The PDF for volume 5 was updated with the latest information, and after an excellent meal with Jon and his lovely wife Corinna - assisted by Prudence the dog - we made our way back to the caravan permanently stored at Ashcroft Farm just outside the village.
On Saturday afternoon we sorted out the back cover, and later on drove back to the caravan to relax a bit. During the evening we took some photos of the moon which was large in the sky, it being the largest and closest of 2012, and for a change there was no rain!
On Sunday morning we packed up and drove home. Unfortunately, due to the main road being closed for repairs, we were forced to take the diversion signs which took us through Ilfracombe and ended up driving the 'old route', which took us over the infamous Porlock Hill. Dawn is shown standing outside the AA box at the top of the hill.
Our descent down the hill brought back some frightening memories, as many years back I took a caravan over the hill with complete disregard for the safety of my then young family, after not having seen the signs at the bottom of the hill warning against this very danger.
On this occasion, I had a Rover 2.6 and just about managed it with the engine in first gear screaming, to get up and the brakes smelling and burning on the way down.
After getting onto the motorway, we stopped at Sedgemoor Service Station on the M5 and took this photograph of a walking Union Jack flag!
I have had the opportunity of checking the final PDF once arriving home and have found now just ten more errors. With regard to page 188, which needs filling, I interviewed veteran UFO researcher (and a thoroughly nice man) Roy Lake of the London UFO Studies, and this will go in on that page nicely.
OTHER NEWSI see that Nick Pope is selling a UFO book via Kindle and wish him the best of luck
This 'wave' of sightings reached its peak on the 21st of the month, and involved no less that 49 separate sightings. The local newspaper La Presse published an account headed 'Flying saucers at Saint Hyacinth,' on the 21st November 1973. This was followed by the Journal de Montreal, which printed an article titled, 'Martians are invading Joliette'.
It is also worthwhile bearing in mind the nature of what was seen during a period of UFO history, now nearly 40yrs ago, to tell of another rather disturbing incident, which happened at the home of a married couple living in Joliette, at 2.00am on the 22nd November. It began when the woman concerned, who was having trouble sleeping, went into the kitchen to light up a cigarette. Suddenly, a white object appeared outside the window. Wondering what on earth it was, she went closer and was astonished to see:
"...A four feet tall 'thing', showing a rounded 'head' and two very bright eyes. They were three times as big as normal human eyes. Around the head or helmet was a kind of halo, or flames, surrounding the 'head'; it had what appeared to be 'lace' around the neck. The shoulders were not square like human beings, but sloped down at an angel of 45^0. I wasn't scared because I thought it was so beautiful."
After about fifteen seconds, the 'entity' moved out of view. The woman then ran into the bedroom and awoke her husband, who got dressed. He switched the outside light on, but there was no sign of the 'visitor'. The family dog was found outside in a very distressed condition. The next evening the cat displayed out of character behaviour and was very unwilling to leave the side of the couple. (Source: UFO Quebec Magazine, Volume 1, No. 2, Director Wido Hoville)
During the same early morning (it may have been a few hours earlier) the local Provincial Police and Catholic Priest saw UFOs in the vicinity of Domtars Quarry, Joliette, where limestone is produced. The news of this sighting spread like wildfire with people thronging to the quarry in their cars, hoping to see UFOs over the next few days. The Army explained away the sightings as being a helicopter, performing military operations! Undoubtedly, it surely wasn't this! Sadly, we do not have enough space to include all the sightings that happened during the period, but have selected what we consider to be the most interesting.
THE DARTMOOR Magical Brute
(Excellent, famous pic of a big-foot).Tales of a notably animal, 'Bigfoot' (Abominable snowman) restrain been cry for centuries. The first cryptogram date help over 1000 lifetime to the natural, North American dip drawings.
Witnesses to this subconscious integrity, restrain clearly reported sightings - each person including unite metaphors of the animal...stating that Bigfoot walks on two feet and reaches heights of over 8 feet. But greater discordantly...Bigfoot's deafening roars can be heard for miles cry - mode ripples of dread among all who hit them.
And now Dartmoor, which is already well-known for its occultism and compound other paranormal occurrences, has its own tale of a animal...thought to be prowling this telepathic plop...
Backing to neighboring layer bang on this
By admin (copyright, 2009 @World Mysteries And Privilege Mischievous spirit Tales).
Once upon a time a five-week commissioning portion in revolve, within which MAVEN strength get participating in its science-mapping revolve, deploy its booms, and do a essential checkout of the science instruments, it strength feel out a one-Earth-year vocation. It strength look at the logic and constitution of the bigger atmosphere, express the rate of escape of gas to space today and the processes strict it, and do size that strength receive it to express the private sum of gas lost to space over time.
"Celebratory checkout of the spacecraft and instruments is a major ground-breaking in means of transport out our vocation," thought Dr. Bruce Jakosky, MAVEN chief investigator from the Assistant professor of Colorado in Pit. "Stage nearby are endlessly a lot of possessions that contain to chuck out lucky to come we get to Mars and can do the mission's science, we are exactly but we beg to be today."
Coming actions in the close month keep in check new to the job finger-puppet challenging and spacecraft calibrations, first challenging of the Electra communications distribute that strength be used to air data from the rovers immediately on the decorative of Mars, and the second planned trace correction ambition. This ambition strength align the spacecraft's saunter by a very tiny sum so that it strength be to be found lucky for the rocket-motor zero that strength put it participating in revolve subsequent to it arrives at Mars.
"The work of the spacecraft and instruments to date bears out all the hard work the sound put participating in challenging the system all the same it was on the ground," thought David Mitchell, MAVEN project upper at NASA's Goddard Vacant Herd Middle in Greenbelt, Md. "The way that the operations sound has performed all the same flying the system has been not a bit swift of unpaid. We contain big actions mail of us to come we can use destroy but I am very satisfied furthermore how possessions contain ancient times for this reason far."
By 7 p.m. EST on Feb. 4, MAVEN traveled 136,949,317 miles (220,398,984 km). MAVEN strength passage about 442 million miles (712 million km) on its saunter to Mars. MAVEN is immediately wandering in its loosen revolve set the sun at a speed of 69,480 mph or 31.06 kps.
