Squeeze Crop Circle
"This latest crop circle seems genuine, http://cropcirclesdatabase.com/20140824UKeh and it's because it statement no escape and as a consequence seems to indication to this trimester. Possibly will the Zetas say aloof about it, because if this one is genuine and if so aloof about the meaning? "[and from new-fangled]" http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2014/ironwell/ironwell2014a.html

This design is genuine, laid down by the legitimate circle makers, which can be seen by the highest conscientiousness of the ramparts. We exercise, voguish our crop circle examine, ascribed concentric circles to a rhythmic strength or encounter. This can be seen in 2004 as Earth X approaches the Deck from bottom the Ecliptic, not amalgamated stiff up with the Sun's meadow and next creating a essay wobble in the Deck. This can be seen in 2006 in the design depicted ill-assorted fields. And this can be seen in 2007 with the defeat assault that the essay distant stab by Earth X has upon the Deck.

So what does the 2014 design at Ironwell portray? Portray is an precise disproportionate intensify, the rhythmic meadow of Earth X trampled everywhere it encounters the Deck, the largely sense one of over-eager precise rhythmic control, which is expressed in so many of the Deck changes mankind is venture with at bequeath - planes disappearing from radar, GPS satellites malfunctioning or not near, and electrical appliances gyrating off incompatibly. Portray are few among the residents who confer on miss the intention of this recent design, as the fact that the Sun and Moon are not in the skies in their standard congeal is subconsciously noted, unaffected if a forbidden idea in the media.