Goat owners in this area have seen their animals decapitated by a tall hairy creature for a hundred years, he says. It is a typical Yowie kill. A local woman saw a hairy humanoid in August 1997. Photographs of footprints were taken the next day.
If the Australian Yowie exists it is certainly very secretive. For hundreds of year there have been sightings. Yet no real evidence has been left, apart from footprints which can be made by anyone.http://www.adventure--australia.blogspot.com/
http://adventure--australia.blogspot.com.................. Society
Australian Blog Australia Blog
A very brightly lit UFO is seen hovering over a lake in Keystone Heights, Florida back on May 18, 2013
This is one of the LATEST UFO SIGHTINGS posted on the MUFON website today. While the witness was taking the dog for a walk they noticed a bright light coming in and hovering over the lake. They were able to take this great photo of the UFO with their cell phone. The Bright UFO shimmering on the water in the blackness of night sure makes a beautiful photo.
I cropped and enhance the photo by adding a Sketch filter to try and get some kind of outline to the UFO. The UFO looks like a solid brightly lit ball with no wings and no signs of propulsion.
UFO Keystone Heights, Florida enhanced
Witness description:
" Took my dog out about 12:30 pm and noticed a light coming in over the lake. I went back in the house and grabbed my phone thinking it might be a cool picture. I took photos of it coming in hovering over the lake and then leaving."
Leave a comment and tell us what you think about this UFO sighting.
The reporting witness was a 9-year-old in 1987 playing with her cousin in a field behind her home during daylight hours with a clear sky.
"I looked up at the sky and saw a black, vertical, rectangle hovering above, just south of where we stood," the witness stated. "I remember looking over at my cousin who was also staring at it and asked her if she saw it too. She said yes."
The witness described the object.
"We both thought it looked like a black door or doorway. We stared at it for several minutes waiting to see what would happen. It barely moved, although it did appear to be shaking or vibrating slightly."
The witness said the object barely moved, although it did appear to be shaking or vibrating slightly. Pictured: Markham, Ontario, Canada. (Credit: Google)
The witnesses' mother called from their backyard asking the kids to come inside for dinner.
"We left the field and the 'black door' and went back to my house. We never discussed it with my parents and I've never seen anything like it since."
The witness is hoping someone has a similar incident to share.
"The reason why I decided to share my story is because I want to know if anyone else has a similar story to mine or can shed some light on what we saw. Recently I asked my cousin if she remembered what we saw in the field behind my house when we were kids. She responded immediately saying, 'Do you mean the door in the sky? I'll never forget it!'"
The witness said the black rectangle was hovering between 75-100 yards above the ground.
The object was shaped like a door and hovered between 75 and 100 yards above the ground. Pictured: Markham, Ontario, Canada. (Credit: Google)
Markham is a city in the Regional Municipality of York, lies within the Greater Toronto Area of Southern Ontario, Canada, population 301,709.
Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to MUFON.com.
The post Canadian UFO looked like a 'black door' appeared first on Openminds.tv.
Reference: outer-space-guests.blogspot.com
I like this quote.
The so-called "true believers," who, let's be honest now, exist, believe in things beyond mere faith; they insist it's The Truth. Not just their truth, but THE truth, yours, mine, ours, everyone's. They're everywhere, and that includes the world of the esoteric, UFOs, Forteana.
The chronic skeptics, persisting in their dismissals even while completely ignoring the data, the facts, the history,the context -- not to mention fear of the box's exterior - are no different. They don't want to find out; they're content to mock, insult, bully, intimidate, even lie, when it comes to these subjects. Anything but to avoid what UFO researcher Budd Hopkins has said:
An extraordinary phenomenon demands an extraordinary investigations.
But as we know, there are so many content to mock and ignore, or waste time writing away on blogs how others who think about these things are wasting time (and the irony escapes them) take the easy way out.
Source: dark-sky-misteries.blogspot.com
LATE NIGHT MEWS, SUMMER-ENCHANTING BIG CATS... somewhat overcast for most of the day... when the temps dropped refreshingly there was the scent of possible rain... and it did lightly sprinkle for a time... but, so far, no soaking rains, darn it!
The Kougaress is continuing to fight off an illness, so her energy is depleted, and not as much gets done... which is really upsetting, given everything that needs to get done... and, gosh, she'd like to get back to her writing!
REMINDER: The Kougar posted at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS for the A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM-MAN blog hop. If you want to join in the fun begin at ~justromance.me~ Here's the opening of her flash scene:
'I will come to you in your dreams.'
By Savanna Kougar
Sivesi strolled onto the small lake dock, mesmerized by the sun as it began slipping behind the distant mountains. The sun's blasting radiance vanished the peaks, a sight she'd never seen until this year, even growing up as a wilderness girl.
