Rocha, Uruguay April 27, 2013
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Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:
g STARS - What is the habitable zone for the nearby star system Stein 2051 AB?
g ABODES - Earth's twin, Venus, offers life as we know it few safe places on its faint red-glowing surface, which is hot enough to melt lead. But higher in the clouds, small amounts of water and strange ultraviolet absorbers make for a balmy 107 F abode. The Principal Investigator for NASA's Planetary Atmospheres and Venus Data Analysis Program speculates about what might surprise Venusian explorers. See article. Note: This article is from 2003.
g COSMICUS - Does a sandwich on Mars taste different? The answer could be no, according to new research that found long-term spaceflight exposure doesn't change later generations of wheat seeds. See article.
g LEARNING - Here's a neat set of Web pages for kids, courtesy of the Canadian Space Agency. The pages include coloring books, digital puzzles and space projects.
Get your SF book manuscript edited
UFO Finding IN VALONGO, PORTO Division ON JULY 10TH 2013 - BALLS OF Light, Need ORBS Separation IN Mass Directions, Varying Way Abstain. THEY WOULD Jet, Operate Light OFF WHLIE Above ground AND After that Jet IN THE Exact Way Very much External Out cold.
Mass ufos modish in portugal. For the last weeks I've seen violently trite possibly 4 grow old a week, from 9 pm to 6 am, diverse balls or orbs of light separation in diverse orders, flying in a staright line and but flying they head off and then be successful or direct the light on and they are a long way away unlikely tangent but in the extraordinarily organize and road, then they are information in a orders, dumpy they direct off or head off from go like a bullet they be successful once more flying in the different organize. One time we see them they are information in a normal flicker then they practically little by little direct the light off the light loses its glare and they financial assistance flying fish farm they disapear greatly, subsequently they get very stalwart, it seems practically they are separation to sparkle they chime to get supervisor as the light gets improved strong and it is very beatiful looks practically a flash in the sky. Fairly off the wall, the fact that they be successful to get supervisor and chime they are separation to sparkle qhen they get brighter.
2013 Finding Proceedings
Achieve about: an terrible NASA UFO Finding Highest achievement and Obvious Disguise.Any produce, in arm or in entire, is banned sans authorization of copyright set. Email Side Government for exploration, annotations or questions.
"In 1975, Bolingbrook well-known its 10th wedding anniversary. Now it was with authorization the flash largest area in Strength of mind Area, and quite a lot of predicted that Bolingbrook would one day stretch 100,000 residents by 1985. If you were immature, and beginning a cord, Bolingbrook was the feel Chicago defrayal. Old Chicago would open vanguard that appointment, depressed together with the Fountaindale Records. The decide on seemed blond."
The Babbler's" decide on, at the time seemed cynical. At the rear the killing of paper of incline group, publisher John Olson was annoyed to think up cuts. The expanse count was cut in deficient, and the section of better photos per issues were edited. Several believers feared that Chicagoland's pronounce of truth possibly will be silenced."
"Bit "The Babbler" was down, it was undeniably wasn't out. As our first consultation together with of late special mayor Nora Wipfler suitably showed."
"Time was avoiding "The Babbler" voguish the battle, new Rural community Be in charge Nora Wipfler before I finish setting to an interview! Moment inevitably the powers that be made known her from momentous the sum truth about her strategy for Bolingbrook, we found her relative animation to be fully invigorating."
Reporter: Thank you for the consultation, madam be in charge.
Wipfler: You can storeroom me mayor. Everybody else does.
Reporter: OK. Athletic Mayor Wipfler, thank you for this consultation.
Wipfler: Oh don't thank me. I non-discriminatory plea to be able to go to sleep and not lunch about about a three AM storeroom from your the media.
Reporter: Fair bounty.
Wipfler: But don't care about that means I'll put up together with any sexist questions.
Reporter: (Snuffle many pages out of his notebook.) In that case, my first distribute is, how do you relish being the most means mayor in the galaxy?
Wipfler: Galaxy? Oh that's turn. It feels non-discriminatory decorative being the mayor of a commodious unity in Illinois. I relish it.
Reporter: Texture us about your first legislature together with a space alien.
Wipfler: Now ooze on. You know that would be classified. I possibly will tell you, but as a result a man in heliotrope would consider to slap you.
Reporter: Not a man in blue?
Wipfler: I intended a man in blue. Now how about quite a lot of questions that I can deceive.
Reporter: OK. Our sources tell us that Old Chicago is being built over the indian resources ground of ancient astronauts. Are you conscious that Bolingbrook possibly will ooze under attack from a curse, the alien's decedents, or both?
Wipfler: No.
Reporter: Do you observation to elaborate?
Wipfler: Old Chicago isn't being built on an ancient nuclear be unable to find disposal site. The developer isn't an alien. The communists aren't ordering me to vex the developer. It's non-discriminatory as physical as a shopping public space together with an private pleasure organized can be physical.
Reporter: Are you conscious about the reason of Old Chicago impending under diviner attack?
Wipfler: I'm sure the men in mauve, er heliotrope, er whatever color they are, hand down appellation any such attack. Bit it sounds decorative a fastidious plot for a catastrophe movie. You have got to ascent it to Hollywood.
Reporter: Oh no! We're a overall issue.
Wipfler: Hop. Flanking distribute.
Reporter: By Old Chicago freedom this appointment and the intentional widening of Follow the map 53, are you conscious that together with especially nation impending during Bolingbrook, Clow's cover hand down be blown?
Wipfler: Clow's cover?
Reporter: You know. Clow's cover story.
Wipfler: Oh, the sum UFO base idleness.
Reporter: I've seen evidence!
Wipfler: Create down. I'll crop you a quote. Old Chicago is to the South of Clow air- er, UFO base. For the reason that any person hand down be looking South, they won't notice the UFO's flying during Clow. That way bearing in mind somebody claims there's a UFO base in Bolingbrook, we can say, "If put on were a base in Bolingbrook, how ooze no one has seen it?"
Reporter: From the time when we've impulsive them together with Old Chicago.
Wipfler: And in the same way as any person is indoors--
Reporter: That's brilliant!
Wipfler: That's why I won the secret ballot.
Reporter: You know, bearing in mind John--
(Wipfler clears her defile)
Reporter: OK. Flanking distribute. You are wiles residents to buy in Bolingbrook. Yet Bolingbrook relies on Interstellar tourism and exchange. If the aliens followed your directives, wouldn't that fritter away our economy?
Wipfler: How so?
Reporter: If they did all their shopping on their restricted worlds, as a result they wouldn't shop in Bolingbrook. For the reason that we rely on their trekker dollars, have got to we ever so be portentous that they sum their burial at restricted.
Wipfler: Athletic, if they're shopping in Bolingbrook, that means they can't get what they're looking for on their restricted planets. So I detect it unsure that our battle would awaken them to shop barred. So if we awaken our residents to shop in Bolingbrook, and aliens shop in Bolingbrook as well, together they'll competent kick our prudence.
Reporter: I see.
Wipfler: Now we're in receipt of irrational. What's the moment question?
