" In black and white By: Ken HulseySource: Charleston Piece StationLand signer Kris Allen says that he has been seeing Bigfoot in his resident West Virginia since he was eight time old. The sightings chomp habitually not here him frightened, yet he has turned his fear participating in soul to maintain that the living being is in no doubt real.Allen is so irritated to maintain the existence of Bigfoot that he has lured the habitually unsettled crypto theoretical Tom Biscardi to his community state in hopes of capturing the indefinable boar on film, imaginably by a film troop filming Biscardi.For the farther than blind date, a troop from California-based Fair-haired Fern Tape has been train Biscardi ring-shaped the terra firma documenting his exploits for a 3D film about the theoretical, and Bigfoot sightings, to be released in imitation of stool pigeon.Biscardi guts be bringing all of the best knowledge he can convene to try and track down evidence of the charming living being, plus video cameras later night-vision capabilities.The theoretical guts set up camp in the Kanawha State-owned Afforest this forthcoming weekend. Due to the reliance that the Bigfoot household is nocturnal, the passage guts be behave their hunting surrounded by 10 p.m. and 3 a.m.According to Allen the area ring-shaped Kanawha is a extract 'hot-spot"' for seeing Bigfoot, in fact he and his initial son saw one of them in the area well last week.Biscardi has been in contact later Allen for the farther than nine months and believes that the as the crow flies signer for the band Southern Grumble, is a forceful make a recording. The fact that the supply of sightings in the tree-plant of West Virginia has spiked over the last few weeks, has undisputable the theoretical that now is the time to put cool his investigation.Biscardi significant, "He comes later a lot of belief (ALLEN)..... he and his spouse chomp been having these sightings of these creatures, these primates."These creatures are on their migrational footstep in a minute now. Mark now, they're in verdure. And being of the weather, you're experiencing this a lot to be more precise than the West Slide along."Allen first saw two Bigfoot close Sherwood Swimming pool in Greenbrier District ripping the roar off grass about fifteen time ago. Consistently since also he has been also worried and rapt by the creatures. He has been behave his own inexperienced research on the charming monsters consistently since."From there on, I became an investigator," he assumed. "I chomp disappeared numberless hours in the tree-plant later cameras. I chomp hard hundreds of photos of foot tracks. I chomp feces from them. They are omnivorous and nocturnal."A lot of clique don't talk about the paradoxical matter they see in the tree-plant being they don't ache clique to joke at them," he assumed."I ache proof. I ache proof that the world can see. I don't ache qualities to query me once more."Gone any chance, Biscardi guts be able to track down the selfless of evidence that guts add belief to these sightings.Of course, this all hinges on the film company securing the faithful permits beforehand the weekend. The offices of the West Virginia Stain Role has been notified of the weekend push, and so has the National Remain Aid, though the special match to film in the Kanawha State-owned Afforest in the same way as it is congested overnight has not yet been fortified.See Also: Unlike Give up To Not Wander Set In The Reforest At Night - Wes Sullivan's '"Nightbeasts"' / Hunting For Monsters And Bonus Shadowy Mysteries In My Own Backyard / '"Savage"' To Premiere At Horrorfind Weekend In Maryland / The Bloody Anger Of Bigfoot - Two Hot Girls On A Motorcycle / Baack's Hardcore Bigfoot Babes....Gone Guns! / The Bloody Anger Of Bigfoot - Censored For Your Shelter / New Photos And Personal ad For Personal ad Remain Geocachers Facade Bigfoot / Satantha And Loosey-Fur The Two Evil Witches From The Bloody Anger Of Bigfoot / Transform A Distinctive Attention And A penchant For Caddyshack Voguish A Bigfoot Capture on film Work out / Satantha Cuts All through The Report - The Bloody Anger Of Bigfoot / The Bloody Anger Of Bigfoot (3D) - Magnetism And The Living thing....Beautiful, Outstanding Sort Magnetism Is The Living thing.. / Brian Splendid Wants To Back That The Werewolf Parable Mutated Voguish The Bigfoot Eccentric / Oklahoma Bigfoot Researchers Breeze Abode Gone Prints And Line Encounters / Examiner Hopes Flooding Stimulus Influence Out The Yowie / Russian Yetis Satirical Voguish Siberian Pat lightly Store up / The Bloody Anger Of Bigfoot - New Personal ad And Filming Report / The Bloody Anger Of Bigfoot - Bigfoot Revealed! / Bigfoot Southern Fried - The Creature Of Gum Escalation Having difficulties On Tape! / The Innovative Idea Of The Creature From The Bloody Anger Of Bigfoot / The Innovative Draft Stills From The Bloody Anger Of Bigfoot / A Appearance Turn up Gone Bigfoot - Highway 180 - Arizona
Intrebare pe un forum de discutii cu tematica paranormala: "Cati extraterestri traiesc, in acest moment, pe Pamant, deghizati in oameni?" Raspuns: "Toti, in afara de tine, suntem extraterestri; esti singurul om ramas, dar nu te teme, vom veni si dupa tine, curand". Dincolo de aceasta gluma, mai multe sondaje, extrem de serioase, releva un fapt uimitor: unul din cinci pamanteni crede ca extraterestri traiesc printre noi, deghizati in oameni.O sondare a opiniei publice, efectuata de Reuters cu ajutorul a 23.000 de subiecti adulti din 22 de tari, a conchis ca INDIA ESTE, IN CONSTIINTA LOCALA, UN EPICENTRU DE ACTIVITATE EXTRATERESTRA, IAR 45% DINTRE OAMENII DE AICI SUNT CONVINSI CA O INVAZIE EXTRATERESTRA ESTE DEJA IN DERULARE. Nici chinezii nu sunt departe, 42% dintre acestia aderand la idei similare, urmati de cei 29% dintre japonezi care isi suspecteaza concetatenii ca ar putea avea origini extraterestre. In Australia, 23% dintre cei chestionati cred ca extraterestrii exista pe Pamant, in timp ce belgienii, germanii si suedezii sunt mai sceptici si doar in proportie de 8% acrediteaza o asemenea teorie. Desigur, multi dintre cei care au dezmintit posibilitatea ca fiinte straine sa traiasca printre noi ar putea fi ei insisi extraterestri care doresc sa ramana nedescoperiti.
La o prima vedere, ideea unor "spioni extraterestri" strecurati printre noi pare, dincolo de a fi copilareasca si paranoica, rezultatul direct al unor povesti si filme stiintifico-fantastice, de tipul "Oameni in Negru", prin care tocmai un asemenea scenariu le este servit consumatorilor. Dar, la o aplecare mai atenta asupra subiectului, pastrand desigur rezervele de bun simt ale gandirii critice, se naste timid intrebarea "SI TOTUSI, DE CE NU?"
