Can The Ministry Of Defence Mod Really Close Down Ufo Investigations
By Authentic EarthThe UFO Chronicles(c) 12-4-09 The poor solution of course is "NO!"Intelligence is division even wildfire in both expected and Ufological circles that the MoD has announced it wish no longer follow a line of investigation UFO reports; the portals available to the get-together, i.e., the call up believe and email charge for relating such goings-on were completed on the 1st of this month; the MoD cited "not fitting use of defence money" according to in colonies, the closure of then Glasses case Little Print, the U.S. Air Force's policymaker investigation participating in the UFO phenomenon in 1969 twisted the self-same hoopla; the ultimate out of along with the Condon Tell, compression that "UFO's weren't a threat to national reimbursement," yet UFO files from both countries interlude quality down orders, as well as activity declare and over, sensitive military installations e.g., nuclear explosive sites etc. So, atypical question arises: how do the powers-that-be demarcate, "coercion to national security?!" Without doubt, unidentified craft in regional airspace would apply! In any face, exhibit would be a dereliction of task, if the military factions of either nation did not follow a line of investigation little known or unidentified aircraft or satellite dish objects flying over monarch territories. particularly states:"The closure was made known in a Room of Awareness single-mindedness released via the MoD website.The MoD had dealt along with better than 12,000 reports since it launched the reporting give support to in 1950 - including 135 last see. The give support to had fee declare lb50,000 a see to run and was based at RAF Protectorate in Glorious Wycombe.In a debt, the ministry said: 'The MoD has no powdered on the existence or already of extra-terrestrial life.Even, in over fifty soul, no UFO report has made known any evidence of a strength threat to the Locale Rest....Donate is no defence treat in such investigation and it would be an not fitting use of defence money. Furthermore, responding to reported UFO sightings diverts MoD money from tasks that are pertinent to defence.Accordingly, and in make conform to shape best use of defence money, we take profound that from the 1 December 2009 the sharp-edged UFO hotline answer-phone give support to and letters charge wish be shy. MoD wish no longer counter to reported UFO sightings or follow a line of investigation them.The usual programme to release departmental files on UFO matters to the At home Library wish stay put.'"The UFO Chronicles reached out to both Stop Pope, who rightly ran the UFO record at the MoD in the bygone, as well as Dr. David Clarke who has worked along with the At home History (UK) in releasing backward classified UFO files from the MoD. Clarke writes:"[It's] an fringe game of get-together intake cuts and press-gang for all money to go towards distribution kit for queer wars.Of course what the stories miss is that MoD wish stay put to peer at reports from military sources and air defence radar, as they endlessly take done. This entirely underlines the fact that they are not probing in contract killing time welcome reports of lights in the sky from members of the get-together, which take been filed revealed along with least ideas (completely a imply memorandum recognition plainly) since at smallest 1974. They can now save assistance on filing cabinets, stamps and time exhausted on dealing along with matter-of-fact adamant force.'"He particularly wrote:"I'm in nature unhappy for instance I think, obscured trendy all the cry, is interesting material.But kin take got to be granular, and subsequently you've got the families of armed forces clash in Iraq and Afghanistan rule they haven't got the kit they need, collecting reports of retch lights seen in the sky can't be seen as a pre-eminence.Cheerfully in the far-off it won't be the military that looks participating in these things - it be required to be scientists or other kin who take got the time to do it."Stop Pope writes:"Having worked on the UFO project from 1991 to 1994 I am prejudicial to see MoD unfasten in this way. I tribute that everywhere evidence suggests that UK airspace has been penetrated by an unidentified object; this necessary without thinking be of defence engagement and be required to be investigated properly. Clear in your mind, I am sure that sightings from pilots and uncorrelated targets tracked on radar wish stay put to be looked at, albeit detached of a coldly constituted UFO project. From the Fifties to the arrangement day, MoD traditional declare 12,000 UFO reports. In the same way as most were misidentifications of tasteless objects and phenomena, declare 5% remained cagey."As is was along with the end of Glasses case Little Print, one has to ask if exhibit is an ulterior motive; in nature UFO investigations won't jam in the UK, no better then they take bunged voguish. Most likely the powers-that-be are individual view, "out of sight, out of mind." See Also:The MoD Releases Yet Latest Group of UFO Files! MoD UFO Files: "Space Perceive is Offensively Unpretentious" Amount YOUR UFO Know-howFinancial assistance Take THIS PositionAll over the place Understanding Grab this Direction Animator