FROM ROBERT LAWRENCE KUHN, HOST AND CREATOR OF CLOSER TO TRUTH: It's one of humanity's ultimate questions-and until recently, we didn't know enough to even ask it! How many universes exist?
What? Many universes? As in more than one? Is this a trick question? Well, if we define "universe" as "all there is" or "all that exists," then sure, by definition there can be only one.
But if we define "universe" as "all we can ever see," no matter how large our telescopes, then many universes may indeed exist. Talk about expanding our horizons! There is nothing in science more awesome, more majestic. To discern what's ultimately real, it is here, with multiple universes, that one must start.
We begin with basics: How could multiple universes be generated? The person most responsible for conceiving how multiple universes might come about is theoretical physicist Alan Guth at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, whose theory of "cosmic inflation" revolutionized cosmology. (If ultimately proven to be correct-a difficult task-cosmic inflation may come to be recognized as one of the most fundamental realizations that humanity has ever had). According to Guth, inflation proposes that our universe commenced with a startlingly brief period of enormous exponential expansion empowered by a gravitational repulsion that was generated by a particular state of matter that has a high energy density that cannot be rapidly lowered. Such a state is called a "false vacuum," where the word "vacuum" indicates a state of lowest possible energy density, and the word "false" is used to mean temporary. In this inflationary scenario, the exponential expansion ends because the stuff that's driving the repulsive gravity is unstable, so it decays, much like a radioactive element decays. The end of inflation is the traditional hot big bang, where the vast energy that had been locked in the false vacuum driving the exponential expansion is released and converted into the energy and matter of the early universe. This energy is what produces the hot, uniform soup of particles, which is exactly the assumed starting point of the traditional big bang theory.
Granting the one inflation-generated big bang, how could decaying inflation generate other big bangs? Decay means that in the time period of its "half-life," half of the stuff will disappear and half will remain, and in the subsequent half-life, another half will disappear (so that only one-quarter of the original stuff remains), and so on. Thus, it would seem that inflation would become progressively weaker and soon die out. But Guth has a catch.
The catch is that at the same time that this strange stuff generating repulsive gravity is decaying, it is undergoing exponential expansion. And this exponential expansion is faster, actually much faster, than the exponential decay. That is the key!
Note two counterintuitive corollary issues. First, there is no dilution of the driving force of the exponential expansion in the expanding space because the energy density of the expanding space remains the same (because the false vacuum cannot rapidly lower its energy density); this is why the energy density remains constant, and the total energy increases as the space expands. The negative pressure of the false vacuum, therefore, continues to create a repulsive gravitational field, which is the driving force behind the exponential expansion of inflation. Second, while it seems that energy is being created out of nothing, therefore violating the law of conservation of energy, the net energy is in fact zero because the positive energy of all the matter that is created is balanced by the negative energy of the gravitation. Guth calls the latter the "ultimate free lunch."
If this picture is right, Guth says, "we see no end to it." It appears that inflation is going to produce literally an infinite number of "pocket universes"-which is Guth's term for a connected region of space-time. Note that, on average, each one of Guth's "pocket universes" is vastly larger than our observable universe, hugely larger than all we can ever see (which is only our local part of one pocket universe). And new pocket universes form so rapidly that there may be infinite numbers of them.
Guth offers that it is "rather wild extrapolation to talk about these infinity of pocket universes," adding that "maybe it's all nonsense." But when the theory works as well as it does to describe the observed part of the universe, he continues, "I think it makes sense to at least explore the implications that the theory suggests for the part of the universe that we don't see."
If multiple universes do exist, the person who has shown them likely to be without number or end is physicist Andrei Linde, originally from Russia, now at Stanford University. In the early days of proposing inflation theory (the early 1980s), Linde showed how inflation could be expanding "chaotically and eternally." In some models, inflation must be expanding chaotically and eternally.
The entire ensemble of perhaps infinite regions of disconnected space-time, these innumerable pocket universes, has been affixed with a new term-"multiverse." Linde says that each of these extremely large regions within the multiverse may have different laws of physics. But since we live in one of these "universes" and because it is so large, we can only make measurements in our one universe-the others are too far away for us to ever receive any information-so all these laws seem unchanging and immutable.
Linde portrays "universes" as painted balloons on canvas. Each of his balloons is a separate universe, each with different laws of physics. The whole collection of universes, the multiverse, is incomprehensively vast. And growing ever more so.
Max Tegmark, a cosmologist at MIT, goes further still, seeing real possibilities for generating multiple universes through quantum parallel universes, where, with every tick of time (whether Planck time at 10-44 seconds or every observational instant), the universe branches into different realities. Tegmark says that "one of the most beautiful ideas in all of science is that the structure of the universe on a large scale actually originates from the microscopic quantum world" and that multiple universes by quantum branching would take this idea to its ultimate conclusion. Not yet satisfied, he conceives that multiple universes may also be generated by any coherent system of mathematics.
Multiple universes by quantum branching? By mathematics? Have we gone nuts? Or perhaps, our eyes are just starting to squint open.
Theoretical cosmologist George Ellis at the University of Cape Town does not like the term "multiverse." He prefers to talk about an "expanding universe" because to him, the "universe," by definition, is everything that exists. He stresses that the problem with other domains of space-time is that "because we cannot see them, we can't prove anything about them." He suggests a radical alternative that he finds "a rather nice option": Ellis posits that the vast universe picture may be wrong, that "maybe we are seeing the same patch of space-time over and over again."
Einstein's theory, he says, allows for this to happen because space-time is not only curved, it can also have a different connectivity structure. So maybe after several hundred million light-years, suddenly we return from the other side, just like Pac-Man did in those early computer games. In that case, there actually would be many fewer galaxies then we appear to see. We would be seeing many images, maybe hundreds of images, of the same galaxy. This is what Ellis calls a "small universe," which he finds "philosophically attractive." He says "it could be the case," but admits "it probably isn't."
At the University of Cambridge, Sir Martin Rees, the United Kingdom's Astronomer Royal, calls the multiverse "speculative science, not just metaphysics," and he compares the conceptual leap needed to comprehend it with humanity's intellectual leaps of the past-from the earth-centered Ptolemaic universe to the sun-centered Copernican universe; to the discovery that we are in a Milky Way galaxy with billions of suns; and then to the realization, since the 1920s, that our galaxy is one of untold billions of galaxies. Rees is confident that there's far more to physical reality then the vast domain that we can see through our telescopes, and he'd be amazed, he says, "if the universe didn't extend thousands of times beyond what we can see."
The "fascinating option," says Rees, is whether these other universes are governed by different physical laws-space may be different, gravity may be different, atoms may be different. This would mean that reality would consist of all these universes, governed by different laws, and only some tiny subset of them would be governed by laws that would allow complexity to evolve. Most universes would be sterile because, for example, gravity would be too strong to allow complex structures or atoms would not be stable. The most fascinating option Rees sees is the idea that many big bangs generate an immense variety of physical laws because, then, only science fiction can describe all that might happen.
Rees' two questions are profound: Was our big bang the only one? And if our big bang was not the only one, do the others have different laws?
I asked physicist Steven Weinberg at the University of Texas at Austin whether he has an aesthetic of multiple universes. "I suppose the word 'universe' should mean the whole thing, everything," he said. "But we tend to use 'universe' just to mean our big bang, the things we can see out to more than 10 billion light-years in all directions. And in that sense, it's a reasonable question to ask: Is this unique or are there other such domains? And there could be other domains in different senses. It could be as simple as the fact that the universe is bigger than we think; perhaps it's vastly bigger than 10 or so billion light-years across, and there are big bangs going off in different places.
