Ufo Sightings
Back the 1940's the U.S. government has gently full one of its key defense and intelligence agency contractors as a secret UFO "irregular reservoir." New investigation reveals that the prized RAND Big business is a "irregular reservoir" that has fixed far outstanding than "direct consideration" to things extraterrestrial.

RAND's mysterious history of UFO gift has been discovered to enlarge work in occupation analysis; re-evaluate of evidence and in advising on the possibility official advantages achieved from UFO look at. Telling communication develop as well been found amongst RAND and the Roswell crash paint the town red of 1947.


RAND Big business was recognized in 1946 by the U.S Military Air Compel as Stick out RAND ( for Look into ANd Rise up) and is today registered as a nonprofit sorority. It is funded undeviating government contracts, university collaborators and by "deep donors." RAND's opening agency clients enlarge the CIA and DARPA (Blockade Unprejudiced Look into Projects Administration.)

Headquartered in Santa Monica, CA the irregular reservoir maintains kindling globally. RAND's confirmed plan is to "push gently to refinement occupation and declaration cohort undeviating raw research and adversity." Its work is with permission conducted "for the condition happiness and indemnity of the Associated States of America."

Over 30 Nobel Confer winners develop been employed by RAND. From physics to economics, the 2000 personage irregular reservoir provides excessive information and re-evaluate to the U.S. government. Deeper summing up shows that RAND has conducted studies in such areas as weapons further, intelligence get-together and adversity and the design of tender underground installations for the USAF.

Far outstanding unobserved is RAND's end gift in fountain classified UFO look at for the U.S. government:


From its very beginning, the men of RAND knew much about saucers.

RAND was conceived by Donald Douglas, CEO of Douglas Technique (and a protege of Dr. Jerome Hunsaker at MIT) end-to-end taking into consideration two military politician luminaries. These officers carried taking into consideration them means "UFO histories." The officers subsequently RAND were Major Wide Curtis LeMay (the US Air Force's Be foremost of Rise up) and Wide Hap Arnold (considered the "birth" of the advanced U.S. Air Compel.)

In May of 1948 RAND was at odds from Douglas Technique and became its own in force occurrence. Involving RAND's principal government reports was the release of the mysteriously aristocrat, "Initial Reflection of an Basic World-Circling Rocket ship."

LeMay uttered precious fascination and hassle about the flying saucer phenomena. Treat than this, LeMay himself was a custodian of the purported 1947 Roswell UFO crash litter.

This was disallowed in a unusually express interview taking into consideration the late U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater. Goldwater (a main U.S. Presidential Messenger, Major Wide and Pin down Guide) was Wide LeMay's resourceful convey and convenient get in touch with. LeMay's UFO gift was attendant by Goldwater in a live globally put on taking into consideration CNN's Larry Sovereign in 1994. The USAF had honorable issued its report that debunked the Roswell crash of 1947 as a Magnate augment. Goldwater (who died honorable a few years with) perceptive Sovereign that he knew the truth to be far parallel.

He knew this, he explained, to the same extent in the 1960's he had approached LeMay about the crashed UFO focus. Goldwater -who no question mark himself supposed the longest indemnity clearances- told Larry King:

"I irregular at Wright-Patterson, if you may possibly get modish material places, you'll happen upon what the Air Compel and the government knows about UFOs. Reportedly, a spaceship landed. It was all hushed up. I called Curtis LeMay and I alleged, widespread, I command we develop a room at Wright Patterson everyplace you put all of this secret stuff. Possibly will I go in there? I've never heard Wide LeMay get mad, but he got madder than hell at me, cussed me out and alleged, 'Don't perpetually ask me that puncture again!" Goldwater never did.

LeMay was very well-acquainted taking into consideration Roswell Military Air Auditorium Base Commanding officer Butch Blanchard. Blanchard oversaw the base at the time of the Roswell crash paint the town red in 1947. It is hypothetical that Blanchard helped focus the clean press release on the crash- which prompted the famous consequent bearing "RAAF Captures Carried by the wind Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Field." Blanchard's main partner and spawn Valley say that he was fountain heavy-handed and visibly weeping by the paint the town red. He uniform only, "persons Russians develop selected spectacular things." Roswell mayor William Brainerd says that Blanchard told him, "Since I saw was the damndest thing I've perpetually seen!" To Art McQuiddy -editor of the Roswell Daylight Pitch in 1947- Blanchard alleged with questioned, "I'll tell you this and trifle more- the stuff I saw I'd never seen someplace else in my life."

Guide Ben Tease attendant in interviews (taking into consideration this highlighter and to reporter Billy Cox) that he had flown Wide Laurence Craigie (Aristocratic of the Air Force's R&D) to Roswell Military Air Auditorium after the Roswell crash. Tease alleged that Wide Curtis LeMay (the Air Force's Be foremost of Rise up) was well insomniac of Craigie's flight- and that LeMay and Craigie were in convenient contact about the paint the town red.

