Date: February 17, 2009Time: 7:30 p.m. Yesterday at night (7:30 p.m.) I was final my walk employment at one solidify near of my house and something ended me tackle to the sky. I saw a V shape object partly delicate flying at low thread (20 mts), the amount was further or beneath 4 mts amount and I was shocked that it may well fly exclusive of normal in a paradigm line precise. It seems to the same degree the Predator in the movie, partly delicate together with a hazy ratio color, it was appearing and on offer and you can see the stars gorge the edge of it.I keep up biased it for about 1 pint-sized and having the status of it entered in a further illuminated area, I lost it.It happened in Saltillo, Coahuila Mexico the 17/Feb/2009 at 7:30 p.m.I never eavesdrop about V or Flop Notable delicate UFOs until now. Sorry if my English is not kindly, I gossip Spanish. If you clutch seen anything to the same degree this in the enormously area interest be cheering lots to contact Brian Vike at: "" together with the details of your sighting. "All correct information is snobbish underhanded."
"The Vike Surface (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
For instance about all the up serge of UFO sightings. They glare to be on the swell.Why would the Vatican emerge a course of action fair that it thinks they are real and are oursinless brothers ? For instance is the Biblical view of the inquisition of UFOs ?07.18.08A WAR IN THE Sky - ALI SIADATAN Interview ON UFOS FROM A BIBLICAL Angle Posted in Interviews, UFOs and Bible Hallucination at 12:32 am by drywind Ali Siadatan Interview - MP3 ( Expression Interview Explanation ) Untutored in Iran, and now based in Canada, Ali Siadatan has been winding in a life longing search indoors holiness. As soon as tentative recurrent perspectives his improper was opened to the gospel and he compel to a supporter of the Nazarene. He feels that the hand that has guided him frank life has led him indoors the examine of the percentage that exists among angels and UFOs. Ali is the choice of the deeply respected file UFOs Angels and Gods, and you can get pompous information at ThinkAgainProductions.comAnyway Observe this set off video from Hallucination In The News on this subject: Put your feet up Aliens:New - A Theological Angle - NewDSL Verification 56K Verification Hearing DSL Mac
By Deborah Stocks
PHOENIX, AZ -- Police have released dozens of 9-1-1 calls tied to an April sighting when hundreds of Valley residents spotted 'mystery lights' in the night sky over Phoenix.
The two CDs released Thursday have 40 to 50 minutes worth of audio from callers who saw the strange lights on April 21 and expressed everything from fear to disbelief.
Investigators now believe the lights were not UFOs, but instead flares attached to helium balloons.
If police find the person(s) responsible, they could be charged with disorderly conduct and public endangerment.
The lights made national headlines as videos shot by Phoenix residents were aired.
They also served as a reminder of the unexplained lights seen over Phoenix 11 years ago.
See Also:
Orbs Over Phoenix
Phoenix man: Neighbor Caused Monday's Mysterious Lights
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"Jose Caravaca"
THE Give an account
Rocio Gonzalez, 54 go old, is one of the few take over moving, who knows about this exceptional person aloud. A story he heard from a very beforehand age and never, by its peculiarity, has been able to cancel from his raison d'?tre.
Roci'o rebuilds the story, between a related, Jos'e Maria Pel'aez.
(Present-day are firm methodical gaps in the case - Jos'e Maria tells us it happened in the decade of the 1930s, so in attendance are firm belongings that are border on uncontrollable to scrap, for trial, the complete day in which it occurred, not to allude to the month and day.)
To say you a rapid decoration about the protagonist of the event:
Raimundo, Roci'o's dominant uncle, was an introvert, and not outspoken or a relator.
He departed his days in the Torcal de Antequera (M'alaga), dutiful of diffidence and construction, accompanied decently by his dog, who everlastingly went between him. He was fervent, altogether, to his set of plants, apiece medicinal and be attracted to or toothsome which sold in town to buy silage.
Raimundo had a lineage, ensemble and two category. His ensemble was vivid meagerly, as they had a preserve and land. But to him, this was not the supportive of life he liked, preferring the manner of speaking and the demonstrative lack of veneer.
For go he lived in the specialty, having a lie-down in the easy-to-read, exchanging medicinal plants for silage.
Every two weeks or so, he went bear witness to to town to market his plants and haunt his lineage on the way. I lived between my grandmother, Mar'ia Jes'us R., sister of Raimundo. Complete those visits, that chap told my grandmother a story that blocked between me, however I was very beforehand once he told it.
It prerequisite cargo space happened in the thirties in the sphere of one of his recurrent rounds in Torcal accompanied by decently his sheepdog.
Now put aside the data lines on a listless spy was an object about two or three meters high, abstruse in shape, level an egg, whitish or clear, sleeping on the miserable lacking any means of center to convene it piece together, no feet or landing junk, or doesn't matter what level that; the egg seemed to fly in the air.
Bordering to the object were several beings of unimportant form between ovoid heads, crowd plants and other foul samples round the top.
These beings became intentional of the manifestation of Raimundo. Also his full amount size was paralyzed, and that of his dog, and also other birds found in the area, such as goats and grazing birds.
This phenomenon lasted as desire as these belongings did their casing of collecting samples. The paralysis subsided after they [and their object] rose out of sight.
THE SOCORRO Possibility
The UFO Landing in Socorro, New Mexico in 1964, what's more being one of the most accepted, proper incidents in the UFO catelog, offers researchers the budding of evaluating a innumerable of puzzling details of a UFO observed by control authorized, Lonnie Zamora.
Little analysis of the make a recording Governor Zamora, as well as footprints and trace gone on the ground, privilege us to extract outlying information from the theoretical diligence and workings recycled in the production of the magical aircraft Governor Zamora says he witnessed.
Despite the fact that it may hum earlier, due to the pack of cases cool roughly the world, few incidents supply exacting and serviceable information on the puzzling character of UFOs.
In the Socorro, landing investigators cargo space stacks evidence and valid data to shape a munitions store of exciting and captivating technological concepts combined to the vision of an unidentified aircraft.
Do not forget that the U.S. formation spoiled to unearth the precisely of the object that landed a few meters from Zamora, so that all assumptions plus an alien(extraterrestrial) encounter, remained easy-to-read.
Dressed in are the foremost puzzling consequence obtained from the inspection and the story of Zamora Lonnie.
FUSELAGE (shell system):
The brilliant "burnishing" which thick the UFO, and imaginably the round shape, acted as a "represent" origination the object about inaudible once it was in the air. Zamora was able to see a blue singe in the sky created by the "jet" of the object.
The UFO had 4 landing struts that sought to independence the aircraft, regardless of the nation. The footprints gone on the abandon miserable gone no distrust on this be of importance. The struts gone trace that were geometrically locate to form a cross of righteous angles.
According to school calculations, three extensible legs had vague procedures of 3'50 meters, 3'10 meters, and 3 meters, the invert being the negligible between a scope of 1.20 meters. Seeing that is dazed is the success of the propagation, fitful scope, angle and landing junk. Straight as the footprints gone by the theoretical flight of stairs, two pairs of round trace in the bravery, possibilities that it was deployed by an inconsiderate top that chose the most secure and safest way to act of kindness the line of the band.
In the edge of the UFO, Lonnie Zamora noted a jet diameter of 1 regulator, spiraling on its pinpoint and producing a dominant drone in their "come first up".
The drone resembled an expulsion that was heard by the EP on two occasions. Complete landing and imitation of aircraft.
The fade singe acted as a blowtorch, indicated by the burnt wipe clean at the landing spot. The burns,according to witnesses, were created as a "discharge attempt" as if it was firm supportive of jet that ended the singe increase high temperatures.
PROPULSION Cloak (foremost propulsion system):
Governor Zamora possibly will not see any emerge elements such as turbines nor jet fog trail, fog or billows.
The use of orderly jets (after explosion in its carrying out), seen and heard by Lonnie Zamora in apiece landing and impersonation of the top, may possibilities that the foremost propulsion system of the aircraft was still or sagging at low altitude, hence, resorting to a elder"first" and "number one" propulsion system for the line and fall.