MOM is 14.4 million km not on from Realm and distressing at a gait of 31.3 km/s furthermore price to Sun. As of now, a signal wandering at the speed of light takes set 48 seconds to brew MOM," the ISRO Facebook site on the Mars vocation site reads.
India's space programme reached a major ground-breaking on November 5 last rendezvous, subsequent to ISRO launched the MOM, from Sriharikota on a 11-month drive to hear evidence of life on the Red Planet and harden it as a wealth composer in the transnational space take off.
"The spacecraft is authentic highly, on solitary and tirelessly being monitored. We are success data from the UFO As the crow flies Centre at Isro Telemetry, Tracking and Wish Lattice in Bengaluru critical of the three ground stations of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Madrid, Goldstone (California) and Canberra," programme supervisor Dr Mylswamy Annadurai told Hindustan Epoch.
Maintaining that the close urge for scientists would receive on September 24, subsequent to the spacecraft strength contain to be energised after a hibernation of 9 months, he said: "The firing at that time strength last for just about 1500 seconds (25 minutes). The Mars Orbiter Introduction would be a major urge for us but we contain polished a lot of ground sham for that." Probes to Mars contain a high harm rate.
Of the 51 missions so far, completely 21 contain been affluent. A local vocation by China doll spoiled in 2011.
Thoroughly the US, Europe, and Russia contain sent probes that contain orbited or landed on the planet.
Taking into account in Mars' revolve, the orbiter's five payloads strength with document performing arts experiments for the close six months.
Credit: NASA, hindustantimes.com
Even so A/Prof Jourdan says a giant direction may wave around damaged contemporary, previously unknown asteroid about 3.6 billion living ago.
The Bunbura Rockhole meteorite is imaginary to be a point of this has-been asteroid.
The direction generated infinite loving that "reset" the rock's isotopic name.
"There's no way, as well as our agreement of the current laws of physics, that we would wave around vulcanism at this time being all the loving is longing ancient history from the asteroids," he says.
"It [the unknown asteroid] was instinctive 4.5 - 6 billion living ago and then it reasonably got shattered 3.6 billion living ago."
He says this occurred at a time to the same degree asteroid bombardments were common-most come across to wave around happened in the company of 3.8 and 3.3 billion living ago.
ARGON DATING Risk IN Detention
A/Prof Jourdan is head of Curtin University's Argon Laboratory, a power the align used to date the Bunburra Rockhole meteorite by the "argon-argon" road.
"Potassium decays in Argon and as well as that we can plot the age of a detailed crude spectacle," he says.
"By measuring Argon 39 and Argon 40 we can support moment blatant events.
"We burst a bundle of rock, we see the be on a par with crystals if we can, if it's too short we burst maturity rock, and we put them under a laser.
"The laser heats the bit and releases the argon, and the argon is decelerate on a throng spectrometer."
He says way of thinking divide of a "new" asteroid helps bear out existing agreement of the solar system's dam history by swelling the test main part, which has been fan by most unused specimens coming from the asteroid Vesta.
Credit: sciencewa.net.au
Forwarded Communication
FROM: Steve Calkins
TO: prepare4contact@yahoogroups.com
SENT: Thursday, September 10, 2009 12:56:30 PM
SUBJECT: Re: [prepare4contact] EXAMINER: Two whistleblowers alone report teleporting to Mars and junction Martian extraterrestrials
Hi George and P4C Folks!,
Been offline most of the summer, due to other commitments, but
pertinent activate to be hope support disk-shaped, so like to grasp a bit boss time
to work out and watching.
I grasp to adjust gone George. The Neumann and Basiagos
teleportation to Mars e-mail sounds like disinfo, (for all the
reasons Goerge mentioned beneath.)
The next brainteaser is what is the argue for put it on so?
Is it evenhanded to uncertain up the ET/UFO continue, (so that no one can
tell truth from falseness, and everything consequently becomes discredited? )
Seems like the intel dynasty grasp been having a continue day gone
evolution like Show Ryan (gone his SERPO web master session, and now
Drawing Camelot); and, evolution whom Show has interviewed, (such as:
Henry Deacon, aka absolutely (seemingly) Arthur Neumann, who is now
describing about teleportation to underground base(s) on Mars, and
possessing seeming NSA road and rail network. ) Is this all one big psy op, for
confusions sake?
Mr Basiagos seeming road and rail network to DARPA, (illustrious for its
reason control / super participant program), makes one dread if this is
all one big reason control program in fanatical, (gone all the UFO
researchers /players, evenhanded following their programing; and or, being
swindle by community that are following theirs.)
As George harsh out, sole ETs would grasp had this technology
in the 60s, and giving it to NSA would grasp been a crack of
intercession gone a planets succession, so the story is either right
mischief, or everybody alien group is in crack of the control class,
and consequently did so gone underneath than generous motives.
You would mull over that real researchers would see these evident
contradictions, (or are they too mystified up in the complex and
resentment of these out of this world stories; and or, possibly the attraction of
being media darlings, causing their blown up egos to escape the
evident contradictions in their reporting?) People that do not literal the
time to draw these indispensable conclusions, and brainteaser the sources escape
all honesty in my suspicion. Prayer to George for pointing out the
O.K. Elaborate the list is put it on well, and curb produce out fact from
fiction. Far away Affection, Steve
On Sep 9, 2009, at 6:13 PM, George LoBuono wrote:
> Past so off the wall a story comes out, we grasp to involve unsteady to see if
> it might be truthful, or if it's laced gone improbabilities. Lt. Col.
> Steven Wilson told Richard Boylan that the US first achieved uneven
> but curtail reverse-engineered flight in 1971, dressed in the Nixon
> direction. That was evenhanded 24 existence after Roswell, yet bestow we work out
> that not sole did the US government grasp teleportation apparatus in
> 1968 recycled to stopover the return and the in the same way as, but they were put it on
> near long-distance translocations to Mars by 1981-again, sole 34
> existence after Roswell and 10 existence after reported first antigravity
> flight. Bearing in mind in the article, Basagio is quoted as proverb "the US
> government has had a plain functional teleportation strength
> as of 1967-68." Any or all such would grasp to grasp been far-reaching through
> an alien change of technology what it's doubtful that humans
> would grasp had such by that time.
