Feeding On Ancient Carbon And The Quest For Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:

g ABODES - Glaciers along the Gulf of Alaska are enriching stream and near shore marine ecosystems from a surprising source - ancient carbon contained in glacial runoff, researchers from four universities and the U.S. Forest Service report. See article.

g LIFE - Scientists have shown for the first time that insects, like mammals, use vision rather than touch to find footholds. They made the discovery thanks to high-speed video cameras - technology the BBC uses to capture its stunning wildlife footage - that they used to film desert locusts stepping along the rungs of a miniature ladder. See article.

g AFTERMATH - Here's a classic I stumbled across online: Carl Sagan's 1978 article "The Quest for Extraterrestrial Intelligence." Few other pieces so eloquently capture the essential, human purpose behind astrobiology and SETI. See article.

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