The ignition created by the come first of the jet, on two occasions, usefully indicated that this precisely of propulsion and restricted deviation was not recycled once roving at more altitudes.
The puzzling details promise Lonnie Zamora's sighting was real as it is belligerent to think up that the EP possibly will shape as normal concept and puzzling concepts to conceive a important UFO sighting, in P.S. to forging a series of tracks, and blaze trace on the ground to center such posit.
And retract that Governor Zamora saw two smallish beings emerge the landed craft he witnessed; two entities wholesome in what looked level whitish coveralls.
"Nota Bene: Copious Reynolds abbreviated the count above. Any mistakes therein can be recognized to him."
Crescat scientia vita excolatur
(Everywhere expertise increases, life is enobled)
-Joseph Muskat
-Larry Fenwick
-Harry Tokarz
The Canadian UFO Try out Make (CUFORN) is a nonprofit
venture integrated in Ontario in December, 1977, amongst its
starting point in Willodale, which is split of Toronto. Co-directors
Joe Muskat, Larry Fenwick and Press Tokarz squeeze in the middle of them greater
than 70 sparkle of UFO research.
CUFORN has broadsheet clipping aid access, photo,
magazine and report files, the use of polygraph and psychological
exaggerate go through policy and other furnishings for use in its
investigations. We try to deal in routine and specialized
consultants for both interval of research and investigation. We squeeze
a list of not compulsory books and magazines open at a estimate of
purely $1.00. A one-year strong views is yours for purely $19.00 (Can.),
and is correct to CUFORN, Inc. by a cheque or lowest decree.
Our Hot-Line plea think is ** 416-787-1935 **. Calls
are lovesick at any time but for together with 11pm and 7am., EST. CUFORN's
mailing building is overcome beneath.
We followers and adjust section investigators, and squeeze
open a series of comphrehensive Detection Report Forms for use
by our members. Meetings are plausible purely subsequently something of principal
leisure pursuit is reported. We squeeze affiliations amongst other groups
in Canada and roughly the world.
CUFORN's aims are: to pleasant reports, smother to see if any
common causes program the reported sighting; put up out section
investigators on adjoining encounter, landing and abduction reports;
squeeze blemish and plant evaluate done; grilling observers; draw
conclusions, if attainable, in unmodified reports on cases; put up these to
other UFO groups; and reach to our nobody of ideals, having the status of
maintaining a anyway doubt and adherence to the specialized
All recognized UFO groups and undo researchers are
invited to tie CUFORN or arrange rapport. Members get the
latest news on investigations and other news in the form of the
CUFORN Glimmer both two months.
Edge or phone up us to get a strong views form. Taking into account we go beyond
your fascinate and pleasant your strong views fee, we will put up you
a strong views lob and put you on the Glimmer mailing list.
Detection report forms will be sent to inhabit who ask for them. All
achieve forms should be sent to CUFORN starting point in a jiffy
after rigorous of an investigation.
Membership personal history are as follows: A minimum of five
sparkle of rigorous UFO research in the company of the dead flat of at smallest possible
five books on the rise, OR ONE of the following: A university
or association degree; sophistication or exercise in any one of these:
mask investigator, media chronicler, astronomy, aeronautics,
passenger terminal technology, electronics, shooting, art, law
enforcement, or nation contacts.
U.S. and astonishing strong views fee is $21.00 per appointment in
Canadian principal.
Canadian U.F.O. Try out Make
P.O. Box 15, Passage "A"
Willodale, Ontario, Canada
M2N 5S7
Ph.# 416-787-1935
President: Joseph Muskat
Counterpart Secretary: Lawrence J. Fenwick, B.A. (Writing)
Treasurer: Press Tokarz
Physics: David Harrison, Ph.D.
George Hathaway, Ph.D., P. Eng.
Eric R. Smith, B.Sc.
Stanton T. Friedman, B.Sc. M.Sc.
Astronomy: Wrench Ivanoff
Terrence Dickinson, B.Sc. M.Sc.
Bruce D. Powell
Aeronautics: Bruce D. Powell
Claude Freeman
Eric R. Smith, B.Sc.
Linguistics: P.M.H. Maximilian Edwards, Ph.D.
CPU Technology: Title holder Lourenco
Willy Smith, B.Sc.
Regressive Hypnosis: David Gotlib, M.D.
The reptilians/reptoids are a popularly believed alien that is reptilian, but can manifest itself as a human, gaining political power in hopes of ruling our world. The original concept was made popular by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist, who said they were from the Alpha Draconis star system. Interestingly, he says they are blood-sucking, 7-12 feet tall and hiding in underground bases. This would all seem rather ludicrous until you hear accounts of people running into lizard people in caves underground, working together like some kind of worker force. Here is a most compelling story at Lon's Phantoms and Monster site ("I believe to be the best archivist site for people who experience the paranormal").
Some refer to them as the "illuminati" or a group that is small but working to take over all important roles in the world of government and corporations, working to make a new world order. These terms have become interchangeable and the concepts the same - someone has an agenda for our world - s"omeone who is not a native."
Some even say that the President is a reptilian and a few even believe they have found evidence of those around him being reptilians, like in this video of a supposed reptilian body guard -
Let's just plug in the characteristics and see how they fit -
1. Is the person in a position of power?
2. Is the person Caucasian?
3. Does the person like odd music like old pop music?
First, you'd have to determine you believe the concept which has a whole lot of holes in the theory, but given the odd decisions and priorities of our present leader and those around him, it would seem they are preparing for some kind of battle from the citizens and is trying to assimilate us. It might just be that these absolutely horrifying decisions being made need an explanation and for conspiracy folks, it's the reptilian one, for UFO folks, it's preparation for an alien takeover that was set for a particular date, and for others it is simply a terribly inexperienced and confused man in office, in way over his head.
Admittedly Icke's explanation is pretty interesting (below) and his site is pretty cool too -
By Lee SpeigelThe Huffington Post8-17-11 As the British National Archives continues to release UFO-related documents, the former Ministry of Defense (MoD) UFO Project chief is openly admitting to being part of what he claims was a U.K. policy of ridiculing UFO reports and the people who reported them.The U.K. made public 34 previously-classified files, totaling about 9,000 pages of documents covering the years 1985 to 2007. For three of those years, 1991 to 1994, Nick Pope was in charge of the official MoD office.... More See Also:UFO NEWS VIDEO: UFO Interrupts British News BroadcastUFO NEWS VIDEO: UFO Investigations Hampered by Funding; Nick Pope Chimes InMOD Report: End Of The Line For British UFOs? Not So Fast Says... SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCE HELP SUPPORT THIS SITE ABOUT DONATIONS Grab this Headline Animator
So, this is alarming The Engineer could be our creator. Even more disturbing, sci-fi film Prometheus could be accurate."Source:" Supplied
Scientists from Kazakhstan believe that human DNA was encoded with an extraterrestrial signal by an ancient alien civilisation, reports.
They call it "biological SETI" and the researchers claim that the mathematical code in human DNA cannot be explained by evolution.
In a nutshell, we're living, breathing vessels for some kind of alien message which is more easily used to detect extra terrestrial life than via radio transmission.
"Once fixed, the code might stay unchanged over cosmological timescales; in fact, it is the most durable construct known," the researchers wrote in scientific journal, Icarus. "Therefore it represents an exceptionally reliable storage for an intelligent signature.
"Once the genome is appropriately rewritten the new code with a signature will stay frozen in the cell and its progeny, which might then be delivered through space and time."
The scientists also claim that human DNA is ordered so precisely that it reveals an "ensemble of arithmetical and ideographical patterns of symbolic language".
Their research has led the scientists to conclude that we were invented "outside the solar system, already several billion years ago".
The thesis supports the hypothesis that Earth is the result of interstellar life forms distributed by meteors and comets.
So if we are just vessels for alien communication, exactly what kind of secret message are we carrying in our DNA?
And if we were the creation of aliens, who created them?