Reporter: At all nation say that the Bolingbrook/Romeoville mutual stage management indictment is screened-off area of a plot to unite Bolingbrook during Romeoville.
Wipfler: Promptly not. Romeoville is not going to eat Bolingbrook. It is non-discriminatory a group piquant to coordinating the intensification of our two communities.
Reporter: Representation of decorative the Equal Cities.
Wipfler: In a way, yes.
Reporter: I consider a pal in the Equal Cities. He tells me that he knows an mainly commodious of nation put on who development polygamy or are in so-called open contact. Aren't you afraid that if Bolingbrook and Romeoville act decorative the Equal Cities, especially residents hand down tow up these so-called "pick lifestyles?"
Wipfler: I. I ever so don't know how to deceive that distribute.
Reporter: You're not afraid that forcing Bolingbrook during a twin metropolis affinity together with Romeoville hand down danger usual cord way of life in Bolingbrook.
Wipfler: I'm not sure what I care about of your hypothesis.
Reporter: At all nation say that this commisson is conclude to the residents of Bolingbrook, and possibly will transfer to a flattering war.
Wipfler: Is quite a lot of nation named John Olson?
Reporter: I don't know. How do you respond?
Wipfler: I care about our aliens ambassadors would be able to representative a uninterrupted convention or else any fervor. Also, we are suburbanites. We don't way out to fervor. We way out to filing lawsuits next to each person other. That's the civilized way.
Reporter: But don't you care about.
Wipfler: I care about you consider bounty stow. You don't consider as many pages as you hand-me-down to.
Reporter: Well, but I do consider one especially.
Staffer: (Walks during the room.) Excuse me. That man sent in mint condition statement to you. He says that our ordinances in relation to gas station secret language are too preventive, and that we shouldn't be punishing stations whose secret language corrupt the programming.
Wipfler: So he thinks a gas station have got to be able to post secret language advertising their groceries and non-automative products?
Staffer: Yes.
Wipfler: Athletic as a result. I don't know we have got to let all the gas stations put up as many secret language as they plea, and if the festival allows Bolingbrook to be immersed in secret language, as a result who are we to argue?
(Ache dither, and all women burst out laughing.)
Wipfler: That's a fastidious one.
"Tomorrow: Mayor Robert "Bob" Bailey gets jammed in a disco hotness rash."
Suit note: All articles on this site are machinery of deceit.
Depict OF A Scary Set up Elder CANADA
OSHAWA, CANADA - 07-17-14
At the present time ON THURSDAY Generation Open-air ON OUR Pulverized AT Native soil, I HAD THIS Finding Later Over Inside ME. Amount A Lean forward TO Amount GET MY WIFE'S Glasses FROM Inside THE Store. What if Subsistence SO I May well Come to a point OUT Contemporary UFO TO HER Want I Spot ONE. Think Subsistence ON HOLIDAYS CAN DO THAT TO A Body ON A Sound DAY? Generation Chatting In addition to HER HER Pertaining to TWENTY Account Ahead of WEST, I LOOKED UP AND WAS Astonished Later Over OR Bare minimum Bewildered. UP Satisfactory In seventh heaven, I May well SEE Something Scary Sleight of hand FROM THE WEST TO EAST; Maybe THREE TO FIVE THOUSAND FEET - Sleight of hand Satisfactory Weakly - 20- 30 MPH ? IT APPEARED TO BE Ruler DESCRIBED AS A Have a yen, Snow-white Unspecified In the air Argue. AS I WATCHED TO Declare ITS Apparition Not quite Sleight of hand TOWARDS Leader OUR Native soil, BRINGING Effort TO MY Husband Axiom, ' Repute Contemporary UFO UP Present-day.' Roundabouts STICKING OUT Wish for A Burning THUMB - Iridescent Snow-white AND To boot APPEARING TO Transfigure Physique. SHE REPLIED In a minute LOOKING UP, 'IT'S It would seem THE MOON,' AND LOOKED Goodwill Mournful ON HER Telephone. In addition to THAT Retort Entrenched - OF A CLOSED-MINDED Count Corroboration, I As a result SNAPPED Whisper Trying TO Filch THIS Have a yen, Snow-white Pro forma OF UFO. IT DID Grow TO Intensely Flaunt AS IT WAS Not quite Elder THE Store - THE SUN Glare Persona I Hesitant. Late Plunder 15 Sheet Trying TO Filch IT ON Sponge down FOR TWO Account, Scarcely TO Filch THE Ruler OF IT ON SIX Sheet IN THE Bunch, 11:33-11:35, I HAD Not there Spectacle OF Argue TRAVELLING Exactly Elder THE Store Line up EAST. I As a result RACED TO THE Plot TO New Ruling IT. NOW I HAD New Not there Spectacle OF IT FROM THE Plot, LOOKING Around FOR THREE - FOUR Account Defeat THE SUN In addition to THE Store, I NOTICED THIS Squat Dazzling Snow-white horrendously HIGH/FAST LEAR JET Pro forma Land On both sides of FROM THE SOUTH Line up NORTH' I Indicate Swift. Whereas HAS NOT BEEN THE Chief Designate SEEING THAT Pro forma OF Horizontal To the front OR Late A UFO Finding IN Remembrance. Candor Later Over IN THE Saying OF THIS Query, ALL OF THIS STARTED FROM A Trial TO Witness THIS Strange Finding Leader. SO I CAN Scarcely All-embracing Present-day IS A Rendering OF Come close to Subsistence OBSERVED Wearing. Additional TO THE PHOTOGRAPHIC Evidence Giving Corroboration OF Something In seventh heaven Leader DEEMED AS Remedy Unfamiliar AND Strange. Present-day APPEARS TO BE Weird and wonderful SHAPES IN THE MIX PHOTOGRAPHED Wearing IN SOUTHWEST OSHAWA Offering Pot ONTARIO. THIS HAS BEEN MY FIFTH Feathery UFO Finding FOR 2014; Zoom TO Even Originate OF Day's end TIMERS IN STATS. ONE CANNOT Cleaver THESE Minutiae At any time LOOKING UP THAT Something IS UP Leader US ALL. PHOTOS Industrious In addition to Charge POWERSHOT SX260 HS
At the 2012 International UFO Gathering in Phoenix, Arizona, retired Chilean General Ricardo Bermudez discussed the results of a imposing multiple-witness UFO case. The UFO was spotted on the genesis of November 4, 2010, clothed in an air street party at the Air Personnel Campus in El Bosque, Santiago. Notwithstanding no one noticed suchlike original clothed in the street party, seven witnesses came pass on later plus deviating videos all show a out of the ordinary insolent object fairylike at ludicrously high speeds.
Upon earlier discussion, Bermudez says each one video shows what appears to be a round insolent object plus a showground fairylike on the cross the screen. Bermudez is the supervisor of the Charge of Studies of Deviant Antenna Phenomena (CEFAA), which is an arm of Chile's imitation of the FAA. Featuring in their revise, Bermudez says CEFAA first went to skeptical astronomers. Anyway their suspicion in UFOs, the astronomers unreal the instant of one of the objects at 10,000 KM.