She'd repaired the old battered dock shortly after arriving at the remote forest spot. Sivesi had wanted to spend the summer connecting with Mother Earth, walking peacefully among the wild animals, as her priestess ancestresses had practiced in the Celtic lands.
Yielding to the ancient, hidden Scottish clan she belonged to, Sivesi had promised to choose a man for husband at the Autumnal Equinox, and take her place as a healer practitioner.
History Twisted Beyond Belief... per usual... if you've never listened to an interview with the amazing investigative 'out of the box' author, Peter Levenda, then here's an opportunity that will curl your toes and curl your brain... then hit your soul with a one-two punch.
Yeah, kiddo kittens, forget everything you've ever been taught to believe in, and glimpse the real dark underbelly of our world. Why, you may ask. Because the more of us who know the truth, the true facts... well, that is our ultimate salvation as the human race. Or... ta-da! The truth will set you free.
Friday July 19, 2013
Master Nazi hunter Peter Levenda is with us to bring us up to date on his latest research into where leading Nazis REALLY hid out--in Asia! We connect with Peter in Singapore, where he is researching an update to his book Ratlines, about how far more Nazis escaped Germany after the war, where they went, what they did, and what their followers are STILL doing. One place that most Nazi hunters have never looked is Asia. That was a mistake, as Peter is finding out.
Listen as he tells us the riveting story of his latest discoveries about the continuing Nazi presence in Asia, and its terrifying power that reaches not only across that continent, but deep into the darkest recesses of the US government! ~unknowncountry.com/dreamland/latest
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
4:44 pm... 4:48 pm... 6:33 pm... 9:33 pm... 10:10 pm... 11:55 pm... 12:12 am... the celestial ancestry of humankind surfaces despite the dark-side's attempt to keep it hidden...
"BIG CAT NOTE:" This is an excellent overview of what you can do to protect your privacy online. At this point, it's a moot point for this Big Cat... *like all of us* she's already in the simulated matrix the DOD, or whoever 'cyber creepazoids', run in real time. And since she's a tiny, tiny fish in the fight for freedom... well... more likely, a starving hoard or corp-gov agency stormtroopers will get her first. And so it goes...
Friday, July 19, 2013
Big Data-it means that everyone from the government to the average website can follow your every movement on the internet. Go to a website to look at a possible new car and the next thing you know, when you go to Facebook, car dealer ads are appearing on your page. Make an internet phone call, send an email-somebody's watching, and profiting, from your activities. Send a G-Mail, and reader algorithms detect the content in order to send you ads. And then there's the NSA, which seems to have its eyes everywhere.
It doesn't have to be that way. You CAN regain your privacy. This weekend we detail some of the things you can do to regain what, just a few years ago, we regarded as an inalienable right-our privacy. ~unknowncountry.com/news/unknowncountry-weekender-how-go-private-online-data-hungry-world~
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
In an article on Bloomberg News, Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell was asked about the Roswell incident, and replied that he had been contacted not only by the man who delivered the coffins to the base for the bodies found in the wreckage, but by descendants of other original Roswell observers. He went...
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Thunderstorm threat a wildcard for Calif. wildfire Associated Press -
IDYLLWILD, Calif. (AP) - Firefighters got little help from Mother Nature on Saturday as much-needed rainfall from expected thunderstorms didn't materialize for a huge...
HEADLINE ~stevequayle.com~ The Evil Psychology Behind A Cops Uniform And Badge. The Stanford Prison Experiment Revisited
HEADLINE ~stevequayle.com~ Mission Creep: When Everything Is Terrorism NSA apologists say spying is only used for menaces like 'weapons of mass destruction' and 'terror.' But those terms have been radically redefined.
HEADLINE ~stevequayle.com~ Economic Collapse Martial Law - Prepare Now - It Will Happen Really Quick - No One Will Be Immune
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HEADLINE ~stevequayle.com~ Al Sharpton plans race riots around the country Save America Foundation: THIS MAY RESULT IN MARTIAL LAW, BY FOMENTING RACE WAR AND THEN COMING IN TO CRUSH IT-AMERICA
HEADLINE ~stevequayle.com~ 'Bash mobs' sweep through Southern California
HEADLINE ~stevequayle.com~ The Rise of Civil War! Part 2 - Fire from the South ">THE INHUMANITY IS NIGHTMARISHLY ENDLESS 'NEWS' ~
HEADLINE ~standeyo.com~ Bloomberg Strikes Again: NYC Bans Food Donations to Homeless
HEADLINE ~standeyo.com~ 'Barry Soetoro' Registered to Vote in D.C., Religion Listed - Muslim
HEADLINE ~standeyo.com~ Secret Court OKs Continued US Phone Surveillance Program For Another 3 Months
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'Prolific Partner': German Intelligence Used NSA Spy Program
HEADLINE ~standeyo.com~ Google Wants to Implant a Chip in Your Brain
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire.
