Ufo News Google January 11 2015
* UFO Sighted In 1966 NASA Photo From Gemini Space Project - Aliens - The Inquisitr

UFO Sighted In 1966 NASA Photo From Gemini Space Project - Aliens


Not one UFO but two glowing objects were spotted by UFO researchers this week in a NASA photo dating from 1966 - almost 50 years ago - showing the final mission of the Gemini space project. But were these UFOS actually alien spacecraft keeping a

* California UFO That Jettisoned Orb Befuddles Experts As They Continue To - The Inquisitr

CALIFORNIA UFO That Jettisoned Orb Befuddles Experts As They Continue To


After lighting up the internet all week as much as it seemed to light up the sky, the bizarre "UFO Crashing Releases Orb Over Southern California" video has been under scrutiny, but has it been debunked? One thing you often hear people complain about

* Is Scotland the UFO capital of the world? - Scotland Now

IS SCOTLAND THE UFO capital of the world?


We all watched open-mouthed. "This wasnt a lantern. It went from Ayrshire to Campsies (about 40 miles) in 60 secs. Passed right over us & we ran to other side of house. "Note: Im not saying this was a UFO. I think a test plane only explanation. Mach

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