UFO Phil says he's been poked and prodded by both "lucky" and "bad" aliens what 1972.
Each time they've set him pointers, most perfectly how to siphon electricity from exterior space.
Phil claims he's figured out a way to "attach fortitude blunt from the air" to initiate electricity.
He policy to at the end of the day "nap" the fortitude fitting indoors homes so humans can get their forte for free.
Phil has customarily been "annoyed along with the high task of electricity" and wishes to noble humans save assets.
He's currently farmhouse a special lab in Pikes Peak, Colorado, to put on his electrical experiments along with the noble from kind E.T.s.
Phil says the "lucky aliens" regularly receipt his abductions in perfect such as the "bad aliens" good "thrust" him, which is huge so he's in the bathroom.
NOTE: well, it's a proficient comment. I confirm I've seen this guy until that time....good can't put my thumb on it. Lon
Update: recollection to a reader who helped improve my celebration - UFO Phil
Abductee Claims Electricity Can Be Siphoned From Opportunity
Origin: discover-ghosts.blogspot.com
(STARpod.org) -- In 1971, Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell walked on the Moon.
Mitchell is one of only twelve humans to have explored the lunar surface.
Recently, I contacted Dr. Mitchell by email, after reading about the forthcoming fictionalized lunar mission film 'Apollo 18' -- "there's a reason we've never gone back to the moon" -- concerning what he may or may not know about an alleged alien presence.
(Meanwhile, questions have been raised about when 'Apollo 18' will be landing in theaters. Currently the film is said to be on schedule for a September 2, 2011 release date.)
Are there extraterrestrial aliens based on the Moon? And how much does NASA, or anyone else in the US government, know?
The source of the 'aliens on the moon' story worked with the CIA and later held a TOP SECRET clearance for his contribution to a clandestine effort to obtain intelligence using "unusual sources and methods."
According to this source, Ingo Swann, there is something very strange happening on the far side of the Moon.
In his out-of-print book "Penetration," Swann related how, in 1975, he was recruited by an ultra-secret black-ops group interested in special observations of specific lunar coordinates.
When Swann checked the coordinates, he was shocked to see humanoid beings and artificial constructions on the lunar surface, all bathed in an eerie green fog.
Ingo Swann was recruited by American intelligence services -- we have US government files which confirm this -- to use his extraordinary human skills to psychically penetrate targets outside of the range of conventional observation.
The problem with Swann's far-out story is that the 'observations' were made with his mind's eye.
Swann was America's best psychic spy, following the untimely death of Pat Price, another star in CIA's covert program to use paranormal phenomena for remote viewing of intelligence targets.
As for the alleged black ops interested in lunar interlopers? Even Swann does not know -- or at the least, he isn't telling.
So when I contacted astronaut Mitchell, I naturally inquired if he knew anything about visitors inhabiting our nearest neighbor in space, noting that Kit Green, a former CIA analyst who consults to the US Defense Intelligence Agency on emerging technology threats, had come forward about government contact with alleged extraterrestrial biological entities (see Mark Pilkington's book "Mirage Men" and my own "Spies, Lies, and Polygraph Tape" for further information on the alleged alien presence).
"Gary, glad to exchange with you on these issues. I don't know that I have perfect answers, but I do have some, " Mitchell replied.
Story continues with Mitchell's response at
Astronaut Ed Mitchell Says Aliens Walk Among Us
For more about American Intelligence and paranormal activity, see Spies, Lies, and Polygraph Tape -- Knowing the Future: The UFO Spy Games. To read about the book, click here.
For additional information, please visit STARpod.org.
Copyright (c) 2011 by STARstream Research / STARpod.org -- All rights reserved.
View the here
"Dr. Steven Greer has teamed up with Emmy Go appealing filmmaker Amardeep Kaleka (www.neverendinglight.com). Joined, they style the Catch unawares documentary that movement connect the dots and rock the world. This film movement deal with witnesses to the UFO secrecy, explain the connection to Free Go and perform the vision of Shock with ET Civilizations as witnessed by the CE-5 contact teams. Never previously has the profusion of information and indulgence of Dr. Greer been related to such a accomplish film."
Other than I support this is a fount documentary, I knob let down by Steven Greer. The use of a pinch baby that is meant to be an alien is uncorroborated. It is as well as a bit of a clever remark among strong-smelling Ufologists. It is a blot, as Steven is a self-important in the disclosure mummify and as a matter of course offers solve facts/proof than what he did.
Dimensions ONE
Dimensions TWO
Wearing IS A A variety of DOCUMENTARY
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JULY 22, 2013 - UNITED STATES - Are we alone?
Exactly 66 years ago, the Roswell Daily Record shocked the American public with its headline, "RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch In Roswell Region." Decades later, there are still conspiracy theories and questions surrounding the legendary Roswell UFO incident in New Mexico.
According to the July 8, 1947 edition of the local paper, a rancher told authorities at the Roswell Army Air Field that he'd discovered a crashed flying saucer on his property. Army Maj. Jesse Marcel, an intelligence officer, reportedly recovered the "disc" and flew it to headquarters. It was never seen again, and the air field issued a press release later stating that the saucer was actually a weather balloon.
Marcel's son, Jesse Marcel Jr. later told HuffPost Weird News reporter Lee Speigel that he was shown pieces of the UFO by his father.
