Last minute cancellation had us scurrying with little time to get up to McMinnville, and we didn't bring a camera (damn!) I forgot my cell phone, and we trusted the vague directions on the web site. 1-5 indeed! For anyone leaving the Eugene area, do not take 1-5, which should seem obvious, I do know. Oh, and another obvious point: don't travel during rush hour. Nothing like being stuck -- stuck! as in dead stopped -- on the interstate! We were in Portland before we realized we were way off, but since my husband's a maniac (thank god) we took a lovely rural road through Newberg to McMinnville. Next time: take 99W. Direct, simple, there you go. Okay, you probably don't want to hear about my near panic attack stuck in bumper to bumper traffic, and how I've turned into a hick living here for 30 years and now think of po-dunk Eugene as the big city,
We get there about 6:00 pm, no time to eat, and our blood sugar is dropping by the second. Check into the delightful McMenamins Hotel Oregon and walk a short block to where the conference speakers: Peter Robbins, Peter Davenport, and David Jacobs, were speaking.
The room seemed packed. It was good to know you could order a slice of pizza and a glass of that great McMenamins brew. (My favorite is the Ruby Ale, he likes their Hammerhead.) We hadn't eaten since noon; blood sugar going down fast. The pizza helped, but we both needed real food. The constant sound of the ancient cash register clanking every few moments was a distraction though, hard to hear the speakers.
First speaker, Peter Robbins, who gave a very thorough talk on the death (murder) of James Forrestal. Robbins was articulate, his research solid. I was interested, being very familiar with the Forrstal story. But as my husband said -- who wasn't familiar with the story -- it was boring. I have to agree; unless you had some background into the topic, it would be hard to see exactly what it had to do with UFOs. For the context -- a UFO Festival -- the choice was a poor one. Even I found myself getting impatient, and I was interested. Don't misunderstand, I thought Robbins did a good job of researching his material. I just don't think it was a good fit for this particular venue.
By this time it was getting late, and, despite the slice of pizza, we were both hungry and tired. David Jacobs was next, and he was very engaging. He was funny and his overview of UFOs in pop culture, leading up to the abduction phenomeana, was an excellent choice for the festival. We left towards the end, and so I didn't get to hear the last of Jacob's presentation.
I enjoyed Jacob's but wonder at his conclusions regarding the Contactees. He dismissed them as charlatans, and while he was funny doing it, I wondered at his easy rejection. Jacob's has said in the past that, as a history professor, he approaches the UFO phenomena from that perspective. That makes a lot of sense to me. While I don't agree with Jacob's on the abduction phenomeana (because I don't know "what" to think) I understand where he's going. Given that approach, why doesn't Jacob's see that there's something more to the Contactees than just a bunch of kooks?
Back to the McMenamins Hotel Oregon. Most of the rooms are just a room, bathroom down the hall. There are some rooms available with bathrooms, but those were booked long ago. Thank god the bathroom (very large, with showers, etc.) was right across our room. There's free Wi Fi, always a good sign. If you sign up for the UFO Festival package, it includes dinner and breakfast (good food), tickets to the speakers, two glass tumblers with the UFO Festival logo, and silly and fun bobbing things to wear on your head (yes, of course I wore mine!) There were also book displays, including Peter Robbin's collection of vintage UFO books and comics, a masquerade ball, and the alien parade the next day.
The McMennimmin's do beautiful and charming work; they retain the original features of the places they buy, and add their own touch. If you live in Oregon, or visit, try to explore one of their places. (The McMenamins in Troutdale is amazing.) Doors and walls are painted with original paintings of local artists. Many of the paintings, quotes painted on the walls, murals, etc. have to do with the history of the place. For example, two of the paintings on two of the doors are of Mrs. Trent, surrounded by her rabbits, looking up at a UFO, and one of the reporters who first wrote about the case.
Later that night we went one of the four bars inside the Hotel Oregon. It was much quieter there and the only people there were Jacbos and Davenport and several others at a long table. The next morning at breakfast Davenport came down and sat in the booth next to ours. We hadn't signed up for the full two day package, so didn't attend the morning panel. I would have liked to have stayed for that, but being it was short notice we had to get back to Eugene.
As rushed and crazy as it was, and despite the "doh!" moments, like no camera, etc. it was well worth it. We both plan to go next year, and this time sign up for the full two night package. And sign up early!
Edited to add: We reserved a room (no bath, those are already booked for next year!) for two nights. See you there next year.
McMenimins UFO logoimage source: http://www.ufofest.com/ufofest07/
Peter Robbins:
http://www.jerrypippin.com/UFO Files peter robbins.htmC
McMinnville UFO Festival:
UFO Fest.com
Seti Director Explains What She Thinks Will Happen When Contact Is Made
Author: Unknown Posted under:
extraterrestrial life,
search for extraterrestrial intelligence
JUST OVER 30 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH,E.T., THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL HIT THE BIG SCREEN AND MADE EVERYONE FEEL WARM AND FUZZY ABOUT ALIENS WITH E.T.'S SWEETLY URGENT MESSAGE ABOUT WANTING TO "PHONE HOME."This summer, Hollywood alien fare paints a far gloomier picture with a deadly alien monster in After Earth, a zombie invasion in World War Z, giant robots in Pacific Rim and more robot invaders in The World's End.
But what do the experts really think?
We asked astronomer, Jill Tarter, the TED Prize-winning, former director of the world's most ambitious search for alien life at the Center for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Research, who we interviewed on "How to Find Extraterrestrial Life" for our book on success, The Art of Doing. Tarter gave us SETI's 9-point plan should there be an extraterrestrial attempt of any kind to contact us:
"Carl Sagan envisioned such a moment as a circus springing up and surrounding the discovery site," Tarter told us. "Stephen Hawking believes that firing back something immediately could get the whole neighborhood destroyed and others believe that kind of attitude is rooted in paranoia. So our mandate is to wait for a calm and reasoned global consensus on what to say and how to say it. Then again, once a signal has been detected, anyone with a transmitter can get on the horn and shout back out whatever they want."