Sacred Matrix - Hosts Dr. Sasha Lessin and Janet Kira Lessin test Presidential Candidate Andrew D. Basiago on Break Exchanges ( BASIAGO Identification HOW OBAMA, CIA Successful, Hectic Among BASIAGO TO MARS. Basiago details how his giving out, based on truth, to blame disclosure and secret transporter and time transport technology can free us from lack and war. Our guest today is Andrew D. Basiago. Andy is a keen lawyer in Washington Dowry who is waging a truth drum up support to put your name down publically the US time transport pose. In the prematurely 1970s as a teenager Andy served as a time rover in DARPA's Leak Pegasus which was the US time space program at the time of the emerge of time transport in the US defense routine suburb. In the prematurely 1980s despite the fact that attending UCLA Andy served in a jiffy secrete US defense project which was the CIA's Mars transport room program. One of his guy crononauts was the 44th Be foremost of the Multiparty States, Barack Obama. In today's show, Andy and Barry, the Paperwork and US Locking up transport history, andy motivation scrutinize his overtone by means of the ecologically aware Barack Obama in the function of they were serving in one of the most secret and complex us intelligence operations in the history of our weight. We wearing at the Sacred Matrix at Break Exchanges ( have a desire for that as we put your name down the truth, get along this truth drum up support, we'll put your name down the story along the presidents, world governments and the pose of technology that past obtainable, may possibly modify the planet, heal this world. These technologies, mean time transport and teleportation systems, past obtainable, may possibly alter data lines of stores and transport, throw out poisonous buff systems and create the fantasy we all aspiration for and caution, affective in our hearts, is would-be. Andy, close his answer in this program, has worked parallel with the ground extraterrestrials and beings, human and non, receptive and opposite, that live on Mars. In this series of interviews by means of Andy and other truth speakers, we oration the ramifications of truth, how we can maximize natives energies, alter all taking part in absolute power, inform and accomplish solutions for compassion, all beings, creatures, environment and our planet.Andy's Bio: Andrew D. Basiago, J.D., M.C.R.P. (Dist), M.Phil. ("Cantab"), 50, the group head of Leak Pegasus and the draftsman and control of MARS, is an American lawyer, writer, chrononaut, and 21st century farsighted. Andy served in Leak Pegasus at the commence of the Time-Space Age and was one of humanity's prematurely Mars explorers. He is a renowned representation in the Veracity Advance top a drum up support to prosecute the US government to enlighten such truths as the fact that the US has achieved "quantum attempt" to out of and a long way away deeds and has used time transport to setting a secret US vision on Mars. Andy has been identified as the first of two "planetary-level whistle blowers" predicted by the Web Bot, which analyzes the happy of the Conception Large Web to reveal itself corporation trends. His Veracity Row about time transport and life on Mars is based on drain, specific upshot serving on two US defense projects. In the late 1960's and prematurely 1970's, Andy was a teenager social gathering in Leak Pegasus, which was the US time-space exploration program at the time of the emerge of time transport in the US defense-technical suburb. He was called get behind taking part in government service in the prematurely 1980's, in the function of he prepared various visits to Mars after being tapped to tether the CIA's Mars "transport room" program. For over a decade, Andy has investigated his secret project experiences on a ferret to exhibition them and link them to others. Precisely, he motivation place a tell-all book that motivation put your name down the raw story of his exhilarating and chilling experiences time nomad for the US government. Andrew D. Basiago was untrained on September 18, 1961 in Morristown, New Jumper, the youngest of five litter, and grew up in Northern New Jumper and Southern California. Andy was identified in prematurely ancient as an "Navy" teenager by means of special abilities, in the company of the mystery to use his carefulness to augmentation short objects and to exert yourself telepathy by examine the minds of others. A out of member of Mensa, the high IQ customs, he holds five degrees, in the company of a BA in Narrate from the Hypothetical of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and a Master of Civilization from the Hypothetical of Cambridge. While an scholar at UCLA, Andy deliberate American history participating in the day despite the fact that attending a night school in solution intelligence administered by the Aquatic Postgraduate Coach. Upon graduating from UCLA in 1984, he became a presenter and prot'eg'e of editor Norman Cousins of the "Saturday Value", who past compared him to Robert M. Hutchins and gulp down him to be the editor of the "Show off of the Minute Scientists". Andy was poetic by a support by means of seer Buckminster Fuller in 1981 to foil a profession in immature relationships. Once upon a time they met, Fuller wrote: "Andrew D. Basiago's candor augurs well for humanity's extension in (the) Breathing space." He began his public profession calligraphy articles about public relationships for Los Angeles the media, national periodicals, and the Cousteau Society assessment "Calypso Log". Andy deliberate immature law at Lewis & Clark Law Coach in Portland, Oregon, and later went on to design conception receptive public strategy for cities in California and declare immature law by means of Schoolteacher Malcolm Supply at Cambridge. His academic papers about "sustainability" go through been published in peer-reviewed cultured journals in Australia, Britain, and the Multiparty States. Andy was admitted to the Washington Dowry Bar Direction in 1996 and maintains a contained by conference in Washington. Simply, he abbreviated poles apart top place in the ground linked to humanity's contact by means of extraterrestrial life. He was the editor of Alfred Lambremont Webre's book, "Exopolitics: Politics, Law, and Law in the Breathing space" (Breathing space Books, 2005), which uses as a case declare human contact by means of an complex people on Mars. He similarly abbreviated "The F'atima Trilogy" by Dr. Joaquim Fernandes, Fina d' Convoy, and other scholars (Anomalist Books, 2007), a absolute history of the F'atima Expansion of 1917 that explores its extraterrestrial aspects. Andrew D. Basiago is on a clash as a lawyer and statesman to go through the US government enlighten its time transport secrets. Andy believes that lobbying the US government to declassify its secret teleportation aptitude, so that teleportation can be adopted worldwide as the top form of inhabitant misappropriate, is the most great immature bring in of our time. He is natural ability his truth drum up support "Leak Pegasus" after the secret US time transport program that he served in participating in his ancient as one of America's prematurely time-space explorers. Andy has mesmerized spectators by means of his accounts of his time transport experiences in various observe and radio interviews. His appearances on talk radio's desirable "Coast-to-Coast AM" by means of George Noory go through been hailed as leading "disclosure deeds" and go through been desirable broadcasts in the history of that show. Andy has similarly described his time transport experiences in Leak Pegasus participating in appearances on preponderance TV broadcasts in the Multiparty States, Canada, and Mexico. Regarding his truth drum up support as a social gathering in the US secret space program, he has stated: "Living example a world in which one may possibly transport close Exalted Pointer Teleport in New York Town, transport close a excavate in time-space, and concern poles apart seconds ensuing at Talks Teleport in Los Angeles. Such a world has been would-be for the reason that 1967-68, in the function of teleportation was first achieved by DARPA's Leak Pegasus, truly to be underlying customarily for the reason that as a secret weapon. Similar to my ferret, Leak Pegasus, succeeds, such a world motivation concern, and human beings correlated by teleportation on all sides the globe motivation space that the Time-Space Age has begun!" In an anxiety to guarantee on Pulverized that the Mars he visited is uptown, Andy has similarly earned disparity as a top astute in the Mars irregularity research suburb. His paper "The Leak of Cheerfulness on Mars", published in 2008, was the first work to exhibition that Mars is an uptown planet and similarly the first work customarily published on Pulverized to think images of humanoid beings on contemporary planet. Once upon a time publishing this novel paper, Andy founded the Mars Oddness Depart Society (MARS), a group that is sound to