Cause Of Sun Perfect Storm Illuminated By Scientists Using Unh Detector

Cause Of Sun Perfect Storm Illuminated By Scientists Using Unh Detector
In a paper published today in Nature Communications, an international team of scientists, including three from the University of New Hampshire's Space Science Center, uncovers the origin and cause of an extreme space weather event that occurred on July 22, 2012 at the sun and generated the fastest solar wind speed ever recorded directly by a solar wind instrument.

The formation of the rare, powerful storm showed striking, novel features that were detected by a UNH-built instrument on board NASA's twin-satellite Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) mission. An instrument led by the University of California, Berkeley also made key measurements.

This image combines data from two coronagraphs and an extreme ultra-violet imager (green) on STEREO A. The CME is the bright streaks emanating from the sun. A coronagraph is a telescope that uses a disk to block the sun's bright surface revealing the solar corona.

Credit: Image courtesy of NASA.

The 2012 storm was so powerful that had it been aimed at Earth instead of at the STEREO A spacecraft, which was located 120 degrees off to the side of Earth, the consequences would have been dramatic: widespread aurora, satellite malfunctions, and potential for failures with ground-based electricity grids.

To date, it has been unclear how extreme space weather storms form and evolve. Developing a better understanding of their causes is vital to protect modern society and its technological infrastructures, and is one of the goals of the STEREO mission.

NASA movie of the July 22, 2012 coronal mass ejection. The heavy sprinkling of white streaks after the CME are very energetic protons striking the spacecraft's imagers.

Courtesy of NASA.

"These results provide a new view crucial to solar physics and space weather as to how an extreme space weather event can arise from a combination of multiple solar eruptions," says research assistant professor No'e Lugaz of the UNH Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space (EOS) and a coauthor on the Nature Communications paper.

Lead author is Ying D. Liu of the State Key Laboratory of Space Weather, National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The authors suggest it was the successive, one-two punch of solar eruptions known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that was the key to the event, which blasted away from the sun at 3,000 kilometers per second-a speed that would circle the Earth five times in one minute. Detecting the successive eruptions would not have been possible prior to STEREO.

"In a sense, this was the 'perfect storm'," Lugaz says. "The first, fast eruption greased the skids for the quick propagation of the subsequent, extremely fast eruptions through interplanetary space."

CMEs are clouds of magnetic fields and plasma-a hot gas composed of charged particles-and, in the July 2012 event, the in-transit interaction between two closely launched CMEs resulted in the unusually powerful and fast-moving space weather event.

Says EOS research professor Charles Farrugia, coauthor on the paper, "Remarkably, this is reminiscent of the great solar flare in 1859, the Carrington Event, and the geomagnetic storm of unheard of intensity in Earth's magnetosphere, or magnetic field, that occurred less than one day later."

Adds coauthor Antoinette Galvin, EOS research professor and principal investigator on STEREO's PLAsma and Supra-Thermal Ion Composition (PLASTIC) instrument that detected the extremely fast solar wind protons, "STEREO has dramatically improved our understanding of the powerful solar eruptions that can send more than a billion tons of the sun's outer atmosphere hurtling into space."

PLASTIC, together with the University of California, Berkeley-led In-situ Measurements of Particles and CME Transients (IMPACT) instrument, made the critical measurements of the July 2012 solar storm.

The STEREO mission, launched in October 2006, is comprised of two nearly identical spacecraft the size of golf carts. Their observations enable scientists to construct the first-ever three-dimensional views of the sun. PLASTIC provides plasma characteristics of protons, alpha particles and heavy ions. Solar wind protons and alpha particles constitute most of the mass in the solar wind and are therefore the primary components exerting kinetic pressure on the Earth's magnetosphere-one of the drivers for space weather.

Contacts and sources:

David Sims

University of New Hampshire

Bigfoot Roaming Lummi Indian Reservation In Bellingham Washington

Bigfoot Roaming Lummi Indian Reservation In Bellingham Washington
Sighting on October 21, 2010Time: Daytime.

Hello Brian, I am not really sure of who to contact, but I hope that you might be the person that can help me. I live on the Lummi Indian Reservation in Bellingham Washington. My husband and myself live on my grandfather land for about 12 years now.

Our encounter with bigfoot when we first moved in our new home was 12 years ago. I had not seen or heard of bigfoot in my life, until we moved on my grandfather land. I am very upset because no one will investigate this stranger. It makes it self known almost every other day. If you can contact me it would be greatly appreciated.

So far there are three in this small community which I have heard on several occasions. Today while I was outside, I heard noise in the woods, soon after an eagle started making noises as well. Then out of no where, I seen Bigfoot come out of woods. It has taken me by surprise and I screamed and ran back into the house.

My husband asked me not to bother Bigfoot and leave them along. I get scared because I am alone most of the time. Please Help.


"Since I am posting this report, I will get going this weekend and write up the Sasquatch experience that took place between Prince Rupert and Terrace, B.C. It is a dandy."

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "ALL PERSONAL INFORMATION IS KEPT CONFIDENTIAL."


Ufo Hunters Stephenville Lights Fumble

Ufo Hunters Stephenville Lights Fumble

By Mike Fortson


It's with great disgust that I write this.

As one who has witnessed the fantastic, I waited with great anticipation for the UFO Hunter's episode on the "Stephenville Lights" case. What I watched was a complete fumble of the "UFO football"... completely out of bounds, and just out of the stadium!

As an observer to an incredibly massive unidentified object myself, I understand the great importance of telling the story of the "Stephenville Lights" openly, truthfully, and with the best witnesses available; not by triangulating a weather balloon and comment, "now that looks like a UFO!" No, it's an IFO (identified flying object i.e., a weather balloon)!

Why do they continually redefine the term, "UFO" as an alien craft? An "unidentified aerial object" until determined otherwise, is just that, i.e., a UFO... not necessarily alien-period! They continually say, "that might be a UFO!". Well, if it cannot be identified at the time, it IS a UFO! Most likely not alien, but at that time, "not identified."

I really wish the word or term UFO would just go away.

My question here is, "why did they not get the most important witnesses to this case on the show?" Where was Rick Sorrells? He has witnessed the large craft several times. Including once while deer hunting on his property in daytime! He described the massive object while looking thru his scope on his rifle! Where is this interview? Where is Steve Allen's interview? He's a licensed pilot and witnessed the lights/object first hand. Where is his interview? Where is the Angelia Joiner interview? She's the reporter who first broke the story. Why wasn't she interviewed? There are also three police officers who witnessed the large craft.... calling it a massive craft...where is that interview?

Instead the UFO Hunter's claim to have a "never-seen-before video" from Mr. Dave Coran. Except that video first was seen on the Internet on March 5, 2008. What gives here? Where is the investigating? Where is the truth?

There was a part of this so-called investigation that was intriguing.... a video of a beam of light that failed to touch the ground. Wow! Are you kidding? Now here's something incredibly unusual. Now the question is this.... did their so-called scientist try to recreate this weird incident? No. Why not? Could it be that this is known to be "highly unusual" and they knew it could not be duplicated by their pseudo-science?

So, in my eyes they failed to get the most important witnesses. They failed to explain how a beam of light that stopped short of touching the ground could happen. Instead they launched a weather balloon and claimed it to look like a UfO.

I have but one thing to say to the UFO Hunters.... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE...stay away from the "Massive UFO Flyover of Arizona, March 13, 1997".