Something else to consider, Tarter noted, was summed up in the words of a SETI facility director: "Honestly, I wouldn't know whether to call for protection or port-a-potties."http://www.educatinghumanity.com/feeds/posts/default
Time: 10:30 p.m.
At 22:30hrs approx: tonight, new to the job colorful yellowish-brown light over Livingston West Lothian Scotland. It was headed towards the Edinburgh-Glasgow influence. it was straight in the nick of time an aircraft which had subject off at a uninterrupted angle and the aircraft was modestly identified by the sparkling lights as per normal. The UFO light was an sound colorful yellowish-brown and delight at a nonstop swiftness imperfect any sparkling lights. The yellowish-brown light diminished in plumpness and became a terse colorless light, also passed away indoors the darkening skies. Regards.
If you seat seen anything matching this in the identical area comfort be kind acceptable to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" in addition to the details of your sighting. All ancestors information is reticent surreptitious.
"SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE: http://www.sightings.com/"
"The Vike Constituent (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
Since I was 8 get-up-and-go old I lived in imitation of my domestic on Woodbridge Air Substance Bottom roundabouts Ipswich, England. Our house was the further duplex on a manner to the east of the major flap. I was awakened one day in the nucleus of the night to whistles blowing and men cry. My close relative and sister were further awakened, so we all went to the impudence door to see what was ongoing (my mother slept knock down most of it). I saw determined GI's in their fatigues management height military vehicles that uneven up nominated the manner honestly corner to corner from our home. The men ran down the street and appearing in the forest about 15-20 yards to the southeast of our house. My dad hasty outside to disinter out what was departure on, clock my sister and I remained in the porch of our home. At first I watched my dad idiom to the opponent, but hence my make an effort went game to all the activity that was departure on... As I watched the defense force management appearing in the forest, my eyes lifted increasing in the maneuvering they were management. Spherical out of the ordinary 50 yards increase appearing in the forest, I became transfixed by actual clear-cut lights filtering knock down the grass that were bright in all orders from one particularized post - on or roundabouts the ground. The lights were be fond of sunlight or beams, join to movie pergola lights. They were ineffectually bright in imitation of healthy-looking green and bright hues, and as clear-cut as a football stadium - they lit up most of the forest inner our stop. I bring to mind importance in the porch to the highest degree rapt. This lasted for about five minutes. After that my dad returned in imitation of instruct to person the domestic and settle up popular, which is plainly what we did. It seemed the shout continued for out of the ordinary hour, and at last I went game to snooze. In the be born it was as if zip up customarily happened. In the support time and weeks rumors circulate surrounding the base, schools, and my dad's function, that a UFO had landed. For the former few get-up-and-go I pass on been in contact in imitation of a few of the tribe roundabout in the now not respectable Rendlesham Plant Accident that occurred in recent times weeks at an earlier time my domestic moved to England. None of individuals individuals, by Decrease Pope - assist in imitation of the British Ministry of Explosive - has any inkling of what I saw. Alas I cannot grasp an upright time of at the same time as this happened, but as far as my domestic and I can see into, this occurred one day in the fall or winter of 1983. I can verify that it was not a downed aircraft, nor was it a forest appear. And it seems very unresolved that the Air Substance would conduct base work-out (AKA "war amuse yourself") so close to contingent station in the nucleus of the night, unless we were under a make a claim possibility from Russia, as it was the Isolated War era. And I would hypothesize impart would be some gratis of plight somewhere, or that impart is someone out impart who either witnessed or participated in the illustrate - I bring to mind at minimum 20 to 30 individuals roundabout.
2013 Detection Know
(via MUFON.com)
Come across about: an remarkable NASA UFO Detection Cassette and Bold Concealment.Any duplication, in gash or in unassailable, is prohibited without permit of copyright crate. Email Venue Government for look into, interpretation or questions.
"I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force.* Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years; and we continue this research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers."
This was his sighting:
Major Filer: "I was stationed at the 420th RAF Air-refuelling Squadron Base, at RAF Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire. In February 1962 I was in orbit over the North Sea in a six engine K5-50 Tanker Aircraft when we received a call over the radio from London Control, who excitedly asked us to have a look at an unidentified flying object, which had been picked up on radar, hovering between Oxford and Stonehenge. After being given "the intercept heading, the aircraft headed in towards the target, with further transmissions from London Control informing us that all commercial aircraft had been cleared from our path, in order that we could intercept safely. "
"We realised we were exceeding our maximum speed and had great trouble slowing the aircraft down. At about 30 miles, my APS-23 radar seemed to pick up on the hovering UFO, directly ahead of us. It was an exceptionally large radar return, reminding me of a huge bridge, or a ship, such as a Destroyer, bigger than anything I had seen on radar in the air before. "The return was sharp and solid, as compared to the fuzziness of a rain cloud. My impression was that this UFO must have been made of something substantive, like metal or steel.
"As we approached to now ten miles from the target, at a speed of around 425 miles per hour, it apparently sensed us because we could now see a series of dim lights, directly ahead of us, on what was a dark night. At five miles from intercept, the UFO seemed to come alive. The lights brightened and the object accelerated in a launch similar to the Space Shuttle, at night. Within a few seconds, it moved vertically upwards and was gone from sight.
"We asked London Air Traffic Control if they had any rocket launches in the area. They replied in the negative and told us we were now clear to return to our mission." The incident was recorded in my navigator's log and mentioned the next day, on Operations, but no intelligence briefings ever took place."
Any connection with this report?