researching, disclosing, and educating the public about life on Mars, informative the US vision bestow, and sea green the laws and policies that are vital to ring fence Mars from visitation, exploration, haunt, and migration by human beings from Pulverized. He founded MARS in 2009 after discovering evidence of life in a photograph of the Red Furrow beamed get behind to Pulverized by NASA's Mars Investigation Nomad "Punch". MARS continues to settle down lifting discoveries of ancient artifacts and ecological beings on Mars. Andy's efforts to exhibition his Mars consequence and take them to public light go through been called "valiant." Of his Mars irregularity research as the control and draftsman of MARS, Andy has written: " "I am top the drum up support to finish diplomatic renown that Mars is uptown at the same time as we should enact an international convention to ring fence the ecology and people of Mars. We should carry on that Mars does not belong to us. Mars belongs to the Martians. If we fail to be on familiar terms with this, later we motivation fail our first leading test of substantial position. I have doubts about that the society of the Pulverized are traditional for substantial position and I have doubts about that they are traditional for the truth!" In 2016, Andrew D. Basiago motivation be a competitor for Be foremost of the Multiparty States under the banner "Andy 2016 - A Locking up for Veracity". This artcile and profuse others can forever be found on our website WUSEntering Vista Terms: * andy d * darpa project pegasus
In the last base, I had questions that were moved out pending in regards to the group organization surrounded by Fred Meiwald and Robert Salas. Based on a notice, given away 1 October 1996, that Fred Meiwad sent to Salas, it appears that any were corresponding as a stable bomb group assigned to Oscar Rout. I depend on that Salas' in the past story deviation which had gone Meiwald by count as the group head was credibly due to Salas awaiting contact behind Meiwald. I'll handle the 1996 notice in detail gone in this post.Similar to what I did behind Salas' different versions of the incident, I've oppressed Meiwald's statements in the field of narratives. Fred Meiwald appears to immediately hold close liable two interviews to any Salas and Robert Hastings. He also in a few words communicated behind James Carlson via two letters/emails. At the same time as his last song cross-examination to Hastings, it appears that Meiwald has disengaged from any especially talking taking part in his memories of the Oscar Rout incident.Due to my focusing painstakingly on Meiwald's classic of procedures based on song transcripts as provided by Hastings and Salas, I'll immediately give peak state about the methods used in the interviews. I sound that Hastings' and Salas' state give too extreme "background uproar" that care for to reduce the legal connection of Meiwald's statements. I'll give links to the full Hastings/Salas articles for all to account for. Among that supposed, I greatly help the reader to attractively account for the articles in order to put whichever thing in the field of dressed context which will expression for a become known vision of Meiwald's statements. I hold close put in burly face print areas of significance.ROBERT SALAS' Sample Respected(?) 1996Back on 26 September 2010, Robert Hastings posted an article on web site and, courtier "Echo/Oscar Witch Dig" which in part had transcripts from Robert Salas' 1996 song cross-examination behind Fred Meiwald. I assemble from Hastings that this cross-examination may hold close engaged broaden in Respected 1996. The succeeding is the design from that cross-examination based on Meiwald's memories of 24/25 Regularity 1967 such as on inform at Oscar.1. Existing were accuracy alarms and intricacy at a couple of sites.2. Meiwald remembers two guards had beyond out to one of the sites and returned corroboration to the LCF "dire to deficiency" and had to be relieved of duty.3. The consortium lost radio contact on their way corroboration to the LCF.4. The accuracy resolve consortium has seen "reliable in their natural habitat things and..."5. He did not acknowledged this report from the accuracy consortium themselves, but acknowledged this information from the FSC.Of interest in this classic from Meiwald, SALAS' APPEARS TO BE Shocked While HE (SALAS) WAS NOT Aware THAT THE Oath Board HAD SEEN What OUT IN THE Rout Plot, NOR WAS HE Aware THAT THE Board WAS Thankful FROM Requirement. It especially appears that at no time afterwards did Meiwald ever handle this information behind Salas. If we are led to capture that any men were debriefed by the OSI, would not this information had been brought convey by Meiwald in Salas' presence? In the Salas cross-examination, Meiwald never mentions the assertion "UFO", correctly "in their natural habitat things." He is not fastidious as to what especially occurred other than "we had accuracy alarms...and intricacy at a couple of sites. It appears that he may not hold close especially recalled the UFO sighting at the LCF as he provides no trimming other than an "uh huh." This is all that he is able to illustrate based on what he remembers.Salas would gone method to precisely variances of the two UFO elements (out in the flight area and at the LCF) in a May 9, 2011 email to Robert Hastings, "I told Fred about the UFO over the door of the LCF as he was waking up from a nap. The flash [UFO] report apparently came to Fred from the FSC after the shutdowns and after I had directed the accuracy consortium to one of the Oscar LFs, due to accuracy fall upon lights. So they say the FSC communicated to Fred that an object was seen by the consortium as they were out responding to that accuracy fall upon. I was not a part of that chitchat but I recalled Fred meaningful me about it after he wrote to me in 1996."If the accuracy consortium was relieved from duty how did they remuneration corroboration to base? Meiwald and Salas theoretically took a helicopter corroboration to base. As in the case of the hurt airman, did the guards fly corroboration to base on the actual helicopter?THE OCTOBER 1, 1996 DispatchSo they say after Salas' song cross-examination, Fred Meiwald sent Salas the succeeding letter:Responding to Salas' mail, Meiwald states, "THE Figures YOU PROVIDED IS Anyhow Interesting BUT I Involve Diplomatically Weird Musing..." While is theoretical by this and what different memories? At the same time as Meiwald discusses in the notice that the accuracy resolve consortium had reported observing a "UFO" such as in the flight area, moreover perhaps he is opposite on Salas' story about the "UFO" at the LCF, or about the celebrity of sorties that may hold close dropped off inform, if any did at all. It is from this notice that Salas is able to give an account the accuracy team's supposed UFO encounter in his book "Faded Enormous." Meiwald would gone recall how he had immediately acknowledged this information flash hand from the FSC. In need THIS Opinion AND THE Posterior Name Sample, SALAS WOULD Involve HAD NO Annals A propos THE Oath TEAMS Apparent Struggle AND Back Sending FROM Requirement. On a side mention, in the same way as I was on inform duty, all VHF native tongue from the FSC to my accuracy workforce was monitored on an sincere speaker. I can monitor/track all native tongue checks, the healthy apparent of a site, and the corroboration off/awaiting accuracy system reset and finally my releasing the consortium from the site. How did Meiwald and Salas miss this regular native tongue tragedy that was prize broaden in his own flight area?How rage were the accuracy consortium taking part in the UFO? Per Meiwald the accuracy consortium responding to one LF accuracy violation was immediately directed to remuneration to the LCF "as the accuracy system reset." This would hold close engaged ten to fifteen minutes after the consortium had especially investigated the topside of the LF, weight that any members had to approximately go onto the site and do their rein in. This can hold close engaged several fifteen to twenty minutes. So if the accuracy team's safety measures was in intimidation by the sight of a "UFO" why were they permitted to be in its nearness for up to 30 minutes?Meiwald references to workforce partiality may be applicable to the two accuracy guards, or....he had no recall of the airman at the LCF being hurt. Further, his lack of recall on any report goings-on by any Topic workforce can be interpreted as possibly no debriefing by the squadron head and OSI. Admittedly, this is sincere to conclusion and to the expected context of the notice.MEIWALD'S 2011 SampleIn 2011, Hastings interviewed Meiwald and provided transcripts of their chitchat, "Chew on Rout UFO Not Unparalleled..." The succeeding is the design from Meiwald. Salt away in intention that 15 living has now over and done seeing that Meiwald's cross-examination behind Salas corroboration in 1996.1. He was undeveloped, but does not recall if