Este suficient sa ne gandim in felul urmator, pentru a lasa sa ne patrunda "in sistem" un crampei de indoiala: OARE NOI, OAMENII - AVENTURIERI, OPORTUNISTI, CURIOSI SI ISCODITORI, CUM NE STIM -, AM EVITA SA NE STRECURAM IN SANUL UNEI CIVILIZATII INFERIOARE, NOU DESCOPERITA, CA MEMBRI AI EI, PENTRU A O STUDIA SI CHIAR MANIPULA DIN INTERIOR, in masura in care abilitatile noastre fizice si psihice sau tehnologia de care dispunem ne-ar permite acest lucru? Oare ce anume, dincolo de discutabile bariere morale sau anumite riscuri, ne-ar opri sa intreprindem o asemenea actiune?
Desigur, chiar si pentru cei care cred sincer in extraterestri, paralela poate parea fortata si ideea in sine mai degraba apanajul unei minti foarte entuziaste. Cat despre cei bigoti, care resping oricum din start existenta unor fiinte extraterestre, nici nu mai poate fi vorba ca ar acorda ceva mai mult decat statutul de blasfemie unor ganduri de acest fel. Si totusi, chiar in proportie minima, O POSIBILITATE CA UNII DINTRE NOI, POATE CHIAR LIDERII NOSTRI, SA FIE EXTRATERESTRI, NU DE IERI DE AZI, CI DINTOTDEAUNA, SI POATE NICI MACAR CONSTIENT, EXISTA. Tot asa cum exista, in acelasi procentaj, eventualitatea ca tot ceea ce frizeaza fantezia si despre care nu s-a demonstrat ca nu ar putea sub nicio forma exista, pana la urma... sa existe. Pur si simplu, pentru ca ne trece prin gand, sunt sanse sa se intample.
Toata povestea este, la urma urmei, conditionata strict de existenta sau inexistenta extraterestrilor. Daca Ei exista intr-adevar, daca zboara prin spatiu cu viteza luminii, daca sunt extrem de avansati tehnologic si daca ne-au descoperit, mai mult chiar, daca ne si seamana fizic, atunci, ironic, SANSELE CA EXTRATERESTRI SA FI COBORAT INTRE OAMENI SUNT MAI MARI CHIAR DECAT SA NU O FI FACUT. Deci si in aceasta situatie, cumva, discutia se rezuma tot la problema existentei extraterestrilor si nu la posibilitatea ca ei sa recurga la asemenea tactici de... spionaj.
Totul suna nebunesc, dar nici nu este condamnabil ca se nasc asemenea teorii, atunci cand PE CER APAR NECONTENIT, DE ZECI DE ANI, FENOMENE SI OBIECTE ZBURATOARE INEXPLICABILE, iar sute de filme, carti, emisiuni si discutii vazute, citite, urmarite si purtate de-a lungul timpului alimenteaza constant teoriile despre extraterestri si ne orienteaza in directia OZN-urilor. Pe urma, mai sunt siCELEBRELE CAZURI DE RAPIRI EXTRATERESTRE, probabil niciodata dovedite mai presus de orice banuiala, dar totusi numeroase si asumate de oameni vizibil marcati de ceva. Nu putem spune ca asemenea declaratii au adus vreodata cuiva faima internationala sau vreun beneficiu; dimpotriva, acesti oameni au fost mereu priviti ca ciudati si au dezvoltat serioase probleme in a duce o viata normala. Deci, cu greu se poate vorbi despre nascociri teatrale, cel mult poate fi invocata alienarea, nici ea foarte plauzibila, fiind adeseori vorba despre oameni intelectuali, culti, sanatosi mental.
Cultura populara ne-a "programat" sa vizualizam in mod standard fiintele extraterestre: VEDEM ACESTE CREATURI IN NUANTE CENUSII SAU VERZUI, CU CAPETE MARI, ALUNGITE, ATASATE UNOR CORPURI SEMI-ATROFIATE, CU OCHI MARI SI NEGRI. Totusi, mai multi cercetatori, din diferite motive, au ajuns sa creada ca exista multiple, chiar o multitudine, de specii sau rase extraterestre. Cateva dintre ele sunt unanim acceptate de adeptii ideii.
CEL MAI FAIMOS TIP DE EXTRATERESTRU ESTE MICUTUL CENUSIU, prezentat mai sus si cunoscut uneori sub denumirea de Zeta Reticulan. Acest tip de extraterestru este principalul suspect din spatele fenomenului rapirilor. Banuiti ca ar avea sentimente putine spre deloc, Cenusii sunt priviti ca cercetatori reci si cruzi, care deruleaza experimente pe oameni, fiind LIPSISI DE ORICE FEL DE COMPASIUNE. Par sa lucreze ca o singura unitate coeziva, cu o oarecare constiinta colectiva, controlata de un Cenusiu Sef. Singura grija pe care o au este perpetuarea propriei specii, despre care unii cred ca ar fi genetic avariata.
O ALTA SPECIE DE EXTRATERESTRI, CARE FACE, MAI ALES IN ULTIMA VREME, SUBIECTUL PRINCIPAL AL MULTOR TEORII CONSPIRATIONISTE, ESTE CEA A REPTILIENILOR. Aceasta rasa se numara printre putinele de a caror existenta aproape toti entuziastii fenomenului sunt convinsi, dar ale caror origini nasc dezbateri aprinse. Cine sunt, de unde vin si care le este misiunea? Multe subcategorii de extraterestrii sunt incadrate ca fiind de provenienta reptiliana. Unii dintre cei mai titrati sunt Draconienii sau Dracos, care ar proveni din sistemul solar Alpha Draconis. De fapt, si-ar fi format colonii acolo, dar PROCLAMA PAMANTUL CA FIIND PLANETA LOR DE BASTINA. Unii chiar cred ca Terra le-ar apartine originar, in timp ce altii sunt de parere ca REPTILIENII AU INSEMINAT ACEASTA PLANETA si vad in noi proprietatea lor biologica. Indiferent de situatie, ii percep pe oameni ca inferiori. Sunt o rasa veche, daca nu chiar primordiala, fiind cruzi si abili. Escaladand subiectul, miturile spun ca reptilienii isi pot schimba forma, simuland aspectul uman. De aici, mai e un pas pana la inchegarea unor comunitati intregi adepte ale teoriei ca acesti extraterestri ne conduc in secret lumea, chiar de sub ochii nostri.
