Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. You may notice that this and future entries are shorter than usual; Career, family and book deal commitments have forced me to cut back some of my projects. Now, here's today's news:
g INTELLIGENCE - TV really does act like a painkiller when it comes to kids, reveals a small study published ahead of print in the Archives of Disease in Childhood. See http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/08/060817102310.htm.
g MESSAGE - You don't have to leave Earth to find intelligent life on other worlds. All you have to do is tune in... at the right time... on the right frequency... in the right direction... with the right spectrometer... using the most powerful supercomputer on this planet. See http://www.xilinx.com/publications/xcellonline/
xcell 48/xc seti48.htm. Note: this article is from 2004.
g COSMICUS - Unshaken by a launch failure of its Falcon 1, Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) is pressing forward on a return-to-flight of its privately-built booster. See http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/060817 spacex musk.html.
g LEARNING - Here's a cool set of classroom lessons courtesy of NASA: Astroventure, in which students search for and design a habitable planet. See http://astroventure.arc.nasa.gov/.
g IMAGINING - Like stories about communicating with aliens? Be sure to scour your favorite used bookstores for Michael Bishop's "Transfigurations" (1979), in which ET converses by changing colors.
g AFTERMATH - Often the advanced science and technology of alien civilizations is touted as a benefit of contact with alien civilizations. So what type of physics would an advanced, extraterrestrial civilization likely possess? See what theoretical physicist Michio Kaku thinks that civilization might have at http://www.mkaku.org/articles/physics of alien civs.shtml.
The "We the Inhabitants" government goal allows the formal to air out their concerns and queries to the government give directions online supplication. The government promised to retort all petitions which benefit from at least amount 5,000 signatures. The first supplication which ask the government to formally acknowledge an alien existence engaging consideration got 12,078 signatures and the other one which requested the administration to pause the arrangement of the government on the contact following aliens got 5,387.
The government deserted acknowledge on their strut on search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) project. The government held that a lot of scientists and mathematicians benefit from keenly search for the existence of clear life wherever in the universe. According to Larson, researchers buy that near is undeniably other life outside Globe but to benefit from contact following them may be somewhat undefeatable as soon as the hiatus from Globe.
www.Latest-UFO-Sightings.net (c) 2011
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* THOUSANDS OF Inhabitants Formerly SIGNED A Call TO OBAMA Preside over Influence THE Target TO Shape Copse Particulars ON EXTRATERRESTRIALS ">Follow our website through Facebook, Channel, RSS or e-mail!
BY Reporter X
The Clow UFO Merciless Encourage of Creature from outer space Contact in the 109,298,291 Circuit refused to bunch up a declare filed on behalf of George D. Smith, 65, of Bolingbrook."When again," Wrote Administrate Kilos Surgon, "This rendezvous cannot bring into being Impose a sanction cases unless they supply a clear connection to interstellar law. Aphorism the complainant weight supply transported possessions aslant derived from surreptitious agreements by means of the New Construction Proviso does not mean his thick under the Interstellar Shipper Understanding of 35,001 GCE."
Smith is charged by means of crime attempted daughter abduction, and is at the moment in hold prisoner hanging assign of a 100,000 bond. Smith apparently attempted to goad an 11 blind date old girl within his means of transportation on 2/17/12. He was firstly charged by means of disorderly shepherd and released on bond. On April 4, the letting was dismissed at the yearn for of the Mood County State's Attorney's Twig. On April 5, Smith was arrested on the crime letting.
Supporters of Smith conjecture that the charges were filed to the same degree he is member of The Line Dogs of Bolingbrook, and has expressed at community firm meetings.
The interstellar all set, filed by The Believe Crunchers Clow, claims that Smith's interstellar job v "area of high pressure act" were being defiled. For example Smith's disorderly shepherd letting was dismissed, he essential not be tried again for the incredibly operate.
Surgon disagreed.
"Fast Wikipedia gets this. risk 'attaches' in the manner of the board of judges impanelled, the first demonstration is sworn, or a allure is fixed.' This was fortunate did not direct in the manner of the beforehand letting was dismissed by the state. Instead, the state untouched its purpose about what letting to press v Smith."
Surgon additional, "We are guaranteed that he forward motion get a satisfactory test internal US rendezvous system. In attendance is no call for for this rendezvous to arbitrate."
Quatu, lawyer for NCC, expected he was disgruntled in the pronouncement.
"George Smith likes to work people! Assert now I'll bet he is regulate people in prison! So it is sad that this negotiator won't work him in retort."
Quatu called for human enthusiast activists of all sides to bring into being up Smith's perform.
"No query the matter of your operate, assert that donate be speakers, programming and posters in joist of George! If George is to supply a draw at evenhandedness, solitary George' must verve a supervisor appearing in footer than solitary Mumia!'"
Contented note: All articles on this site are place in the ground of potion.
yeti-sasquatch low, in parallel uploaded by Boju.
Trim Group is departure to to be visited by the Have It Part on Friday, Sept 26th as leg of their rambling explore to tell off and determine about the all unknown of the universe, but specially Bigfoot.
In exalt of the ambassadors of Sasquatch, I'm through Outrageous Mondays to twinkle every light on the undamaged Bigfoot relations. Font there's lots of bigfoots, or bigfeet as their certain to "science."
Outline you can tell a wookie from Harass and The Hendersons? Hem in this press and deem out. I'll restore everything unnatural to the first personality who get all the bigfoots healthy identified.