See Also:

The Non-Investigation of the Phoenix Lights- My View

Yes, Folks the 10 PM Videos are Flares...


Grab this Headline Animator


Istilah Ufo

Istilah Ufo

Sampai sejauh ini ada beberapa istilah untuk menyebut benda terbang yang tidak dikenal (tidak teridentifikasi), pertama adalah FLYING SAUCER atau diterjemahkan sebagai piring terbang. Penggunaan istilah ini populer sejak tahun 1947, terutama ketika media massa di Amerika meliput pengalaman pilot Kenneth Arnold.

Namun menggunaan kata piring (saucer) sudah pernah ada pada tahun 1878, ketika seorang petani Texas bernama John Martin melihat benda aneh. Sebenarnya John Martin tidak mengatakan bahwa bentuknya benda terbang aneh yang dilihatnya itu seperti piring, namun mengatakan bahwa besarnya terlihat seperti sebesar piring.

Sama halnya dengan Kenneth Arnold, juga tidak mengatakan bahwa bentuk benda terbang misterius itu seperti piring, bahkan dia menyebutnya lebih seperti bulan sabit, namun gerakannya seperti piring dilemparkan di atas air. Anehnya, kemudian, banyak foto-foto beredar yang memperlihatkan benda terbang misterius berbentuk piring terbang.

Penampakan benda terbang aneh di Vancouver,

Canada pada tahun 1973

Penampakan benda terbang aneh di pulau Catalina,

USA pada 9 Juli 1947

Penampakan benda terbang aneh di Pescara,

Italia pada tahun 1957

Pada tahun 1952, Kapten Edward J. Ruppelt, direktur pertama dari Project Blue Book, memperkenalkan istilah UFO yang merupakan singkatan dari Unidentified Flying Objects (pada waktu itu pihak militer amerika, khususnya USAF, menyingkatnya dengan UFOB).

Sebelumnya, pada perang dunia kedua, benda terbang misterius ini sering disebut dengan istilah Foo Fighter, obyek berkilauan yg banyak terbang di angkasa. Disebut sebagai foo fighter karena sering dianggap sebagai foo atau foe (lawan) sebab benda terbang aneh itu bukan berasal dari armada kawan (walaupun tidak pernah mengganggu atau menyerang).

Belakangan, ada yang menyebut benda terbang misterius ini dengan istilah UAP atau "UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL PHENOMENA", atau ada yang menyebutnya "Unusual Aerial Phenomena." Istilah UAP ini diperkenalkan oleh J. Allen Hynek. Di kalangan pilot atau pekerja bandara, mereka lebih sering menggunakan istilah UAP. Pihak yang skeptik juga lebih suka menggunakan istilah UAP daripada UFO. Namun di media massa, istilah UFO lebih sering digunakan walau nampaknya ada upaya untuk mempopulerkan istilah UAP.

Di perancis dan spanyol atau negara-negara amerika latin, istilah yang digunakan adalah OVNI. Kalau menurut bahasa spanyol, OVNI merupakan singkatan dari "Objeto Volador No Identificado", sementara bahasa perancisnya berarti "Objet volant non identifi'e."


Di Indonesia memang populer dengan istilah piring terbang. Istilah UFO juga secara umum dimengerti oleh kebanyakan orang. Namun pada tahun 70-80an, pernah ada istilah BETA yang merupakan singkatan dari Benda Terbang Aneh. Istilah ini diperkenalkan oleh Marsekal Muda TNI (Purn) J. Salatun. Kemudian ada juga istilah BETEBEDI yang merupakan akronim dari Benda Terbang Belum Dikenal. Mengapa dipergunakan istilah BELUM dan bukannya TIDAK? Di sekitar tahun 80-an pernah terbit beberapa edisi majalah dengan nama BETEBEDI. Alasan menggunakan kata "belum" adalah kalau menggunakan kata "tidak" maka selamanya akan tidak dikenal. Tapi kalau menggunakan kata "belum", maka ada harapan akan terkuak dan suatu saat dikenal.

Istilah BETEBEDI maupun BETA tidak populer di kalangan orang Indonesia. Seorang menulis di Wikipedia namun yang tertulis adalah Beterbedi (dengan huruf "r") dan tulisan ini dikutip di beberapa situs internet. Di Wikipedia disebutkan bahwa Beterbedi (Benda Terbang Belum Dikenal), merupakan istilah yang diperkenalkan oleh J.Salatun. Tapi ini tidak benar. Menurut saya, yang memperkenalkan istilah BETEBEDI adalah C.M. Tanadi, seorang yang berprofesi sebagai akuntan publik yang tinggal di Bandung. Beliau adalah pengamat UFO juga di tahun 80-an dan banyak menerbitkan buku-buku UFO (dengan nama Yayasan Tanadi dengan alamat waktu itu di Ciwulan No 32 Bandung.

Istilah BETA sendiri, nampaknya oleh J. SALATUN tidak dipopulerkan dan hanya muncul di bukunya yang terbit di tahun 1960. Sementara buku keduanya yang terbit pada tahun 1982, menggunakan istilah UFO. Kalau tidak karena milis BETA-UFO, barangkali istilah BETA ini sudah tidak pernah dipakai lagi. Bahkan banyak yang belum tahu bahwa kata BETA di BETA-UFO itu merupakan singkatan dari Benda Terbang Aneh.

Yang menarik adalah, mengapa kita tidak punya sebuah nama khusus untuk menyebut benda terbang misterius ini. Sejauh ini yang dianggap sebagai nama adalah "piring terbang", sementara lainnya adalah nama yang merupakan singkatan. Menarik juga bahwa aliens disebut sebagai EBE (lagi-lagi singkatan) yang merupakan singkatan dari Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. Atau bahkan ALF yang merupakan kependekan dari Alien Life Form, atau ELF ("Extraterrestrial Life Form").

Di Indonesia sendiri, bagaimana kita melafalkan UFO? Apakah dengan Yuo Ef Ow atau yufo atau ufo?

Atau kita mau mempopulerkan istilah baru yang merupakan terjemahan dari UAP? Misalnya kalau diterjemahkan sebagai Fenomena Angkasa Tidak Umum, maka bisa-bisa disingkat sebagai FATU)

ISTILAH UFO DI BEBERAPA NEGARAUntuk tambahan, di negara lain punya istilah berbeda untuk menyebut UFO (sesuai bahasanya), misalnya:

1. Kroasia : NLO (Neidentificirani Leteci Objekti)

2. Jepang : mi-kakunin hiko buttai atau Yuufoo (melafalkan dari akronim UFO)

3. Portugis : OVNI (Objecto Voador N~ao Identificado)

4. Rumania : OZN - Obiect Zburator (=Flying) Neidentificat

5. Jerman : Unbekanntes Flugobjekt = UFO

6. Cina : bu-ming fei-xing wu-ti

7. Arab : gism Taa'ir ghayr muhaddad (berarti UFO) atau saHn Taa'ir (piring terbang)

8. Czechna : melafalkan UFO dengan "oo-faw" namun sering menyebutnya dengan NLO seperti di Kroasia.

9. Hindi/Urdu : Udan Tashtari

10. Swedia : UFO namun untuk piring terbang disebut "flygande tefat"

11. Turki : melafalkan ufo dengan "oo fau" dan kata "ucan daire" yang berarti piring terbang sementara alien disebut "Uzayli"

12. Italia : OVNI = oggetto volante non identificato

13. Norwegia : UFO = "uidentifisert flyvende objekt"

14. Belanda : Ongeidentificeerd vliegend object namun sering disebut UFO.

15. Rusia : NLO (neopoznannyj letayuschij ob'ekt)

16. Slovakia : NLP (NEZNANI LETECI PREDMET) yang artinya "unknown flying object"

17. Yunani : ATIA (agak susah ditulis karena pakai huruf yunani) yang artinya "Flying Object of Unknown Identity" sementara piring terbang diterjemahkan

"iptamenos diskos"

18. Serbia : NLO - Neidentifikovani Leteci Objekat

19. Finlandia : UFO atau "lent"av"a lautanen" (=flying saucer)

20. Vietnam : di~a bay

21. Esperanto : NIFO (Neidentebla Fluganta Objekto)

Fenomena UFO memang ada di mana-mana dan sudah mendunia...