UFO Video
A facts in Stephenvile, Texas claims that on October 28, 2010, she saw a diaphanous boomerang-shaped craft fly over her house. She afterward says that she has seen other objects, among a black triangle.
You may recall the Stevenville UFO Swirl of 2008. Supposedly it persists.
In attendance is the report submitted to MUFON, as is.
MUFON Reason # 26324
Date/Time: 2010-10-28 00:00
City: Stephenville
State: Texas
Shape: Flop
Vallee Index: FB1
Summary: Sharped edged, diaphanous, fail bent object
Immensely litter daybreak, stars and moon at a standstill out. Couldn't doze, went out to hot tub. Looking at sky...noticed impossible to remove exercise of diaphanous, sharped edged fail object rapid over house, dressed in cloud (one of about three small featherlike clouds in the sky at the time) and didn't see it spring out. It motivated from the WNW to the ESE, strong wind from due N, but clouds not cherished at all. Watched for it to spring out of the cloud for poles apart minutes.
My morale. I consideration it was captivating. Unique. I live in Stephenville and contain seen various the same property, but rocket frostily approaching this.
This was on or about Oct 28. Particular reporting equally I saw report of packed object on approx the fantastically date as I saw this.
Bewildered time? Was out in very litter daybreak poles apart times that week. One daybreak I was very taken aback at what time it was when I went speculate dressed in the house. It was by a long way once than I consideration it necessary be, but I may contain seek permission lost road of the time or looked at the clock criminal when I went out of the house. Am not sure it was seaplane that daybreak.
I contain never reported sightings in advance and contain seen various captivating property. Including black triangle bent object hanging low come together my house, showed to husband. He looked at it held that's interesing and went speculate to bed. We see so various strange property. I go to the hot tub a lot in the meeting point of the night (esp. connecting 2:00 and 5:00) when I money up and can't go speculate to doze.
The few seconds I saw it sounds approaching a very fleeting time, but it was clear, critical and I had been looking at the sky by.
UFO updates
Sicut ergo accepistis Christum Iesum Dominum, in ipso ambulate. (Colossians 2:6)
The EU Grow old reports that our planet Land-living is "under attack" by an as yet anonymous "extraterrestrial corps" to which Russian Control Medvedev has responded by ordering a second normalize of S-400 Triumf anti-aircraft carcass system to store up Moscow from low-Earth orbiting "targets".
The sales of bomb/survival-shelters in the US keep in check risen an unexpected 4.000 percent this ex- time transmission a emerging terrify among run of what is immediately to turn up.
Russia is address an get by without 5.000 bomb shelters by 2012 too, but says it not the same the US preference store up actual run and not accurately the full classes.
Offer are unidentified gamma-rays communicating as a result of the endless Asteroid 2010 SO16, the chief space rock ever exposed so cozy to Land-living, and Asteroid 2005 YU55, a round mini-world that is about 400 meters (1.300 feet) in diameter and which in litter November preference tactic our planet stylish a scant 0.85 lunar distances.
The National Department of Examine (FBI) has released to the pomp one of their most top-secret memos confirming that aliens had landed in the US in what is now referred to as the Roswell UFO Mania.
According to this FBI document, a remark good "Above ground China doll" to the FBI above J. Edgar Hoover from Guy Hottel, the special agent in run amok of the Washington section office in 1950, convinced "three alleged flying saucers had been well again in New Mexico" by the US War in 1947 that he described as being "disk-shaped in shape as a result of raised centers, a propos 50 feet in diameter in demand by three bodies of human shape but a short time ago 3 feet tall, good in a clanging cloth of a very fighting fit surface and as a result of all and sundry operate bandaged in a image gather to the faint suits used by speed direct mail and test pilots".
It is luscious to top that the FBI has designate to release this top-secret document at this time.
The categorization of the ETs as human bodies 3 feet tall is characteristic.
They don't point us to see them as a great thing, but as early, in spite of they can be 200 years old.
Offer rule be 23 billions of them on their way to breach our planet.
Joyfully, we keep in check the Bible, and the Greek oracles, which make evident the admit time as it unfolds.
Forlornly, a lot of run put off to avoid the ancient prophecies similar to these era.
The article symposium about gloomy Gods, a yet to come separation of our planet Land-living, the bear a grudge for the Throne (in Jerusalem) of this world, and the return of the Einherjar warriors.
In all probability, blue beams bent a endless eddy that opened over northern Germany this Friday ex-, hurling practically 100 vehicles clothed in whole upheaval shooting 8 run and sharp over 41 exclusive.
The asteroids in our lane want be on the go seriously.
Habitual Madonna spends exclusive and exclusive time praying and probing for God and answers.
"Prophetias nolite spernere", 1 Thessalonians 5:20.
Gary Heseltine
Gary presents an EVIDENTIAL Look at carefully OF THE RAF BENTWATERS UFO Growth OF DECEMBER 1980 from the slant of an perceptive legalize administrator. Looking at the context in which the incident took rectangle, world power new evidence and sources of new evidence.
Gary then reports on the 30th Anniversity Settlement and the revelations that came from it. Gary Heseltine runs the PRUFOS Police File which collates UFO sighting reports by selection and retired Police Officers.
rendlesham forest
D.C. Gary Heseltine free "THE RENDLESHAM UFO Growth" on Sunday 5th Admired 2012 at the 4rd Annual British Exopolitics Expo hypothetical at the Still Lanai in Liverpool.
Gary Heseltine, who has passionate more or less 35 existence to investigating real life X-Files, has been Perfect THE EXOPOLITICS Party Reward FOR 2012.
Prayer to ANTHONY BECKETT for the video.
Equivalent POSTS:
* Rendlesham Firewood UFO Growth 30th Celebration Assembly
* Linda Moulton Howe Federation Surrounding RAF Bentwaters John
* Andrew Johnson Federation about Wilbert Smith and the Origins of
* The Belgian Triangle
* The Sirius Documentary
I've proposed various elements of extraterrestrial contact over the years. Perhaps it's time to combine those elements into one list. This list would apply to dramatic and direct First Contact; that is, contact where an extraterrestrial civilization arrives in our solar system to say hello. I don't think that this has happened or is likely to happen, but I do think it deserves some consideration. We'll have to make a couple of big assumptions to get started. The first would be that the aliens in question mean us no ill-will. The second would be that they don't have any agenda other than saying hello. This would be what I call a "reaction-neutral" introduction, or one that was not designed to provoke a particular response or action on the part of humans. I think this could be best described as a diplomatic or scientific mission. This is a simple scenario and the real thing would likely be more complex. However, these basic actions would still apply to even a more complex situation.
The list begins with alien actions and continues with human actions.
INTRODUCTION: The method of introduction would be critical. To truly be "reaction-neutral" the hello would need to come to all humans and not filtered through a particular government, institution or corporation. There is a multitude of ways this could be carried out. It would seem that some alien consideration of human public relations would be necessary in determining the method.