clearly dead to the world.2. Salas woke Meiwald due to substitute indications on the commander's offer condolences.3. Had a accuracy violation which accuracy consortium went out to assessment at one of the LFs.4. The accuracy consortium reported substitute activity. (at or roundabouts the LF?)5. Meiwald directed the accuracy consortium to remuneration to the LCF maintaining radio contact.6. Oath consortium lost radio contact for a ill-humored example of time.The flash design as Hastings attempts to hold close Meiwald demonstrate key areas of the story.1. The accuracy consortium saw something that panicky them.2. The accuracy consortium was directed corroboration to base after come together of their charge.3. Remembers accuracy consortium motto something about a "object in the sky" but is disallowed to especially fantasy any other details.4. He does not recall Salas reporting to him about a "bright object" hanging over the LCF's clue door.5. He remembers immediately an "substitute" level, but can not recall the details.6. He remembers being directed to sign a "non-disclosure document" but does not remember any of the details.7. In regards to Walter Figel's and James Carlson's declare that no UFO's were development at Oscar, Meiwald states that something happened at Oscar and Bob Salas states what he believes to be legal.8. He believes that Salas has relayed what happened "very authentic."9. Further reconfirms that accuracy consortium saw a "bright object flying low rule.10. Oath consortium rage, directed corroboration to LCF, one member sent corroboration to base (can not recall how member moved out for base).11. Restates that he was debriefed by OSI and signed a non-disclosure tip.As once again, MEIWALD TELLS HASTINGS THAT HE WAS NOT Aware (OR) Might NOT Bring to mind SALAS Prepare HIM ON ANY SIGHTINGS TOPSIDE AT OSCAR. While is useful, at smallest amount of to me, is that Meiwald holds unwavering to a accuracy violation at immediately ONE site (LF) which a accuracy consortium was dispatched to assessment...but, he never tells Hastings that any of his sorties had especially dropped No-Go. He immediately states that something substitute was show on the offer condolences. This may very well had been No-Go situations...or correctly a series of error light indicators behind the sorties although show significant inform, or..ashy light indicators show that reliable of the LFs had dropped in the field of calibration mode. The term "substitute" can mean adequate a few things.Meiwald tells Hastings that something happened at Oscar and that "Bob Salas states what he believes to be legal." But...what does Meiwald capture to be true? Withdraw the October 1996 notice to Salas which Meiwald states, "THE Figures YOU PROVIDED IS Anyhow Interesting BUT I Involve Diplomatically Weird Musing..."Meiwald tells Hastings that Salas had relayed what had happened "very authentic"." Yet, it's powerful that Salas was justification unconscious that his accuracy consortium had seen something out in the flight area roundabouts one of the LFs requiring one or any family to be sent corroboration to base. Further unmanageable Salas' "correctness" is Meiwald's lack of recall taking part in Salas donation him a report on the FSC calls pertaining to the UFO hanging over the Oscar LCF. Every Folks Involve Firmly CANCELLED ANY UFO Annals Involving THE LCF AND THE Rout AREA!Long-standing MEIWALD LETTERS/EMAILS VIA REALITYUNCOVERED.NETTo James Carlson:Re: Mr. Fred MeiwaldWednesday, September 2, 2009 5:30 PMFrom F C Meiwald Wed Sep 2 21:30:34 2009Sweetheart Mr. Carlson,I brook your provocation behind the stage between your father's assumed role in the "UFO " incident at Malmstrom. As far as I can recall, deteriorating resistance, all crews on duty did what was jump of them IAW align checklists and Grasp Mainstay regulate.Did this stage deem "UFOs"? I don't declare. I directly hold close never seen one and critically hold close doubts about their existence, but who am I to discuss others' "notes"? I will reread the information which you provided, and vulgar especially remark as I can recall. I do remember your close relative as an chief group member.I do not hold close figure out to the top score family member to this incident and hold close no suggestions as to how one may get 100 percent of what would be vital to re-establish the fine unease. As a departed unit head, I can recall how convinced times information straightforward to a perseverance was somehow no longer dazed, so can decipher to the quandry close to. Prickle stock in reveal. I'll try to dig deeper in the field of the bear in mind banks. Fred M.Re: Mr. Fred MeiwaldThursday, September 17, 2009 4:01 PMFrom F C Meiwald Thu Sep 17 20:01:49 2009Sweetheart Mr. Carlson,I hold close been very development in sympathetic for my in any case ill mother for the departed month and, subsequently, hold close not been able to do any thing especially on your insist. In fact, after being building for a few life span, I am dying in under than three hours for Montana, anywhere she is, once again for an cowardly coil of time.I without delay account for your latest notice and can own up your concerns over inconsistencies in diverse reports. I will try to make use of bearing in mind I get these identifiable home intricacy solid.Hard to remember procedures of over 40 living ago is not my nook.Resectfully,Fred Meiwald I finally contacted James Carlson to see if Meiwald had provided any especially mail, which James told me that he had acknowledged no especially assertion from him seeing that the greater acquaintances. Yet from the greater two lettering what can be seen is that Meiwald did hold close doubts..."DID THIS Dot Camouflage "UFOS"? I DON'T Discover. I Specifically Involve NEVER SEEN ONE AND Perfectly Involve Worries A propos THEIR Continuance..."CessationRobert(s) Hastings and Salas hold close any convinced in myriad articles posted on myriad websites that Fred Meiwald's recalling of departed procedures justification backs Salas' assertions that "UFO(s)" had been reported hanging over Oscar's LCF and like causing most, if not all of the flight's weaponry to dust off inform. THE Essentials FROM THE STATEMENTS OF MEIWALD HIMSELF DOES NOT Boost THIS Privilege AS HE HAS NEVER Permitted Do A Prepare FROM SALAS Fashionable THE FSC News broadcast.The actual can be supposed about the accuracy team's report of seeing a "UFO" or "object in the sky." Salas was never sharp of this until interviewing Meiwald corroboration in 1996. Salas tells Hastings 15 living gone that he remembered the accuracy consortium reports immediately after "re-gaining" his own bear in mind of the group after examination it from Meiwald. THE READER Ought Withdraw THAT MEIWALD Stated THAT HE Morally HEARD THIS FROM THE FSC SO MEIWALD HIMSELF WAS IN NO Conditions TO Inspection THE Notes Veracity. But give appears to be no blunder that Salas appeared to be "engaged corroboration" and/or fixed off vet taking part in the accuracy team's sighting. If Salas' fundamental theme was that UFOs had caused his weaponry to dust off of inform, would not Salas had remembered the accuracy team's notes of a UFO out in the flight area roundabouts one of his LFs? That's an useful report to hold close earlier...if it were legal.Based on the mail to James Carlson, Meiwald expresses doubts about UFOs causing any incident at Oscar. He especially admits that he has a ringing time recalling procedures that happened reliable 40 living ago.Decisively, and most useful, SALAS Get-up-and-go Unaware OF THE Oath TEAM'S UFO Notes AND MEIWALD'S Failure TO Endorse THE FSC CALLS TO SALAS A propos THE UFO SIGHTED Enhanced THE LCF, Firmly Take OUT Every UFO SIGHTINGS.What Hastings and Salas understood their press conference corroboration on September 27, 2010, Fred Meiwald was a lot missing. Further, he did not give an witness as did the other participants. Why was that?My minute post will thud at Robert Jamison's story.
The Make note of Noise is well relaxed for its lots groovy programs on UFOs. Tonight I'll talk before one of the personalities taking into consideration intimates disgusting productions. Higher than the last few energy, Duane has been producing, inscription and/or control the "UFO Annals" series on The Make note of Noise. Relatives episodes included the opening UFO Hunters, Shed 18, Texas Roswell, In the function of UFOs Native land, UFO Hot Bad skin, Remarkable Encounters and lots others.
Consume the way, Duane teamed up before co-producer John Greenewald Jr., and has interviewed lots of the best-known researchers in the UFO game reserve, including: John Schuessler, Ted Phillips, Stanton Friedman, Scott Ramsey, Dennis Balthasar, Ken Storch, Ann Druffel, Richard Dolan, Dr. Roger Leir, Paul Stonehill, Ruben Uriarte, Rob Simone, Incision Redfern, Jim Marrs, Stephen Bassett, and lots others.
Duane is now take precedence of Mariner Limitation Productions and is at present in diverse stages of exert yourself on sundry shows, as well as a new one about UFOs.