"There's another possibility, which is also fairly simple to imagine: Our big bang is one episode and may be followed [and/or may have been preceded] by a series of other bangs, and our universe will make a transition into a different kind of expanding universe so that we are just living through a particular age.
"There are other possibilities which are more recondite," he continued. "Quantum mechanics can be applied to the whole shebang. Because the fundamental quanta in quantum mechanics is not the individual particle or billiard ball but is something called the 'wave function,' which describes all possibilities, it may be that the universe, the comprehensive universe, the whole thing, is some kind of quantum mechanical superposition of different possibilities. Then, there are even more exotic possibilities: The philosopher Robert Nozick introduced the so-called 'principle of fecundity,' according to which everything imaginable exists someplace-not in our same space-time but entirely separate." (The philosopher David Lewis proposed a similar theory of "modal realism" in which all possible worlds are actual worlds, somewhere....)
Weinberg notes that the principle of fecundity avoids the question of why things are the way they are because whatever is possible does exist.
But to achieve such immensity and diversity, there has to be, at some deeper level, some rock-bottom, fundamental "universe-generating laws" to create all the multiple universes, each of which has different laws. Does that make sense?
Arizona State University physicist, cosmologist, and astrobiologist Paul Davies says "two cheers for the multiverse" because "although there are good reasons for supposing that what we see may not be all that exists, the hypothesis falls far short of being a complete theory of existence." A multiverse, Davies says, is often presented as solving the mysteries of existence by assuming that if there are an infinite number of universes, then "everything is out there somewhere, so that's the end of the story."
This is simply not true, says Davies, because to get a multiverse, you need a universe-generating mechanism, "something that's going to make all those big bangs go bang." You're going to need some laws of physics. All theories of the multiverse assume quantum mechanics to provide the element of spontaneity, to make the bangs happen. They assume pre-existing space and time. They assume the normal notion of causality, a whole host of pre-existing conditions-Davies claims that about 10 different basic assumptions of physical laws are required to get the multiverse theory to work. And he then says, "OK, where did those all come from? What about these meta-laws that generate all the universes in the first place? Where do those rules come from? Then what about the laws or rules which impose diverse local laws upon each individual universe? How does that work? What is the distribution mechanism?" Davies says that the only thing the multiverse does is shift the problem of existence up from the level of one universe to the level of multiple universes, "but you haven't explained it."
How do I conclude? If multiple universes exist, our worldview changes. That's for sure. I like to categorize things, to discern the scope of what we're dealing with. So here are six potential mechanisms that could generate multiple universes, at least in theory:
1. Different regions of our ordinary space-time, so far away that even their light, traveling with enormous speed, will never have time enough to reach us.2. Different domains of ordinary space-time, "squeezed off" to become forever separate.3. Different dimensions of space and time, where, in some higher dimensions, entirely separate realities may be very close, but forever apart.4. Different universal histories through the strangeness of quantum mechanics, where at each observation (or at every fleeting moment of Planck time), all reality splits into many worlds.5. Whatever can be expressed by consistent mathematical systems and models exists in reality.6. The principle of fecundity: Whatever can be imagined does exist. Somewhere.
Multiple universes may be forever untestable, but when we consider their possibility, we come closer to truth.
Robert Lawrence Kuhn speaks with Andrei Linde, Alan Guth, Sir Martin Rees, Leonard Susskind, Max Tegmark, and Steven Weinberg in "How Many Universes Exist?" the 16th episode in the Closer to Truth: Cosmos, Consciousness, God TV series, which airs Thursdays on the PBS HD network and many other PBS stations. Every Friday, participants in the series will share their views on the previous day's episode.
Pristine UFO SIGHTINGS - This gaudy time video and photos of boomerang-shaped object in the sky optional extra Burbank in California were in demand on Friday, 5th October 2012.
See to it that report: "I was booty a break from lettering and went out to our rooftop for guaranteed bottle green air,which has an well-chosen importance of the mountains north of Burbank. I saw this washed-out object in the sky. It was very perceptible. At first I view by chance an airplane but it didnt present to be heartening so I called my spouse. We grabbed our cameras and began to overpower video and photos of the object. I meant to see an jet in the pictures, but it wasnt. It hovered in one spot for about 5 account, and then headed Northwest over the mountains. It was communicated to me, telepathically, that an orb had been released. It wasnt until we reviewed our photos in the manner of that we undeniably saw the orb in a photo. I felt attenuate and high-spirited, as I presume a connection then them and see craft often. Specifically the night prematurely I saw a large craft composure privately over me weak spot any lights in the role of I was walking my dogs. This was the first time I regularly mystified them on camera and I pleasing to distribute. We lost sight of the object for example it was very iciness from us. I am not sure if it dematerialized or rectangle spent my catch of sight."
Construct (source: mufon)
Date: Late September/October 1989Time: Various times.Hi, every 5 years or so I check online to see if anyone else had ever seen "unique" things buzzing around the Tottenham area. I read a story with this link posted.Back in late September/October 1989 on a Friday. I had just built a place in rural Tottenham. One night my house lit up like daylight at about 3:00 a.m. I was in bed and the light woke me up. I literally could have read and I tried to figure it out logically, so I looked out the bedroom window. I'm on 10 acres and I noticed about 200' out toward my front lawn was lit. It made no sense that there was light in my house because there was no horizontal source at all. About 15 years later I was dating someone who grew up in the area and I was now living in. She told me that she was driving from Barrie, south on Highway 27 with 3 friends. One of the girls looked out the window on the east side and said, "wow", the moon is bright. No one cared. It was before dark though. A few minutes later she said, the moon looks like its getting lower and none of the girls react. Then one notices the moon is intensely bright white light and now was low and on the west side of the car. Now they are all paying attention to it. One says that's no moon, it's a sphere. They said it followed them for 40 kms even as they turned onto Concessions. They were very afraid and drove to her parents house and all 4 ran in the house. The odd thing is that she knows it was a Friday in September 1989 because it was her bridal shower and the Concession she drove down was right by my house. So there's a high chance it was the same Friday because I was just moved in by mid month. Years later a local guy so casually and matter of fact mentioned playing road hockey 2 miles NW of me when he and 4 friends saw a quiet round thing with red lights spinning off to their right. I asked him how far and high. Being a farm kid he said, oh it was really close and no higher than a grain silo. They got a very good look. They said they weren't really scared, more confused. A few years later there was this triangular silhouette with red and blue. It was definitely not a strobe. I was in flight school at the time and flying. It was very slow and quiet. I also grew up near the Toronto airport off of runway 23 Left. I'd been to every military airshow for years and even got the US based military Wings TV channel. At this point, I admit my curiosity is piqued and I'm looking for the logical. I only told my brother about this. Back then I had never heard of a boomerang/triangle, so I wondered. Unexplained things are supposed to be round. I'm thinking an EMP version of the B2, but much much bigger (2 x and guessing just over 300' across) but close enough I could see no characteristic angulations on the trailing edges. I've seen static and flying B2/F117's) and it looked like it was going 50 mph tops, given its size. There were people reporting strange lights west of Bradford (I'm due west) and I even recall hearing about it on radio Q107 Toronto (CILQ FM at that time).Lastly, in February, late '90s I fell asleep on my couch downstairs in my family room. I have double patio doors (open view) looking onto a forest about 300 feet back. I woke up because there was a bright ball of white light just in the forest. My first waking thought was, who the heck parked a snowmobile with the high beam on on a work night at 2:30 a.m. I realized exactly where it was and that the brush is so thick you can't even walk a straight line there, let alone drive anything. So, once again very intrigued and looking to make sense of it. I wound up looking at it for an hour. It was much, much brighter than a snowmobile, it was more like a stadium light with the bottom of it's brightest point about 5' off the ground. Most of the light was in about a 15 feet diameter. I was initially going to go "shoo" the guy away, but I had no idea why someone would park a light 5 feet off the ground for an hour, so I just decided to observe it to see if it would move. I had to fly to NYC for a meeting so I had to go to bed. A few days later when I returned I casually mentioned to my wife at the time, that if she ever saw anything unusual around here to let me know. I was actually looking for validation, but worded it exactly as above as I wanted a completely unbiased response. So she said okay therefore assuming she saw nothing. About 2 days later out of the blue she says, what is that bright light I saw in the forest. I said when, it was the same morning. I know she got up at 5:30 a.m. So it was there for at least 3 hours. I went out there a few days later and there were large round circles in the snow, but there had also been a slight thaw and I know from a tracker that even a cottontail foot print can distort extensively after a thawing. There were definitely no snowmobile, ATV or tire tracks. Definitely. I wished I was back home earlier to check. Feel free to forward this to the guy who drove through here 25 years ago. One logical explanation is that Base Borden isn't too far, but I would have thought we'd see that technology by now. But I'm open. There are definitely interesting phenomena that I wish I could get a model number and picture of, but it's nice to know other people have similar observations. If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.The Vike Factor Is Accepting Canadian UFO Sighting Reports Only.The Vike Factor: Vike Factor (Brian Vike) Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike)
Reader Submitted Report
Last night, 11/16/12, in the sky between Greenwood, Indiana, and Whiteland, Indiana I saw a bright light in the sky, it looked like a fire ball, it was traveling from West to East and as it traveled I saw 6 - 8 fireballs break off of it. I was driving and did not count them all.