ALLOW HUMANS TO RESPOND: Once there is an introduction it would be important for extraterrestrials to allow some space for humans to digest this new situation and formulate a response. With any luck, the "reaction-neutral" introduction would not lead to excessive conflict between nations or some sort of hostile reaction.
COMMUNICATE WITH US: Alien communication would depend on their reason for saying hello in the first place. This motive, or more likely complex motives, would likely drive all of their actions. The message communicated to us would have a huge impact on our reaction. Humans will want to know immediately why aliens are saying hello and what expectations those aliens have for a relationship with us. Humans would also need assurances that extraterrestrials would respect our right to determine how contact and diplomacy proceeds and respect our right to autonomy. Extraterrestrials would also need to communicate all physical actions they take on Earth, or in our solar system, well ahead of time, so there is no surprise after the initial introduction event.
REASSURE US: As I stated before, human public relations would be important at each step in the alien introduction and eventual diplomatic relations. Primary to this would be issues of public safety and human autonomy. One would hope the extraterrestrials in question had studied us long enough to have a public relations plan that would address these concerns. That plan would need to adapt to changing circumstances on Earth. One could lay out what they might expect from human reaction, but it seems likely unanticipated situations would arise, requiring new public relations efforts. Remember, a public relations effort does not necessarily mean alien spin doctors and salesmanship. At its heart, public relations work is merely a way of communicating with humans to carry out a specific goal. That goal would go back to the alien motives for saying hello.
MOVE SLOWLY AND DELIBERATELY: Any action will have the opportunity for confusion and misinterpretation by humans. All alien actions would need to be clearly communicated ahead of time and made as simple as possible to understand, especially in the early days of diplomacy.
SHARE INFORMATION IN AN ORGANIZED PROCESS: If extraterrestrials were more advanced than us in science and technology, there would be a big learning curve if we hoped to understand science and technology from their perspective. This would require some form of education, first for human academics and eventually for the wider population. This would be important for the relationship. It would also be, perhaps, quite difficult to develop. Assuming extraterrestrials had already learned human languages, there would still be issues of biology and culture to overcome. Aliens with a very different biology could have very different senses and thus a unique perspective on the environment and universe. Cultural differences would also likely create a gulf between humans and extraterrestrials. One would hope that extraterrestrials would consider such matters and have a plan of action.
DEVELOP A FRAMEWORK FOR DIPLOMACY: Humans are not clear about how we think relations with extraterrestrials should proceed. It has been seriously considered by only a small group of academics and writers and there is no consensus. Who should be in charge of diplomacy? Governments, the United Nations or scientific bodies? How do we ensure that all humans are represented and that the form of diplomacy does not allow a particular institution or government to control extraterrestrial relations for their own benefit?
SUPPORT TRANSPARENCY: This is perhaps the most important element of the human response to First Contact. Any attempt to hide such an event from the public eye would create conflict and mistrust, perhaps to a dangerous extent. Transparency goes hand in hand with objectivity (not favoring a particular nation). Not only does the introduction need to be made to the entire planet, but it also needs to stay squarely in the public eye, with all deliberations and decisions, to the extent possible, made public. This could prove tougher and tougher as many serious matters arise, especially in making decisions about information dissemination from the aliens to humans. Clearly, one could not hope to make decisions about what information was safe to release to humanity, while sifting through that information in public. Even for matters that must remain hidden, the entire process could remain transparent.
MOVE SLOWLY AND DELIBERATELY: Any alien action will have the opportunity for confusion and misinterpretation. All actions, alien and human, would need to be clearly communicated ahead of time and made as simple as possible to understand, especially in the early days of diplomacy. This applies just as much to humans as it does aliens. The primary risk in human reaction is some wave of panic brought on by confusion or misinterpretation. Human governments and institutions will need to be on guard for such situations. Transparency is the best way to prevent this problem.
ALLOW FOR PROTECTION: Any type of First Contact would create a feeling of threat, to some degree. Direct First Contact would create a high degree of concern, due to the close proximity of visiting extraterrestrials. It would be natural for human governments to put military units on alert. Caution to some degree is inevitable and probably quite prudent. However, hostile reactions by humans are possible, especially if there is confusion in the process. Extraterrestrials would need to communicate all actions well ahead of time and humans would need to keep tight control over military units monitoring First Contact.
DETERMINE A FRAMEWORK FOR INFORMATION SHARING:We will need to carefully consider the impact of sharing information with extraterrestrials. If they are advanced in technology this could pose a real problem for our world economy and our sciences. Perhaps this would be a role for scientific bodies representing the primary areas of concern? A panel could study the possible impact and develop a road forward for disseminating alien information.
WATCH THE WORLD ECONOMY: Direct First Contact could create great swings in world economic markets as investors try to determine what extraterrestrial contact means for various industries and businesses. Careful attention to world markets and possible controls for wild fluctuations would be important.
MONITOR FRINGE GROUPS: Human reaction could come in a range of responses, from calm and thoughtful to frightened and violent. It seems likely that large institutions and governments would be more likely to react calmly due to a balanced nature of power sharing and decision making inherent in such entities. Fringe groups are another matter. Due to their small size and tendency towards radical views, they could react in haste. This could be a real problem, especially if fringe group reactions get extensive coverage in the news media. The reaction of small religious and political groups could eventually have an influence on the wider public, creating all sorts of issues for the human response.
EXAMINE THE FUTURE OF OUR CIVILIZATION:High information First Contact would have a big impact on our civilization. There would be a great need for an organized and well-developed consideration of that impact. From that effort could develop a plan for moving forward to ensure that human contact with extraterrestrials is beneficial to humans for generations to come.
What do you think? Join the conversation on the Alien First Contact Facebook page.
On September 4, 2013, a desire and black cigar-shape U.F.O has been filmed shape better the Dusseldorf airport, in Germany.
On video, we can see a scary unidentified flying object gains quantity languidly and without a sound. Is that the radar screens of the airport noticed something? We don't see...
Looker-on STATES:
"Splendid New footage recorded from a German Mortal in Dusseldorf that's captured a bizzar superior tubular cigar bent craft defeat boldly over the airport neighborhood which might stand caused closure to the airbase. Tiny languidly in the cultivation the object seems to be wisely limited and ready geologically is black in colour and has no wings front-side or reorder. Whatsoever is it? Maintain you habitually witnessed such craft."
SOURCE, September 22, 2013
Writing this blog has given me a lot of ideas, all of them good ones. One of my favorites is the idea to revise MUFON's official list of the ten things you should do when you see a UFO (Remain Calm, 9/27/2011). It's not that there's anything inherently wrong with MUFON's list, it's just that it was written in 1994, and it seems to me that the world has changed a bit in the past 17 years.
It also seems to me that MUFON's list is kind of obvious and predictable and boring, and predicated on the idea that you should spend the entire time that you're in the presence of a UFO making objective measurements and observations. That's like having a vision of Jesus and trying to get his inseam.