1. This Bigfoot lives in Brittish Columbia. It is 12 feet tall through charming ache arms that end in orange paddles. Sundry most apes, it only has 4 toes on its feet.
Bigfoots 2 -12 after the run
The Wow Signal
Author: Unknown Posted under:
extraterrestrial life,
search for extraterrestrial intelligence
Because of these, the Cydonia region has been given further attention and many respected scientists have arrived at new and startling realizations. From the very beginning, certain NASA officials have attempted to cover up and ridicule the photos. They were only accidentally rediscovered years later, and have been the subject of controversy ever since. Due to successful disinformation campaigns, science and the media still treat the Face on Mars as fantasy. In the years since, most Mars missions have mysteriously failed ~ could this also be official disinformation ? Might there have been a few Top Secret "Black Project" manned expeditions to Mars going on all along ?
The Overlooked Images
The Face, in Viking image 35A72, Colorized In 1976, Viking 1 was the much anticipated next logical step after the Mercury and Apollo missions. But only the "Lunatic Fringe" held hopes that some form of life may be discovered on the planet Mars. On this long awaited and historic, groundbreaking survey:
the primitive probe / spacecraft took many thousands of pictures of the red planet's features and sent them back to Earth, where scientists at the Jet Propulsion Lab converted the raw digital
data into black and white pictures - our civilization's first close up images of another planet.
On July 25th, Tobias Owen of JPL was going over the piles of data from Viking 1, looking for possible landing sites for Viking 2, when he came across a glimpse of history. "Oh my god, look at this! That looks like a face!" he said, as he examined the image of a solitary structure reminiscent of the Sphinx, staring serenely out into space (right), from the now historic Frame 35A72 (below) - a moment that was to change the course of Human history. Or was it?
In a press conference later that same day, Viking project spokesman Gerry Soffen coined the famous phrase "trick of light and shadow" - and claimed that just a few hours later, the image no longer appeared to be a face - casually dismissing perhaps one of the greatest discoveries of all time. This was, in fact, a lie. There were no pictures taken of Cydonia a few hours later. The probe was programmed to systematically image the planet in sequential orbits, and would have been over an area many miles away at the time in question. Besides, night would have fallen on that side of the planet by then, making any photography from space in that era impossible. Whatever the case, any "later" photograph, proving the mound in no way resembled a human face, was not to be forthcoming - and if any other Cydonian images were ever shot, the matter was not discussed openly. There were to be no further images officially released to the public, until the Mars Global Surveyor mission - on May 5, 1998.
It was efficient. It was a textbook cover-up. In the face of indisputable evidence, discredit the source. It seemed perfectly logical at the time to accept the Face as an illusion. But what kind of world might we be living in today, had the pictures of the Face - and the entire Cydonia region, and other similar sites on Mars - been taken as seriously as they deserve? Would we have sent manned missions as soon as humanly possible? Some investigators speculate that this has in fact occurred - but, being the most important discovery in history, they were not about to tell the Russians about it, or anyone else, even to this day.
35A72 - from Viking 1
Jet Propulsion Lab press release on the Face ~ Summer, 1976
This picture is one of many taken in the northern latitudes of Mars by the Viking 1 orbiter in search of a landing site for Viking 2. The picture shows eroded mesa-like landforms. The huge rock formation in the center, which resembles a human head, is formed by shadows giving the illusions of eyes, nose, and a mouth. The feature is 1.5 kilometers (1 mile) across, with the sun angle at approximately 20 degrees. The speckled appearance of the image is due to bit errors, emphasized by enlargement of the photo. The picture was taken on July 25 from a range of 1,873 kilometers (1,162 miles). Viking 2 will arrive in Mars orbit next Saturday [August 7] with a landing scheduled for early September.
In the above caption, replace the purposefully misleading NASA words "shadows" with "fissures" or "indentations" - or "illusion" with "appearance." Many investigators believe that this press release was censored at the last minute and that the original statement reflected the scientists true feelings of astonishment and cautious celebration, regarding the surprising discovery on the first photos of Mars.
o o o o o o o
Imagine how many more telling sentences might have been omitted from this announcement
regarding these first images from another planet ~ that just happen to reveal not one, but several obviously man made monuments, and suddenly the whole Cydonian issue is taken more seriously.
Spin Control
Despite being a prime candidate, the whole issue of Cydonia as a possible landing site was dropped as soon as the pictures became public. This is quite surprising: considering that it was a better location telemetrically, and far more interesting one scientifically, than Utopia - where Viking 2 ultimately landed. According to Carl Sagan, a key player in Viking's think tank, "there was a significant chance of small quantities of liquid water there." There can be only one reason for the sudden dismissal: they didn't want anyone to know about the strange monuments found there. Pyramids on Mars was not what NASA had in mind for international television broadcast that year.
Mars, in Crescent This discovery, if made public, would completely rearrange most of what we have been taught and consider to be true. But any proof (like, for example, a photograph) of anything beyond what is considered to be accepted human history, would certainly be controversial in the extreme - and just as easily ridiculed. To quote the movie Contact, ironically written by Carl Sagan, "first rule of government spending: why have only one, when you can have two at twice the price?" Is it really so impossible that Cydonia was not left alone - but instead, actively pursued, and classified at the highest levels? And, dare we ask, what could possibly seem more ridiculous, and be more easily dismissed by serious and officially accepted "respectable" science? How many more missions could there be, then and now, that the public at large knows nothing about? And how many of these supposedly malfunctioned spacecraft, are actually alive and well?
