Roscosmos Show Us The Money For Soyuz
VIRGINIA-BASED Heavens ADVENTURES, which had announced the finish of an bond along with Russian Central Heavens Office and Firework Heavens Specialist Energia (RSC Energia) to commercially plan THREE Chairs ON THE SOYUZ Vehicle skip for the International company Heavens Placement (ISS), jump in 2013, has NOT SIGNED ANY Contract neither along with Roscosmos, nor along with RSC-E, Roscosmos Secular Spaceflight Directorate Control Alexey Krasnov told Sign and as soon as posted on the RUSSIAN Central Heavens Office web site.

According to Krasnov, the a.m. deliberations may open in sound, provided that Heavens ADVENTURES finds backing for increasing of Soyuz emerge, from four to five space vehicles per rendezvous.

"This release is a caring of correct of Heavens Adventure's intentions and grab crucial backing in the switch to finance assembly of an extra Soyuz. The copy of Soyuzes per rendezvous may be increased On or after FROM 2014, provided that the union finds the cash"," Krasnov positive, adding together that Heavens Adventures shall finance the extra Soyuz in scheme to revitalize touristic space missions.

"Honest after that, we confer on open planning along with our international allies in the ISS program. Near are diverse issues surrounding, but they admit not been studied so far, as we don't admit any prepare bond along with Heavens Adventures"," Roscosmos affirm explains.

Meanwhile, the Virginia Precise Legislature Posterior Discussion group is expected to supply a probationary on Legislature Hoarding 1447 late Thursday afternoon in Richmond to to seek salary tax dollars generated by matter human spaceflight entities based in the state to support the Virginia Occupational Heavens Flight Administration for the momentum of the MID-ATLANTIC Local SPACEPORT at Wallops Atoll, explanation Clark Lindsey at HOBBYSPACE and Doug Messier at PARABOLIC ARC.

Virgina space advocates probe means to export start-up studies to human-rate the baby bird matter orbital spaceport and to vigorously trajectory suborbital and orbital matter human spaceflight earlier to the end of the decade. Precise revenue from human spaceflights and spaceflight thinking sold by Virginia-based entities may give somebody the use of definite revenue to open studies and design work. The FAA and NASA are promulgating matter human spaceflight policy presently.