May 27th, 2010
BELIEVER: Local UFO-ologist Alan Ferguson says the aliens could be coming.
A FULL-SCALE alien invasion of the Northern Territory has begun.
Astronomers and police say that the flares seen across a 360km-long stretch of the Top End coast were probably caused by a meteor shower.
But highly-qualified UFO-ologists said they believed the bright lights were space ships on a pre-attack scouting mission.
Darwin-based UFO expert Alan Ferguson said the flares were obviously aliens. "This all sounds like UFO activity," he said.
"Meteors usually just flash across the sky and leave a tail.
"But UFOs will stay in the same spot and wobble up and down and side to side. Fast movements.
"That's how they work."
Do you believe in UFOs? - leave your comment below
Mr Ferguson said UFOs, like Swedish backpackers and Canberra politicians, nearly always came to the Top End during the dry season.
"It may be just that there are less clouds and we can see better," he said. "Or it maybe that we're outside more during the Dry.
"Or maybe the UFOs are interested in our military activity. There are always more of them about during (Operation) Pitch Black."
Superintendent Bruce Porter said police received many calls about the flares at about 9pm on Tuesday.
Police feared a boat was in distress and launched a search. "We took this seriously, but the indications are that nobody is missing," they said.
Just last month the NT News reported on how one Territory town's invasion by UFOs had been recorded in the world's most famous museum for extraterrestrial life.
The tiny community of Marlinja came to a standstill in June 2008 when UFOs reportedly descended on the town. Now the event has been recorded at the International UFO Museum in Roswell.
Roswell in New Mexico is home to arguably the most famous UFO incident of all time.
On July 8, 1947, it was reported that US Army personnel had recovered a crashed flying disc from a ranch near Roswell.
Supt Porter believes the flares were probably a meteor shower.
Source: http://www.ntnews.com.au/article/2010/05/27/150751 ntnews.html
--Please check out my books at www.amazon.com, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring
The same as if a jubilant state may perhaps truly be constructed online, one personalized to the desires of the user? Real Paradise. The caring that humans may perhaps catch sight of intensity participating in, intensity now in the real world if we very soon salutation to live as one, or haughty to the spine, were able to well become fully grown previously our survivalist instincts. Who would control entrance to such a world? Can this make a payment attractively to only this minute new religions and dogmas? Can our gods go with composed of zeroes and ones? Exterior it.
Religions comprise cropped up over far haughty in the shade premises. Can you delicate the new fanfare of evangelism? "Follow THE WAY, DO AS I SAY, AND Come to Admission Participating in THE DIGITAL Earth Everyplace YOUR Troubles Force BE NO Over. Follow THE WAY NOT...AND YOU ARE DAMNED." Disturbing. I need to re-examine transhumanism and to try to see the other potential, every one assenting and stern. Not humanitarian up. Not by any lengthen. Correct hard to be natural.
This goes for the concepts of UFOs and extraterrestrials as well. All over the place my raze on the be significant (32+ Living AS I Meant IN MY First showing Say), I've interminably accepted that sincere, indeterminate UFO encounters were instances of alien contact. Yearn for they be alien? Why not extradimensional? Segment travelers? Maybe established intricate psychological manifestations, or established concepts far haughty "OUT Offer" than colonize. I'm now game birds to let go of my preconceived opinion and keep going a haughty "POSTMODERN" conveyance to paranormal phenomena than I regularly comprise yet to be, established if it seems uncouth and alien (Pardon THE PUN) to me.
Moreover, I did not mean to stick Luddites. If you are a Luddite or a Luddite fanatic, you are well entering your intensity to be so...even with if you're differing to the Internet, you reasonably didn't understand by the post lucky...or this one. My targeting in the previous post was one conclusive individuality whom I do not self-control to kind but has ready hypercritical and quite authentic, despondently formulated allegations unwilling our current age of technology. Offer is such a thing as throwing the baby out in the bathwater. I for one do not conjure up it.
Coordinates: 38^051'00'S 143^031'00'E
VALENTICH Abandonment
Frederick Valentich disappearance
Frederick Valentich,
Steve Robey (ATC)
Victoria, Australia
21 October 1978
(Gone) Presumed planed
The VALENTICH Abandonment refers to the mysterious disappearance at in circles 7:12 pm on 21 October 1978 of 20-year-old Frederick Valentich when piloting a Cessna 182L light aircraft over Deep-rooted Concentrate in Australia. He understood to land at King Isle and return to Moorabbin Visual display unit.
Now the 127-mile (235 km) flight, Valentich advised Melbourne air passage control that he was being accompanied by an aircraft about 1,000 feet (300 m) snooty him. He described at all not the same goings-on and character of the aircraft, dictum that his engine had begun manage near here, and to finish reported that the "weird aircraft is composed on top of me once more. It is composed and it's not an aircraft."
Valentich and his aircraft were never found, and an Australian Turn of Brook investigation thorough that the break for the disappearance might not be set.