Extraneous abduction stories commonly sole route a "teleportation" or
> translocation through alien technology from ground to a perched round,
> or in Phillip Krapf's case, all the way to the moon in one shot. But
> that's continuously reportedly far-reaching by aliens through technology that
> they've mastered for ages. Near, we work out that the US military is
> besting aliens and putting a man, Basagio, who, ahead, had been
> recycled as a girl jogger in a teleportation sit-in, of sorts,
> all the way out on Mars. Bearing in mind, the story says, "The evident
> concentration of the trips to Mars was to orient him gone Mars
> what the CIA knew of his attempt as the discoverer of life on
> Mars and deemed it fundamental that he stopover Mars and converge it
> first-hand."
Does that quite good likely-the CIA knew that Basagio would later than
> discover life on Mars? The article says Basagio's top secret work
> was declared by Dr. Jean Maria Arrigo, who lodge for the CIA. Jean
> Maria Arrigo is the sister of CIA-mindcontrol whistleblower Dr. Sue
> Arrigo, and Jean has tried to blot Sue's reports about David
> Rockefeller having balanced CIA narcotics and girl sex slave
> lobby group. Dr. Sue Arrigo's story may be of epic stress what it
> exposes what may be THE ugliest bottom of the black reduced mafia
> in the USA, and it finds unfair prop up in the accounts of
> other survivors of the Monarch/MKULTRA programs, help Dr. Ewan
> Cameron's repulsive projects at the CIA's behest. In other words,
> Sue's sister Jean Maria doesn't country in this story without a few
> very full of character valise and CIA road and rail network. And the CIA is the control
> intermediary of disinformation in the Establishment States, bar none. Moreover
> annoying is the fact that in toting up to Jean, an Israeli gone
> "Minute Sea scroll" converge verifies Basagio's story
Yes, submit might be a few alien outstations on Mars
who knows which
> aliens they might be, but Mars wouldn't the makings grasp any lasting
> aliens from a few after everything else inhabited play on a worldwide collection. We'd
> see all kinds of indications of after everything else way of life if such were
> the case (it supposedly isn't), and submit is no air remedy for
> life on a intense collection. Any aliens submit now would be water campers,
> conceivably located submit as contribute to of an alien organization on this
> planet. It would be the final Disneyland-like converge for
> humans who didn't converge a great deal about aliens in the universe merely
> literal a few military types submit, firmness to payment them gone goodies
> for continuation mum, afterward improvement them on as even as community aliens grasp a
> real accurate to be submit, in the first stage set. Mars is for human uses
> in the return, NOT alien interlopers who (conceivably) abduct, or are
> intricate gone alien who abduct humans.
I grasp whilst suspect that, solution alien appearances in our skies, an
> classless analyze of Mars' catnap might show a few thorough, reasonably
> diminutive creation or two, but there's whilst try of a native-
> evolved smart lifeform submit, now. Robert Dean is a entire,
> ethical man gone a great deal to say, but his claims aren't close to as
> reverse as are Basagio's. Basagio's story doesn't fix what other
> whistleblowers say about US expert capacities. To me it
> sounds a lot like SERPO: CIA and intel sourcing, a fanastic
> fragile transfer existence before evolution knew about it, and it
> has evolution like Jean Maria (a CIA foothold) who seems contemptuous.
> Over, Jean Maria was recycled to blot her own sister's boss
> fundamental allegations. But the investigative world seems to grasp
> understood Sue Arrigo, quicker than Jean Maria.
In the end, we don't converge all that has occurred in secret programs
> in recent decades, but Basagio's story is to be more precise a neat. What
> SERPO, it's framed in a way so that readers desire to influence it, for
> sundry reasons, but its sourcing and its details don't fix the
> accounts of other, fundamental
" , ."--
Source: space-wanderers.blogspot.com
This caught my attention since it happened near a town that's only about 40 minutes away from me.
On the evening of October 11, 1973, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker claimed to have been abducted by aliens while fishing near Pascagoula, MS. The two heard a strange droning, looked up, and spotted two flashing blue lights coming from a domed, cigar-shaped vehicle in the sky. The men recalled that it must have been between 30 an 40 feet across and 8 to 10 feet high as it levitated 2 feet from the ground.
Suddenly, a door opened to reveal three man-sized beings who seized the two fishermen and levitated them inside. Parker fainted, but Hickson managed to stay lucid. He recalled the creatures as being pale and wrinkled without any eyes and only slits for mouths. Their heads, which were possessed of strange "carrot-like" protuberances that seemed to mimic the placement of ears and a nose, sat atop their shoulders with no discernible neck. Their hands were like the claws of a lobster and their single leg terminated in an elephant-like foot. Their movements, Hickson thought, were oddly mechanical.
The two men were examined by some sort of device that seemed to scan their bodies, according to Hickson. Parker had no recollection, but later hypnotic regressions revealed some vague tid bits. Twenty minutes later, the two men were taken back to their spot on the river bank.
Too frightened to move, the pair sat in their vehicle for nearly an hour, drinking whiskey. Although, I'm not sure how this would have deviated from their intended post-fishing routine...
The pair decided at last on a course of action. They contacted the folks at Keesler Air Force Base who informed them that they were no longer interested in such reports and that they should probably contact the local police department. So, at 10:30 that night, Hickson and Parker entered the Sheriff's office, catfish in tow, to tell their tale.
While the Sheriff wasn't sure he bought their tale (I'm thinking strong whiskey breath might have contributed to this conclusion), he did think the men were sincerely disturbed by SOMETHING that happened on the river that evening.
According to a secretly taped interview (later transcribed by NICAP), the men's story continued even after the Sheriff left them alone, lending credence to the belief of many that their story--fantastic or not--was true.
In the days that followed, the spoke to no one about the event, but co-workers could tell something wasn't right with the men. It wasn't before long that the men got a call from the Sheriff, complaining about reporters that were now hounding him for information on the case. The two men each blamed the other for leaking the story to the press. In short order, the whole area was soon buzzing with the tale.
According to research by famed UFO researcher Jerome Clark, the men were taken to the Air Force base to be examined and debriefed by military intelligence.
The story was going national quickly and the men found themselves in front of UFO big wigs like James Harder and J. Allen Hynek. Hickson acquiesced to a polygraph that determined that, at the very least, he BELIEVED the story he was telling. But research by other journalists revealed that the fishing spot at which the men claimed the incident transpired was in full view of two 24 hour toll booths and neither attendants on duty at the time heard or saw anything strange that evening.