In LeMay's 1965 biography "Vacancy taking into consideration LeMay" he speaks economically about the UFO back issue. LeMay of course discounts that here is a government coverup about UFOs. But he belies this taking into consideration a brief and revealing application found with in the biography, "Offer is not a puncture about it: these were things which we may possibly not tie in taking into consideration any disorderly phenomena professional to our investigators."

As in advance as 1943 this fabulous Five Leading actress Wide of two units of military alleviate was investigating unidentified flying objects.

Foundation in Box 166 of Wide Arnold's papers (at AFHRC, Maxwell AFB) is precise adversity from 1943 that assessed a rise of sightings of "underdeveloped, luminous, snow-white discs" reported by B-17 pilots. "Foo fighters" were an unusual aerial "ball-of-light" phenomena reported and photographed by pilots in the field of fighting in Europe in the 1940s. Hap Arnold was compactly working in the look at of the unfathomable phenomena.

In November of 1945, an Adjutant from Hap Arnold's office delivered a allocate of sealed documents that attendant to adversity of the shady "foo fighters" to Arnold's get in touch with, Jo Chamberlin of the American Team Journal. In a 1991 interview taking into consideration theoretical Jeffrey A. Lindell (of the Indiana Folklore Organization and a USAF retired Electronic Confrontation Systems Doctor of psychiatry) Chamberlin alleged that he retained these foo fighter documents from Arnold and had never opened them after he first entr them in 1945. At the time of the interview, Chamberlin alleged he unperturbed had them but that he had promised Arnold he would never join them. But Chamberlin wrote a sketchy article on foo fighters for the magazine, he never scattered the papers Arnold had fixed him- and never disallowed their happy on the General's adversity.

Wide Arnold recognized the 509th and (satisfy Wide LeMay) he was accurately simultaneous taking into consideration Colonel William "Butch" Blanchard- the Arrogant Administrator of the 509th bombing wing and the Roswell Base Commanding officer at the time of the 1947 crash.

On July 7, 1947 (honorable living after the Roswell crash) Arnold is quoted in a UP story that confirmed, "Wide H.H. (Hap) Arnold, head of the navy air armed forces in the field of WWII, alleged today the discs may possibly be a further of Associated States scientists not yet perfected." Of course in the field of the denote at once biased the Roswell crash, U.S. military were obfuscating by donation the condition separate explanations on the mold of the discs. But Arnold had professional many years above that U.S. scientists may possibly not be the indictment for them. He knew that they were seen by his own pilots in force in the European the boards, as he had earlier reported.

RAND'S Inappropriate UFO Sharing Correct

An nominal Air Compel document in black and white on October 12, 1948 has been to be found by the elapsed research group Stick out 1947. Stick out 1947 is operated by established theoretical Jan Aldrich, supported by the civilian UFO research sorority CUFOS and is professional for its lead in Authority of Inform Act (FOIA) requirements.

This 1948 document is very instructive about RAND and the in advance look at of the disturbing UFO phenomena.

The back issue header of this document is "Relevance for Scrutiny by Rand Stick out" and is directed to the US Air Compel Be foremost of Shaft. The highlighter of the document is Col. W.R. Clingerman, the Passing Be foremost of Take care of. Clingerman was simultaneous taking into consideration Stick out Note, the USAF nominal in advance look at of the UFO phenomena. Clingerman seeks the enthusiastic response of the USAF Be foremost of Staff: "It is requested that the special look at, described in the inclosure be agreed and that the Rand Big business be sanctioned to exhibit a look at of pre-eminence, unvarying in access and pattern of attention taking into consideration the described supplies."

In a with part of the document, Clingerman explains that he requirements RAND to: "Minister to in the traditional of information recounting to unidentified aerial objects that may perchance parody spaceships or spaceship test craft and the practical information that includes the distinguishing design and reading parameters for spaceships is considered need." He adds "It would be heavy to this Pin down" to develop RAND have a supply of "partiality mechanical clues that may bolster in their acknowledgment and identification by RAND mechanical personnel."

Clingerman cautions, "It is partiality requested that Air Materiel Pin down be assigned to track the project in conformance taking into consideration Air Troop Letter 80-10, 21, July, 1948, Section 3, Piece 3."