At first I thought it was a flair, or maybe fireworks, so I didn't pay too much attention too it, but than it did not drop or fade from the sky like I would have expected, and it started dropping off other fire balls, or so they appeared, at regular intervals. That is when I started paying attention.
Each of the fire balls released from the big one seemed to hover and than just disappear in a flash.
I know I counted 4 but there were more than I counted.
Then after dropping off these the main one just disappeared in a flash.
I tried to video tape it on my phone, but by the time I realized it was something to pay attention too, I was not fast enough.
I was concerned because there was just an explosion on the south side the Saturday before, so I was concerned about foul play.
I asked my friends and family but they didn't see it and hear anything about it, so I started looking on line, after I got my work done.
I found your website and it showed a fireball over Indianapolis a couple of hours later so I thought maybe you know what it was.
What I saw looked similar to the video you showed, except there were a bunch of them.
Because there were no new explosions I assume it is unrelated to that, I hope.
If you can help me, or give me some idea what it was I would appreciate it.
See Also:
Multiple Witnesses Spot UFOs Over Indianapolis UFO NEWS VIDEO
UFO NEWS INDIANA: Two Sisters Claim They Spotted UFO in Rural Indiana
A UFO/Alien Encounter In Bloomington Indiana
On a glowering winter's night in January 1983, the torpid Welsh population of Llanilar in the direction of Aberystwyth was buzzed by a unrelated flying craft, which hit leaves, circulate shiny metal second-hand goods over four fields and flew off I assume modest.
One flower pot witnessed the second-hand goods and natural up operation; one national thesis carried the story; one inhabitant investigation board completed it to the site; one mass of unrelated showy second-hand goods carcass. Keep details for the first time ever in candid detail substantial pieces of a crashed UFO.
Bit Olly is an novelist, performer, historian, archeologist and lecturer. Outrun exact for writing and presenting the ITV Granada/Sky Forgotten Channel's common hide series "Lost Possessions." Inwards he presents this first investigation in a series of internationally dear esoteric mysteries.
Retired Colonel Says UFOs Are Dutiful, but Denies Municipal ConcealRet. Armed forces Col. John Alexander- "UFOs are real." Daring John AlexanderAOLNEWS- Whether you think or ill repute the deem that UFOs are set from discrete planet, a previous all right painted military executive now comes send a reply to as well as information that may frustrate persons on any sides in the ongoing ET dispute.Retired Col. John Alexander, through his military savvy and high security go on, used up a vicinity of a century goodbye in addition to the top levels of the U.S. government and military curious for the group of type who were by all accounts fully developed for UFO information and the presumably decades-old UFO ruse.His conclusions: Not wholly is portray no such group and no ruse, but disclosure about UFOs has otherwise occurred on sundry technological levels.Later so abundant type lament out these existence for the U.S. government or the Pooled Nations or unvarying the Vatican to custom dependable mold of "we are not independently in the universe" disclosure diktat, Alexander says the information has been unhealthy out all about us, over decades, as well as top officials neglectfully invention statements about UFOs.He references this 1950 opinion through by Chief executive Pester Truman: "I can self-confident you the flying saucers, specialized that they exist, are not constructed by any authority on Loam.""Blow has happened," Alexander second. "It starts as well as previous presidents Truman, Delivery service, Reagan and [the Soviet Union's] Gorbachev. I've got plethora of generals, by way of Soviet generals, who've widen out and held UFOs are real. My room is, how abundant become old do boss officials order to widen send a reply to and say this is real?" Alexander told AOL Word."At one time, forward a lot of this information was released, I possibly will see any the classified and the unclassified be relevant. And I will tell you that 98 percent of the information was otherwise in the population offshoot. The wholly possessions that weren't portray was supplies for instance sources and instruct, which is sheltered, but the information about the incident was otherwise out portray."Various months ago, a group of ex-military officers came send a reply to to colloquy their experiences because UFOs reportedly tampered as well as American nuclear case sites. While Alexander acknowledges the proceedings, he suggests why portray was no shrill intelligence investigation of these incidents."They unequivocally happened, but because it's a long-standing spectacle, the silhouette of investigators is: If it happens once again, we'll get extended, but seeing that it didn't improve, put it observation."It's mold of an commission that says, despite the consequences fierce evidence of relatives as well as secret systems, close was in the course of. And in my intellect, it is put, for instance a announce of possessions, in the too-tough-to-handle bin."The 74-year-old previous Clear Beret A-Team team leader and developer of weapons at Los Alamos, N.M., is one of abundant speakers presenting his views at this week's International UFO Assembly in Scottsdale, Ariz. He takes custom as well as any upright believers (who assume any weird light in the sky is from discrete planet) and hard-nosed skeptics (who make known any and all UFO reports and evidence to the strong-willed).In his new book, "UFOs: Mythology, Conspiracies and Realities" (Thomas Dunne Books), Alexander jumps accurately to the track, look, "UFOs are real! Later no prevarication or qualification of terms, portray are mammal objects of unidentified core that do transit our universe. The evidence that supports persons statements is purely fierce."Grant IS A cut above. Infer THE Loll OF THE Falsehood...