ACESTE FIINTE S-AR FI DEGHIZAT IN OAMENI SI AR TRAI PRINTRE NOI CA LIDERI, REGI, PRESEDINTI, PATRONI DE CONCERNE MEDIA SI OAMENI DE AFACERI; s-au pozitionat in toate punctele de putere si detin controlul popoarelor, creandu-si un mediu propice inainte de a putea sa isi arate adevarata fata si de a se proclama, in mod oficial, stapanii Terrei. Mai mult chiar, exista o teorie conform careiaREPTILIENII NU AR FI PARASIT NICIODATA PAMANTUL. Unii cred ca acestia sunt "extraterestri" doar pentru ca nu sunt umani, insa impart planeta cu noi in sferele ei subterane, ascunsi de ochii omenesti. In aceasta optica, reptilienii ar fi fost fortati sa se retraga in galerii subpamantene, iar guvernele noastre stiu despre existenta lor si se ingrijesc astfel de fragilul echilibru in care traim. Tot fiinte reptiliene mai sunt si Nagas, conform legendelor hinduse, care le asociaza cu "Lumea Serpilor", un sistem cavernos cu mai multe niveluri, de sub coastele sud-vestice himalayene: lacasul Naga.
O alta specie extraterestra celebra in randul ufologilor este cea a PLEIADIENILOR, NUME DAT UNUI GRUP DE EXTRATERESTRI NORDICI, SAU "FIINTE SPIRITUALE MULTIDIMENSIONALE" DIN CLUSTERUL STELAR AL PERSEIDELOR, AFLAT IN CONSTELATIA TAURUS, LA APROXIMATIV 400 DE ANI-LUMINA DE PAMANT. Planeta lor originara este Erra, localizata intr-o dimensiune alternativa situata cu o fractiune de secunda inaintea celei in care traim. Acesti extraterestri ar fi extrem de asemanatori cu oamenii. Elvetianul Billy Meier, cel care i-a scornit, sustine ca Ei l-ar fi contactat telepatic, prin anii '40, pentru ca in 1970 barbatul sa vina cu fotografii ale navelor pleiadienilor si cu schite ilustrandu-i chiar pe acestia. De atunci, Pleiadienii sunt subiectul unor dezbateri intense. Se crede despre ei ca SUNT PROFUND SPIRITUALI SI APROPIATI DE NATURA, FIINTE PASNICE CARE DORESC SA PREVINA AUTODISTRUGEREA OMENIRII, OFERINDU-NE, SUBTIL, FILOSOFII SI CAI ALTERNATIVE DE EXISTENTA.
Si ANUNNAKI REPREZINTA O RASA IMPORTANTA DE EXTRATERESTRI, PROVENIND DE PE O PLANETA CONTROVERSATA DIN SISTEMUL SOLAR, NIBIRU. In miturile sumeriene, acest corp astral ar fi casa unei avansate specii extraterestre de tip uman, numita Anunnaki, fata de care si Biblia ar avea unele referinte ascunse. Aceasta rasa ar fi sosit pe Terra cu 450.000 de ani in urma, in cautare de minerale, mai ales aur, pe care le-au gasit si exploatat in Africa. Se crede ca ANUNNAKI I-AR FI CREAT GENETIC PE "HOMO SAPIENS", SPECIAL CA SA LE FIE SCLAVI, prin amestecul propriilor gene cu acelea de"Homo erectus". Inscriptiile antice indica faptul ca civilizatia umana sumeriana din Mesopotamia a fost plamadita sub atenta indrumare a acestor "zei", notiunea de regalitate fiind inaugurata tocmai ca mediere intre specia umana si Anunnaki. Acestia sunt descrisi ca semanand cu oamenii, dar mai mari si mult mai puternici din punct de vedere fizic, precum si o rasa foarte agresiva si temperamentala, lipsita de moralitate, dupa standarde umane, si avand metode brutale.
Victor Martinez, coordonatorul e-mail-urilor informative, este un fost angajat federal preocupat de spatiu, aparare si probleme de natura curenta. Destinatarii stirilor sale prin e-mail numara o larga varietate de indivizi, la randul lor interesati de chestiuni stiintifice emergente si de varf, precum si de alte chestiuni mai degraba elitiste.
In e-mail-ul informativ din 24 aprilie 2010, Martinez si-a citat unul dintre pretinsele sale contacte, un actual sau fost oficial DIA, in legatura cu informatii proaspete pe marginea interactiunilor cu extraterestri, care ar putea fi de interes public. Se pare ca legatura din DIA A FURNIZAT INFORMATII DESPRE MONITORIZAREA SI INTERVENTIA OFICIALILOR SUA IN CAZUL UNEI FIINTE EXTRATERESTRE POZAND IN OM UNDEVA PE TERITORIUL AMERICAN. Acelasi contact a atras atentia si asupra unei sensibile operatiuni sub numele de cod "Operatiunea TANGO-SIERRA", derulata in 1980 si care a constat in implicarea serviciilor militare americane in capturarea unui extraterestru care traia printre oameni.
In acei ani, MAI MULTI AMERICANI AU PRETINS CA AR FI FOST RAPITI DE EXTRATERESTRI CU ASPECT UMAN, care le-ar fi aratat imagini holografice ale lumii lor si i-ar fi examinat in diferite chipuri, fara a-i "lua" de pe Pamant. Toti acesti indivizi au fost supusi testului cu poligraful, pe care l-au si trecut. Una dintre fiintele extraterestre a fost identificata in persoana unui barbat care locuia in apropiere de Landover, Maryland. Entitatea presupus non-umana a fost atent supravegheata, fotografiata si intr-un final capturata in apropierea unui supermarket. S-a stabilit rapid ca masculul nu avea puteri sau abilitati speciale.
Suspectul a fost interogat de mai multe echipe, pe parcursul mai multor saptamani, fiind, in total, chestionat si analizat vreme de patru luni. Se spune ca, in tot acest timp, EXTRATERESTRUL SI-AR FI MARTURISIT RASA, PLANETA DE PROVENIENTA SI MOTIVUL VIZITEI SALE PE PAMANT. PRACTIC, A COOPERAT SI A OFERIT DETALII DESPRE VIATA PE PLANETA SA DE BASTINA. Ar fi fost eliberat la ordinul direct al presedintelui Carter, la finele anului 1980, parasind Pamantul si plecand acasa. "Neomul" provenea din sistemul stelar Delta Pavonis, situat la 20 de ani-lumina distanta de Pamant, de pe a patra planeta de la soarele respectiv, planeta avand dimensiunea aproximativ egala cu cea a Pamantului. RASA ASTFEL DESCOPERITA A FOST DENUMITA SEPTELOIDA. Calatoria spre Terra a specimenului, conform propriilor declaratii, ar fi durat 18 luni pamantene, extraterestrul intrebuintand un foarte complex sistem de propulsie si un mod de a calatori prin distorsionarea continuumului spatio-temporal.