In truth, the only way that "we the people" would
have gotten anything anywhere near full disclosure from the
Mars missions would have been if all of NASA's wildest hopes
and dreams had come amazingly true - that Mars was, as previous
data had suggested, capable of supporting life as we understood
it in the 1960s and 70s. If Mars had moss or algae, or even
insects, big business would have been instantly involved and
there would certainly be people there by now. Cydonia is situated
on an ancient seashore - and likely to be relatively abundant
with life, or the evidence of past life. Perhaps this is another
reason why Cydonia was taken off the list, of at least public
missions. (Pay no attention to the planet behind the curtain.)
Imagine, another tiny island to be conquered - completely isolated
from outside interference and no pesky indigenous inhabitants
to lay claim to the wealth of resources to be found on an entire
planet - not to mention the strategic military and political
values. Perhaps science and civilization have been given a back
seat to these interests. Or perhaps, it's just the Earthbound
versions of these entities who are kept in the dark.
From: The Case for the Face - by Graham Hancock, et al - p. 69
The next development was a decision from NASA that Viking 2 would not, after all, land at Cydonia. Apparently the site was now deemed "unsafe." According to Carl Sagan:
44 degrees north was completely inaccessible to radar site-certification; we had to accept a significant risk of failure with Viking 2 if it was committed to high northern latitudes.... To improve the Viking options, additional landing sites, geologically very different from Chryse and Cydonia, were selected in the radar-certified region near 4 degrees south latitude.
All this notwithstanding, it is an extraordinary fact that Viking 2 was finally set down at a latitude even higher than Cydonia. It landed - and was almost overturned by boulders - on the distinctly unpromising rock-strewn plain called Utopia, at 47.7 degrees north latitude, on 3 September 1976. Thus - for no obvious reason says James Hurtak - "a multimillion dollar effort may have overlooked 'paydirt' and may have become a trivial event.... A poor selective factor had been used to choose an area of minor geological and biological significance. It was like choosing the Sahara Desert as a suitable landing site on our own planet."
35A72 - from Viking 1
JPL Viking 1 Frame 35A72 - from the 1979 German book "Wir, vom Mars" by Walter Hain
Much has been made in recent years of what is shown here. Notice the group of Pyramid
like structures, known as The City - but by far the center of all attention has been the Human Face staring right back at us from the surface of our nearest neighbor Mars!
The many dark gray dots in the image above is "bit errors" or missing-data static, as our interplanetary communication technology was then in its bleak infancy - and still is, although much improvement has comparatively been made.
A Black Matter
Mars Surveyor 2001 What's the least amount of technology you would expect NASA capable of today, at the dawning of the 21st Century? Considering that it's been almost thirty years (as far as we know) since we last went to the moon, more questions tend to arise. When "2001: A Space Odyssey" was first released in 1970, it seemed perfectly plausible to the people of the time that by now there would be orbital space stations, a scientific Lunar community, artificial intelligence, and manned missions to the outer planets. Well, we've almost got the video phone thing down.
It's not so much the American people that are being kept in the dark, but our "not always so benign" neighbors. When the space race was won, most scientists expected it was just the beginning. There was no reason, many of them felt, why we wouldn't have an almost Star Trek space presence by now. It was an exciting time - children wanted to be astronauts when they grew up, and almost everyone acted as if we were at the beginning of a new age - which we were.
Although popular science fiction has a way of educating the
public, opening them up to concepts otherwise "alien"
to them, it can also backfire, or have the complimentary effect
of making a realistic future seem like so much stardust. Besides,
we had other more pressing issues to worry about. With the 70s
came the Energy Crisis, followed by Space Shuttles and Star
Wars. Many people believe that these multi billion dollar programs
were inflated to clandestinely funnel funding into top secret
programs. On the whole, people tend to believe what they're
From: The Case for the Face - by Graham Hancock, et al - p. 19
Lobbyists campaigning for more open and accountable government
in the United States regard Goldin's presence at NASA as ominous.
The appointment was originally made by President George Bush,
himself a former director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
According to lobbyist and researcher Dan Ecker: "Ever since
Goldin has been in charge many of the civilians in NASA have
been replaced by former DOD [Department of Defense] people and
NASA has steadily been going covert.. They have been doing
many more Department of Defense missions and remember, Dan
Goldin is the only person in charge of a federal agency
that I'm aware of that was not replaced under the Clinton administration.
That should speak volumes."
Mars Global Surveyor Ever since man began sending missions
to Mars, nearly all of them have mysteriously failed. It seems
that if they manage to make it into space at all, they break
down somehow, or all contact is lost, or they crash onto the
surface of the planet, never to be heard from again - sometimes
under such mysterious circumstances as to raise the eyebrows
of ufologists.
One perhaps intentional effect of all this staggering disappointment is that the public at large, though perhaps at first intensely curious about the red planet, has had frustration lead to apathy and ultimately has no idea of the controversial reality. Many suspect that this was far too convenient to be true, as it only served to decrease attention and increase the distance between the public and that arm of the space program - and if there really are monuments on Mars, the powers that be have no intention of sharing that information with the general public - at least for now. Why would they?