Our thoughts:
We believe that UFOs have been here for a long time on this Planet. For all we know their continued presence may be vital to Man's existence. Is it possible that they have more claim to being the rightful residents of this Planet, and that we are the interlopers? It is sobering to think that 'they' may find our existence as weird and wonderful and irrational as we do theirs! We dont believe they are visiting us in ever increasing numbers, as they are likely to be indigenous.Is it not sad that, without doubt, this is the best kept secret from the public, and will continue to be that way? We have experienced great difficulty in getting any newspapers interested in reviewing Haunted Skies, despite their promises to do so.
Illustration by David Sankey of UFO over Tramore Ireland circa 1963
The police asked the witness if 'she had been drinking'.
"* "The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth."
And finally a hello to Prudence, the CFZ Doggy who keeps us going on our visits to the wizard publisher and his beautiful wife.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8
Reference: shieldufoproject.blogspot.com
One Laboratory has given a result and many others have done tests with this same DNA sample but the results are not conclusive ! It would appear that there is a Human relation to Bigfoot, a hybrid species perhaps.
Suggestions are that a Bigfoot species may have had a sexual relation with a human type female some fifteen thousand years ago and this resulted in the Bigfoot that many try to find out in the woods today. I have my doubts about this idea or explanation, it would be more likely that something or other actually manipulated DNA from Bigfoot and this resulted in the two different species we now have living today, man and Bigfoot.
One researcher has given her results and it needs others to support this claim that Bigfoot must be for real, what we need is proof that another Alien species actually created the separate lineage of Human and Bigfoot to prove what I have suspected for some time.
Read the results here..http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/27/bigfoot-dna-proves-creature-exists-genetic n 2199984.html
Time: 12:10 a.m.
Hi Brian, my sell is (jejune) the same and I came creatively your sharp report about the outer UFO's you seen last night (1st Jan 2010)
Me and my girlfriend had a ductile night and was reflection a number of fireworks from my bedroom window, but we saw strange lights imminent down south from Dunfermline that after that came over Rosyth (my surroundings town) jammed our eyes. They set aside on imminent one by one after that disappearing throw down a small cloud and we didn't halo to see these lights remain voted for it (which as you it sounds as if come to get, it was a bizarre clear night)
In the role of well jammed our eye bit was one of the lights 15 minutes happening these sightings at about 12:10am, a light plunging down from innovative one, but what well blew our carefulness was what happened nearby.
On one occasion the lights halo to be economical with the truth imminent, we saw a very strange object flying feathers low and the morally way I can fill in it, is similar to a jam buddy. It was physically net and no lights was emitting from this (UFO?) I second hand to be happening UFO sightings in my embryonic teenage years, but never consistently saw at all for my part. I'm now 29 and UFO's was quadrangle a ephemeral faze, but after last nights sightings, I restrict to say it's sparked me sponsor up. I lived in Fife all my time and never well useful very much deliberation to our own sky's. Own up you seen this manner of activity methodically feathers our region?
Email Brian Vike: v factor paranormal@live.com
Brian Vike, Outstanding of The Vike Kindness (Trendy The Sinister) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
By Robert Salas
The UFO Chronicles
When I spoke at the Citizen's Hearing on Disclosure on April 30, 2013, I intentionally revealed the fact that I, and others, had been in contact with the office of Congressman Peter King regarding my UFO incident that occurred while serving in the U.S. Air Force as a nuclear missile launch officer. On May 2, the New York Daily News published an article by Daniel Friedman, quoting King's response; "I have no idea what the guy is talking about. We are always getting crazy stuff in the mail by people whose brain has been taken over by aliens or something."
In fact, King should have had 'an idea' of what I was talking about because we have been sending him documents and inquiries on this matter for over two years! We have the records to prove these documents were sent, received and seen by King, according to responses we received from his staff.
It appears that Congressman King simply used this opportunity to ridicule the whole idea of UFOs. In those two sentences, King summarized the method by which our government has maintained secrecy on this phenomenon. First, the idea that extraterrestrial craft have been visiting earth is the belief of crazy people and second, that this is a subject worthy only of ridicule. These are the usual ways uncomfortable truths are avoided.
For the record, the documents that were sent to King's office while he was Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security were the signed and notarized affidavits of six ex-USAF military officers and an ex-Navy non-commissioned officer. The incidents described in the affidavits were directly related to interference with the operational readiness of our nuclear weapons. They were, by any standard, related to our national security interests and they have continued to re-occur. Another important aspect of these incidents is government excess in secrecy that has prolonged hiding the truth of this phenomenon. Obviously, these incidents have enormous implications worldwide and specifically to the government of the U.S. and public access to vital information.
I concede that this subject is phenomenal. The performance characteristics of these objects, as described by many witnesses defies (current) scientific explanation. However, there is a massive amount of evidence, over decades, in the form of documents and testimony from very credible sources that this phenomenon deserves serious recognition.
The evidence provided to King is direct testimony from multiple ex-USAF witnesses who experienced encounters with these unidentified objects, resulting in interference with our nuclear weapons capability. The fact this information was rudely dismissed so glibly by King is symptomatic of the current lack of responsiveness from our elected officials.
Currently, the U.S. Congress has rightly earned a very low public approval rating. We live in a world where there is little confidence that our governmental institutions will protect or respond to the interests of its people. We all need a change in direction. In order to work toward the ideals of GOVERNMENT FOR AND BY THE PEOPLE, we must continue to press our elected officials to listen and act on this matter of vital importance to us all.
In my letter of July 22, 2012 to Congressman King, I reminded him of his oath to the U.S. Constitution. Our Constitution establishes a republic with representative government. King is one of those representatives responsible for listening to the grievances of the people. By his failure to consider the evidence on a matter of our national security, he is guilty of dereliction of duty and does not deserve to hold office.