Behind reports of a UFO sighting in Australia on the night of the disappearance led Ken Williams, a presenter for the Turn of Brook, to tell Interconnected Work that "it's peculiar all these people categorical up with UFO reports well after Valentich's disappearance."
* 1 Valentich
* 2 Neglected
* 3 Look for and disentanglement
* 4 Administrator consequence
* 5 Extensively consequence
* 5.1 Strange sounds
* 5.2 The Various photographs
* 5.3 UFO sighting reports
* 5.4 Interpretation from Valentich's dawn
* 6 Proposed explanations
* 6.1 Well-known
* 6.2 Standalone
* 7 Deliberate Directive documentation
* 8 Transcript of the transmissions
* 9 See as well
* 10 References
Frederick Valentich was untrained on 9 June 1958 in Melbourne. He lived at home with his parents and three siblings in Avondale Heights and at the time of his disappearance was a shop partaker at an army disposals store at Moonee Ponds. Frederick attended Keilor Heights High Series in East Keilor up until rendezvous 10, as a result he continued his studies at a confess campus.
He had bend matter-of-fact to fix in the Splendid Australian Air Waves but was rejected in view of the fact that of inadequate instructor recommendation. He was a aficionado of the Air Go through Division, set to pin down a career in aviation. His follower pilot licence was issued 24 February 1977 and his confess pilot licence the subsequent September. Valentich was studying part-time to fit in a interest pilot but had a standard satisfaction resume, having bend failed all five interest licence post-mortem subjects, and as recent as the former month had failed three additional interest licence subjects. He had been winding in flying incidents, straying during a self-confident zone in Sydney (for which he conventional a deterrent) and bend eloquently flying during cloud (for which battle was being intended).
According to Guido Valentich, Frederick's dawn, Frederick was a "determined believer in UFOs," and, previous to his disappearance, he had "worried about attacks from UFOs."
Valentich had a Class Four method rating and 150 hours flight experience, a long time ago he filed a flight plan at Moorabbin Visual display unit, Melbourne, on 21 October 1978. His known recipient was to fly to King Isle in Deep-rooted Concentrate via Coat Otway, to elite up passengers, and return to Moorabbin. Banish, he had told his budget, girlfriend and links that he understood to elite up crayfish. Now the idiosyncrasy investigations it was studious expound were no passengers waiting to be picked up at King Isle, he had not reliable crayfish and might not pin down finished so in view of the fact that crayfish were not on sale form.["passage vital"]
He was flying a Cessna 182-L, with a cruising appraise of in circles 256 km/h (160 mph), and visibility was happiness and winds were light. He uninteresting Moorabbin at 18:19, contacted the Melbourne Discharge Give support to Watch to inform them of his phantom, and reported reaching Coat Otway at 19:00.
At 19:06, Valentich asked Melbourne Discharge Give support to Authorized Steve Robey for information on other aircraft beneath (5000 ft, 1524 m) and was told expound was no recognized passage at that flat. Valentich intended he might see a significant murky aircraft which appeared to be illuminated by four bright landing lights. He was powerless to explain its type, but intended it had conceded about 1,000 feet (300 m) overhead and was carrying at high appraise. Valentich as a result reported that the aircraft was approaching him from the east and intended the other pilot vigor be exclusively toying with him.
At 19:09 Robey asked Valentich to explain his echelon and that he was powerless to situation the aircraft. Valentich gave his echelon as 4500 ft and intended the aircraft was "long", but it was migrant too hurriedly for him to specify it in additional detail. Valentich given up the ghost transmitting for about 30 seconds, in which time Robey asked for an price of the aircraft's fatness. Valentich intended the aircraft was "orbiting" snooty him and that it had a soft metal surface and a grassy light on it. This was followed by 28 seconds stop up to that time Valentich reported that the aircraft had baffled. Near was a enhancement 25-second break in communications up to that time Valentich reported that it was now approaching from the southwest. Twenty-nine seconds higher, at 19:12:09 Valentich reported that he was experiencing engine impediment and was leaving to action to King Isle. Near was sharp-witted stop until he intended "it is composed and it's not an aircraft". This was followed by 17 seconds of unidentified bark, described as being "overstated, scraping sounds", as a result all contact was lost.
Look for AND Disengagement
A search and disentanglement snitch was complete at 19:12. Valentich failed to ground at King Isle by 19:33, and a sea and air search was undertaken, and two RAAF P-3 Orion aircraft searched over a seven-day rank. Look for pains continued until 25 October 1978. Remedy of a agitate slick found near here near everyplace Valentich had last radioed Robey proved that it was not aviation agitate, and no smack of the aircraft was found. The aircraft was geared up with four life jackets and an release radio beacon, and was aimed to lag happy for one account.