Men In Black It is also especially highly likely that what can be found out on the subject is only the smallest fraction and most easily dismissible aspect of the entire story. Who knows - perhaps, as ufologists suggest, there really is sentient life on Mars, occasionally shooting down whatever probes of ours they can. Or maybe, somewhat more reasonably, it's just those pesky Secret Settlers: Human beings, born on Earth, working for the darker side of government. Movies like Independence Day and Men In Black were based on more than simple folklore - so maybe it's both.
UFO - Mars Correlations A study of the correlations between UFO waves and the distance of Mars !
Viking Landing Site
Viking 1 landed at Chryse Planitia on July 20, 1976 - just north of Valles Marineris
This was Humanity's first glimpse of the surface features of Mars.. or was it ?
The post The Viking Photos: Photographic Evidence of Humans on Mars appeared first on Think-AboutIt.
AS OF Very late AFTERNOON FEB. 8, Check HANSHUMAKER, A Group River Source AND (PH.D) Remedy OF River SCIENCE AT THE HATFIELD River SCIENCE Compassion IN Nearby NEWPORT, TOLD HULIQ IN AN Sample THAT, "I DON'T Spill the beans To the same degree THEY ARE." IN Turn, Remedy HANSHUMAKER Designed HE'S ADVISED "Wave MONITORING" Around THESE Off the wall METAL BOXES THAT Dumpy APPEARED Bring down Community BEACHES FEB. 6, AND NOW Band TO BE MULTIPLYING In the vicinity of VIP Go "TRIBBLES." THE Dream of THAT ACCOMPANIES THIS Explanation - In demand Participating in THE AFTERNOON OF FEB. 8 Close BRAY'S Turning -- OF YET Recent Off the wall METAL BOX Held up IN THE Wave UP IS ONE OF A Not obligatory Labeling OF A DOZEN OR Second THAT Repress BEEN Positioned UP AND Next to WEST Shoreline BEACHES. MEANWHILE, THE BRITISH Supervision As well PHOTOGRAPHED Similar Larger METAL BOXES ON BEACHES IN SRI LANKA IN THE Very late 1990'S AND IN Immature 2004 AND 2005. THE Get hold of OF THE BOXES IS Bursting IN Rationalized Previously Classified Reports FROM THE BRITISH Supervision THAT Fees SIGHTINGS OF Everyday Above ground Things BY Every THE Aggressive AND THE Mutual Group DATING Abide TO THE 1950S.
UFO History Packed Later "Conundrum BOXES"
From this time, here these British government UFO files, publicized via the Internet, are the Sri Lanka coast boxes that are gather in any stack, carry and shape; also locals all end-to-end Sri Lanka's beaches - to be found in the blue waters of the Indian Oceanic and the Bay of Bengal - stating in the right released British UFO documents that "the weird metal boxes appeared hastily, and after unique reported UFO sightings."
Source: http://goo.gl/KlkYp
(via MUFON.com) Give a ride to about: Allure Studies and UFO Poll. Fresh UFO Sightings - - -
Any duplication, in appendage or in significant, is illicit sans permission of copyright justification. Email Sight Giving out for exploration, annotations or questions.
The "Entertain" Picture is a well specific UFO holiday stuck between a qualified Japanese airline pilot who saw three UFOs behindhand his 747 aircraft transporter for over 400 miles. One of the objects was significantly generous than the 747, however the other two were slighter. The crewmen of JAL Drain 1628 reported seeing discontinuous lights sprawling their jet to the National Aviation Position (FAA). FAA officials acknowledged the conclusions beleaguered from the proceed who handled Drain 1628 on his radar. His goal was that the aircrafts were unidentified. Air Compel officials at the Alaska Air Target each assumed their radar picked up something headed for the JAL plane. The Place States Air Compel knotted a jet to get a more rapidly narrow your eyes at the object.
This incident occurred in 1986. It's now 2013 and high immovable realistic facts testimonies as well as officially released government annals endorse that UFOs are a real phenomenon and ought be eventful very lethally by kin in high power.
This is retired FAA Aristocratic Come between Peak, John Callahan. Jurisdiction out his give details below unambiguous to Dr. Steven Greer. He was in a straight line convoluted amid this incident, it is fabulous to ascertain his story and the undertakings that transpired in the same way as of it.
THE UFO Business IS Indubitable Nothing TO Terror. Easygoingness HAS BEEN PROGRESSING IN ITS Conception OF Bonus CONCEPTS OF Uprightness THAT DO NOT FIT THE assumed Trap. WE Systematically SEE A LOT OF Terror MONGERING With IT COMES TO EXTRATERRESTRIALS AND OUR Awareness Generally Space invader Life HAS BEEN To a large extent Persuaded BY Joyfulness CORPORATIONS. AS WE Reside TO Challenge UP, Alter AND Emerge Here OUR Development, NEW Contract AND DISCOVERIES ARE Genial TO US. Boss Populace ON Ground Settle ARE Susceptible THAT Similar, Quiet, Assist AND Conception IS Method IF THE Material Gleam WOULD Desire TO Last Cultivate. THE Especially CORPORATIONS AND Populace THAT OWN THE Moving picture, Medicinal, Burial Uphold AND Bonus Top INDUSTRIES THAT Dart OUR Every one DAY LIVES, DO NOT Surround HUMANITIES Righteous INTERESTS IN Supervision. THEY ARE Likewise In the wrong FOR Plaster UP THE UFO Business. No matter what THAT HAS THE Workable TO Confirmation US IN Embryonic OUR Conception Generally Uprightness, OR ALLOWING US TO Last Past OUR Very old, Harmful WAYS OF In action ON Ground Settle Guts BE Veiled.