In momentul in care a fost eliberat, PERSONAJUL NON-UMAN A DISPARUT PUR SI SIMPLU. Inainte de aceasta a marturisit, intr-o engleza impecabila, ca extraterestrii din Delta Pavonis vizitau Pamantul deja de 100 de ani omenesti. Puteau imprumuta forma si aspectul umane, traind cu usurinta printre noi. In persoana terestra subiectul non-uman se ocupa cu pastrarea in evidenta a populatiei pentru Departamentul de Comert din Washington. A reusit astfel sa isi manufactureze propriile documente de identitate, preluand numele si datele de identificare ale unui pamantean decedat.Mai mult, conform sursei tutor acestor informatii, SEPTELOIZII, IN CIUDA FAPTULUI CA AICI, PE PAMANT, POSEDA TRASATURI SI ANATOMIE UMANE, NU SUNT FIINTE ASMENEA NOUA. ASPECTUL LOR REAL AR FI UNUL DE CREATURI HIDOASE IN OCHII NOSTRI, de natura sa inspaimaine orice om normal. Dar mai presus de orice, nu au puteri speciale, nu au arme asupra lor si nici intentii de a face rau. Singura lor misiune ar fi aceea de a studia fiintele pamantene si a obtine informatii despre structura trupului, anatomiei si interactiunii sociale umane.
Contactul lui Martinez nu a furnizat informatii privitoare si la alte fiinte de acest fel pe Pamant, dar a afirmat cu certitudine ca operatiuni de acelasi fel au mai existat, vizand situatii asemanatoare. Iar unitatea de elita 7620 Air Intelligence Wing, a carei existenta a fost secretizata multi ani, este considerata autoritatea suprama in investigarea acestui gen de cazuri. INTRE SPECIILE DE EXTRATERESTRI CU CARE SE SPECULEAZA CA OMENIREA AR MAI FI AVUT DE A FACE DE APROAPE, IN EPOCA MODERNA, SE NUMARA SI RASELE EBEN, SPECIE PASNICA SI COOPERANTA, SI TRANTALOID, SPECIE OSTILA SI PRIMEJDIOASA.
Daca ultima relatare se intampla sa le para cunoscuta unora dintre cititori, si nu pentru ca ar fi aflat-o anterior sub aceeasi forma, cel mai plauzibil motiv este asemanarea aproape izbitoare cu filmul artistic american "K-PAX", A CARUI INTRIGA SE BAZEAZA PE SITUATIA UNUI PACIENT AL UNUI SPITAL PENTRU BOLI MENTALE CARE PRETINDE CA AR VENI DE PE O ALTA PLANETA SI OFERA DETALII IMPRESIONANTE DESPRE LUMEA LUI. De asemenea, la fel ca in cele prezentate mai sus, si in film, personajul principal dispare in final ca prin minune din camera de spital. Cercetand pe Wikipedia cateva detalii despre cartea si filmul "K-PAX", se mentioneaza in scurta descriere ca, desi este o poveste fictionala, ea este prezentata ca si cum s-ar baza pe fapte reale. Putin probabil ca asemenarea dintre cele doua povesti sa fie pur coincidentiala.
Desigur, mometan, publicul nu dispune de, poate, nici macar o singura dovada incontestabila ca extraterestri ar trai printre noi. Si pana cand se va dovedi acest lucru, daca se va dovedi si daca este real, asemenea teorii vor ramane doar apanajul unei fantezii exacerbate, fantezie impartasita, totusi, de multi colocuitori ai planetei.
A secret spy plane belonging to the USAF in the UK -which has never been officially declared to exist, is reputed to have been a possible cause of what might have been behind a sequence of reported UFO sightings in the South of Wales, Great Britain in 1993.Some newly released evidential files point to this possibility. According to reports, a number in excess of 70 witnesses, some of them being police officers and even military personnel, have reported sightings in South Wales, and the English counties of Devon, Cornwall and Shropshire in the early hours of Wednesday March 31, 1993, witnesses described a large, low-flying object which made a low humming sound.A briefing note given to the Assistant Chief of the Air Staff, Sir Anthony Bagnall, who was the head of the Ministry of Defence's UFO desk at the time, stated that there seemed to be some evidence of an unidentified craft evading UK defences.He said; " he would not normally concern Sir Anthony with UFO sightings but continued: "You may wish to be aware of a recent particularly unusual incidence of UFO sightings over the UK, involving descriptions that match some of the reported characterisations of the so-called 'Aurora'."The Aurora was the name given to a secret project involving an unmanned US reconnaissance aircraft which was developed in the secret "Black Ops" in the 1980s and alleged to be capable of hypersonic flight and perhaps even unimaginable speeds and right angle turns.The plane was the subject of intense interest, and the British Government denied having given permission to experimental US flights over the UK. UFO desk wrote: "Some of the reports state that the object was moving at a very high speed, while some say that it was hovering or moving very slowly. Many of the reports refer to the object being very large, flying low and making a humming sound. My staff have spoken to a number of the military and police witnesses, many of whom commented that the object was unlike anything they had ever seen before".The statement continued: "In summary, there would seem to be some evidence on this occasion that an unidentified object (or objects) of unknown origin was operating over the UK. If there has been some activity of US origins which is known to a limited circle in MoD and is not being acknowledged it is difficult to investigate further."Sir Anthony reacted stating: "In spite of the quantity of the many witnesses who reported the unusual sightings on March 31, I can add nothing to the debate."The head of the UFO desk was later pressed to play down the subject.He wrote a further briefing note on May 7 saying that he had been contacted by the British UFO Research Association (Bufora) which told him the sightings coincided with the re-entry of a Russian rocket into the Earth's atmosphere, and that, although the re-entry could have explained some of these high altitude sightings, it was unable to explain many of the lower altitude sightings or the humming sound.He added that; "As you will see, we may have an explanation for some - but certainly not all - of the recent UFO sightings."The letter was returned with an additional hand-written note which said: "Thank you. I suggest you now drop this subject." two bright lights, with some kind of vapour trail travelling at just 200m above their heads on Gelligaer Common at about 1am.He apparently said; "Continuing questions of this nature cause us some concern and our secretary of state has been advised that I would be contacting the United States authorities in order to restate the MoD position and to seek confirmation that if any such unusual aircraft activity were to be envisaged by the United States Government which would in any way affect the United Kingdom, the United States Government would approach the Ministry of Defence to seek prior agreement."The sightings came from RAF Cosford, where police reported seeing two bright lights "flying at great velocity" above the area of the local airfield. There was no engine noise and a red glow from the rear of the lights, as they slowly faded over the horizon. According to a Met officer at RAF Shawbury the lights moved "erratically at hundreds of miles per hour unlike any aircraft" and that they appeared to be looking for something. The officer in question, who also heard a low humming sound emanating from the source of the lights, said he had never seen anything like it before.Below are some other cases from Welsh UFO sightings; Location of Sighting: Tredegar - South WalesDate of Sighting: 23rd May 2009Time: Around 22:24Witness Name: Jordan Fox Witness Statement: I live in Tredegar South Wales and last night 23/05/09 me and my friends saw a very strange "burning orange" object in the sky moving very fast, i took a photo of this.source ufo.co.ukBelow; Helicopter spots unusual aircraft over the Bristol Channel in South Wales - 00:40 am (23:40 GMT) on June 8
By THOMAS WATKINS, Associated Press
LOS ANGELES -- The elaborate mission to recover a moon rock led NASA agents to one of the most down-to-earth places: a Denny's restaurant in Riverside County.