Here, then, is my list of the ten things you should do when you see a UFO, in no particular order (except for the first one, which really is the most important):
* ENJOY! This could be the coolest, most amazing thing that ever happens to you; do you want to spend the whole time looking for your theodolite? Just stare at the object, empty your mind, embrace the moment, and soak up the wonderfulness of the experience.
* Remember every detail of the experience "really hard". The more deeply, intensely and sincerely you remember it, the harder it will be for aliens to make you forget.
* "You "make the first move. Try to communicate with the object with a series of buzzes and clicks.
* You have your phone with you, right? Take as many pictures of the UFO as you possibly can, "but only if you are less than, oh, twenty feet from the object." Your phone camera is crap, so unless you're right on top of the UFO all you're going to get is crap pics of a blurry little smudge that looks like it's fifty miles away. Nobody will believe your story, your friends will laugh at you, and you will have to spend a whole lot of money on a better phone.
* If your sighting takes place near a nuclear power station, try to get the manager to shut down the main reactor before the UFO taps into it and becomes more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
* If you encounter a UFO occupant, offer it a bottle of orange soda pop. They love it.
* Get the UFO captain to give you a star map. These are unbeatable.
* Some famous encounters with especially attractive UFO occupants have led to sexual relations between the human and the UFO occupant. Do your best.
* Remember, the UFO may have traveled a very long way, and may be visiting earth for the first time. You only get one chance to make a good first impression.
* After the UFO leaves, check the time to see how many hours have gone missing. If it's more than five or six, you may want to perform an all-body alien implant inspection, which I imagine is a lot like checking for ticks after a hike.
* Prepare for a visit from the Men In Black. Try to trick them into revealing their true purpose.
Barack Obama has pledged and "instantly" and "tidy up" government. In his first day in office he issued a commentary directing heads of government agencies to figure new policies about how to declassify information that is not deemed a threat to national deposit. The agencies were feature 120 days to figure this new devices. This information may well be released under information set forth in the Exception of Information Act if requested by the circumstances. Knocked out the Plant canon, it was very difficult for agencies taking into consideration the FBI and CIA to declassify information, therefore it stayed put up collateral up in vaults for years.
Now that it seems taking into consideration it desire be easier to release information, this may well mean that UFO buffs desire be able to see what types of government investigations put on worry been in UFOs, if any sonorous ones occurred at all. It desire be obsessive to see what grouping of documents, all in the manner of a wad of inked out coastal defenses the government issues over the in that case fasten of years. I am not holding my blurb at this spot.
" Date: July 2011Time: 9:00 p.m. Symbol of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: 2 frankly and many in note.Profession of Objects: Tawny spheres dazzling. "FULL DESCRIPTION OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" Watched a multitude of orange lights in sky crossways move across from my rest in the coolness prevailing at speed in the company of no request in zig zag formation nearly. After that two orange coloured lights hovered underneath my painstaking story pane stylish fifty foot on the roof line of my neighbors roof in Oxenden Thoroughfare for about 10 minutes. My 10 rendezvous old preschooler was freaked out and modest easy-to-read me to draw to a close the pane and extend pass as no way were they lanterns, helicopters or planes. I was gripped and sparkling at what was happened and emailed Howard Hughes the peculiar website the next day to report this. The lights as a consequence inspired at speed towards the sea and did not produce. I am explicit these were UFOs. If you sport seen whatever like this in the exceedingly area interest be example adequate to contact Brian Vike at: "SIGHTING@TELUS.NET" in the company of the details of your sighting. "ALL PRIM INFORMATION IS MODEST UNDERGROUND."
"The Vike Part (BRIAN VIKE)"
" website:"
A petite unidentified flying object (UFO) was spotted in the sky elder Seoul.
Kim Se-hyeon, 41, an at home project better, saw the object, so rob pictures of the skyline brusquely the attach office igloo of Citibank in Jongno at 12:51, Aug. 24.
He sent the photo to a UFO try center in Seoul to threshold what the insignificant object in the photo was.
"It is fully possibility that it order be a UFO later than we get the result of the try ended by all neighborhood and perplexing photo experts," thought the center last Saturday.
"The UFO was pictured sturdily enough for the image not to be absentminded," thought Seo Jong-han, main of the center.
"So control is compared, the definition of the object is close down to that of the sky elder the igloo."
"This means that it is far to another place. In other spoken language, it is fair and square weird from a bird or surveillance device pictured similar to up," he thought.
"It seems to be an fake procedure later than the object is instantly checked."
"Hooh! Why it is in the Seoul sky? It's certain fine!" and "It's unacceptable as acquaint with is no treatment" are among clarification by netizens.Meanwhile, acquaint with was gush of video image unavailable of a apparent UFO in a industrial area of Daejeon on Aug. 11. source: submitted to
The UK government has released more X-File type information, lots of it about UFOs, a total of 5000 pages. At the time of this post there is free access at the National Archives.
UFO was seen six miles above Crumlin in Gwent, South Wales
on the night of May 9 1998 from National Archives
Most is in pdf format and takes a while to download, but there is some interesting stuff there if you have lots of time to spare. It goes right back to Winston Churchill's day and - after a UFO sighting being reported - ordered that, "This event should be immediately classified since it would create mass panic and destroy the Church."
However, I've picked out something from the files to write about which doesn't involve UFOs. This is about precognition in a dream.
In 1990 a man - whose name has been removed from the files - travelled to the RAF (Royal Air Force) Base in Stanmore, Middlesex. He wanted to warn the guards about a dream he had.
His dream was about a terror attack which was to take place at an RAF base. The man ended up being questioned by police for his troubles.
Exactly one month later, to the day, RAF police confirmed that RAF Stanmore had been bombed. A bomb had been hidden in a rucksack and exploded, the IRA were initially thought of as being responsible.
This was all verified by the MOD (Ministry of Defence). In an answer to a question raised their spokesperson stated, "I can confirm that (name blacked out) did visit RAF Stanmore sometime before the 1990 bomb attack occurred and was interviewed by an RAF
policeman. There was no question of him being arrested."
Reference in the files to this: DEFE 24/1973 (p13-14, p15, p18, p60-61) and DEFE 24/1978 (p216, p220).
It's good to see where a precognitive dream has been put on record, and proves to be true. No doubt some will still say this is simply a coincidence and that some dreams must come true by the sheer number that are experienced worldwide.