Tulisan ini merupakan tulisan dari BAPAK NUR AGUSTINUS, salah satu pendiri komunitas BETA-UFO INDONESIA, selengkapnya bisa dibaca di BETAUFO.MULTIPLY.COM

Ufo Crashes Into Volcano

Ufo Crashes Into Volcano
A spaceship from Planet Gootan has crashed into a Mexican volcano.

The spaceship dove headlong into the smoldering caldera of a Mexican volcano.

Popocatepetl, an active volcano in the Puebla state of southern Mexico, was being recorded by media company Televisa the evening of May 30 when a light-emitting and fast-flying object appeared to make a quick left turn in order to fly directly into the top of the erupting mountain.

The spaceship entered the volcano and never came out. Witnesses say they heard a "very loud explosion" soon after the spaceship entered the volcano.

WWN contacted the U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials. Dr. John Malley, the Director of the U.N. Panel told WWN, "we believe that the spaceship that went into the Mexican volcano was from Planet Gootan. The spaceship was most likely shot out of the sky by a spaceship from Planet Zeeba."

Aliens from Planet Gootan and Planet Zeeba have reportedly been on Earth since October of 2010. In short, the Gootans are bad, the Zeebans are good.

Governments around the world continue to deny the existence of the aliens on Earth and are conspiring with the mainstream media to cover it all up.


2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Schenectady

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Schenectady

I was outside smoking a cigarette star gazing as I often do when I saw a steady moving light that was moving faster than any plane I've ever seen. It came from directly south and was heading directly north according to my compass. It didn't appear to speed up nor did it slow down. I looked around for a plane to compare it to and I couldn't find one which was odd because I usually see them often living within an hour from the airport. It had come and gone within 90 seconds I'd say. I continued to watch because I wanted to see if I could locate a plane or was curious if something was going to follow its path. Within about two minuets I witnessed a slower moving object with a steady blinking light come from the east to the west. It didn't have a red and green starboard and port lights like most planes and it was a very clear sky. All of these events took place between 620 pm and 625 pm. I didn't stay to watch the blinking light because it would have took far too long for it to leave eye sight. I would say the first object was moving at least 4 to 5 times the speed of the second object.


Credit: MUFON

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Pulsar Devours Companion Life Gets Off To Easy Start And New Mexicos New Spaceport

Pulsar Devours Companion Life Gets Off To Easy Start And New Mexicos New Spaceport
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:

g STARS - The European Space Agency's Integral space observatory, together with NASA's Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer spacecraft, has found a fast-spinning pulsar in the process of devouring its companion. This finding supports the theory that the fastest-spinning isolated pulsars get that fast by cannibalizing a nearby star. See article.

g ABODES - In a twist to the proverbial snowball effect, warmer Arctic temperatures are stimulating plant growth, which darkens the landscape and causes more sunlight to be absorbed rather than reflected. The result: Winter heating could increase by 70 percent, according to a new study. See article.

g LIFE - Life was easier to start than originally thought: An international team of scientists, leaded by Universitat Aut`onoma de Barcelona researchers, has discovered that RNA early molecules were much more resistant than was thought until now. According to the conclusions of the study, they may have developed enough to contain around 100 genes, which is considered to be the minimum quantity required for the most basic forms of primitive life, similar to the bacteria we have today. The research was published in Nature Genetics. See article.

g INTELLIGENCE - Schizotypes are people able to walk the fine line between creativity and insanity and a new study confirms that they rely more heavily on the right sides of their brains than the rest of us. See article.

g MESSAGE - Any nonreproducing alien probes discovered in the Solar System during the normal course of future SETI research would most likely have been sent by extraterrestrial civilizations located within a 1000 light-year radius of the Sun, whereas any self-reproducing devices similarly detected probably originated far outside this exploration sphere. See article.

g COSMICUS - New Mexico state officials foresee a Southwest Regional Spaceport as a boon for business. See article.

g LEARNING - Here's a neat Web site for elementary students: History of the Universe site tells the story of the history of the universe. Click "Earlier" and "Later" to follow the story. See site.

g IMAGINING - Are there any alternatives to DNA or RNA, as an "X-Files" episode said there was? See article.

g AFTERMATH - How might we characterize the political significance of any announcement of discovering extraterrestrial intelligence? How about using the Torino Scale, which characterizes asteroid impacts, as a model to assist the discussion and interpretation of any claimed discovery of ETI? See article.

Get your SF book manuscript edited

New Zealand Ufo Footage 1978

New Zealand Ufo Footage 1978
On December 30, 1978, a examine celebrate from Australia recorded nature film for a network show on interviews about the UFO sightings. For various proceedings at a time on the flight to Christchurch, unidentified lights were observed by five competition on the flight deck, were tracked by Wellington Air Travel Controllers, and filmed in color by the examine celebrate. One object reportedly followed the aircraft go up to until landing. The merchandise plane subsequently took off again taking into account the examine celebrate relaxed on citation, heading for Blenheim. Once the aircraft reached about 2000 feet, it encountered a huge lighted orb, which knock over arrived station off the wing tip and tracked bring down taking into account the merchandise aircraft for go up to ward of an hour, seeing that being filmed, watched, tracked on the aircraft radar and described on a tape soundtrack ended by the TV film celebrate.


The Lake Anten Landing Marks

The Lake Anten Landing Marks
The 1970 Lake Anten, Sweden craft landing case is one of the more interesting CE2 incidents on record, even though there is only one report available about the case. The radiation evidence is intriguing and to tends to faver the real possibility that something actually did land.


We, GICOFF, became aware of it on Wednesday, September 2, and, the day after, four of us went up to the place. First we talked to an inspector at the police station in Alingsas, the neighbouring town. He told us the occurrence had not really interested them. They had reported it to the military authorities, but they did not seem to be interested either.

We then went to the place where it had happened, a little farm or rather a croft called Enebacken. On arriving at the croft we found another car standing there. The owner of the house, Mr. Richard Johansson, 81 years old, was being visited by his daughter and a friend of hers. She came out to meet us and showed us a corner of the garden about 25 metres from the house.

"There they are," she said- something she had probably done several times, because we soon learned that a lot of people from around about had been there. We went to the corner as directed and saw three burned marks that had been reported in the newspapers.

We took a lot of photographs, we measured the marks and the surroundings and we took a couple of earth samples, one from the marks and one from a place 4 metres away (more about this later).

Mr. Johansson, 81, told us: "I did not see or hear anything. You see I went to bed at 9.00 p.m., but my room is on the opposite side of the house. I am not particularly bothered about the incident, but it has been amusing to see people around this place. Whoever landed there has taken care not to destroy anything."