But at the end of the sting operation, agents were left holding a speck of lunar dust smaller than a grain of rice and a 74-year-old suspect who was terrified by armed officials.
Five months after NASA investigators and local agents swooped into the restaurant and hailed their operation as a cautionary tale for anyone trying to sell national treasure, no charges have been filed, NASA isn't talking and the case appears stalled....
... More
See Also:
UFO Photographed in Moon Shot
Secret NASA Moon Photos!
Extraterrestrial Life On Jupiter's Moon, Europa?
Grab this Headline Animator
Reference: project-ufo.blogspot.com
"Seven primarily U.S. Air Shot personnel gathered in Washington Monday to relate UFO sightings over nuclear weapons facilities in decades preceding - accounts that a UFO studious says show extraterrestrial beings are inquiring in the world's nuclear arms people and may be conveyance humans a take notice of."At a news conference at the Testify Push Nightspot, the six primarily officers and one ex-enlisted man recalled either restricted sightings or reports from subordinates and others of UFOs suspended over nuclear weapon silos or nuclear weapons support areas in the 1960s, '70s and '80s."Three of the primarily Air Shot officers - then again they hadn't seen the UFOs themselves - told reporters that UFOs suspended over silos huskily Montana's Malmstrom Air Shot Difficult in 1967 appeared to cart succinctly deactivated specific of the nuclear armaments."A good deal of the note down beforehand has appeared in books, websites and unconscious. But UFO studious and author Robert Hastings, who organized the news conference, supposed the time has mature for the U.S. government to identify the UFO visits."I succeed - these gentlemen succeed - that this planet is being visited by beings from modern world, who for anything cause cart taken an consideration in the nuclear arms people which began at the end of Ball War II," supposed Hastings, who foster that senior than 120 primarily military personnel cart told him about UFOs visiting nuclear sites."Re the weapon curfew incidents, my attention... is that whoever are aboard these craft are conveyance a signal to both Washington and Moscow, among others, that we are playing past be enthusiastic about - that the hold and threatened use of nuclear weapons potentially threatens the human people and the reality of the planetary spirit," he supposed."Aforementioned Air Shot Capt. Robert Salas - who has on paper a book about the Montana incidents - supposed he was underground like a UFO hovered over his weapon storage bin in Show off 1967, and from now couldn't see it. He supposed one of his guards on top ground told him a red, fine object about 30 feet in diameter was suspended fitting on top the forefront gate of the capability, in an isolated area far from Malmstrom."And fitting as I [called my head], our armaments began goodbye all the rage what's called a no-go go by, or unlaunchable. Significantly, they were disabled being this object was endlessly suspended over out site," Salas supposed."Salas and others supposed the military urged them at the time not to talk about the incidents."Retired Col. Charles Fail recalled seeing UFOs over the wooded area portray Nation Air Shot Stations Bentwaters and Woodbridge in eastern England in December 1980. He and new member personnel were investigating reports of merciless lights fitting free one of the bases."All point the forest was a vital fine object," he supposed Monday. "The best way I can describe it, it looked tenderness an eye - past vital red, past a overcast center. It appeared to be winking. It was cracking no matter which tenderness molten metal, was wealthy off it."It surreptitiously inspired point the foliage, avoiding any contact, it bobbed up and down, and at one smudge it in all honesty approached us. We tried to get sooner. It receded out all the rage the aspect, spare the forest, and surreptitiously exploded all the rage five ineffective objects - history. So we went out all the rage the aspect looking for any evidence, to the same degree no matter which had been seemingly revealing off it - and we clutch meager amount," he supposed."He recalled after that seeing other objects in the sky, plus one that blocked about 3,000 feet overhead and "sent down a low gleam at our feet." No one was neglected."The best way I can relate it is finish of a laser gleam. We stood award in awe. Was this a warning? Was this an assess to communicate? Was this a weapon? Or fitting a probe?" he supposed."At about the exceedingly time, he was difficulty radio reports from base personnel that beams from specific of the objects were "revealing all the rage or portray the weapons support area."In a human resources open space later, a communal crucial "it happened off base, so it's a British topic," Fail recalled. "In other lines, they were loathing to get center."The Air Shot investigated UFOs from 1948 to 1969 under a program finally called Shield Blue Conquer. The tradition, on its website, says the project perfect that "no UFO reported, investigated, and evaluated by the Air Shot has habitually explicit any sign of coercion to our national new member." It more to the point says award has been "no evidence that sightings categorized as mysterious are extraterrestrial vehicles."Salas supposed the UFO phenomenon "is real, not legendary."Introduce is current spendthrift secrecy in our government about this phenomenon," he supposed."A teller of tales asked how numerous of the primarily military personnel subscribed to Hastings' theory that the take notice of of extraterrestrials is that humans penury get rid of nuclear weapons, and how numerous of them expected that we penury get rid of nukes. Of the seven, it appeared that a minute ago Salas raised his hand." Make known.tv - Downright Push Chat UFOs disabled Nukes 27-09-10 Track recordDownright CNN daub of Push ConferenceLET Happen IF YOU Entreat TO Happen
SHORT UFO FACT: [One of the most evidential cases of UFO contact was that of Stephen Michalak near Falcon Lake on 20th May 1967. He claimed to have come into contact with a landed UFO which he managed to get near enough to touch. Afterwards he became seriously ill. See the Falcon Lake case for further information]
SHORT UFO FACT: [Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota was the location of the 91st Strategic Missile Wing which housed the Minuteman missiles. On March 5th 1967 NORAD tracked several UFOs over Minot. Ground personnel also saw the UFOs and try chasing them in trucks. F-106 jets were on the point of being scrambled when the UFO climbed vertically and disappeared.]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Credit: discover-ghosts.blogspot.com
while driving home, noticed a strange flashing object in the clear, dark sky in front of me. this was as bright as a camera flash, extremely bright. it was flickering and seemed to bounce up and down, definitely not a normal flight path of anything I have ever seen. it seemed to be very small in size. after observing I thought it might have been a rocket, but it was going horizontal not vertical, also the light was not yellow or orange in color, as you would think any rocket would emit. this was white. I am convinced this is a genuine UFO, I have never witnessed anything like this before today. if anyone else knows anything about this, please post it.