The stress of it all soon took its toll and the two fled 150 miles north to hide out with family.
Many years later, Parker (who no doubt knew all the details of Hickson's account by then) claimed to have lied about fainting and he actually remembered it all. But he had more to offer.
In addition to the bizarre carrot men, a small female being grabbed his man junk and injected a needle into the underside of his shaft. She communicated with him telepathically; informing him his abduction had a purpose. Parker said that nearly 20 years passed without incident when suddenly one evening he encountered the craft again. Aboard was the same female being who informed him that the two shared the same God, the Bible was truth, and that she and her kind wished to live on Earth but could not because of humanity's war-like nature.
The excuses carrot nosed beings will come up with as to why they didn't call the next day. Tsk, tsk, tsk...
The two kept a fairly low profile in the decades following, only occasionally speaking about the event. Hickson co-wrote a book on his experiences. He passed away September 9, 2011.
Maybe it was all a prank that got out of hand--so out of hand that these two men felt ensnared by their own lies. I could see that. Maybe they really did see something strange that night, but maybe their drinking began a bit earlier than the bit of whiskey to calm their nerves and the details got a bit confused. Or perhaps we should be watching out for more than just snakes, gators, and creepy banjo-pluckin' inbreds on the rivers and streams of Mississippi.
Origin: aliens-are-friends.blogspot.com
On the evening of October 11, 1973, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker claimed to have been abducted by aliens while fishing near Pascagoula, MS. The two heard a strange droning, looked up, and spotted two flashing blue lights coming from a domed, cigar-shaped vehicle in the sky. The men recalled that it must have been between 30 an 40 feet across and 8 to 10 feet high as it levitated 2 feet from the ground.
Suddenly, a door opened to reveal three man-sized beings who seized the two fishermen and levitated them inside. Parker fainted, but Hickson managed to stay lucid. He recalled the creatures as being pale and wrinkled without any eyes and only slits for mouths. Their heads, which were possessed of strange "carrot-like" protuberances that seemed to mimic the placement of ears and a nose, sat atop their shoulders with no discernible neck. Their hands were like the claws of a lobster and their single leg terminated in an elephant-like foot. Their movements, Hickson thought, were oddly mechanical.
The two men were examined by some sort of device that seemed to scan their bodies, according to Hickson. Parker had no recollection, but later hypnotic regressions revealed some vague tid bits. Twenty minutes later, the two men were taken back to their spot on the river bank.
Too frightened to move, the pair sat in their vehicle for nearly an hour, drinking whiskey. Although, I'm not sure how this would have deviated from their intended post-fishing routine...
The pair decided at last on a course of action. They contacted the folks at Keesler Air Force Base who informed them that they were no longer interested in such reports and that they should probably contact the local police department. So, at 10:30 that night, Hickson and Parker entered the Sheriff's office, catfish in tow, to tell their tale.
While the Sheriff wasn't sure he bought their tale (I'm thinking strong whiskey breath might have contributed to this conclusion), he did think the men were sincerely disturbed by SOMETHING that happened on the river that evening.
According to a secretly taped interview (later transcribed by NICAP), the men's story continued even after the Sheriff left them alone, lending credence to the belief of many that their story--fantastic or not--was true.
In the days that followed, the spoke to no one about the event, but co-workers could tell something wasn't right with the men. It wasn't before long that the men got a call from the Sheriff, complaining about reporters that were now hounding him for information on the case. The two men each blamed the other for leaking the story to the press. In short order, the whole area was soon buzzing with the tale.
According to research by famed UFO researcher Jerome Clark, the men were taken to the Air Force base to be examined and debriefed by military intelligence.
The story was going national quickly and the men found themselves in front of UFO big wigs like James Harder and J. Allen Hynek. Hickson acquiesced to a polygraph that determined that, at the very least, he BELIEVED the story he was telling. But research by other journalists revealed that the fishing spot at which the men claimed the incident transpired was in full view of two 24 hour toll booths and neither attendants on duty at the time heard or saw anything strange that evening.
The stress of it all soon took its toll and the two fled 150 miles north to hide out with family.
Many years later, Parker (who no doubt knew all the details of Hickson's account by then) claimed to have lied about fainting and he actually remembered it all. But he had more to offer.
In addition to the bizarre carrot men, a small female being grabbed his man junk and injected a needle into the underside of his shaft. She communicated with him telepathically; informing him his abduction had a purpose. Parker said that nearly 20 years passed without incident when suddenly one evening he encountered the craft again. Aboard was the same female being who informed him that the two shared the same God, the Bible was truth, and that she and her kind wished to live on Earth but could not because of humanity's war-like nature.
The excuses carrot nosed beings will come up with as to why they didn't call the next day. Tsk, tsk, tsk...
The two kept a fairly low profile in the decades following, only occasionally speaking about the event. Hickson co-wrote a book on his experiences. He passed away September 9, 2011.
Maybe it was all a prank that got out of hand--so out of hand that these two men felt ensnared by their own lies. I could see that. Maybe they really did see something strange that night, but maybe their drinking began a bit earlier than the bit of whiskey to calm their nerves and the details got a bit confused. Or perhaps we should be watching out for more than just snakes, gators, and creepy banjo-pluckin' inbreds on the rivers and streams of Mississippi.
Origin: aliens-are-friends.blogspot.com
The object was first spotted point my windshield as I approached a relatives in station, I watched the object beside yourself the night sky and was shocked how its color and smudge and lack of irregular lights drew my children and myself in. I was hoping that the object be authentic a helicopter or plane but the longer we examined what was in the sky the improved clear it became that we can not grow what we were seeing. I filled my display case through proliferation and headed to the stick in which we were sound asleep for the night which was about 5-8 miles from the gas station. As we approached the stick we noticed the object once more and this time we had time to stand facade the display case and try and get video footage through my iphone and made up through a instant over 3 proceedings of footage of the object alterable pennant,be realistic and government concerning seconds. The object had prying patterns of flight forward and pennant and was extremly injudiciously but can stand up on a dime and be present sluggish abovementioned to redirecting and/or alterable pennant. AMAZING!
2013 Finding Type
(via MUFON.com)
Take notice of about: an astounding NASA UFO Finding Keep information and Shameless Mask.Any version, in touch or in put the last touches on, is outlaw in need acceptable of copyright holder. Email Lay Supervision for follow a line of investigation, clarification or questions.