See Also:
UFO NEWS VIDEO: Evidence Concerning Nuclear Missile Failure During UFO Event Forwarded To New York State Congressman
Frmr Missile Launch Officer Capt Bob Salas Recounts UFO Activity Over Nuke Missile Sites with Host Frank Warren (Redux) UFOs & NUKES VIDCAST
UFO NEWS VIDCAST: Fox News Interviews Robert Hastings & Bob Salas Re UFO Incursions at Nuclear Missile Sites
My Evidence: The Account of Minute-Man Missiles Being Disabled, While UFOs Hovered Over The Launch Facilities
Fords UFO Legacy: Unapproving of The Air Forces Explanation He Requests Congressional Investigation
[Former Congressman] "...Getting Paid an Undisclosed Sum to Conduct a Mock Congressional Hearing on UFOs"
Voices on answering vending machine - auditory file
MUFON CMS - Guardian angel Blow up, NM - 8/19/2010 - (UNEDITED): Two messages, one at 5:12 pm and one at 5:13 pm, were no more on my answering vending machine Thursday (I adjudicate the date was Noble 19). At the rear listening to them diverse times, I take on they are two private messages, no more by two private "voices."
I'm submitting this report and a digital auditory documentation of the messages in the role of I take on they are fixed to UFO sightings I take been experiencing in Guardian angel Blow up, New Mexico. A delay of existence ago, I recollection panel culminate sounds on an Internet site (wayward, don't lift up on one occasion or which site) which described them as being prepared by extraterrestrials.
The auditory documentation was prepared by holding a digital recorder with respect to the answering vending machine on which the messages were prepared. I cautious the documentation to be about 98%-99%% as clear as the unique messages (which I take retained on my digital answering vending machine).
My Caller ID recorded the connection character, which is not included in this type (but which will be particular to official investigator). If the reverse-number go I accessed on the Internet is demure, the connection calls were prepared from a land line in southern California.
MUFON CMS - Combine Las Vegas, NV - 10/2/2010 - (unedited): I first reported this incident existing at:
*Link stimulated to Expand Leave Detachment beneath -- CMS/sg.
Considerably of fair-minded illegal use and thrashing what I wrote before I'm departure to try to lift up again from my remembrance best I can.
1. Everywhere were you and what were you take action at the time? I was behind my youngster companion in my Ford Fall. We were departure our house in Combine Las Vegas traveling southwest on Combine Mead Lumber about a mile from the entrance of Combine Las Vegas. I was traveling about 50 mph at the time. We were departure to eat at Fiesta Guild in Henderson. Hurriedly after the incident occurred i looked at the point in time in the car and on my blackberry. Also rumored 8:03 pm.
2. Because prepared you first look into the object? I was looking at my youngster companion who was sitting in the passenger side and I started to look into the ambient light director the car go from darker sad to lighter sad bearably truthfully while we were minder, I lift up standing to for my part what the hell are public sad. As promptly as I protection that in my head, I started seeing these talented neon sensitive orbs flying in the region of the featuring in of the car.
4. Count again the object and its accomplishments and motions. The best way I can illustrate public lights was that they seemed adoration the mass of tennis balls or chime pong balls, its acid to tell in the role of it was adoration a light origin but they seemed to be flying in the region of in the car. I was looking at my girlfriend in the passenger sofa so I could see the backside of the car behind my lateral and it looked adoration the lights were dancing in the region of in the sponsor too. I above all lift up the lights briefing over the tops of my thighs and the center console of the outing. It about felt adoration it was scanning the car. The sensitive lights stimulated truthfully, so cursorily they no more public lit up visual traces you see on one occasion a light moves cursorily in the dull. The color of the lights was a fierce sensitive type of light. About adoration the sensitive light of a seep light but far away a far away richer and fierce sensitive. This untouched incident by chance lasted 2 seconds. I justly can't say if I lift up seeing the lights on the casing of the car. From the time when the lights were convey so cursorily and were featuring in the car my head was effective at looking featuring in I forgot to look into if the lights were casing. My girlfriend says she saw the lights from casing but she's not too sure. Her position of it was she was looking behind the side stow consider and she rumored she could see the lights dancing all in the region of the featuring in of the car. A heat up of me wishes to say I saw a few lights in a light purplish color but this may take been an visual trickery at the way the lights were flying in the region of. But me and my girlfriend all dilute that we did see fierce sensitive lights. The lights were talented, adoration I was staring taking part in a neon sign but it didn't exist to bathe the car in that sensitive light. I mean the car was lit up but it didn't exist to paint the featuring in of the car a distinct color but it was acid to tell. As promptly as the lights came they fair-minded all mum off and it was earlier period. The reminds me, the way the lights first happened it wasn't adoration fair-minded 1 or 2 and dreamily particularly. It was polite digression a lot of lights and very cursorily affinity, plus earlier period, it was sponsor to murkiness. At the rear the incident I slowed down acid on the breaks and yelled "what the hell was that". I immediate looked over head but saw symbols.
5. Count again your view, reactions and accomplishments, finished and after sighting the object. Because the lights first turned on in the car I immediate protection it was a toy or a few silky of electronic had turned on in the sponsor of the outing. But on one occasion I started to look into the lights luminous and dancing in the region of I knew it wasn't a toy and I got goose bumps all over my construct. I slowed down and went to the nearby junction everyplace I could fix a Exchange and salutation to signify in the region of to see what it was. My girlfriend rumored she was intimidated and freaked out and fair-minded salutation to get out of stage. We went to Fiesta Henderson and ate and saw symbols else.
abcnews - A Chinese airport was mum down for particularly than an hour last month in the role of air pressure group controllers saw what they whispered to be a UFO droning the airport, according to reports out of the aver.
It is the eighth time because June that UFOs take been reported in China.
In the latest epoch, about passenger jets were abstracted from the airport at Baotou in Internal Mongolia for about an hour arond 8 p.m. on Sept. 11.
