Norway In Ufo Photographs The First Catalogue


Photograph, in the popular philosophy, is the best evidence to prove the

existence of something, e.g. "a picture is worth a thousand words". In

observational sciences, astronomy for instance, photographic records are basic.

Hessdalen in Norway has produced innumerable eye-witness reports of

anomalous phenomena, and is therefore an area of special interest (6). In

addition to the human observers, there is a large amount of instrumented

evidence, in the form of photography and video, either by persons or through

automated recordings by on-site equipment.

In spite of a recurrent phenomenon photographed at least since the early

eighties (7), surprisingly no one has decided to produce a decent inventory of all

photographic and film evidence obtained over the years in this area.

We do not intend to produce such a long-awaited, exhaustive register of

anomalous activity in Hessdalen; however with this catalogue we attempt to

stimulate the interest of Hessdalen researchers to compile such a definitive


Starting with data from the FOTOCAT Project and combining that data with

documentation supplied with the cooperation of Ole Jonny Braenne, from local

organization UFO-Norge, we test the possibility of creating a preliminary

catalogue of all UFO occurrences reported in Norway. Although the present

catalogue also collects the photographic events in Hessdalen (collated by

performing a comprehensive, but probably not exhaustive, review of the

), it is mainly targeted at the gathering of UFO reports in Norway, as far

as pictures and films are