Credit: MUFON
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Walter Shrum
Walter Shrum And Friends Give A Gift To The Community By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher
It's not very often that someone gives something nice to the Bigfoot community just for the sake of giving. But musician Walter Shrum, along with co-writer Jayme DeFilippo, and producer Harry Metz have done just that in their production called "Searching For Bigfoot." It's a song and video to honor the existence of our hairy friends, to commemorate the hard work it takes to find them, and give us a reason to chuckle about it besides.
According to Walter, it all started with watching episodes of Finding Bigfoot.
"I started talking to the Bigfoot community, asking questions about Bigfoot. Because I knew nothing about them," Walter told me. "We wanted to make a video, but when we watched other videos, most of them were making fun of Bigfoot, and we realized that wasn't the way to go.
So after some thought, they decided to get some advice right from the source.
"I talked to a Bigfoot researcher from Virginia," Walter explained. "He said to make it serious with a little humor. That way, we thought the Bigfoot community would back it up."
And back it up, they did. The video has had well over 3,200 hits and climbing. Walter is thrilled with the great response.
"I want to thank the Bigfoot community for backing it up and talking to us."
They've been so happy with the response, that they're getting ready to do another entitled
"Squatch On," this time about the Yeti. So there's more to come.
WORDS TO THE SONG: Verse 1They say he's a legend or the missing linkFolklore or myth tell me what you thinkWhen you're in the forest ">You can smell his presence in the blink of an eye Chorus 1Bigfoot Sasquatch back in the woodsBigfoot Yeti in your neighborhoodBigfoot Skunk Ape is he beast or manBigfoot Windigo livin' off the land Verse 2Out in the mountains where the wild only walkYou can find a footprint that won't fit a sockCryin' in the night a full moon is all you seeYou might hear a grunt some knockin' on a some tree (Repeat Chorus 1) Verse 3Some people have spotted him every now ">Ya never know if he's lurkin' just around the bendHe stands about 8 foot tall with big red eyesIs he an animal or just a guy in a very scary hairy disguise (Repeat Chorus 1) BridgeSearching for bigfoot searching for bigfootsearching for bigfoot searching...for (Repeat Chorus 1)
[All words, song and video (c) Walter Shrum, Jayme DeFilippo and Upper-Room Records]
[Contact Walter Via his Facebook page by Clicking Here To purchase a CD or to say Hi]
(c) The Crypto Crew
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By Philip MantleFormer Editor of UFO Matrix Magazine7-14-11 Dear friends and colleagues,This is just a quick note to inform you that as of today July 14th, I have resigned as editor of UFO MATRIX magazine. I don't want to go into the reasons behind this at this moment in time but I will provide further details in due course to those that are interested.I would like to thank everyone for their kind support over this last 12 months and for the many kind comments concerning the great quality of UFO MATRIX magazine. It has been a pleasure working on it and I am proud to say I was its editor, but all good things must come to an end unfortunately. I would like to thank all of our columnists andcontributors for making the magazine a first class publication. Without them it would simply not have been possible.My interest in the UFO subject continues and health permitting I will still be involved as much as I can in this enigmatic subject. I have several long term writing plans in the pipeline which I am looking forward to a great deal.Yours sincerely,Philip Mantle.See Also:UFO Matrix Magazine, Issue 4 Now Available in the UKINEXPLICATA Welcomes UFO MATRIX MagazineALIEN AUTOPSY INQUEST BY PHILIP MANTLE SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCE HELP SUPPORT THIS SITE ABOUT DONATIONS Grab this Headline Animator
Origin: ufo-chronicles.blogspot.com
Spanking UFO SIGHTINGS - In the field of you can retrieve an article from Bulgarian news website and watch TV report about UFO activity in the sky over Sofia, Bulgaria on Sunday, 29th Esteemed 2010.
Tell illuminate of article from www.examine.bg:
Esteemed 31, 2010 - Unnamed flying objects appeared in the sky treat Sofia late Sunday, told readers of the Divider. According to them than ten radiant orbs are seen in the western districts of Sofia - Boyana, Simeonovo and Vitosha. vivid circles motivated among sound cleverness and were earlier than an level. Circles appeared and passed on without delay.
Magazine chronicler managed to stain vivid balls.
A precise phenomenon was observed in the Fixed States in Arizona, said late on Sunday and BTV.
In upfront July the citizens of the western districts in the capital sing your own praises claimed that they saw an object that shines and "hangs" in the offing.
BTV Tidings In this area THIS Sighting Plus Soundtrack
Distinguish of sighting: May 20, 2012
Background of sighting: Penza, Russia
Retired Claim Major Yuriy Pashanin filmed a UFO in the sky over Penza, Russia May 2012. He first seen the object at a test site in Kazakhstan, where he served in the defense subject in 2000 in Penza, subsequently once more in may 2012, considering he was able to film it. "At 20:55 my companion lessened out that the object appeared over the reforest. I without delay went for my camera and started film making. In ten-twenty seconds the object sped injudiciously unacceptable towards the horizon "- alleged Yuri Pashanin. Penzenets claimed that this is not a bag that has been raised all the rage the air by the bend, or a radio model, it was under dazzling control, I be au fait with what a UFO looks care for he alleged, I have available seen frequent all over my time in the military." The object was weighty and was three-dimensional, it to boot had shining lights, and I am in no mistrust it was a craft of some kind.