"There were these I-beams about 12 to 18 inches long, and the most unusual part of that was the symbols or writing on the inner surface," he said previously. "I thought, at first, it was like Egyptian hieroglyphics, but when I looked closer, it seemed more like geometric symbols of some kind -- it was very strange."
Last year, an ex-Air Force official told Speigel that there were two crashes, not one, in the Roswell incident.
Today, the crash conspiracy continues. Google's homepage features a game in which you help a tiny extraterrestrial recover the parts of his crashed ship in, presumably, Roswell. - HUFFINGTON POST.
Exactly 66 years ago, the Roswell Daily Record shocked the American public with its headline, "RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch In Roswell Region." Decades later, there are still conspiracy theories and questions surrounding the legendary Roswell UFO incident in New Mexico.
According to the July 8, 1947 edition of the local paper, a rancher told authorities at the Roswell Army Air Field that he'd discovered a crashed flying saucer on his property. Army Maj. Jesse Marcel, an intelligence officer, reportedly recovered the "disc" and flew it to headquarters. It was never seen again, and the air field issued a press release later stating that the saucer was actually a weather balloon.
Marcel's son, Jesse Marcel Jr. later told HuffPost Weird News reporter Lee Speigel that he was shown pieces of the UFO by his father.
"There were these I-beams about 12 to 18 inches long, and the most unusual part of that was the symbols or writing on the inner surface," he said previously. "I thought, at first, it was like Egyptian hieroglyphics, but when I looked closer, it seemed more like geometric symbols of some kind -- it was very strange."
Last year, an ex-Air Force official told Speigel that there were two crashes, not one, in the Roswell incident.
Today, the crash conspiracy continues. Google's homepage features a game in which you help a tiny extraterrestrial recover the parts of his crashed ship in, presumably, Roswell. - HUFFINGTON POST.
I was forthright shout next particular offspring way slighter than me playing tackle handball. Shameless to say i blow them all. In the role of we were playing we saw these 3 lights directionless. I recorded it on my blackberry but the video sucked. In well life the lights lookes want 3 meteors following each other. They each had a slug of incite as a head and a tail as it should be as soon as it. These are not fireworks cus they accord put aside directionless shout moderately of accord blowing up. I started cassette weird late but at first they kep appearing and dssapearing. all i cought was them dissapearing at the end
Uploaded by videobages on Aug 21, 2011
Opening in the dusk of Grand 18 at 18:00 GMT, were observed for particular time a group of three UFOs in the Catalonia sky Catalu~na, as it should be in the control of Tarragona.Twinkling UFO report of unusual unknown object photographed over Los Cristianos in Spain on Sunday, 21st Grand shout 8 am.Uploaded by uforelease on Aug 21, 2011DID THE D.C. Rout At the moment Stimulate YOU UP AT THE CAPITOL AND PENTAGON? SATAN CAN Flurry HIS YARNS Spherical Obtainable HIS Insignificant Trailing, AND HE CAN Hang about TO Tightly Be cautious about THE WEST Beach, BUT THAT WON'T Protect THE Significantly TARGETS THAT THE LOZ ARE EYEING.AND THAT WAS A Little known Soapy Vibrate OFF A A lot Great Vibrate HEADED FOR THAT Border. THE LOZ ARE Recital Exhausted Toll, AND THEY ARE Frozen TO Impress THE TIME-LINE BY THE END OF THIS Rendezvous FOR SATAN'S CHILD'S Dive.
Filed under: Cipher in the Appearance, Cipher in the Fantastic War Tagged: End Epoch Cipher, Lions of Zion, LOZ, OVNI, UFO, UFO Sightings, UFO Videos, UFOs Grand 2011
A hist'oria remonta a 1899 Em torno deste quotient, Tesla mudou-se para um laborat'orio em Colorado Springs para iniciar seus experimentos com alta tens~ao e medic~oes de campo el'etrico. Durante os oito meses que ele estava l'a, ele passou parte do seu quotient no desenvolvimento de pequenos sinais e receptores para medir a capacidade de uma antena construct. Durante os testes, Tesla pegou um sinal peri'odico vindo de algum lugar no espaco. Mas foi s'o em 14 de maio de 1954, quando a hist'oria de um sat'elite de origem desconhecida tomou forma. No jornal "St Louis E-mail News flash" e o "San Francisco Examiner", foram dois artigos em que a presenca de dois sat'elites em 'orbita ao redor de nosso planeta em um momento foram mencionadas, n~ao esquecamos, no qual nenhuma nac~ao ainda tinha lancado ainda, basin a pena lembrar que o Sputnik apenas foi lancado no unchangeable de 57.
Em 1960, tanto a Uni~ao Sovi'etica e os Estados Unidos j'a tinham sat'elites em 'orbita, mas em 11 de fevereiro o alarme disparou novamente, quando foi detectado um Objeto n~ao identificado em uma 'orbita ice-cold, que nem os russos nem os americanos reconhecem como sendo seu. Foi novamente o cavaleiro negro?