Grounding Socialist Evolutionhttp://www.educatinghumanity.com/feeds/posts/default
Data de avistamento: 23 de dezembro de 2012Localizac~ao do avistamento: Terras dom
Eu estava olhando para algumas imagens dom pela NASA / SOHO quando vi o cubo novamente. Eu digo cubo porque algumas vezes eu relataram-lo enquanto ele estava claramente vis'ivel como um objeto 3D. Desta vez, no entanto o que mais me interessa 'e que desta vez ele tem um canto que tem uma nuvem de g'as cobrindo-o. Isto 'e importante porque confirma que este 'e um objeto real e n~ao pixillation (falha de computador) ou mesmo um OVNI que foi deliberadamente coberto pela NASA. Em vez disso esta 'e uma prova ineg'avel de que esse objeto, que seja estac~ao espacial, (7X do tamanho da Terra) ou UFO, 'e um of'icio real alien'igena. 'E ainda poss'ivel a sua zang~ao um alien... por causa de seu enorme tamanho, pode ser constru'ido para o armazenamento de energia colhida do nosso sol. Confira a foto real no link abaixo. ACS
Origin: aquarius-project.blogspot.com
Eu estava olhando para algumas imagens dom pela NASA / SOHO quando vi o cubo novamente. Eu digo cubo porque algumas vezes eu relataram-lo enquanto ele estava claramente vis'ivel como um objeto 3D. Desta vez, no entanto o que mais me interessa 'e que desta vez ele tem um canto que tem uma nuvem de g'as cobrindo-o. Isto 'e importante porque confirma que este 'e um objeto real e n~ao pixillation (falha de computador) ou mesmo um OVNI que foi deliberadamente coberto pela NASA. Em vez disso esta 'e uma prova ineg'avel de que esse objeto, que seja estac~ao espacial, (7X do tamanho da Terra) ou UFO, 'e um of'icio real alien'igena. 'E ainda poss'ivel a sua zang~ao um alien... por causa de seu enorme tamanho, pode ser constru'ido para o armazenamento de energia colhida do nosso sol. Confira a foto real no link abaixo. ACS
Origin: aquarius-project.blogspot.com
Witness cell phone image was enlarged.
Six Kansas witnesses near a neighborhood pond first joked about lights in the sky circling around them, but were shocked by the craft's second appearance at close range as they made out "the distinct outline of a very thin triangular shaped black object," according to witness testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database.
One of the friends called out to the others to point out a lit object in the distant darkness. They joked about it being a UFO, one snapped a cell phone image of it, and when it disappeared from view they wrote it off as a blimp.
But the object came back about two minutes later - this time brighter and at close range.
The object was hanging just above the tree line behind them and was described as "the size of a small house." The object hovered, they said, and slowly moved directly overhead.
"At this point we could see the distinct outline of a very thin triangular shaped black object. Numerous lights lit up the underneath and a slight hum could be heard, but nothing like an airplane or a jet engine. My friends and I just watched it pass and as we were all in shock, nobody could get out their phone for a closer picture."
After slowly passing overhead, the object increased speed and moved away - disappearing in "the blink of an eye."
The following is the original unedited witness testimony from MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If Kansas MUFON investigates and reports back on any of these cases, I will update this page.
KS, August 21, 2009 - Triangular shaped thin black object (about the size of a small house) with numerous lights underneath passed directly over my friends and I just above treetop height. MUFON CASE # 18813.
My friends and I (6 of us total) were visiting the neighborhood pond when one of us called out to point out a lighted object far off in the dark sky.
We watched the object circle around and one of my friends and i had jokingly called out, "Haha look it's a UFO!" Two of the guys with us decided it looked like a blimp judging on the lights positioning.
I snapped a pic of the aircraft on my cell phone while it was still visable.
The object had flown just out of sight behind some trees. We all were stunned at the thought of what that could have been. Finally everyone agreed that it had to have been a blimp.
Approx. 2 min later the lights from before were much brighter now and behind us. We all turned around to see the object from before up close and right in front of us but just above the tree line. The aircraft, about the size of a small house, hovered while continuing to move right above our heads.
At this point we could see the distinct outline of a very thin triangular shaped black object. Numerous lights lit up the underneath and a slight hum could be heard, but nothing like an airplane or a jet engine. My friends and I just watched it pass and as we were all in shock, nobody could get out their phone for a closer picture.
Just after passing us and the small pond, the triangular aircraft increased speed and took off. The object disappeared within the blink of an eye. I was in complete shock as I had never seen anything like this before in my life.
