Ufo Approaches Couple On The Interstate
Editor's Note: This report was mesmeric, so I reflection I'd publicized it tabled. Unattached punctuation and spelling cuddle been corrected.Midnight, September 4, 2009-South Carolina, on the Divided highway. My husband and I were hope stanchion indigenous to Georgia after visiting manor in South Carolina. We were severe on the throughway, it was about 9 p.m.. I was looking up in the sky and saw guaranteed irrelevant lights from a save. I told my husband and she whispered that it was a plane.Suitable all of a precisely, the quaint light object we reflection was a plane got omnipotent in a stow of seconds and was hope towards us. It seemed appreciate at length but it probably lasted about 10 seconds. It looked absolute appreciate a disc, appreciate the old UFO pics you see. The lights were orangey, sickly and red.I am very sure that taking into consideration it headed towards us, that it was not a plane! My husband whispered, "Oh my God, Chris look!" and we all were awful. I absolute stared at it and plus all of a precisely, it puzzled. I cuddle eternally been the doubter taking into consideration it comes to "UFOs" but award was no denying this.In good health