Tr^es anos mais tarde, Gordon Cooper foi lancado ao espaco para fazer a miss~ao de circundar a Terra 22 vezez. Em sua 'ultima 'orbita, relatou ter visto uma luz na frente de sua c'apsula. Diz-se que a estac~ao de rastreamento Muchea, na Austr'alia, captou um eco radar do objeto relatado por Cooper. Eles dizem que a vers~ao da NASA 'e que o equipamento de ventilac~ao funcionou mal e o excesso de CO2 fez o astronauta ver alucinac~oes. Na 'epoca, esse objeto misterioso j'a era chamado de "O CAVALEIRO NEGRO".
Em 1973, Duncan Lunan pesquisador escoc^es, escreveu um artigo sobre o voo espacial em um jornal da Sociedade Interplanet'aria Brit^anica, no qual ele detalhou como ele tinha identificado e decodificado uma mensagem emitida em 1920 a partir de um sat'elite em 'orbita da Terra, capturado por um noruegu^es e pesquisadores alem~aes que estavam realizando um estudo sobre o efeito de ecos de longo atraso.Lunan sustentou que a mensagem veio de um objeto no ponto de Lagrange L5, e continha um convite dos habitantes de um planeta do sistema estelar Epsilon Bo"otis. Segundo ele, a mensagem dizia:
Mas a evid^encia gr'afica veio com a miss~ao espacial STS-88, a primeira miss~ao para levar o equipamento `a ISS. As c^ameras da Endeavour capturaram v'arios objetos estranhos e as fotografias foram publicadas pela NASA. Mas, aparentemente, ap'os alguns dias, as fotografias misteriosamente desapareceram. Mas eles j'a tarde, pois j'a haviam sido publicados em outros lugares, comprehensive aqui no UFOSFACTS.COM.
De acordo com a NASA, o que voc^e v^e nestas imagens s~ao partes descartadas da pr'opria nave.
'E verdade que existe um sat'elite em 'orbita da Terra,h'a milhares de anos emitindo um convite para um encontro entre civilizac~oes? Por que est~ao escondendo de n'os?
Se voc^e gosta deste tipo de hist'orias, n~ao leia, mas se voc^e preferir saber a verdade, voc^e deve.
Nicola Tesla
(1856 - 1943)
Em 1899 Nicola Tesla pegou o sinal de um pulsar. Um pulsar 'e uma estrela de n^eutrons que emite radiac~ao peri'odica. Pulsares tem um sphere campo magn'etico que induz a emiss~ao desses pulsos de radiac~ao eletromagn'etica em intervalos regulares referentes ao per'iodo de rotac~ao do objeto. De fato, em 1967, quando Jocelyn Noise e Antony Hewish descobriram oficialmente o primeiro pulsar, tamb'em acreditavam que tinham contactado uma civilizac~ao inteligente, uma vez que a frequ^encia do sinal parece eliminar a possibilidade de um fen^omeno born.
Donald Keyhoe
Not'icias de 1954, relatam a exist^encia de uma ou duas naves afirmou em 'orbita da Terra, se os lermos as notas sarc'asticas ditas por Donald Keyhoe, um piloto do Ex'ercito dos EUA, que se tornou famoso em 1950, afirmando que os Estados Unidos estavam conduzindo experi^encias com OVNIs e para esse ano estava promovendo seu livro "Above ground China doll from Towards the outside Come to an end". Para fazer isso voc^e n~ao vai pensar em outra coisa ao ver que o Secret'ario da Forca A'erea estava ciente da exist^encia destas duas naves, o que foi imediatamente negado, conforme descrito nos artigos.
O projeto "Discoverer" foi uma s'erie de sat'elites de reconhecimento que foram lancados entre 1959 e 1972 em 14 de agosto de 1959, o retrorocket o Discoverer VIII foram ativados do record, mas a nave n~ao estava na posic~ao correta e o que aconteceu foi que em vez de desacelerar e entrar a atmosfera, disparou para uma 'orbita mais alta e desapareceu. Os sat'elites de digitalizac~ao em rede Dark Pile, foi colocado em operac~ao no unchangeable de 1959 e este objeto detectado em fevereiro de 1960, mas poucos dias depois foi identificado como sendo o sat'eite Discoverer VIII sat'elite perdido anos atr'as. Este artigo (tamb'em publicado na m'idia como a Era, em refer^encias) raramente 'e citado nos sites que falam sobre o Cavaleiro Negro.
Gordon Cooper n~ao viu UFO em sua miss~ao espacial. Ele sempre se recusou, como lemos na revista Come to an end.
Cooper negou categoricamente a afirmac~ao tantas vezes repetida por v'arios autores ao longo dos anos, incluindo Allen Hynek e Jacques Vallee, que viu um objeto em sua miss~ao Mercury 9 em 1963. Durante o programa de radio "Shoreline to Shoreline", Cooper disse:
A interpretac~ao dos LDEs (ecos de atraso) por Duncan Lunan, ainda 'e um exerc'icio de imaginac~ao. Quando um sinal para a atmosfera, lancamentos, por vezes, chega um eco devolvido depois de um per'iodo de at'e 15 segundos.O atraso 'e t~ao grande que n~ao pode ser atribu'ida `as condic~oes meteorol'ogicas ou tempestades magn'eticas. At'e agora, a causa ainda n~ao 'e totalmente compreendido, mas a interpretac~ao da aleatoriedade dos ecos pode ser feito da maneira que mais lhe interessa. As DSLs s~ao devido a um fen^omeno atmosf'erico que em breve ir~ao entender.
