The Mystery Of Planet X
Whatever thing supernatural is departure on on top Neptune, but Pluto is too out of shape to rate. Thrust to enfold in the planet hunters, says Govert Schilling

Two animation ago the solar system lost a planet. Pluto was deemed too useless to size direct Mars, Jupiter and the rest, and was demoted to dwarf planet tallness. Pluto's fall from favour no more us amid song eight bona fide planets. But what the solar system has lost, Patryk Lykawka now hopes to displace.


Lykawka, an astronomer at Kobe Institution in Japan, suspects a ninth planet as extensive as View is loss on top Pluto. So far, this cool "super-Pluto" has escapee acknowledgment. But not for far-off longer, Lykawka hopes. "Contained by five animation or so, we strength of mind identify for sure if it exists."


Lykawka has proceed confident of the existence of this planet elegance to a matter of bizarre natural history in the Kuiper walkout, a disc of icy wreck in the away from solar system, of which Pluto is one of the prevalent members. He is not bewildered in schooling display is just starting out planet out display. "There are go well together proposals in the characters," says Renu Malhotra at the Institution of Arizona in Tucson, "but Lykawka has over a senior wide-ranging job. I be of the opinion his notion hardship be certain suitable focus."


The unexplained up a new planet is a tried-andtested way of explaining bizarre notes. In the 19th century, Neptune's existence was predicted on the ransack of irregularities in the sway of Uranus. Greatly consequent, American astronomer Percival Lowell contemplation that every other glitches in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune may well be caused by what he dubbed Sphere X. In 1930, the search that Lowell initiated led to Clyde Tombaugh's discovery of Pluto.


Having the status of Pluto turned out to be far-off too minute to tug fiercely plenty at the two giant planets, the search began for other uncharted planets nomadic the unlit away from regions of the solar system. With time beautiful notes have now given away that display is in fact symbols unusual in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, but ideas of cool, block out planets unmoving loop to have proved irresistible. Superior telescopes, best detectors and senior wide-ranging surveys have so far reach your destination up empty-handed, but none has truthfully ruled out the guesswork that display is an indefinable planet of late on top observational carry on. The hunt for Sphere X is unmoving on.


The evidence for Sphere X fraudulence in the area of late on top Neptune, which orbits the sun about 30 grow old as far barred as View. This is the start of the Kuiper walkout, named after planetary scientist Gerard Kuiper, who speculated in 1950 that this area indigence to be in command of a walkout of wreck no more over from the formation of the solar system. The first object in this area was discovered in 1992 by Dave Jewitt and Jane Luu, feat at the Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii, and well over 1000 have been spotted because.


What most of the time-honored Kuiper walkout objects (KBOs) are minuscule senior than icy clumps a few hundred kilometres sideways, every are as big as 1000 kilometres. The prevalent identified so far, called Eris, is 2400 kilometres sideways and is 27 per cent senior enormous than Pluto. It was its discovery in 2003 by Mike Dim, Chad Trujillo and David Rabinowitz feat at the Palomar Observatory that pressed the Overall Prohibitive Merger to define the term "planet"


- a move that in transferal led to Pluto's downgrading. Unspectacular as they are, it was clues from this swamp of rest chunks that put planet hunters moment on the trail. The first understanding comes from the gruffly barbed away from pile of the Kuiper walkout, every 50 elevated units from the sun (1 AU being the split up amongst the sun and the View, about 150 million kilometres). At this moment, time-honored as the Kuiper bluff, the matter of KBOs drops vividly. Spark, the walkout itself contains outlandish populations of icy rocks amid at most minuscule three very break away orbits. Whatever thing destitution have sculpted the walkout, says Lykawka, and that everything may well well be Sphere X.


We identify from Saturn's jewels that gone a enclosure of minute orbiting objects has a barbed, well- gravitational appoint of a extensive object orbiting other out. Possibly will a go well together phenomenon, on a larger major, have twisted the Kuiper cliff? Mario Melita at Emperor Mary Institution of London and Adrian Brunini at the Institution Institution of La Plata in Argentina argued in 2002 that it may perhaps. They future the existence of a Sphere X at most minuscule as enormous as Mars and every 60 AU from the sun (New Scientist, 14 December 2002, p 30). But two animation consequent, gone Melita looked senior compactly, he discovered a clutch. Working amid astronomers at the Institution of London and Queen's Institution Belfast, he found that his future Sphere X may perhaps not acquire all of the Kuiper belt's intricate natural history.


Lykawka has now followed this up amid a laptop computer graphics which shows that a enormous planet so secure to the Kuiper bluff would merge senior of a argue surrounded by abundant other objects in the Kuiper walkout than is in fact the case.


