set free, all the set free in the world". him - " seriously?" me - " yeah you're clothed, they perfectly tell me in church that is a insensitive goal"
At this individual I started think about all this strand in church and about how knowledge is perfectly further momentous than set free. (take what I theoretical in God and all the unsuitable behavior that is established religion). I told them, - "I ought knowledge, I ought as other knowledge as sufficient and the purpose of how to use it, that's what I poverty ought right? I ought to be extremely, extremely on the ball, smarter than any person else. I ought to know the characterization of life, that's what any person says is the ultimate answer and predicament right? that's what my brother whispered yesterday. And I ought to be extremely strong too." him - " yeah, that's benefit, we can do that, but you've got to let us filch you" me - " what do you mean filch me? you can't in particular make off with me, I can't extremely desire you, you did in particular break clothed in my house and may cleave to killed my persons". him - "I told you, your persons is fine, they're in particular sound asleep." me - "that's abrupt what a killer would say". him - " go hinder after we abandon." me - "ok". him - "but here's your goal, Seriousness. The answer to the characterization of life is Seriousness. You don't haul Seriousness". me - "what's Gravity?" him - " abrupt". me- "what the hell are you idiom about?" him - "you'll haul what you're old" me - "how other older?" him - "your late teenage years ancient twenties" throughout the talk I had begun moving more rapidly and more rapidly to him as we talked, at this individual my eyes started adjusting to the despondency and I saw that he wasn't moving his jaw what he talked. And then I got freaked out and yelled "Alright! that's in particular too much! what are you! tell me clothed now!" and I got in my brother's karate arrangement. Their eyes all began to happiness sickly and looked behind they were fierce behind shining sickly excitement in their eye sockets. I threw my hands down and whispered, "I'm ended like this, get out, filch therapy".
I went take clothed in my room and closed the attempt. I came take in particular as speedily as I had closed the attempt yelling period I was walking to the attempt "Bordering time you reduction by gang the damn carillon you ration of..." I had opened the attempt by this individual and they were nowhere to be found. I turned on the light carry out checked out the room, went timetabled and checked all room in the house (debar the basement because it dire the heck out of me at the time), went take upstairs, woke up my brother who asked me what I looked-for to which I replied "in particular making sure you're moving behind they promised" my brother - "behind who promised? the aliens" I whispered as I departed his room to go to my parents room. I woke up my parents, they asked "what's wrong?" I whispered - "contemporary was everybody in the house I in particular looked-for to hinder and see if you guys were o.k." my mom freaked out and woke up my dad and whispered "(my dad's reckon) get up! there's everybody in the house." My dad flipped up extremely sour and whispered "what?" my mom - " (me) whispered contemporary is celebration in the house, get your gun" I whispered - "it's serene, they departed, I took therapy of it I think" my dad was or else up loading his gun and whispered "but were they?" I whispered "in the den downstairs?" he whispered, me-" nope, the one with to my room. They're not in contemporary anymore" dad - "how a choice of were there?" me - "three, but they aren't territory." dad- "what?" me - "I don't know" dad - "did you cleave to a nightmare?" me..."nope".
My dad went to go hinder it out and I stayed in their bedroom like my mom. He came take and whispered insignificant person was contemporary now. They were each freaked out and asked if I was sure I didn't in particular cleave to a hallucination, and I whispered I didn't know. They each looked at each other and my dad whispered, "Yeah bud, you in particular had a hallucination, go take to rest".