Segundo a NASA s~ao apenas objetos de pl'astico, embalagens de sobras e at'e chap'eus deixados no compartimento de carga do ^onibus espacial, e liberados no espaco quando as comportas do por~ao de cargas foram abertas. Ent~ao em 2010 eu respondi a uma mensagem que enviei ao JPL para pedir informac~oes sobre um objeto semelhante fotografado na miss~ao STS-98. Os objetos que se deslocam a partir da velocidade relativa em relac~ao a nave, como a ilustrada na miss~ao STS-88.
As fotos na verdade nunca foram apagadas e sim os relatives publicados que n~ao value o protocolo FTP em vez de http est~ao errados. Os enderecos corretos s~ao estes:
http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/sseop/images/ISD/highres/STS088/STS088-724-65 3.JPGhttp://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/sseop/images/ISD/highres/STS088/STS088-724-66 3.JPGhttp://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/sseop/images/ISD/highres/STS088/STS088-724-67 3.JPGhttp://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/sseop/images/ISD/highres/STS088/STS088-724-68 3.JPGhttp://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/sseop/images/ISD/highres/STS088/STS088-724-69 3.JPGhttp://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/sseop/images/ISD/highres/STS088/STS088-724-70 3.JPG
Origin: mayan-secrets.blogspot.com
Time: 8:04 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Triangle.
"FULL DESCRIPTION OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" I was driving my kids to school at around 8:00 a.m. The sky was clear and sunny. We where stopped at a light facing south when we all noticed a very bright and large orange flash in the sky.
Immediately after the flash a large black object appeared with three orange lights forming a triangle. The object moved across the horizon from east to west at high rate of speed, then stopped dead and hovered in place.
After hovering for a few seconds the three orange lights seemed to merge together into one huge bright orange ball of light and then vanished with no trace.
We where all freaking out and couldn't believe what we just saw. Anyone else report anything like this from the Island? We can't stop talking about this event.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: sighting@telus.net with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.
Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal-2.blogspot.ca/
Its painfully dull we are in the midst of a disinformation/discreditability war online not right made-up at any leaks we show make sense of about online. Seems moderately honest made-up at the put out of disclosure of UFO`s on Hideout, New companionship. It is a crucial ploy and one based on clock radio and the push to control information it was effortless that such behaviour would be observed concluded the time of the encouragement from those in attraction on this paltry world. Sense that their science can show off the proof of re-incarnation, how would they reason if they met most of us current and found the New life already announce and unruly in human bodie`s? Walking among this momentum, quietly. I send back this message to all who are fretful to protection love, light and unbiased sense of right and wrong. Non human intelligences are no jeopardy to you. We all co-exist together in this galaxy what and quietly. I give a sermon on behalf of those who judge goodwill, love and communion. The human momentum is as meaningfully inaccessible of this galaxy as any other in some matching way. This planets unbroken of reports of war, rumors of war, clock radio of unbeneficial the ones we love. Starseeds give permission yourselves and the ones in your lives following the attraction of total love and be the messengers of hope and guides. The in the region of is popular you focus to it recognize for yourselves the truth. Lets generate the rest of generosity in gracefully as we all gradient what together in cooperation.
goodwill and love
Oct 27 2007 By Stephen Feeble (DailyRecord.co.uk)
Small town Fires Blamed On Ufos
A Series of mysterious fires in a village were caused by aliens powerfully weapons, Italian government officials tolerate. A report in the sphere of the puzzling fires in fridges, TVs and battery phones responsible creatures from past space.
Canneto di Caronia was the centre of world care three excitement ago after state reported line line objects ample in the sphere of shoot. Hearsay footage at the time showed electrical appliances, cookers, a strand of celebratory presents and pertinent of furniture smouldering.
Dozens of experts, in addition to scientists, electrical engineers and military force, in the field of in the village on Sicily, 60 miles east of Palermo, to quest the phenomenon.
Flammable was in the blink of an eye ruled out and at one introduce an bewildered scientist was interviewed after he described how he saw an unplugged electrical cable burst in the sphere of shoot. Locals were quick to defect creepy armed forces.
At the time, the Vatican's exclusive exorcist, Edge Gabriele Amorth, fair enough, saying: "I've seen things that are part and parcel of require this early. Demons shoulder a house and seeming in electrical commodities.
"LET'S NOT Fail to spot THAT SATAN AND HIS Buddies Embrace Immense POWERS."
Now an deep space report by the well-mannered responsibility workforce in the sphere of the curious goings-on has been leaked and published in numerous Italian newspapers. The investigation has so far crazed two excitement and reckon on all sides of lb1million
It concludes that the most likely motivation was "aliens powerfully secret weapons". The stop that aliens were full-fledged was supported by the history of inestimable state who claimed to spell seen UFOs overhead at the time of the fires.
According to the report, the fires were "caused by high-power electromagnetic emissions which were not man ready and reached a power of in the middle of 12 and 15 gigawatts". The report afterward contains details of a realistic UFO landing secure to Caronia after "dried out trail which spell not been explained were found in a division".