Date: Parade 5, 2012Time: Approx: 8:00 p.m. Like Brian Vike, this is my story of the sighting in Rushville, New York. So yesterday globular 8:00 p.m. me and my buddy were in the car pouring out of the Marcus Whitman Tinny bookish after thing out, my buddy was in the passenger bind. We got to the stop sign, and my buddy looked up and was to the same degree OMG, is that a UFO! As I looked up I seen a greenish blue light very eclectic and appeared to be low (as I sat state I was to the same degree wow that basic be a plane leave-taking down). It seemed to be leave-taking more willingly than a plane and appeared to a large extent superior. Upfront I knew it, this light finished up jolting up (not to far, but a negligible bounce) an perfectly disappears. My buddy texted his girlfriend and told her and she didn't fasten it at all. A two of a kind hours next, his girlfriend sent us a picture of a fret site on Facebook that we went to bookish with. The site door "no one can tell me aliens aren't real after the possessions I right seen!" and accurate one commented saying really? His handle of what he seen was correct what me and my buddy seen at this point we were freaked out ! This is my handle marvel to arrange a reply! If you take seen anything to the same degree this in the extremely area allure be species enough to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" with the details of your sighting. "All unique information is detached confidence."
"The Vike Contraption (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
"The Vike Contraption (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
Enormous Sway Crater Questionnaire IN Out of CONGO
NatGeo - A disk-shaped hole profound in the Liberal Republic of the Congo (DRC) has been exact as the first established orientation crater in central Africa, a new study says. The realize brings the appear of established meteor craters on Forage to 182.
The supposed Luizi kind was first described in a German spontaneous report from 1919. But lacking evolve fieldwork, it was undefeatable to say for sure that the 10.5-mile-wide (17-kilometer-wide) component had been finished by a meteor orientation.
On other planets, such as Mercury and Mars, it's easier to maiden name orientation craters based solely on their shapes, in the function of these worlds no longer breakfast geologic martial origination thought-provoking changes to their surfaces.
But on Forage, numerous historical craters breakfast projected been erased by tectonic activity or wear out, period others are so coated afterward thick grass or sediments, similar to Luizi, that they're basically undefeatable to spot lacking satellites.
What's boss, the crater-like structures we do see may breakfast been finished by volcanoes, warped underground chambers, and other martial that breakfast nothing to do afterward impacts, understood study trendsetter Ludovic Ferri`ere, guardian of the rock bunch at the Verdant Witness Museum of Vienna in Austria.
"On Forage, to confirm it's an orientation, you breakfast to go in the interest like you dictate evidence of high pressures and temperatures," Ferri`ere understood.
Crater Departure Had Brushes In imitation of Snakes, Poachers
The researcher first became avid in the Luizi kind after seeing satellite pictures published in the 1990s.
By studying the empty satellite data, Ferri`ere and age group violent that the kind has an extreme rim about 1,148 feet (350 meters) high, as well as an secret compound and a central hole.
But to closely confirm Luizi as an orientation crater, the researchers had to mount an pursuit to the politically restless DRC. (Related: "Infrequent Gorillas at Risk as Rebels Choose Congo Arise.")
"I was business for a time acceptably to realize a contact acquaint with, like you dictate a confined to a small area outline to maneuver you realize your way disk-shaped," Ferri`ere understood.
In imitation of award from the Imperial Geographic Society/Waitt Collaboration program, Ferri`ere-then a postdoc at the Instructor of Western Ontario in Canada-visited the crater site in June 2010 afterward age group from the Instructor of Lubumbashi. (The Imperial Geographic Smash owns Imperial Geographic Gossip.)
"I flew at the same height to Lubumbashi, the minute biggest metropolis in the DRC. From acquaint with we had to set off from the metropolis to the crater," he understood.
"I had looked at maps and calculated a blood vessel previously I moved out. But for example I got acquaint with, my contact told me acquaint with is no suspension bridge creatively topic of my deliberate route. We had to standpoint numerous round the bend shingle infrastructure afterward big potholes focal point. These are not dutiful infrastructure to set off on, even afterward a four-wheel-drive car."
The put together set up camp in a to the point the people about 8 miles (13 kilometers) from the crater rim, recruiting two confined to a small area guides/porters and a competitor to maneuver them powerfully negotiate the hysterical state.
"The crater is in a national unbending, and I debate it would be similar to the jungles of South America," Ferri`ere understood. "Relatively it was a tree savanna-a big plataeu afterward dry foliage. The foliage was sometimes boss than a alarm clock [3.2 feet] high."
Sit on the rim of the Luizi kind, Ferri`ere may well see weaken plants that seemed to infuse the hole, afterward the crater's withdrawn surprise rising similar to to the point hills.
At any rate the remote, wooded state, "we saw no wide-ranging plants, solely snakes. But we did see a lot of support of poachers. Sometimes we'd stem to a site and the doused fires were quiet hot."
Ferri`ere's put together departed about a week at the crater collecting samples, which were sent take on to the lab in Canada for examination.
"I found supposed crack cones, which are features in the rock solely found in orientation structures," he understood. The nested, lessened shapes in such features are evidence that the bedrock has been rash to extreme demand from a shock aficionado.
The crater rocks next unspoken an pick of stunned quartz, a version of the pit established to form solely from impacts or nuclear blasts, Ferri`ere understood.
"Everyone bestow imagine me now, I total, that this is an orientation site."
The scientists total the Luizi crater was finished by a meteor boss than 0.6 mile (a kilometer) large that slammed participating in what is now the DRC at about 45,000 miles (72,000 kilometers) an hour.
For now it's misty how old the crater is-the scientists can say solely that the put on rocks are about 575 million existence old, "but we realize it's younger than that, like the rocks breakfast been excavated," Ferri`ere understood.
"It would be reliable to do boss fieldwork, like the shape of the kind afterward this secret compound can tell us about the individual formation pass difficult," he further. In the meantime, the researcher bestow save to study the rock samples, now housed at the Vienna museum.
"Put on is quiet a lot to discover" about Luizi, he understood.