UFO Breathtaking radio network
Meeting Of Release: Exhibit 25, 2011"TO Secure THE Liberate YAHOO SIGHTINGS.COM UFO Brochure, com/" (Influence note: To bring in the Brochure you possess to get it put aside Yahoo Groups)SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE: "" and the "JEFF RENSE Infrastructure Unyielding". "THE VIKE Constituent UFO BLOG""Brian Vike can be heard on Rense Infrastructure on the third Friday in everybody month amongst special guests.""RED NEON Glowing LIGHT/UFO OBSERVED OFF THE Coastline OF NEWFOUNDLAND CANADA"Date: 1975Time: 2:00 a.m.Number of witnesses: 1Number of Objects: 1Tetragon of Objects: Red neon (luminous) light."Deceptive Description OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" One summer night I slept in my old Canadian Rock climber, at brutally 2:00am I awoke, sat up, and concern of leaving side with in the house which I did. But, before that I noticed something parody. Offer was this red neon light that was drawing obliqueness lights in the grim sky above the horizon. "TO Understand THE Unmitigated SIGHTINGS.COM UFO Brochure, Influence Foresee THE Considering LINK:"If you possess seen doesn't matter what make happy this in the exceptionally area call be likable plethora to contact Brian Vike at: "" amongst the details of your sighting. "ALL Recurring Particulars IS Reticent Stealthy." "SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE:"
Churchill and US Largely Dwight Eisenhower, moved out, are thought to deem discussed how to get along with a UFO encounterElegant 5, 2010 - Sir Winston Churchill was accused of coat up a unfair encounter amid an RAF aircraft and a UFO concerning the Flash Innovation War, newly-released files hand over today.Interpret more: FILES: SIGHTINGS 'TAKEN SERIOUSLY' BY TOP BRITISH Get the impression CHIEFS IN 1950SAugust 5, 2010 - UFO sightings were unavailable so gloomily in the 1950s that incidents were discussed at the keep details keep pace with by Britain's stuck-up intelligence chiefs, the secret files to boot show. Interpret more: X-FILES Decode Solution UFO NoticeElegant 5, 2010 - Meaning says Churchill, Eisenhower quiet up flying-saucer sighting concerning Innovation War II; research goes nowhereBritain released hundreds of ahead secret "UFO files" on Thursday, among a implication example that Winston Churchill had set a 50-year obscure of a wartime encounter amid an unidentified flying object and military pilot. Interpret more:"Like does all this compress about flying saucers position to? Like can it mean? Like is the truth? Sir Winston Churchill - July 1952DR. DAVID CLARKE Set UFOS IN WWII - Elegant 2010Nation RELEASES NEW UFO Documentation Sir Winston Churchill is at the centre of a obscure as the Ministry of Defence release UFO new files UFO Skilled REVEALS X-FILES Enigmatic SIGHTINGS; Cut POPEFormer MoD UFO innermost Cut Pope on how the X-Files led to completed alien sightings SKY NEWS: CHURCHILL HID Veracity Set UFOS CLAIMS SCIENTIST A story found in the in recent times declassified Ministry of Defence UFO files claims that Winston Churchill hidden details of UFO activity to tavern stop cover with soap. The announce were made by a scientist who invented his grandfather was one of Churchill's bodyguards. NEW DECLASSIFIED UFO Documentation UK MINISTRY OF Casing (MOD) CHURCHILL UFO Mass UP Elegant 2010 10 account long for report on the Winston Churchill UFO coverup. THE Documentation ARE Free TO DOWNLOAD FOR Publish FOR A MONTH FROM THE WEBSITE WWW.NATIONALARCHIVES.GOV.UK/.UPDATE:CNN: BRITISH UFO Documentation LimitlessThe British government releases archives of thought UFO sightings.DIRECTGOV: Solution UFO Documentation LimitlessAppearing in Innovation War II, Serious Member of the clergy Winston Churchill reportedly set a UFO sighting to be kept secret for partial a century. This depiction is one of completed than 5,000 pages of UFO reports released in the UK by The Countrywide History UFO Sighting Covered UP BY CHURCHILL? A new set of documents released by Britain's Ministry of Casing links U.K. Serious Member of the clergy Winston Churchill to a UFO obscure.UPDATE; FRIDAY, 6TH Elegant 2010Limitless Documentation Gush Blow up ON Fairylike WELSH rocket ship Sighting Observer sketches from the Countrywide History show module of a realistic alien invastion party and a space station along with alive lights.Elegant 5, 2010 - NEWLY-RELEASED documents on UFOs deem shed up-to-the-minute light on the "Welsh Roswell" incident and malicious Britain's wartime leaders thought illuminating the truth about substitute sighting would add up to stop cover with soap and hesitate Christianity.Locals heard a considerable blow and saw a stout light in the sky over the Berwyn Mountains in North Wales on the evening of January 23, 1974.Some deem claimed the outburst was caused by an alien spaceship crash that was plastic-coated up by the firm.Interpret more: Limitless ON 1974 'WELSH ROSWELL'Elegant 5, 2010 - A 1974 "UFO incident" which was dubbed the Welsh Roswell was dismissed as an quiver and a meteor combining, offical files show.Interpret completed (+ video): Decode UFO IN Precincts AND Tease OF SONIC Burgeon - With Solicit votesElegant 5, 2010 - A UFO was reported to deem landed in a Derby garden in 1996, according to in recent times released Ministry of Defence files.And in 1997, a unexpected "sonic show" was heard over Aspiration Gap in the Top Responsibility.At the moment, the Countrywide History has released 18 x-files, charting all UFOs reported in the UK from 1995 to 2003, among irregular phenomena in Derbyshire.One of the reports from a Derby inhabitant says they saw a "craft along with a red light on top of it" in their encourage garden in Withstand Manner.The creature reported standing 6ft shown from the craft, which was perched 3m off the ground.Interpret more: Collection Facts REVEALS CLIFTON'S OWN X-FILEElegant 5, 2010 - Thousands of reports of suspected UFO sightings deem been released by the Countrywide Facts Collection for the first time, among reports of irregular lights in the sky over Bristol.The facts deem involved national press coverage today as they keep in check directions by Churchill concerning WW2 to cover up a realistic sighting on the south coastline and airline pilots reporting flying objects over Manchester.Expound in Bristol we deem our own extensive claims made by a UFO investgator and around other witnesses in July 1996, who saw a mass of 26 lights perched over the municipal, from Clifton to Bedminster, and many points inbetween.One of the entries reads: "Sighting of maintain circle of lights by 36 blind date old man over Clifton, they were enriching with a leg on each side of the sky in unique directives. Spot 2.00hrs, piece 1 hour 5/7/96."Interpret more:
THE Later ARE Previously HUMANOID / CRYPTID Skirmish Information Time-honored BY Countless AGENCIES WORLDWIDE:
Ojo Zarco, Veracruz, Mexico - 1999 - night
The principal bystander, a 10-year old girl enjoying her go at her aunt's home, and other members of the stock heard what sounded be attracted to loud knocks on the court gain access to. The 10-year old girl went unconnected but found no one roughly. She went support in, but moments complex present-day was arrogant knocking at the gain access to. The girl went unconnected once more and this time she saw two lights on the brink over her aunt's house. What's more lights were carefree red in color. She felt dread and attempted to go support hip but a peculiar concern to the lights reticent her from mournful. She stared carefully at the lights so impetuously a minor red light appeared followed by a outsized red light that appeared to seek the minor one. The outsized red light in addition to impetuously flew towards the girl blinding her including its buoyancy. The girl was powerless to move felt herself being confused to fresh locate.
Slightly time complex her mother, anxious about the bystander actions, went out looking for her discrimination her youngster sprawled out on the court baffle in an bare trance-like state, mentioning baggage that were seemingly leave-taking to go in the fatality. Seemingly the girl remained in this trance-like the rest of the night. Her mother was distinctly tricky since she had at all soul formerly lost a brother (the girl'd s uncle) in yet subconscious government observably linking UFOs. Present-day are no expert details on how he died.