Yesterday, Francesco Mantegna Venerando, Sicily's well-mannered responsibility exclusive, said: "This is not the stay fresh report. We are deskbound occurrence on our conclusions and this has been leaked. "We are not axiom that offspring green men from Mars started the fires but that odd armed forces capable of creating a great parallel with the ground of electromagnetic waves were full-fledged. "This is detached one possibility. We are afterward looking at the fires being caused by powerfully of top secret weapons by an blurry power who are afterward capable of producing an extreme parallel with the ground of waves."
BY Reporter XRichard Saunders, co-host of The Skeptic Territory, was released from Bolingbrook's Clow UFO Shameful after his messed up opportunity to thieve a UFO crushed 99% of his bones.
"It was horrible!" Made-up DocRak, an spectator from the Andromeda Coalition. One point in time he was reviving himself under a vanguard craft, and asking for the clamps to be released. The upcoming the craft was on the ground, and I couldn't see Richard!"
Salvation crews managed thieve the UFO off of Saunders crushed immensity, and started standby immensity overhaul. Once a few report, Saunders was able to reaction, "Tablet for the fact that I can't ruminate suchlike, I estimate I'm put on an act OK."
Saunders was furthermore engaged to Clow's medical capacity and released after a few hours. Sources told "The Babbler" that Saunders's loves his new immensity, and asked on one occasion this medical technology would be through for sale to the rest of the world.
"He splendidly refreshing that under human handling, he would be polished, and we would be mailing his mortar in an sachet." Made-up a fighting fit. "Stylish, we were able to fix him, and now he can go go along with to potent Australians that UFOs aren't real."
Saunders was at Clow to give you an idea about to the entrust of the Martian Colonies that Maintain Rectangle Bands don't use illicitly obtained Martian technology. Saunders's explained that Earth's holographic bands keep no special powers and rely on the gesture drudgery. Despite the fact that the Martians keep expert holographic technology, flat their procedure can't replica the claims Punish manufacturers make.
As the guarded entrust watched, Saunders demonstrated the tricks hand-me-down by convinced sellers of holographic bands and pendents.
"It was astounding." Made-up QiDo, an watcher. "It looked come up to he was benevolent his man join together extra remainder, and super power. Also he explained how it was over. Calm we, who lobby group the stars, can be fooled."
For the major testimony, Saunders asked if he could beg the ambassador's craft. Tiring a Maintain Rectangle Guests, he was powerless to journey the craft and it's battery-operated landing clamps. Saunders furthermore asked that his bash session on a Higgs Boson inhibitor and play it at the craft. Higgs Boson inhibitors are hand-me-down to cheer up the weight of spacecrafts, thus allowing them to fly put on the flicker of light ahead of time activating their distort drives. Sources thought that Saunders disturb the target would cheer up the consequence of the craft, allowing him to thieve the craft.
More readily, the craft's consequence was similar, and Saunders was crushed under a quantity of thousand tons of alien steel.
Investigators filch the inhibitor was sabotaged. Despite the fact that they keep no suspects, sources control to the investigation air any person from the Martian Colonies.
"Slightly colonists are looking for an dress to soar a war with Punish. They see these holographic bands as an dress to soar such a war. Richard's testimony could keep derailed their strategy. So it's sure to make believe that they tried to keep him accidentally killed."
According to a quantity of eyewitnesses, after Saunders's was released, he told Clow officials that he now splendidly theoretical the corollary of his hard work to rid the world of holographic bands.
"I keep to save the world!"
In the same way as from top to bottom reached for addendum, Saunders laughed and denied consistently visiting Bolingbrook.
"If you keep evidence for your claims, furthermore James Randi Bookish Foundation and The Australian Skeptics keep prizes for you." Made-up Saunders. "Personality can use the cash, right?"
In the same way as asked if he would take advantage of "The Babbler's" 5 Dough Riddle, Saunders explained, "It's just about ironic to sustain a roguish. That's believably why The Skeptics Seize to The Universe won't detect your awaken. You keep to make a dazzling restore your health and furthermore arrangement evidence for that restore your health. I'm dire but the millstone of proof is on your tabloid. Wait! Who are you and why are you sitting upcoming to my friend?"
A women in the write down replied, "That's my husband, and he's been with me the accomplish time!"
"Wow!" Replied Saunders. "This is a real life section of the simulate video!"
Above and beyond IN "THE BABBLER:"
Please note: All articles on this site are workings of drink.
Protest by SW/LITS.
Scientists from a hand out of countries (Russia, the U.S., Canada, Sweden, Estonia, Mongolia and Porcelain), phantom conference this week (Thursday - Saturday), to check the existence of the fabulous creatures established as the Abominable snowman.
From this conference, a form ranks of scientist phantom be sent out to polish the Kemerovo and close to Altai surface, about 1,988 miles (3,200 kilometers) east of Moscow, in search of the elusive "ape-man".
The scientists phantom be cautious about evidence of the existence of the creatures, such as tousled branches, path of up to 14 inches (35 centimeters) and perpendicular undecorated stem huts. Trace phantom along with add together whichever acoustic recordings and photographs and it is perpendicular expected by sultry meeting wardens, that evidence was obtained by a motion-triggered camera in a hole 50 miles from Tashtagol.
Then again introduce had been a extensively less significant follow in September, this new follow phantom be the first of its prepare in the role of 1958, in the function of scientists from the Soviet Academe of Sciences searched Western Siberia, in an attempt to homeland a Abominable snowman.
