Dennis Kucinich The Virgin Mary And Ufos
Update: 11/20/2007

We contacted Shirley MacLaine with the questions:

Dear Shirley MacLaine,

Everyone was crazy about the UFOs.

To us, that story was less important than:

what were the instructions in his mind?

what did the smell of roses mean?

The official answer from a spokesperson who answers her e-mail:

"Shirley feels that it is up to Dennis to discuss this - she feels he will when the time is appropriate."

What could be worse, being labeled a liberal, or a wacko who reported seeing a UFO? Our guess is that it's a tie. We doubt that either will boost Dennis Kucinich to the top of the Presidential candidates most wanted list. Whatever the case, a recent revelation that Democratic Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich reported seeing a UFO prompted us to do a little digging. The story apparently came from a book written by actress Shirley MacClaine, who herself has dabbled in the paranormal and oft been criticized for being "out there". We quote from the book:

"Kucinich "had a close sighting over my home in Graham, Washington, when I lived there," the actress, a close Kucinich friend, wrote. "Dennis found his encounter extremely moving. The smell of roses drew him out to my balcony where, when he looked up, he saw a gigantic triangular craft, silent, and observing him. "It hovered, soundless, for 10 minutes or so, and sped away with a speed he couldn't comprehend. He said he felt a connection in his heart and heard directions in his mind."

The smell of roses is what piqued our curiosity here at The Apocalypse Times. The smell of roses or the appearance of rose petals falling from the sky are often reported as a side effect or prelude to apparitions of the Virgin Mary. For example, during the sightings at Fatima Portugal in 1917, which coincidentally recently celebrated a global 90th anniversary:

"Many saw rose petals falling, as had also been reported in September, and others were enveloped in the brilliance of changing colours."

Mary has often been associated with the Rose. Below is a quote from "The Rose: An Illustrated History":

"Devotion to the Virgin Mary reached new height in the medieval period, and many paintings portray her with the rose...In popular legend she was the Blessed Rose, the Mystic Rose, the Rose Without a Thorn and the rose-crowned Queen of Heaven. The five petals of the rose proclaimed her Five Joys and the letters of her name MARIA. This association has continued into modern times, through the vision at Guadeloupe in 1531, Lourdes in 1858 and Fatima in 1917..."

Some have speculated that the Miracle of the Sun reported at the Fatima site in 1917 was in fact a giant UFO that blocked the sun. Many at the site reported that they had seen the sun dance in the sky and change color before them. From a book entitled "The Miracle Detective: An Investigation of Holy Visions":

"The greatest theophony in modern times, Groeschel told me, had occurred at Fatima in 1917, with the appearance of a whirling sun. 'Which was not the sun,' he pointed out. 'The Grenwich Observatory is not very far away, and they didn't pick up anything, but over an area of about forty square miles, everybody who was there - everybody - believers and nonbelievers, attentive people and inattentive people, saw this thing that looked like a whirling, multi-colored sun descending toward them. Many people present actually fell to the ground. There were cases like that of a freemason, a socialist who had gone there to laugh, and afterward he had to be hospitalized for three days. He was taken away from the scene in shock.'"

There has been an entire book written about the apparitions at Fatima as a UFO sighting entitled: "HEAVENLY LIGHTS: THE APPARITIONS OF FATIMA AND THE UFO PHENOMENON"

It is interesting to note that Kucinich was baptized a Roman Catholic and, while the quote from MacClaine's book makes no mention of the Virgin Mary, the similar vein running through the stories of Fatima, the rose, and Dennis' UFO experience are quite interesting. The Catholics for Kucinich have overlooked his pro-choice stance but might reconsider their endorsement once they hear about his UFO sighting. Or, perhaps if they do a little more research, they'll find that Our Lady and UFOs may well have something in common.

To close, we found another compelling quote from Fr. Benedict Groeschel from the book "The Miracle Detective" mentioned above:

"If you do no more than dismiss these things, you're simply an obscurantist. If you mindlessly embrace them, you're just a dope. We have to resist the obsessive-compulsive demand for a clear, definitive answer to these questions. This is a field for people who don't have to have it all figured out, who don't need it cast in black and white. There's a lotta gray mist around this stuff, and you have to be prepared to deal with that. Once in awhile a bright, shining light comes through, and we should be grateful for it. Because the rest of the time we have to feel our way through the twilight."

The above sentiments pretty much sum up our slant here at The Apocalypse Times; if you're going to grope your way through the quagmire of the Apocalypse Times you have to keep an open mind. Don't keep it too open, however, lest you be led down the wrong path.