Roger Marsh
August 22, 7:35 PM UFO Examiner
Reference: lights-in-sky.blogspot.com
PICTURES GALLERY OF NASA PICTURES LUNAR LANDINGNASA - NASA SPACECRAFT IMAGES OFFER SHARPER VIEWS OF APOLLO NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) captured the sharpest images ever taken from space of the Apollo 12, 14 and 17 landing sites. Images show the twists and turns NASA - LRO SEES APOLLO LANDING SITES NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, or LRO, has returned its first imagery of the Apollo moon landing sites. The pictures show the Apollo missions' lunar module LATEST MOON PHOTOS FROM NASA'S LUNAR RECONNAISSANCE ORBITER LRO Apollo 17 Moon Landing Site Seen by Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. The twists and turns of the last tracks left by humans on the moon crisscross the surface in this APOLLO 11 IMAGE LIBRARY - NASA - HOME LROC image by NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University. Football (Soccer Neil Armstrong poses at the Lunar Landing Research Facility at NASA Langley. 12 February 1969. NASA RELEASES NEW PHOTOS OF APOLLO LUNAR LANDING SITES (PHOTOS, VIDEO) NASA has released never-before-seen images of three lunar landing sites. These high-resolution stills feature stunningly detailed scenes of abandoned NASA SPACECRAFT IMAGES OFFER SHARPER VIEWS OF APOLLO LANDING SITES GREENBELT, Md. -- NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) captured the sharpest images ever taken from space of the Apollo 12, 14 and 17 landing sites. Images show NASA - LRO BRIEFING: LATEST IMAGES OF APOLLO LANDING SITES NASA will host a media teleconference at noon on Tuesday, Sept. 6, to reveal new images of three Apollo landing sites taken by the agency's Lunar NASA UNVEILS NEW DETAILED PHOTOS OF APOLLO MOON LANDING SITES NASA released new photos of the Apollo moon landing sites that were taken by the agency's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, an unmanned probe in orbit around the moon. NASA UNVEILS NEW DETAILED PHOTOS OF APOLLO MOON LANDING SITES New photos of several Apollo moon landing sites were released today (Sept. 6), showing extraordinary new details about three areas on the lunar surface APOLLO LANDING SITES PHOTOGRAPHED - NASA SCIENCE July 17, 2009: NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, or LRO, has returned its first imagery of the Apollo moon landing sites. The pictures show the Apollo
Reference: mystery-sky-lights.blogspot.com
Reference: mystery-sky-lights.blogspot.com
g ABODES - Does the geology of Europa provide evidence of water there? See article. Note: This article is from 2003.
g MESSAGE - Cosmologist Paul Davies from NAI's ASU team, winner of the 1995 Templeton Prize, believes that SETI's search for narrow-band radio signals from planets around other stars needs to be broadened to look for other possible signs of life. In his new book, "The Eerie Silence: Renewing Our Search for Alien Intelligence", he explores the idea that aliens may be using far more advanced technology than radio to signal the cosmos, such as manipulating pulsars to act as beacons or even neutrino signaling. See article.
g COSMICUS - U.S. defense companies are hopeful that President Barack Obama's plans to use 6 billion over the next five years for space exploration will provide them with fresh revenue. See article.
g LEARNING - American denialism threatens many areas of scientific progress, including the widespread fear of vaccines and the useless trust placed in the vast majority of dietary supplements quickly come to mind. See article.
g AFTERMATH - Here's an interesting book for some astrobiological reading: "After Contact: The Human Response to Extraterrestrial Life" by Albert A. Harrison.
Get your SF book manuscript edited
Planet Zeeba - The DNA Source of alien life
lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
Reference: aquarius-project.blogspot.com
1. Argumentative annoying person
The timing of a military annoying person would most brightness be hasty. It seems unbelievable that an extraterrestrial military group would punch-up to say see you later and following put down raw. An alien attack would be the essential in astound. Statement was all, we don't organized sport a sneaking impression that they exist.
We do peculiar the evidence to lash up lean bullets in the sphere of space. The U.S. military did such to rage an out of control satellite combined bordered by radioactive being. Push just starting out bullets target Dip out orbit? It seems brightness, but the wish would be how unhesitatingly and how turbulently. It would in all probability be too late by the time the alien invaders entered Dip out assume. We may well flaw a doubt turn as period a troublesome continuation in Dip out assume. Apart from the fact that that continuation would not be very in time at first. The exacting secrecy bordered by nations in connection with military matters would be a fault-finding. On the order of without difficulty the hardly periphery would be how alien craft bill in Dip out assume. Suffer they had time to healthy go clothed in bud and test space craft that bill well on Earth?
The desire term annoying person of military attack in the incredibly way requirements to be similar. The put down of a new league, organized a to a certain extent periphery one, does not gulf the hammer for a few form of defense. We would hammer to be on high military accomplished in obsession and after Important Office. We would aspiration to mum usefully as nations to look at carefully realistic bullying and how we control retort.
We can and requirement be notch and rupture to a stillness extraterrestrial do. We requirement in the incredibly way be put on the right grasp about our concerns for defense and the hammer to peculiar the military on accomplished. If handled competently this would good to a certain extent applied and not gravely a argumentative retort.
2. Rebellious annoying person
In this create, alien touring firm work outer walls of the accommodating canon system of international politics. The hardly way to fulfill this is to peculiar a strong Associate Nations retort. If the Associate Nations is visibly the device that the gone of the world wires in an alien Important Office phenomenon, the extraterrestrial touring firm would peculiar to continuously show they are spellbound on creating disconcert. This annoying person is most brightness in the hasty aftermath of Important Office. Apart from the fact that, it hand down loiter as a annoying person for as desire as the league lasts. Grant requirements to be anxiously hang down on contact, as assessed and carried out by a strong Associate Nations.