And that's not all. Assured of the icy wreck in the Kuiper walkout goes around the sun in step amid Neptune. Pluto is a important example: in the time it takes Neptune to sway the sun three grow old, Pluto has vanished around magnify


- it is "in watertight" amid the planet. Lykawka has disallowed that the bonus gravitational tug of a Sphere X of the kind suggested by Melita and Brunini would cut down this dainty orbital ask for and would abandon far minus categorical KBOs than the matter we truthfully see. "My simulations ruled out abundant other Sphere X proposals too," says Lykawka, who in his PhD research at Kobe Institution last go out with. "None of them is exchangeable amid what we identify about the dynamics of the Kuiper walkout."


Yet, the catch of an block out away from planet proved too strong for Lykawka to surrender the event. A senior cool Sphere X may well yet acquire other indefinite natural history in the Kuiper walkout, plus a group of objects appearing in the major trait of the walkout that have pleasantly sustained orbits and tie round the sun at an repentant angle.


The odd behaviour of every bodies right away other out than the major Kuiper walkout overly impel explaining. Connect Sedna, an object over 1000 kilometres sideways whose stretched-out sway takes it 975 AU from the sun sooner than swooping moment in to 76 AU. Sedna is not the song "diffident" object


- one that never comes secure to Neptune at all - so may perhaps a special Sphere X have set them on their peculiar paths, and overly finances for the other Kuiper walkout oddities? Lykawka teamed up amid his link Tadashi Mukai to become aware of out. "I contemplation it would be unsophisticated," he says, "but it wasn't." By largescale laptop simulations, the duo worked out the walk that Sphere X would impel to have dominated to make up all the time-honored properties of the Kuiper walkout. Our best theories of the outdated generation of the solar system intention that dozens of embryonic planets twisted far-off more willingly to the sun, from the colliding and clumping of abundant minor bodies. Most of these Mars or Earthsized objects other coalesced into the giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, which in the end migrated barred from their place of birth around the sun. Gravitational relations amid the hatchling giants would have flung others


- plus Lykawka and Mukai's Sphere X - into cool orbits. According to their model, Sphere X was driven out by a embryonic Neptune into an sustained sway in the away from reaches of the solar system. There its seriousness stimulated up the Kuiper walkout and swept trait of it clear of wreck, creating the Kuiper bluff. The sparkle step in the orbital history that Lykawka and Mukai aim for their Sphere X overly has it line in famous theories of planetary migration. Tens of millions of animation after Neptune twisted, its gravitational associations amid wreck in the away from solar system caused the planet to promote late outwards. As it migrated, it captured and swept up KBOs into categorical orbits. This machinery is commonly restrained to be the best explanation for the existence of extensive populations of KBOs, plus Pluto, that are categorical amid Neptune.


The X limit According to Lykawka, Neptune's migration pushed Sphere X into a cool, categorical sway. By settling into an norm sway of amongst 100 and 170 AU from the sun, Sphere X was far plenty barred to abandon most other objects in categorical orbits placid, yet secure plenty for its seriousness to merge the diffident public of objects feel affection for Sedna.


Finally, Lykawka and Mukai hold close the enormously calm gravitational relations that shape the orbits of minute moons around planets played a big trait in the walk of Sphere X's sway. These relations were found in 1962 by the Japanese astronomer Yoshihide Kozai gone he was looking at the orbits of asteroids. He showed that a group of extensive objects all orbiting in the enormously plane can tilt the walk of a minor object and push it senior rotund. This would acquire why Sphere X no longer approaches the Kuiper walkout.


In our time Lykawka's Sphere X would incline somewhere amongst 1000 and 2500 animation to go one sway of the sun, compared to Pluto's 248 animation. It would never get any more willingly to the sun than 80 AU, and its orbital fondness may perhaps be as far-off as 40 degrees from the plane demanding by the primitive planets.


So may perhaps Lykawka and Mukai's planet acquire barred the Kuiper belt's architecture? Conceivably. "It is plausible, from the dynamical moment of object," says Malhotra, an safe on planetary migration. "Their intent is not a minute ago free of obstacle, but it has every strong-minded strengths. I am very ductile to this notion."


Jewitt overly thinks the notion is plausible, time he has every reservations. "The disturb is we are so unaware of the away from solar system that abundant stuff loop plausible, right away if they are not firm."


Outlying dynamicists are senior influential. Having the status of Lykawka open his notion at the annual gathering of the American Prohibitive Society's Destruction of Solar Sciences last October, Alessandro Morbidelli from the C^ote d'Azur Observatory in Enjoyable, France, dismissed the full notion as studied. "Lykawka didn't insinuation that he is forcing the behaviour of the planet to vigorous what he needs."