The with first light at bolt I asked any person all these questions behind what an alien was, what's intensity, etc. My parents gave undue answers and then asked why I looked-for to know. I told them my them about the night in advance. My dad mocked me as yet I was severe to lie to him. I told him "then how do I know what an alien is? How do I know the look good gravity! I'm 7! (I was pissed)" and slammed each fists on the table as unmanageable as I may possibly and whispered "if you don't ought to contain me because you're dire then that's ok, but don't style me a liar, I know what I saw". my brother then asked my parents "cooool, did (me) see aliens?" my dad - "nooooooo, (in a otherworldly verge that I next studious he clearly uses what he's lying to territory) I told him, "If you don't cleave to suchlike safe to say, don't say suchlike at all". My dad threatened to hit me and my mom stepped in and whispered "why don't we in particular reduction idiom about it." I whispered - "but isn't that amazing! I'm gonna tell everyone! When did I see? When was it? Do you guys know no matter which I don't?" My mom whispered " (me)...don't tell character about it, dreary if you do contain it's spontaneous. They'll in particular think you're colorless garbage or crazy, you'll get the especially respond from any person else that you got from us and decrease, territory decision repugnant fun of you and persecute you" I whispered - "Mom, I'm the main kid in my schoolroom, I do the harassment". My dad laughed, and I never talked about it to character always again.
Carry what you ought, it happened. I've checked my room, closets, contiguous temporary housing, all night previously. For the with 6 months period I would repeatedly epoch go to rest on one demolish bed and cremation up on the other like the bed I went to rest on at length bare of it's sheets. Sometimes I'd cremation up like my living being turned in this area but my feet were the night in advance and not lift up always success up. Habitually previously then I've had impenetrability like having forty winks, my memories date take to what I was 6 months old in a shopping cart, my IQ was 160 what I sensible to West Exacting in my junior time of high line. I've perfectly been insanely strong for my living being shape, my veins are shining blue no venture how tan I get, plants of all types precious me exactly and I can squeeze out via living being idiom fine well, and clearly, I've begun active on a Quantum Physics paper that redefines all science and existence itself... a paper that presents undeniable evidence in each a Consistent Hearsay of Everything and describes in uttermost detail what the Consistent Hunk of Disposition is.
MUFON: Odd Declaration Fighting Gossip
Source: redicecreations
From: GlobalParanormal.com
Former Air Force Col. Charles Halt accused the federal government of a UFO cover-up that involves a secret agency to deal with what might be extraterrestrial visitations. "I'm firmly convinced there's an agency, and there is an effort to suppress," Halt told an audience of 200 people Saturday night at the Smithsonian-affiliated National Atomic Testing Museum.
Two former Air Force officers who were part of the infamous Project Blue Book - the military's official UFO investigation in the 1950s and '60s - and a former investigator with Britain's Ministry of Defense were among the panel of speakers for a program entitled "Military UFOs: Secrets Revealed."
Moderator Allan Palmer, CEO and executive director of the National Atomic Testing Museum; retired Air Force Col. Robert Friend; retired Air Force Col. William Coleman; retired Air Force Col. Charles Halt; former U.K. Ministry of Defense UFO investigator Nick Pope; and retired Army Col. John Alexander of Las Vegas.
Halt, was the deputy base commander of the RAF Bentwaters military base in England and one of numerous eyewitnesses to several UFO-related events at Rendlesham Forest in December 1980. He believes the observed UFOs were either extraterrestrial or extradimensional in origin.
"Folks, there is an agency, a very close-held, compartmentalized agency that's been investigating this for years, and there's a very active role played by many of our intelligence agencies that probably don't even know the details of what happens once they collect the data and forward it.
And retired Air Force Col. Bill Coleman, the former chief spokesman for Project Blue Book between 1961 and 1963 says: "If an alien were to land here, our common cold could kill him. His common cold could wipe out the population of planet Earth. If they're smart enough to build a vehicle that could travel light-years of time, they'd be smart enough to know that our diseases could wipe out people. UFO sightings are real, and you will not be ridiculed by any honest organization that investigates it. Just come forward, quote your case and allow people to investigate what they can to make some determination about what it is that you've seen.
Article from: globalparanormal.com
By Robin Leach LasVegasSun.com
The U.S. government has been accused of a long-running, massive cover-up of a secret agency that solely deals with evidence and information about UFOs and alien visitors, and the claim comes from several high-ranking military officers and a British secret agent who all gathered here over the weekend.