Then we had to find witnesses to the light observed above Enebacken. This is how the Karlssons at a nearby farm described it:

Mr. E. Karlsson: "I was going to go to bed-it was just before midnight-when I saw that the cars on the road were stopping and putting out their lights. Then the boy came running in saying something red in colour was seen above Enebacken, about 500 metres away. I went out to have a look, and caught sight of a strong red light. It went to and fro above the forest."

Mrs. I. Karlsson: "Just when I saw it I heard a sound from it."

Mr. Karlsson agreed: "That was what puzzled me most. First I thought it was an aircraft, but then I realised it could not be that. It behaved so strangely, and not only that, it was round and bright and very red. It went both up and down and to and fro above Enebacken. Sometimes it disappeared below the treetops only to reappear after a while. The speed varied, sometimes it glided slowly only to accelerate very fast. Once it was almost down at the meadow in front of the forest only 200 metres away. Then I saw some beams of light coming from it. They were yellow-white in colour and seemed to come from the side of the red sphere, which had the size of about half the moon."

Mrs. I. Karlsson: "We were standing outside for a while but then we went in and watched it through the window. When going to bed at about 2.00 a.m. the light was still standing there."

We managed to find witnesses from three cars:

Mr. P. Nilsson: "My friend and I came driving from Alingsas. It was about 11.15-11.30 p.m. We caught sight of a red light moving to and fro and up and down, and now and then it was standing still. My friend stopped the car, and we got out. The light was to the left of us above Enebacken. We looked at it for maybe 10 minutes, before going home."

Mrs. Olsson: "My husband and I were returning from a visit to friends. We saw something which resembled a rear lamp on a car, red-yellow in colour. First we thought it was an aircraft, but we soon realised that it was not. We looked at it for 3-4 minutes. The time was then 12.25 a.m."

Mrs. E. Aronsson: "Shortly before 11.30 p.m. I saw, together with a friend, a bright illuminated ball just above the treetops. First I thought it was the moon, but this was red and it was so bright."

All these witnesses were located south or east of Enebacken. We found a further eight witnesses who had been to the north of the incident. One of them indicated how she had seen the light between two trees. When checking with a compass we found it to be precisely in the direction of Enebacken. Another, a Mr. E. Johansson, told us: "I caught sight of the red, bright ball above Enebacken at about 11.45 p.m. I was together with my wife and another couple. We estimate its size to be a little less than that of the full moon. It moved to and fro and up and down above the forest. We could also see something like a beam of light coming from the ground going up to the light. It was very beautiful to look at. The light was constant in brightness and created an illuminated streak on the surface of Lake Haslingen."

The distance between Enebacken and these witnesses is about 1,100 metres. At 12.15 a.m. Mr. E. Johansson and the other man took the car to try to find out what the light was. When turning into the side road leading to Enebacken they found another car, a blue SAAB, standing there. In it were Iwo young men, who said that they too had tried to find out what the light was. While they were standing there the light went out, or disappeared.

Mr. E. Johansson and his friend thought someone at Enebacken was using a balloon, or something like that, so they turned the car and went back. After coming home they caught sight of the light again. At about 1.00 a.m. they tired of it and went to bed. What happened to the blue SAAB they do not know. It was still standing there when they left. (We have not been able to trace it.)

The next morning Mr. E. Johansson and a couple of others went over Lake Halsingon by boat, went up to Enebacken and found the round marks.

We also found one witness west of Enebacken. A woman had seen the light from her house.


Enebacken is situated in pretty rough country. There are lakes, forests and mountains and hills, and not many people living in the neighbourhood. The croft is surrounded by forest, and around the house there is a garden and a meadow. The corner of the garden where the marks were found is a little higher than the surroundings. It is an old lawn, rather uneven, with old fruit-trees standing on it. The marks were about 40 cms. in diameter and 4 cms. deep. They were not all alike but differed a little around the edges and in depth. One was a little less round than the other two. It did not seem as if something had been standing there, but rather as if three jet-beams had been used.

We also checked the weather at three places around Alingsas, and found that it was cloudy at the time. The clouds were at a height of about 200 metres (mist-clouds). The wind was south-west and about 5 metres/sec. This has been confirmed by several of the witnesses.


While we were conducting our investigations there was a lot of speculation in the press. One paper explained the mystery by saying that the young men in the blue car had made the marks and used a balloon as a hoax. Another explained it with a warm-air balloon being lost and then landing, sending for a car, and then taking off again, and, of course, there were several other explanations.

The police and the military authorities seem to have accepted [he balloon theory completely. Two young men were pointed out as having perpetuated this hoax. When we talked with one of them he denied it completely. We have several reasons for believing him. One is that he was pointed out because he had a green FIAT, whereas the mysterious car was a blue SAAB.


We left some of the soil we had taken at Enebacken with a man working at the Chalmers Institute of Technology, the Institution for Nuclear Chemistry. Two men have been investigating it. There have been three tests over differing periods. The following is based on the last test which took 24 hours, 8 hours with empty instrument, 8 with the reference-soil (4 metres from the marks) and 8 with the test-soil (from one of the marks).

The soil samples were analysed by using a Hewlett Packard Multichannel Analyser, 54OOA. This instrument takes a gamma radiation spectrum.

In the reference-soil there was no activity, except the natural background one. The test - soil showed a weak gamma-activity at an energy of 660 keV, which had not decreased two weeks after the first test. This activity could possibly come from a barium isotope 137 Ba (gamma-activity at 662 KeV), which is created when a cerium isotope 137Ce radiates beta-radiation (137Ce has a half-life of 30 years). The measured activity is very low, less than 900 pulses in 8 hours, but nevertheless is exceptional. The man doing the last two tests has told us that 137Ce, to the best of his knowledge, can only be found in certain nuclear processes. Furthermore, the fact that no activity (except the natural background one) was present in the reference-soil, seems to rule out the possibility that the activity had come from a nuclear test in the atmosphere.

There seem, therefore, to be only two possibilities:

1. Someone has had a little fun at our expense, but he must then have used a substance to create the marks, which contains 137Ce, and such substances are not common. There is no possibility that he would have put the 137Ce there knowingly because the actual amount involved is too small.

2. Something unfamiliar to us, using something which contains 137Ce had been at Enebacken on the night in question.

There might be one more possibility left: that gamma-activity is not coming from 137Ce but from an even more unusual substance. But if so, we do not know from what.


We have recorded at least 10 other sightings in this area since September 1, 1969. Most of them arc described as being round and red or yellow in colour. They are often seen for long periods, and on a couple of occasions there has been more than one object. In one case, when the witness thought it went very low over his house, a whistling sound was heard. All this has happened in an area of less than one square mile (I Swedish mile - 10 kilometres) around Lake Anten.

This case has some very interesting details, but poses a lot of questions. Let me point out some of these questions: Mr. E. Johansson says that when they came to Enebacken on the Sunday morning, they saw car-tracks on the lawn only 10 metres from the marks. Were they already there on Saturday, or did anyone go there in the night or early in the morning, or was there a hoax by a person or persons who had their car standing there? What happened to the blue SAAB? Did the lightbeam come from the object or from the ground?

Mr. E. Johansson said the light went out. Did it do that, or did it only go down below the treetops? If it went out, does that prove it was a hoax?