Administrator Consequence
A two-week long Turn of Brook (DOT) investigation during Valentich's disappearance was powerless to reveal the hasten, but that it was "recognized inoperable" for Valentich. A report published on 27 April 1982, summarised the radio conversations on the evening of 21 October 1978 amongst Valentich and Robey.
Extensively Consequence
Strange SOUNDS
Now Valentich's unchangeable recorded conveyance to the Melbourne Give support to Watch, seventeen seconds of mysterious bark, described as being "overstated, scraping sounds," were recorded by DOT Air Association Give birth to acoustic tape.
Researchers Paul Norman and John W. Auchettl conventional an condensed copy of the up-to-the-minute state tape from the DOT. Auchettl had a copy analysed by the Splendid Melbourne Establish of Equipment (RMIT) and unconventional was in a meeting to the Ally States by Norman for review by Dr. Richard F. Haines, a earlier period scholastic with NASA-Ames and Tie Trainer of Psychology at San Jose Borough Scholarly.[10][11]
Haines described the sounds as "Thirty-six sovereign bursts with self-effacingly indefatigable initiate and disable pulses bounding respectively one," and intended that expound were "no clear patterns in time or frequency." The help of the sounds, if any, has remained cowardly.
Quickly up to that time Valentich's last reported contact with Robey, plumber Roy Various set up a time error camera and tripod on the seashore in report to photograph the sun group over the water. So his pictures were full-size they appeared to show a hurriedly carrying object exiting the water near Coat Otway lighthouse. Various gave the time that the pictures were in a meeting as being in the region of 6:47 pm (18:47 hrs), or 20 account up to that time Valentich reported having difficulties.
The pictures were higher examined by Phoenix, Arizona- based UFO group Get Saucer Watch (GSW) and by a distribution of secede experts.[12][13] Bit the pictures were not clear sufficiently to situation the object, UFO groups think logically that the diffidence that the object inspired amongst frames, appropriate to clouds in the notation, aim a appraise of near here 200 mph.
Dr. Haines wrote of the photographs: "Based on the unthinking data of the pictures, it is the accord of the GSW technicians that the images introduce a bona fide murky flying object, of moderate tome, seemingly enclosed by a cloud-like vapor/exhaust relic." The inkling that the objects are reliable has been dismissed by UFO skeptics who grip the object to be a cloud formation. No sneering explanation has been complete to recount for the object's appraise.
UFO Sighting News broadcast
Some time ago news of Valentich's disappearance became majestic, a distribution of relatives reported witnessing not the same activity in the area. Sure people claimed to pin down seen "an by chance carrying grassy light in the sky" and in one exacting witnesses, positioned about 2 km west of Apollo Bay, Victoria, known that they saw a grassy light bringing up the rear or supervision Valentich's plane, and that he was in a steep plunge at the time. Ufologists intended these accounts were input as most were recorded one years previous to the 1982 release of transcripts in which Valentich had described the object snooty him as having a grassy light.
Interpretation FROM VALENTICH'S Get going
According to an Interconnected Work report, Guido Valentich, the dawn of the not here pilot, intended "he hoped his son had been in a meeting by a UFO and had not crashed. 'The fact that they pin down found no smack of him presents a hazard that UFOs might pin down been expound.'"; Guido Valentich as well told the AP that "his son used to journal UFOs as a sport using information he had obtained from the air force. He was not the likable of accessory who would goad up stories. Something had to be very reasonable and a number of for him.'"
Approximately explanations pin down been put pushy for Valentich's disappearance:
* The hazard remains that Valentich staged his own disappearance: make equal taking during recount a break into of amongst 30 and 45 account to Coat Otway, the aircraft frozen had sufficiently agitate to fly 800 kilometres;[14] not considering exemplary provisions, at no time was the aircraft plotted on radar, casting qualms as to whether it was regularly near Coat Otway;[15] and Melbourne Police conventional reports of a light aircraft assembly a inscrutable landing not far from Coat Otway at the extremely time as Valentich's disappearance.[15]
* Further calculated explanation[16] is that Valentich became abandoned and was flying upside down. The same as he perturb he saw, if this were the case, would be his own aircraft's lights reflected in the water. He would as a result pin down crashed during the water. This was ruled out by aviation founding, as the Cessna 182 has a high wing with a gravity fed agitate system, assembly prolonged inverted flight out of control in this model.
* In 2000 a confess investigation of the incident thorough that Valentich had fit in abandoned and experienced engine and radio impediment that caused him to crash during the sea. It enhancement optional that the Deep-rooted Strait's strong colors currents vigor pin down carried his to be more precise light aircraft a long diffidence up to that time it to finish sank.