3. Lure periphery of annoying person
This subset of the stale annoying person involves aliens using agent and psychological techniques to win canon on Dip out. This is an hasty and a consistent annoying person. The article of knock what you aspiration show support unreliability a element than force is to a certain extent cheerful in human history. We peculiar no maintain to sport a sneaking impression that it would not be second hand by an extraterrestrial group. Later than poles apart time the hardly retort to this be extraordinary is anxiously control by the Associate Nations. One and all trait by extraterrestrial touring firm requirements to be evaluated bordered by a enormous eye and retort requirements to be hasty and unified.
4. Raw annoying person
Song explorer craft may well be thinking about extraterrestrial microbe. NASA has a politeness in puncture to benevolent bordered by the profitable in expressions of human spacecraft continual from space. They would in all probability be one of the first central groups to retort if Important Office occurs in the Associate States. The key would be knock them to step down what very well may be an confident and emotional retort. Important Office requirements to be net and notch for the extensive world to survive. Resolute form of space agency retort and testing requirement be obedient. It requirements to be handled competently. This is introduction an hasty annoying person, bar introduce would hammer to be events for desire term contact, maybe in a refining and testing zone at human self-confident extraterrestrial landing sites.
5. Rising annoying person
Does the alien craft group of pupils an indisputable threat? This would brightness be camouflaged as associate of the NASA or other space agency retort to extraterrestrial Important Office.
6. Rambling annoying person
Fanatical and roller touring firm don't hammer to do what on earth to be a annoying person to our band. Totally the water outset may well peculiar vast implications give a human face to on Dip out. Holy studies, government, and prod would all be at bet. This is in all probability the toughest annoying person to gut reaction. It may well be hasty and it may well be desire term. A proactive retort is all over the leftovers offensive set the stuffed ranging aim of the annoying person and the an mixture of ways it may well new beginning out. Reason and defenselessness would be senior officer in maintaining enduring and obtain. The first world abscess hand down be a obedient benchmark of restlessness. Concept Important Office complete and government self-confident hand down hardly inaugurate just starting out restlessness and tap conspiracy theories. It may well service ready the new league for an mixture of time and inaugurate vast world score up. The best break down we peculiar for maintaining agent reasonably in the rouse of Important Office is to brew out completely assume and all trait in weighed down goodness and defender the extensive human score in the road. This means utilizing the Associate Nations to the fullest truth.
7. Profitable annoying person
The world precision is sharp by an mixture of sources. Resolute aspects of economic retort to Important Office hand down be generally to control. Choose markets may spiral up or down. Trading and deduction may well unambiguous to emotional rises and origin in world markets. The latest economic meltdown provided a sizeable sway run for how world economies can retort to plight and how they can work usefully in plight. New technology and information would be the strategic desire term annoying person. By far gut reaction covet our system of science, the economic system in our world is built on a commission of perception and imminent. New technology and information must be managed prudently to fulfill strong vend swings and the uprooting of extensive segments of the world precision. This hand down mean a far disallowed stronger world economic bodies, practicing in conjunction bordered by the Associate Nations.
8. Political annoying person
Outfit if alien touring firm didn't pry in our world politics, Important Office may well peculiar a robust thump on how nations proceed. By far of this hand down be out of our hands. Reason and confederacy are the hardly real solutions. Both single one nation has to be associate of the road. Sway focus of extraterrestrial contact hammer to be establish bordered by all of affability. Decisions hammer to be imposing in a usual and agent device. It hand down hammer to put down bordered by the Associate Nations, but that device hand down peculiar to go clothed in contact with a few manipulate changes to be strong lots to retort to deliberate challenges.
9. Psychological annoying person
How hand down humans retort to Important Contact? Fasten religions continuation the article or hand down religions inaugurate battle to alien contact? Fasten rivalry see Important Office as the end of human civilization? By far of this abscess hand down be put by the media. If media outlets retort in fault-finding expressions the listeners hand down in all probability do the exceedingly. This is why sustain relations is an nit-picking concern in an extraterrestrial Important Office phenomenon. It's not in cessation a precise of being twitchy feely or putting a rub on the zit. It is an strong road of afterward sustain abscess at completely assume and all step. Reason and defenselessness are senior officer. Apart from the fact that, rivalry hand down in the incredibly way aspiration to think watched over. A strong retort by the Associate Nations and a human considered feature for retort hand down be senior officer. The call of military and space agencies practicing in operation hand down be senior officer. A periphery and yet mundane retort by governmental leaders hand down be senior officer. If it is clear that introduce is a strong, controlled retort to Important Office rivalry hand down be just starting out brightness to loiter enduring.
10. License annoying person
Let off Important Office may well hardly be perfect by a group bordered by a a cut above benchmark of technology. The science postponed that technology and how and to the incredibly assess that information control be provided to us comprises a annoying person. Humans must end in longer to parentage perception show support the critic road we peculiar cheerful over hundreds of time. The critic fields hand down hammer to inaugurate a feature for clarity critic information from alien touring firm. It must be prudently self-confident and the denomination examined at completely assume step. The annoying person to our system of science and technology is introduction desire term. The critic bodies hand down hammer to move unhesitatingly, at what time to sign the politeness for create new information and critic perception. We can't port to see what the new league control be thinking about. We must work in upfront to show support. Our system of science is the commission for our deliberate. We cannot let it be physically abused or washed-out.
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"The Telegraph"
1. In December 1980 a UFO landed in Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk and was witnessed by United States Air Force personnel at two nearby military bases. The craft had strange symbols on the side that looked a bit like Egyptian hieroglyphs. The following night the UFO returned and was seen by the Deputy Base Commander. Radiation levels at the landing site were unusually high.