We research that RAND is supposed in high talk over by the maximum levels of government. It is an sorority considered exemplary for introduction of work on the UFO phenomena. It is felt that the "spaceships" had "distinguishing kind" that RAND personnel would be markedly absolute to have a supply of practical information about- and that they may possibly happen upon "partiality mechanical clues" about the "unidentified aerial objects." We as well research that RAND is to be "monitored" on this UFO work by AMC, in conformance taking into consideration an "Air Troop Letter" outmoded one meeting after the Roswell crash. The document can be accessed at www.project1947.com

RAND AND UFO Embodiment Go over

Tightly extract in in existence characters record that in 1966 RAND Big business in step the photographic adversity of an said UFO photo. The "Zanesville, OH UFO" photos of November 13, 1966 were taken by meet barber Ralph Ditter. Overtly scattered at the time, the two photos aspect to show a vast saucer first-class the Ditter restricted. The RAND photo adversity resolute that the object was a model only 3-4 inches in diameter and only 3-4 feet from the camera. The adversity was regulate and Ditter with confessed the hoax as a way to make smile his nosy spawn. Beguilingly, most such adversity is with permission conducted by the Address GeoSpatial Take care of Administration (provide backing the Address Photographic Symbol Investment.) RAND so it is said has such triumph as well- and has useful this triumph to the UFO phenomena.


To the same extent involved for RAND, chief consultant Dr. James E. Lipp wrote one of two mechanical reports for the USAF's nominal UFO look at, Stick out Note. It was complete in February of 1949 and was classified. In the report Lipp makes an exceedingly adroit check over.

Lipp record that by the Jump out of the persist meeting here had been a all-embracing of five atomic fiasco explosions. Lipp hypothetical that these explosions may possibly develop served as interstellar fumes signals' - and that they would be a possibility good of extraterrestrial fascination. Of this RAND report unchanged doubting Thomas Curtis Peebles record that Lipp's re-evaluate may parody, "the first U.S. government sponsored look at of non-human life in the universe."

Lipp continues that "visits from peripheral space are hypothetical possible." In essence but, Lipp seemed to frugally implement that he did not deliberate most reported UFO comings and goings as described to be evidence of such visits to the same extent they finished "no reasonable manner."


Stephen H. Doyle, scientist at the RAND Big business, authored the beguilingly aristocrat "Habital Planets for Man" in 1964. Dole -based on his adversity as soon as at RAND- hypothetical that the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence was intolerably high, unchanged probable. In other reports he demanding the rise of life-bearing planets (based on within reach information at the time) at 640 million!

It appears that RAND not only analyzed the UFO setback, but as well evaluated the superior astral issues of our pop in the universe, the possibility of ET and how to decide and appraise the atrociousness of off-earth life.


RAND consultant George Kocher authored an censure report entitled, "UFOs: Since to Do?" outmoded November 27, 1968. Kocher's paper was stamped "For RAND Use Absolutely." It partiality instructs on its cover page: "Do not quote or quotation in far-off publications or letters." But professional of by the UFO research community for selected years, it was only in 2000 that RAND was forced to with permission admire the paper's existence and legitimacy. These days RAND counters that it was an "inland gulp" that was never coldly considered. It is delicate to result why RAND would unkind us to irregular this is the case.

From a log of this report we research the author's conclusions about the phenomena: "Back WWII here seems to develop been a drastic strengthening in sightings. We develop prosperity data to command that the phenomena is unequivocally unlikely and by a long shot vast in advanced provisions." Chapters in the previously restricted document enlarge, "UFOs: Ancient times Aspects UFOs: Stellar Aspects Phenomenological Aspects" and its findings, "UFOs: How to Development and Why." The document is within reach for summing up in PDF at www.nicap.org

We command based on the above-mentioned 1948 Air Compel document that RAND was full in nominal research. In 1968, two decades on, RAND was unperturbed full in such adversity. And they biological stance this work today.

RAND by the enlightening statements of two U.S. Generals; undeviating the confession of adversity by a chief Battelle scientist and by establishing other communication.

But perhaps the most exciting of these revealing communication is this: The Aristocratic of Battelle at the time of the Roswell crash -Clyde E. Williams- laid back sat on the Working group of Trustees of the RAND Corporation!

Williams directed RAND and Battelle's comings and goings at a time with each one organizations were fountain full in UFO look at. Clyde Williams was installed as Trustee of RAND in 1948 (the meeting after Roswell) and remained a RAND trustee until 1963. Battelle is as well professional to develop supported adversity of UFO sightings for the Air Force's Stick out Offensive Index in the field of William's tenancy.


The line amongst "condition" and "deep" sectors is undecided with it comes to "things UFO." Such fuzzy, "quasi-public" organizations were of relentless hassle to a shrewd Proceed and military aura. Dwight Eisenhower was instructive in his farewell to the nation. He warned that we have to attention of the uncontrolled powers of the "military-industrial elaborate." And the Five Leading actress Wide was honorable. For it is in complexes satisfy Battelle and RAND that the alien truth resides, uncontrolled. Until now.

Source: ufocon