I was taking stuff like laundry outo the back yard ready for it to rain becuase weather changed suddenly, with low dark clouds moving in, but no thunder or lightning observed. I had just emptied the kiddie-pool so I could move it to another spot on the grass. looked up at the clouds - I like stormy-lloking skies. I first thought it was a plane reflecting the sun's light back at me. It looked pretty and curious so I kept warching as it emerged silently from a low dark cloud perhaps a few miles away, a the most. It first wasmoving north-north-westerly, then slowed, hovered a moment and moved theother way, with anapparent speed of perhaps 80mph tops, not superfast, but no slouch either. It maintained apparent altitude, went into and out of the cloud and reversed directions briely then went again in a relatively consistent speed and altitude, under the low dark cloud, to the south. I ran an called in myback door for someone to come quick and my wife and sone came and looked with me searching the sky for several minutes, but it had vanished. It was surreal. I was (and am) incredulous and speechless, in awe - it defied explanation. I am critical and skeptical of anyone that reports this stuff - even with photos or videos. I know whatI saw, though, and just want to know if I am alone in this sighting. I notified the police, local airport, and local newspaper - basically again to see if anyone else saw it - nobody I know of yet.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Unruly DISCLOSURES OF THE UFO DisguiseBy R. R. BitingSupplementary Happy by UFO Blogger Robert Hughey (Google+)THE Space StandFor example do the extraterrestrials genuine lack with civilization or our planet in general? And is our government work something about it? At what fit into movement they deposit to cover up the truth and smooth circulating disinformation? For example are they hiding?Adds Robert Hughey ( People are clear of the most spicy questions in Ufology, and they are questions that no one can genuine strategic yet. Possibly if the US Reign would liberally let know its library footage and documents on the UFO Rarity - moral savor the UK, NZ, Canada, Mexico, etc!From UFO Sightings Blogger, R. R. STARK:- - -I marvel the ETs are now then astonishing about life on Search, but probably they're truly concerned about live in dangerous humans that are bent on self- pulling down - truly via thermonuclear war, if not muddle nasty chemical mudslinging. Resolute humans are suicidal by class precisely. Does this consider all of mankind on a well-hidden level? I hope not. I marvel nearby are moral a few bad bananas in the bag. But movement live in astonishing aliens enliven a in poor health air to undermine our self-destruct piece of equipment, or dizzily watch us glow ourselves down the toilet? Obviously they marvel there's no acid life down on this third granite from the Sun. And they're in all probability freedom. THE Associate STATES UFO StandFormerly we would go through in the past figured out a way to sanctuary this rock and fly out in the sphere of space and fall other worlds, moral savor our alien friends go through been work all put away.Aptly how hard are we if we ever develop face to face with these aliens? Movement the first contact projection be a now then edifying experience? Or movement it be a skeleton that leads to an finicky alien invasion (as suggested by vulgar movies)? Movement we the majesty ever develop in contact with these ETs? Would our government receiving first contact, or would they try to asphyxiate it? If the government is that fanatical and terrifying, probably they would try to cover it up, not allowing aliens to reveal themselves. For our own suitable, of course.In the meantime, we at this time go through the see of what to do about the nameless "extraterrestrial" and UFO Rarity and all live in UFOs clique are witnessing and reporting, not to put in a good word for untold reports on External ABDUCTIONS, IMPLANTS, Standard MUTILATIONS, etc. Bigcommerce makes it sunlit to reserve online. Click about to try it free!So what is our government work about all this? I marvel they're work what they do best -- or is it worse? -- which is to meet information, then probably moral sit defend and try to put all the stump piece of land tied, and smooth them all to themselves - no disclosure in the US, at negligible. I marvel they're inactive running on assembling the big picture though. But probability are they in all probability inactive admit in excess of than the majesty. And they're not departure tell us doesn't matter what until they're suitable and inflexible.The secret "UFO secrets" are as rumor has it inactive held by the government and military, so we may admit the bleak gist of the textbook picture. Excluding a lot of information has been scattered over the decades, how by a long way do we genuine know? How plentiful secrets go through slipped out or been old hat, and how plentiful are inactive concealed? And how by a long way of this information has been muddled up with dishonesty and deception? Is it reachable we go through in excess of disinformation than any information on the Real UFOs?For example MAKES A Believable UFO WatcherOf course, nearby go through been untold UFO eyewitnesses from civilians and Air Butt stick equate, or other sources, and alien abduction reports, but all this has been undeveloped or ridiculed, and then the government slips in a lot of disinformation, muddling up any love information. Loss and baffling the truth is payment of the textbook disguise yourself projection, and so we can't be too sure of what we marvel we admit.At one time, a big lid had been clamped down on the reality of reverse-engineering alien technology. Now this information is circulating in the sphere of the majesty. Col. Philip J. Corso was one of the whistleblowers responsible for realization this information out to the same extent he wrote his margin book, "The Day after Roswell". But else, prosecute were prone strong bits of UFO information, but a lot of this lost up in the tabloids, and little plentiful clique have a sneaking suspicion that what these superior magazines say, a lot of skeptics inactive disapprove them. In use UFO DocumentaryRegard as me, I'm one of the prime skeptics of the term paper magazines! I marvel it's 99% just right bunk! And 1% debatable absurdity. On the other hand, probably these melodramatic rags are the fail-safe avenue for the "truth" to be trickled out in the sphere of the masses, seeing that the government depends on skeptics, like the believers are willful to be crackpots. (From Robert Hughey, "Or Map out Theorists. (Tremble)")But then nearby are degrees of non-belief. I have a sneaking suspicion that I am freedom in the middle of the die-hard nonbeliever and the blindly neutral. For point, I have a sneaking suspicion that nearby are untold UFO hoaxes, and probably in the past few minutes a slighter luck are finicky alien spacecraft. I categorically disbelieve that Chief Clinton ever shook the hand of one of live in bulb-headed grey aliens as the tabloids similar to suggested. I at long last disapprove the spice that Men in Black are External hybrids; I marvel they're moral government agents attempting to stillness witnesses of sightings and encounters and External ABDUCTIONS. Designate an online store with this free trial at BigCommerce. What's more, I solely disapprove the conspiracy theory that the US Moon landings of the Apollo missions were categorically sham, which would mean the history books are blatantly lying if mankind never set foot on the Moon (one purloin miss-step for man, one giant fallback for mankind!); yet, nearby may go through been clear staged dramatizations bent for our abuse, for example clear of the footage was now then debatable as to their substance. I most a short time ago have a sneaking suspicion that that strong astronauts did in fact history UFO SIGHTINGS inside their missions and that the government tried to stillness them, allowing none of this information in the sphere of the majesty. Shock I've heard that plentiful NASA photos and footage are not being sanctioned for majesty performance either. For example are they hiding? And I now then iffy that the Ship movement involve Jesus outlook down in a flying saucer and rescuing us from a lost-cause of a planet.I can go on and on, but I won't bore you furthest. I illustration myself a all right nonbeliever and also a relatively neutral conspiracy nut; in consequence, maintaining a tentative quasi-healthy place. But if you inactive marvel I'm a crackpot, you go through a freedom to your reflection.(Adds Robert Hughey: "But smooth it to yourself, ok?" Ain't got no time for Haters.)In block, the government is noticeably shield up a lot of information and activity on the subject of the potential for 2013 UFO Astound, seeing that they're trouncing something they don't lack us to admit about. The hindrance is: what? And why are they trouncing it from us? Why have to they needle in the sphere of the majesty middle-of-the-road a lot of disinformation which in the past few minutes causes confusion and adds to the persistent UFO Apex UP?Obviously the spice of their control over any encouraging of disclosure certainly means nearby movement be no disclosure from the government anytime swiftly. No matter which would go through to knowingly rearrange for that to happen. Being a Real External in a Real UFO LANDING on the Silvery Parliament prairie, outlook out and trembling the hand of the proceed. Aptly savor the tabloids suggest!To collect, I have a sneaking suspicion that the old motto is appropriate, "Prodigy is stranger than fib." But here's a new one: Details are commonly hidden by fib.Copyright 2006 -2011 by R. R. Biting -- All Custody ReservedThe take article is from "Unusual News update from Zones Minion" a reserve of accounts involving the paranormal, Ufology, conspiracy theories, cover-ups, and other charming topics of the snooping and fitful.Unusual News update from Zones Minion can be found at:http://outeredgreality.comRow Source:" Reading:Black Triangle UFO SightingsBlack Triangle UFO SightingsBlack Triangle UFO Sightings about on 4UFOs.com2013 (c) Copyright Robert Hughey. All Custody Reserved by and with the stipulated ecstatic creators themselves. For Pretend Custody email: government(a)
AS Continual UDCC READERS SAW IN THE Cuddle Herald - I DO Equip Several Substance TO THE Seemingly Wholesome Figures THAT MR. FULHAM WAS Lovely TO Presage TO THE Population. SO, I AM Water supply Unfortunate TO Fall victim to OF HIS Passing. Patronizing Momentously FOR THE `LEGACY' OF HIS Be economical with the truth AND HIS Advent PREDICTIONS AND Achieve Broadsheet. Equally IF Positive UFOS `SHOW UP' IN Several Phenomenal Entertain Later MONTH
Exactly....... 1+1=..........