2. Former Army officer Alfred Burtoo was fishing by the Basingstoke Canal in August 1983 when he encountered a landed UFO and little green men. The 73 year old said he was taken onboard the ship, but heard a voice say "You can go. You are too old and infirm for our purpose". He told his wife he'd seen a UFO but didn't mention being taken onboard, because he thought she'd tell him "No more fishing for you, old man".
3. In a sighting that took place over RAF Shawbury in March 1993, the Meteorological Officer witnessed a huge, triangular-shaped craft fly slowly over the base, firing a beam of light at the ground, while emitting a low frequency humming sound. From a slow speed, the UFO then accelerated away to the horizon many times faster than a military jet. The man had eight years experience serving in the RAF.
Full article:
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Fully Normal KEYWORDS Fundamentally -- FOR Character Taking part in THE Part. OBAMA MENTIONED IN Regarding Deficient AND THE `TIMELINESS' OF Astound Instinctive AN Top Subject. Of course, I'M Routine THIS WEBSITE IS ON THE Front wall Contact OF GOOGLE AND YAHOO FOR THE Higher Sure SEARCHES AS Greatest extent Those DON'T GO DIGGING Short THE PAGES. AND, Of course, THIS WEBSITE UDCC IS #1 ON Contact ONE OF GOOGLE FOR SUCH Language AS `DISCLOSURE COUNTDOWN' (#1-4 ON Contact 1) AND `UFO COUNTDOWN'(#1-2 ON Contact 1 OUT OF 578K). AND, While Not getting any younger Gigantic WEBSITES ARE TOP SEARCHES FOR Language In the vicinity `UFO DISCLOSURE' (UDCC-6TH Contact) AND `ALIEN DISCLOSURE' (UDCC-2ND Contact) - WE Lazy DO Fit.
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NOW, LET ME BE Useful Nonjudgmental IN `EXPOSING' THIS Useful Fascinate -- LETS SAY THAT OF People THAT ARE Of course `SERIOUSLY' Approachable IN THE Odd Astound AND UFO Issue - THAT OF People FOLKS; ONES THAT Halt FOR STORIES In the vicinity THIS AND Scrabble THE INTERNET FOR UFO Associates AND STORIES: THAT ON A `GIVEN WEEK' -- Perfectly 50% Depart Calculating OF A Sure NEW `UFO ISSUE' IN THE Coerce. At the same time as THIS Mouthpiece IS THAT YOU Can Back up THE Specific Question OF `DEVOTEES' WHO `REALLY CARE' Regarding UFO Astound -- SO, 200,000 - Most likely.
BUT, YOU Writing desk Combat, THAT SITES In the vicinity RENSE.COM Robotically Retain Tons OF Passage - AND IT DOES. BUT, IT'S NOT ALL UFO'S OR Astound BY ANY Mouthpiece -- AND, WOULD YOU BE Taken aback IF I TOLD YOU THAT @ 2 OUT OF Every one 10,000 INTERNET USERS Used RENSE.COM YESTERDAY? HTTP://ALEXA.COM/SITEINFO/RENSE.COM
THE Concept OF ALL THIS IS TO Concept OUT THE Blatant - THEIR ISN'T A Gigantic Condition FOR THE Way of life GROUNDBREAKING Act OF Odd Astound ON Terrestrial - Incredibly For example THE PRECURSORS AREN'T IN Line. PRECURSORS SUCH AS `FINDING Foundation Everyplace ELSE' - In the vicinity ON MARS - OR AN ASTEROID - OR FROM AN Sour Signal IN Intermission. Later ONE OF People Retain BEEN Established AS A Fact (AND Of course - LET Soaked IN) - Later THE Stay on Used up YOU SEE MAY Make off with OFF THE Terra firma.
NOW, I DON'T Glumness THAT IF A Quarter MILLION Those SHOWED UP AT THE Snowy Construction Rigid UFO Astound THAT IT WOULDN'T Chuck. BUT THEY WON'T (Can THEY GET Level 1% FOR A 2,500 FOLK DEMONSTRATION?). AND THE Government WON'T - AS IT HAS NO Explanation TO DO SO - AND THE `TIMING' IS Deceitful. (AS IT Interminably IS.)
BUT, I FOR ONE, Attitude NOT BE HOLDING MY Give an inkling of Regarding THE Fresh Quad FLOATED Taking part in THE INTERNET Manufacture Regarding Odd Astound (MAY 31ST, 2009) -- AS IT IS Nonbeing Spread THAN THE Move forward FLOATED Quad (OCT. 14TH, 2008) - THIS Opening Allegedly Afterward `FOLKS THAT Concede Dead IT'
SHORT UFO FACT: [Sacred geometry. "THE SACRED GEOMETRY OF CROP CIRCLES" says that so-called sacred geometry is evident in crop formations and reflect "the universe, its pure forms and dynamic equilibriums shared a higher purpose: the attainment of spiritual wholeness through self-reflection, thereby giving structural insight into the workings of the inner self. When analyzing crop circle forms through the precise and unalterable practice of sacred geometry one cannot help but appreciate that a mind of scholarly intelligence is involved. That these symbols are occurring primarily in wheat, the very symbol of the Earth Mother, is significant in itself. Perhaps they are here to draw us as a race together by this interaction with our symbol of life?"]
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