We do not think this is the end of this story, but we have decided to publish the results so far and we hope that some new facts will come to light in consequence.

This case-report has been prepared by GICOFF. All information presented is based on GICOFFs investigation. We have not used any second-hand material. I have shortened the report a little and translated it into English. "NOTE: The author is Secretary of Goteborgs Informations Center om Oidentifierade Flygande Foremal (GICOFF),* a group formed by a number of science student"s

With great respect to the investigators, who seem for the most part to have done a very good job, the scientific examination, although it sounds impressive, is actually a little weak. They ought, for example' to have considered chemical tests to confirm the presence of Cerium- my professional chemist friend tells me this-and they ought to have been more specific about the sample. If it consisted of the ashes from the mark the burning might well have concentrated material deposited from the atmosphere. The suggestion that it came from a nuclear propulsion system, or the like, is not supported by the evidence - "R. H. B. Winder"

A World of UFOs

Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds

The World's Weirdest Places"

Canary Island Alien Sphere 1976

Canary Island Alien Sphere 1976
Summary of Events: In 1976 on the Spanish Canary Island an extremely intensive wave of UFO sightings began. The case file is filled with multiple witness sightings, agreeing in great detail as to what was seen over the island. This highly unusual event actually began on the night of June, 22. Residents of Tenerife, La Palma, and La Gomera began reporting unusual lights in the sky almost simultaneously. The Canary Island investigation would also include a rarity-the credibility of testimony of eyewitnesses was based on social status: that is, a report by an engineer would be of more value than that of a laborer.

Yellow-Blue Lights: An armed Navy escort ship, the "Atrevida" would make the very first report of unusual activity in the skies. The ship was three and one-half miles off the coast of Fuerteventura Island. At 9:27 PM, the crew observed an extremely intense yellow-blue light which was coming from the shore of the island out to sea. The captain of the vessel made a detailed report of the sighting in the ship's log. The UFO was also seen and reported by residents of the island, with three villages-Galdar, Las Rosas, and Agaete making the heaviest reports.

Detailed Investigation: An Investigator Adjutant would do a thorough search through military and civilian air logs, and state that there were not any aerial flights, or exercises which might account for the reports. The Spanish Air Force would conduct an extremely detailed account of all of the sightings. Their report listed fourteen different, "highly credible" witness statements. The glowing object was also photographed by several different witnesses, from different locations and angles.

Most Dramatic Account: The most dramatic account of the Canary Island sightings comes from a physician, Doctor Francisco Padron Leon, who was traveling in a cab at the time, making a house call, arriving at the patient's house, he and the cab driver saw an incredible sight, a large, glowing sphere of blue. The doctor watched the sphere long enough to make a very detailed report on the anomalous object. He described the sphere as having a radius of 100 feet, with the lower part of the inside of the orb having a platform made of an aluminum-like material.

Descriptions of the Aliens: Two tall alien beings, 8-10 feet in height, manned the platform, or control center for the sphere, one on one side, one on the other. The aliens were wearing clothes of a red color, and they always looked directly at each other while performing their duties. The beings were humanoid shaped, with heads disproportionately large for the rest of their bodies. They wore a helmet. The doctor was able to glean such a good description of the beings and platform because the sphere was totally transparent. He could see stars through the sphere.

The Orb Moves Away: As he watched the enigmatic sphere, it began to grow larger and larger as it began to move away from the island toward the town of Tenerfie. After reaching its ultimate size, it then dissolved into a small size before disappearing. A neighbor who lived near the doctor's patient, was watching television at the time, when the screen went blank, and her dogs began to bark loudly outside her home. She ran to a window to check on what the dogs were barking at, and saw the doctor's cab, and the alien sphere. She reported seeing two figures in the sphere.

Conclusions: Throughout the remainder of the year, various and sundry reports were made of similar objects over Canary. An official governmental report would be released, but it was ambiguous at best. They accepted the reports of the UFOs as valid, but would not accept the alien presence. This was done to allow the possibility that the UFOs could be an unknown Air Force exercise. Giving credence to the reports of alien beings would necessitate accepting an extraterrestrial explanation for the entire event. The Canary Island alien sphere event is considered legitimate by many investigators.


Cosmic Paradigm Or Cosmic Slavery

Cosmic Paradigm Or Cosmic Slavery
These are some of our thought about the so called Cosmic Paradigm Movement. My writing in bold and italic between lines. Thanks for your interest

Cosmic Paradigm Network

The Cosmic Paradigm Network is a group of individuals around the globe who are committed to an uplifting transformation of planet Earth. We acknowledge that our home planet is undergoing a dramatic change and wish to assist. The three facets of the Network are:

This idea of change is not clear. In what sense is our world changing? Change doesn't necessary is for the better.

1. We accept that a period of change is upon and will support each other during the metamorphosis.

The definition of metamorphosis is a sudden and drastic change. Again, what kind of change and why should we support this unknown change? Who is the beneficiary of this change? We or the Aliens?

2. We will use the Network to exchange information -- including contact experiences and extraplanetary messages -- and provide a source of truth to each other and the larger population.

Information, including contact experiences and extraplanetary messages. Sounds very nice but we will need some evidences about contacts and messages. More of the same New Age, pseudo-spiritualistic rhetoric means absolutely nothing. Besides, how we know the true intentions of the non-human Entities? More abductions perhaps?

3. We will express our commitment to creating a positive transformation by holding the highest good for all humans in our thoughts and intentions, and by affirming an enlightened planet.

I agree. We must hold the highest good for us, humans in thoughts and intentions, (and facts). Please define what is for you an enlightened planet. Thanks

The premises upon which we operate are:

1. Acknowledge the presence and workings of non-human conscious life forms-- from physical to spiritual -- in the cosmos and on our planet.

There are no evidences of such Entities, other than hostile acts like abductions, implants and illegitimate invasion of our planet, our minds and our bodies.

2. Accept that there are beings with greater wisdom than humans. We acknowledge that they have been and continue to be intimately involved in our daily lives. We acknowledge that there are several agendas being pursued by these non-humans.

Not necessary so. More technology doesn't means more wisdom. We want to know what those agendas are. Until now, hostile and illegal acts are the only evidence. They need to show their faces and tell us what they want here.

3. Recognize that humans have free will. We are here by our own choice. We make choices each day. We are totally responsible for who and what we are.

We cannot have free will if we recognize the superiority of the Big Cosmic Brothers. We cannot have free will if we are abducted.

4. Agree to work as caretakers of this planet to overcome all forms of environmental degradation, and pollution both of our environment and of our persons.

Total agreement. We are alone with this duty. Aliens, until now, show total indifference for our personal and social problems.

5. Recognize that we have evolved little past our animal origins. Admit to the xenophobia, desire for comfort and security, and victim mentality that control our actions. Renounce violence -- physical and psychological -- as a means of solving anything. Treat each other as sisters and brothers.

The desire for comfort and security are perfectly normal. The idea of "victim mentality " is inhuman. Most humans ARE victims and victimized.

6. Project to all extraterrestrials that we wish them no harm, and that we wish to live in peace. Carry that message to the universe by becoming emissaries to the cosmos.

We demand to know who the "extraterrestrials" are, where they come from, and what they want. This requires open contact and cessation of criminal activities like intrusion and abductions. Until this moment, these aliens remain in the illegality.

7. See our current situation for what it is and step away from depending on the dominant paradigm for security, truth, and comfort.