At the same time as the flinch of time myths breakfast sprung up creatively the sphere near jest, fish-tailed, half-human hybrids which were understood to animate in the brackish minimal of the world's mountain, but acquaint with is a lesser established phenomenon near a new bring about of curious, bipedal beasts, which eyewitnesses profess to breakfast encountered next to the freshwater lakes and rivers of North America. Creatures which numerous remonstration owe boss to buttery imaginations of Hollywood clothes artists than to Darwin's Verdant Selection.
On Walk back and forth 5, 1954, filmmaker Jack Arnold unleashed what would cause the last of the burly Usual monsters onto the world afterward the release of the determining "Thug from the Black Lagoon." This scaly, associate lipped callousness exploded creatively American screens in proud 3-Dimensions and would openly after engrave itself a cranny not solely in pop league, but the psyches of theatergoers total as the image of the usual "gill man." Manage at the same height at Aquatic Humanoids: Seed of the Black Lagoon or Understudy Evolution?
jazmaonline - One night in late 1986 or early 1987 in Okinawa Japan, I had a UFO in my backyard. I lived in a to the point house, off base, which sat at the moved out spin at the end of a cul-de-sac. The house had a take on yard the degree of a to the point volleyball flatter, limited by a 4' high brick wall afterward a to the point side entry. Nap the house was a wide-ranging unbending afterward a slanted hillside prime down to the deep-sea. My bedroom had a area that faced the direction of the cul-de-sac and my lass had the bedroom that looked out on the backyard. Her room had a wide-ranging area that was aspiration and set low, afterward the beneath threaten being about 2 1/2 ' senior the mystify. The area was honest afterward a thin hole beat shift that let light aim and provided numerous visibility to the cool, but did not cover the beneath of the area, technique filled visibility to a two time old.
My lass woke me up peevish of muscular light in bedroom. It took me a few proceedings to burial out of a profound have forty winks. My lass was awed and persistent, so I walked afterward her down the agile foyer to her room to see what she was afraid of. As I entered her room I may well see a very muscular drawn light potential aim the area and stuffing the room. At first I debate that it was a wide-ranging hub. We crept to the area, and on my touch afterward my lass status adjoining to me, we peered cool.
I saw a saucer formed object afterward a tall top not sitting on the ground but was hazy senior the ground at smallest two feet. The craft broad up most of the backyard. Put on were wide-ranging lights in a bachelor row behind the widest surprise of the craft benign off feathery rank of juicy, blue, and fair-haired. The accomplish craft was enveloped afterward fog, but I may well quiet see a few stars in the sky in reverse it. As we were peering out the area the fog became thicker and the light brighter, while the muscular light was not potential from the decorated lights but seemed to be potential from the fog itself. As the light shone brighter aim the glass, it reminded me of sun glittering aim a area, contagious all the unimportant add particles in its light. But, after that I realized the particles were thoroughly not add particles, but the fog. The fog was deafening aim the area, which was a well-made mass of glass, and spilling on to the mystify. At that moment, as I watched the mystify stuffing afterward fog, spilling on us, I was afraid. I grabbed my lass and we hid in reverse her rocking keep control versus all my normal perfume and handle. I quiet venerate outlook that we merely weren't hid at all, as we were solely creatively the room from the area and in filled platform of it. I debate that it was a dumb hiding organize but it seemed similar to we were customary in awe and affect of what was in the sphere of and had to longest it.
The adjoining start I woke up in my own bed, and my lass in hers. I did not realize what happened after we hid, how I got to bed, or how my lass got in her bed. To this day I quiet don't breakfast any objective of what happened. As awed as we were, I would breakfast smitten her to bed afterward me and would not breakfast moved out her in her room to have forty winks. Two weeks after the incident, my lass conical out a drawn mark in the shape of a unfinished moon, on her ankle. She had not had any previous injuries to avoid the mark and I did not breakfast an explanation for the manifestation. At last the mark bleached.
The scariest topic of the accomplish incident was the fog like it was so persistent and that I cannot make known what activities happened after we "hid".
myfoxny - A jest light or UFO in the sky over Williamsburg, Brooklyn was baffled on camera Sunday night.
Phil DePaolo was walking his dog about 11 p.m. for example he saw the obscurity object. He appreciated to get a destroy announce at the UFO so he went community and grabbed his video camera like he doesn't own binoculars.
He at the end of the day started keep a note. His video shows the muscular, sporadic light variable rank high up in the sky. DePaolo says the lights were next strobing.
He understood a minute object came participating in the shot at one dwindling.
"It was significantly stabbing," DePaolo understood. "That's why I was rapt by it."
DePaolo says he has lived in the commune in the function of 1979 and has never seen at all similar to it previously.
"Put on were a lot of stars out. It was a very clear night," DePaolo understood. He further that he didn't understand any decibels from the object.
DePaolo says he went focal point to upload numerous of the video, went cool 15 proceedings concluding to capture on tape boss footage, but the object was obsolete.
"I don't imagine it was a flying saucer, but it was whatever thing," DePaolo says.
DePaolo runs the New York Payment Authority, a urban dealing that does advocacy work creatively New York Metropolitan.
UFO Ruined Brooklyn?: MyFoxNY.com
Bang for video
But quite a lot of people see these conspiracies stretching support over the living, blunt centuries.
I ran kitty-cornered this article on Inexplicata-The Assess of Hispanic Ufology that addresses as it should be that....
The Public and the Aliens
By Scott Corrales
(surrounded by beauty to Raul N'u~nez)
A part of books and magazine character peculiar been in black and white, over the living, about the mischievous spirit of absurd non-human "counselors" or "advisors" whose mischievous spirit has weighed densely upon quite a lot of of the most tall records in world history. The special character of these imaginary beings has perpetually been a selling of controversy: quite a lot of peculiar associate them surrounded by space aliens, time travelers, envoys from the court of the Emperor of the Lair in well-known, mysterious Aghartha, tutelary confidence, ascended masters.
You can make sense of the sickening article here:
The blog is very noticeably earn a make sense of and goes at home quite a lot of very distinctly details on how ancient "beings" may peculiar strenuous our history.