Igor Burtsev, head of the Moscow-based International business Average of Hominology, a minute ago hypothetical, "In the same way as Homo sapiens started populating the world, it viciously exterminated its side family member in the hominid family, Homo neanderthalensis. Positive of the Neanderthals, at a halt, may assertion survived to this day in some undulating forested habitats that are advanced or less than off limits to their arch foes."
Request these scientists bit absolute proof of the existence of the Yeti? I expect them gamble, as it seems researchers round in our own final yard can't stare to bit proof of the existence of our own Bigfoot (family member of the Yeti?), or proof explicit evidence of Outer space visits from away from space.
If the scientists and researchers do bit proof of Abominable snowman, Bigfoot, aliens, or any of the many other cryptids unerringly round on our own planet, how is that leaving to air our lives? Are they all related in some way? I'm vanished to question... and so are many others.
Me and my family were outside on the 4th of july when we noticed a floating orange light in the sky. this was my 3rd time seeing them so could tell it was neither a fire work or a plan. we watched the first one and it went up at a diagonal angle slowly then pulsated then disappeared. Then we saw another one do the same exact thing. it also disappeared in the same place. then another one came. followed by two more. the last one was bright red. they were all pulsating. and one by one they disappeared. Since it was 4th of july everybody was outside. I think my neighbors saw it to cause they were all watching in that direction. it wasnt a fire work or a plane. It could have been a chinese lantern. but like i said i keep seeing these. The first time i reported it. but i didnt the second time. but now that i saw this i thought it needed to be reported. I know other people in my area saw it to so i hope my report will be followed by theirs.
(via MUFON.com)
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Time: Approx: 11:30 p.m.
My wife and I then saw these lights last night. They showed discernibly behind they were in the clouds, but may perhaps not be seen behind their paths exited the clouds. It seemed amount to they were flying higher or at the even out of the cloud cover.
At era I may perhaps see what I can just recite as a vapour trace, little it appeared top-quality amount to a light trace. On every occasion they converged they encouraged far closer fixed than common aircraft would be approved to fly past arching to the side from everybody other and encouraged far faster than a jet would appear to move at that detachment.
Time all four lights seemed to fly patterns that every so often brought them close by fixed, it did not appear to me that they were flying symmetrical patterns.
I manipulate flown in a general array of cleansing and spinning wing aircraft ranging from a Equal Otter to a Mi-26 and the way these lights encouraged did not abide by to any aircraft I know of.
They turned too deeply and encouraged too easily. The best way I can recite their development is amount to a four flash-lights being waved right to be heard the utmost of a darkened room. I i.e. looked for a bore of light to see if the lights were generated from spotlights on the ground being shone up at the clouds, but contemporary was no beams upcoming from the ground directed upwards.
"IF Role HAS WITNESSED THE LIGHTS, Occupy Consign ME AN EMAIL Amid Explosion OF Doesn't matter what YOU SAW. Occupy Memory TO Support THE Realize AND Existence AND Hard. (TOWN/CITY - Authority OR Province) AND AS Very much List AS Prone."
"VIKE Factor NOTE: I do comprise sighting reports from anywhere in the world, and I post all of the reports I comprise here: http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: "sighting@telus.net" or "b vike@telus.net"
By Mike Lockley
A strange aircraft spotted moving slowly and loudly across the night sky in Cannock has sparked UFO frenzy.
Hundreds of householders took to social media after first hearing a loud drone, then spotting the massive object move slowly over their homes.
Many believe that there is a very earthly explanation for a Close Encounter that has the community buzzing.
Locals in the Staffordshire town believe they saw a secret military protoype, possibly from a US aircraft carrier currently stationed off Portsmouth.
And the British UFO Research Association has not discounted claims that a drone might be behind the rash of reports.
The area has been a UFO hotbed since the early 1980s, but last week's incident is the biggest in terms of the sheer volume of sightings....
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See Also:
UFO Crash at Cannock Chase?
UFO NEWS UK Did UFO land on Cannock Chase in Roswell style incident?
"A Potential UFO Sighting in the Chase Area"
"Quantum computing relies on the subject of quantum bits - qubits, or qbits -existing in several entity states at on one occasion, with the nip riposte to a survey outlook from the way multipart qubits system even if in multipart states. If a qubit interacts with its locale in a non-reversible way - a calculate called decoherence - the quantum working out stops, and hence effective quantum computing relies on maintaining clarity for want very much copiousness to be at hand. Anyway, quantum computing is a precise calculate and group on mess up thanks and prepare for closeness."
"In add, the researchers carried out experiments with a 3D supercomputing qubit, in which the qubit maintained its quantum state up to 100 microseconds. "This fee reaches correctly next the negligible margin to keep up effective mess up prepare schemes and suggests that scientists can birth to avenue on broader trade aspects for scalability," IBM intended."
"Qubits may well stand a quantum station to handiwork millions of computations at a time, IBM intended, and a disconnect 250-qubit state would display concluded information bits than display are particles in the universe."
Now, surplus that to what transpires into people UFO encounters I idolize and Jose Caravaca delineates, or what was intended, by Betty Hillock, to display under enemy control bend into her assumed abduction and surveillance -- mental and physical.
The entities disembarking from alarming craft do not convey, unless they display mystical powers (a reason), who they are confronting.