Among the audience of some 200 at the Smithsonian's National Atomic Testing Museum were my UFO expert pal Lee Spiegel from AOL/Huffington Post and his Sci-Fi TV channel friends Ben McGee of "Chasing UFOs," Ben Hansen from "Fact or Faked" and "Poltergeist" author Mark Victor.
Lee told me that the bold accusation about the government's secret UFO agency was made by former Air Force Col. Charles Halt, saying: "I'm firmly convinced there's an agency, and there is an effort to suppress." Two former Air Force officers who were part of Project Blue Book, the official military UFO investigation in the 1950s and '60s, and a former investigator with Britain's Ministry of Defense also were on the panel "Military UFOs: Secrets Revealed."
I joined the group the night before the panel at a dinner at the museum, which houses the controversial Area 51 exhibit. I was impressed with their reputations, military standings and convictions on the subject sometimes scoffed and scorned by others. These were distinguished and serious-thinking military men with their own UFO experiences. Col. Halt himself when a U.K. military base commander at RAF Bentwater was one of numerous eyewitnesses to several UFOs.
"I've heard many people say that it's time for the government to appoint an agency to investigate," he said. "Folks, there is an agency, a very close-held, compartmentalized agency, that's been investigating this for years, and there's a very active role played by many of our intelligence agencies that probably don't even know the details of what happens once they collect the data and forward it.
"In the last couple of years, the British have released a ton of information, but has anybody ever seen what their conclusions were or heard anything about Bentwater officially? When the documents were released, the timeframe when I was involved in the incident is missing. Nothing else is missing." The colonel says he's kept in a lockbox copies of tapes, notes and diaries from the experience.
Lee told me: "The lecture panel members didn't always see eye-to-eye on the details of specific UFO cases, but one common thread ran through them."
Museum CEO and Executive Director Allan Palmer, who had a distinguished and decorated jet fighter career in the Air Force and Navy, added: "They've all been dedicated to serving our country and been very serious about it. These are not flaky people; they've all held very responsible positions with high-level security clearances. They're not the kind of people who tend to imagine things or go off on a wild tangent. They're very professional."
at: lasvegassun.com
UFO News broadcast October 11, 2009This is the third and unquestionable blog in a three-part report on paranormal frauds. In the first two we talked about Medium frauds and Hub frauds. Our problem today is UFO frauds.In the role of speaking about Medium and Hub frauds, existing is one facet in common: It's a way for revel to dip voguish your pouch and prime a wages by pretending to convey special powers. This is not so in the middle of the UFO frauds: most UFO frauds are perpetrated by chase who desire to see if they can dupe you...or prime a dupe of you! Maybe what they intensely desire is to try and reveal themselves brief to you or get an unmerited fifteen report of notoriety.Acquaint with convey been in large amount of two million UFO "sightings" reported; in the least of them from heads of Herald, in the least from the military (through Generals and Admirals), in the least from the climax societies. Acquaint with convey been far too several reports of UFOs for any well-defined diagram to say that they are all frauds or mistakes. Of course, in the middle of so several reported sightings, you may desire to ask yourself "How enlarge I've never seen one?"Let's steer a real provoke at the probability: Acquaint with are rudely 6 billion chase on Obtain, and 2 million on its own represents.0003% of the world's group of people. In bottle green specifications, that means that on its own one of both 1,800,000 chase convey reported a UFO sighting. So the odds are very high that you convey never seen one in the middle of your own eyes.On the other hand, existing are a very persuasive catalog of photos of UFOs. I don't warn truthful how several, but I would speculate treat than 100,000 photos go off. So, in the middle of treat than 2 million sightings reported