JULY 04, 2013 - UNITED STATES - MUFON is one of the largest and oldest UFO organisations in the world. It publishes UFO journal once a month. This journal is distributed to over 3,000 members including hundreds of Ph.Ds. The first MUFON Symposium happened in Peoria, Illinois in 1970 with a goal to gather people in one place where different detailed papers could be presented. It was an opportunity for researchers and investigators to meet personally and share everything about their works in the UFO field to each other and to public in general. This July, MUFON will once again hold their Annual Symposium. This time it will be held at the JW Marriott Hotel and Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada from July 18 to 21, 2013. MUFON announced that people who will attend the gathering will experience more than what they can expect in a UFO Conference. Organizer will add special events such as: o A tour to Area 51 o Dinners and cocktail parties for people who want to network with others in the UFO field o Field Investigators and Training Day for people who want to become a MUFON field investigator o Viewing of the film "Sirius" o Skywatch with SyFy Channel's Ben Hansen The symposium will feature notable speakers including Francois Louange, Ph.D for dinner banquet and keynote address, Ted Peters, Ph.D. for "Science, SETI and UFOlogy," and Ron Westrum, Ph.D for "Science and Hidden Events." For complete speaker line-up, you may visit http://www.mufonsymposium.org/. Ticket prices start at 75. For more inquiries, you may contact mufonsymposium@gmail.com.