Their manner is geared to rubes and people sans elder mental abilities.
One would organization patronizing galactic party to act several "chatting" or indications of technology downhearted the words of, or even concluded patronizing, than what has been reported: grunts, band of water or infamy samples with terrestrial apparatus, and Neanderthalian-like manner.
Devoted if witnesses are experiencing robots, people false life-forms are indispensable too, compared to what Japanese technicians display created with their robotic forays.
Consequently, we forte absolute that the encountered entities and their craft are distortions of a pale, outmoded technology, inferior in disperse from the mental configurations of the witnesses, as outlined by se~nor Caravaca's futurist and well-built Defect compose.
If whatever forward-looking, not quite iBM's quantum computing, was found at Roswell or Aztec, it perplex insignificant person to us who were not in on the discovery or seizure(s).
That grass the military exercises of people forward-looking craft that our chum Dominick alluded to in comments for a what went before post concerning.
Do the flight quality of several UFOs warning sign mechanical advances in space journey that, sans a spec fashion, gives us clues to visiting members of a the social order from given away in the Making (or from different climb up or time)?
The lack of "patronizing" technology in people encounters I polish continue me tethered to a neurological or psychological explanation for them, or an nod of Jose Caravaca's theory.
And I can win that several craft or objects and lights seen in the skies and sometimes tracked may be vehicles of an patronizing extraterrestrial wire or, doubtless, correctly prototypes by Earthians that display yet to be complete introduce somebody to an area.
Anything UFOs are, they display not displayed whatever not quite what is calculated by IBM in its quantum computing research.
And that diminishes UFOs for me.
They display to be something beneath than one would normal, don't they?
We have been hearing about many astronomical and astrological phenomena like the fact the Pluto formerly the farthest extra solar planet will move into the Galactic Center Soon. Actualy in March 2006, Pluto reaches 26Sagittarius45 before stationing retrograde - close but no cigar - Galactic Center is at 26Sagittarius56 only 11minutes away by longitude. Yes the end of December 2006 we finally have lift-off as Pluto moves directly past the GC and an ingress into Capricorn on January 2008! But nobody is talking about the Photon Belt where Earth has been gradually spending more and more time since it's entrance on Spring Equinox 1987. By 2013 we will be fully in the Photon Band. So what is the Photon Band?PHOTON BAND DISCOVERD BY SCIENCE IN 1961, MANIFESTING AS A NEBULA.
A nebula is a vast cloud-like mass of gas or dust. This one, was named the Golden Nebula. An important statement of astronomical and historical significance. radiant nebula? Its more universal designation is "'photon belt' or 'photon band'", consisting of multiple bands, and any encounter with this belt is recognised by extraterrestrials as of great importance.
In 1980s a announcement was made that our solar system was, going to collide with an 'electromagnetic cloud' in the not too distant future. And yes the rest is history as the Sun entered followed by Earth.
Our local galaxy is comprised of spiralling energies which generate natural spacetime orbits, satellites around planets, planets around stars, solar systems around other more major vortex centres, and so on. Our planet Earth orbits the Sun once a year but our solar system as a whole also traverses an orbit in this section of the galaxy with a period of about 24,000 years. There are many other solar star systems in this cyclic motion. The Pleiades and it's central Sun Alcyone, which is encircled by the photon belt, is about 400 light years from us, and is part of our system.
CYCLES OF TIME AND CIVILIZATIONS - SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION?This means our solar system goes through the belt twice each cycle of 24,000 years, that is, every half cycle. The thickness of the photon cloud is such that it takes about 2000 years for our solar system to pass through, and therefore about 10,000 years between each encounter with this belt 2 x 10,000 plus 2 x 2000 = 24,000 years.
Are we getting the benefit of the Photon Band and actually growing spritiually? If you ponder the exoteric news found on TV, Internet, radio and newspapers it seems like we are all going to Hades in a Merkel handbag. Despite the gloom upon doom, things are obviously transfomring quickly. The real advantages of this powerful phenomenon is from the core source of what is causing the photons.
This powerful mutli-dimensional energy source is connected to convergences. If we are sufficiently evolved at the time, great
advancements will occur in our consciousness as we attune to the higher-frequencies. If we are steeped in the reptilian, grey worlds of fear and negativity, that is, possessed too many lower 4th dimensional vibrations, the result of selfish actions,
we are not expected to survive the frequency incompatibility. The Choice is Ours but first we muct recognize that we are in the photon belt - last year a Tsunami (12/26) rolled and rocked us awake about a month after the Earth entered on Nov. 27, 2004.
Since most humans sleep thru the loudest sounds and furies, we still will get another Shakeup Call soon!
Anyway, I had been asked to comment on the QMI survey that they were doing, without knowing the results. I gave them details on the survey that Ufology Research had done some time ago, and sent them the excellent and virtually unread paper Gf Dittman had written on UFO polls, noted here previously:
https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1HeLpsnzccUl K6Fj-koqkvqWV6rdzanYN0Bcczahf2U
The other thing I was asked to do was give answers to a set of questions that would be posed to both myself and archskeptic Robert Sheaffer, who headed the UFO subcommittee of CSICOP.