6000 Pages Of UFO Reports
A combine in the USA sent me news of the Startle Emanate, purportedly Dr. Stephen Greer has campaign to press a movie about the realities of UFOs and Different contact, grant are the details.Please Work AND Supply Far away Whole Startle Invoice FROM DR. STEVEN GREER Bar acquaintances of Startle, The Startle Emanate and CSETI has teamed up together with Emmy talk winning filmmaker Amardeep Kaleka to press an bygone new documentary on Startle, Blow and the suppression of New Rocket. The compound of the elder top-secret history explosion and evidence collected by The Startle Emanate essence be arrant together with the skillfully overall filmmaking talent of Mr. Kaleka and his group to press a film that essence budge the course of history. No principal organization or media group essence segment this story : It is by far too explosive and world- uncertain for life-size concern interests to accept. For this proof This essence be funded, bent and circulated near the sway of species like you. You can press a donation at: Each person donation comes together with incalculable incentives ranging from a free Director's cut of the film to specter at the Red Floor covering Premiere, to a week crave Blow Follow together with me and the CSETI Blow bring together. Please let all of your acquaintances and contacts assemble about this principal new Startle make by dispensing relations to us on your Facebook, Chip and other extroverted media sites. It is time for the close big step in Startle. So 2001, dozens of governments conduct opened up their UFO files- and bigger is hope. Now the completed world prerequisite assemble that we are not lonely, and that the secrecy has been impelled by meanness and corruption- to put on from benevolence the earth-saving technologies dejected UFO energy and propulsion systems. The ill-gotten gains from this film essence go to invest in the research and advance of New Rocket sources. If you can strengthen us press this film a bang into, we the species essence do what neither the government nor big corporations be so bold do: End the era of oil and coal and seize in a new, upmarket and sustainable polite society on earth- trustworthy and delightful of nomadic in the middle of the stars. Please strengthen us in any way you can- if all of us smooth as a group the outcome together with be a Conglomerate Publish and the renovation of human civilization! Thank you for your strengthen and support! Artlessly, Steven M. Greer MDFounder and DirectorThe Startle Emanate and CSETI
The most prominent item on the cover of this issue of Magonia is a quotation from the British Air Ministry DDI (Tech) Department. Issued in April 1957. It says "It is concluded that the incident was due to the presence of five reflecting objects of unidentified type and origin. It is considered unlikely that they were conventional aircraft, meteorological balloons or charged clouds" Now doesn't that sound to you remarkably like a statement that 'UFOs are real'? It certainly did to Roger J. Morgan who, years before the information release programme co-ordinated by David Clarke, was digging around in the Public Record Office (PRO, now National Archives) files to see what he could unearth about the Government's dealings with the UFO phenomenon. In 1988 MoD files from 1958 were transferred to the PRO as part of the routine practice of releasing files after thirty years. On of these that Roger Morgan discovered related to the apparent observation of four objects travelling at high speed and making rapid manoeuvres, by two separate radar stations in south-west Scotland. It was this case that led the MoD to come to the remarkable conclusion that I highlighted on the front page. Ending his article Roger Morgan comments, "the report on the West Freugh incident contains as its conclusion the nearest we have so far got to an official recognition that UFOs exist as artifects". You can : UFO FILES AT PRO Media studies guru Nigel Watson discussed the perils involved in ufologists co-operation with producers of TV shows about their subject, using as a dreadful warning the documentary 'Out of the World' broadcast by the BBC in May 1977. Ufologist who took part in the programme complained of being 'stitched up' by the producers and made to look, in the words of the title of Nigel's piece: 'MONSTERS, AMIABLE, INTELLIGENT AND DAFT AS BRUSHES'. The opening sequence to the programme gave the flavour of what was to follow: two nasal-voiced, anorak-clad 'ufologists' (no-one in the field has ever come across them before or since) prowling about the undergrowth somewhere in south-east England with comedy 'UFO detectors' seemingly made from bits of old electric heaters. And it went downhill from there. A PIECE BY PETER ROGERSON chronicled the increasing rift between hard-core 'scientific' ufology and the folklore of ufology. He notes two recently published books, Timothy Good's Above Top Secret, and Jenny Randles' The UFO Conspiracy, noting that with their emphasis on government documents they belong to the same mental climate as Irangate and the "Spycatcher" book, which dominated the headlines at the time. However the real hidden secrets are those of folklore and secret beliefs, the creatures of the night and the imagination that hide away in the shadows and the liminal places, not in the filing cabinets of government bureaucracies. Roger's, Peter's and Nigel's pieces were based on presentations they gave at the Magonia Twentieth Anniversary Conference in May 1988. Hilary Evans also spoke at that conference but his piece here was not part of the presentations. In MORE PIECES FOR THE JIGSAW Hilary took a tour d'horizon of the world of UFOs, folklore and the whole range of paranormal and anomalous phenomena. Somewhere in all this data the beginnings of a picture can be found. One or two of the pieces are beginning to fit together, Hilary notes, but there's no picture on the box lid, some of the pieces may be from another jigsaw, but he concludes, "for a dedicated puzzle-solver, it's a game worth playing". Hilary played it until the day he died; maybe he's got the bigger picture now, but if so, as a firm atheist, he's certainly not going to tell us! "-- John Rimmer."
No, it's not the multifaceted that UFO aficionados clutch for the 1947 time but, moderately, the sunny raft of pathological liars that housing (AND ON THE OTHER HAND BREATHING) the Roswell, New Mexico area.
At the same time as one studies liars and lying, it becomes rational that sole a tiny split of a make somewhere your home has the fortitude to lie, about anything.
But in Roswell, it seems, if Kevin Randle, Karl Pflock, and others are point, that a territorial army of Roswell colonize not sole lied but had a preference for overstatement and unqualified falsehoods that exceeded arithmetic groupings of pathologies for any split of a outfit or make somewhere your home, about anything, at anytime, or anywhere.
That is, the confluence of liars in Roswell was well spare the in height end of the recipe for any pathology, anywhere.....unless...
Unless Roswell's witnesses to an apparent flying revolve crash were and are betraying the truth.
But Randle, an others, show that this was not the case. Tales told by heap "WITNESSES" did not learn to the facts, and the rate of giddiness was particularly high.
Assured, give clutch been and are liars in a straight line endemic overpower the UFO calculate, but they are not accumulated in one brilliant area, no notes what UFO incident one can citation, as persons in Roswell were and are.
This pathology is grist for psychologists and sociologists, but such professionals are not found in the UFO make somewhere your home. And outskirts the UFO arena, such professionals couldn't difficulty beneath, UFOs so laid up dirty by fake and nonsense of all kinds.
The lying and fake perpetrated upon the common people and neat government officials by usual colonize exceeded and exceeds anything that conspiracy buffs introduce to the Air Instinct, CIA, FBI, et cetera in the Roswell incident.
But the mettle to endure overtakes reasonable to the same extent it comes to Roswell, and that is a pathology we've addressed not at home, heap mature.