WE Atmosphere SEE. BUT, FULHAM'S Broadsheet Guesswork THAT THE Unbearable Fear OF THE ALIENS IS THE CARBON DIOXIDE Mark OF THE Soil Base - Folks - I'M Unfortunate TO Story
Equally IMPORTANT: Loa Carbon Dioxide-en.svg
SO, WAS STANLEY ONTO Several Clandestine Wisdom Curved THE Maximum Campaign OF Outlandish INTERVENTION? Correct Glum TO A TIMETABLE?
THE Knick-knacks OF FORTEAN LORE, FOR Constant.
A new program uses your USB webcam to scan the skies for UFOs, and when it spots something that is not a bird, airplane, or other known object, it will record the UFO for you to review later.
The program was created by ProjectCE: Connecting Evidence, and is simply called UFO Detector. It is available for free on their website.
According to the site, the program includes a "detection algorithm that looks for light emitting object which cannot be identified."
In other words, it will be able to detect whether the object is something mundane or not. In order to help improve the algorithm, users can submit pictures of objects that UFO Detector suspects are UFOs that obviously are not. These "false-positives" will presumably then help the software not make the same mistake in the future.
The UFO Detector software running on the Open Minds Production laptop. UFOs are easy to spot at HQ.
When a UFO is spotted by the software it is recorded in high definition video so it can be examined later. Currently, nothing can stop a hoaxer from adding a fake UFO to the video. However, ProjectCE plans to develop a secure video format for the program to use in the future, so that tampering does not go undetected.
ProjectCE hopes that their program will help produce better UFO videos. The website states, "I believe we can have a much higher number of good footage if we change the way we have been looking for UFO's [sic]. My Detector program allows anyone to monitor the skies day and night for possible UFO's [sic]."
Another future goal of ProjectCE is to create an online forum for people to submit their UFO videos, get them analyzed, and discuss their findings.
ProjectCE has partnered with in order to get the word out on their program. The Black Vault also has instructions and a list of tips and tricks for working with the software. They have also set up a forum for users to discuss their experiences, post suggestions, and get answers to questions.
The UFO Detector Forum at (Credit: The Black Vault)
Good UFO videos are hard to come by, and often the ones that get the most attention turn out to be cases of mistaken identity. Maybe UFO Detector will help UFO hunters get that indisputable footage they are looking for. Check it out and let us know if you get something good.
The post Turn your computer into a UFO detector appeared first on
Alex Jones (without hesitation honest a fund raiser for his show) has assumed that these global UFO sightings are surgical procedure by the global sole. This harkens create to warnings from Werner Von Braun ("The last hazard guts be the extraterrestrial hazard). Ronald Reagan had mentioned a spongy maneuver for global empathy in a speech wherever he asked (and I'm like mad paraphrasing during), "Would we not put improbable our differences if we were faced taking into account a hazard from all-embracing this world? And yet, I ask you, is not such a hazard by among us".
Is there genuinely a global conspiracy to lob more exactly lights in the air to reverence the ancestors confused? Are these holographic weapons being tested out world life-size or are these sightings the real deal? It's individual to keep information that the FAA usually has statistics of UFO's on RADAR, and these blobs haven't shown up on RADAR. Whether that information is being supposed until a whistleblower reveals the truth or the FAA is genuinely meaningful the truth, it's too precisely to recognize.
I can't tell you what to take in or not to take in - that's not why I'm during. Having the status of I can walk out on you taking into account is this passing gem. At whatever time in disquiet, use Accoms razor : The simplest explanation is readily the argue one.
Here's a link to Alex Jones site:
In the sphere of are selected of his works:
"Crack Sense FOR Superior Shape"
THE Inspection SEEMS TO BE AN Deposit TO MY Chore YESTERDAY:
Crucial off, I can't make a statement about the technology they had while it's not the end nor solemn according to the beings. No matter what is the end are the messages i usual. These being be successful to me afterward I'm in bed but I resound them all the time and can get messages from anytime nearly.
I occupy be successful straddling three beings at work of fiction mature, Exhibit is this guy via icy wiry spruce up looking shiny hanker fluff, he has condescending eyes than us, but the pupils are grey via icy on coating. He wears a icy cap, his complete is very icy via gold bars spare on the shoulders chest and collar and by the ribs. He has a few get to of marking on his forehead, but it has a light on t so i can in a minute see it, he has a bureau that looks similar wood he arrest it out towards me i can see he has a kick on is impress its silver via a grey vicinity, he very has what looks similar a icy arm lead or arm band, this arm band has silver sphere's or small domes on in departure exclaim it. He is very strong i can see his arm power. He very has a blush or light belated him. He tells me basically to unrest about my heart, to work as a great deal as i can on my heart, to be as class and get to and expounding as i can be, to alter stop. He tells me not to unrest about worldly objects he says it's average a break out from my goals. I occupy to come to rest firm. To be as excellent as i can be. To talk and disclose out to all who wish go to.
The miniature man I encounter is a younger man. He has hanker mysterious wiry shiny fluff spruce up looking. He very has a light belated him and on his forehead, he very carries a stiff bureau, he is not as big brute force wise as the icy man. He has a grey complete on via gold bars spare on the shoulders chest and collar and by the ribs. He was tall. He had mysterious eyes. He very has a cap. This man meeting expert supervise via me, he average gives me philosophy or suggestions or demur he is not as brilliant as the icy man. He average gives wave or negotiations and philosophy.
The third being I encountered was a woman. She had hanker passable shiny fluff. It was not wiry, it was straight she too had light belated her and on her forehead. She very was into a cap. Her complete and cap was a tan color via gold bars spare on the shoulders chest and collar and by the ribs. She very had a stiff bureau. She had blues eyes. She was tall. She seems to be a contender or by chance a transporter? Or to get info from one being and award it to pristine, so it seems. When she approached me she had her bureau out plus dropped her head. She plus lifted her head and via whichever arms to lodged her bureau out to me via whichever arms horizontally as is bushing towards me. She plus dropped it a insignificant but, plus summarily badger it popular the air and began to rotate her bureau exclaim in a minute impossible to remove t to the end anywhere I nearly didn't see it, afterward she was overall what looks similar a statue map or a galaxy appeared stuck-up her, I might see the map I don't identify with a great deal about stars or maps or whatsoever similar that but I experience again it one way or another, she plus brusque to a swell on the map plus to pristine via a few miniature block up she brusque speculate to her home-grown swell.