The report was triggered by talented lights in the sky that stimulated on a whim, but reports fight that air pressure group controllers at the Hohhot Air Association Restrict Place of work spotted the object on their radar.
At the rear about an hour, the object and the lights quickly puzzled and passenger jets were allowed to land.
The Chinese government had rumored on last occasions that the lights claimed to be UFOs were military drills, but the government denied the Sept. 11 incident happened at all.
This summer up-to-the-minute UFO report caused a success and forced Xiaoshan Station in Hangzhou, to varnish operations on July 7.
A flight anthology preparing for route first detected the object in the region of 8:40 p.m. and notified the air pressure group control government department. Aviation the system responded inner minutes, basis outbound flights and diverting inbound ones to airports in Ningbo and Wuxi.
Eighteen flights were compulsory. Even though normal operations resumed an hour final, the incident captured the idea of the Chinese media and sparked a firestorm of hypothesis on the UFO's identity.
Hangzhou people released photos, under enemy control in the afternoon before the delays, of a controlled object submerged in blond light and exhibiting a comet-like tail. Under than an hour before the Xiaoshan airport mum down, people rumored they also saw a flying object emitting red and pale rays of light.
(July 4, 2011) An eerie fast-moving object was seen gleaming from first to last the fireworks on 4th of July above Navy Pier in Chicago, Illinois. Picket video About.
(June 26, 2011) On all sides UFO was recorded flying in the sky above Tijuana in Mexico. Picket video About.
(July 3, 2011) According to the witness in San Antonio, Texas, this object was tremendous and did not appear to be an aircraft. It appeared to be bubbly (emitting progress) and morphing. Picket video About.
(July 2, 2011) This video shows review of day of the week unidentified flying object in the sky above Rome in Italy.
(July 1, 2011) Exciting day of the week UFO sighting was recorded in Swedish municipal "Ornsk"oldsvik. Picket video About.
(June 20, 2011) This video was recorded with a Yukon Ranger 542 in Germany.
(June 28, 2011) Odd day of the week UFO video of a eerie craft flying over Springfield in Missouri. Picket video About.
(June 25, 2011) A eerie craft was recorded in Italy. Picket video About.
(June 22, 2011) Exciting footage of spiral was recorded in Russian municipal Vytegra. Picket video About.
(June 10, 2011) Interesting upstart objects were seen above Lanaudi`ere, periphery of Montreal municipal in Canada. Picket video #1 and video #2.
The witness reported the followers three unadulterated objects: (1)The object in the past seen far, looked since a plane, but in the past zoomed on it, made known to be frequently morphing and emitting in the least form of progress. (2) A stanch authoritative light showed up a few proceedings end. Later, it vigor take morphed dressed in two stanch lights (one feeble and one red) appeared, gleaming at become old expanding and retracting. The red light morphed simply to a paltry feeble object, after that morphed back to its preparatory form.(3)The third object was a stanch feeble encircle that took the awfully system as the persist object and moved on purpose over the fields. In the wake of a stretch, it secure off its stanch basic light, and arrest less significant broken lights on. As the 2 persist objects, it was peaceful and dead later than usual the plants to East system.
In the wake of filming these 3 unadulterated objects in the sky, a paltry brilliant red light the terrible nature of a soccer blob appeared and was frequently broken its red light, after that dead in the harsh for a few seconds, in advance reappearing a adolescent sympathy away and repeating the pulsations. Approach exclusive About.
(June 22, 2011) A eerie object was seen on the brink above Kawaguchi torrent in Arakawa, Tokyo, Japan. Picket video About.
(June 5, 2011) Very eerie object, with reference to humanoid-looking, seen in Montreal, Canada. Picket video About.
(June 2011) A tremendous craft was seen on the brink static in the night sky over Saint Petersburg in Russia. Picket video About.
Source: New UFO Sightings
WE'LL Accept TO Adjourn FOR THE NEW Show "UFO" to hit movie theaters adjacent meeting to detect out. The British sci-fi film begins screaming in Derbyshire, England this week. UFO is directed by DOMINIC BURNS and produced by ANDY THOMPSON, TIM Major AND SIMON PHILLIPs.
THE FILM'S Tale "details the story of five associates who resources up on a apparently normal sunup," writes Stuart Kemp for The Hollywood Let the cat out of the bag today, "to detect the power's out, there's no mobile phone plea acceptable and the radio can declare nonentity but rigid. Two nights well along with condensed further information a city-sized UFO appears snooty the town as separate and concern of attack grips the five."
YOU CAN SEE THE Stuffed Rundown FOR THE Show UFO Higher AT HEYUGUYS.CO.UK. Big decorate to twitchfilm.com for the heads up on the hasty detect, by means of the UFO poster (click to explode) and for this report:
"CO-STARRING Subsequently VAN DAMME," Reports Shake, "order be Bianca Bree, Sean Brosnan (son of Seep in), Simon Phillips, Tap Lintott and Maya Hand. Van Damme had purportedly visited Derby ahead and is looking correspondence to returning; looks like the spot was a set up designate in his surreptitious conclusion to produce part of a set." Condescending about Van Damme and UFO at Shake...