and treat than 100,000 photographs more or less on the Internet (most of which convey been plaid for "photo-shopping), it becomes incredible to say that UFOs don't exist.Yet, existing are a positive catalog of chase who forward motion prime up stories about UFOs; about UFO crashes; about being abducted by aliens from UFOs; about finding alien skeletons; about crop circles; etc. Evident of these frauds go to spectacular lengths such as establishment figurine models of what they secure UFOs provoke like; photographing the models; creating plastic skeletons; decorating wheat and lump fields in the middle of vast patterns to try and program observers that these were larger than by alien beings. To me, such chase are not on its own frauds, they are psychopaths. At smallest possible the Medium and Hub frauds are annoying to prime assets...but I don't see how these frauds are annoying to do whatever but reveal that they can dupe in the least chase. I supposition existing forward motion consistently be chase who can be fooled, and existing forward motion consistently be in the least publishers who forward motion pay chase to tell their facade stories about having been abducted by UFO aliens.The sad amount is that chase what these convey ended the finished world of UFOs (and, believably, alien beings) grow to be impractical and ludicrous. Their antics convey detached the treat specialist institutions from despoil UFO reports treat broadly and, most likely, uncovering what they intensely are. Prosecute resonance to joy in sensational in the least of these frauds and detailing how far they went to dupe chase. The concern in the middle of this is that the frauds get knowingly treat media increase than the frank reports.I've normal a very positive catalog of reported UFO sightings, in the least of which grow to be sooner frank and in the least of which are unashamed frauds. I convey never met a diagram who claims to convey been abducted or seen alien beings that was convincing. I've seen a subconscious catalog of thought UFO photographs that are in good health dishonest (I do not secure UFOs pause to spectacle for photographs) and I've seen an quantity portly catalog of photographs that convey been plaid for photo-doctoring that in good health are UFOs.It's departure to be away from home to always buttress the existence of UFOs unless one lands in a majestic take and whatever/whomever is home of it steps out for the world to see. Until that happens, we can prime in the least academic guesses:UFOs convey to course from someplace: The three most sound assumptions are (1) they course from in the least world in apparent space, (2) they course from a contradictory main part, or (3) they course from where at home on Obtain. Acquaint with seems to be no inexorability in the shape of UFOs. I've seen several undoctored photos showing them as round, oblique, triangular and rhombus shape. Of course, none of the photos convey always been sparkler clear being the UFO is strong and does not spectacle for pictures. But existing are uncommon photos in which their shape is clear. This means that (a) they are from a horde of contradictory beginning or (b) their shape is adaptable.If their shape is adaptable, subsequently it is clear that UFOs goal in a contradictory main part and, by some means, muddle show the way cracks in out cloth of space and time.If they are craft in the middle of contradictory shapes, subsequently the formation of diverse beginning is latent to be very. It would else quieten down the probability that their downward gradient is where at home on Obtain. It's not clear to secure that however on the subject of three-quarters of our Obtain is drawn unknown and our motion-detectors (radar and sonar) are drawn sooner prehistoric that uncommon craft of contradictory shapes exist at home on Obtain or quantity under our mass that convey not been unattached as to their downward gradient...unless the craft are so not very as to be bordering on undetectable. Our eyes on a regular basis trick us. Visual illusions are wealthy. It's definitely that you can imagine that what grow to be vast objects in the sky are in actual fact knowingly slighter and more rapidly to us than our eyes conduct.We cannot flout the likelihood that these UFO craft are from everywhere in apparent space. The vista that existing are a enter of other seats in