False and dangerous: we want security, truth and comfort and we have the right to enjoy those.

8. Embrace the unthinkable possibility that if we do not change the way we are behaving then this beautiful world and all on it will cease to exist.

These concepts are childish. We are not "behaving". We are not children. We are totally and absolutely responsible for our acts. Alien agencies has nothing to do with our destiny.

Extraterrestrial Signal Detected In Real Time

Extraterrestrial Signal Detected In Real Time
Astronomers detected a mysterious, brief radio signal in New South Wales using the Parkes Radio Telescope.

Known as Fast Radio Bursts, short signals like this one are comparatively new phenomenon. Scientists are yet to determine their origin.

It was in 2007 that Fast Radio Burst first occurred when astronomers discovered it after looking through related data from the Parkes Radio Telescope. Then six more bursts have been reportedly found in archival data of the Parkes Radio Telescope, and another similar burst discovered from Arecibo telescope data in Puerto Rico. However, one of these brief signals had not been detected in real time until recently.

A team of Australian astronomers lead by Emily Petroff developed a method to search for Fast Radio Bursts. The effort paid off on May 14, 2014 when a Fast Radio Burst was detected for the first time in real time. Researchers then alerted other telescopes from different parts of the world. Scientists successfully scanned multiple wavelengths with twelve telescopes investigating the signal. But ScienceDaily explains researchers found nothing even though they successfully detected the radio wave burst while it happened and could quickly make follow-up observations at other wavelengths such as x-ray waves, ultraviolet light, infrared light, and visible light.

Astrophysicist Daniele Malesani explains that the efforts were not wasted because they did not see light at other wavelengths, which eliminated variety of astronomical phenomena related to violent events, such as gamma-ray bursts from exploding supernovae and stars, which otherwise prospects for the burst.

The team concludes that the radio burst came from 5.5 billion light years away. However, the mystery remains despite the fact that astronomers learned more about this mysterious Fast Radio Burst phenomenon through eliminating some possible sources.

So, what are these radio signals? Where do they originate? What may be causing the signal? Possibilities include evaporating black holes, alien communication, and merging neutron stars.

The post Extraterrestrial Signal Detected In Real Time appeared first on Latest UFO Sightings.

Planet 1 9 Time As Massive As Earth Discovered And New Method Of Diverting Asteroids

Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:

g STARS - More than half the stars in our galaxy are small, dim M dwarfs. Until recently, scientists believed these stars put out too little light to support life on any planets that orbited them. But at a recent workshop held at the SETI Institute, a multidisciplinary group of researchers concluded not only that M dwarfs might host habitable planets, but that they might also be good targets in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. See article. Note: This article is from 2005.

g ABODES - European astronomers said Tuesday that they had discovered the smallest planet yet found orbiting another star. The planet could be as little as only 1.9 times as massive as the Earth and belongs to a dim red star known as Gliese 581, which lies about 20 light-years from Earth in the constellation Libra. See article.

g COSMICUS - Researchers have determined a unique way to divert asteroids and other dangerous objects away from Earth. The method involves attaching a tether and ballast to incoming objects, and could help prevent a devastating impact in the future. See article.

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Ufo Sighting In Washington

Ufo Sighting In Washington

I was looking up at the stars, when I thought I saw a satellite. I noticed It was going some what faster than a satellite. I than thought it was a local plane. The dull light, as compared to the stars started getting a clear bright, it also seem to get several times its original size. It got several times brighter than the moon like a cars headlight from a distance. The light quckly went back to dull than it was gone. Very clear warm night, no clouds, evening mist or any fog like conditions. I'm thinking maybe space debris, but it had several seconds as one britness than went to another than gone?



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Ufo People

Ufo People
Things are heating up with my UFO sighting situation. And when I say "heating up," I mean reaching room temperature. UFO Field Investigation is slow work, it turns out, whether you're the Investigator or the Investigated. To recap: I am currently investigating my own sighting, planning to investigate a friend's sighting, and getting set to be investigated by a MUFON Field Investigator regarding my sighting. It's a lot to sort out. Just the same, I hope to have a thorough status report on all these investigations very soon, but in the meantime I have some unfinished business to attend to.

A while back I reported that a friend had approached me about sharing "a lifetime of UFO experiences" after getting wind of my blog. I was pretty excited to get the invitation, and very respectful of the fact that Xxxx had decided to open up and share such personal experiences with me. I had a meeting with Xxxx a few weeks back, the first of what I hope will be many, and we had a wonderful conversation. This is a person who has had some profound life experiences, not all of them on this level of reality, and who has spent many years trying to make sense of them all. The stories I heard were so intricate, so vivid, so rich, that after our hour's conversation was up, Xxxx had only just gotten to the UFO part... In a word: wow.

To be honest, I have barely begun to process everything I heard that day, which is one reason I haven't blogged about it until now. But I fully expect that as I continue down this path, my experiences may in some small way parallel those of Xxxx, and I will use my friend's stories as guideposts along the way...

Meanwhile, I conducted a reconnaissance mission today at the "Sci-Fi Cafe" in Burlington, WI, a small city not far from where I grew up. And when I say "reconnaissance mission" I mean I stopped in to use the rest room. I was tipped off to the existence of the Sci-Fi Cafe by MUFON's announcement of the 4th Annual Burlington Vortex Conference, an honest-to-goodness UFO conference to be held next month at the Cafe, pretty much right in my back yard. I had already signed up for a one-day pass to the event, but when I found myself passing close by Burlington today and looking for a place to take a pit-stop, it seemed predestined that I should pay a visit.

While there, I met Brad, one of the owners of the Cafe, and had a nice talk with him about his business and about the Vortex Conference. I told him I was excited to meet two of the speakers at the event, Stanton Friedman and Kathleen Marden, co-authors of the UFO book I had just read. He told me with some pride that this would make Mr. Friedman's fourth appearance at the event. In fact, Brad said that when he and his wife decided to give Friedman a year off last year, he called them up and asked if he could come anyway, because he hated to miss a year.

I couldn't stay long, so I bought a coffee from Brad and was on my way, but I left with a good feeling about the place. The simple fact that the Sci-Fi Cafe exists is enough to put a smile on my face.

Alien Craft Crashes In Aztec New Mexico

Alien Craft Crashes In Aztec New Mexico

One of the accounts covered an alleged crash at Aztec, New Mexico in 1948, only a brief period of time after the famous Roswell incident. Scully's information came largely from a mysterious Dr. Gee. Depending on which commentary you read, the identity of this physician is attributed to either a real doctor, or a fictitious person who was composed of elements of several different witnesses. Scully described the Aztec crash as that of a craft which was measured at exactly 99.99 feet in diameter, covered by a material which resembled a light weight, shiny metal that possessed incredible strength and durability. It seems that nothing on this earth could penetrate or damage the hull of this craft from another world. The disc shaped craft had large metallic rings revolving around a central core, which was supposedly the control bridge of the object. The hull of the craft contained no apparent seams, rivets, or any hint of the material being pieced together. As the story goes, the investigating team gained access to its interior by the use of a long pole which they pushed through a porthole in the saucer. A knob was engaged which opened a previously hidden door. Once inside, the team found 16 small humanoid beings, all dead, their bodies charred from fire. The aliens height was reported as 36-42 inches. The exterior of the craft was not damaged. The inside showed that the craft was put together with a framework of grooves and pins. The craft and the alien bodies were allegedly sent to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Other supporting evidence of the Aztec crash was said to have surfaced in 1987 from one William Steinman, but his sources were never verified. Steinman asserted that the crash occurred on March 25, 1948, and was verified by three different radar stations. Steinman's account listed 14 dead aliens instead of 16. Until supporting evidence of Scully's or Steinman's account can be obtained, the Aztec crash story remains an unsolved mystery. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.