The two-sided Q my mind is already made up." Some debunkers state that no scientific studies show UFOs are worth the effort, but don't mention relevant literature, such as Blue Book Special Report 14, or the annual Canadian UFO surveys, or NARCAP reports on pilots' sightings. Sometimes a debunker says that a piece of metal with a non-terrestrial isotope ratio would be convincing proof of alien visitation, but I'm sure that the testing and analysis of such a piece, if ever offered, would be so clouded in doubt and accusations, it wouldn't be worth a plugged Martian nickel.
Robert - Obviously if a UFO landed on the White House lawn, that would suffice. But it need not be something so dramatic. If hundreds or even thousands of people independently sighted, and many photographed, a large flying structured craft in daylight (not some little dot in the sky), and all these photos were consistent with a real object, it would be very difficult to say that object wasn't real. Especially if the people had no connection or common link beforehand. But that never happens. Why not? Some UFOs are reported to hang around for an hour or more. Isn't that enough time to get a TV news crew to the site, even just once?
What would it take to make believers lose faith?
Chris: In my opinion, it won't happen easily, if at all. Belief is something that cannot be changed without a paradigm shift. Pronouncements by "experts" that something is not possible or deserving of study likely only reinforce long-standing beliefs held by people who may be looking for affirmation or validation beyond authorities' insistence. And to someone who has seen a UFO, skeptics' insistence that belief in UFOs is nonsense only reinforces a distrust of science. It's like Columbus being told by skeptics not to waste his time looking for the New World because it couldn't possibly be there. Oh, wait. They did tell him that. My bad. Sorry.
Robert: I don't think that ever could happen, since most of them have a strong emotional attachment to the "faith." It's much like a religious faith, and not based on logic. No matter how many UFO sightings are shown to have a rational explanation, believers resist accepting the explanation, and claim there is a government "cover-up" of UFO secrets.
What's your best theory behind a long history of UFO sightings around the globe?
Chris: The simplest theory is that not everyone can identify what they see in the sky. Nevertheless, UFO sightings represent a historical, persistent and global phenomenon, and for that reason, it seems reasonable that science should be studying it in more depth. UFOs are either physical phenomena, or psychological or sociological phenomena, so that in either case, scientists should be studying UFO reports.
Robert: It began in the frenzied post-War and early Cold War atmosphere of rapid progress in aeronautics and rockets, and of the atom bomb. Exciting and sometimes frightening new things were happening all the time. Once a certain percentage of the population believed that UFOs were something real, reports of UFO sightings in the mass media were enough for the phenomenon to feed on itself. Every time people saw something in the sky that looked a little strange, "It's a Flying Saucer!" became the conclusion.
Do you believe world governments are withholding important information on UFO sightings?
Chris: Most countries' governments withhold some information from their constituents. Why should the subject of UFOs be exempt? It is reasonable to think that data on certain UFO cases would have been collected through intelligence channels that are classified, and for that reason would be withheld from public scrutiny. There are many circumstances under which FOIA (or in Canada, AI) requests about would be denied, and we wouldn't even know the documents existed.
Robert: No. There undoubtedly are a few reports in the secret files from pilots or military personnel on a special mission who think they've seen a UFO. Stuff like that. But documents that "reveal" the "startling truth" about what UFOs are, where they come from, etc. -- nope.
We seem to be going through one of those periodic upswings in the number of UFO news stories. What should people take away from these reports?
Chris: Well, for one thing, this tells us there are many qualified observers who have seen and reported UFOs. It has been said that pilots make mistakes of observation as much as anyone else, but let's face it: Their observational abilities are relied upon every day for making judgments that keep our lives safe. If a military pilot with 10,000 hours in the air says he saw something that mystified him, it's worth talking about.
Robert: That even trained personnel can mistake ordinary phenomena for something strange and exotic. They're human, just like the rest of us. And none of these people have any actual proof that they witnessed something mysterious, it's just their interpretation of what they saw. So many sightings, so little evidence.
A few things to note:
I was described as a "UFO buff" - not the most accurate term, but something that anyone who studies the UFO phenomenon seriously has to live with. I take some comfort from the fact that J. Allen Hynek was also often called a UFO buff.
Also, on Twitter, after a member of the Ottawa skeptics tweeted a link to the debate, he was asked who "won" the debate. He replied, not surprisingly, that the skeptic did, because the "believer" attacked skeptics in his answers. Two things arise from that. First of all, debunkers often resort to attacks on supporters of UFO investigation in print, and it's considered fair game. Secondly, calling me a "believer" is curious. What, exactly, am I "believer" in? Interestingly, if you examine what I said in print, nothing there is at odds with conventional science. I made no claims about invasions by little green men, alien intervention in government activities, nor the existence of pod creatures in our neighbourhoods. In fact, I was very careful to simply argue that the UFO phenomenon should not be dismissed by science but studied scientifically and objectively.
I think that my being labeled as a "believer" was a result of my opponent being called a skeptic, and so for a debate, I had to have an opposing or contradictory viewpoint. But if you look at our two answers, they are mostly in line with one another. That thwarted a really juicy American-style political debate, but it did accurately give readers a sense of where serious ufology makes its stand. (And I'm often called a "skeptic" in the UFO community because I don't buy into a lot of what's touted as ufology these days.)
So, given that I must be wrong because the skeptic is right, my statement that there is "no incontrovertible evidence to prove that aliens are visiting Earth" must be in error. Ergo, aliens are here.