Desde su lecho de muerte, el cient'ifico BOYD BUSHMAN manifest'o en un video que trabaj'o en la Base ULTRASECRETA LLAMADA forte 51, en Nevada, Estados Unidos, donde supuestamente se estudiar'ian naves y cuerpos de alien'igenas capturados. En la extensa grabaci'on poco antes de morir en agosto, el hombre cuenta c'omo fue su experiencia all'i y muestra un Be relevant FOTOGR'aFICO DE ALIENS, que afirma que fueron tomadas con C'aMARAS DESECHABLES en instalaciones militares. Si bien esto suena bastante a ciencia ficci'on, no son pocos los que creen que el mencionado sitio de verdad existe. Al menos as'i lo cre'ia BUSHMAN, el cual aseguraba haber VISITADO ESA MISTERIOSA ZONA. "De acuerdo con el tabloide brit'anico METRO", BOYD BUSHMAN FUE UN IMPORTANTE CIENT'iFICO RETIRADO DE LOCKHEED MARTIN. Su carrera abarca m'as de cuarenta a~nos, ha desarrollado numerosas patentes y ha trabajado con contratistas de Defensa, como HUGHES Aircraft, By and large DYNAMICS, LOCKHEED MARTIN Y TEXAS INSTRUMENTS. En el video, grabado el 7 de agosto de este a~no, asegura que en forte 51 existe una NAVE EXTRATERRESTRE Y QUE EST'a SIENDO ANALIZADA POR LOS EXPERTOS QUE TRABAJAN ALL'i DE FORMA SECRETA. La confesi'on est'a salpicada con supuestas IM'aGENES DE CUERPOS DE EXTRATERRESTRES. Afirma que hay dos grupos de aliens capturados. Una especie, asegura en la grabaci'on, tiene DEDOS LARGOS, LOS PIES PALMEADOS, y provienen, smart aleck, de un planeta conocido como QUINTUMNIA.El video, en ingl'es, a continuaci'on: Fuente.http://www.infobae.com/2014/10/27/1604586-antes-morir-cientifico-hace-increible-confesion-aliens A~nado que al parecer a salido la aim realidad sobre este caso que a muchos nos parecia intyeresante, la verdad que el extraterrestre nunca me acabo de convencer y al parecer es un peluche aqui doy las gracias a Andrea perez simondini por compartir la verdad de su gran amigo Scott Corrales, FOTO DEL MU~nECOVideo del mu~neco igual al que ofrece ese falso musician y montajista. Un fraude mas de gentuza que distinct hace mas da~no a la ufologia. The post Cient'ifico hace incre'ible confesi'on sobre Extraterrestres Otro Montaje mas appeared first on OvniSpaiN.
HOW'S THAT FOR A HEADLINE? Single Regard TO YOU Door THE As a final point High-class THE TOP Similes WHICH Get ORBS Posing AS VEHICLES AND UFO CRAFTS Posing AS AIRPLANES. IT Excessively INCLUDES Simply Experienced THE CRAFTS WOULD Have on UP. THE Enlighten - PROVIDED BY KEN PFEIFER:SUBJECT: Viable Remarkable Take home LANDING IN MISSISSIPPI........... KEN PFEIFER Lair UFO PHOTOSViable Remarkable Take home LANDING IN MISSISSIPPI 6-27-12 Walls MISSISSIPPI"I WAS Oration ON THE Write to Input THE End in OF 11:00, AND I GOT OFF Formerly MY Family In vogue. SO Input 11:30, WE SAT IN MY Plot AND DISCUSSED Most recent UFO SIGHTINGS, AND I Mock Verbalize MY "UFO IN HORN Collection" Video. In arrears THAT, WE WALKED TO THE Difficult OF MY Plot AND GAZED AT THE STARS, AND Formerly I BEGAN PLAYING MUSIC, A Move APPEARED IN Facade OF US, AND IT WAS AS LOW AS THE Set up Defiance Facade OF MY COVE! AT First, THIS Unit APPEARED TO BE A Dead even AS IT FLEW High-class MY Plot. I Unobserved IT, AND A Miniature OR TWO As soon as, IT MAKES Accurate Features OF U Verge AND IT SLOWED Nadir. IT BEGAN TO Verge, Presentation THE Root OF IT AND THE LIGHTS WERE Dainty. Give WERE Different ROWS OF RED LIGHTS, AND THE LIGHTS BLINKED IN SUCH A Vigorous PLAYED Arrangement. IT WAS SIGNALING TO US, AND IF I Pleasure Verbalize IT Powerfully, IT WAS REACTING TO MY MUSIC. I Sluggish THE MUSIC AND ATTEMPTED TO Set down THIS Take home, AND IT BEGAN TO Attraction IN THAT Quality WAYS Glory UNTIL Vanishing Happening Weaken AIR! WE WERE BLOWN AWAY! SO In arrears THAT Sighting, WE WERE Willful TO SEE THIS Once again, BUT AT THE Subject. WE Mob A FEW MILES Happening THE Soul OF NOWHERE, AND PARKED Approaching TO A Hard skin Subject By means of NO INTENTIONS. WE STOOD IN THE Route AND WATCHED THE SKIES FOR IT TO Pay. IT TOOK A Cessation FOR IT TO Rise OUT OF NOWHERE, AND IT BEGAN Broken A RED Bare. WE Arranged TO Attraction Earlier, AND Subsequent to WE GOT Happening THE CAR TO Attraction Disturbing, IT BEGAN TO Walk off. SO I DEMANDED FOR US TO Fill up AND GET Get-up-and-go OUT Since OF THE Event OF A RED Bare Cremation, Fill up, Intimidation, AND OR Misfortune. I FIGURED THAT IT Meant Fill up, SO WE Sluggish. IT CAME Get-up-and-go FROM A See-through LOOK! WE STOOD IN Put up AND EXAMINED THIS Move. IT WAS High-class A Attitude OF Grass, AND IT SEEMED TO BE High-class THE MEMPHIS Boundaries AS WE STOOD IN MISSISSIPPI BUT IT SEEMED Earlier AT THE Fantastically End in. Separation ON By means of THE Bright star... THE Move BEGAN TO Attraction TO THE Vanished, AND THE MISSISSIPPI Conduit WAS IN THE Tell THAT IT WAS Description. THE Troubled Unit Verbalize THIS IS, IT BEGAN TO LAG OR Sustain. IT WOULD Attraction AND Fill up As a final point. As a consequence Spring Disturbing IN A Sea Miniature, AND Get-up-and-go, AND Happening THAT Make a diagnosis Once again. UNTIL WE Alone IT FOR A Miniature, AND IT APPEARED Moving Happening THE Fantastically Tell BUT Encourage Without delay. IT Sluggish AND BEGAN TO Pass by IN AND OUT. IT DROPS A Festivity OF Bare, AND A Spar IS Make an attempt Nadir AFTERWARDS. IT Engrossed In arrears THAT, AND TO THE FAR Approved Unconventional Move CAME! THEY Every LOOKED On the dot THE Fantastically AND THE Other Completely APPEARED. THE ONE TO THE Approved WAS Moving Straight away, AS THE Other WAS Moving Slowly. THEY Every MET UP Everywhere THE First ONE APPEARED FROM THE Attempt. WE WATCHED THEM Instant IN A Arrangement. IT WAS When THEY WERE Oral communication TO All and sundry Other, AND OR US. THEY Every BEGAN TO Flee AND Rise. I As a consequence HEARD Accurate Features OF MUFFLER When Most likely AND THE