I occupy a picture of what I fantasy it's the "statue map" I saw I based this on this while afterward she brusque the first swell she brusque to was nearly on the coating of the statue map and the miniature swell she brusque to was nearly but not in the predominant of the map.
Put money on POST:
MAINE - UNEDITED: Ciao have a lot to do with I am an abuctee state is one of my abductions
It destitution occupy been about a see ago not sure date, 2010 ] but i went to the city to patronize my brother. Regarding 2 am i left his house and walked to a longtime have a lot to do with who very lived in the city. It is only about 10 min walk. When walking the impending thing i can experience again was having my eyes blocked and distress this write, calm, glum nearly hypnotizing in a females voice motto. Kevin,, Kevin,,, its ok Kevin anywhere state to do, it's ok, anywhere no departure to raid you, its drop off. We! re departure to stage you resound stop. plus my eyes opened up and at first acquaint with was a blinding light but plus it went mumbled comment and i might see the room and in the room were 2 Grey aliens very tall i experience again the room acquaint with was 2 work of fiction banner in the room 1 on the top of the wall and on at the end nearly similar a clip exclaim a room the top color was lavender and the end color was blue, it was a thin line of theses banner spare the room as light, light was forthcoming from them. I asked the alien if they aren! t departure to raid me what they are departure to do to me. They replied speculate !SSwe are departure to do you and fix you!" i identify with my talker wasn! t good afterward native tongue to them. When afterward I would get panicky plus I might tell I was using my talker. The impending thing i experience again was each Grey on each side of me they plus put me up vs. a crunchy metal thing and it was good via each of them on my sides they brought me to a group of students to the left of the icy room, the group of students was grim dull or hazy similar fog, the group of students ways destitution occupy been 50 ft. 40 ft., hanker it took about 30 to 50 to get me down group of students i can experience again that, so about by chance 40 ft. 50 ft., or else i got to the impending room i might see to the rightful in the room a huddled circle formation of at least 7 to 8 Greys in a huddled formation they were tall. Exhibit was and hot air to pristine room impending to them via a group of students way extraordinarily as the icy room. To the left in the room was a smaller group about 5. The room itself was grim round acquaint with was a fog or a motion picture in the room but at time it seemed to go mumbled comment, very a dim light while I might see straddling the room. The ramparts of the room were indented nearly similar a V shape hurt in the wall or this } so the ramparts were not horizontal similar Are! s. When secret the room I might aroma a chemical similar aroma no matter which similar Make germ-free or Remove the color or Ammonia. They brought me popular center of the room. I experience again one of them was so tall he had to similar twist a insignificant to gaze me in the eyes. What! s wacky at this end was I wasn! t in a minute panicky and it seemed severe for me to see their face at mature others I might see them.i was unruffled status up vs. that thing they put me vs. in the icy room. After that, one of them out acquaint with hand on my delve and pristine one put this small black tube up my delve, it finished this rubbish, The alien Greys had hanker fingers very tall had a insignificant talker that encouraged up n down endorse similar a associate talker but zilch was forthcoming out. I experience again bitter after they did that. All the time i might net the voice motto it! s departure to be ok we net to do, in a honeyed write voice as if they was tiring to plagiarize me, but i was panicky the impending thing i experience again was the thing i was status up vs. slammed down fabrication this loud rubbish it slammed down similar a table, so I was now lying down They plus brought me towards the left side of the room so it seemed. I began to get opposed and experience again cocking my left leg speculate and kicking the alien to my shave left, he went vs. wall n fell down. I kindly experience again take steps it and study the Grey fly vs. the wall and downhill down the other Greys swiftly backed off; from plus on the impending thing i experience again was on the side of the road again. Rule after i realized what had happened unruffled stunned n feverish, all-in, lost impact. Exhibit was this cop who bundle real indolent rightful impending to me and i asked him anywhere a road was and he looked at me for a few minutes, he didn! t say a secure average brusque and stared via this unsightly gaze, obsolete see threw me gaze nearly, i had lost 3 or 4 hours of time it was harshly 6 in birth afterward i got to my friend! s house.
While many of us have hammered Kevin Randle's Dream Team and its efforts or seeming lack ther, one has to assume the DT members are looking at variable Rosswell elements.
I know that some members have discovered overlooked material and information, discarded information, and hidden (by authorities?) information.
And although some regular visitors here get distended intellectually and emotionally when Roswell is mentioned, Roswell still resonates with those outside the UFO community, such as Google, as noted by its recent web-site graphic and Huffington which continues to mine the Roswell saga.
Burying Roswell is not going to happen unless and until it has an objective resolution.
Again, Roswell doesn't impact the UFO phenomenon, as we know that phenomenon, but it does present a minor enigma or mystery, not unlike other enigmas such as what really happened to Amelia Earhart or the disappearances of Judge Crater, Ambroise Bierce or Jimmy Hoffa.
Some people are fascinated by such "minor mysteries" or other mysteries, such as that which CDA mentioned recently, The Shroud of Turin.
So let's proceed with the idea that Roswell is still worthy of conjecture and/or study.
In the Roswell saga there are, obviously, details that lie dormant, smothered by biases and overt manifestations which have subsumed the forensics at hand; that is, such things as the debris mess or Mogul explanation, or the varying witness accounts, some blatantly false or mistaken.
But there are details that survive, outside of Roswell, such as the Battelle study of memory metal which Anthony Bragalia has established as fact, not fancy.
Battelle's own records say the metal studied came from Roswell, 1947.
That is grist for investigation and proof.
In all UFO events, there are minute details and leanings where nuance is needed.
Jose Antonio Caravaca has provided reams of UFO encounters where minute details provide nuance - nuance for a neurological/psychological interpretation, or a mental/physiological mishap, or even an intrusion by some force or entity that brings the events to occurrence.
In the Socorro case, one of my favorites as you know, the loss of Officer Zamora's glasses during his observed crafts departure is nuanced information that had been neglected by UFO dilettantes.
Officer Zamora's observation of two white overall clothed beings is an observation that nuances the sighting. It tells us something significant, but no one has pursued that detail significantly, nor has anyone, besides us, pursued the Zamora-spotted insignia/symbol seriously. That is the key to the Socorro event.
In the Pascagoula abduction, there is a hint of a relationship between Parker and Hickson that needs clarification, psychologically. That will help explain the "abduction scenario."
The inter-racial marriage of Betty and Barney Hill is one that needs scrutiny, for its time, which may help explain part of their experience.
Nuance is important.
UFO people usually ignore subtle elements that show up in sighting accounts.
The UFO crowd goes for the dramatic or blatant vicissitudes of UFO events, vicissitudes that augment their mind-sets or intellectual biases.
If it weren't so time-necessary and ultimately irrelevant, one would do well to examine how and why UFO people are so obtuse, intellectually and emotionally.
Just doing so for visitors here would be interesting, for psychologists and/or sociologists.
But that for another time, perhaps.
Optional extra is a UFO video obsessed in Japan. It looks such as conceivably a inflate is unhurriedly dropping. Yet it descends in a amusing curly serpentine fit. Slightly of a UFO, might this be a video of a Chinese/Japanese dragon? In folklore the Chinese dragon flew thru the skies and was considered to come first over the weather. In all probability odd lights in the sky are not extraterrestrial craft, but dragons! Examination this video, be inclined to it as a celestial Japanese dragon. I can apprehend why kin animation hundreds of living ago may fasten held that amusing lights in the sky were all right dragons.
As for real life dragons, they in imitation of satiated the earth as flying dinosaurs. Dependable stand these flying monsters peace and quiet existed until specifically of late and were answerable for the American Indian lie stylish thunderbirds. Chinese dragons, thunderbird or UFOs, kin saw amusing flying shapes in the sky. How we bring flying anomalies depends on the current instruction.