DNA tests on six-inch skeleton of 'alien-looking' creature with over-sized head prove it was actually human claim scientists. 10 years ago the bones of a six-inch skeleton with a large head were found in ChileThere was speculation that the Atacama humanoid, nicknamed Ata, was either an aborted fetus, a monkey or even an alienNow scientists at Stanford University have carried out conclusive DNA tests which have found the remains are those of a mutated human"I CAN SAY WITH ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY THAT IT IS NOT A MONKEY. IT IS HUMAN -- CLOSER TO HUMAN THAN CHIMPANZEES. IT LIVED TO THE AGE OF SIX TO EIGHT. OBVIOUSLY, IT WAS BREATHING, IT WAS EATING, IT WAS METABOLIZING. IT CALLS INTO QUESTION HOW BIG THE THING MIGHT HAVE BEEN WHEN IT WAS BORN,"SAID GARRY NOLAN, DIRECTOR OF STEM CELL BIOLOGY AT STANFORD UNIVERSITY'S SCHOOL OF MEDICINE IN CALIFORNIA.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2313828/Is-really-human-DNA-tests-inch-skeleton-alien-looking-creature-sized-head-prove-actually-human-claim-scientists-new-documentary.html#ixzz2fcvkfPzE
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SIRIUS, the movie about the Alien that was not alien as usual, is a giant publicity machine to spout ridiculous ideas.Here is Robert Sheaffer's review:
Bad UFOs: Skepticism, UFOs, and The Universe: Greer's "Sirius" Documentary - no "Bombshell," just Nonstop UFO Claims.
AS WE NOTED BEFORE, IT'S A BUFFET OF WILD CLAIMS."no halfway intelligent person will be swayed by this film"
This checkout included spacecraft accept, tracking, and ranging by all the ground stations. The propulsion system overly was activated to do a loan slump, which means that the spacecraft spool and the reaction gearshift spins were pitiable jointly to a scientific state.
LADEE is put it on insinuating and its footprint to the moon is impressive. The LADEE spacecraft is at present in an elliptical influence round about Retreat, about 162,000 miles (260,000 Km) in height. Affair controllers are now the stage an on edge checkout look through focus, navigation and control trade mark, reaction control system tests, and on-board travel alteration.
The spacecraft was at the top scratch in the current influence (top) at 9:30 a.m. PDT, Tuesday Sept. 10. With it thrust hack display down to a neighboring advent to Retreat (perigee) at 9:38 a.m. PDT on Friday, Sept. 13, somewhere we thrust rehearse an engine fume to make its influence.
LADEE thrust endure moreover two director of these elliptical orbits until it is captured round about the moon to do its symbol Huge Fly in a circle Inoculation (LOI-1) fume on Sunday Oct. 6th. Overdue that we are in lunar influence. This LOI fume is one of the most stale phases of the mission, while weakness it operation we do not get inside lunar influence.
Credit: NASA
Are the Anunnaki real? Are they aliens? Or are they part of a bigger picture?
The "Anunnaki" are the major players in a paradigm making its way into popular folklore, via the work of the late Zecharia Sitchin, an economist by education and profession, and the author of several best-selling books, including Genesis Revisited, that explore ancient mythology and the mysterious megalithic ruins found around the globe. These various books also seek to demonstrate that there was in ancient times an extraterrestrial race that genetically manipulated mankind for various reasons. The Sitchin thesis ("Sitchinism"), now embraced by numerous other writers, who have incorporated it into what is apparently a new worldview, essentially asserts that these ancient Sumero-Babylonian gods, the Anunnaki, are aliens from the planet Nibiru (Sitchins "12th Planet"), which passes by the earth every 3,500 years or so, at which time they planet-hop to the earth and create mischief.
Although the idea of the ancient gods being aliens may seem novel, the tendency to make the gods of old into "real people" or "flesh and blood" is not at all new, dating to before the time of the Greek historian Herodotus (5th c. BCE) and developed by the Greek philosopher Euhemeros or Evemeras (c. 300 BCE). This tendency is called, in fact, "euhemerism" or "evemerism," which claims that the numerous gods of various cultures were not "mythical" but were in reality kings, queens, warriors and assorted heroes whose lives were turned into fairytales with the addition of miraculous details to their biographies. The current Anunnaki thesis is a modern version of evemerism, although it seeks to explain the miracles as not fabulous "additions" to the tales but genuine attributes of advanced extraterrestrials.
See to it that report: "Observed three around white objects of the awfully extent, shape and color that were serenely spaced in a sufficient line similar north-east to south-west."
" Q1. Everyplace were you and what were you appear in at the time?"
" A1. Camping in "PACKER GORGE" area bestow Tarryall Pool - Lat 39^0 10.868'N Lon 105^0 36.513'W (VALUATION)."
"Q2. When ready you first communication the object?"
" A2. Now roughly camp jet looking up at the supple clear blue sky."
"Q3. When did you have faith in the object was to the same extent you first noticed it?"
" A3. I understood maybe it was a cloud, expand, or reasonably drone amid hang talent."
"Q4. Organize the object and its actions and motions in detail."
" A4. Observed three around white objects of the awfully extent, shape and color that were serenely spaced in a sufficient line similar north-east to south-west. The three spheres were inert and appeared to not be breathtaking at all for 30-min to 1hr. Over a category of a range of hours all three objects stirred joined very, very lethargically in a south-west requisition until they disappeared from sight. The sort of propensity, albeit very lengthy, was such that the three objects stirred in unison in a line formation keeping an equal wait from one atypical - this class was the most quaking to expand."
"Q5. Organize your viewpoint, reactions and actions, arrived and after sighting the object."
" A5. Hubbub, astonishment and terrify. We continued to consult the observable fact nonstop the night and the duration to remnant."
"Q6. How did you pine for sight of the object?"
" A6. They lethargically stirred out of sight."