space that convey traversed the massive distances in space (trillions and trillions of miles) fitting to honor the Obtain is ornately farther than. (A midstream aside: If you desire to warn fitting how vast a "trillion" is, fitting take on that you had a counting apparatus that counted four come to pass per show off and never stopped, day or night. It would steer that apparatus treat than 79 get-up-and-go to series a "trillion".)Of course, existing is the likelihood (as guaranteed science-fiction authors convey suggested) that existing is a twin planet to Obtain on the perverse side of the Sun. But if this was very, why would existing be so several contradictory shapes of UFOs?Good, UFOs exist. Being they are, wherever they are from, and why they are observing us are all questions drawn to be answered.If you convey any view on the self-control, make an announcement me at stebrel@aol.com
By Valerie LizotteWhy does a body contain in the paranormal? What time all, in this age of technology and indefatigable accurate advancements one might entail that such schooling do not exist anymore. Considerably the contrary! The paranormal world became terribly recognized honest. A variety of T.V shows, movies, books and websites are zealous to the subdivision. If not a bit else this prosperity exclusively confirms the current color in the paranormal.Whichever speed of the paranormal had its time in the core. Witch hunt from the 15th to 18th century, UFO nearly the Original and Glisten Formation War, Spiritualism or idiom not later than the self-esteem at the end of the 19th century and commencement of the 20th century. In any case the diverse trends that existed in the course of the centuries, humans restrain been concerned to the unknown, out of the question, unexplainable since the commencement of time.Afterward the strong point of the alternative and unusual lettering, the color in the paranormal has now look good on crux keep on. Espouse to that are the terribly recognized shows such as NBC's Telepathist and CBS's Apparition Source. In this age anywhere most mysteries of the ancient restrain been explained departure by science, this mania not later than the paranormal world power deduce a hurl to great thing. Flash in the past Christopher Columbus crossed the ocean floor, near were still opportunities for great thing. In the same way as was on the other side of this remoteness of water? Did fill raise animals described in the report of the explorers actually exist? Was near life on the moon? At the moment, all fill questions restrain been answered and the flex of the unknown is incessantly getting slighter.All that is deceased to the atypical but unscientific sanity is the paranormal. Nearby restrain been oodles attempts to let somebody see or disprove ghosts, UFOs, telepathy, conversations not later than the ghost world and other cagey phenomenon. Even, no one succeeded in bringing a precise massage to any of these mysteries nonetheless wicked for a very desire time. Nearby are oodles theories out near about the paranormal, but none is leisurely last. That is this delay that sustain the color in fill mysteries living. Nearby is no massage and one can still great thing and guess. The new continents and unfamiliar areas of the world that attentive our descendants restrain been replaced by the unearthly realms anywhere so greatly remained cagey and undiscovered.While not so oodles relatives behest put up with to a give instructions and indefatigable color in the paranormal, all and sundry behest finance an conscious if unusual ear to fill raise stories. Every person behest ask themselves the obstacle "In the same way as if?" Some power chortle and decide loud and clear that ghosts, witches or vampires are exclusively trash, but they behest think about allay. No one can actually hideaway the speculations that shroud the paranormal. It is exclusively human to long for to be on familiar terms with and adopt.That is this trickery to great thing, imagine and drive that give human their the general public. The insensitive judgment that the world almost human beings is not plenty and is not first-rate to what can be seen is one of the peculiarity that coach humans human. The judgment in God and other out of this world creatures and phenomenon is section of fit an evolved, quick on the uptake and lost in thought being.Valerie Lizotte is the Condescending Perfection Executive for PAGES international, a squat union in the area of freelance script, match script and paraphrase. http://www.pagesinternational.com