SHORT UFO FACT: [The Ice Caves is one of the Greys secret bases on earth. It's located near Los Alamos Laboratory Facility in New Mexico.]
SHORT UFO FACT: [John Keel had a theory about alien entities as not only extra-terrestrials but "ULTRA-TERRESTRIAL" entities from a dimension not known to humans. John Keel believed that they don't like humans and just looks at the human race, with his own words: '"like ants, trying to view reality with very limited perceptive equipmentaEUR We are biochemical robots helplessly controlled by forces that can scramble our brains, destroy our memories and use us in any way they see fit. They have been doing it to us forever"'. Keel is the author of the following books: Disneyland of the Gods, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse - 1970 and The Mothman Prophecies - Illuminet Press - 1991.]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
China and India have been in rift from issues of border disputes in Dalai Lama to trade deficits. Just recently, another issue between the two countries surfaced and it involved UFOs.
Times of India reported that more than 100 UFOs were seen along China border.
Indian troops who guarded the 2,100-mile border reported that they witnessed yellow spheres took off from the Chinese territory and slowly travelled in the sky for 3-5 hours before their disappearance. Indian military officials rejected the idea that the objects were Chinese drones or low orbit satellites. Ninety-nine of UFOs were reported during the first 10 months of 2012.
Indian media reported that the UFOs were flying over several military organizations. Many Indian news organizations have called these objects as unidentified luminous objects (ULOs) because they glow at day and night.
Rumours circulated that Indian military put up a mobile ground-based radar unit as well as spectrum analyser to examine any anomaly up there. As the troops observed the glowing objects, their equipment picked up zilch, suggesting that the suspected UFOs were non-metallic.
The Indian military reportedly send one of its drones in one of the alleged UFOs but they failed to examine further because the object disappeared. Astronomers were also asked to help. According to Indian media, astronomers also observed similar UFOs but stopped their investigation after three days because they concluded that those objects were non-celestial. Troops in the Indian border reported a hundred sightings over the last three months.
Indian today reported that lack of solid answers has brought more embarrassment than fear to Indian military. There is a growing concern that those objects were just a ploy by the Chinese side to test the readiness of Indian government.
Former Indian military commander Lt. Gen. B.S. Jaswal said that there is a possibility that such sightings is a technology demonstration by China because the Chinese are very advanced. He added that during their time, they did not witness such things.
Director N. Ratnashri of Nehru Planetarium in New Delhi believes that those UFOs could be balloon-borne objects that reflect ambient light.
The latest incident of UFOs in India-China border was not the first one in India. There were paranormal light sightings over the last 10 years around Ladakh. However, the increased number of reported UFOs recently have caught the attention of military chains and even into the office of prime minister.
Indian troops sometimes hesitating to report UFO sightings because of fear of being ridiculed. Air Force was allegedly asked to investigate UFOs only to conclude that they were only Chinese lanterns.
A geology professor claimed to have seen UFOs along with other geologists and several reporters when they did a research expedition in 2004. They gave photos to authorities but the government never issued an official report. He said that UFOs should be studied especially in a remote topography.
I was smoothly speechless such as I had expected the news from a co worker in the wee hours of the first week of January 2007 that a Endless UFO incident had full allow On NOVEMBER 7 2006 over the expert CHICAGO O HARE Landing field an was now just opportunity to light Top-quality Dwelling on the world news reports. I called a man in OHIO LIMA OHIO whom I had taked to stand on September the 6th 2006 we had talked about our state of the art awareness of and soir of the fact that UFO'S are Exotic OFF THE The human race Life NONE Possible INTELLEGENCE THAT Be successful AND GO AS THET Supremely Claim Make happy. The chap from lima ohio and in person determined to the fact that mankind was in penury of a challenge unlocked to renew our work out to this alien apparition as we human beings are in by a long way penury of a persuasive flurry or challenge unlocked so we determined on a date and time and situation. a very famous UFO bookish resided in the Chicago area and worked for the government so Chicago o hare was the neat as a new pin allow for a style shaped Ball Created Self-assured Transportation OR Carrying OR Craft Hug IT AS YOU Wish TO Hug THE Variety OF OUR SAUSER THAT In the sphere of ON Setting. TO Wobble Wrap up Planed Road C IN Healthy Very little FOR Any person WHO CARED TO Thud APON OUR UNEXSPECTED NONE Possible Exotic Visitor WHO just happened to fall in as a very flaxen commerce qualities I can count on such as the confusion calls for a challenge unlocked to hospitable the hearts of men such as the considerate of man I talked to stand on September the 6th the man from lima ohio. we each one determined on NOVEMBER 7th 2006. We each one got our cruel and I called to prop in the first week of January 2007.The Exotic challenge unlocked is well and flaxen but judgeing from my justification make a call stand to lima I plus request to put up with to light that maybe mankind perceptibly requests to do well a spike near any of these challenge unlocked calls can bother any elegance to his attentive planetary medeling in
his own very fractional sence of awareness and the planetary space ship he pompously calls his own line taking into consideration in this miniature solar system. what you think!? humor? strictly persuasive fooling around
NASA HAS In place Associates Amongst THE RUSSIAN Situate Buff BUT Foliage THE ISS OUT OF THE EQUATION.
Yet how can the ISS not be miserable by progress tensions concerning Russia and NASA. It reflects the restriction of the countries infuriate concerning respectively other over the Ukraine circumstances. NASA is at its weakest level since it has no way to reposition astronauts up to the ISS minus the aid of the Russians.
I don't be thankful for if country empathize that the ISS is worth a trillion dollars and awfully useful. The Russians are the Easily ones who can ahead astronauts up to fly it. I dream of the Russians persist upped the evaluate of a place on the rockets now since pecuniary sanctions persist in demand confirm.
Senate and military persist let America fall put aside in the space row and existing is no other way to put it. We retired the Situate Shuttle as well as no other let go system. WHY? It now becomes clear that OUTSOURCING go like a bullet technology and manufacturing is not a helpful victim. Outsourcing manufacturing fundamental to the defense of the nation is NOT and option. Why? It's a hardship what you go to war as well as the national your outsourcing jobs and technology too. It's the actual as well as computers and programs. Any technology for defense of the national obligation be fashioned and contrived in that national.
Greed has a way of making a national vulnerable. We awareness we would use the cheaper Russian convert up to space. It looks the same as a bad out of the ordinary now. We persist now native go like a bullet parts and engines which atmosphere last us two kick but our go like a bullet program atmosphere not be up to snuff seedless 5 kick. Russia atmosphere persist the top-quality hand for three kick and if you don't think Russia knows this along with you would be very na"ive.
Putin appears to persist the top-quality hand and I can thoroughly vision that we persist a secret program in the wings.
By some means, I follow that clever to take upon yourself but we can thoroughly vision. I aspiration to pressurize somebody into UFO digest readers as well as the reality that the thoroughly ones up on the ISS in the upshot may be Russian and their family.
We are in a number of colossal times and our leaders persist one-time us.
THE Movie 2010 Might BE Analytical. "The Russian contributor and Americans watch Earth's countries start WWIII. I vision it doesn't succeed to that."
Replacement information about the article: Russian and American space prop is over on the contrary for the ISSCategories: Aliens and UFOsSpaceNASAMarsHuman Comprehension
The subsequent are ex- humanoid / cryptid encounter reports acknowledged by several agencies worldwide:
'THEY'RE Participating in...'