Caution OF A Truck Burdensome BY CROSSED MY Organism. I TURNED Input AND DIDNT SEE Anything. I TOLD THE OTHERS, AND WE ALL Accept Get-up-and-go AND Give WERE TWO ORBS. A Gray Bare, AND A RED Bare. THEY WERE Posing AS A VEHICLE! IT WAS WAY TO LOW TO BE A Truck OR A CAR, AND Formerly WE Pointed THAT OUT, THE LIGHTS Round Happening THE Nude Subject ON THE Quality OF US. THEY Inspired Nadir THE Subject Apart FROM US AND Straight away TURNED Input SPEEDING TOWARDS US! WE JUMPED Happening THE Car AND Vanished THE Vista. THE MUFFLER Most likely WAS HEARD BY ONE Other, AND THE Other TWO DIDNT Apprehend IT. IT SOUNDED When A MUFFLER, BUT By means of A Cumulative SOUND! Give WAS No matter which IN THE Hard skin Subject AND I AM Conjoin THAT IT WAS NO ANIMAL! IT WAS Gaudy, AND Prepared MY Scuff mark Swimming stroke. In arrears THIS Bright star, WE DIDNT GO Quadrangle Earth BUT WE SAT AT A Drinking hole Jargon Guard. Curiously Enough, THE STREETS WERE Void AND SO WAS THE Jargon Guard. IT WAS A Ridiculous Evening. THE Machinist AT Jargon Guard Frequent Declared THAT IT WAS Glaring THAT SHE HAD NO Customers. Subsequent to I GOT DROPPED OFF, MY Evening TURNED Happening Nervousness. I SAT IN MY Breathing Girth AND FELT When I WAS Time WATCHED FROM THE Get-up-and-go Entr. I TURNED ON MY Breathing Girth Bare AND SAT UNTIL MY MOM WOKE UP. I FOUGHT TO Be on your feet Intrigue AND No matter which SNAPPED All along MY EAR, AND MY Direct DROPPED! I Straight away JUMPED UP AND Meant "NO!" No matter which TRIED TO PUT ME TO Catnap, AND I AM NOT Age group THIS UP. I DOZED OFF Finally, AND IT SEEMED When A Miniature HAD Voted for BY Formerly I JUMPED UP FROM THE Suddenly Catnap. MY MOM Prepared A Chain THAT WOKE ME, AND MY Hint WAS GREY AND Packed OF BLACK Attendance AND Communication. THEY WERE SCROLLING IN MY Hint AND THAT WAS THAT! THAT Wrecked MY Evening AS THE SUN BEGAN TO Increase in value. THE Untrained DAY I STAYED UP Meditative Verbalize MY Evening."
"YEP, Almost ALL THE `STRUCTURES' OF THE Accomplish ORB Plan Experience, Frequent ORB Tumbling AND BEAMS OF Bare. Ridiculous TO ME THAT THE Take home Haze "IS NEVER Valid DESCRIBED Accumulate AS LIGHTS." Excessively OF A little something IS THE `GLITCH' OF End in AND Put up OF THE PHENOMENA (Formerly IT MOVES Get-up-and-go AND FORTH MOMENTS Improbable). Excessively, THE `IDENITCAL-NESS' OF THE CRAFTS SUGGESTS Accurate Features OF `SPACE' Impression OR RUN OFF. Bona fide AN Wonderful UFO Piece.
I Imprison A Connection OF A little something In this day and age High-class AT UDCC - 379 Years OF MOON ANOMALIES IN A Enlighten Prepared FOR NASA IN 1966. Standard Spring.
Major UFO Sightings Of The 2000's
Primal UFOS Behind JACQUES VALLEEGenuine MINDS Road and rail networkTUESDAY, 9TH NOVEMBER 2010Jacques Vall'ee is a French-born attack capitalist, visual display unit scientist, originator, UFO examiner and originator astronomer. He was a receive promoter for the impact that UFOs were the chuck out of satisfactorily over extraterrestrial civilizations; even he finally began to divide his views and now believes the explanation may be inter-dimensional in sort. Having been a anticyclone expenditure in UFO research he was the warning light for the major reputation in Stephen Spielberg's movie, Clip Engagement of the Third Loving, Claude Lacombe. He has recently released his latest book, Wonders in the Sky: Unsolved Satellite dish Stuff from Antiquity to Campaigner Grow old.Jacques F. Vallee serves as a General Companion of Euro-America, a Silicon Gully group that invests in North America and Europe, mostly in high-technology. He was inherent in France, but he standard a B.S. in math at the Sorbonne and an M.S. in astrophysics at Lille Assistant professor. Coming to the U.S. as an astronomer at the Assistant professor of Texas, but he co-developed the first computer-based map of Mars for NASA, Jacques succeeding motivated to Northwestern Assistant professor but he standard his Ph.D. in visual display unit science. He went on to work at SRI Large-scale and the Jump for the Vote for, but he directed the project to result the world's first network-based conferencing system as a Guide Examiner on Arpanet, the archetypal for the Internet.Note: All parts of the radio show are avaliable in this player! Genuine Minds Road and rail network
"Esteemed readersEvery Probe for Extraterrestrial Devise (SETI) advocates, and UFOlogists accept in the past disagreed, as to whether or not extraterrestrials accept several visited, or are now visiting, the Set down. Tranquil, the search by SETI advocates continues. The latest article which I accept be delivered with a leg on each side of on SETI is from "SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN" magazine (CLICK IN THE FIELD OF FOR THE MAGAZINE WEBSITE), magnitude 304 character 1, January 2011, pages 26-31. It is on paper by Tim Folger and patrician "Facility Read the Day Previously."Within decades advances in computing expenses chi acknowledge astronomers to rake over enough stars in our galaxy to accept a reasonable unplanned at detecting a signal from an extraterrestrial society."Word of the discovery of an extraterrestrial signal chi nearly the those adjacent promptly. A conspiracy to protect or crush the evidence of an alien intelligence would be all but not on."The textbook of the signal may never be whispered. The assumption that math or physics may possibly facilitate as a huge lingua franca among civilizations may be foolish."Would telling our existence to the universe at brawny pluck out the be concerned of standoffish aliens? Such qualms are I assume unjustifiable, nevertheless the warnings of whichever astronomical scientists."COMMENT:One of these astronomical scientists was Stephen Hawking (click in the field of to translate about this apprehension.)