Pilot Who Flew Candidate Obama Talks About His Ufo Sighting

Pilot Who Flew Candidate Obama Talks About His Ufo Sighting
A pilot who contributes articles to "New York Daily News", recently wrote an article about UFOs and commercial pilots, and he included his own incredible UFO sighting.

The title of the article is "Do pilots believe in UFOs? Many of them do and here is my close encounter story," and it is written by Andrew Danziger. According to "New York Daily News", Danziger is a 28 year airline veteran. He has served as a captain on international flights for the last 14 years. He has also been an instructor, and was even one of President Obama's pilots during the 2008 campaign.

A then-Sen. Barack Obama is seen with Capt. Andy Danziger on Election Day, 2008. (Credit: New York Daily News/Andrew Danziger)

Danziger says many pilots have shared UFO stories with him, and he claims "virtually all pilots believe in UFOs." He says they are skeptical when it comes to alien abductions and little green men, but, as Danziger puts it, "with billions of stars and trillions of planets out there, 'ya gotta believe', and almost all of us do."

His sighting took place in 1989, and in the article he gives every detail. Instead of trying to summarize it, I thought it would be best just to share it in his words. If you appreciate Danziger sharing his story, as I do, be sure to go to the story on "New York Daily News" and tell him you appreciate his article.

Here is his UFO encounter:

People love to ask pilots questions. But my favorite, and certainly the most interesting, is "Have you ever seen a UFO while flying?"

The answer is yes. And here's how it happened.

It was April 10, 1989 and early in my career. I was still a first officer at a regional airline. It was about 8 p.m. and we had just taken off from Kansas City International Airport bound for Waterloo, Iowa. It was a beautiful evening, with a full moon, clear skies and crisp early spring temperatures. The weather forecast for Waterloo was as nice, with clear skies and unlimited visibility.

Kansas City International Airport as seen from the air. (Credit: Pacman5/Wikimedia Commons)

After a short taxi and take-off, Air Traffic Control (ATC) cleared us to our cruise altitude of 15,000 feet. We established a Northeasterly heading, pointed strait at Waterloo, about 200 miles ahead. There were thin wispy clouds all around us, illuminated by the light of the full moon that shone through the captain's-side window at our left. Despite the presence of these clearly visible wispy clouds everywhere, we weren't flying through any of them. There was also a white disc dimly but clearly visible through those clouds just off to our right.

We flew on and I commented to Bruce, the captain, about this dimly visible disc. He said that he'd been watching the same thing since we had leveled off. It looked similar to the moon faintly visible though thin fog, except the two were visible at the same time on opposite sides of our cockpit. We looked down below for search lights, you know, the kind that's sometimes used for aerial light displays or advertising at a car dealer, but there was no beam of light coming from the ground, no search light from an airport either. The captain and I had cumulatively spent many years flying and were accustomed to seeing - day and night - all manner of airplane, blimp, hot air balloon, satellite and bird. But neither of us had any idea what this disc could be.

President Obama waves to the crowd at Waterloo Regional Airport as he boards Air Force One to head back to Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2015. (Credit:

We spent 20 to 30 minutes at our cruise altitude, all the while staring at this white disc dimly visible through some clouds that we somehow never seemed to fly through. Within about 40 miles of Waterloo, ATC confirmed the weather, still clear skies and unrestricted visibility at our destination as we began to descend. We got busy with our flying duties and for a short while, maybe for a minute, both of us had looked away from the disc, but when I looked up at it again I saw something that has been burned into my memory.

I yelled to Bruce, "Holy s-t." He immediately looked over from what he was doing. Above the clouds, where the white disc had been, was a now giant red ball. It was big and bright and just sat there above the clouds. It wasn't intense enough to illuminate us with a red glow but it was still plenty bright. We sat there in stunned silence. We obviously didn't want to hit it but quickly saw that it was flying parallel to our course. We weren't on a collision course and we also weren't gaining on it. Time became a blur as we continued our descent, this giant, red ball holding its course.

We slowly lost altitude and at around 13,000 feet, the brightly glowing ball began a gradual descent, too. As it did, it slowly started disappearing behind those wispy clouds. In about 30 seconds, like a setting sun but not nearly as bright, it vanished behind the clouds. The instant it fully disappeared, hundreds of lights began flashing from within the clouds.

As I looked on in disbelief, the flashing lights were brighter than ever and I could see that the section of the cloud that the glowing red ball had descended behind was starting to stretch apart like a piece of "Silly Putty," two halves being pulled slowly apart with the middle getting thinner and thinner. This continued until the halves grew so thin that it tore apart and, pop! Everything was gone. The dimly lit disc, the flashing lights, the thin wispy clouds that we had with us for the last 40 minutes; all of it, gone. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. Only the full moon remained off to our left.

Bruce and I just looked at each other. "Oh my God, what the f-k was that", was all I could muster. My colleague just stared out the windscreen, mesmerized. We discussed whether we should report what we had just witnessed. After a few minutes, I picked up the radio mic and asked the Kansas City Center controller if they had anything on radar. "Nope, nothing but you," came the response. "No, not right now but a couple minutes ago, at our one to two o'clock," I replied. "No," he repeated, "It's a slow night. I've got the entire sector between Kansas City and Waterloo and you're all that's been in it for the last hour." Bruce and I again just looked at each other, completely dumbfounded. "So for the last say 40 minutes or so you've had no traffic at all, not at our one or two o'clock?" I asked. "No sir, not at your one or two o'clock, not anywhere, you're all there is," he assured us.

View from the Waterloo Regional Airport tower in 1988. (Credit:

A minute or so later, from over the radio came, "Air Midwest, do you want to report a UFO?" We looked at each other for a couple seconds and Bruce nodded his head. "Yes sir, we do," I finally replied. "OK, take down this number and call when you get on the ground."

After deplaning we called the number. "National UFO Reporting Center" said the voice from the other end. At the time I didn't even know such a place existed, but they took collect calls from pilots and air traffic controllers. Bruce told the person on the other end of the line that we wanted to report a UFO. We were interviewed separately, first the captain and then me. When my interview was finished the man on the other end of the line said that we would never hear from him again and would never receive any additional information, this was going to be our first and only contact regarding the sighting. I asked, "Can I ask just one question, do you think we're crazy, has anyone else ever reported something like this?"

"Oh no, you're not crazy at all," he replied. "This very same thing has been reported by pilots countless times." And while neither of us had any idea what we had saw one thing we were certain of, it wasn't from here.

Our airline had no official UFO policy (nor did any that I ever worked for), but at the time we were both young with long and promising careers in front of us. We knew through the grapevine that pilots weren't supposed to talk about UFOs so we swore the station agent on duty to secrecy and agreed not to talk about our incident to any of our co-workers.

That was more than 25 years ago. Today I'm older, wiser and at the end of my career. In my last few years of flying the subject of UFOs occasionally came up in the cockpit. If it was brought up at all, it was usually by a younger, newer first officer who'd say something with much trepidation. More than a few pilots have shared their UFO stories with me, too. I'm not going too far out on a ledge to say that virtually all pilots believe in UFOs. Little green men, "close encounters", alien kidnappings, not so much, but with billions of stars and trillions of planets out there, "ya gotta believe", and almost all of us do.