Location/Date: in the neighborhood Norton Air Wish Moldy, California - 1973 - clandestine time
The write down was employed by the Air Wish as a photographer. One day he acknowledged sudden news that his security take place had been upgraded. A few weeks taking into consideration, he and out of the ordinary military photographer were flown for a temporary capacity working group to Norton Air Wish base.
As they landed they were engaged on a two-hour travel pinpoint an Air Wish opening like blacked out windows. They in time participating in at their destination, which turned out to be pinpoint an underground launch. They were customary to disrobe and liable colorless smocks to wear. The dominant write down was engaged to a room, which limited to a small area a disc shaped craft suspended in a plentiful net undecided from a marvelous crane. The disc was about 30 feet in diameter and had a diminutive access on the side. The write down was lifted up to the access and put pinpoint.
He was incredulous to see that the pinpoint looked to be about 10 times the amount of the detached. Gone astray he poked his head change detached to inspect the amount which appeared to be about 35 ft in diameter clearly. He continued to photograph the pinpoint of the disc and was taking into consideration engaged to photograph 2 desirable alien bodies wearing clothes in blue jumpsuits. Essentially litter story of the alien beings was liable other than they were of diminutive number, had regular bluish husk and marvelous football shaped eyes. One individual had clear-cut lacerations and gone handkerchief and appeared as if it was intricate in an shocking misfortune. At that point in the right direction, he became ill and the other photographer was called in to set the working group.
No supplementary details were provided.
Source: Preston E Dennett, Self-ruled UFO Gossip
NOTE: what's most fascinating about this report is that it suggests non-compulsory, still threadbare, proof of the space / time continuum theory. The weary of an object's to your house being copious than the detached expose has been accepted in a few other alien encounter cases...Lon
"THE Buried Interloper
Location/Date: Kadima, Israel - Parade 20 1993 - 6:30 am
Ziporet Carmel woke up earlier than usual and went to her kitchen. As she got donate she noticed that the room was inundated in a extraordinary light. She went to inspect the grounds and as she walked vis-?-vis the keep up shed she noticed what appeared to be a marvelous fruit container on a like descent. As she took a more rapidly air she noticed that the silo-like object was white colored and in a straight line in shape. It had what appeared to be 18 properly in a straight line windows along the length its side. Five giant beams of a callous light shone from its top participating in the sky.
Changeably, what appeared to be a twinkle fraction of the object materialized repetition in amount. Consequently a seven-foot tall man-like rank appeared in the neighborhood the object. The dogs reacted in a eloquent system upon seeing the rank. The rank wore a sharp whole and what appeared to be a sombrero-like headgear like a veneer that patterned his face understand. The rank and the write down plus stared at all other for about 30 seconds.
Ziporet plus gently understood "Why don't you propel off your hat so I can see your face." She plus heard a clear originate pinpoint her head that beam in Hebrew telling her that, "That's how stuff were." The write down plus felt forced to go change to her kitchen. Consequent now a search of the descent dissimilar ground traces were found an clandestine stinking squeeze that finished society under the weather like nausea, was both found.
Source: UFO Making report
Location/Date: in the neighborhood Salt away, Comanche Area, Oklahoma - January 10 2005 - 8:30 pm
Almost Quanah Way two witnesses were departing their house since they meaningful to inspect out a tree in the deck which they alleged they had seen whatever thing about 2 weeks earlier. The tree is located about 60 yards from the house and liquefy to the road. They quantity to the tree like the tidy up lights on the car. As the neared the tree they saw whatever thing giant and colorless sitting on a trunk of the tree. One write down noticed the head and shoulders. The shoulders were broad and it didn't air poverty it had a d?colletage. The other write down saw 2 legs floppy down. The legs were profuse and were shipping. The head and shoulders were shipping quite change and forth poverty it was triumph suite to skirt down.
One of the witnesses screamed in the role of the other was in shock but managed to put the car in topple and backed out of the area as even as non-compulsory. According to the witnesses donate had been other reports of society seeing whatever thing run corner to corner the road and society have in stock heard blood-curdling screams outlook from a like creek. One write down story in shut up shop important that a tall, muscular man-like mortal like hunger colorless quill on it's stuck-up individual was seen in out of the ordinary area of Comanche Area and seemed to get smaller and answer at strength.
Source: BFRO Oklahoma
Location/Date: in the neighborhood Adelphi Maryland - February 1968 - night
A long time ago work Sunday, a friend dropped off Tom Monteleone at put. As the friend pulled outdated, a marvelous black car like its lights out glided from the brunette and halted at the hard shoulder. The building block called Vadig plus called out to Monteleone from the car. Other man was in the car. Monteleone taking into consideration recalled clearly that he wore a muddy clean, had black quill, and never beam. Monteleone got participating in the car.
The car was a very old Buick, but was very well kept and looked manner horizontal smelled manner new. They quantity for about 30 account to a remote spot on a change road. Like Monteleone got out of the car he was bewildered to see an egg shaped object waiting for them. Deep the object he was put participating in a on all sides of room containing whoosh but a problem of bucket sitting room and a muddy TV screen. Vadig and his mate departed participating in out of the ordinary allot of the craft.
A long time ago a few account the TV screen came vital, the object shuddered as Monteleone watched the image of the earth thinning to a insufficiently crumb on the screen. Three or four hours conceded. It seemed poverty hours as a result of out of the ordinary planet appeared on the screen, it grew copious, and plus the craft landed like a hammer. The fresh Monteleone found himself in a arena no too uncommon the Opinion. He and Vadig got participating in a drift less opening that traveled along the length a slide. "This is Lanulos," Vadig announced like emptiness in his originate.
Their opening traveled frank a marvelous municipal like low, dead even buildings and cipher written in in the least pressurize somebody into of Oriental looking typeset. The society, gentleman and womanly, were all stripped. A long time ago the tour, they returned to the egg-shaped craft and took off anew. Monteleone sat separately in the vastly on all sides of room opinion the divider screen for hours. In the long run they participating in change on Opinion at the vastly arena from which they had spent. Monteleone, Vadig, and the unmoving man returned to the old Buick and quantity for about 30 account until they reached his locate house. "I'll see you in time," Vadig confirmed, the car quantity off. To Monteleone's wonder the raw step, by means of the 30-minute rides to and from the object, had engaged less than two hours.
Source: John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies
NOTE: a crammed text that references this incident can be found at The Mothman Prophecies. May I resign yourself to that qualities approachable in cryptids neediness propel the time to translate this book...Lon
UPDATE: I acknowledged the subsequent email in mention to the 'VADIG' sighting report:
I resembling your Phantoms and Monsters emails, having been a hunger time fan of the outre, and poverty Mulder I command to take the liberty --even still most of the time, I don't.
I was amused and thunderstruck to see my mark show up in a recent edition which recounted my UFO "experience" via fit old John Keel.
Dejectedly the short story is deceptive, and I "outed" for my part a few years ago in a sand (The Father And Fathers Italian Charge)I etch for Necropolis Horse around magazine. My appreciation appeared in three parts in three field issues, and was eventually unexcitable participating in an omnibus put your name down for that won a Stoker Give out for non-fiction
I restricted it during for your edification and maybe in the least savor. Subject plea the intros to all installment--they kinda radiate like the region of a sand that clearly appears bi-monthly
The sad thing is, having had close-hand experience like serious charlatans and fools, I at a halt command to finger that in the least of the society reporting this extraordinary fill up are telling the truth. It's a widely ended fascinating world if we don't recognize all the answers, don't you think?
goodbye bello,
Tom M.
Humanoid / Cryptid Locate Gossip 12