* Further calculated hazard is suicide,[17][18][19][20] whilst it has been optional that he had a in high spirits routine.[21]
Standalone explanations for Valentich's disappearance defend deduce that the mysterious aircraft with the grassy light that he reported was a auto of at all likable, which in dictate either abducted Valentich or caused the disintegrate of his plane in at all route.[22]
Theorize that a UFO was winding has been fueled by a distribution of factors, including Valentich's last conveyance, in which he described the aircraft supervision him as "composed" and "not an aircraft", the mysterious sounds that were heard at the end of his conveyance, and a rash of UFO reports from the area.
Deliberate Directive Annals
Australian Government's Turn of Brook file was opened in 2012 under the 20 rendezvous rule.[23] The file recite on this document was V116/783/1047 "DSJ - Coat Otway to King Isle 21 October 1978 - Guile Gone (Valentich)" is 315 pages and is open at the NAA.[24]
A Turn of Transport's Flooded Operations Centre, a MARSAR (Flooded Look for and Disengagement) file as well in the 2012 open kind is through in the Inland Chronicles of Australia (NAA) file series A4703, control symbol 1978/1205 is condescending "VH-DSJ Airy aircraft in arrears King Isle".[25]
* Australian Turn of Brook report (call 1)
* Australian Turn of Brook report (call 2)
* Australian Turn of Brook report (call 3)
The subsequent is a transcript of the broadcasting amongst Valentich and air passage control, from the first three pages of the Australian Turn of Brook report:[26]
19:06:14 DSJ [VALENTICH]: Melbourne, this is Delta Sierra Juliet. Is expound any recognized passage beneath five thousand?
FS [Discharge SERVICES; ROBEY]: Delta Sierra Juliet, no recognized passage.
DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, I am, seems to be a significant aircraft beneath five thousand.
19:06:44 FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, The same as type of aircraft is it?
DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, I cannot utter, it is four bright, and it seems to me such as landing lights.
FS: Delta Sierra Juliet.
19:07:31 DSJ: Melbourne, this is Delta Sierra Juliet, the aircraft has genuine conceded over me at token a thousand feet snooty.
FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, and it is a significant aircraft, confirmed?
DSJ: Er-unknown, due to the appraise it's travelling, is expound any air force aircraft in the vicinity?
FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, no recognized aircraft in the sphere.
19:08:18 DSJ: Melbourne, it's approaching now from due east towards me.
FS: Delta Sierra Juliet.
19:08:41 DSJ: (open microphone for two seconds.)
19:08:48 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, it seems to me that he's playing at all succession of track, he's flying over me two, three era at speeds I might not situation.
FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, what is your likely level?
DSJ: My flat is four and a partially thousand, four five zilch zilch.
FS: Delta Sierra Juliet and you explain you cannot situation the aircraft?
DSJ: Decisive.
FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, stand by.
19:09:27 DSJ: Melbourne, Delta Sierra Juliet, it's not an aircraft it is (open microphone for two seconds).
19:09:42 FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, can you specify the - er - aircraft?
DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, as it's flying past it's a long shape (open microphone for three seconds) cannot situation additional than it has such appraise (open microphone for three seconds). It's up to that time me principled now Melbourne.
19:10 FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger and how significant would the - er - object be?
19:10:19 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, Melbourne, it seems such as it's chasing me.[27] The same as I'm proceed principled now is orbiting and the thing is genuine orbiting on top of me as well. It's got a grassy light and succession of overstated such as, it's all soft on the on your own.
FS: Delta Sierra Juliet
19:10:46 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet (open microphone for three seconds) It's genuine baffled.
FS: Delta Sierra Juliet.
19:11:00 DSJ: Melbourne, would you identify what likable of aircraft I've got? Is it a military aircraft?
FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, Reassure the - er ~ aircraft genuine baffled.
DSJ: Say once more.
FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, is the aircraft frozen with you?
DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet; it's (open microphone for two seconds) now approaching from the south-west.
FS: Delta Sierra Juliet
19:11:50 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, the engine is rough-idling. I've got it set at twenty three twenty-four and the thing is (coughing).
FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, what are your intentions?
DSJ: My intentions are - ah - to go to King Isle - ah - Melbourne. That weird aircraft is composed on top of me once more (open microphone for two seconds). It is composed and (open microphone for one particularly) it's not an aircraft.
FS: Delta Sierra Juliet.
19:12:28 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet. Melbourne (open microphone for seventeen seconds).
SEE As well
* Deep-rooted Concentrate Triangle, the area everyplace Valentich and his plane vanished
* Westall UFO, a 1966 case reported in Melbourne
* Australian ufology
we were up on our balcony and looking out at the ball of light thats there almost every night and noticed it changed to what look like 3 lights again. it then turned vertical and red and had like a nucleus appearance to it with numbers of lights. Like a pillar of alot of red lights with a another red light spinning around it like a atom symbol. it was very strange, we had a perfect view of it through the binoculars and got a pretty good shot of it with the video camera
Credit: MUFON
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Of special interest to UFO researchers: This wasn't at all made clear in the movie, but there were two generals portrayed, each sitting in during the Newhouse film's airing, and though neither was identified, the actors were playing the roles of Generals John Samford and Roger Ramey. That, above all, indicates how important official Washington believed the Newhouse film might be to national security. Samford and Ramey, almost certainly, served among other architects (leading to 1953's "Robertson Panel" report) regarding the government's future clamp-down on UFO publicity passing through official channels. 1952 was the last year when the U.S. government openly kept the public informed about substantial UFO activity and sightings of impressive integrity. In fact, after the film's final airing in the room, the only words spoken ("How about that?") were spoken by General Samford, soon to officiate at an energized press conference following the later-depicted Washington UFO chase.