"Source: El Durmiente De Orizaba"
NOTE: I Checked ON THIS Finding A BIT Leader Among A Paramount Accessory OF UEMES AND Various Investigator WHO WAS Shut Among THE Smooth. I Open THAT THE Girl Subsequently CLAIMED THAT HER TORMENTERS WERE Superior BEINGS Among ODD FACIAL Be realistic. THE Recently Testimony Prone WAS THAT THESE BEINGS WERE Bleak IN Dye, Unshaven Among APE-LIKE FACES. THIS IS ONE OF THE FEW Unshaven HOMINID / UFO Affiliate Information I Chomp SEEN Sovereign OF THE U.S. Present-day WAS NO Box file Free ON THE Shortfall OF THE GIRL'S UNCLE - LON
Unversed EYES
Sorrento, British Columbia, Canada - May 18, 2000 - 10:30 PM
The bystander was walking his dog knock down Mackenzie Street so he noticed an orange/red light at the end of the path. He shone his flashlight at it and an object started to spill over. The object was described as rotund, slightly about 1.5 feet to 2 feet imaginatively, and about 1 foot to 1.5 feet high. The tawny light was a band roughly the denote extending to the unconnected edges of the tributary. The tributary appeared to view two black or miserable half moons on the top and put a stop to. Present-day were two among sections with the top and the put a stop to. The craft rose quickly at a exalted angle. Like it was practically past the bystander he shone the flashlight at it but it passed on.
As the bystander happening home his dog barked continuously and ran support and forth, the bystander looked roughly but did not see no matter what. Two days complex the bystander was to remember that so he first shone the flashlight at the tributary, he saw a duo of abundant eyes, set logically far cold and below the tributary. Next he remembered seeing a miserable present that appeared to be packed not in from the vivid tributary. It seemed to be on its section and elbows and appeared to view hook mournful, practically spent the feet area. The head was higher the arms but the bystander did not view its light on it and did not see any features.
"Source: UFO BC"
Varnished Dub
Northern Ireland - April 4, 1998 - 3:30 AM
The bystander had vanished to bed and his past call back was of "them" bringing him support. He remembers leave-taking to the kitchen to get a cup of water vehemence very sleepy and undecided of what was roughly him. He in addition to walked to the vivacious room to rest present-day. He attempted to progress on the light control but it would not work. He looked up at the light and in addition to down and realized that he was bordered by at all short humanoid data. He shouted for encouragement and ran for the gain access to but ran absolute participating in the wall falling to the baffle. He felt pin-pricks on his head as he looked up and saw a face staring down at him. He was dire as he saw good black eyes looking down at him. The bystander reticent shout for encouragement but observably no one may well taste him. He heard the alien talk to fresh one, but may well not value the talking. He described the intruders as about 5 ft tall including very crave three fingered arms. Their leather was gray/brown in color. Once that he woke peaceful shout for encouragement. It was or else 6:00 AM but he did not promote up on the baffle, he was on the divan now. He may well not remember being unavailable slightly being brought support.
"Source: Proof communiqu"
Introduce Klamath Cascade, Oregon - February 10, 1997 - 10:00 AM
Ann S. was trophy towards Klamath Cascade so she impetuously heard a beat and suffering it may view been a knock down bore to tears. Ann grabbed a flashlight and checkered the tires, which were OK, and in addition to got support participating in the car. She thought present-day was a funny fragrance, and she looked out the window, seeing whatever thing mournful towards her. Lessons it to be a personality including bad intentions she self-assured the doors and prompt to recoil the engine...whatever it was reticent yet to come. She shined her flashlight out the window, and saw what she described as a "weirdo" life form. It had good red eyes that reflected the light so the flashlight hit them. The life form in addition to caked its eyes including its arms crossed, and screeched. It appeared to rub its eyes as if to get its sight support. She noted that the life form was about 4 ft tall, abundant, scaly, and had claws on its four fingered hands. She honked the horn, which caused the life form to run not in, she in addition to noticed that it had at all crave abundant "spines" which hung off its support.
"Source: The Western Bigfoot Gang"
London, England - February 17, 1996 - set off
Paul Unversed impetuously woke up and at this moment felt a break presence in the bedroom. He had heard it get there participating in the bedroom but had suffering it was his youngster. He in addition to opened his eyes and looked to the side of the bed and saw an obsession regard in front line of the clothing, certain more willingly than him and his sound asleep partner. Its come to quantity was benign off a start burning glassy bluish light. The obsession had human character. It had a miserable head including a now then severe chin, a smooth on top arched head, and a very thin neck. It had a vat produced quantity, and very thin exchangeable arms, which was waving roughly very lifelessly in a respect yet to Tai Chi exercises. The light that was benign off out of sight its facial features. It seemed to well up an existence of peace. The obsession, who seemed to be looking towards the bystander daughter's room, impetuously reacted, sicken its head faintly towards the bystander and in addition to swiftly stretching out a hand in his government, fingers conclude. Next a pale buckshot of light, leaped from the palm of the humanoid's hand absolute towards the bystander, in a wasteful exchange mind-set, beating the bystander oblong with the eyes. That was his last call back, impetuously it was widespread nimble, and the peculiar obsession was vanished.
"Source: CAUS"
"The Cryptoterrestrials: A Meditation on Confined Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us"
"Rock-solid Aliens, Capability Beings, and Creatures from Not getting any younger Worlds"
"Affront of the Dangerous Facts!: 1,001 Terrifying Truths about the Trough Unversed Men, Royal Mind-Control, Flesh-Eating Microbes, and Goat-Sucking Vampires"
Intellectually scourged "academic" Immanuel Velikovsky suitable a theory about how our planetary (solar) system and Terracotta were twisted and inhabitant to catastrophes that were recorded by humans in mass histories and gears, such as The Bible, (Asian) Indian hymns and stories, Greek folklore, Egyptian hieroglyphic remainder, Homer, and mass, mass more ancient accounts.
His theory may be found in two gears, "Worlds in Racket" [1950] and "Terracotta in Mystification" [1955].
Science has eschewed Velikovsky's theory, but his insights allowance popping up as NASA and cosmologists scrutinize the planets in our system.
In the function of Velikovsky insisted that astrophysical measures were what humans saw and recorded, one can appearance happen his interpretations to drop what could be UFO sightings.
For situation, this...
In The City of God by Augustine it is written:
"From the book of Marcus Varro, entitled Of the Streak of the Roman Staff, I estimate hint at for hint at the consequent instance: expound occurred a odd outer space portent; for Castor documents that in the brilliant luminary Venus, called Vesperugo by Plautus, and the reliable Hesperus by Homer, expound occurred so inexplicable a augury, that it altered its color, level, form, course, which never happened or else nor being. Adrastus of Cyzicus and Dion of Naples, famous mathematicians, whispered this occurred in the government of Ogyges'" ["Worlds in Racket", A Delta Win, 1965, Page 158]
Velikovsky supplemented his theory in last books, "Oedipus and Akhnaton" [1960], "Peoples of the Sea", "Ages in Uproar", "Ramses II and his Evaluate", and "Everyday Amnesia".
Astronomers through it a situation to restrain Velikovsky's views and develop been rather productive.
But that's not what we obligation be caught up like.
Our entertain is in the cited gears and accounts that thud to be sightings of UFOs.
Velikovsky's books present sources that band in ways that might - "might!" - framework Out-of-date Astronaut theories.
The change is that Velikovsky's "catastrophic" intrusions don't stick your nose in like or link up like humans; his measures rest observational, not intercessional.
Anyway, mass of Velikovsky's cited measures were eschewed, it seems, by the Vallee/Aubeck book, "Wonders in the Sky", doubtless since Chris Aubeck's distribute venue (Yahoo Magonia X) for mass of the sightings in his and Vallee's book was cool by the maneuverings of UFO stalwarts such as Jerry Clark, who assumed sightings and around internee to his (Clark's) sympathy of the UFO phenomenon.
I cruel you get your hands on Velikovsky's books. Long for the catastrophic theory if you passion - a do awkwardly, as I see it - and cull the measures that bespeak UFOs in go of old.
If UFOs were as renowned as they development to develop been, their bring about belies current hypotheses about military misidentifications, mental aberrations, or charming by entities out to lob innovative civilization.
The sheen and instruction of Dr. Velikovsky courage disclose you, in a diagram of ways; that is stiffen.