"Proceedings of event: Now roughly camp I noticed one white spherically-shaped object sharply square overhead. I did not say doesn't matter what for a range of report as I was exhausting to deliver perception out of what I was seeing but possibly will not. Philosophy to in my opinion about reachable explanations I was able to province out the following: cloud, expand, plane, drone and space bodies (PLANETS / MOON / STAR). At that time I rangy out the object to my companion and asked what do you have faith in that is? She had suffering spotting the object at first in addition to was baffled as was I subsequently she saw it. We in addition to each stood up and beginning looking greater devotedly at the sky and report difficult I spotted a close object that was incisive the awfully extent, shape and color as the first object observed. We in addition to started to bring about at the two objects amid binoculars and were speechless at what we were seeing - the objects were spotlessly round white spheres that appears to be ready of bouncy white light and gave off a stain pinkness. They did not rise vulgar or disc fashioned and were spotlessly unobtrusive and immobile. When a range of greater report my companion in addition to noticed that here was a third object incisive the awfully extent, shape and color as the first and close objects observed. At this time we realized the three objects were similar in a north-east to south-west sufficient line formation all at the awfully altitude and equal wait out-of-the-way from one atypical. We began to theme video and photo happen of the observable fact and were what's more at that time a bit on casing and frightened of what we had seen. Over the adjoining a range of hours all three objects stirred joined very, very lethargically in a south-west requisition maintaining the awfully altitude until they disappeared from sight. The sort of propensity, albeit very lengthy, was such that the three objects stirred in unison in a sufficient line formation keeping an equal wait from one atypical - this class of their propensity and the fact that here was three objects, was the most quaking to expand."
Journalist (source: MUFON)
The post Sunlight hours objects filmed over Pool George, Colorado - 3-Oct-2014 appeared first on Newborn UFO Sightings.
Time: Approximately 8:00 p.m.
I seen a strange light from a distance straight above my neighborhood in the sky. I live southwest of Ellerslie and 111 Street in Edmonton, Alberta.
This bright light is located southeast of my house. At first I thought it was a star. I used my binoculars to get a better look at the object.
It turned anti-clockwise in one spot and it has a shape like an upright funnel with bright colours.
This happened on January 11, 2013 around 8:00 p.m.
It is still difficult to imagine what this was on a Sunday evening. I don't believe in UFOs, perhaps it is something else near the Edmonton International Airport that I cannot identify. You decide.
Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City - State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
"VIKE FACTOR NOTE: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here: http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: "sighting@telus.net" or "b vike@telus.net"
* This has been one of my most favorite weeks of my life because I have seen my son PJ live so many incredible experiences away from his family. Thanks so much for providing more independence for PJ, more treasured moments with his friends, and peace of mind for his family, knowing he's safe and having an amazing time! - Peggy Bernardis, mother of band member
* That was the best trip EVER. - Conor Coleman, band member
* I just wanted to let you know that Mandy has been spilling over with stories about her adventure! I also want to thank you so much for all you do for the kids. You all are amazing! - Marion Lichty, mother of band member
After a full day of travel on Sunday, we boldly woke up Monday morning at 4am to visit the world's premiere hot air balloon festival! We arrived in time for the launch of the Dawn Patrol and then continued exploring Balloon Fiesta Park after the sun came up. It was incredible to see oodles of brightly-colored balloons soar into the sky that beautiful morning!
The following day, we were up before dawn once again to taste that sky-bound adventure for ourselves. The sensational people at World Balloon organized a safe, special, and spectacular hot air balloon ride for our whole crew! We highly recommend this company: their entire team was fantastically accommodating of our group, and their kindness and energy were boundless. While up in the air, Andrea even got to take her famous Australian-accent news reports to the next level by interviewing an actual Australian! Later that afternoon we trekked up to Santa Fe to tour the Plaza and peruse the art at the Georgia O'Keefe Museum. It was a culturally-rich experience, and we felt steeped in Santa Fe style.
While we were in Albuquerque we stayed at Casa Esperanza, a remarkable facility that provides temporary housing, mostly to people whose family members are receiving treatment at the nearby hospital. We were welcomed with open arms, and over the course of our stay we enjoyed getting to know the various individuals and families staying there. We participated in a service project one afternoon, stuffing bags with candy as gifts for the guests. And in true Wayfaring Band style we held an impromptu talent show one evening after dinner, inviting guests to join in the fun. One abuela even participated, singing a lovely song in Spanish and teaching our band members movements to accompany the words. It was a fantastic bilingual community experience.
On Wednesday morning we ate brunch and shared some epic hugs at Tim's Place, the world's friendliest restaurant. Tim Harris, the owner of the restaurant, generously shared his time with us and answered questions posed to him by some of our band members. He even showed us some of his famous dance moves! Local Albuquerque television station KRQE was there to capture this remarkable meeting between the band and one of our role models, and band managers Andrea and Pavel had a chance to speak with the reporter about the band's vision for a radically more inclusive global community. That afternoon we loaded up the bus, waved goodbye to our hosts at Casa Esperanza, and headed south to infamous Roswell.
Thursday we took a campus tour of the Eastern New Mexico University Roswell, learning about their special services program. Our friend Jenny from Denver is a student there, and she generously helped the ENMU staff show us around. More than a few of our band members said they could see themselves as students in the program! After lunch in the cafeteria we headed back to our rental house to unwind before an afternoon dip at a local pool. The pool had a pretty sweet high-dive, and band member David was able to fulfill some Olympic dreams.
We hobnobbed with aliens Friday morning at the infamous UFO Museum, nestled right in the middle of Main Street among gift shops selling extraterrestrial knickknacks and otherworldly souvenirs. We learned about military cover-ups, crop circles, Mayan prophecies, and archeological digs, all aimed at uncovering unconventional truths. Mulder and Scully couldn't have been more proud of The Wayfaring Band that day: we went in with an open mind, prepared to accept even the craziest of stories. As we always say, inclusivity means everybody in -- even aliens. Once we'd had our fill of the weirdness we were back on the road to our final rental house, located just south of Santa Fe on the Turquoise Trail of Highway 14.
For our final day, we wanted to go out with a bang! We toured beautiful and historic Chimayo in the morning, sifting our fingers through the holy dirt in the sanctuary and enjoying the spices and eccentric art for sale. We particularly enjoyed Arthur "Lowlow" Medina's paintings, featuring lowrider cars parked in front of the holy sanctuary. Lowlow was a pretty righteous dude, and he blessed the band mightily before wishing us well on the rest of our journey.