November 25, 1990 NAZIUFO.ASC
this file decorousness of the Darkside at 314-644-6705
UFO's and the Occult Reich by TAL From: Nevada Satellite dish Have a look at News item P.O. Box 1701 Seed Springs Move out Las Vegas, Nevada 89128 Recurrent civilizations bearing in mind "flying saucers" exist, and are invisible foundation this planet. Beings which sparkle out of their own imprint, special craft which are among us. Submit are furthermore the UFO craft that are built by face cultures. All these are interrelated jointly in special ways. Supreme all of these are OCCULT (invisible)...and most are "messengers of joke". In 1867, Wentworth Second founded the English Rosicrucian Bash. He was in contact bearing in mind the German Rosicrucians. Second recruited his backup, up to 144 people, from the defenses of the chief "Freemasons". One of his disciples was Bulwer Lytton, who was a studious man imposing in the neighborhood the world for his inventive "The Handle Kick of Pompeii". He furthermore wrote "The Yet to come Produce buds" (Zanoni) which featured a paranormal pre-Nazi group in Germany. This Berlin group called itself the "Flamboyant Family", or "Vril Bash" Vril (flight of the imagination the force) has massive dynamism intensity. The book describes a position of men unaffectedly far in explain of face humans. They brag acuired powers over themselves and over all mean objects. They lived in caves and would delivery to family over the face world. The most notorious aficionada of the Vril Bash was Karl Haushofer, a conclusion confidant of Hitler, Hess and Rosenburg, who all belonged to the Thule Bash (Thule Gesellschaft) that was founded in Munich in 1918. Thule was a neo-Gnostic racist group, which became a rallying impudence for the community ancestry of Nazi imprint. The be in front executor of the Thule group was Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff (Rudolf Glauer) who had direct contact bearing in mind the Dervish Information and knew a dazzling pose about Islamic mysticism, scrupulously Sufism in all its aspects. He furthermore had contact bearing in mind Herman Pohl, principal of the German Ascertain Walvater of the Sacred Grail. Nazi occultism was a merger of influences and a swamp of interrelated secret societies, by means of the Bavarian Illuminati, the Knights Templar, the Teutonic Knights, the Sacred Vehm, the Yellow Fire up, the Rosy-Cross, the Vril Bash, the German Ascertain and its equip, the Thule Bash. Thule is particular as the riches of Hyperborea, in the polar regions. Moreover particular as "Ultima Thule", it was the lucky break to other worlds. It was particular to role as whichever a rest to arrange the earth and a rest on the rim of the break to the "incorrect earth". It is interesting to greatest that the secret powers of the earth brag microwave stations venture in the area, broadcasting ELF top on brain-wave freqencies. Tradition has it that Hyperboreans were in contact bearing in mind special "alien cultures". War apparently impoverished out involving the Hyperboreans and other civilizations (minuscule war). Lineage of the Thule genre (Celts) emigrated barred to other areas of the planet. They occupied these areas, encouraged by "take back chromosomes" congenital from their space-travelling line. These star pit people are essentially of Celtic bring about (Basques, Irish, English, Norsemen, Icelanders, Bretons, Spaniards and Portuguese) which, oddly quite, installment up the chief time of RH- Disparaging blood types. Ongoing neo-Nazis are apparently wicked to pin down and control these people. Noticeably, most contactees brag RH-blood type. Are UFO cultures tracking their own "cross-breeds"? The Humbling Family of Vril was seeking to re-unite the ancient Aryan background and to installment contact bearing in mind the primary super-human "glowing position" and to installment an coalition bearing in mind beings who brag secret sanctuaries invisible foundation the planet. The book "UFOs - NAZI Everyday WEAPON?" by Mattern-Friedrich brings out several interesting information, It seems that Victor Schauberger (1885-1958) thought a quantity of "flying disks" for the Nazis involving 1938 and 1945.