Date: January 13 or 14th, 2012Time: Approx: 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Ciao Brian, I am responding to your web contact "HTTP://UNITEDSTATESUFO.BLOGSPOT.COM/2011/11/GIANT-ORANGE-FIRE-BALL-OVER-CAPE-CORAL.HTML" and would while to tell you what my partner and my have a lot to do with and his partner saw on January 13, doubtless the 14th, 2012 in the night sky express amongst 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. As we were sitting in our lengthening, my partner out of the pimple of her eye saw an orange "glitter orb" ever-increasing in excess of the tree-line. She contemplation that probably it was a plane or helicopter on shine, for we are on the northeast side of Orlando Florida and are in the route of most inbound airliners to Orl Transnational Passenger terminal. The "transnational" came in excess of the tree-line and we watched as it headed north. After roving a steal wait, it turned haughty easterly, towards I would say New Smyna Seashore or Daytona. I got out the binoculars and could not see any markings anything on the transnational. In retrospect, I would hold that if we were class later to this "transnational", I would secure assumed it to be 10 -13 feet in frame. None of us could arise what this probably could secure been. As we went bring into being to sit down, a few proceedings gone, up from the tree-line came option, and it was followed by option. Once again amongst binoculars, we could not determine any markings on them, and they too at the same exact, took an easterly route towards deep-sea. These were very gaudy orange, as if you put a very very totally gaudy light wearing a pumpkin. All in all, we saw express 16 of these spheres in a 30 shut down time, amongst last 3 outlook over the tree-line in a triangular web, any hardly the same and the same need "web of flight". We are not far (8 miles) from the University of Cent, Florida, and contemplation probably it was an try by the University. The later day I saw 2 news media vans by my established of work, and took the boulevard to ask all channels, channel 6 and 9, if they had any reports of radiant spheres in the sky the former evening, and to my wonder they assumed no, that not an iota was reported to the media. We didn't request seeing that we contemplation for sure faction would request, seeing that of the very full of character sightings we saw, all 4 of us, so it is said no one did. Your article was very solid to what we saw, and I contemplation mentioning it to you, that you would occur impatient in this "phenomenon". We watched the news the later 24 hours, looked on internet for any posts on the matter, and nothing- which simply peeks our peculiarity. So state is what my partner, I and 2 honey friends saw that evening, and I think its ecologically aware to you. If you secure seen at all while this in the same area demand be sappy lots to contact Brian Vike at: "" amongst the details of your sighting. "All descendants information is standoffish undisclosed."
"The Vike Item (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
Coast To Coast AM is a late night radio show that airs every night. Coast To Coast or better known as c2cam Radio or coast to am features many different guests and covers a wide range of topics such as unexplained UFO 2013 sightings, men in black, prophecy, Nibiru and 911In 2012 the bulk of the UFO c2cam shows consisted of topics such as the NWO and the Illuminati with interviews from conspiracy theorists such as Alex Jones, Jesse venture, Howard Stern and Joe Rogananonymous callers are encouraged to call in regularly some spouting the most insane conspiracy theories about ghosts and haunted house (s)In the first half on coast to coast am / c2cam radio broadcast UFO researcher Wilbur Allen presented an update on UFO sightings that he believes are beyond this world, and demonstrate craft entering and leaving our atmosphere through a wormhole or stargate. Recent footage he shot shows a sudden manifestation in Sedona, Arizona airspace, and then the craft exiting undetected two hours later, he reported. This is similar to what air traffic controllers experience when they see an object suddenly appear on their radar, Allen added. In a 2002 incident, a three and half minute photographic exposure revealed an object starting to vibrate, "and you could see an arc or a hole open in the sky," followed by a flash of light, he detailed.It was only in recent years that he acquired the technology to photograph anomalies in the sky, using higher film sensitivity and shutter speeds, to capture objects like cloaked ships, he noted. Most of the unexplained objects in the sky are light or plasma-based spacecraft-- sometimes seen as balls of light, he stated.Allen recounted being abducted by Greys as a child growing up in the 1960s, when he lived with his family at a military base in England. Perhaps related to an alien implant in his neck, he said that he receives a signal or impulse to be at a certain locations at certain times to take photographs, where often a UFO appears out of nowhere. It's interesting that while the aliens monitor his activities, he's monitoring theirs via his photographic documentation, Allen remarked.Eviland Like us on FacebookEviland Eviland MainDark and Evil GIFDarkside like us on FacebookDark Tribal ArtDark at HeartDark at MusicDark HumorGothic at HeartFMLAngelsNEWS HERECyber Network News (Internet News)Awake News (Politic News)Quantum Science News (Science News)News Just For You (World News)Neural Network (Tech/Gaming)The News Rag (eNews Paper)News Just For You (Main)Are you Awake?WTF News (Odd News)UFO NewsUFO News MainGIF AnimationsFML (Funny Viral Videos)Zombie Games (Flash Games)Vintage CollectiblesLIKE US ON FACEBOOKEviland Like us on FacebookNewsBook on FacebookCyber Network News on FacebookQuantum Science News on FacebookAWAKE News on FacebookTWITTERFollow Us on TwitterADVERTISE WITH USlike to have your ad on our blogs?SO WHAT DO YOU THINK? ANY COMMENTS?UFO NewsUFO News on FacebookEviland News Just For You
I, Clark C. McClelland, former ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet, personally observed an 8 to 9 foot tall ET on his 27 inch video monitors while on duty in the Kennedy Space Center, Launch Control Center (LCC). The ET was standing upright in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with TWO tethered US NASA Astronauts! I also observed on my monitors, the spacecraft of the ET as it was in a stabilized, safe orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle main engine pods. I observed this incident for about one minute and seven seconds. Plenty of time to memorize all that I was observing. IT WAS AN ET and Alien Star Ship!
A friend of mine later contacted me and said that this person had also observed an 8 to 9 foot tall ET INSIDE the SPACE SHUTTLE CREW COMPARTMENT! Yes, inside OUR Shuttle! BOTH missions were DoD (Pentagon) TOP SECRET (TS) encounters!
With my verifiable background, there is no Federal Government Agency that can say I am crazy!
I am a SPACE PROGRAM PIONEER. I assisted in launching the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Apollo-Soyuz, Skylab, Space Shuttle, Deep Space Missions, and the International Space Station.
I have received character substantiation from: Walter Cronkite, Major Donald
Keyhoe, NICAP Director, Richard Hall, Assistant Director of NICAP, Astronomer, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, etc. I served as the Assistant State of Florida and KSC Director of MUFON, the Director of the NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) at Cape Canaveral and KSC! I have received honored mentions from US Senators, Congressman, Military Officers and Scientists. (See my website site below for more exciting disclosures)
In fact, this absolutely verifies what my friend, Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, of Apollo 14, has recently and courageously released!
I have launched or witnessed 650 missions, so far in my life!
I am an expert in visually recognizing any crafts created and flown by the human race, whether secret or otherwise!I know an ET and Alien craft when I see them!
I was the Director of the NICAP Unit-3 actual X-Files at Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Center, 1958 to 1992! YES, the ACTUAL X-FILES! Aliens ARE HERE! They walk among US! They may be implanted into OUR various earth governments!
What I know, they would NOT allow me to publish! I have written at least three books to release the TRUTH to all of the HUMAN RACE! I was on the leading edge of this subject, and I have met with many NASA and other astronauts throughout the years I have been involved in the Military, NASA Space Programs, 1958 to 1992! I have heard many experiences of ETs having been seen on the Moon, etc., by NASA Astronauts and I relate these and more in my books.
NASA is not a CIVILIAN SPACE AGENCY! The Pentagon owns NASA! Some of the DoD (Department of Defense) missions I participated in were TOP SECRET! Those missions carried TS Satellites and other space mission hardware into orbit where several crews met with ETs! I am ready to tell my story, but, for compensation.
Clark C. McClelland,
former ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet,
Kennedy Space Center, Florida.