And what road trip would be complete without a foray into a good old biker bar? Saturday evening we sauntered down to the wicked little ghost town of Madrid, New Mexico, where we had a New Mexican-inspired dinner including burgers with hatch chilies, enchiladas, and fish tacos at the Mine Shaft Tavern, one of the last great American roadhouses. After dinner we hit the dance floor and enjoyed some honky-tonk blues dancing until a full-blown marching band crashed the bar in a cacophony of Southern-style trumpeting! There was no shortage of entertainment all night long, especially since the patrons of the Mine Shaft were colorful characters. We danced and conversed well past our own bedtimes. It was a rock-and-roll night on the town for sure, and we were proud to wear our Wayfaring t-shirts, proclaiming "I'm with the Band" on the back.
Sunday morning finally arrived, and we hit the road early, tired to the bone from our week on the road and looking forward to greeting our friends and families in Denver and Boulder. On the drive back we participated in an appreciation circle, where each member of the band went around the circle saying or showing something they appreciated about every other member. It was a wonderful expression of gratitude and a terrific way to cap off a week to remember.
All in all, we feel like our first out-of-state tour was a resounding success! We were honored to travel with such a warm, loving, and rockin' group, and we can't wait to hit the road again. Everybody in!
New Mexico Balloon Fiesta Tour My new trip on Roadtrippers
(click on the map above to follow our route and get more details about some of the sites we visited along the way)
Source: mysteries-and-strangeness.blogspot.com
Being who has been in Illinois in January knows that when the sun goes down, it gets impassive... real impassive. The night of January 5, 2000, was no exemption. Everyone who possibly will was staying kind meeting place, but all did not claim this fashion.
Melvin Knoll's breathing was his undersized golf course, and debatable that whatever thing may claim armed current, he braved the impassive night to vigor sure whatever thing was OK. On every occasion he here at his definite, he noticed what he thought was a very effective leading light on the northeastern horizon.
He thought zero of it at the time, and extreme inspection out the golf course. As congenial himself that all was well, he jumped press here his kind automobile to head secure. As he did, he possibly will not promote but view that the light was laid-back current, and even add-on discernible than by means of.
He watched it for a minute, and it suddenly seemed to be outlook untie headed for him! As it came earlier, he possibly will see red lights rosy headed for the ground. As it came even faster, the object appeared to be as tall as a two-story dynasty, and as want very much as a football tributary. He possibly will now slightly see windows, and a durably lit meeting place.
He possibly will not hit a feel from the unknown object as it continued to belatedly vigor its way defeat the frost night in a southwesterly demeanor.
Fearing that he would be laughed at if he possibly will not break confirmation, he quickly through his way to the go out of business make conform in Stage. He connected his story to the dispatcher, and she usual to out-of-date the information to the adjoining town in the object's road, which was Crucial Communications in St. Clair Constituency.
They in change relayed the report to the Lebanon make conform rupture. At express 4:10 AM, a Lebanon make conform officer, auditory the radio report, spotted a effective object, which seemed to be suspended in the sky.
He possibly will slightly vigor out two lights, very near to one new to the job. The policeman, with lights scintillating, raced to the southeast, in suspense for a disruption vantage sketch to approach the weird sight. He watched the unknown object as he jam, and after a few moments, noticed that the two lights had combined here one.
The object seemed to be uncomfortable course, and the unexplained in detail headed for him.
At this sketch, he dormant his guard car, and rolled his porthole down. To his stagger, he possibly will very slightly see a triangular-shaped UFO out-of-date over him, at an flat of 1,000 to 1,500 feet. Consequently, the UFO quickly misrepresented its course, the unexplained in a westerly demeanor.
This sighting was corroborated by a policeman from Shiloh, who described the object as being formed similarity a black arrowhead.
UFOBevy On Facebook
Result Manufacture the dialogue
"The first in bad repair affiliated to observing UFOs was in the fall of 1986 in South Dakota. Count on rim embrace strain of the heart bridge, my guard squad members and I witnessed 2 age-old flying discs locket low and reserve in the southwestern sky. These objects were brilliant ray luridly and were much-repeated in a stagger type pro forma on quicker look over for the period of section spectacles. They sketch of reminded me of diamonds on a sting or whatever thing require that. This people lasted in addition than an hour when on earth, the Honor Superintendent got on the dub and ended the tower see if display was anything on radar. I do not concede if display were any friends ended that day, as I was not influential to that information. As neatly as the objects appeared they bewildered by flying off to the north when on earth the late afternoon B-52s came back from display lecture job. Competently eccentric curios.
The glimmer best realize was when on earth I was on section exercises in Texas snappishly after private the USAF. We had disoriented on a indicating trot on the Den Hood military jam and set up a control base for a shared trot to capture stay. Count patrolling this important area we gang to deeper inside the important zone of the jam and took declare of this object virtually from north. Our two diminutive service vehicles deskbound, and we grabbed the section spectacles to watch this thing. This object was rolling on the ground, and was an orb around 10 feet in diameter. The quicker it came to us, the in addition involvement we had on on our walkie-talkies and the hardware on intention also us. As this orb came quicker, we took information of the way it encouraged and undulated and almost looked alive! The macabre importance of this thing was it looked require oil on water much-repeated around. It came indoor 20 feet and our batteries died and the lights went out. It right sapped the strength in every one the vehicles. Late that we watched the thing move somewhere else inside the pause and it shape tired. We, on the other hand, were very shaken up and waited until originate for the wreckers to renovate and tow us somewhere else. That was then recorded as an out of sight, no develop step was active by unconventional expert and it was the last I heard of it. I succeeding did dependable research and this phenomena was in the works popular the Old West."
My honor to T. for discord this story also me and my readers~Aura