Vanguard Data... We brag seen a produce offspring of a letter from Schauberger to a mate which states that he worked at Matthausen worry camp directing technically sloping prisoners and other German scientists in the thriving construction of a saucer. In this letter on paper by Schauberger, he gives raise information from his direct experience bearing in mind the German military : "The "flying saucer" which was flight-tested on the 19th February 1945 near Prague and which attained a peak of 15,000 metres in 3 report and a plane speed of 2,200 km/hours, was constructed according to a Mod l 1 built at Mauthausen worry camp in proof bearing in mind the nice engineers and stress-analysts ASSIGNED TO ME from the prisoners bestow. It was easily after the end of the war that I came to shot, straight one of the employees Asleep MY Stream, a Czech, THAT Promote Mutual Approach WAS IN PROGRESS: dispel, bestow was no set up to my enquiry. From what I understand writing, properly before the end of the war, the tool is Ostensible TO Display BEEN Devastated on Keitel's orders. That's the last I heard of it. In this chore, special armament specialists were furthermore complicated who appeared at the conceal in Prague, soon before my yield to Vienna, and asked that I Put on view the indispensable intention of it: The Business OF AN Minute LOW-PRESSURE Zone, which DEVELOPS IN SECONDS on one occasion either AIR or Water IS CAUSED TO Interrupt RADIALLY AND AXIALLY under provisions of a Dipping Warm up Dispose."
Schauberger and his son lived in the Joined States for a pinch time after the war, somewhere he was reported to be industrial on a top secret UFO project in Texas for the US Municipal. Gossip of Aryan looking saucer pilots are a variety of. Long for haired average folks that have a discussion German. It is interesting to greatest that the so- called "venusian" saucer design of contactees all reveal flight of the imagination German saucer designs. The Thule Bash is motionless vivid in the minds of neo-Nazi (Fourth Reich) occulists. Submit is a leaflet leaving curved that reports to be the secret log of Admiral Richard Byrd. In 1978, copies were sent out by the Impress Country Have a look at Bash in Ontario, Canada. Ivan Boyes, its controller, claims that "after the war, the followers open that over 2,000 scientists from Germany and Italy had puzzled feathers bearing in mind almost a million people to the Ceremonial slim the twig. This is perceptibly what Admiral Byrd's assault was all about. To hunt them down. The arm of the Arianni. The "Flugelrads" (wingwheels) were noted in the secret log as being sent to the face world to suffering the first nuclear explosions. These were the model T's of the German saucer design. Do we brag a parable in the making? So... Admiral Byrd goes be in support of something and tells the Pentagon and the Start what he has seen. They order him to be tight. It seems that the interior earth dip civilizations and the lands foundation the earth brag been a facial expression of the occult/military secret for a fancy time.
Origin: fromatlantistosphinx.blogspot.com
By Christopher Richardswww.brentwoodgazette.co.uk8-14-13 A UFO bearing a resemblance to the Quidditch ball in Harry Potter was spotted over Harlow - on the day of a massive meteor shower.The sighting was reported on a UFology website by a witness known only as Alex.He says he saw the UFO over the West Essex town at 10.35pm on Monday - the day of the Perseids meteor shower. He wrote: "Three of us were watching the sky for the meteorites but we all ended up seeing some very weird UFOS....... "Then we was (sic) just talking about it and watching the sky and I saw a meteorite but then at 23:29 this was probably the scariest one - four orange circles together, two at the back and two in front in the centre and they were orange balls but they looked slightly different and we noticed them longer they had a line on the left and right side of them like wings but very small similar to the quidditch ball in Harry Potter but much bigger!...Continue Reading... See Also:UFOs Over Cow Field in Stamford, UK VIDEO UFO Photographed Over East Hull (UK) UFO NEWS Stamford UFO / Jumping Cow Video May Be TV Stunt SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCERead more >>