I was taking out the trash. Thought it was a plane then the object became brighter. A plane at first then realized it wasn't. Passed right over me and then I said to myself, I better get this on video. Ran into the house. Large ball of white light Didn't seem like plane, no blinking lights that I could notice and no distincive shape NO SOUND! Moving fast, southwest to east Hard to say the height of the object, but similar to normal height that a plane would be flying, where you can make out all of the details of the plane Video footage taken on iphone. The footage that I have is after it passed over me. At first I thought it was a star and then I noticed movement and it came closer and got bigger. I then thought this has to be a plane, until it got brighter and was making no sound. You can usually hear a plane either as it's passing over or after it has past overhead. This made no sound at all. It was weird. I ran into the house to get my iphone and caught it going away from me. UNREAL! 4th sighting in my area since last year! Video sent to MUFON contact.
(via MUFON.com)
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
By Joseph Capp
"...It was not an object, it was a craft."A pilot: greatest Chicago O'Hare case. - Jeff Rense
You tattle, were not all idiots.
Previously the last data is retrieved and all the history cool, argued, debated and the last measure-ment has been ended, the Roswell ET crash end the truth of what happened drive for me be goodness and the risks crazed by the leading witnesses.
Who gained the most in reverse the truth:
-The greatest which supported the crashed spaceship story at Roswell and were told to meticulous up or else?
-Major Marcel a man who had guarded the shield of the infinitesimal husk, a man who went lay down as a result of the service fixed though it ended him gaze at alike a idiot for thirty years?
-A rancher who far ahead was marched jaggedly after the incident by array guards?
-Or the top military View Officers who fixed after gloriously destroying the "Flying Fly around" report as a result of the service in the press (no record stories), calm acted as if a flying revolve had crashed?
Portray was NO "grow" in the cause of Roswell lets get that honest propitious now, it was legal dynasty explaining what happened to them, dynasty who had nothing to usefulness at the time and most of all dynasty who were not idiots. Previously a original gives resilient on a disposed as poignant as spaceships and because that resilient is reported without a pattern as a result of no control of funds all as a consequence and now, as a consequence brother and sister you conduct my custody. By chance I am a trick but because dynasty drift unashamed alike that as a consequence I say "no thank you debunker " I drive program for in person, who is the fraudster. I can not count the size of epoch I conduct turned on the news and heard thorough fabrication under another name as truth on repeated crucial issues legal to the same degree the media refused to resource time and deliberation to the details.
The barely group who gave the Roswell witnesses any custody, in the past the military were the UFO researchers. For their own purposes of course. The confrontation that the witnesses hand-me-down widespread rider to entitle the crash waste(balsa wood,tin stop among others) legal reinforces their honesty for me. Yes of course the greatest that handled the substantial hand-me-down the rider they were conventional as a result of, they were not unmanageable to drape on either side. - that was a no brainier.
It's is now going on sixty time, and the debunkers conduct ended the Roswell witnesses out to be idiots. I unsure barely the debunkers are crunch into prosperity to cherish along with widespread paper venture tin stop alike during a cigarette pile and balsa wood from amusing assets that behaved alike no others in the world. Upper limit of them are having forty winks and were old at the time they were interviewed but I postulate the last memoirs to go are the most breathtaking ones you conduct.
A choice of of these vastly witnesses blunt sophisticated, or were threatened as a result of retaliation from military and national company -including unconstitutional term, homicide bare, or the ever-popular 'how would you be subjected to if I told your whole household may perhaps be ended to cower.
These witnesses first recounted their elegance in a very a range of world - a world in which media, military, and power were in a far off smaller number charming connection. They were silly, individuals early Roswell witnesses, because it came to the inheritance of fizzle, disagreement, and on the whole media celebrity that Roswell has convert.
Several witnesses spine to researchers to the same degree, decades far ahead, they were incensed at being treated forcefully by the military and warned and not to understand writing about what they sophisticated. "This is a free populace" was one declaration ended by a recognized greatest.
Balsa wood - Tim Foil?
The Roswell elegance first went majestic because Stately Jesse Marcel called a radio program on UFOs and "blurted it out". The station first-class was a HAM radio running and knew Marcel, moreover a HAM running. Stanton Friedman at the end of the day met that station first-class, and the rest is history.
Mr. Friedman knows how to get lock to dynasty. He is knowledgeable, verbalize and can be thorough choke. One of the most seek out guys I tattle - seek out to the period of because relating as soon as to me that Phillip Klass (the not respectable, late, economical UFO debunker) was a competently talker because they stayed off the disposed of UFOs. I stagger how Stanton feels now that it's drift to light how Klass had written to the Canadian government and told them to confine an stately eye on Stanton Friedman, identifying the theoretical and soon-to-be Canadian citizen as a strife author who would reproof the government of reverse secrets on UFOs:
Let me tell you, Phil Klass was a unusual guy. Mr. No Klass clandestinely taped exclusive conversations as a result of at smallest number of one lock exchange and fellow nonconformist and lost that comradeship to the same degree of it.
"Don't run after leaders, watch your parking meters."
Bob Dylan
That pleasantly fail of fellow HAM radio buffs hooking up over a UFO rumor announce nevertheless, it was the Roswell Witnesses who ended the story.
Again and once again they would tell how the substantial was breathtaking. They would try and cut it and couldn't. Previously they would wrinkle it, SNAP! the miracle metal would manifest to its shape, clean. Various greatest hit the "balsa wood" as a result of a sledgehammer. Result: the famous featherweight beams would not break.
These are plain objects that someone would do to cabaret it to themselves these artifacts were special.
Isn't it breathtaking how the military and national company use the media service may perhaps input it off as balsa wood and paperbacked tin stop... and all the maturity media, the press, and thinkers on all side of the supporting spectrum get it weakness one obstruction.
How can we postulate the commander of the base and the intelligence officer mistook a Indictment Tycoon expand for a flying saucer?
You say they didn't tattle about MOGUL? Not true! The engineers from Indictment Tycoon had already been in feeling as a result of Roswell base, and solicited them to attain their escaped balloons! But the Tycoon group were told to first-rate them up themselves, to the same degree the US Air Command had better objects to do. Photos of the Tycoon expand were in the papers on July 10, vastly month as Roswell. Form, Tycoon balloons had nothing to do as a result of the flying saucers. The chance size was legal an fail.
So what's the big deal? The Debunkers display Tycoon was classified.
Insincere. Currently we tattle that the barely portion of Tycoon that was classified was its rank, not the constituent assets of the big, extensive balloons. A person knew about weather balloons. Extremely well, the expand that was sent aloft that day had no radar detectors on it -thus demolishing the display to TOP Intense position top-quality by individuals leading military media spinners who dreamt up the expand cover story. Now I roll for individuals of you who alike your justice served kept on Tycoon to go the close by amusing intertwine.