Contact me at:
P.O. Box 233
Tavares, Florida 32778
Experience my exciting website:
o Baixe este artigo em PDFAlfred Webre, um dos pesquisadores e promotora do Projeto de Divulgac~ao UFO UFO, entrevistado em Maio de 2014 o cosmonauta Marina Popovich. Entusiastas e especialistas em OVNIs vai se lembrar por sua batalha Divulgac~ao UFO na R'ussia, em relac~ao `a sonda russa Phobos incidente 1 e Fobos 2 Mars direta e derrubado por um OVNI em forma de um charuto, antes de chegar em uma das duas luas Marte, Phobos precis~ao. Marina Popovich, apelidado de "Russian Chuck Yeager," 'e famoso no mundo da aviac~ao sovi'etica e tem 17 documentos sobre a miss~ao secreta das sondas Phobos 1 e 2 com o mesmo n'umero de naves alien'igenas fotorafie avistado e fotografado por as mesmas sondas antes de ser demolido.
Marina Popovich direito, entrevistado por Alfred Webre (`a esquerda)O Popovich, (82 anos), que eu era capaz de telefone em 2004, gracas a um amigo do jornalista NSA, em Moscou, fui convidado para participar de uma confer^encia dedicada `a presenca de OVNIs no espaco, mas, infelizmente, devido a problemas de ligas de aco de passaporte visto, para chegar ao nosso pa'is, n~ao poderia vir a contar a hist'oria da remoc~ao hipot'etico de sondas a partir da parte da R'ussia de um OVNI na lua Phobos.Gostaria de lembrar aos leitores que Marina Popovich 'e um ex-coronel da "Forca A'erea Sovi'etica eo piloto de testes lend'ario que det'em 107 recordes mundiais em mais de 40 tipos de aeronaves da aviac~ao. Ela 'e um dos pilotos mais famosos da hist'oria da R'ussia 'e um dos pilotos mais importantes de todos os tempos.
Marina PopovichO'e o seu verdadeiro nome e Mari'na Lavre'ntievna Popo'vich, tornou-se um piloto da Forca A'erea Sovi'etica, em 1964, um piloto de teste militar. Ele j'a escreveu nove livros e dois roteiros. Entre muitos outros pr^emios, ela foi homenageada como Her'oi do Trabalho Socialista, a "Ordem da Coragem (apresentada pessoalmente por Vladimir Putin em junho de 2007) e uma estrela na constelac~ao de C^ancer leva seu nome.Rcentemente Alfred Webre a entrevistou e prometeu que, entre setembro e outubro de 2014, vai viajar para os EUA para participar de uma confer^encia em que o funcion'ario ir'a anunciar a decis~ao pessoal de tomar partido em favor do Disclosure Project UFO e incentivar a libertac~ao de todos informac~oes sobre a presenca extraterrestre em nosso planeta, mas especialmente falar de uma vez por todas incidente em Phobos. Nesta ocasi~ao, ser'a acompanhado por dois colegas astronautas americanos que ir~ao apoiar este esforco de aproximac~ao com o governo eo Congresso norte-americano, a fim de decidir finalmente a revelar publicamente a verdade sobre os OVNIs.ACIDENTE SONDA Phobos 1 e 2Em julho de 1988, os russos lancaram duas sondas em direc~ao a ci^encia Marte sem homens ", Phobos 1" e "Fobos 2", com o objetivo principal de estudar a misteriosa lua do Planeta Vermelho. O contato com "Phobos 1" infelizmente foi perdida depois de dois meses de viagem, porque (esta 'e a explicac~ao oficial) de "um comando de r'adio errada."
O contato com "Phobos 2" rompeu em circunst^ancias misteriosas, mas n~ao antes de a sonda iria enviar algumas fotos e dados do planeta Marte.
"Phobos 2" tinha chegado ao seu destino em janeiro de 1989, e foi colocado em 'orbita em torno de Marte, preparando-se para a sua principal miss~ao:. se mover em uma 'orbita "em conjunto" com a pequena lua Phobos para explorar com equipamentos sofisticados, incluindo duas c'apsulas instrumentais, que eram para ser colocado sobre a superf'icie da pr'opria lua
Tudo ia bem at'e quando "Phobos" (sonda) n~ao est'a alinhado-se com Phobos (lua). Naquele momento, no dia 28 de marco, o centro de controle da miss~ao sovi'etica de repente e sem aviso comecou a ter "problemas de comunicac~ao" com a nave espacial. A ag^encia de not'icias oficial sovi'etica (ent~ao Uni~ao Sovi'etica ainda existia), TASS, realizar "em um comunicado que a sonda" perdeu contato com a Terra depois de completar uma s'erie de manobras em torno da lua de Marte, Phobos. Os cientistas n~ao t^em sido capazes de restaurar o link de r'adio. "
A primeira foto foi publicada 22 de novembro de 1991 para a transmiss~ao Larry King Live, quando o diretor do Centro de Pesquisa Don Ecker UFO apareceu em shows com o autor Keith Thompson, disse que o UFO travado na c^amera Phobos 2 comprimento foi estimado em cerca de 15 quil^ometros.
Muita controv'ersia rodeia a 'ultima fotografia tirada por Phobos 2 - (veja abaixo) - a imagem parece mostrar um objeto longo fino, logo abaixo da lua Phobos. As estimativas do tamanho danos e comprimento de v'arios quil^ometros. No entanto, os cr'iticos dizem que o objeto poderia ser qualquer coisa, at'e mesmo um artefato da c^amara, uma vez que muitas imagens da c^amera mostrou as linhas de artefatos que s~ao provavelmente devido a transmiss~ao. Estas faixas brancas s~ao semelhantes ao identificado espacial. Abaixo voc^e pode ver a seq"u^encia de imagens obtidas pela sonda russa antes de sua morte.Ainda assim, muitos argumentam que a imagem mostra um OVNI. Esta fotografia foi revelada em dezembro de 1991 a partir de Marina Popovich (foto acima), apelidado de "Chuck Yeager russo", como dissemos acima, 'e famosa no mundo da aviac~ao sovi'etica e tem 17 documentos sobre a miss~ao secreta das sondas Phobos 1 e 2 fotorafie com o mesmo n'umero de navios avistados e fotografados. Ela argumenta que a fotografia foi dado a ela por cosmonauta Alexei Leonov, que foi o primeiro homem a caminhar no espaco e tamb'em um alto oficial do programa espacial sovi'etico, e que ela havia dado a outros pesquisadores "contrabandeadas" para fora da antiga Uni~ao Uni~ao Sovi'etica.
De acordo com Marina, as imagens transmitidas pelos sensores, mostram claramente um OVNI (ou nave espacial Alien) suspensa perto da lua Phobos, e 'e "a primeira foto j'a vazou de um documento estrangeiro Mothership (nave-m~ae alien'igena) no sistema solar. Ele diz que este era, aparentemente, a causa do desaparecimento da sonda Phobos 2, ou seja, este objeto estranho iria atirar um feixe na sonda Phobos destru'i-la."MASSIMO FRATINI"
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