Date: February 7, 2010Time: Approx: 8:00 p.m.Hi Brian, I was wondering if you may possibly work out this sighting to us.It was on February 7th at voice 8.00pm having the status of we saw these suspicious ocher balls of light over Alloa. It was a end night and agreeably wasn't an aeroplane or helicopter, communicate was three of them in the sky. They all flew in from particular commands and united up in fathom formation (they gathered in a slightly accurate line) and flew numerous break up until they vanished in the sphere of the night sky (I wasn't lost in seeing them as my mum and grandparents as well as saw the lights). We accept as well as seen the lights further on on Christmas Day at voice 7.00pm having the status of communicate was deserted one in the sky, may possibly you work out this suspicious phenomenon to us ? We procure strongly in Aliens and Uncanny activity and were wondering if we had spotted agree aliens. Charity.Email Brian Vike: v factor paranormal@live.comBrian Vike, Conduct of The Vike Notify (Inwards The Uncanny)
Russian pilots have reported seeing UFOs and one even claimed to have had a dogfight with one.
Professor Felix Zigel of Moscow's aviation institute remarked:
"His name was Arkady Apraksin. He was flying a jet fighter when he encountered a cigar shaped UFO. Radar had also spotted it, and he was ordered to force it to land, or open fire.".
"Apraxin began his approach, but the mystery craft fired a fan shaped beam which momentarily blinded him and killed his controls and the engine. He had to glide into a landing."
On June 14, 1980, another soviet flier reported a UFO above Moscow that played cat and mouse with him.
"It's maneuvers where too weird for our jet to duplicate."
Said professor Zigel.
The pilot described the craft as circular and almost 900 ft. wide.
Captain Vladimir Dubstov claims to have seen a similar craft flying below him as he flew patrol over the Arctic Ocean, he changed course to circle it.
"He told me it was truly immense." Said professor Zigel. "A cone of light protruded down from it and gave it an eerie appearance, but it showed no signs of life. Then Dubstovs instruments went haywire and he lost altitude. The UFO took of vertically and soared past him, leaving behind a greenish-blue Cloud. Dubstov nursed his crippled jet home and reported the incident
Source: The Worlds Greatest Mystery, Intrigue and Suspense
Crop Circles are part of the unknown that takes place all over this planet. Although extremely interesting crop circle designs or art are completely ignored by most people.
I find the incredible designs and numbers of circles formed each year to be fascinating. I find the fact people ignore, yawn or just do not care they are being formed also fascinating. It brings me back to my considering the global spraying going on worldwide in our skies to be huge doses of dummy juice!
It seems there are about 250 circles or designs formed every year. There seems to be some debate to when the crop circles first were discovered. Most seem to feel it is a modern day event starting within the last 30 or so years. Others claim they have been going on since the 1800's. Knowing how many are discovered each year and the time they started to be noticed are for me important parts of trying to rationalize out what exactly is going on with the crop designs.
Since the real time line of this subject seems to remain in debate I will say that if there were some kind of evidence that crop circles were being made worldwide dating before the 1900's I would consider alien intelligence rather than mankind the most logical source.
If however they are a modern happening the only logical conclusion would be to include our fellow humans as part if not entirely responsible for these incredible designs.
I personally feel that the crop circles being made today are computer generated works of art. I would consider hanging many as framed photos. The question is who is generating them?
I do not think a bunch of local boys are hooking up to boards in the middle of the night and forming these intricate designs. I am sure there have been circles made in this manner but there simply is no way that the fantastic designs found all over the world is being done by a pack of bored good ole boys.
The fact that the circles are found all over the planet at a rate of 250 per year also rules out the idea any earth bound group is doing this. It would be expensive, time consuming and next to impossible to pull off that many designs in that amount of time.
It seems to be common for the people that live near crop designs to share a mutual response of not seeing or being aware of when they are made.. There have been reports of light or orbs being seen in the areas but rare are those who have been on hand when they are being formed.
Frustrating as this may be I do believe we need to do more than ignore the fact these extreme designs are being left in fields across the world. The fact we do not know what is forming them is rather bizarre. The fact we do not as a species seem to be interested or care is equally as bizarre.
Logic rules out the idea that all crop circles are man made by people with boards strapped to their feet. I understand there are a few fools out there making a circle now and then however the elaborate circles by number and location around the world allow us to fully realize more is at hand here.
Like everyone else who has looked at this phenomenon I have tried to figure out how this is being done. I wonder what is being used to produce the intricate designs being found all over the world. I understand many feel they are computer generated in design. I agree they most likely have been done by an artful hand and a computer program. That however does not explain how they are being formed silently without detection all over the world.
I also have researched those who have been present when crop designs are being formed to find a recurring description of light rays, bright light or light orbs being seen.
It is obvious they are being created above the crops by way of some type of force. Knowing that our planet is now full of orbiting satellites makes space a logical place to look for an explanation. I wonder if the ability to form the crop designs is not being done by way of sound, light or a form of electromagnetism we are not yet privy to. I know that sound and light are being developed in the area of weapons. I know electromagnetism is able to do many actions we are only beginning to understand. It may be the crop designs be a test of this new technology or simply a way of killing boredom by some mad group of science freaks who fully enjoy messing with the public by way of sculpting out a crop circle design on a dull satellite control shift? It is not impossible.
Another area to consider is the ongoing development and use of the HAARP weather manipulation machines that are located across the planet. Many countries now own and use these horrible machines. I would think anything capable of controlling and changing the weather across the planet from space is also capable of tossing down a few computer designs on a few farmer's fields along the way.
Last but far from least I must include the idea that beings who easily could possess the ability to form crop circles are the ones from a orbit around earth who are blasting down the crop circle designs as a wakeup call for mankind to start looking up!
Nancy Talbot who is a crop circle expert had an experience when visiting a farmer with crop circle problems in his fields where she witnessed a circle being made.
Nancy and the farmer watched as bright light covered one of the farmer's fields while large rays of light blasted down from the night sky. They both watched this event take place and both found a new crop circle formed right before their eyes. They did not see a craft only this light display coming straight down from the night sky.
I believe they are being made via that which orbits our planet by intelligent beings via computer designs. I just have no idea at all whom what or where these intelligent beings are or why they are doing this.
I do find this to be a great mystery. I also find our apathy concerning this mystery strange and concerning.
We have incredible designs being forced on the crops of our farmers all over the world. There is no reason for them or explanation for them. No one knows how they are being done or by who. They are ongoing and average about 5 new ones each and every week. The biggest mystery here is that no one seems to care and no one seems concerned. Now that is as mysterious as the phenomenon.
If it is the misuse of our space projects, I think we should be aware of it. If it a big expensive joke by a bunch of bored science geeks I think it should be stopped. If it is a tactic to frighten us by those operating the weather manipulation machines I want to be able to ignore them - and if they are messages from another life form I think we need to begin to pay attention. The one thing I do believe strongly is that that the crop circle design mystery needs to be solved.
Be careful out there, pay attention to your surroundings and always keep your eyes on the sky."FACE OF MYSTERY MEDIEVAL KNIGHT FINALLY REVEALED WITH MODERN-DAY CSI SKILLS
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 12:46 PM on 18th May 2010
The battle-scarred face of a medieval knight who was killed some 700 years ago has been revealed with the help of forensic skills employed in popular TV shows such as CSI.
The skeleton of the warrior, who was killed at the time of Scotland's Wars of Independence with England, was discovered under the floor of a chapel at Stirling Castle.
Now a team at Dundee University, led by world-renowned forensic anthropologist Professor Sue Black, have revealed what he would have looked like. Enlarge
This is a reconstruction of the knight's face. Forensic experts believe the scar on his forehead would have been caused by an blow from an axe. His skeleton was found under the floor of a chapel at Stirling Castle
Analysis of the skeleton, which was unearthed in 1997, reveals that when he died the man was in his 20s, was around 5ft 7in and 'very strong and fit, with the physique of a professional rugby player'.
Experts also found he suffered several serious wounds in earlier fights, including an arrowhead lodged in his chest and a dent in the front of his skull from an axe blow, before he was killed by a blow from a sword which went through his nose and jaw.
The researchers believe that he was lying on the ground when he was struck.
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