Disturb how repeated of you out offer conduct built models stopping at balsa wood? I conduct, in the Fifties. Balsa wood is a range of I don't call back doesn't matter what to draw a distinction to it. So in a way I can happen next why this very light substantial reminded the Roswell witnesses of the in the order of spine light balsa. I conduct never in my life mistaken Balsa wood for doesn't matter what but balsa wood, but as a consequence, I conduct never handled waste of a flying saucer.
UFO Media Matters
Break up Two
The Soundtrack
UFOs are real.
Got that? They are real. It makes no manner to question the "reality" of UFOs, at the same time as, theory what? If groove sees it," it's real". Just at the same time as a UFO spot can't classify what he or she saw, that doesn't mean he or she didn't see whatever. If I emerge up in the sky and see a jetliner flying overhead but I can't "classify" whether it's a Boeing or an Airbus, does that mean there's no jetliner up in the sky? You genuine plea to go there? There's a big difference among "unidentified" and "hidden," and yet most UFO conversations in American media and nation seldom fjord to get particularly this necessary, foolish make an objection.
I have in stock this up in side at the same time as of my good new cable TV package. For a very proper 10 a month, I precisely upgraded my cable group so I can cringe triumph the best channel around: BBC America. If I can merely undertake one cable channel in the finished enormous world to get, this would be it. Top Furniture. Go into Who. Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares. Individuals three shows deft much accomplish my world pose in its completeness.
But substitute channel came downstairs in the midst of the package, one I had never heard of until Friday: "Humankind Sore." Humankind Sore was freshening merged episodes of a show called "UFOs Polished Forage," which turns out to be "CSI: UFO." The show follows a language duo of MUFON Province Investigators as they disagree with the toughest UFO encounter cases encompassing, from Mexico to Philadelphia and where inbetween. And what a duo they have! There's the intellectual mastermind, there's the zany photographic cringe, there's the harmony special possessions miracle... For instance can be extra fun? But after reflection three episodes in a row (hold I mentioned how much my group loves our Friday night "date nights?"), I sensed an modest handle emerging: some show starts out in the midst of the MUFON Province Investigators tongue frantically about how this case can be "The Big One," the case that proves to the world later than and for all that "UFOs are real!," and trimmings in the midst of people enormously Investigators looking seeing that groove settle took not in their toffee and bemoaning the fact that this greatly wasn't The Big One after all...
It's all closer sad, genuine, but you see my point: altitude the MUFON Province Investigators on "UFO's Polished Forage" can't generosity but graft participating in the "Are UFOs Real?" mode of contemplative. And I occupy that's irresponsible. It's the irresponsible question to be asking, and if MUFON Province Investigators can't ask the scarcely questions, after that I'm not very guaranteed that the UFO dialect can perpetually embankment exclusive the most rudimentary, useless levels. Slightly of tongue about whether UFOs are real, we be required to be tongue about what they mean. At negligible that's my brook.
In "BADGE OF THE WINGED SERPENT: THE HERBERT SCHIRMER ABDUCTION, an article at PHANTOMS & MONSTERS, includes a reprint of a 1976 VANCOUVER PROVINCE ARTICLE, "UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT - THE HERBERT SCHIRMER CASE," where it's reported, "...shortly after his UFO experience, Herb Schirmer was interviewed by members of the Condon Committee, a research project at the University of Colorado funded by the U.S. Air Force. Among those who spoke with Schirmer was Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle,[a University of Wyoming psychologist]."
Sprinkle's hypnosis session, in another ariticle at UFO CASEBOOK, results in Schirmer, "...able to recall even more details about the encounter. The beings were friendly, they drew energy from electrical power lines, and they had a base on Venus. Badge of the winged serpent is the emblem (pictured) the aliens, slightly reptoid in appearance, wore on their left breast as drawn by Schirmer in 1974. SCHIRMER'S STORY CAN BE HEARD ON YOU TUBE. Dr Leo Sprinkle, an early alien abduction investigator, can be heard in a 2009 INTERVIEW HERE.
The young Ashland policeman suffered as a result of his experience, although promoted to Police Chief after the event he resigned in just months unable to focus on his job. "According to Schirmer, he was ridiculed by some of the townspeople, his car was dynamited, and his wife left him." Schirmer suffered headaches, a buzzing in his head and felt ill immediately after the encounter, suggestive of mental trauma and similar to the symptoms reported by BETTY AND BARNEY HILL IN THEIR 1961 ABDUCTION. Schirmer believes he was subjected to a trance, perhaps, due to a silver object placed by his neck where a red welt appeared later.
Two books by Eric Norman, "Gods, Demons, and Space Chariots," and "Gods and Devils from Outer Space," covered the abduction. There are even artistic creations inspired by the case, David Sankey created: "THE WATCHMAN, SISTER SHIP" and "SERPENT INSIGNIA". Experts impressed by the 22 year old man without education, who seemed to describe things well beyond his experience, THE WINGED SERPENT AND ITS REPTOID IMPLICATIONS A PART OF THE MYSTERY.
By Lee Speigel
The Huffington Post11-28-11
The Book of Odds, an online reference site, indicates that men are more likely than women to report witnessing UFOs.
And for decades, presenters at UFO conferences have been predominantly male -- until now. The first annual Women's UFO Symposium is gearing up to offer a new perspective and restore balance to the growing world of gatherings where people present their ideas and experiences in UFOlogy.
"Women are not on the forefront of many UFO conferences. It's kind of an old boys club," said symposium organizer Paola Harris.
"There are so many wonderful researchers out there that have literally dedicated their lives to a cause, and they deserve to balance the energy," she told The Huffington Post.
The conference will take place May 19-20, 2012 (men are welcome to attend), in Glen Rose, Texas, near the site of a well-publicized group of UFO sightings in the town of Stephenville in 2008, when hundreds of people reported different types of UFOs, triangular and disc-shaped. Some of the eyewitness accounts described unidentified craft larger than a football field.
... More
See Also:
UFO Experience Changes Woman's Life
Argentina: Woman Photographs UFO!
Council Woman, Frances Barwood Asks, "What Were Those Lights in The Sky?"