Where Is The Extraterrestrial Rosetta Stone
My recent post The Eckhart Encounters - Accelerate Make a recording included images of alien symbols that the experiencer had witnessed and on paper down. Numerous believed alien craft that feature been examined are alleged to feature secret symbols. Give are petroglyphs and hieroglyphs integrated in ancient art and text. Are these human romantic or was it the turn out well of extraterrestrial intervention? Doubtless the first on paper information referencing alien symbols is a story in Japanese mythology. Beneath are two exchangeable but see texts of the encounter.

Utsuro-fune no Banjyo (A New Woman in the Break Fashion)

The story takes moment on February 22 in the fount of 1803. Offshore from a shoreline called Hara-yadori in the sanctuary of Ogasawara Etchuu-no-kami (4000 koku'), who subject a slant named "Yoriai-seki" of Tokagawa shogunate at that time, a loving of dinghy was observed from the shoreline. Countryside approached this dinghy by the use of their unimportant boats and in the end stumped it. They towed it to the shoreline.

The dinghy was round and resembled a loving of kou-hako (a box recycled to burn exasperate). Its diameter was completed than 3 ken (5.45 in). On the surpass self of the dinghy, represent were glass-fitted shoji (windows amongst aggravating) and they were defended by chan (a loving of waterproofed putty ready from pine-tree gum). The story of this ship was toughened by on bad terms silver-tongued porcelain. This develop may check the dinghy from damage by withered rocks. In the same way as the glass-fitted shoji was understandable, the people possibly will see the modish the dinghy, where they found a individual amongst inexplicable look toward. Her coat and eyebrows were red, and her face was uncooked. It seemed that long washed-out coat was supplementary to her unsullied coat.

This weird and wonderful individual held one keep steady box whose gathering was about two shaku (60 cm) in her hands. It seemed that this box was very resolute to her equally she held this box constantly, and she not permitted one from cooperative it.

The objects found in this dinghy were investigated by the people. Give was about two shou (3.6 liters) of water in the unimportant be capable of. Give were two pieces of strips, cake-like food, and kneaded mainstay. Equally people discussed what to do about this dinghy, the individual observed them meekly.

An old villager alleged, "This individual may be a descendant of a king in a weird and wonderful energy and influence feature been wedded in her residence energy. Stagnant, she valued not the same man after marriage and her aficionada was put to hurt. In the same way as she was a princess back, she possibly will get comprehension and bank the hurt estimate. She had been touch to be put in this dinghy and was gone to the sea to be trusted to hazard. If this think is sufficient, her lover's cut off head is modish the keep steady box. In the former, a exchangeable dinghy amongst a individual modish drifted ashore in a shoreline not far from modish. In that incident, a cut off head located on a loving of chopping fasten was found modish the dinghy. Judging from this loving of secondhand information, the at ease of the box may be exchangeable. This may justification why the box is so resolute to her and she is always holding it in her hands. We may be conventional to use afar resources to witness this individual and dinghy. In the same way as represent is a derive for casting this loving of dinghy minute out to sea, we had cut into put her modish the dinghy and mail it apart. From a form angle, this service is too wretched for her. Stagnant, this service would be her hazard.

Tons weird and wonderful script were found modish this dinghy. I found exchangeable script on a British ship that recently here offshore from Uraga in Japan. From this point of view, that individual may be a British, Bengali, or American princess. No one knows exactingly.

Discrete exchangeable header of the incident was found in Utsuro-fune no Koto (Regarding An Accident of The Break Fashion)

On Demo 24, 1803, a inexplicable dinghy drifted ashore on a shoreline named Haratono-hama in Hitachi state in Japan. The dinghy was reproduction and its shape was exchangeable to a rice-cooking pot. It had a loving of rimmed-edge at the center-level self of the dinghy. In the self terminated this remark, the dinghy was painted in black and had four unimportant windows on four sides. All shoji (windows amongst aggravating) were defended by chan (a loving of slicker putty ready from pine-tree gum). The condense self of the dinghy was toughened by blade bars. These bars looked to be ready of Western-made silver-tongued of the greatest bring out. The side by side of the dinghy was one jyou, two shaku (3.64m) and its diameter was one jyou, eight shaku (5.45m).

A individual (or young woman) was found modish this dinghy and her age appeared speak twenty. She was about five shaku (1.5m) tall and her scale down was washed-out as snow. Her long coat imaginatively hung on her minute. Her facial look toward were exceptionally delicate. Her fashion were inexplicable and unrecognizable and her argot was not tacit by one. She held a unimportant box in her hands and not permitted one from cooperative this box.

Was this clear a subtitle or was it romantic by a real event? According to the references, no annals of the perplexing incident feature been found in compelling documents in Japan. Hitachi state was not far from the property Edo (Tokyo) and faced the Soothing Ocean. The shoreline in this state was very resolute for national shield in the Tokugawa part (1603-1867). Thus, most parts of eastern circumference of Hitachi state were subject by the Mito-Tokugawa credentials who were the family connections of the Tokugawa (Shogun) credentials (Kimura 1980). Marks and history scholars take it obscure to seize that an incident concerning a inexplicable dinghy and a individual on a shoreline in Hitachi state was not been recorded in any compelling documents of the Tokugawa part. But, later once more, a lot has happened in Japan while 1803.

So, what are they (aliens and our line) brutal to say? Beneath are a lot of examples of petroglyphs and hieroglyphs...quite a few are on rock and quite a few were plagiarized from alien craft. Is represent a evaluation or connection surrounded by the symbols? What's the coincidental of regularly exposure a first coat to decode the markings? Lon








Mori, Massaru. 1987. The Woman Outlandish in a Break Pocket - Fortean Times

Where Is The Space 'Rosetta Stone'?