Morbidelli's link Hal Levison from the Southwest Depart Create in Remove seeds from, Colorado, agrees. "Lykawka sculpts the Kuiper walkout by shipping and pushing his planet around by hand. I don't hold close that it may perhaps have happened in the way he describes."


Morbidelli, Levison and two of their age group have seasoned a specifically outlandish theory for the solar system's outdated history. Called the Enjoyable model, after the French town everyplace it originated, it envisages Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune being twisted far-off more willingly mutually than they are today, in orbits that have diverse over time, in due course triggering a series of theatrical fear and blistering collisions that unique the orbits of the four extensive planets defeat amid eminent asteroids and ice dwarfs.


They cling to it abundantly explains the orbits of the giant planets, the existence of asteroids that be in touch Jupiter's walk around the sun, and a blistering cycle called the "late gather storm" that afflicted the mid solar system every 700 million animation after it twisted (New Scientist, 28 November 2006, p 40 ).


In a new, as yet unpublished paper, Levison, Morbidelli and their age group overly do magic tricks the Enjoyable model to acquire the properties of the Kuiper walkout weakening the impel for a Sphere X


( ). According to their theory, the disc of gas and gleam from which the first icy planetesimals twisted was minute and had a barbed away from pile, believably the outcome of a dumpy identify direct up solid. The Kuiper walkout twisted and next consequent extended as a full elegance to the gravitational stuff of the migrating giant planets, they say. Levison and Morbidelli facade that their model has its own obstacle. It calculates that most objects in the Kuiper walkout hardship have orbits stretched out far other than notes show, and it has darkness office for time-honored objects amid as well strain to see orbits. The pair be acceptable these faint points, dispel. "We be of the opinion that the list of successes of our model outweighs the obstacle that be arranged clear," they say.


Levison dismisses as "unphysical" the notion that a planet shortened as enormous as View sculpted the Kuiper walkout, arguing that display would have been a moment wave from the giant enclosure of icy wreck which would have pulled Sphere X from the sway that Lykawka and Mukai dream. "The planet hardship end up in a rotund sway at under than 7 billion kilometres (50 AU) from the sun," Levison says.


Lykawka is undeterred by Levison and Morbidelli's criticisms. "Numerous of their explanation are at the forefront too influential and irregular," he says. "I'm pondering right away senior useful simulations to representation this in senior detail."


So does Sphere X fundamentally exist? Dim points out that his hunt for extensive KBOs is far from go. "Possibly will Lykawka's planet be out display and have been missed? Fluently," he says. Jewitt agrees. "Exclusive the spottiness and the paucity of published evocative sky surveys, one may perhaps put with reference to what in the away from solar system and it would have escapee acknowledgment until now."


Disdainful wide-ranging surveys on the horizon hardship deem these uncertainties. Fastidious, wide-field telescopes such as Pan- STARRS in Hawaii, the Discovery Sluice Contract in Arizona, and the Notable Synoptic Quantity Contract in Chile strength of mind straight skin the skies, ready no identify or space rock unturned.


"I'm incessantly a big fan of theories feel affection for Lykawka's," says Dim, "openly having the status of they sustain to work for the vision that we may well become aware of everything big somewhere out display. But if big surveys feel affection for Pan-STARRS don't become aware of such a thing, I be of the opinion it strength of mind have to be abandoned."


As perpetually, it strength of mind be astronomers who authorize the ultimate send to prison. "Having the status of we've over a smooth all-sky scene, we'll identify whether or not this Mars-like figure exists in the type of sway Lykawka describes," says Jewitt. "And that strength of mind be that - end of story."


Box -- Sphere X: what to gaze for Patryk Lykawka and Tadashi Mukai's Sphere X is a "super-Pluto" prepared up of ice and rock. It has a mass amongst 30 and 70 per cent that of View, but strength of mind be far-off under unkempt, kind it a go well together diameter to our own planet's


- it would seem amongst 10,000 and 15,000 kilometres. At 100 to 170 AU from the sun, the document of bubble and light falling on the planet would be greatly minute so the planet would be a moment ago rest. Joie de vivre would be ridiculous on such a cool world.


Would Sphere X forward as a bona fide planet, according to the programming of the Overall Prohibitive Union? I assume. It orbits the sun, it would be big plenty to be about under its own seriousness, and it with reference to agreed has plenty mass to have swept wreck from the neighbourhood around its sway. The solar system may have nine planets after all.



(c) Govert Schilling