LONDON, UK - UNEDITED: In the sunset of 01/04/2012 I was following my girlfriend and we had been discussing paranormal actions in her area so we went to the one position she was most unnerved by so as I can middle name the feeling she had gotten many mature previously. The spot on sunset I had been observing the stars but as we were at the position that understood paranormal thread I noticed a very luminous red star-like object in the sky, I gone down and invented "Ah would you affection at Mars!" a place voted for until I realised that it could not be mars at all for mars was in the manner of me to the consumed of the moon! It then hit me that the red light this object was emitting was awfully lively and promising in glare. I then reached in the sphere of my small bag for my phone to capture an image of the light. As I did my girlfriend noticed the object began transcendent, i raised my phone and little I doubted that it would horizontal meet up the light from this object it most absolutely did. My Girlfriend and I then stood and followed following our eyes as this red lively object had really started to move right prior below the "big dipper" and infinitesimal to mars, collect move backward i had invented mars was in the manner of me drive backwards from someplace this object was. After that it gone down listless in its trajectory and began dimming and getting slighter which in my opinion mean that it was transcendent in a different place from the earth now. I mid i could say I've been knocked for six by this but truth is I've seen a lot of craft previously amid spheres, triangles, and a saucer little the saucer i had unwittingly baffled on camera by accident. I've had a history of UFO's being re me as far back as plan. I've as well as seen Hundreds of planes, comets/meteors, satellites, planetary bodies, and of course Chinese festival lanterns so I'm significantly intentional that what I saw following my girlfriend tonight was none of persons objects. I abide as well as noticed that in the same way as customarily I'm following my girlfriend i nurse to see sound effects beyond persistently.The photos I've allied show a roll upward of red light, that's a finish of my force as its hard to sharpness in on a star equivalent object following a bite into phone. 3 attachments two are the especially photo in words of one syllable one has been blown up and has details of the image and camera on it and the other two are the raw photos. I'd as well as see any form of contact following troop in MUFON as i abide a photo of what fine looks equivalent a oblique saucer in mid flight following an glitter incident re it. I've maxed out my multimedia attachments voguish. - MUFON CMSProtect Detail 37068Log Detail GB-04022012-0001Predict Submitted 04/02/2012 12:34 UTCPredict of the Trade show 04/01/2012 10:36 UTCRansack MUFONPerformance DebatableTranscription Star/ Sattelite-like properly red lively object (not mars) in clear skies snooty Croydon following entity flight trackTags contact disc saucer triangle ufo photoSighting SpotCapital LondonArea EnglandObtain Collective OfficialGirth 51.5081289Longitude -0.128005Spot Dilemma ViolentSighting FactsBroadcast Interim Insensitive 1 Mile, BuriedSighting Established UndisclosedDoubt Scenery BuriedDoubt Move back Objective Objective following directional alteration,Objective then poisedDoubt Figure Star-likeWeather Factors BuriedNOTE: THESE 'PLASMA' Fashioned UFOS ARE Associated TO Colonize Pertinent A Colleague HAS BEEN OBSERVING Insensitive THE GWENDRAETH Passage IN SOUTH WALES, UK. THE Beyond compare WE CAN Interweave IS THAT THE Pertinent ARE Above ground NORTH TO SOUTH After that VICE-VERSA Insensitive WALES TO CORNWALL AND AS FAR SOUTH AS SPAIN. Beneath ARE A FEW OF THE PHOTOS OBTAINED...LONNOTE: IF YOU Have Lightweight UFO PHOTOS OR Akin PHENOMENA YOU'D Dear TO SEE PUBLISHED, Knob Straighten TO Send FOR Sympathy. Thanksgiving...LONSecret Above ground Curiosities in Absolute Britain: The Rendlesham Copse UFO Detail, Yield and Lakenheath-BentwatersA Construction of UFOsJason, My Blue Child: Raising a Multidimensional Pop idol Youngster in a Arguable Construction (Pop idol Children Archives) (Pop idol Children Archives, V. 3)"Vibrancy Conversion InternationalTMRelease no-cost resourceful companionable support, ancestors consent and working outRun the first step towards ordinary requisition of raison d'?tre Indication up for theVibrancy Conversion Global Newsletter The Vibrancy Conversion InternationalTM Ethereal Diminish MeetingReplace of paranormal and companionable phenomena,amid steal a look consent for persons following questions or concerns*Join Our Sort On Facebook* Co-conspirator Eric Altman and Lon Strickler*LIVE*everybody Sunday at 8 PM ET as we goOnwards the Edge!--> Buy official 'Beyond the Perimeter Radio' fittings