"Read this story on New York Daily News here."

The Joiner Report With Guest Ufologist A J Gevaerd

The Joiner Report With Guest Ufologist A J Gevaerd

By Sherry Boardman

The Joiner Report


A.J. Gevaerd will be Thursday night's guest on The Joiner Report. Among other topics, the "blue beam" case will be discussed.

Gevaerd is the editor of Revista UFO Magazine, founder and director of the Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer Research (CBPDV), Brazilian director for Mutual UFO Network (MUFON,) and one of the international directors of the U.S. International UFO Congress.

In 1986, he quit his career as a chemistry teacher to devote full time to research of UFOs. Founder of Brazil's only UFO Magazine, Gevared has been its editor for 19 years, one of the long-lasting magazines about UFOlogy in the world. He is also founder and director of the Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer Research (CBPDV), one of the leading organizations in South America, with over 3,300 members.

Gevaerd has been a field investigator 29 years and for the past 18 years the only UFO researcher in Brazil exclusively devoted full-time to the study of the UFO phenomenon. Respected as a national and international lecturer, he has spoken in dozens of cities in his country and in 29 other countries around the world. In 1983, he was appointed by Dr. J. Allen Hynek to be the representative of the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) in Brazil.

The ufologist is recognized as one of the best authorities with over 700 field investigations on Brazilian UFO cases.

Please tune in to The Joiner Report Thursday, April 7, 7:30-9 p.m. Central (8:30-10 Eastern) for this special interview at The Inception Radio Network.


See Also:

Brazil Declassifies New Set UFO Secrets Documents

Brazilian Ufology Manifesto

"All UFO Secrets Must Be Disclosed"




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Are There Aliens On The Moon

Are There Aliens On The Moon
Astronomers Paul Davies and Robert Wagner reported seeing five UFOs on the moon in mid-April 2012.

Paul Davies and Robert Wagner report seeing five UFOs on moon in mid April 2012 according to testimony supplied from These astronomers are affiliated with Arizona State University. released this discovery on 12 May 2012.

Astronomers Paul Davies and Robert Wagner had proposed a search for alien evidence on the surface of the moon in 2011. These astronomers had believed that a detailed study of thousands of photographs taken by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter might reveal such evidence.

"If it costs little to scan data for signs of intelligent manipulation, little is lost in doing so, even though the probability of detecting alien technology at work may be exceedingly low," they said. Read more

Ufo Sighting In Denver

Ufo Sighting In Denver

My wife and I were headed home. We were stopped at 56th and pecos facing east and waiting to turn north. As we were waiting at the light my wife spotted what she thought was a small black helicopter above and to the right of her/southeast and heading northeast. She originally assumed it was trying to land, but then the object continued in the same direction apparently not wanting to land. She thought I also had seen it, but I hadn't. She then alerted me to the fact that she had seen it and I looked directly ahead east and at a 30 degree angle above horizon it was only 2/10 a mile away. It continued to glide in a northeast direction and about 200' above ground. I then went through the light straight instead of turning to get a better view. This was on impulse as it would have been better to turn north towards highway 1-76. This was do to the fact that the object continued northeast and out of view when I pulled into a dead end parking lot. I then went north to pursue this object. Just two blocks north we spotted the object again heading in the same direction. we were on pecos street bridge this object continued towards a local gardening store paulinos as it reached this area it stopped and returned slowly in our direction and at the same time appeared to change shape and became a flat upward thin line then reformed and continued toward our direction northwest. It then slowly changed direction back to the northeast heading it originally had. It was then gliding directly next to 1-76. It looked as if it had attempted to land at one point not far from 1-76 and 1-25 confluence coming no more than 40' feet from ground. Granted we were now watching it at probably close to a mile from us. So distance from ground would be hard to guess. It then slowly glided back in northeast direction were we continued to observe it gliding along 1-76 a couple more miles. This object seemed to be under control. We assumed it was either a small manmade craft or balloons possibly but the object was not making a sound and it had a definite path unlike a bunch of balloons. It never accelerated rapidly but did turn/dive and rotate. When rotating it seemed to morph into a thin black line. Most of the time it looked like a snowman with no head and solid black. This object was very intriguing, so much so that I instantly had to pursue it. Going in the wrong direction from what I should have just to try seeing it better.



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Alert Exploitation Of Star Kids For Profit

Alert Exploitation Of Star Kids For Profit
Richard Boylan was stripped of all licenses to practice as a therapist because he was found guilty of gross negligence and misconduct with patients and deemed a danger to other patients. Part of his therapy involved taking nude hot tubs with female patients who had had abductee experiences. Other findings of the California State Law Court were: imposing his views of space aliens into the dreams and memories of two patients and bartering nude massages in return for psychological therapy.

So, the State of California revoked his therapists license, marriage family and child counseling license and clinical social worker license. His practice was shut down. That was back in 1995. So, why is he working with children, today, I ask, especially after being cited as encouraging young children to trust pedophiles?

I checked out Richard Boylans official website. His credentials are:

"Dr. Richard Boylan, Ph.D., MSW, M.S. Ed. Adm., B.A.Researcher, Behavioral Scientist, Exo-Anthropologist, emeritus University Associate Professor of Psychology, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist."

His site is:

"A Web Site for Presentation of Factual Research Information on UFOs and Star Visitor Contact, the Academy of Clinical Close Encounter Therapists (ACCET), and about Dr. Richard Boylan, noted researcher of the Star Visitor and Star Children phenomena, and Director of the Star Kids Project(c)."

He holds workshops called Helping Children Explore their ET Encounters and are designed for those:

"...special children, and their parents, who have been touched by a heritage from the Stars. He is the Vice-President of the Academy of Clinical Close Encounter Therapists (ACCET) in America."

The five categories of membership to his academy, all very clinical and respectable and is a federally recognized non-profit educational organization.

How did that happen?

Why is he being allowed to work with kids?

Hes tried to admonish himself by saying things like "The traumatized experiencers I counselled were... (frankly) homely, grossly obese, lesbian, poor or welfare- dependent substance-abusers." But, they seemed good enough for him to exploit.

Do I believe in the existence of Star Children? Yes, I do.

Do I believe Richard Boylan should be working with these children and their parents? No, I dont.

Do I think having photos of children and details of their experiences on web sites like Pamela Reynolds The Dolphin Children... Angels of Earth is in the best interest of these Star or Dolphin or Indigo children? No, I dont.

Do I find it disturbing that people are exposing their kids to all kinds of questionable encounters with people of questionable credentials. Yes, I do.

"Why?", you may ask.

Because I was once one of those parents.

When people are first awakening to their spirituality or psychic abilities or find out that they are contactees, or whatever, there is a tendency to do some pretty strange things. Mostly its because were like sponges and just want to absorb everything out there, in order to better understand what is happening to us or to our loved ones.

In my case, I did many things. One was a real zinger and it rhymes with Springer. I wont go into details, because I dont want to put my kids through anymore. All I can say is that through the grace of God, the show did not go on, even though wed made it all the way to Chicago,

So, parents, be wary. Be discerning. Teach your children well. Theyll do what they came here to do, without any extra help from the Boylans of the world.....