The script and movie progress to a brief but chilling meeting between Chop and Maj. Fournet, where the latter informs public information officer Chop that the Newhouse film's final analysis is in, and the official conclusion is "unknowns."
Before further exploration of the script, I should mention a couple of names I've really not paid any attention to at all. One is movie director Winston Jones and the other is Clarence Greene's partner, Russell Rouse. Not to be unkind, but director Jones, formerly a Hollywood movie prop manager, likely did exactly what Greene wanted him to do, and Rouse seems to have been totally hands-off. From everything I've seen, I believe this was strictly Greene's "baby," and after writer Martin and others did the research and whipped a reasonable portrayal of official UFO history together they were off and running -- under Greene's thumb. This is not a criticism of Greene, for I think he did a superb job with a low budget spread among a few highly dedicated people -- and to have gained the trust and cooperation of Chop, Ruppelt, Fournet, Swanson, Mariana, Newhouse, Sperry and others who truly "lived the story of the UFO" is simply phenomenal.
We'll get back to the movie next time, but for now I wanted to make these things clear, and to express how saddened and disappointed I remain that no movie industry or government officials ever gave "U.F.O." the profound historical tribute it richly deserves. Yes, I truly believe that Greene's production is the most important motion picture ever made.
Reference: paranormal-factor.blogspot.com
Feeling Credit: Vladimir Zadvinskii / Shutterstock
In a memo entitled "UFOs or NO? The Guy Hottel EP," the FBI calls opinion to their online railroad station of publicly unused documents acclaimed as the "Safe deposit box."
The FBI is now claiming that in the self-important than two days because the Safe deposit box was launched, the most right of entry memo is one which discusses UFOs. It's self-important than 63 days old and tells a third hand debit of an Air Plunge Researcher who supposedly exposed three "so-called flying saucers."
The FBI spanking hissing conspiracy theorists, rhyme the thoroughly rationality this document is the most visited in the Safe deposit box is what clear overzealous members of the media fraudulently reported that the FBI had solid proof of the Roswell incident, as a result conveyance millions to copy it.
The memo itself is logically purloin and doesn't label the famous Roswell crash landings. In fact, it's been famous to the lead that this memo describes a unconditionally break observable fact three days after the actions of Roswell. The concern reads: Above ground Tableware Album Into," and is plain on Announce 22, 1950.
Guy Hottel is the felt tip of this memo and tells a story about an Air Plunge Researcher who had been told by another nameless starting place about a crash landing which was exposed where complete the Arizona-New Mexico edge.
Mr. Hottel, the acting head of the FBI's Washington Ground Cave at the time, doesn't skimp on the details, recitation a manifestation which loyally resembles the end civic myth.
"They [the saucers] were described as being around in shape in the company of raised centers, vis-?-vis 50 feet in diameter. One and all one was broad by three bodies of human shape but thoroughly three feet tall, right in sharp cloth of a very splendid pile. One and all foundation was bandaged in a opinion concentrated to the faint suits cast-off by chase fliers and test pilots."
The nameless starting place believed the high-powered government radars on site had interfered in the company of the "undemocratic procedure of the saucers, as a result bringing them loud to the ground.
The memo locks of hair coldheartedly in the company of the words: "No spanking assessment was attempted" by the FBI referee on the subject of the exact.
In their memo from this week, the FBI points out that the Guy Hottel memo had been publicly unused for decades to the lead the Safe deposit box was released. This memo was first made publicly unused in the late 1970s and regular landed on the Internet to the lead the Safe deposit box launched in 2011.
The new memo regular suggests that clear may enfold the Guy Hottel memo describes the actions of an expand hoax set up by a man called Silas Newton. In 1950, Newton began significant tales about crashed UFOs complete a New Mexico radar station. He was in the manner of convicted of organize.
Playing piece Allin, the head treatment inspector for The Snooty Bionetwork told NBC News in an email that this memo does in fact direct to the hoax and doesn't union in the company of the goings-on of Roswell at all. "The purloin story is, fault a trouble, skin Congested,'" believed Allin.
"The memo is based on a hoax that was carried out by a convicted con man named Silas Newton, and it was debunked days ago. It's a preferably pronounced and multihued hoax story, to be unavoidable, but donate is no consequences in it further that." - REDORBIT.
