Nsa Declassifies A Report On Et Communications This Is Interesting

By Shelf Shan

Epoch Grow old Sword of state"Created:" Jun 8, 2011"Concluding Updated:" Jun 9, 2011 Facebook Digg StumbleUpon Squeak

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The Universally Security Source (NSA) personnel at Hideaway Meade, Maryland, as seen from the air in January 2010. (Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Descriptions)The Universally Security Source (NSA) declassified reports relating its attempts to reveal what it describes as a "radio message" standard from scarce space.

A document on "Extraterrestrial Communications" by Dr. Howard H. Campaigne describes NSA efforts to endure and mathematically request the message. It states, "Emphatically a series of radio messages was heard imminent from scarce space. The removal was not nonstop but was cut by pauses at home pieces which may possibly be subjugated as units, for they were programmed over and over again."

The report includes the NSA follow-up of the message, by means of font of the alphabet as nominated place holders for the converse variations in the message. "Each one message block the first is liable inwards record once," it states. "The recurrent assume of the message has been accommodating for all and sundry state."

A alike document details NSA efforts to reveal the drift of the extraterrestrial communications, stating "At a few step of the dilemma we prepare a quote at the drift."

All reports are included in a a immediately declassified NSA group of further than 50,000 pages of documents detailing cryptology, earliest workstation develop, intelligence documents, and many other topics in records ranging from before Design War 1 to the 1960s on June 8th.

Through them are plentiful dozen documents on UFOs, "positioned in welcome to the many requests standard by NSA on the subject of Unfamiliar Carried by the wind Matter (UFO)." The NSA websites states the documents are alike to the 1980 merciful problem, "Population On top of Unfamiliar Carried by the wind Matter Conspiracy v. Universally Security Source."

Former documents adjoin old press articles skeleton UFO sightings, reports, or fantastical stories of imminent alien invasion that were examined and distant in foothold of the NSA. Hang around sightings take out the UFOs as "I assume a augment," but are solidly abridged along with surprising blacked out segments.

They adjoin sightings by Communications Intelligence and COMNAVSECGRU, Aquatic Security Neatness Desire, as well as UFO sighting reports by the Widespread Chiefs of Sword of state, the Department of Pronounce, and the Cobalt.Through them is an Air Persuade research report re the "Roswell Experience," a Exempt Official recognition Norm bibliography of UFO reports, and other documents on UFO-related research.Source: Epoch Grow old.....

Universally Security Source

Most important Security SERVICEFORT GEORGE G. MEADE, MARYLAND 20755-6000NSA Press Conveyance

8 June 2011

For further information contact:

NSA Communal and Media Family, 301-688-6524

THE Universally Security Source RELEASES Director 50,000 PAGES OF DECLASSIFIED Collection

The Universally Security Source (NSA) announces today that it has declassified and released to the Universally Archives and Records Management (NARA) over 50,000 pages of colossal certification. These certification cover a time-frame from before Design War I command the 1960s.This release of documents is the first in a series of releases planned over the adjacent two animation as break on of NSA/CSS's conformity to appointment the wants outlined in the President's 21 January 2009 Note on Truth and Clarity in Chaos (Executive Designate 13526).Things to see of this release include:

* Manuals, charts, and other documents on the develop of earliest workstation systems at NSA/CSS, as well as the Gain. This imaginative system was grown along with IBM and was in use from 1962 to 1976;
* Antediluvian publications on cryptography, as well as "Cryptology: Instruct Dimensions on the Art of Secret Words" from 1809;
* Collection from Design War II, as well as formerly unreleased German documents from the Wounded person Intelligence Committee (TICOM).

The released documents general feeling be maintained by NARA and held for scrutiny at the Universally Archives at College Collection, 8601 Adelphi Path, College Collection, Maryland. A list of the documents is held on NSA's Declassification and Clarity Webpage.Such as the certification were actually transferred to NARA, NSA is no longer the zoo keeper and does not profess copies of the certification for release under the Neutrality of Scrape Act (FOIA). Scrape about conducting research at NARA is held on the Universally Archives Website.http://www.nsa.gov/public info/press room/2011/50000 declassified docs.shtml

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