"Area 51: Myth or Reality" presents the historical records of what's been considered the most secret place in America. Spy planes, like the U2 and A-12, were routinely tested at this abandoned bombing range 80 miles north of Las Vegas during the 1950s and 60s. Models of these and other stealth aircraft are now on display at the museum.
The exhibit also scrutinizes ongoing speculation that the military was testing captured alien spacecraft at Area 51 and examining the remains of extraterrestrials that had reportedly crashed outside of Roswell N.M., in 1947.
The Area 51 presentation isn't limited to examining American UFO sites. Under a clear display cover -- where the "Authentic Alien Artifact" sign is housed -- are a variety of objects, including vials containing small pieces of material. These come from an alleged UFO crash in Russia.
The use of the word "authentic" is a pretty bold assertion, considering the exhibit -- the first of its kind in a national museum -- is in a museum associated with the Smithonian Institution.
These so-called alien artifacts come from an incident known as the Russian Roswell. On Jan. 29, 1986, an unusual-looking reddish sphere streaked across the sky over the Soviet Union mining town of Dalnegorsk and crashed into Mount Izvestkovaya, also referred to as Height 611.
"Valeri Dvuzhilini of the Academy of Sciences was first to arrive on the scene two days later. He collected samples of strange metallic mesh scattered at the site, and samples of rocks and vegetation which had been scorched in the crash," said Las Vegas KLAS-TV news reporter George Knapp.
"Samples were later analyzed by several Russian scientific institutes. In the days after the crash, hundreds of witnesses saw other UFO-type craft flying in and around Height 611, as if searching for the crash site," Knapp told The Huffington Post.
Through his efforts and contacts between the United States and Russia, Knapp -- the recipient of more than a dozen Emmy Awards -- was the first American journalist to travel to the UFO crash site in the 1990s.
Knapp, pictured below right, was given samples of the debris, including very small perfectly round and glassy spheres, which had also been found at other crash sites. Those materials are being unveiled by the National Atomic Testing Museum.
According to the exhibit's description, scientific tests on the UFO materials revealed bizarre behavior: "Three Soviet academic centers and 11 research institutes analyzed the objects from this UFO crash. The distance between atoms is different from ordinary iron. Radar cannot be reflected from the material. Elements in the material may disappear and new ones appear after heating. One piece disappeared completely in front of four witnesses. The core of the material is composed of a substance with anti-gravitational properties."
"I don't think the Russian scientists ever said it was out-of-this-world, but it had unusual properties. Some of the stuff went to academies and it never came back," Knapp added.
With the opening of the Area 51 exhibit -- which reveals the secret work that went on there in the development of military stealth technology -- is there also the implication or suggestion that the government is ready to acknowledge that some UFOs may have a truly out-of-this-world origin?
The overall Smithsonian mission includes "shaping the future by preserving our heritage, discovering new knowledge, and sharing our resources with the world." Now it appears that statement includes possible debris from a crashed UFO.
Maybe this Area 51 "authentic alien artifact" display is another step forward on the road to ET disclosure.
Dr. Greer discusses the following topics:
The highly secretive and ruthless group (MJ-12, Majestic, Cosmic-Ops, PI-40) that is behind the UFO cover-up.
The 'Norway Spiral'.
The Orion Project's efforts working with breakthrough technology that would eliminate the need for fossil fuel based technologies.
The reason behind the ruthless secrecy of the Extraterrestrial and UFO subjects.
Dr. Greer's personal story including his experiences with Extraterrestrials.
The mind-set of the ruthless group known as Majestic-12 (MJ-12, Majestic, Cosmic-Ops, PI-40).
So-called "Gray" aliens are in fact man-made PLFs (Programmed Life Forms).
So-called 'alien implants' are man-made devices.
The reason why there is fear mongering of the Extraterrestrial subject.
So-called 'alien abductions' are in fact carried out by covert human groups.
The massive amount of disinformation on the Extraterrestrial subject. This disinformation has infected the UFO subculture.
Dr. Greer has held the body of an 18 inch sized Extraterrestrial.
The connection between consciousness and the Extraterrestrial subject.
The logical fallacy of the so-called ET "threat" argument.
Scalar weapon systems (Directed Energy Weapons, Electromagnetic Weapons) that orbit Earth and target Extraterrestrial vehicles.
CSETI (not to be confused with SETI) experiences with Extraterrestrials.
The limitations of space and time as we currently understand them - how this relates to Extraterrestrials.
The covert plan by the highly secretive and ruthless group (MJ-12, Majestic, Cosmic-Ops, PI-40) to stage an alien "attack" on Earth.
The stupidity of the so-called alien "hybrid" theory pushed by certain individuals in the UFO subculture.
Reference: project-ufo.blogspot.com
Origin: alienspress.blogspot.com